How to find out your ranking in rank battles. Range battles - a new type of battles in World of Tanks. Maps and modes

Already for a long time, players asked to add the opportunity to experience their strength and fight players for equal level game. And today we inform: soon the rank battles will appear in the game! Truly great battles are coming!

What is rank battles

Rank battles Will be carried out exclusively on the technique of X levels and will be divided into seasons. You will get an excellent chance to show what you are standing in the battles of the format "15 to 15"! The more your contribution will be in the victory, the higher you will find yourself in a special table of rank battlements.

At the same time, the victory will not be the most important indicator: your contribution will play a more important role in the outcome of the battle. And if despite all your efforts your team will be defeated, you can still move along the rating stairs.

This means that your place in the rank battle table depends solely from you! The stakes and the strength of the enemy grow with the advancement of the stairs.

In addition, the enemy's selection also depends solely on your position: in a special stage of random battles, the balancing will pick up the players exclusively with the same rank. And, in case you show in battle and season outstanding results, you are awaiting pleasant awards.

Interview with rank battle developers

My call Anton Pankov, and today my colleagues - and I will help them in this - tell you about rank battles.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking rank battles arose from us from the completely natural need of people to fight with each other and at the same time not to meet too strong nor too weak rivals. And we decided to try to finally make the so-called competitive content for high levels, i.e. rank battles imply that there will be people only at the 10th level of technology.

It is a goal setting for those who have already harden and want to stand out against the background of other players and show that he is really cool. Gameplane is the repetition of our standard "random fight" mode.

We specifically took it, because this is what the players love, the fact that players know. This is what will be absolutely understandable and used to everyone. That is, as soon as you press the "Battle!" Button, you will immediately understand that you need that you need to do, there will be no difference.

This mode is initially done for players, roughly speaking, single. In rank battles, it is even impossible to play a platoon. We want it to be a regime in which your personal skill, your level of skill, as far as you understand your car, playing a decisive role. Those. The higher your rank, the you will be more difficult and the more interesting to play.

And the most interesting thing is to get awards, i.e. The better your progress, the more rewards you get.

What ranks are there

Rank is an abstraction. We generally thought about what the rank would be in tanks. The main concept, in general, simple. Rank is what helps to distinguish one person from the other.

Ranks are consistent, i.e. The more the better person plays, the higher the rank gets. We decided that the ranks would look like such peculiar epaulets, and how the military should be distinguished by the number of stars in ranks.

And we turned out in a general one small star, two stars, three, four and one big as a general. You get the rank or losing you rank, and in general how well you act depends not only from you, but also from your team.

It seems to me that this contradicts the concept of rank battlements. The only meaning is that you come and show: "I play great guys." Yes, maybe I got into the team now, well, in which it is not necessarily bad players, well, we played not excellent, or maybe someone went into battle on the technique that he does not know well, well, there can be a lot of reasons Why played, especially in equal stress battles.

But what's great, even if you were in the loser team, but you came great, you made frags, I did damage, the first three places sorted by experience earned for the fight, they also get a step - we call her Chevron - on the way to the next way rank.

And, accordingly, we also give the opportunity to players who act really cool, move in ranks, regardless of which team they got. Well, those who wins, understandable, those won, those wellms.

Range Fight Awards

When receiving a new rank, the player will receive a reward. Naturally, this reward will not be captured with the possible loss of this rank. That is, in our case, speaking by a simple language, is the league. That is, it is exactly the indicator of fission players on skiing: the higher, better than your rank, the higher your skills.

And, accordingly, Matcheaker will also be built depending on the ranks. That is, for example, if you have a third rank, you will basically play with the guys who also have a third rank, or you will periodically throw a little higher with the guys of the fourth rank or from the second and so on.

In our case, the ranks are the league. There are combined ranks and non-aggravated. That is, the player cannot lose the first and last - the fifth rank. The rest of the player may lose if it is ineffectively fighting.

Ranks of technology

After the fifth rank is received, a new activity becomes players - earning the ranks of the car. They are similar to standard ranks in their properties. The only thing - they do not participate in balancing.

Those. We continue to balance the player, taking into account its fifth maximum rank. But for obtaining each such rank, the player continues to receive awards, and he also continues to earn special glasses that help him rank in the library table.

And only those players who will be at the top of this table will receive the biggest and interesting awards. If we talk about awards, then in addition to standard: experience, loans, boosters, intermediate awards in the form of consumables - which will be given for transitions from one rank to another, we have prepared several special awards.

Instructions for equipment

We will give a rewards in boxes. From the box drops something out of the pre-installed set, but what exactly - no one knows. There is an element of chance. What is new to fall?

