Ghostbusters: The Video Game: Manuals and Passage. Ghostbusters: The Video Game: Passage

Hotel Sedgevik.

After the introductory part, we go through the pipe to the first floor, we see Ray in the corner and follow it. We shoot in Lizuun, as a result of which we destroy the fence for the rest of the ghosts and one of them can be cleaned. We go beyond the fugitives to the basement, first I just deplete green, and then the spirit of great uncle appears. Also, first we use against the LKM, and then throw a trap (F) to the center of the room, grab the ghost by simultaneously pressing the LCM + SHIFT and pull it to the trap, can also press the PCM to loosen the ghost.

Next, our first challenge will follow to start running it into the car, you can also first examine our contector. Having arrived at the hotel in the elevator on the top floor, we divide - we go with the play, and Peter will go myself. Listening to the floor carefully listen to what Senior Comanor says - these knowledge will help us in the game. Use the PKE (key X) to detect the traces of the slug, also with its help you can find artifacts for which they pay well. The monster will be at the very end of the corridor, he hides behind the nightstand, but it's up to find him, unfortunately, he eludes us, besides, Peter asks for our help and we are forced to help him, to find it in the arrow in the right corner of the screen.

Saving a friend Go to a big hunt in the lobby of the hotel - there will be two ghosts of the messenger and the lysun itself. What you need to catch them, I think you know, but you can also scan them, for this, hover over the PKE spirit and click LKM, for which we will give some green pieces that you can spend by clicking on the ESC and selecting the shopping tab. After catching two messengers, two more appear, this time they are divided - the green right, the postmen left, we will go right away. Having reached the hall, where the stranger hid, we cannot get inside - the evil manager is afraid that we will arrange the pogrom there, of course it would be possible to melt it with a proton, but we will go around, through the kitchen. And in the kitchen ugly poltergeeist, so be careful and do not fall under falling kitchen utensils. Explore the terrain, and come to the closet near the door, the monster will open it to us. In the next room, we reflect the attack of flying fish, and the next door was horrged, and to clean the passage to move the cabinet with the control ray. It is necessary to go left here, but if we turn right, then moving to a dead end, you will find the artifect of the Marshmallow Pouagla. Next, finally go to the hall and fishing Lizun.

After Lizuun, we meet with your comrades and go on the passing messengers. They, I have to say, I caught long, and from a comrades, as from a goat of milk, however, it was interesting (also in this room can be found artifact, you will find it going into the room with slot machines, And then follow PKE).

The next goal will be a fisherman, the very half ageeist who was driving in the kitchen. We go ahead along the corridor and reaching the end, a water avalanche falls on us, and the fisherman will fly over it (you can also climb the stairs to the top and remove the picture). We go along the corridor further, on the first crossroads turn to the left, we reach the table with floweries, and then this sneemper is broken out of it, follow him. Having reached the elevator, take our PKE and send it to the sconce, and it seems to be nothing, but just a light bulb come to life and begins to beat us much. After the first chandelier, carefully look at the corner and one to destroy the rest of her fellow people, otherwise they gathered together, easily send you to the previous checkpoint. After you finish them off all, go to the left turn with flowers, there are a little walk along the corridor, raking the ruins of the proton, also advise immediately destroy all the sconces on the wall until they have come to life. We reach the refrigerator with drinks, the fisherman breaks out of it and we follow him, or rather return back to the elevator. Next, in the bar, we burn fishermen, we encounter beacting friends on the game and get ready for a meeting with the old friend - a marshmallow man.

Times Square.

This mission will be a little more though, but also more interesting. At the beginning, she moved after the car, passing back from the monsters-dogs. A little further will appear ghosts, put them in a trap over the car, even further the Gargoles will appear, they simply find them with a laser, but, in no case do not use the control ray, otherwise dying. When we drink in a dead end, go to the store and leave the other side of it, there you will be taught a new attack type and you apply it to clear the road. In this alley you will find two artifacts - one under the board near the garage, and the second, if you finish left towards the bar.

Now there will be a great battle for the theater, there will be all sorts of spreadsheet - from the opera singer, to vagrants, in general, it is necessary to destroy them all. After these "non-serious" disassembly, proceed for the marshmallow, more precisely he starts for us. We shoot bosons from bustle and pass through the clearing path, in the end, we climb inside the building, where the parts from the Marshmall are attacked on us again (Take a hat on the table, also scan the healthy). After rummage to the upper floors, using an elevator.

Take a little along the corridor, look at the running people (just do not shoot on them), and go to the office. At the corner, take it an artifact, and then hover the sight in the window on the ceiling - said evil sick out of it. Destroy her and go for Ray, it will lead us to the roof, we will also get acquainted with a new female, pay attention to the picture in the room of this person. On the roof, shoot the ghosts, and then destroy the sailor, it will not be so hard.


We listen to the boring spells of heroes a little, then slide into the car and ride the library. There we bring to the statue of the lion scanner and he, without preparing such a look, is hidden in the building. We go behind him, ride up the stairs and there we are listening to a small educational program on Yuzanyu new freezing. After training, go down and fermentation with PKE, while in the corridor do not detect signs of paranormal beings. We fall into the reading room, I wash a book demon there, and we take a picture of a terrible witch behind the closed door. Next, begin searching for a gray lady, steasty between the bookshelves and, between the case, we respect from the press flying to us. We go around the library, for the direction taking the scanner pointer, and, in the end, we miss this old girlSince she swayed on us a multi-volume encyclopedia.

We look at a small insert for the development of the plot and continue the hunt for a transparent woman. We accite \u200b\u200bthis woman to the end of the corridor and it disappears over the wall, while the door behind us opens, not without the help of the supernatural of course. We destroy this evil and pass in the open door. Go down to some kindergarten, then again in the library floor below. Here, you will find calendar behind the door, and then take the trace of this lady again, the secret pass will open if you pull the book on the closet. Burn the ghosts as it appears and at the end, again jerks for the book, we fall into the trap, the result of which will be a disassembly with books, and then with a gown-like spirit.

