How to play fortifications world of tanks. Strongs - a new mode in World of Tanks. What is Stronging

4.10.2017 2030 views

Strongs - The unique mode of the multiplayer game "Tanks", designed for clan players. This game Mode Available in the client, but he is not connected with world war and with campaigns on common map. Such a district is the property of the clan, it includes the base and directions to it, as well as a number of other buildings that we will talk about.

The strengthening area can create a team commander, but for this in the clan there must be at least 20 participants. Holding a variety of buildings on the territory of your area, you can get additional bonusesWhat will help substantially increase the speed of the crew.

What structures are present in reprimals

This construction includes:

    Command Center - Home Building. Levelthe command center defines the characteristics of the base as a whole and its individual structures, as well as the capacity of the warehouse. In fact, this is a characteristic similar to a LVL clan, only defined by non-indicators of combat vehicles of individual participants, but by the general development of the base.

    Industrial resource - The main resource of the district. It is possible to get it in combat clashes, but it is used to create reserves or construction and renewal of structures.

    Directions - Opens the commander. It will be better if each army link will have its own direction, each of which will open two places for construction.

    Places for construction - Parts of the map that build structures.

    Structure - From the availability of these objects in the territory depends on how many bonus components will be issued by the clan participants. The level of the building may depend on the size of the bonuses. His, in turn, can be pumped using Promresurs.

The strengthening areas help increase the amount of resources. Buildings related to the study part add glasses to the crew experience. Due to financial buildings, you can access loans. Military school and tankodrome also contribute to a faster bonus accumulation.

How is the construction of structures

Before, how to create a fortification in World of Tanks, Gamer chooses a place where the building will be built, and the type of structure itself. If all the requirements of the game were observed, the "Fundam" of the future building appears on the estimated site of construction.

Next, you need to transport the materials to the place of construction or get it in battles. PEGO is allowed to move from one building to another, including the command center. Transportation is a process that takes up a certain time. We are transported in stages and parts, while the size of one part depends on the overall level of the base.

For what needs reserves

Reserves are special awards that are accrued to the gamers for the construction. These awards are two types: combat and non-union. In the battle you can use only one reserve, the rest are stored in stock. Each of them has its own indicator - from 1 to 10. It is determined level The buildings in which was created. After improving the structure, the reserve increases, for example, its size and validity period increases.

Battles in Strongs

Within this regime Gamers can do forests, protect your possessions and attack similar structures of opponents. After victory in such duels, players get industrial resourcewhose amount is determined by the size experiencewhich was mined in a fight. Promressure is used to build buildings. The more confrontations will benefit the members of the clan, the faster they will be able to develop their infrastructure.

The Strejørone mode differs from a global card by the fact that the number of provinces on the latter is limited. Fighting on a global area, you are forced to stick to the schedule of battles, while the "Strevironmental" mode allows you to go to battle immediately.

To fall on the main map, players need to pass the tournament for disembarking. The weak clan does not work. But in local areas, with anyone a result of battle, you will get industrial material and can apply it for the development of the base.

Even if you are already playing on a global map, nothing will prevent you in breaks between battles to arrange several fights for the industrial resource. The gaps between the battles on the global map take up a lot of time, and it can be spent, getting good buns in the battles for the fortifications. You will increase the amount of battles and accommodate even more useful resources.

The industrial resource for the upgrade of its territories can be replenished exclusively in battles, it is impossible to change on property and is allowed to consume only for the construction of structures.

Slores - battles for strong fighters

Sharing is a battle in which 15 people take part from each side. Commands are formed in a random order, and they include players who are in real time performing collections. It may absolutely any gamer from the clan, but first it is necessary to think about how to choose what kind of excommion to choose, because this will depend on this process of pumping techniques.

Before how to create a babble in world of tanksOne should consider that there are three varieties of such battles.

    The average one for it is needed 1-6 LVL.

    Championship, 1-8 LVL.

    Absolute, 1-10 LVL.

After the battle, Programurs is distributed, which receives each individual community member and the whole team.

