Personal rating in World of Tanks. Comparison of personal rating and efficiency. Formulas. How to raise the efficiency in WOT. Many opinions exist on personal rating, as well as questions

Rating efficiency world Of Tanks - Why is it needed and what gives the player his knowledge + overview of the 3 types of statistics + 5 tactical councils to increase the efficiency rating + top 10 services for checking the player's efficiency.

It's no secret that World of Tanks is a very popular project in the network, which makes it possible to plunge into virtual Mir fighting and feel like a real tanker.

It is very difficult to understand what is very difficult here. Therefore, many are asked for help to Almighty Internet.

On our site you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting WOT about the world. Today we will analyze the question of what is the effectiveness rating of World of Tanks, and why it needs players at all.

The concept of efficiency rating

The closest synonym for this concept is the word "statistics". It is thanks to her that we can see our own progress that allocates us against the background of other players in World of Tanks.

Progress statistics are a very common phenomenon in military orientation projects. Only an approach to implementing data to the network can be varied.

Why do you need the effectiveness rating of World of Tanks?

It all depends on the amount of information, which is available to the user user when analyzing statistics.

IN WOT Data Indicators are used in 90% of cases only from a competitive point of view - to find out who is better, you can only see your position in the server's summary table.

    Evaluation of the state of affairs right during the battle.

    For such purposes, XVM mod is used, which in commoner is called "Olenemer". Thanks to the detailed information that is in real time, the commander can soberly assess the situation and adopt the most suspended solution, capable of radically change the course of the fight.

    Evaluation of the skill of the player.

    For these purposes, more rationally use specialized services detailed statistics world Of Tanks, which we will talk about a little later.

    An assessment of the clan before entering it.

    In the words of the clan may seem "gold", but what actually represents himself, the player will be able to see only looking at the clan efficiency rating.

    In addition to the position, most services displays information about the composition and quality of tank each of their representatives separately.

    Assessment of achievements.

    It's hard to play and not know how successful you are. It is this purpose that is a key for any loner player in World of Tanks. Trace progress based on efficiency rating - one of the best motivation methods for further development in the project.

It should be understood that not everyone adequately perceive high indicators in the efficiency rating - 5-7% of the players are trying to "nagging" by such users with all sorts of ways, let those even in the allies team.

Depending on the type of rating, the rating parameters also differ, but the color quality color is generally absolutely for all users. Tankists can show you in Olenemer, who should be feared, and who is not a problem for your technology at all.

What is waiting for a player with high efficiency - both sides of one medal can see in the table below.

Monitoring its achievements (for example, using some sites), you can draw conclusions to improve personal indicators, which, in turn, will lead to an improvement in overall statistics.Be prepared that in battle you will be asked for meaningless or even with the meaning of questions, demanding the answer.
Good statistics will allow you to make it easier to find a good platoon, the company, the composition for the command combat or clan.The fight for someone else's team often begins with the clearable "kill statists" and you fox all as soon as you appear in lit up. Art sometimes works on the square of your last lighting smoothly until the moment until you appear on the new position.
Some players prefer not to get involved in one way with such tankers, since the chance "fly to the pipe" is quite high.After and during the game, the influx of the abnormative in private messages may be in unreal amounts. Can fool or try to humiliate, can block movement, sign on position, shoot, trying to criticize the modules or simply to laugh until you kill.

Roughly speaking, statistics - the main goal is absolutely any multiplayer online online game.

What is the point of changing the equipment or invest in the project, if you fully felt your own pride is simply impossible due to the lack of a rating system? Interest in the toy calms down and, as a result, the income of the project from users as a whole.

Structure and types of quality rating World of Tanks

There are a lot of efficiency calculators on the network, which give numbers even at all insignificant parameters of the game World of Tanks.

The developers are trying to stitch as much as possible evaluation criteria, thereby attracting players to their resource to determine the statistics on the game. But each of them has 6 fundamental pillar, without which the service is considered simply useless.