When the librarian again escapes from us, it will break through, and go. After passing it, we fell into a dark room, in the corner it lies the artifact, well, to continue the next way, disassemble the boards on the door with the help of the control ray. Next, we fall into the forge, in which two coal golems work, freeze them and destroy the rotten wall in the corner of the bakery, and then they give us a mucous member, and we purify the road from black mold with it.

At the bottom of us, a pleasant surprise is waiting for us - the book of Gozerian will get easy for us. However, after it turns out to be in our pocket it will have to work a little, killing librarians. First, distribute cabinets with books, spinning around her, and then just destroy the cheating. After the battle we fall into parallel worldIt will have a lot of teleports, you need to choose the upper right to teleport closer to your edge. The next teleport will take us into a "mirror" corridor, in it we, alone with yourself, having grilled a villain for the grille, after which we go through the wincalle and we are teleported to the next station.

When the divorced bridges meet, connect them with a slim thread (3, PCM). Then climb the stairs to the very top, and we will not only interfere with the levitating books, but also the fact that the staircases are scattered at different corners of the screen, they will be able to combine them with the help of the same thread. In general, climb up and teleport to the next boss.

This boss will have several shells. The first is removed by watering the slugs, the second (mask on the face) is removed using the control ray (but for the beginning of the ghost you need to weaken), and the third, this is a monster's eye, burn it to him, and its elimination will occur. Also beware of flying white raven.

Museum of history.

The mission began, as always promises a lot of interesting things, first familiarize yourself with the Gosarian Book, and then go to the museum, more precisely in his Dark Break. The first our task is quite trite - to search the area for the presence of unusual. To start in the corner of the room, beyond the box, click the button to open the door, then move your caution - around full of black clad. Go to the end of the way and free the professors from the box, also do not forget the hidden artifact in the corner of the room. Be prepared when the scientist will open the door of the elevator - the ectoplasm will jump out of it and absorbs Ray, it is possible to free it, if you pour mucus, and then the ghostly can be attached to the trap.

Next, we get into the big hall, where a bad mood is found on Iliss and it urges perfumes from the statue that ruthlessly zombie people, the liberation of them is similar to the liberation of Ray. We clean the room and go to the open door, reflect the attack of the Indian statues, they have a well sudden from the shock (2, LKM). The next point of our entertainment will be viewed and participation in American civil Warin which we act as peacekeepers. After settlement of disagreements, we step on the active searches of the Issi, but first find the battery gun-artifact.

After the Civil, we are waiting for the Museum of Antiquity, it will have to catch the flying shards, but before you kill them, close the hole with mucus into a parallel world. Next, we fell into the trap of evil statues, who barricaded the path to the retreat, but it won't frighten us, because there is a secret door that will open if you pour on her greens, the door itself can be found if you are talking about the stairs. Now go through a huge corridor, shoot monsters in a huge hall and also go through a few meters along the corridor, which runs on a mad statue (also in this corridor the talisman is hidden).

After the verbal crossing, start scanning the area. We destroy the obelisk in the center of the room and go down to the tunnel. We pass the tunnel (follow the PKE, it will tell you the path to money), then again with mucus we destroy the hidden door, and go to the pad with black mucus flasks. Here and will be last fight For the Chairman, shoot him in a yellow eye on your chest, and it is better to shoot from a new colider. When the ghost will hide, change the gun to slipping quickly and latch holes from which all kinds of creatures crawl. As a result, send the ghost to the light and go to the station.

If someone is stuck in the game on a particularly difficult level, read this detailed passage. Only in moderation!

Passage of GhostBusters The Videoogame

Hotel Sedgevik.

After the introductory part, we go through the pipe to the first floor, we see Ray in the corner and follow it. We shoot in Lizuun, as a result of which we destroy the fence for the rest of the ghosts and one of them can be cleaned. We go beyond the fugitives to the basement, first I just deplete green, and then the spirit of great uncle appears. Also, first we use against the LKM, and then throw a trap (F) to the center of the room, grab the ghost by simultaneously pressing the LCM + SHIFT and pull it to the trap, can also press the PCM to loosen the ghost.

Next, our first challenge will follow to start running it into the car, you can also first examine our contector. Having arrived at the hotel in the elevator on the top floor, we divide - we go with the play, and Peter will go myself. Listening to the floor carefully listen to what Senior Comanor says - these knowledge will help us in the game. Use the PKE (key X) to detect the traces of the slug, also with its help you can find artifacts for which they pay well. The monster will be at the very end of the corridor, he hides behind the nightstand, but it's up to find him, unfortunately, he eludes us, besides, Peter asks for our help and we are forced to help him, to find it in the arrow in the right corner of the screen.

Saving a friend Go to a big hunt in the lobby of the hotel - there will be two ghosts of the messenger and the lysun itself. What you need to catch them, I think you know, but you can also scan them, for this, hover over the PKE spirit and click LKM, for which we will give some green pieces that you can spend by clicking on the ESC and selecting the shopping tab. After catching two messengers, two more appear, this time they are divided - the green right, the postmen left, we will go right away. Having reached the hall, where the stranger hid, we cannot get inside - the evil manager is afraid that we will arrange the pogrom there, of course it would be possible to melt it with a proton, but we will go around, through the kitchen. And in the kitchen ugly poltergeeist, so be careful and do not fall under falling kitchen utensils. Explore the terrain, and come to the closet near the door, the monster will open it to us. In the next room, we reflect the attack of flying fish, and the next door was horrged, and to clean the passage to move the cabinet with the control ray. It is necessary to go left here, but if we turn right, then moving to a dead end, you will find the artifect of the Marshmallow Pouagla. Next, finally go to the hall and fishing Lizun.

After Lizuun, we meet with your comrades and go on the passing messengers. They, I have to say, I caught long, and I was interested in a sentence, as from a goat of milk, however, it was interesting (also in this room you can find an artifact, you will find it in a room with slot machines, and then follow the PKE).