If we talk about the defense of your fortifications and attacks on enemy, it is worth noting that in the game there is some condescension to beginner gamers, so you can protect your bases and carry out attacks on the enemy objects only after reaching 5 levels. Many experienced regulars of the game deliberately do not increase their level so that you can always take advantage of this "immunity." However, this solution is very ambiguous, because high-level territories provide advantages in battles. It is best to emphasize on progressive development, as the level grows, creating a real impregnable fortress from the base.

Each member of the clan, if desired, can participate in special tasks. At the time of the reserve, the gamers are available special tasks, for example, destroy the enemy two tank several times. Among other tasks: Apply 5,000 damage to the enemy army or destroy five combat vehicles for one battery. If these targets were performed in 2 hours (it is so much about the backup time), the player is charged bonuses, the size of which depends on the complexity of the task executed.

5 years and 3 months ago Comments: 9

New mode in WOT - Strongs

So, dear gamers included in the clan, meet new regime Strongs. Strongs - This is a new gaming mode, for clans, the number from 20 people and more. This mode will not be connected with any global card and with the World War. Strongs will be available directly in the client of the game itself, it is a military base with the headquarters and surrounding territories. Strevilion, as it may displays the property of your clan.

Purpose Strongs

For what they need, you ask, and everything is simple. Developing fortifications, you get the opportunity to build new buildings on the base, which in the consequence will bring you temporary bonuses (bonuses to silver, bonus for experience, etc.). Bonuses you will receive depending on the selected strategic development plan. Also, in the near future, they plan to introduce robbery of other rejunctions and protect their own, only at a certain level of development. In the defense of your strengthenion, unique buildings of the type of minefields, artillery support, fencing, fences, etc. will be helped.

Strong Range

So from what is still a strengthenon?

1) Command Center - This is the main building. With an increase in the level of the center, the level of reproduction also grows. With the growth of the level, the volumes of warehouses, time and quantity of transported funds will also grow, and new buildings will be discussed.
2) Industrial resource . This is the main resource of a strengthening, intended for pumping the base and creating bonuses. Get the industrial resource can be participating in battles.
3) Directions . These are the ways to develop a strengthenon. What direction to choose will solve the clan commander. On the 1st direction it is necessary to at least 20 people, respectively, for large results, more people need in the clan. More destinations serve for hostilities against other clans.
4) Place for building . There is nothing special - this is a free place where you can build buildings. Plus, each selected direction gives 2 free places to build.
5)Buildings . These are buildings that need to be erected at the free place of destinations, to obtain bonuses. The higher the level of the building, the more bonuses you will receive. Increase the level of the building is possible for industrial resources. Also, all buildings have strength and capacity.

The main buildings of Stolongyona

First I want to say how to build these buildings. The player needs to choose a place to build and the type of building. Under all rules, the foundation will appear to which the resource will be received.

The main buildings of the fortification include:

  • Financial part (gives a bonus to silver)
  • Tankodrome (Bonus for experience)
  • Military school (bonus for free experience)
  • Training part (Bonus for the crew)
  • Motor transport (bonuses to the industrial resource received in the seal)
There are also special structures for warrior between clans:
  • Intensductant service (Softens the consequences of looting)
  • Trophy Brigade (increasing the bonus when the progress of enemy reproduction)

Reserve bonuses

Reserve bonuses - These are bonuses produced in buildings that can be removed in the warehouse and activate at the right moment. There are 2 types of reserves: combat (Arbostell) and neboani (Bonus for experience, loans). Also, all reserves have its own level from 1 to 10 the level-defined level.

Battles in Strongs

So, as I said, to create a strengthenon, you must have a minimum of 20 people in the clan. Each player entering the clan is formed in a garrison. One Garrison - It is 20 people. There are 3 types of battles: bale, attack on enemy fortified, defense of his strengthenon. In all these battles, players conquer an industrial resource, which is calculated from the experience gained for the fight. The resource is stored in the building, whose direction it applies. Than better players Fight in fortifications, the faster it develops, and accordingly, and more get bonuses. Separate attention deserves the baggage of the battle 15 to 15 among the randomly selected commands that are recalled. Before you go to the breakdown, you should consider one nuance, you need to choose its type. In total, 3 types are provided: Middle (1-6 level), Championship (1-8 level), Absoluteth (1-10 level). Battles on the seals occur according to the rules of road fighting. As a result of the battle, an industrial resource is calculated, earned by each player.


