World of Warcraft SteelSeries game set: gaming mouse, keyboard, gamer pad. Perfect Gaming Keyboard for WoW(World of Warcraft) WoW Gladiator Mechanical Keyboard

We chose, the turn came and the holy of holies - controllers. Let's talk about the keyboard today.

Are you still sure that the peripherals do not affect your skill in playing World of Warcraft? Then read on and you will realize that you are wrong.

Unlike previous reviews, I will not give specific keyboards, but after reading the review, you will understand what you need. And you can even justify your purchase, why exactly what you chose and not what the “authorities” advise.

Additional keys are not for everyone

Here's my Logitech G15, it's old and dusty (it looks cooler in the first picture, doesn't it?). My hand is also mine.

Standard "grip" ASDW. It is convenient to get keys 1-4 and surrounding buttons from it. Is it convenient for me to press G1? No, I can press G5 and G6 with my little finger, which is a weak finger.

I lead to the fact that it is not convenient to use additional buttons as hot keys in battle, it is not at all convenient, they are for fancy macros that are rarely pressed.

It's easier for me to remap macros to surrounding buttons or, like many pros, to unlearn ASDW and move the "grip" closer to the center of the keyboard. The second option is very professional, but it is used by one and a half players in the world.

Keyboard screen


Although no, I lied to you. It is needed in games in which there is no clock on the main screen, just so as not to get lost in time. It is needed if you use the keyboard to automate the grind (shows which macro is being executed). And so it's not so much.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. In the broom and teamspeak (third) it shows who is in the chat and who is talking now. It's really convenient.

And so more show-off.

The same Logitech G15 does not support grooves, standard HP bars, mana and other information are not displayed. Logitech support mows down on Blizzard, Blizzard is silent.

Mechanical keyboard or not?

Now for health, stop being sad. I just could not resist describing the extra chips. Here we delve into the theory, but it is important. In general, for the general development. It's almost impossible to find a mechanical keyboard these days.

Initially, all keyboards were mechanical, and therefore expensive.

Now almost all keyboards (expensive too) are of the membrane type. Their essence is this.

There are two layers of film with contacts, between them there is a film with holes at the place of contacts. The buttons are spring-loaded with rubber buttocks that press the film to connect the contacts. Those. There is a button move, but the action occurs when the button is pressed "all the way". Here is a modern keyboard disassembled (sorry for the quality of the photo, I took it at work with my phone):

Part of the rubber pimps immediately scattered around, it is problematic to put it back together.

In this situation, a couple of misses are enough to start fucking hammering on the buttons. This happens reflexively and tires the fingers.

V mechanical keyboard, there are many varieties of the mechanism, the action occurs with partial pressure. It is not necessary to hammer all the way, it tires the fingers less, but it is very expensive. There are not rubber pumps, but a spring mechanism, not membranes, but a contact system (based on reed switches or another type). Of the shortcomings of the mechanics - they are noisy.

There are pseudo-mechanical keyboards. There are the same membranes, but keys with a spring mechanism. Feelings "like in a mechanical" but it is necessary to press the buttons all the way.

But let's go down to earth.

Pressing the buttons should be sensitive. You should feel like you pressed the button and you should be sure that there will be an action. This is at the level of sensations, it cannot be expressed in words and cannot be described by a wall of text.

Headset cable organization thanks to the keyboard

It's a mystery to me why all keyboard manufacturers don't do this! There is a great option to remove the cable, just a niche in the stand. Here is an example of the Logitech G15 keyboard.

Yes, the usual palm rest, but it has a niche for entry and exit cords:

Attachable palm rests have been around for a long time, but only a few manufacturers have thought of gamers. We thought about the fact that the palm rest is more convenient than holding your hand on weight. We thought about the fact that under this stand it is convenient to fix the headset cable and it will not hang out, will not fall under the arm.

From experience. Not all coasters are equally useful. Logitech G15 itself is quite heavy. The stand is fixed very firmly, it does not fall off and does not dangle even if you nervously kick the keyboard, it does not emit an unpleasant creak when you stick the keyboard on the table (the plastic is thick and of high quality). Thanks to this, once fixing the cord there at the desired length, it will hold on all evening.

I am sure that there are a lot of inexpensive keyboards in which this moment is also thought out. I know for sure that there are very expensive keyboards in which this trifle is not thought out.