    The indicator is expressed as a percentage and contains information on the player relating to its direct operation on the battlefield. Skillful tankers have a percentage of victories always more than 50% - this figure displays their superiority over less experienced users in World of Tanks.

    Outgoing damage for the battle.

    An important parameter that allows you to judge the overall efficiency of your game within teamwork. For here are placed in cross, as their key goal - the enemy will light. For such world of tanks such as TT and PT-SAU, they simply must show high digits of the outgoing damage upon completion of the battle.


    It is important for the drivers of light tanks, since the enemy lights are easier to spend on this type of technology. If you do not live to the end of the battle almost never, but in the Damage Table always on the leading positions, this indicator can be written off from the accounts.
    Useless kamikaze - 1-2% of players who are simply killed in the forefront and do not bring any benefit team.


    Particularly relevant information on players who specialize in art shelling, because even with a mad damage, the sense of your gun in battle will not be without accuracy.

    The attitude killed / killed.

    The average battle is the walls of 15 tanks. If the player managed to destroy 2 and more enemy cars, you can safely talk about his contribution to the general victory on the battlefield.

    Battle levels.

The rest of the information depends on the type of efficiency rating and preferences of the service developers, which were engaged in the creation of their statistics calculator. In 80% of cases, the World of Tanks player's calculation resources offer several varieties of the efficiency measurement system in battles.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with each of them.

Statistics №1 - Personal rating.

Type of statistical data created by World of Tanks game developers. The number of elements here is not the highest, but they are all optimally composed and allow you to fully estimate the effectiveness of the tank of a particular player in WOT.

  • the number of player victories in the percentage;
  • average values \u200b\u200bof damage for the battle;
  • the average value of experience for the battle;
  • survival in battle;
  • the total number of battles in World of Tanks;
  • damage to litter and friendly help to teammates (meaning lighting or chopping the enemy car with further finishing from the ally).

The last item is very good for drove on the light tanks in the game, as they can show large numbers in the damage they can very rarely.

Statistics №2 - Efficiency rating.

Synonyms for this type of statistics WORLD OF TANKS plenty - EFF, RE and so on. The fans of the game was created, and even earlier than the official, located in your hangar.
  • averaged rate of damage for the fight;
  • the number of base glasses base;
  • the number of points of sibling base;
  • how many enemies your tank managed to light up;
  • the number of destroyed enemy machines.

Statistics №3 - WN8.

The calculation is made on the basis of dynamic data - you can advance up the top, without even playing WOT, but for this, certain conditions must be respected. The calculated formula is based on "reference" indicators, and its calculated values \u200b\u200bcan plunge the novice in shock.

How to improve WORLD OF TANKS Efficiency rating?

An eternal problem, the rapid solution of which wants to know absolutely all players in World of Tanks.

Even the most talented tank workers cannot receive 100% of victories, because a large number of battles occurs in groups, which means it does not always depend directly from you. What is able to make a player to increase its rating as quickly as possible?

  1. Give priority to games in the composition of the platoon. Coordination makes it possible to increase the likelihood of victory by 20-30%.
  2. Evaluation of the situation at the beginning of the battle. Track the first 10-20 seconds the behavior of the enemy tanks - this will allow you to tactically correctly calculate the moves and arrange the allied forces with maximum return. Behavior in the game will largely depend on the initial strategy of fighting the battle - attack or defense.
  3. Examine the features of your tank and it. weak spots. Thus, pick up optimal places on the map will be easiest.

    The relief will help hide the weaknesses of the technique and will provide you with an advantage over the opponent, which means that the damage numbers will grow in their eyes, which is very good to rating the effectiveness of World of Tanks.

  4. Do not forget about the equipment and equipment - it is they will help save you in the most disadvantageous situations on the battlefield. Cumulative and subcalibal shells are able to significantly increase the damage applied even on the armored opponent.
  5. Flutter only S. exact sightseeing. Such a concept as "vertuch" must be excluded from your lexicon if you want to increase personal rating And get superiority over others.