The developers opened the curtain for clans, perhaps now, and for low-level clans, it will be possible to receive additional bonuses, and try their forces in colleagues.

Information may change periodic !!!

Wargaming presented reproduces - a new mode in World of Tanks

In Future wORLD updates Of Tanks For all clans with a number of 20 players, a new gaming mode will open - reproduction. What represents and what can offer players this mode, consider further.

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What is rejection?

Strongs - a new gaming mode right in the client for clans with a number of 20 players who will not be associated with world war and various campaigns on Global Map. This is a kind of reflection of the ownership of the clan - military base with the central headquarters and surrounding territories, various buildings and other things.

What are the reprimands?

The development of reprimands will provide the opportunity to build buildings on the base, which, in turn, will bring temporary bonuses to players, such as increased yield on equipment or accelerated crew pumping. Bonuses depend on the chosen strategic development plan.

In the future, for clans, at a certain level of development, it will be possible to rob to other people's fortifications and beat the attack on their own. This will help unique opportunities for artillery support, minefields, and many other things.

How to develop a strengthenon?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what a strengthenon consists of, and this is:

  • Command Center - The main building, the level of which determines the level of strengthening as a whole. The level makes it possible to build certain buildings, warehouses and time and quantity of the resource required for the development of the base;
  • Industrial resource - the main resource of the Strongs. It is earned in battles for pumping the base and creating bonuses;
  • Directions - Ways to develop a strengthenon. Determined by the decision of the clan commander based on the calculation 1 direction for 20 clans, That is, if you want to develop several directions, you need to increase the number of clan. Just directions serve for hostilities against other clans;
  • Place for building - Free place where you can build buildings. Each selected direction gives two free places to build;
  • Buildings - The most buildings that need to be erected at the free places of certain directions to acquire relevant bonuses. The size of the bonus will depend on the building level, which increases for resources. Buildings have strength and warehouse for storing resources.

Buildings and their bonuses

Main buildings:

  • Financial part - gives bonuses to silver;
  • Tankodrome - bonuses for experience;
  • Military school - bonuses for free experience;
  • Training part - Bonuses for the crew experience;
  • Motor transport - Bonuses to the industrial resource obtained in the sealing.

Special buildings (for wars between clans):

  • Intensductant service - mitigates the effects of looting;
  • Trophy Brigade - Increase the bonus when defeating the enemy reproduction.

How to build buildings?

The player needs to choose a place to build and the type of the required building. Under all the requirements will appear FoundationTo which the resource will be transported.

What are reserves of bonuses?

These are bonuses produced in buildings that can be postponed to the warehouse and activate at the right moment. The following reserves exist:

  • Combat - art print, aviation, etc.;
  • Neboani - bonuses for experience, loans, etc.

All reserves have their own level from 1 to 10, determined by the level of the building in which it is produced. That is, to increase the level, action and other reserve parameters, you can increase the level of the building.

Battles in Strongs

Each clan player forms a garrison. One garrison \u003d 20 players. The player has the right to change his garrison.

There are 3 types of battles:

  1. Catch;
  2. Attack on enemy reproduction;
  3. Defense of his strengthenon.

In all battles, players conquer an industrial resource, which is calculated from the experience earned for the fight. The resource is stored in the building, to the direction of which it refers.

The better the players fight, the faster there is a strengthening.

Separate attention deserves a baggage - a battle 15 to 15 among randomly selected commands that are recalled for a college. Before you go to the seal, you need to choose its type:

  • Medium (1-6 levels);
  • Champion (1-8 levels);
  • Absolute (1-10 levels).

The battles on the seals occur according to the rules of the Rotch battle, according to the results of which the industrial resource is calculated, earned by each player.

We hope that this text guide opened the veil for you in front of the future regime and got an interest in it.

Strongs are a new gaming mode for clan players. It is available in the client of the game and is in no way connected with world war and campaigns on the global map.