First, a new currency falls. And for this currency it will be possible to buy one of two types of new awards. The first type of awards is our new consumables. They are called instructions.

Instructions for equipment work on the principle of improving the equipment player installed on the technique. For example, an order is installed on the player's tank, which gives -10% to the recharge rate. An still -2.5% will be added to the installed cheer. So the player will eventually get -12.5% \u200b\u200bto the recharge rate.

Improving equipment is different from the usual just enlarged characteristics. Suppose the same priceer usually gives 10% in recharging speed. Advanced will give 12.5%. Accordingly, if you put another instruction on the rate on top, then all together it will be 15%, and this is just a fairy tale.

The advanced equipment in the bons will cost expensive, and, accordingly, it will be necessary or diligently, leaving everything that was on the stages, and then earn something at the end of the season, or very cool, get a bone of bons at the end of the season and buy For two or three tanks yourself equipment.


Playing rank battles, you will certainly receive awards, but always want to boast of your progress, your achievements. Especially for this, we introduce a new stash customization element.

These are icons that the player will be able to install close to his nickname, and they will be visible to everyone in battle. That is, displayed in the "ears", in the tab window and when loading. Everyone will see your progress.

Stripes that we issue remain on the player's account and do not disappear anywhere. So the player can always boast.

Seasons and stages in rank battles

Seasons we will have enough short. Within the framework of the seasons, we will have the stages, so that there are no such people who spend there much more time, relatively speaking, they had an advantage, because they climbed a greater number of battles, victories, defeats, no matter.

They will be short enough, intense, in order for all players to have the opportunity to take part in them and take certain ranks there. This season is roughly speaking, month. Stage is a week.

They may differ slightly, let's say, eight days to be, but the point does not change. Every week we reset the results. That is, in a week you have time to get, for example, to the fourth rank, at the end of the week you get for this award that corresponds to the fourth rank, everything is reset.

You again zero rank and scream up again. So four weeks. At the end of the season, we look at how many points a person earned for the season. And this amount of points is compared with the same amount of glasses from each of the players who played rank battles.

Table rank battle

Based on this, we build a table. Conditionally: ten best percent players, another 15 percent of the best players, and the next 25 percent of players. This, roughly speaking, three leagues are obtained, each league receives its awards.

We have a lot of mistakes taken into account from previous competitive regimes, whether it is a ladder, whether it is superiority, whether it is still different modes that appeared in the game in the past.

Made a certain series of conclusions, and, accordingly, now functionality and new regime Built in these conclusions, on our vision, we present.

Rank battles started on February 19 at 5:00 (MSK) and last until March 12, 5:00 (MSK). You can learn detailed regulations on the link:

One goal, one stage

Starting from the next, the season of rank battlements will become uninterrupted. The new season will consist of all of the same stage, so no longer need to sit at the computer the day goes to reach the maximum rank for the week. Now you will have 21 days and as many as 15 consecutive ranks.

Protecting rank

As you already know, in the new season there will be 15 ranks (the higher the reached rank, the better). Rank 1 and 15 do not burn. However, the season will be long and tense, so we enter the rank protection system, which will guarantee the safety of certain ranks and gives you the right to an error.

How it will work: rank 5, 10 and 13 will be protected (literally), which will not lose the rank, even if according to the rules it should have happened. This system will allow us to forgive you some mistakes, and you - to get together before the next jerk. The defense is destroyed. Before the protection collapses and you lose the rank, you will be forgiven a certain number of lesions.

  • Rank 5 allows 3 defeats.
  • Rank 10 admits 2 defeats.
  • Rank 13 allows 1 defeat.

Remember that every defeat will reduce the protection of the rank for one point. However, even obtaining one chevron will be enough to fully restore the safety strength.

The winner will get everything

Chevrons still define progress in ranks, and we changed their distribution to motivate you.

According to the results of the battle, Chevrons will receive the top 10 players of the winning team and only 1 player of the loser team. However, if you hit the top three players of the winning team, you will receive an extra Chevron. If you are among the worst 10 players of the loser team, you lose one Chevron. For all other occupied positions, the number of your chevrons is preserved. Such a system will allow good players to earn the ranks faster, providing additional motivation for an effective game.

That's how it will look like:


To guarantee yourself a place in the ranking, you will need to earn at least 6 points of rank, which means achieving the 6th rank. Further promotion will be more difficult than it seems. As before, you will receive one point for getting every new rank. After receiving the 15th rank every 5 chevrons, earned on a specific machine, will give an additional point of rank and 25. And starting from this season you can follow your position in the ranking both in the game and on our portal.