Lovers playing on stock tanks should be much more careful to be during battles, because it is much easier here than the tank on top cars in World of Tanks.

Here is some of them:

  • frags from 6 to 10 levels have the same value;
  • with an increase in the middle level of technology, the damage is less valued, and more priority is given to the number of tank destroyed;
  • hill significantly affects the World of Tanks efficiency rating - pay attention to this component of the game, tanker on any type of technology;
  • do not break the database protection - the value of this component is comparable in WN8 statistics with a clutch;
  • try to bring the percentage of victories in World of Tanks to the level above 50%;
  • participate in battles on tanks 6+ levels.

The fastest progress of the WORLD OF TANKS efficiency rating will be observed when playing on the tanks of the 6th level is the minimum feature that allows you to get a good increase to statistics and, at the same time, does not strain the user in the level of difficulty in battles.

For those who do not feel sorry for money for pumping, we can offer a paid method of increasing the rating of efficiency WOT. The essence is to miss free experience Stock Tanders in the branches of research and pumping only top machines that are able to withdraw the quality of your game on new level.

It should be understood that a pair of thousand rubles here can not do, because this method is very resource-friendly and rarely worth invested money. It is easier to buy a top account on a specialized platform.

Where to check the WORLD OF TANKS Efficiency rating?

There is plenty of special services in the network of other player performance calculators who provide the most complete information on most parameter you are interested in.

Since access is open to all users, your statistics can easily calculate anyone - the main thing, know the nickname of the person in which you want to review the CPD.

We selected several services that are most popular on the network.


    One of the most detailed calculators issuing indicators on the nickname and player server. In the calculations of the efficiency rating there is a distribution by type of statistics. There is a system of recommendations capable of providing assistance in increase efficiencyBased on the current data obtained when analyzing.

    Separate attention deserves a filter of battle types (historical, clans and so on).


    A convenient site that allows you to evaluate players in many parameters. After the analysis, there is a rank of tanker in accordance with the evaluation of its efficiency - information is useful to people who are looking for talents to work as a driver or participation in a global tournament.

    Displaying awards and achievements clearly makes it clear that one or another WOT player is.

    Data objectivity provides consolidated player productivity tables depending on class, level and technology of technology. Due to the disaster on the bones of battles on each of the tanks, it is very easy to trace the key tactical lines and what focusing the tanker during battles.


    Clans and platform filter is available - you will receive data efficiency data only in selected directions. At the bottom of the page, a general assessment of the player's skill level is served - from "bad" to "Unicum" (a rating approach is used, as in XVM).


    The site can be attributed to minimalism representatives - only the main statistics are issued, which allows to assess the overall potential of the player.

    A pleasant interface and weight of guides along the World of Tanks partially level the compactness of the CPD calculator - to familiarize yourself with the formulas of the calculation and methods of increasing tanning efficiency can anyone. Registration is not required.


    Contains 3 blocks with data. The first shows the efficiency rating of the standard type and version of WN8. The second block illuminates the basic statistics on the game, and in the third it contains less demanded indicators that are more information for tanker.


    We decided to add this service to the list because of the unique partitions that WOT cannot be found on other calculators:

    • First, "Competition", where after checking the account you automatically fall into the list of lottery participants with the main prize of 2,500.
    • Secondly, the player's effectiveness rating with a detailed analysis of tanks on nations, which, thanks to the abundance of filters, is implemented very high quality.

    A highly specialized website, the main job of which is to count efficiency rating players world Of Tanks. Readability is one of the best. Especially pleased with color charts in the technique preferences and a list of 30+ auxiliary indicators.

    After reading the statistics on this service, you will know about the user literally everything.


    The service is worth your attention. At least because of its name - "Noise". Statistics are not so much, but it is filed in its original form.

    This type of check will suit users who wish to boast efficiency on the game in front of other players by inserting to the site / blog the original Verification form of the efficiency of WOT.