Under fortificon means the property of the clan, which consists of virtual military base, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. You have the opportunity to create your own rejection and develop it in one or several directions.

What is Stronging

Strevilion is a virtual "base" of the clan in the game client. Developing its strengthenon, the clan can build in it in order to gain access to a variety of economic bonuses that can be activated at a certain time. For example, an increase in the yield of equipment in battles or accelerating crew pumping. It all depends on the Strategy of Development Strengurement.

How to create Strejunion

Strevilion can be created by the Clan commander for free, if desired. All the authorities for the management of the Created Stregradon also possesses the deputy commander. Please note: to create its strengthenion, the clan must have at least 20 players.

Any actions with rejection are carried out in the "Strevilion" tab in your hangar.

To start building, open one of the four available directions. All directions are equivalent.

Studyonon consists of a team center and leading directions. In each direction the buildings of your reproduction will be located.

Control direction

Control of strengthening directions is carried out from the command center. As the clan grows, you can open new directions. The opening of additional directions depends on the number of fighters in the clan:

  • First direction: without restrictions by the number of players
  • Second Direction: 30 players
  • Third Direction: 45 players
  • Fourth direction: 60 players

To open a new direction:

  1. Click on the command center.
  2. Click a new direction.
  3. Select on the map the direction you want to open.

In subsequent updates of the game, other clans will be able to attack your strengthenon in the open areas that you have to defend.

In the event of a decrease in the number of clan and the inability to protect all available buildings, you can close one or more directions.

Before close the direction, you will have to pre-carry all the buildings in this direction. See demolition of buildings.

To close the direction:

  1. Click on the command center.
  2. In the window that appears, select Control Directions.
  3. Click Close.

If necessary, closed directions can be re-opened.

Structure Strongs

Stregradon consists of several main parts:

Command Center - The main building of your strengthenon. The level of the command center determines the level of all reproduction available maximum level Buildings, warehouse volume, quantity and time of transportation of industrial resources. In the current version, the level of the command center is limited to the fourth.

Industrial resource - This is the main resource of the strengthening mode. It is earfed in battles and is consumed to build and improve buildings, as well as the creation of combat and non-eared reserves (bonuses).

Directions Can be opened by the Clan commander as desired one direction for 20 people. Each direction gives two places for building buildings. In the future, directions will also be involved for hostilities against other clans.

Places for construction - Free areas where buildings can be erected. Each open direction gives two places for construction.

Buildings - These are objects that can be erected at one of the directions for the production of a bonus. The size of the bonus depends on the level of the building, which can be enhanced by the industrial resource. Each building has a margin of safety and warehouse, expressed in a certain amount of industrial resource. If necessary, the construction can be demolished.


When opening the direction you are provided with two construction sites for future buildings.

The command center immediately appears when creating a strengthenon, does not require construction and cannot be demolished.

On the this moment The Strongs are available seven types of buildings. You can take only one structure of each type. Buildings give the clan certain bonuses (reserves). Cm. . Rate all possible benefits of each type of build before making your choice.

Types of buildings and bonuses

Structure Description
Financial part (bonus for loans) An increase in the number of loans received by the members of the clan on the basis of any fight.
Military school (bonus for free experience) Increasing the free experience gained by Clan members on the basis of any fight.
Tankodrome (Bonus for experience) Increasing the combat experience gained by members of the clan on the basis of any fight.
Training part (Bonus for the crew) The increase in the experience of the crew received by the clan members on the basis of any fight.
Motor transport (bonus to receive industrial resource in collections) An increase in the size of the extraction captured in the seals.
Trophy Brigade (Bonus increase when plundering) An increase in the size of production captured during the successful attack of the strengthening of another clan.
Intensductant service (Mitigating the effects of looting) Increasing the number of Promressures saved with the unsuccessful defense of its strengthenon.

In subsequent updates, new types of buildings will appear, and therefore new bonuses for your clan.

How to build a building

The construction of buildings begins with the foundation.

To lay the foundation:

  1. Click on the construction site.
  2. From the list that appears, select the type of structure.
    On the right side of the list given short description Your chosen structure and the reserve you can prepare in it.
  3. Click Start Construction.