Special awards will expect participants in rank battlements: they will depend on your success in the season. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate good game both personally and in the team!

About awards

Since the next season is a single competition, the rapid awards will not. However, rewards for receiving ranks will remain and will be revised to justify your efforts and motivate moving forward. For example, reaching the 9th rank you total earn1 500, and, the higher the rank, the larger the reward will become. For the achievement of the 15th rank, you will receive a total of 4,500 and more than 3,500,000.

We will also review the awards at the end of the season so that you get a decent encouragement in gold, bonacles and days of the Account Premium. And for getting into each of the leagues you are guaranteed to get unique styles and stripes

Abbreviated list of maps

The previous season showed that some cards are poorly suitable for rank battle requirements. For this reason, we updated the list of available cards, removing from the rotation "Erlenberg" and "Top".

Available maps: "Karelia", "Malinovka", "Khimmelsdorf", "Prokhorovka", "Ensk", "Lasville", "Rudniks", "Mugged", "Line Siegfried", "Monastery", "Westfield", " Sand river"," El Halluluf "," Airfield "," Fjords "," Rybatskaya Bay "," Zapolyar "," Highway "," Silent Beach "," Tundra "," Windstorm "," Paris "," Promzone ".

We introduced all these changes to make a victory more valuable, to reward the most effective players worthy, and the distribution of ranks to make the appropriate game skills. Now your move: participate in rank battles and tell us whether we have, with the help of feedback on the forum!

To begin with, tell me when - in update World. Of Tanks 9.18 A new "rank battles" will appear. The meaning of this regime is that all players will be divided into groups on the personal rating indicator in the profile. Tankists with the same personal Rating They will fight among themselves in "rank battles". The ranking system for WOT is borrowed from Blizzard and its project Starcraft 2, where with recently all players introduced the MMR indicator. Depending on the level of MMR, gamers are distributed on leagues - Grandmaster, Master, Platinum, Gold, etc. Each League is divided into 3 groups - Tear 1, Tear 2 and Tear 3. Thus, playing in "rank battles" you can move along the steps of fame. The same system will be introduced in World of Tanks gradually.

"Range battles" - a new mode for World of Tanks

As soon as the "rank battles" mode is gaining popularity, all players will appear its indicator and the level so that you can immediately appreciate how successfully one or another tanker is fighting. Every 3 months statistics on "rank battles" will be reset, giving the opportunity to all again try your hand in the new season. The result of each season will be recorded in the player statistics.

For the successful implementation of the "rank battles" regime in World of Tanks, a limit on the level of technology will be introduced. At the time of launching the mode, it will be only level 10 tanks. Teams 15 for 15 tanks will fight for individual rank.

After the rank battle is held, your contribution to the team victory will be reflected in the special table. According to Olga Sergeevna (in the photo on the right), the outcome of the battle in any rank battle will not affect the result in the table. The higher you rise in the table of "rank fighting", the more difficult the opponents become. The top players of the rank battles are waiting for rewards at the end of each season.

As for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a rank regime for the World of Tanks - it is focused on a cybersport component and competitive effect, heating interest in WOT as a whole.

Together with a patch of 0.9.19, a new mode comes to the game - rank battles.

Rank battle - This is a separate type of random battle, players in which will be chosen according to their skill. In other words, very strong players will not be able to get against (or together) weak players. Everyone will be less equal.

  • You can participate only on levels of level 10.
  • The main goal is to show high personal effectiveness. Top 3 player on experience from the loser team will also get buns and candy.

  • Balancing will try to pick up the players of one rank. However, in order to avoid very long queues, sometimes players of different ranks will be selected.
  • To get a new rank, you must fall into the top 12 of the winning team by experience or the top 3 losers, which will give chevrons. To obtain the first rank, just one Chevron is needed. With each new rank you will need more and more chevrons. 12 players of the loser team Chevron are losing.
  • Range battles will be held for the seasons (1 month), each season is divided into 4 stages (each week 1).

  • At the beginning of each stage, the ranks are reset. The result achieved in seven days is recorded. At the end of the season, the result over the past 28 days is summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to its rating.
  • In rank battles there will be unique whistles and nishtyaki - improved equipment, instructions ( the new kind Equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of the machine or crew).
  • The player can get a new element as a reward for participation in the season. external view - The stripe representing is a unique icon that is displayed next to the name of the player in battle and is visible to all users.

New currency - Bona

Along with the standard remuneration based on the results of battle, players will receive an additional reward (loans, equipment, personal reserves) for obtaining new ranks and performing special combat missions available only in rank battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of the new game currency - bonovwhich cannot be bought for loans or gold.