The next goal will be a fisherman, the very half ageeist who was driving in the kitchen. We go ahead along the corridor and reaching the end, a water avalanche falls on us, and the fisherman will fly over it (you can also climb the stairs to the top and remove the picture). We go along the corridor further, on the first crossroads turn to the left, we reach the table with floweries, and then this sneemper is broken out of it, follow him. Having reached the elevator, take our PKE and send it to the sconce, and it seems to be nothing, but just a light bulb come to life and begins to beat us much. After the first chandelier, carefully look at the corner and one to destroy the rest of her fellow people, otherwise they gathered together, easily send you to the previous checkpoint. After you finish them off all, go to the left turn with flowers, there are a little walk along the corridor, raking the ruins of the proton, also advise immediately destroy all the sconces on the wall until they have come to life. We reach the refrigerator with drinks, the fisherman breaks out of it and we follow him, or rather return back to the elevator. Next, in the bar, we burn fishermen, we encounter beacting friends on the game and get ready for a meeting with the old friend - a marshmallow man.

Ghostbusters The Videoogame - Passage of Game

Times Square.

This mission in ghostbusters will be a bit more though, but also more interesting. At the beginning, she moved after the car, passing back from the monsters-dogs. A little further will appear ghosts, put them in a trap over the car, even further the Gargoles will appear, they simply find them with a laser, but, in no case do not use the control ray, otherwise dying. When we drink in a dead end, go to the store and leave the other side of it, there you will be taught a new attack type and you apply it to clear the road. In this alley you will find two artifacts - one under the board near the garage, and the second, if you finish left towards the bar.

Now there will be a great battle for the theater, there will be all sorts of spreadsheet - from the opera singer, to vagrants, in general, it is necessary to destroy them all. After these "non-serious" disassembly, proceed for the marshmallow, more precisely he starts for us. We shoot bosons from bustle and pass through the clearing path, in the end, we climb inside the building, where the parts from the Marshmall are attacked on us again (Take a hat on the table, also scan the healthy). After rummage to the upper floors, using an elevator.

Take a little along the corridor, look at the running people (just do not shoot on them), and go to the office. At the corner, take it an artifact, and then hover the sight in the window on the ceiling - said evil sick out of it. Destroy her and go for Ray, it will lead us to the roof, we will also get acquainted with a new female, pay attention to the picture in the room of this person. On the roof, shoot the ghosts, and then destroy the sailor, it will not be so hard.

Ghost Hunters - Passage of Game


We listen to a little boring replicas of the heroes of the game Ghostbusters, then slide into the car and ride the library. There we bring to the statue of the lion scanner and he, without preparing such a look, is hidden in the building. We go behind him, ride up the stairs and there we are listening to a small educational program on Yuzanyu new freezing. After training, go down and fermentation with PKE, while in the corridor do not detect signs of paranormal beings. We fall into the reading room, I wash a book demon there, and we take a picture of a terrible witch behind the closed door. Next, begin searching for a gray lady, steasty between the bookshelves and, between the case, we respect from the press flying to us. We go around the library, for the direction of taking the scanner pointer, and, in the end, we miss this old girl, since she sneaked at us a multi-volume encyclopedia.

We look at a small insert for the development of the plot and continue the hunt for a transparent woman. We accite \u200b\u200bthis woman to the end of the corridor and it disappears over the wall, while the door behind us opens, not without the help of the supernatural of course. We destroy this evil and pass in the open door. Go down to some kindergarten, then again in the library floor below. Here, you will find calendar behind the door, and then take the trace of this lady again, the secret pass will open if you pull the book on the closet. Burn the ghosts as it appears and at the end, again jerks for the book, we fall into the trap, the result of which will be a disassembly with books, and then with a gown-like spirit.

When the librarian again escapes from us, it will break through, and go. After passing it, we fell into a dark room, in the corner it lies the artifact, well, to continue the next way, disassemble the boards on the door with the help of the control ray. Next, we fall into the forge, in which two coal golems work, freeze them and destroy the rotten wall in the corner of the bakery, and then they give us a mucous member, and we purify the road from black mold with it.

At the bottom of us, a pleasant surprise is waiting for us - the book of Gozerian will get easy for us. However, after it turns out to be in our pocket it will have to work a little, killing librarians. First, distribute cabinets with books, spinning around her, and then just destroy the cheating. After the battle, we fall into the parallel world, it will have a lot of teleports, you need to choose the top right to teleport closer to your edge. The next teleport will take us into a "mirror" corridor, in it we, alone with yourself, having grilled a villain for the grille, after which we go through the wincalle and we are teleported to the next station.

When the divorced bridges meet, connect them with a slim thread (3, PCM). Then climb the stairs to the very top, and we will not only interfere with the levitating books, but also the fact that the staircases are scattered at different corners of the screen, they will be able to combine them with the help of the same thread. In general, climb up and teleport to the next boss.

This boss will have several shells. The first is removed by watering the slugs, the second (mask on the face) is removed using the control ray (but for the beginning of the ghost you need to weaken), and the third, this is a monster's eye, burn it to him, and its elimination will occur. Also beware of flying white raven.

Ghostbusters The VideoGame - Passage

Museum of history.

The mission began, as always promises a lot of interesting things, first familiarize yourself with the Gosarian Book, and then go to the museum, more precisely in his Dark Break. The first our task is quite trite - to search the area for the presence of unusual. To start in the corner of the room, beyond the box, click the button to open the door, then move your caution - around full of black clad. Go to the end of the way and free the professors from the box, also do not forget the hidden artifact in the corner of the room. Be prepared when the scientist will open the door of the elevator - the ectoplasm will jump out of it and absorbs Ray, it is possible to free it, if you pour mucus, and then the ghostly can be attached to the trap.

Next, we get into the big hall, where a bad mood is found on Iliss and it urges perfumes from the statue that ruthlessly zombie people, the liberation of them is similar to the liberation of Ray. We clean the room and go to the open door, reflect the attack of the Indian statues, they have a well sudden from the shock (2, LKM). The next point of our entertainment will be viewed and participation in the American Civil War, in which we act as peacekeepers. After settlement of disagreements, we step on the active searches of the Issi, but first find the battery gun-artifact.

After the Civil, we are waiting for the Museum of Antiquity, it will have to catch the flying shards, but before you kill them, close the hole with mucus into a parallel world. Next, we fell into the trap of evil statues, who barricaded the path to the retreat, but it won't frighten us, because there is a secret door that will open if you pour on her greens, the door itself can be found if you are talking about the stairs. Now go through a huge corridor, shoot monsters in a huge hall and also go through a few meters along the corridor, which runs on a mad statue (also in this corridor the talisman is hidden).