At the site of the construction site will appear the foundation of the structure of your chosen. At this stage, the structure does not function yet.

To complete the construction of the structure, fill in the durability scale by Promressurst. See Promresurs. When the structure of the strength of the structure is filled, the construction will end.

That's all - the building is ready!

Each building has two main characteristics:

Strength An indicator of completion of construction, expressed in Promressure. Increases in the modernization of the structure. The structure functions only if the strength scale is filled
Warehouse Promressure reserves repository. Increases in the modernization of the structure. Warehouse capacity is limited. If the warehouse of the structure is filled, surplus the promressure disappear


The player chooses a place for construction and type of building that wants to build. If all the requirements for the construction are observed, the "foundation" of the new building appears on the site. After that, it is necessary to transport an industrial resource to the construction site from the place where it is stored or earn a resource in battles.


The construction is completed, but the development of the fortification does not end. Upon completion of construction, each structure has an I level. To raise the level, upgrade the buildings.

What gives modernization:

  • Increase the size of the bonus from the use of the reserve.
  • Improving the strength of the structure.
  • Increase the capacity of the warehouse.
  • An increase in transportation of transport during the transportation of Promressurs.

To upgrade, select the desired structure and click

The level of the structure can not be higher than the level of the command center. Before you start upgrading buildings, upgrade the command center

To upgrade the structure, you need a certain number of promressure. The cost of modernization increases with an increase in the structure of the structure.

The required Promressure must be in the warehouse of the structure you want to upgrade. Learn more about how to fill the warehouse promresurs, see Promresurs.

After the modernization, the level of reserves already prepared in the structure increases, but their number decreases; See the level of reserves.


No military base do without garrison. The garrison of each structure of the reprimion is the clan fighters.

When creating a strengthenion, the clan members are fixed behind the command center. New default players adopted in the clan are also assigned to the command center.

The number of fighters in the garrison of each structure cannot exceed 20 people. The size of the command center garrison is not limited.

To view the number of fighters in the garrison of a particular structure, click on the structure of the left mouse button.

Promriesurs mined in battle enters the warehouse of the structure, followed by a fighter.

Clana members independently choose the structure for which they wish to gain. The choice may be due to the need to replenish the stock of Promresurs in the warehouse of a particular structure or personal preferences of players.

To enter the garrison:

  1. Right-click on the appropriate structure.
  2. Select from the "Fixed Players" list.
  3. In the window that opens, click Secure Behind the Building.

When fixing after another structure, the player automatically leaves the composition of the garrison of the current structure.

Demolition of buildings

You can carry any structure in the rejection, except for the command center.

To demolish the selected structure, click

When demolishing the structure, you will permanently lose:

  • All accumulated on warehouse Programurs. Organize transportation to free warehouses in advance.
  • All prepared reserves that have not been used. Reserves cannot be transferred to another building.

With the demolition of the structure, the garrison in full force automatically goes to the headband. Players can reinstate themselves after another building.


Promresurs () is a special game currency for the "Strevironment" regime, earned in battles with other clans.

Promressurs can be mined only in stripping and battles for reinforcement.

To replenish the stock of Promressurs, you can not use another gaming currency (Gold, loans).

For which Promressureurs is used:

  • Erectration of buildings. Cm. Building.
  • Improving the level of buildings. Cm. Modernization of buildings.
  • Preparation of reserves. Cm. Reserves.

Stocks of Promresurs

Promresurs is kept in warehouses of buildings. In the upper right corner of the screen, the total number of prosecursors of reproduction is displayed.

In which cases is lost Promressure:

  • Warehouse overflow. The capacity of the warehouse of each structure is limited. If the warehouse of the structure is already filled, there is no longer added promise, so it disappears.
  • Demolition of the structure. With the demolition of the structure, the entire Promresurs in the warehouse is lost.

Follow the warehouse filling and use Promressures in a timely manner or transport it to the warehouse of another building. Try to save Promresurs who your clan with such work earned in battles!

Transportation of industrial resource

Industrial resource can be transported between warehouses of buildings. This is necessary to create buildings, enhance them, as well as the production of reserves (bonuses).