I was hinted here that there are keyboards with headphone and microphone jacks. This is better than just a dangling cable, but worse than a cable fixed in a stand. The connector on the keyboard exactly solves the problem of short headphone and headset cords.

Wireless keyboard

There's also a wireless headset. The problems are the same, only plus a barely perceptible signal delay. How many models, expensive and cheap, I have not tried, everything is not right.

Special keyboards

Those who use it say that it is unrealistically convenient, you just need to get used to it. The meaning is something like this, all the keys are near the main grip. The key is enough for basic binds. The screen is not needed there, but you need to justify the price of $ 80. If someone knows analogues but at a more reasonable price - write in the comments.

I consider such garbage to be ridiculous and not convenient, just an opportunity to knock down more money from the players:

Even at first glance, the additional key block cannot be used normally. Why are the keys so rarely scattered across the secondary keyboard? How to find them by touch? IMHO this is a mockery of the players.

Little things in choosing a keyboard for World of Warcraft

The backlit keyboard is good even if you don't play in the dark. Another small bonus is that the keys are not erasable. The main thing is that the backlight does not irritate in the dark. Avoid blue backlighting, it eats away at the eyes. It's good if the backlight can be turned off.

The button for blocking hardware buttons will come in handy. I mean the WIN button, which is to blame for a number of wipes (not just WoW).

If under the row Del, End, Page Dn there are immediately sleep buttons or some other ones, do not even look in the direction of this keyboard. I wasn’t joking, there are such keyboards and they are even bought ...

Remember that relearning a new keyboard is not so fast. This will easily make you make mistakes by overshooting the keys. Be careful.

In any case, I do not advise you to change the keyboard during the development of new content. There is a slack time between patches, that's when it's just right.

It takes at least 1-3 days to partially master a new keyboard. The slightest discrepancy in the size or location of the buttons will cause discomfort. Even too soft / hard buttons will cause trouble. Many moments are learned at the level of reflexes and habits, they are difficult to break. At first, there will be discomfort, a desire to throw out the new device and get the old one out of the closet. It needs to be experienced.

Additional buttons to control the player are still useful)

Everything, without specific models. Everyone has their own model, everyone has their own preferences.

So what do you use? What keyboard do you have? What "grip"? ASDW, arrows, non-standard something, non-standard keyboard? Why did you buy this keyboard model? How long did it take to get used to?

We share experience, flood, holivar!

This guide is copyright, it was written by a robber from the guild method . What you will see below is a translation of this very guide.

"Your binds are no good, but I fixed everything."

It seems to me that there are 10 million houses and apartments in the world where they play WoW, and in each of them for the phrase above I could be killed. Every player I've spoken to has defended their key assignments to the last, to the point of insults and aggression on many occasions. It means that these players sat over their keyboard for a very long time and thought about what and what to assign, otherwise why such pride in binds?

The bottom line is that they didn’t sit anywhere. Many of them bound their abilities 6-7 years ago, when they were just making a character, adding all the new spells to the panel in the order they were received. Somewhere around this time, they chose a different class for themselves, made new binds, and left abilities similar to those of the old class in the same places. That is, those binds that they have were not the result of much thought, trial and error. These are not even binds, but a temporary arrangement of buttons on the panel, and this “temporality” stretched out for 6-7 years. But we are not like that, right?

If the answer to the question above was “yes, really”, then there is something for you to read, because if you have spent a lot of time on your binds, then you are probably open to other useful ideas. If you are one of those who click on abilities, then get out of my guide, my eyes would not see you, have fun in your LFR.

Who are you to tell me what to do?

I am Tumblebeer, a rogue from the Method guild. This means that my binds are designed more for melee players. I also studied at the medical university, especially passionate about anatomy and ergonomics. Many of my ideas are based on a simple common sense, and some involve those sciences that I was fond of.


I understand that playing is just a hobby for you. You don't really want to spend a lot of money on a good keyboard and mouse. I mean, well, you don’t hold them in your hands for 4-5 hours a day? Or ... If you still decide to buy good accessories for your computer, then consider the following things:

Keyboards- They come in different shapes and colors, just like people. Take a small keyboard for small hands and, accordingly, take a large one if you have sausage fingers. As for the buttons, they should be pressed quite lightly, otherwise you risk overstressing the extensor muscles, and this will end in pain in the wrist and fingers. This will be especially felt at the time of printing large and long texts. I also love the various toggles and macro buttons. At your choice.