After the verbal crossing, start scanning the area. We destroy the obelisk in the center of the room and go down to the tunnel. We pass the tunnel (follow the PKE, it will tell you the path to money), then again with mucus we destroy the hidden door, and go to the pad with black mucus flasks. Here will be the last battle for the chairman, shoot him in a yellow eye on the chest, and it is better to shoot from a new colider. When the ghost will hide, change the gun to slipping quickly and latch holes from which all kinds of creatures crawl. As a result, send the ghost to the light and go to the station.

Ghostbusters (ghost hunters) passage

Again in the hotel Sedgevik.

So we got to the middle of the game - four missions behind, four ahead. As usual, at the beginning we listen to plot speeches, then we are going to the hotel familiar to us. Explore the lower floor for the presence of paranormal, you can not be afraid of ghosts - they are not dangerous. When you go to the dark foyer, look at an even darker alley, it lies an artifact. Next, we meet the manager and after a conversation with him ride up the stairs, there will be an artifact again.

We go to your comrades, we develop a plan for further action with them and go to perform it. In the lobby we meet the new kind Montcastin, which is afraid of a shock strike, go to the kitchen after it (as soon as you open the door, you will see a mad stove after the cabinet). The generator will not be in the kitchen, you will find it outside the door in the corner of the kitchen, go to the platform and turn on the flow of electricity, after which the slugal thread pull the wire from the water. When you return in the kitchen, first of all, by plunge the holes, from which the ghosts climb, and then take up for cooks.

Next, sit down in the elevator and open the season of hunting for the witches. On the top floor, first go to the left corridor, in the room, take the screaming toilet, then return to the game - it has already begun to attack the sprues. We go through the spicy corridors, in one of them artifact, then muzy thely discovered the hidden door to the pachery room, and we are looking for a boss with PKE. It will not be difficult to kill it, but Mouorne.

Ghostbusters passing game


The beginning of the mission in ghost hunters, oddly enough, differs from the established custom, but the plot we are still ease. So, while our comrades talk, how they are climbing through the pit, we will take the muciform and threads to draw a crane to the pit, after which we ride on the rails upstairs, it is desirable not to get along the way in the trailers. Climbing to the castle, shoot the stone birds and packs, climbing out of the pink hole, then go down to the green maze to open the main gate to the castle. But after all, you can not join in the thickets of plants, but simply take and burn them with a bosonic dart, after which the threads turn the lever that controls the doors.

Inside the castle, the interior reminds the Museum of History, but I'm not talking about that, but that you have to finish the gathered there, and then the door to the inner courtyard of the building will open, but as soon as we enter it, they immediately fall into the underground world of the palace . In the catacombs there is nothing interesting, except for wandering for flicker tubes, coming out of which we get into the sewer. To clear this garbage, go to the gate regulating dirt, then, by controlling the flow, put the deposits into place (they are at the edges of the grief), after which they cleanse the collector again, only now from the monsters in it spread.

We go into the hole from which the mold flowed. Now you have to get a little wagon in search of the right path, but I am sure that you will find it (like artifact, in one of the zakulkov). At the outlet of the labyrinth, we accumulate on Vintone, and pull it out of sarcophagus. Next, we go through the workshop of the manufacture of black masses, passing the villain, and get the game from the already familiar sarcophagus. Then you sit down in the elevator and go upstairs, in the Boss Lair (when we rummage Peter some wonderful way will be next to us).

Before you awaken the monster, you need to turn off the planetarium, for this, the control ray damage the three golden balls on the tower supports. When the evil creature finds, remove the hat from her head, and then ruthlessly water the monster in the green eye.

Passing game Ghostbusters.

Central cemetery.

Sit into the car and ride in the cemetery. There, alone, we have to find a lever that would open the way for ECTO-1. After disembarking in place, we step directly, you carehere to first wrap and take the artifact, and only then go to the territory of the deceased. The search for the lever will be pretty simple, I think it is not necessary to explain it, so I just say the lever is lowered by the governing ray, and wooden and stone booms are destroyed by any weapon.

Further, our path will continue together with Ray, we will once again go around the cemetery around, studying and destroying those found by monsters, and then at the very end (then you mean the beginning), we will see the opening door in the crypts, in it and enter. In this labyrinte, it is necessary to find the key that stole a witch, he will lie at the most distant end of the way. But to find the key was half anteen, you still need to beat off from the big green villain, it is better to beat off the shocker, besides, the key must be somehow delivered to the place, for this you can use the already cracked ray or green mucus threads.

How to leave the crypts, get ready for cruel and frequent battles. They will go away certainly and not without use for us - Monsters clear our way to the car with the remaining comrades, and also brighten our terrible journey through the cemetery. At the end of the trip to open the door to other hunters, shry around the treasures on which the suspension weighs.

The next place for our visit is the cemetery dungeon, open everything in it and all and choose out to open the gate for ecto. In order to open them, you will need a little agility - catch the stone angel and throw it about the green skull on the gate, and so three times, after which the car will hit the courtyard. Next to the car threads cling two halves of the next door, and it opens them them. After these locks, others follow, only to open them will be much more complicated - first destroy the two revived statues of the marine gods, and then insert them the horns into the locks with the thread.

Well, that's the last battle in our passing game Ghostbusters. After the junction of all plot threads, we again go to the world to ghosts, we will watch Shandor there. It will not be hard to kill it, just shoot it when it is not in the center of the island, but when it climbs into the middle of the square for feeding, chop the fiery towers on the sides of him, in the end he will not stand and die. And we will be happy to tell friends about the new part of the film "Ghostbusters"!

Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!

k / f "Ghostbusters"

A classic film about the eccentric ghost hunters simply could not remain without continuing - and it does not matter whether it is about the book, movie or ... Bill Murray And the company has yet decided to wait with the triumphal return (it is scheduled for 2012) and began to create a game about their adventures. Dan Ecroyd Posted by script, studio Terminal Reality. took up the development, and Atari. I decided to publish this miracle. At your own risk, by the way, because according to statistics, most of the projects on kinolycency do not pay off.