The number of promressure, which is allowed to transport for one time limited. The higher the level of the command center, the more Programurs can be moved.

Transported Promressure immediately enters the building warehouse.

It is impossible to transport more Promresurs than the building warehouse accommodates.

To transport Promressure:

To move a large number of Promresurs, make transportation several times. Remember that before the start of the next transportation it is necessary to wait a certain time (transport unloading). Unloading time is indicated before the start of transportation.


The development of reproduction depends on the number of promressure on its warehouses. The only way Promressurst production - battles with other clans. Currently, players can only participate in colleagues. More crazy - more Prizresurs!

The catch is the fight of the fighters of your clan with enemy squads at neutral territory. The enemy is selected randomly. Shards pass on ordinary maps World. Of Tanks.

According to the results of the battle, each participant of the seal receives a certain amount of Promressure. At the same time, the winner gets more of its quantity. The earned Promresurs enters the warehouse of the building, followed by the player.

Going to the collapse, you should not fear for your rejection. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the buildings of your fortifications are not threatened.

To go to the collapse, in the upper left corner of the screen, press Slarers.

To participate in the babble, you need a squad. Create your own detachment or join the already existing one.

Creating a detachment

The detachment consists only of clan fighters. The detachments of one clan cannot face each other in the college.

Create a detachment can any member of the clan.

To create a detachment:

  1. Click Slarers\u003e Create a detachment.
  2. In the window that opens, select the type of division. See divisions.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Select the technique on which you are going to go to battle.
  5. Wait for the entry into the staff of other players.
  6. Click on the battle!

Quickly gather a detachment will help you invitations and a list of volunteers.

To enable volunteer to the state of the detachment, in the detachment formation window, select from the queue of the player who recorded into volunteers.

To send an invitation:

  1. In the detachment formation window, click invite Sallanov.
  2. In the "Invite to Formation" window, select Players online.
  3. Enter invitation text.
  4. Click invite.

Fighters of the squad can communicate in a special chat.


In the "Strongs" mode, detachments are divided into three divisions.

Division determines the level affordable machinery and the number of fighters involved in the college. The higher the division, the more Promresurs receive a detachment at the end of the battle.
Divisions of detachments:

  • Middle. I-VI The level of technology, battles 7x7, minimum 6 players in the detachment.
  • Championship. I-VIII BACKGROUND, FIGHTS 10х10, at least 8 players in the detachment.
  • Absolute. I-x level of technology, battles 15x15, at least 12 players in the detachment.

The battle passes according to the standard rules of the Rott mode. According to the results of the battle, the amount of industrial resource earned by each player and the team as a whole is calculated.

Clan statistics

As a real commander, you can always follow the success of your fighters.

In the upper left corner of the screen are the buttons:

Clana statistics - reflects information in terms of the number of clashed calls and the number of produced Promresurs since the existence of reproduction.
The composition of the clan - shows the total number of fighters in the rejection and the number of producers mined by each prominent player for the week and for the existence of the existence of reproduction.


Are you still wondering why your clan needs its own rejection? The main reason is substantial bonuses that can be obtained by clan players when using reserves. Reserves applies to all types of battle.

At the bottom of the screen is the reserve panel:

Types of reserves

At the moment, the following types of reserves are available in Strejørone mode:

Icon Reserve Bonus Place of preparation
Long-term reserves
Combat payments Increased the number of loans received by members of the clan on the basis of any fight Financial part
Military training Increasing the free experience gained by members of the clan on the basis of any fight Military school
Tactical training Increasing the combat experience received by members of the clan on the basis of any fight Tankodrome
Additional instructions An increase in the experience of the crew received by the members of the clan on the basis of any fight Training part
Truck transport Increase the size of the production captured in the seals Motor transport
Reserves of one-time action
(not used in the current version of the game)
Requisition Increase the size of production captured during the successful attack of the rejection of another clan Trophy Brigade
Evacuation Increasing the number of Promressure, preserved with the unsuccessful defense of its rejection Intensductant service

Reserves level

The level of the reserve is determined by the level of the structure in which the reserve is prepared. With an increase in the level of reserve increases positive effect, the time of action and the cost of preparation.