Bone can be acquired by advanced equipment that has increased characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as the removal instructions that enhance installed equipment Or increase the crew the level of studied skills / skills. The higher the result for the season, the more Bowls will earn a player.

The new regime and the new season of rank battles only for the tenths, after a set of experiments, create something new, but on the old way (is it possible to rank players on skill?).

Fights as will usually be held 15 tanks on 15 tanks, without platforms, pure skill (skill). In rank battles, the balancing will distribute rank players equal to the rank against equal rank, for the same condition, but will also plus \\ minus one rank and this is normal.

Rank battles 2019 - new season

Ranks in WOT.

Such battles will be held in standard format: 2 teams of 15 players. The peculiarity is that only the tanks of the 10th level will participate in the battles.

The battle conditions correspond to the random combat mode: the team defeats, fully destroyed the tanks of rivals or capturing the base.

However, here the analogy ends. Key feature Range battle is a personal result. The essence of the plan is as follows: showing high performance of the game, tankers will move up in the ranking, increasing their rank, receiving interesting awards and prizes.
If the tankman falls into the top 12 winners or in the top 3 of the loser, he gets Chevron. Chevrons are the key to getting another rank. To climb the first stage in the ranking and become the owner of the first rank there is enough of one Chevron, but then the conditions will gradually become more complicated.

It is necessary to clarify that ranks 1 and 5 are peculiar checkpoints that preserve gaming progress. In fact, these are points of reference, from where the players can move on in the rating system.

Curious, but 5 rank is the maximum possible for the account. Having reached the top, the rank of technology begins to rise. Here is the same principle: a personal contribution to the outcome of the battle increases the rank of tank.
Winning In rank battles, progress and get new ranks. Number of ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - rank.
Losing - The first top 3 player of the loser team, not only do not lose the rank, but also continue to move up to achieving the highest rank. The first and fifth rank is not burning.
What if I scored 5 rank in World of Tanks? New features are opening with players, cars appear. The more car ranks you are naphtar, the higher the place you will take in the final table.

The season rank fighting

Rank battles are broken for seasons. Seasons of rank battlements made specially not very long - just a month. As part of the season, rank battles are divided into stages. Where after each stage the results will be discharged. According to the results of each season, a table of the best players is formed - this is the league, the entire league will be three. The best players will enter the first league, who in the middle of the second league and the rest in the third. All rewards in rank battles will be charged at the end of the seasons.

The main award for rank battles will be special boxes in which there will be bousers, loans, free experience, even gaming gold. A new reward is added to rank battles, which will give additional motivation to players. Worked to the smallest detail and took into account the experience of previous modes.

For bons, you can buy two types of awards:
- Improve the characteristics of the crew, but only one battle is valid.
- Increased indicators of ordinary equipment installed on the tank. Will be very expensive and in bons.
Use the remitary instructions and improved equipment can be together in order to maximize the tank. In the future, the possibility of adding bones to other World of Tanks regimes is the question of time.

Changes in the economy. In rank battles there is an additional funding system. Players charge a standard number of loans based on the results of the battle, plus to this, financial bonuses are added for receiving the next rank, the implementation of special LBZs. This is added prize gear and personal reserves. When the rank battlement season comes to an end, the participants are charged bones - a new monetary unit that cannot be purchased in the game store. Bones are spent on the purchase of upgraded equipment and "leaving instruction", which significantly increase the performance of the crew and the machine as a whole. The number of accrued bones depends on the player's efficiency.

In the future, new ways of earning bones will most likely appear, but so far the 9.19 is planned that rank battles are the only way.

Bona - New WOT currency, earned exclusively in the Republic of Belarus. Bones cannot be bored, but you can only deserve in the game, the accrual of which is made after the season is completed. You can spend bones on new added equipment in patch 9.19.

Advanced equipment - increased indicators of ordinary equipment installed on the tank. Will be very expensive and in bons.

Improved equipment purchased for bones, where you can not use two identical equipment on one tank. Installed in slots with conventional equipment. The cost in Bonah is large, but is also removed for 10 Gold units.

Expert instructions - improve the characteristics of the crew, but only one battle is valid. Also, a new slot is added for additional boughs (predominate instructions), something similar to extra gold equipment adding bonuses to equipment or crew, but only one battle.
Prerequisites - for equipment.
Increases the effect of installed equipment.
Prerequisites - for crew.
It helps to pump perk for one fight or improve the established, but get two effects simultaneously cannot be obtained.

Use all the introduced innovations for bones to absolutely any class of technology and level, for all types of fighting.