Mice- just take a comfortable mouse to start. This is the most important part. Someone prefers to hold the mouse with the palm of their hand, someone only with their fingertips. These techniques are well said in the Razers. Read at your leisure. DPI and things like that mean nothing in MMOs, so don't even consider these mouse characteristics. As for the side buttons, you need them. If you don't have them, then buy yourself a new mouse as soon as possible. The side buttons should be pressed very easily, this is important. If you follow my guide, you will use these buttons a lot. Also, if the buttons on the mouse are pressed silently, then this is even better. Night gatherings will not bring much noise. The same goes for keyboards.

Movement or why we do it

As I said before, this guide is written more for melee players. This means that you will have to constantly move, and all your abilities are used in movement. That is, you need to have the entire arsenal of abilities at hand even when you are moving, without depriving yourself of maneuverability.

I often see fellow raiders in my guild stop to cast something, or move very strangely and even a bit idiotically due to the fact that their binds prevent them from running normally. I'm willing to bet money on them not even noticing. Muscle memory does all the work, and thoughts do not even get involved in this business. In general, this is still not good, it should not be so. At the same time, all binds should be on hand, especially for abilities that are outside of the GCD. We'll look at the "best", "good", "not bad" and "sucks but do" binds later.

But first, let's think about navigation buttons. I'm sure many of you use WASD. I want you to switch to ESDF, with S and F for strafes, not turns. After switching to ESDF, you will feel discomfort. Moreover, you will hate this bind. It took me six months to get used to it. This arrangement of buttons has two inconvenient moments. First of all, this is the angle between the palm and the elbow, but this is solved by moving the keyboard a little to the left. And it also moves your fingers away from the modifier buttons a bit, but this is also solved, I will talk about it a little later. But the benefits of such a transition are simply enormous. You get a lot more available buttons, which brings us to the next part of the guide.

Maximizing binds

If you are still reading, then you have probably decided that you will switch to ESDF. This allows you to bind A , W and Z . It is perfectly. We'll go further. Next, you will need to rename some buttons. I will advise you the necessary programs - this is sharpkeys or Keytweak. I need you to remap CapsLock to ScrollLock (do you even know why you need it?), and accordingly Scroll Lock to CapsLock in case you need it. You can also remap a namlock to a Windows button and vice versa. So we get two new buttons for binds, hooray.

You must understand that you do not need to change the position of your hand even a little to press the bind. This condition is not always achievable, but should definitely be met for your rotation abilities and saves. The problem with ESDF is that you are now far away from modifiers. And this is where the magic begins (although this is just for me, I still think that magnets are magical too). You now have a mouse with additional buttons, right? You definitely have two additional buttons. Choose one of those that is the hardest to get (but still relatively easy) and remap it to Alt using your mechanical rodent software. In one simple move, you've just doubled the number of "good" and "not bad" binds (Don't be in a hurry! I'll talk about that later.). Speaking of coordination... Yes, it's possible that at first it will be a little difficult to synchronize the movements of both hands to press one ability, but you will get used to it, I assure you.

The binds themselves

In general, the time has come for those categories that I spoke about. When I created them, I calculated the quality of the bind in terms of speed, accuracy, the ability to use the movement buttons and the need to change the position of the hand.

"Best"- this category contains few buttons, which is not surprising. In general, these are additional buttons on your mouse. These buttons are used with complete and absolute control over the movement and the entire situation. The thumb can perfectly press on anything, but we do not use it. It's a shame.

These buttons are best assigned to the modifier and rotation abilities that are used most often (for the melee) and the ability to use on the run (for the caster). I have Alt , Sinister Strike, Trample and “Combat Button” assigned to my mouse buttons (I’ll explain what this means in a bit). As you can see, I have 4 of them. Another one a good thing is that my mouse software allows me to spam Sinister Strike and Trample when I hold down those buttons on the mouse. Blizzard allows this feature if there are no delays in the macro. This allows me to counter lag in combat and switch to while my mouse builds combo points for the next finisher (every good raider has a second window for that).