If during the modernization in the structure there were prepared reserves, their level also increases. However, the number of such reserves decreases proportionally changed value according to the following formula:

(Former cost) / (new cost) * (number of reserves)

The residue of Promressureurs after division is credited to the building warehouse, which was upgraded.

Preparation of reserves

Before using a reserve bonus for your fighters, the reserve should be prepared.

Reserves are prepared in buildings. Each type of reserve has its preparation cost, which is expressed in Promressure.

To prepare a reserve in the warehouse of the structure there must be the required number of Promressure. Read more about filling the warehouse of the structure, see Promresurs.

To prepare a reserve:

  1. Click on the structure of the desired type.
  2. In the window that appears, click Preparing Reserve.
  3. In the window that appears, install the required number of reserves.
  4. Click confirm.

The preparation time depends on the number of reserves of the selected type. If the structure comes the preparation of the reserve, it is indicated by the corresponding icon.

To find out how much time it remains until the end of the preparation, click on the structure in which the reserve preparation comes.

Using reserves

To activate any reserve, it must be used. Only the clan commander and deputy commander can use reserves.

To use the prepared reserve:

  1. Select the desired reserve on the reserves panel.
  2. In the window that appears, click Use Reserve.

Each reserve has a definite time. To find out how much time it remains until the end of the reserve, select it on the reserves panel.

After activating the reserve, its action cannot be interrupted or canceled.

At the same time, it is impossible to use several reserves. Wait for the end of the reserve already used.

Please note that in each structure you can prepare no more than 10 reserves. Do not seek to accumulate reserves, but use them for the benefit of your clan!

The role of clan players in strengthening mode

Each clan player is assigned to one of the buildings and is the so-called garrison. When creating a strengthenon, all the default players are attributed to the command center. However, each player has the right to choose any other fortification building and attributed to it. It is important to remember that the garrison of any building is limited to 20 players, while the garrison of the military base is not limited.

Strong battles

Players fight in three types of battle:

  • Forests
  • Attack on enemy fortified
  • Protection of its strengthenon

In all three types of battles, players are rewarded with a certain amount of industrial resource. This amount directly depends on clean experience, earned by the participant for the fight. The conquered industrial resource is stored in the construction, to which the player is assigned. Thus, the better the fighters of the clan in offensive and defensive battles show themselves, the faster the reprimand develops.


What is rejection?>
Strongs - a new gaming mode for clan players. It is available in the client of the game and is in no way connected with world war and campaigns on the global map. Under the fortificant is the property of the clan, which consists of a virtual military base, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. Strevilion can be created by the Clan commander for free, if desired.

Please note: to create its strengthenion, the clan must have at least 20 players.
What are strengthening in the game?

Strongs are a virtual "base" of the clan in the game client. Developing its strengthenon, the clan can build in it in order to gain access to a variety of economic bonuses that can be activated at a certain time. For example, an increase in the yield of equipment in battles or accelerating crew pumping. It all depends on the Strategy of Development Strengurement.

The current version of the regime is only the beginning of work. In the near future it is planned to add many possibilities. For example, with the achievement of a certain level, players will be able to rob enemy reproductions and protect their own. At the same time, unique opportunities will appear in the battles, such as air exploration, art printing, creation of minefields and much more.

Structure of Studyonon and its development

What is the rejection? Stregradon consists of several main parts:
The command center is the main building of your strengthenon. The level of the command center determines the level of all reproduction, the available maximum level of buildings, the volume of the warehouse, the number and time of transportation of the industrial resource. In the current version, the level of the command center is limited to the fourth.
Industrial resource is the main resource of the strengthening mode. It is earfed in battles and is consumed to build and improve buildings, as well as the creation of combat and non-eared reserves (bonuses).
Directions can be opened by the Clan commander at the request of the calculation of one direction for 20 people. Each direction gives two places for building buildings. In the future, directions will also be involved for hostilities against other clans.