Fortunately, we have something completely different. The third film, as Ecroyd put in one of the interviews. Actually Ghostbusters: The Video Game - This is what we would see back in the eighties, there are then the necessary technologies. The same faces, the same voices, the same bright characters and sharp jokes - absolutely everything returned to us, and this is really great news!

Third coming

The game events start two years after the end of the second film. The hunters unfolded, launched advertising and work without downtrend. True, the last time of orders is becoming less and less, and then the newcomer dragged on the most eve of Thanksgiving Day. But only he opened his mouth to introduce themselves as a wave of paranormal energy rolled over New York, and Dr. Wiscancer (Bill Murray) managed to raise that the names did not want to be attached to the new one.

It is interesting: the main character Does not say a word for the whole game, and the inscription on the overalls does not change - Rookie.that translated means "novice".

While the court is yes, the lysun is managed from his cell, and in attempts to catch his hunters depart at the Sedzhevik Hotel. There they are attacked by anything from where the ghosts come from where the appearance of something huge, white, sweet ... creatures from the ghostly peace again broke into our and want to subordinate it to themselves and rebuild at their discretion.

In the ghostbusters scenario: The Video Game there was a meeting with old friends and their enemies, and a beautiful girl with which, naturally, everything that happens, and the mysterious maze of ghosts, and a pile of pleasant surprises.

Who would doubt that the ghosts attack necessarily the United States necessarily
New York?

Well what good game Does without a cute girl?

The actors presented the characters not only their appearance, but also the voices - their game is really unmatched. Custrifying Sarcasm Bill Murray, the intelligent humor of Harold Ramis, Dan Ecrojd's sorcement - without all this "haunted hunters" could be betrayed by Anathema.

It was also important to transfer the atmosphere of films and appropriately arrange levels. Terminal Reality is undoubtedly happening. The main character and on a tour of the historical museum was sent, and to the library, and in the flooded hotel, and the Ghost Island. But the most memorable places are a night cemetery, gloomy dungeons, children's classes. Their design is so good that sometimes becomes truly scary: a pitch darkness, children's crying, stone rows of graves, a thunderstorm, flashed silhouette around the corner, suffocating steps, strange sounds ... damn healthy!

True, for a long time to fear, we will not give us: almost all the time the protagonist holds with a partner or partners, and in the company it's already somehow it does not work. The team spirit is not so much because of the same equipment, but thanks to the mutual execution and one case. If the character stumbled under the pressure of the ghosts, the partner will definitely compete and help rise. But if it is welcomed from his feet, you also have to immediately come to the revenue. This is not only a mutualization, but also a prerequisite to survive at the difficulty levels of ExperieNed and Professional, - there should be no problems on Casual problems.

War according to the rules and without

At the Stone Golem, judging by the horn on the head, there were problems in personal life.

The guy with a peashed face in the background is the main character.

"Ghost hunters" turned out to be much more difficult than expected. Dozens of varieties of enemies, eight bosses and just inaccier behavior can quickly provide you with a one-way ticket. Any devils, spiders, wolverines, zombies, stone statues, golems, flying skulls and books, running candles and chests, Gipia and a huge ghost besting are not a joke. Even the most innocuous ghosts can run in you with a table or a box that we can talk about the spirits of the former workers who beat the jackhammers, the soldiers of the Army of the North and the South, shooting from rifles, and opera comments, stunning high notes ... And believe me It is still not a complete list of enemies - they are much more!

Under it and bosses, ranging from a practically harmless old fisherman and ending with a marshmallow man and a huge architect of the ghostly world, which causes the association with the Devil. To combat them, it is necessary to be sophisticated and search for the right approach, whether it is shooting in a single eye or dropping from the roof of the house.

Thank God, weapons are enough to give a decent fire. Each hunter has four varieties of proton emitter, each of which can be used in two different ways. For example, the blue ray of energy slows down and freezes the opponents, and the alternative attack resembles a shotgun - the fraction is scattered in all directions. Or here is a piece, watering a green mucus, can shoot with sticky and elastic ropes that attract objects to each other.

The war between the north and south is in full swing. And I will win anyway I!

One of the hunters will sleep in an embrace with this toy. No kidding.

But the most important weapon is a classic emitter producing red energy rays. With the help of it, the most important thing is the catch and conclusion in the trap of ghosts. When the spirit weakens, a sort of lasso is thrown onto it, and the trap is thrown onto the floor, in which the poverty sucks.

And in the arsenal of ghost hunters there is a PKE Meter - a paranormal energy sensor. With the help of it you can always find the hidden ghost or a cache with the damned artifact. For finding the latter, they give a good award, besides, it is quite unusual to feel herself a treasure hunter in some dark basement or sewer system. Among the artifacts there are both really damned things, like self-ignorant portraits, and funny toys, like machines of hunters or a statuette of a marshmallow man.

Celebrated money can always be spent on improving the ammunition: make a weapon more powerful, traps - faster, and the sensor is more sensitive. If you neglected improvements, then before the final you are unlikely to get.

The horrors of our town

Surreal landscape, flying books - this is how the library in the ghostly world looks like.

The Government of the Ghost Island for some reason did not send a welcoming delegation.

And would go from this place to the story about a good graphics, beautiful special effects and a bit of flawed textures, and then to the conclusion, but will not come out. But the thing is that Ghostbusters: The Video Game is one of the most buggy games not only lately, but during their existence in principle. I don't even know how to explain it - whether it is a lousy optimization, or the reachableness of the developers, but only the project is sometimes managed to slow down even on the Xbox 360, what to talk about computers. Departures, creepy brakes, requests to reduce graphic settings, overheating of the video card, "Blue Death", some stupid mistakes, a sharp drop in performance - all this can boast "Ghostbusters".

And here would be the highest score, if it were not for this annoying oversight. At the time of writing the article, the patch was still not, but hopefully, he will definitely come out, and then we deservedly improve the rating.