    Service in minimalist colors, which is convenient to view basic information on the efficiency rating. There is a list of priorities among the combat and nations in which they are selected.

    At the bottom of the calculator, there is a table with detailed data for each user's tank, on which he exercised (level, type, number of battles by car and so on).


    Compact, user-friendly user providing website full statistics According to the account in the game. Near each block there is "+", when you click on which a drop-down menu appears with data filters.

    Separate attention is worth a unauthorized initial section with references to the replica site. If Tankist has a fighting records, then in 90% of cases will be located here.

In order, the performance rating indicators were the most objective, we advise you to use multiple services at the same time (2-4 calculators), since some developers "sick" in terms of calculations and round the values \u200b\u200bin various sides, because of which the final results differ by 1-2%.

In the video below you will find detailed analysis Efficiency rating formulas.

You will also see the analysis of the parameters and get valuable tips:

Use statistics to self-improvement, and then you can not only enjoy the tank process, but also more productively carry out every minute of playing time in WOT.

If you think that it is impossible to raise your statistics in World of Tanks alone, then it is a complete error. The percentage of victories is easily rising with rotts, but it does not affect a personal result. Now we will analyze the main aspects to increase personal achievements.

Let's run on tactics. Start playing World of Tanks is still required during the reference of 30 seconds before the battle. For these 30 seconds it is necessary to visually explore the compositions of both teams. Consider the weak and strong places of setapa allies and opponents, taking into account the card to which they got. Next, based on everything, a certain tactic is built. It is based on individual actions. The team can never be hoped (this concerns the game in Random). Therefore, given the type of technology, it is necessary to do what seems most intelligent in terms of helping the team and the chance to win. Often, it is necessary not to take into account the type of technology and show skill, shining, for example, on 268 its middle tanks.

As they say, "Statist" with defeat blame itself, and "cancer" is a team. Ways to raise your personal skill in Wot are closely related to tactics, more precisely with successful tactics. To the greater, you should think in the course of the game than to do "Ololo" Rush. It is necessary to think over all actions, less risking, less losing damage. In principle, the ability of survival, to a greater extent and shows the skill. Damage, damage to light, the number of murders are the three main things on the way to raise the personal rating.

And now we turn directly to the classical methods of increasing or increasing the personal rating.

Play more on the maximum grain tanks

Turning away from the level to the level, many cease to play on the already pumped tank with an improved crew. This is mistake. Turning to from the 6th level to the tank of the 7th, we get another long process, to improve modules, and the growth of the crew skills. As a rule, the percentage of victories, the average damage for the shot and the average experience gained for the fight, begin to decrease dramatically, because In stock tank, it is difficult to confront opponents, especially ahead of you on one or two levels. In order to balance your losses on the stock tanks, you will need a minimum of the same time to get victory on top.

Play Team

Rotta, pleasant battles, not enough can be badly increased efficiency and rating in particular. Moreover, thousands of battles will not need to increase. In this case, the main thing is to select a good cohesive team. Be sure to use the microphone to communicate. The principle is quite simple. When entering into battle, it is possible to group and take the desired position or a whole flank, while the rapid communication through Skype for example, and not through chat, will allow you to decide on the objectives. It is absolutely clear that by killing the enemy, we make a minus barrel for the enemy team and of course write the murder on your balance. The only minus in this method of raising the rating is what to collect good team Not just and problematic everyone to fight into battle at the same time.

Play premium tanks

Yes, if it happened that the premium technique is groaning in the hangar, and even in the additives of the level of the 5th or 6th, do not use it for its own purposes stupid. For example, those who bought PT-SAU E 25, are already well aware that in addition to making money, it perfectly raises CPD account generally.

It is worth another advice. Never need to complain about the team. It is necessary to blame himself in the fact that the team loses. It will be an additional stimulus for subsequent battles in World of Tanks. The experience gained will not disappear for nothing. The next time, when such severe combat moments appear, personal skill will manifest itself.