Construction places - free areas where buildings can be erected. Each open direction gives two places for construction.
Buildings are objects that can be erected at one of the directions for the production of a bonus. The size of the bonus depends on the level of the building, which can be enhanced by the industrial resource. Each building has a margin of safety and warehouse, expressed in a certain amount of industrial resource. If necessary, the construction can be demolished.

What types of buildings are presented in mode? What bonuses do they give?

Financial part - "Combat payments" (bonus for loans)
Tancodrome - "Tactical Preparation" (Bonus for Experience)
Military School - "Military Teachings" (bonus for free experience)
Training Part - "Additional Instructions" (Bonus for Crew Experience)
Motor transport part - "True transport" (bonus for obtaining industrial resource in collections)
The game also contains two special buildings that produce reserves associated with the wars scheduled for the near future:
Intensdunt service - "Evacuation" (mitigation of negative consequences of looting)
Trophy Brigade - "Requision" (increasing bonus when defeating enemy reproduction)

How is building buildings?

The player chooses a place for construction and type of building that wants to build. If all the requirements for the construction are observed, the "foundation" of the new building appears on the site. After that, it is necessary to transport an industrial resource to the construction site from the place where it is stored or earn a resource in battles (see the college [link]).

What is the transportation of an industrial resource?

The industrial resource can be transported from one building, including the command center, any other within your strengthening. This is necessary to create buildings, enhance them, as well as the production of reserves (bonuses).
Transportation is a long process that is implemented in stages, that is, the resource is transported by portions. The size of one portion depends on the level of the military base.

What is understood by reserves? How do they work?

Under reserves are the bonuses produced by buildings, and the current time after activation. Reserves are two species:
Combat reserves, such as art print, airflow, etc. will be added in future updates.
Sepage reserves, such as bonuses for experience, loans, etc. available in the current version of the mode.
At the same time, you can use only one reserve, the remaining reserves are placed in stock.

Types of units:

"Combat payments" - a bonus for loans earned in all types of battle. Produced in the structure of the financial part.
"Tactical preparation" - a bonus for the experience earned in all types of battle. It is produced in the structure of the tankodrome.
"Military exercises" - a bonus for the free experience earned in all types of battle. Military school is produced.
"Additional instruction" - a bonus for the crew experience earned in all types of battle. The study part is made in the structure.
"True transport" - a bonus for the receipt of an industrial resource in collections. Motor transport part is performed.
Each reserve has a level from 1 to 10, which is determined by the level of the structure in which it is produced. Thus, to increase the level of the reserve can be improved by the corresponding building. At the same time, the reserve parameters are changed, such as the time of action, the size of the bonus, the term and the price of production.
Strong battles:
How is an industrial resource mining? What is the role of ordinary clan players in strengthening mode?
Each clan player is assigned to one of the buildings and is the so-called garrison. When creating a strengthenon, all the default players are attributed to the command center. However, each player has the right to choose any other fortification building and attributed to it. It is important to remember that the garrison of any building is limited to 20 players, while the garrison of the military base is not limited.

Players fight in three types of battle:
Attack on enemy reproduction (will be available in one of the nearest updates)
Protection of its strengthenon (will be available in one of the nearest updates)
In all three types of battles, players are rewarded with a certain amount of industrial resource. This number directly depends on the net experience earned by the participant for the fight. The conquered industrial resource is stored in the construction, to which the player is assigned. Thus, the better the fighters of the clan in offensive and defensive battles show themselves, the faster the reprimand develops.
What is bars and how do they occur?
The causing is a battle of 15 for 15 players, while the teams are selected randomly from among those who at the moment went to the collapse. Create a company to participate in the college can any player, but before going to battle, you need to decide on the type of pickup. The maximum level of available techniques depends on this. The game presents three types of collections:
Average (1-6 level)
Championship (1-8 level)
Absolute (1-10 level)
The battle passes according to the standard rules of the Rott mode. According to the results of the battle, the amount of industrial resource earned by each player and the team as a whole is calculated.
What are the nearest plans to improve and refine a strengthening regime?
In the near future, it is planned to realize battles between reprimandions, that is, attacks of foreign fortifications and their protection. It is also planned to raise the maximum strip level of reproduction to 10.