In the meantime, the bugs pull the game down, and this is a shame, because the rest of the Ghostbusters: The Video Game does not cause any complaints. Of course, the multiplayer regime, as on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but, apparently, is not destiny. Or maybe add it with a patch? We'll see.

collect artifacts, multiple
in ghosts and monsters, battle with bosses
some places overestimated complexity
saturated picture, good detail, animation, special effectssomeone bad texture
actors, music, various effectsnot
Game world
humor, good plot, worked out charactersdecreased by the head hero
simple interface, quickly memorable key layouttoo many errors in the code, terrible optimi
substitution, save at checkpoints

Ghostbusters only at first glance seems easy, but this illusion very soon disappears - literally after the first serious clash. Perhaps you will have no problems at the difficulty level of Casual, but Experienced and Professional will be guaranteed to get drump. What to do, not to become a victim of ghosts?

    Try to felt from enemy attacks, especially when you are surrounded, fight the boss or oppose flying opponents. A couple-triple of strong blows - and the main character will be on Earth, unable to rise and continue the battle. And who needs it? In addition, in time, shouting, you dust by the enemy, and he is zoked for a few seconds, and this is quite enough to inflict significant damage.

    Do not forget about the partners: if one of them is knocked down from the legs, be sure to run on the revenue. Maybe it takes time, but if you fall, you can accurately count on the aid.

    Gray Lady, the first hunter caught by hunters.

    Keep track of the heating level of the weapon and overgrow yourself. No one is needed by anyone in a responsible moment.

    Never stand in one place - the creature from another world is very fast and labored, so it may well take advantage of your stop for your own purposes.

    Improve weapons, because it is more powerful, the less blood you will get a victory. Special attention is paid to Boson Darts - the most powerful and dangerous species of attack, which acts almost on all ghosts and monsters.

    In no case, do not try to run away from the fight. First, they will catch up, secondly, you leave the rear open, and what could be easier than hitting in your back?

    Use the PKE Meter - it not only helps to determine the varieties of ghosts, but also works as a compass if you are lost. In addition, only this device will help to find damned artifacts, and they give extra money for them, which instantly go to improving weapons.

    If you hear crying, screams, moans, singing or something else from the same series, know, somewhere near the artifact is hidden. Sometimes it is worth looking at the ceiling or destroy some wardrobe or bar counter - they may well be a cache. At each level - no more than six artifacts.

    Punch pink holes from which opponents appear, using Slime Blower. The faster you do it, with a smaller number of enemies you have to fight.

Hunt for beetles

Ghostbusters is one of the few games that manages the same way to work on obsolete, and on modern computers. We have a whole bouquet here - brakes, hangs, departures, a sudden decline in productivity and even the so-called "blue death".

You can fight all this and you need, but prepare for your nerves to survive harsh abuse.

    Good proven way to get on such level - lower graphics settings to the minimum, and permission to set 1024x768. When the download is over, and you will be directly in the game, you can set everything back to the maximum.

    A good way to improve performance - roll the game when starting, call "Task Manager" (Ctrl + Alt + Del), go to "processes", find there ghost_w32.exe., Right-click and select Low Priority. After that, you need to deploy the game, and if it did not give an error and did not die, you can rejoice - the above-described method has affected.

Guns for every taste

Ghost hunters have always differed extravagant equipment - overalls, glovenant nuclear reactors, proton emitters, positron traps ... Sounds really scary, but is it really?

The main character has four different weaponsEach of which works in two modes, as well as several varieties of ghost traps and PKE Meter. We will talk about all this now.

Blast Stream / Boson Darts

The most first weapon, which turns out to be indispensable until the end. Blast Stream - This is a destructive energy that destroys everything in its path. In the literal sense: Tables and chairs turn into a sliver, the chandeliers with a roar fall to the floor, the curtains light up, and instead of wallpaper remains ash. Such a small apocalypse. And what is the most pleasant one, on the ghosts, it acts no worse than on the furniture. Fully improved Blast Stream is able in a matter of seconds to lower the enemy's health to a minimum, and at that moment the lasso appears on the stage - the energy bundle that binds the ghost and does not give it to flush (by the way, this feature is useful to move or throw it out). Then you "shuffle" the ghost, hitting it about the walls, the floor and the ceiling, throw a trap, and sucks inside.

Alternative attack is called Boson Darts.. These are considerable sizes of energy balls that cause very large damage. During battles with bosses and strong opponents, it is best to use them. The only negative is that the weapon is constantly overheated, but it can be corrected by purchasing the appropriate improvement.

It is interesting:like more weapons, Mason Collider, this attack hints at the most loud project. recent years - The Large Hadron Collider. One of the project's goals is to prove the existence boson Higgs.In fact, the bosons are less exotic (the usual quantum of light is photon, for example, also relates to bosons), but in the people under the boson usually understand this elusive particle, and the authors probably had in mind her.

Stasis Stream / Shock Blast

Shock Blast. "A very controversial weapon, which, on the one hand, is almost useless in the skirmishes one on one, but on the other - effectively against several enemies and bosses. The emitter shoots the family-nine blue charges that take out not quite a lot of health, but they can slow down or even freeze the enemy. Frankly, the last trick passes very rarely. But, given the amount of discharged charges, Stasis Stream can be used as a shotgun against the crowd.

SO Stasis Stream The situation is completely different. This is a blue beam that reallyit can slow down, or even turn the enemy into the block of ice. Unfortunately, this is all that he is capable - no damage and speech can be. But if you are opposed by Garpia, you can freeze them in flight, they will fall and break into small pieces.


Weapon, watering the whole district of green mucus - that's what is Slime Blower.. He copes well with ordinary opponents, but best acts on the sources of black mucus - a viscous substance, which from the otherworldly the world leaked into our. By the way, it is categorically impossible to step in it, otherwise the main character may die. And then a SLIME blower comes to the revenue again, which can be cleaned with a mucus room.

On a note: Sometimes ghosts hide doors from human eyes. To see them, you need to clean the intended passage. Guess what?

SLIME TETHER. - sticky, elastic, elastic and very durable green rope. By itself, he is completely harmless, but if experimenting ... In the last chapter (in the cemetery), stone Cupids are attacked on hunters, which cannot be killed by any weapons. This is perhaps the most serious opponents in the game. So, to get rid of them as quickly as possible, it is worth sticking to the kids to each other. With wild cry, they will die each other and scatter into pieces.