There is a category of indicators, thanks to which you can estimate the effectiveness and combat capability of each player. The most fundamental of them is a personal rating - this is a combination of all combat advances in a player, his behavior on the battlefield, participation in command battles and general activity.

It calculates from a certain formula, which includes many factors, at first glance, the player may not even suspect about their existence, as well as from the aggregate of these factors and their mathematical attitude of one to another.

Without going into settlement and computational details, to answer such a question how to raise a personal rating of World of Tanks, by taking into account many of the features of the game, which will be discussed below.

To increase the value of the main indicator, first of all it is necessary to check the number of victories - the higher the percentage, the higher the personal rating will be

It should be approached to the organization of each fight with a share of responsibility in order not to reduce this indicator. The following item affecting how to raise a personal rating of World of Tanks is the survival rate, regardless of the outcome of the battle - even if the team has hit the dirt face - you should not surrender. The rating of surviving players does not decrease, but it is possible that it increases, depending on the achievements and features performed on the battlefield.

Another point - the number of damage for the fight

Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the greater the rating will be accrued, for this it is necessary to take care of best gear For tank. Also, the rating is influenced by the total number of battles on the account, increasing these indicators - the rating will grow, experience will grow with it.

An important fact is that even if the level of the tank is not as high, and the number of damage deposited leaves much - so, most likely, you can describe the dialing tanks - you can achieve an increase in personal rating by increasing the number of illuminated technology and the number of the subsequent damage caused by him teammates.

This makes the tactics of the game on the lungs and medium tanks of competitive and eligible for existence.

The overall rating calculation is made by the complex algorithm for calculating all of the above data. It represents the overall equivalent of interest in the game and success in the game space. Therefore, wishing to raise it, you should not stop your choice on some of the parameters.

IN lately more and more people are wondering questions, "Why I can't play as he", "How to raise the percentage of victories and efficiency," "Why players World of Tanks from top clans Personal rating and efficiency several times higher than mine and how it Fit "? .. In this note you will find the answers to all these questions.

Let's see what efficiency and a personal rating in WOT.

Efficiency, or useful coefficient has nothing to do with physics. In the game, this is the ratio of utility of your team to adopted standards. Let's say if you went to an enemy base, but you were destroyed, the efficiency drops. Experienced players use the "tactics of a statist" - do not climb on the rags, hide behind the bushes, houses and shoot at the maximum.

How to determine Kpd tankov in World of Tanks? The efficiency is made up of a number of factors - the average damage, the number of frags, detected enemies, base grab glasses, database protection points, the number of battles, etc. The more successful you fought, the higher the rating. Excellent Tankists of the efficiency is nearing 100%.

In battle helps a camouflage network and stereotrub - "horns" in the people. For this tactic fits PT-SAU. If you prefer light tanks, then bring the location of the enemy technique and transfer the location about it allies. Personal rating for the most part depends on your team utility and from the percentage of victories. All this information can be viewed in statistics.

Experienced players in the World of Tanks for the growth of the efficiency are used by the "Statist Tactics" - do not climb forward and use obstacles

If you have a high efficiency and percentage of victories, then your personal rating grows very quickly. For quick personal rating growth, take artillery and tanks with high damage (cars about 268, T110E3 or T1104, T49, E-100, etc.), or tanks that shoot the queues (T57 Heavy, WT AUF E100, T54E1, etc. .). These combat vehicles are best for raising rating and efficiency.

For any type of technology (heavy tank, medium tank, light tank, PT-SAU, ART-SAU) There is your approach, technique and tactics of the game. Moreover, it is different for classmates. Even if the breakthrough machine and the protection machine - heavy tanks, due to the characteristics of each, for example, speed, damage or armor, they are effective in different techniques of the game. In order to play better on the machine you like, compare its characteristics with others and at the same time select the correct tactics. Sometimes tactics you will have to change on the go - it will come with experience.