This trick is acting on other creatures, but it is best to cut them into the walls or stuck to the floor or ceiling to then finish. And you can also attach one end of the rope to the trap, and the second to the weakening ghost. He will not be able to blink with the eye, as it will be imprisoned.

Also, SLIME TETHER is indispensable when it is necessary to twist any heavy wheel or attract the plates to each other or even whole islands. Sometimes the use of this weapon - the only way Promote further.

Mason Collider / Overload Pulse

Perhaps the most dangerous weapon In a game that requires a good aiming and rapid reaction. Mason Collider. It does not cause damage as such - this is something like a signal fire that must be attached to the enemy. There is difficulty in this, because none of the enemies are delayed in place. But if you got ...

Mason Collider works in tandem with Overload Pulse.. If you managed to attach the beacon, then all charges will automatically fly at a given address. At the same time, it does not matter where you are, - just shoot. Of course, Overload Pulse can be used separately (in this case, you will get something like rapid storm rifle), But the effect will be much weaker.

Ghost trap

The ghost trap is an indispensable thing, without to do to the very final titles. However, before you manage to temper the ghost, you need to weaken it and try not to release while it sues inside. Naturally, the process can be accelerated by bought Fast Trap.

There is also a trap called Slam Dunk Trap. It will be very expensive, but you will send a ghost to the exact basketball throw in it, and this is very important, especially when there are many enemies around.

PKE Meter.

PKE Meter. - nothing but a sensor of other energy. It works in three modes and glows, respectively, three different colors.

    Greenmeans that somewhere there is a paranormal energy. If you are lost and try to understand where - take PKE, and it will lead you to the goal.

    Red - One or more enemies are hiding near you. They can hide in the windows, vases and other furniture, and they can hide behind the walls, in the floor or on the ceiling. In any case, as soon as PKE caught fire red, gravitate for weapons instantly.

    Blue - Nearby is the damned artifact. The closer you are to him, the stronger the meter will pee. To increase its range, I advise you to buy an improvement.

Film, film, film!

The Dilogy "Ghost Hunters" has long become a classic, not only fiction, but also comedy. The eternal sarcasm of Bill Murraya and the permanent pages of Dan Ekroyd and Harold Ramisa still remain among the most memorable and fun in the movies.

Retelling the plot of tapes 1984 and 1989 - Movetona, so let's talk about interesting details better. For example, you knew that the "ghost hunters" did not come up with a director, not a producer and not even a professional screenwriter, but Dan Ecroyd? Since childhood, he was fond of everything that is somehow connected with paranormal phenomena, so I dreamed of creating a film where ghosts will be paid due attention.

Initially, Ecroyd represented her hunters with scientists from the future, which traveled between the worlds, and their car "ECTO-1" worked on the ectoplasm (actually, hence the name). But on the advice of director Dan, I had an action in our day, and the car began to ride in gasoline. By the way, the famous car haunted hunters - Cadillac Deville Station Wagon 1959 release.

The first thing Dan has developed the concept of equipment for catching ghosts: Punching nuclear reactor For proton emitter and positron trap, sucking ghosts. The creation of the clothes and equipment of Dan inspired the actually existing ghost hunters who drove on a black ambulance and wore overalls.

Well, the famous icon with a crossed ghost was directly related to the initial name of the film - Ghoststoppers. Fortunately, he was renamed, otherwise, instead of "ghost hunters," we would have watched the "ghost stops", which, you see, does not sound.

By the way, recently announced that the dilogy would be continued. The cast will remain unchanged, but the director's chair will most likely take another person. Be that as it may, the project is declared for 2012, so much more can change.

This would be energy, yes for peaceful purposes ...

Pride Ghostbusters: The Videoogame is not only humor, the plot and hunt for ghosts, but also huge bosses. The word "huge" should be understood literally - I have not yet seen the creation of such sizes, except in the series Devil May Cry. And God of War.

In total, the game seven chapters, it means that the logic of things and seven bosses. In principle, this is so, that's just the latter has two hypostasis, and you have to have twice with him, so we can safely say that the bosses eight. Each of them requires an individual approach, simple shots There will be no ...

Pappy Sargassi.

Old fisherman is a rare bastard, which strives to throw the main character with his catch. The battle with him takes place in two stages. The first does not represent difficulties - you just need to water the old man with energy from Blast Stream and felt from his throws fish. The PEFPI has a bad habit of teleport, and it can do it that he may be non-stop for a few minutes in a row. Look in both so as not to embroider a fisherman.

When his life indicators will finally fall almost to zero, the old man will fly to the kitchen and will create a golem - giant from dishes, plates, sinks and skillers. The rest of the ghost hunters will emerge for the rescue, but the monster will choose you exactly, and therefore it will constantly chase and try to hit. There are two options: either run in a circle and wait until the partners do not finish it, or also take part and run away in time.

As soon as the golel will weaken, the hunters will tear his head together and the PEpp will appear again. All that is currently required is to trap it.

Plumbing caused?


A marshmallow man will chase you all the second chapter, sending your servants and arrange a mini-earthquake, but the final battle will happen at the very end. White monster will climb the building from which the main character hangs, along the way, thumping it with discontinuous meals. It is desirable to shoot them, and a marshmallow man cannot deprive fire. When he climbs a few floors, it gets pretty and stops to stay. This is the best moment to launch Boson Darts into it. The enemy will fall, will get angry and will take up again. Throw it three times - and the whole street will turn into a white color, and Marshmallow snow will be sprinkled from the sky.

Azetlor The Collector

Now the bad butler will go trap.

"Book Worm", as his mockery calls the ghost hunters, it turns out to be one of the most dangerous bosses in the game. A collector of rare and old books appears in the form of a ten-meter black shape with a hefty mask on his face. It can raise the heroes of flying books, can run a few tornado by the arena, and then the spikes from the ground will grow.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the mask from the black mucus that holds it - use Slime Blower. When the case is done, slow down the mask from the face of the collector using Blast Stream and run into his flickering green eye several charges of Boson Darts to end the monster.

It sounds easily, but almost every collector attack is deadly for the main character, so try to avoid them, having confident and using teleports scattered by the arena. Also do not forget about the partners - help them get up to in the case of which they could help you.

After the mask flies from the collector, it will start moving much faster. To slow down the monster, use Stasis Beam, even though it does not always work.


Lizun is busy with his any business: he eats.

Just like a marshmallow man, the chairman will bother you throughout the chapter - then the girl will kidnap, then the statue will revive, and even rejoicing the war between the North and South. During his lifetime, he was greatest, cruel and suffered by an increment. His ghost is a huge, fat and frozen laughing - goes to the decisive battle at the end of the fourth chapter.

Naturally, not alone. The chairperson flies around the arena, and on it, portals appear from four corners, of which the black mucus are climbing. First of all, it is worth getting rid of the holes, the bay of their green mucus from Slime Blower, and only then take the chairman.

He has one weakness - Yellow sphere, similar to the eye, which hangs on the chest. To win the most quickly, aim and launch Mason Collider to it, and then shoot from Overload Pulse. Several goals - and victory for you.

Again, do not forget about the comrades who can overthip the monsters from another world, and also watch the chairman - periodically it enters the fight.


It seems that the library should be calm ...

A black widow, as she was painted at the hotel, was a famous killer. She hunted men - loved them in their chains with beauty and charm, and at the crucial moment hit the knife and ... What was later - no one knows, but rumors went that the lady woven on the thirteenth floor, although we all know that In America, there are no thirteenth floors in principle - due to superstitions. It is there that we have to get to fight with a black widow.

Its possessions are essentially a huge sphere nest, and the battle will be held on several arena. This woman is the second on the ease of the boss after PEpp, since her attacks are reduced to bite and knocking down. And then the widow can be kept at a distance using Blast Stream and Boson Darts. When her health falls, it climbs into a safe place to restore forces. It needs to be found using PKE Meter and expel the lady from there. Now that you know where she sticks out wounds, you will not be difficult to win.

Juvenile Slor.

Night. Cemetery. Lamp.

Rubber Lizard (although in fact it's still a young) will appear at the end of the sixth chapter. At first, he will watch you with the help of four eyes flying next to him, so you need to destroy them. As soon as you finish, the lizard will reset the mask and will begin to water the hunters with black mucus. It is advisable to avoid it, as the protagonist may fall, and the partners simply will not be able to help because they are put down nearby.

Water the boss with mucus until he takes off his head and does not detect his weak point - a green hole on the top. Aim and release the Mason Collider, and then arm yourself with Overload Pulse. The rest is the case of technology.


The old evil ghost, who instilled in the body of the Mayor of New York, has immunity to all your attacks, since it surrounds the energy field, fed by four green crystals. They need to be destroyed, but not enough - they like pearls inside the mollusks and never stand open.

To push out the designs of the designs, shine a couple of times by the mayor, and when the crystals are frozen, destroy them using Boson Darts. The portal will open in another world, and the efforts of Hunters Shanndor will go ravoisi. But not one.

The Architect.

Damn, the fish is hard, pulling out!

This is a huge monster - the architect of the ghost world who wanted to break into our in order to change him at his discretion. Hunters for ghosts practically managed to disrupt his plans, but there was still a chance to win, and initially an architect should destroy five sales.

Not that it was the most difficult boss in the game, but it will be necessary to tinker. At first, how to lower his health with Boson Darts, Shock Blast or Overload Pulse, and when the architect jumps in the middle of the arena and starts to restore the forces - destroy three altar. It's not a fact that they will fall from the first time, so that may have to wait for the second "treatment".

The architect is thrown by huge boulders, etching the flying skull and launches fiery tornadoes. Separately, all this can still be survived, but all together - it is almost unrealistic, so do not forget to donate from attacks and run there and here. If you do everything right, then in a few minutes the battle will be won, you will see the final video, and the game will be passed. What I congratulate you with!

Rating: 9.8 (6)

Game Name: Game Name:
Released / Release Date: 2009
Developer / Developer: Terminal Reality.
Genre / Genre: Action (FPS, TPS)
Language: Russian version
Game Type / Game Type: Disk image
Size / Size: 3.96 GB.
Rating players / Game Score: 9.8 out of 10
(Total votes: 6)

Famous ghost hunters are returned!
Manhattan again terrorize the supernatural creatures and you, in the role of a recruit, will have to join the ghost hunters, and save the city from the unclean.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

As the basis of the game was taken precisely the original tape of twenty years of exposure, so the fans of the classics and lovers to ponostalgrate will certainly be satisfied. Not least due to the fact that the plot of the game is created by the film scenarios - Dan Eykroyd and Harold Ramis, and William Atherton, Brian Doyle Murray (Annie Potts) will give game characters His voices. That before the gameplay, then you have to unique weapons and devices to hunt for ghosts in the glorious city of New York.

Features of the game:
- Famous team. Bill Murray, Dan Eykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson provided the characters their appearance and voiced them. The game script is written by Garold Ramis and Dan Eykroyd.
- Continuation of the kinodilogia. Events occur two years after the final of the second part of the Ghost Hunters. The game simultaneously fun and scares - exactly, exactly as famous films Ghostbusters!
- Feel like a hunter! Hold the ghost beam Brasser and drive it into the energy trap - weapons and special adaptations of a real ghost hunter are at your disposal.
- Individual approach. The otherworldly creatures are unlike each other, many of them require a special approach. To cope with any danger, the hunters have 4 set of equipment and a total of 8 types of weapons!
- Special equipment. Before you catch the ghost, you need to track it down and investigate in the field. This uses special equipment, including PKE Meter and Ghost Light.
- We need upgrading! Armament of hunters must be constantly improving. Money obtained for completing the order can be spent on the modernization of weapons.

Minimum system requirements:
System: Windows® XP / Windows Vista
Processor: Dual-Core Any Intel® or AMD®
Memory: 2 GB
Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8400 or ATI RADEON® X1300
Audio Map: Compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
Hard disk: 12 GB (for play), 16 GB (for installation)