Stick up these simple tips, and you achieve high results very quickly.

Good day, tankers and tankers, the site portal with you! Today's theme for the conversation is quite often players recently raised. Therefore, we decided to help them in this. So, how to quickly raise statistics in game world. Of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Voice game

We think many have noticed that players with excellent game Statistics Do not often play alone. Always playing companions - matching with them. This factor is very important to raise statistics and wine, because the better know its allies, the more you achieve. Voice game is a weighty argument for a victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Selection of equipment.

It's no secret that there are tanks in World of Tanks that are comfortable when playing on them. They can be found at all levels: from the first to "dozen". It is them that they choose tankers whose task to raise themselves statistics. To such tanks, more degrees include medium tanks and lungs. After all, these two classes of technology can quite a lot on the battlefield at a competent game, which means that your statistics. Let's look at what kind of tanks are able to help you effectively raise statistics, and at the same time getting pleasure from the game. At 10 level, at the time of the patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks MAUS, E-100, KRANVAGN, AMX 50 B, average tanks T-62a, about. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 T. PT-SAU do not take into account due to a strong dependence on the team, and Artu .. well here it is clear.

Third way to raise statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

In no case we call tankers to use gold shells as the main. Well, to do if they are in 70% of cases better than their "silver" prototypes. Therefore, the stars, namely, so called tankers with very good gaming statistics, and choose them.

Summarizing, we can say that when using all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and you can quickly raise game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods are already a very good help for raising efficiency And almost mandatory to use. But, there is one more. In WOT a lot of diverse technology, and, unfortunately, do not play on all. There are many reasons: not enough silver for purchase, the reluctance to download one or another branch of development of tanks, etc. Therefore, there are aggregates on which the fewest battles are performed in comparison with others. It is on this technique that it is best to raise statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there is a chance to fill the high efficiency for the fight more. To select a tank, we use the site We are looking for the "RU Server" tab, select the server statistics. The next step is to click on the button all the equipment on the table and choose the time for the last 4 weeks. We are in a honest to add that you need to search for a technique from 4 to 8 levels inclusive, because at 10 levels, the main battles are usually played on the server, which means that such devices will be harder to fill the rating. But there are exceptions ..

Let's look at the same tanks you find using the above method described.

5 level.
Throwing down all the premium technique, we have the French PT S35 CA. This apparatus is not, as they say in common, cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good review, imperceptibility, a powerful tool - all this will help to fill the high number of efficiency for the fight.

6 level.
There are even better things here. From statistics on the minimum quantity of played battles, the following good technique is lagging behind: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. All of them are easy in mastering, and perfectly make their work on their Level.

7 level.
So, the technique of this balanced weight falls to 9-ka, you need to seek breakfast tanks. The first you will find in the list will be T25T - PT-SAU USA. Not bad choice. Purses, falls, and often makes painfully more than 300 units. damage for one shot.

8 level.
At this level, the choice is large and rather obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - Here they are, forgotten heroes who are able to solely drag complex fights, issue a good damage both in battles with Odnoklassniki and with 10 levels.

9 level.
Good "nine" is also enough. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion MK. 7/1, Conqueror. And of course the pets of the public M46 Patton and E 50. They were both relevant, and now they are able to create something unreal on the battlefield.

10 level.
Follow the 10 levels of WN8 and the efficiency rating is the work of the master tankers. But, if you are confident in your own, forces, then why not. The list of good "pharmaceuticals" of the rating is all the same, mentioned above, Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, OB. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 T. We will assign AMX 50 FOCH (155), STB-1 and FV215B to them.

And the main one.

In order to successfully and consistently export every fight a lot of efficiency rating points and WN8, in battle you need to just do a lot of productive actions: to fill damage, highlight enemy tanks, "Put" them on the caterpillars, shoot down the capture and capture themselves. In the complex it will give a lot of things to what you want - high values \u200b\u200bin the graph of efficiency rating and beautiful WN8 numbers