"Good" - what is in here depends on your hands. In general, those buttons that you can reach with three fingers on the ESDF will go here. For me, this is A .<, Caps Lock , Space (может делать что-то большее, чем прыжок, его можно сделать модификатором), кнопка Windows , Z , Колесо мыши (вверх, вниз, влево, вправо, нажать, т.е. все, что позволяет мышь). До некоторых из этих кнопок будет гораздо легче достать, чем до других, потому сделайте выбор "лучших из "хороших”” биндов. На такие кнопки лучше всего назначать сейвы (Плащ Теней, Ваниш, ХС и подобные) и элементы ротации, которые не попали в "Лучшие” бинды.

"Nice" binds are pressed pretty quickly, but make you take your hands off ESDF . Mine is W , R , T , G , V . assign abilities that need to be pressed very quickly and their use can be planned in advance, for example, casting knocks, finishers and AoE.

"Sucks, but they'll do"- these binds will still not require you to take your hands off the ESDF, but to press them you will need to slightly change the position of the hand or reach with your finger. Buttons like 3, 4, 5, q , Tab and all the binds that require the modifier to be held down fall into this category. Such buttons bind abilities that are used outside of the rotation and that can be planned long before direct use.

When you use an ability with a modifier assigned to the mouse, the category of the bind DOES NOT change, and if the modifier is on the keyboard, the bind automatically falls into the "Sucks, but they'll do" categories.

A very quick comparison of the number of keys in the "Best" and "Good" categories (multiplied by the number of modifiers on your mouse) between the old WASD system with a mouse without side buttons and the ESDF system with mouse side buttons as modifiers shows a ratio of about 2-3 three binds to the abyss of binds. In short, my way is better, yes.

General knowledge about keybinding

In this section, I will cover a couple of little things that you might well take note of. Nothing major, but useful enough to read.

So what do I need to bind?

My answer is simple: Everything. There is no reason not to bind any ability, be it a buff or even a damn well of rocks. If you need to use something, then you can bind it faster than clicking with the mouse. If you follow my example, then you will have enough binds.

Even if you think it's okay to click on something, don't do it. It makes you look like a brake, seriously.

Because you have plenty of binds, it makes no sense to use castsequence macros. You have enough buttons to press everything in turn.

In a recent patch, Blizzard introduced a function to activate the ability when you press the button, and not when you release it. I used to use the Snowfall Key Press addon for this. If you have not yet enabled this feature, then there is no reason for you NOT to do so.

If you stick to the standard set of keys, then after remapping the keys, you will lose many functions, such as nameplates, reply to the last person who wrote to the PM, etc. It is advisable to move these buttons somewhere far away so that you can use them when you need it, outside of combat. Let's say I bound the answer to the PM to the backspace, closer to the enter, so that I could answer even in battle. Just go to WoW's keybinds and see what can be remapped to what. You'll find a bunch of useful stuff like interacting with a mouseover target, etc.

While you're still there, unbind the shift and ESDF because you'll still need them. You will use these buttons quite often, and you hardly want old binds to make themselves felt in the middle of a battle simply because you forgot to unbind a button.

Once you've assigned new buttons, memorize them as quickly as possible. Once you figure out that you don't get confused and don't forget where to press, hide the ability bars (I assume you are using a spell bar addon like Bartender's). You know your binds, you don't need visualization. You need a place on the screen to see fire that you can't stand in.

Oh yes, before I forget. Do you remember what I said about the “Combat button”? In general, it happens that during the battle you will need to do something specific. The most striking example is the button on Ultraxion. a bind for such cases is just wonderful.This bind helps you adapt to changing tactics.You will be loved for this.

Well this is the end

Almost. As I said before, re-learning your binds is very difficult, and many people are very proud of their old binds, no matter how bad they are. You may not do it now, but before the next expansion, let's say you have every reason to shovel your keyboard and completely redo your binds. This will be the time.

In any case, if you liked what you read, or didn't understand anything, or just want to make a very appropriate joke in the comments, I think you've stumbled upon something useful. And I shift the responsibility for applying knowledge in practice to you, dear readers.

Thanks for reading.

Fans of the famous World of Warcraft trilogy received a new game set from SteelSeries, consisting of a keyboard (SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive), a mouse (SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse) and a mouse pad (SteelSeries QcK Frost Wyrm Exclusive). This article is an overview of this set.

If desired, you can separately purchase any product from the set. To become the owner of these gadgets, fans of the game will have to shell out a lot of money. The average cost of the SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse in the electronic markets of our country is 100 USD. The keyboard will cost $115 and the gaming pad will cost $20. It is easy to calculate that the total cost of the set is about 235 USD. This article will describe all the components of the World of Warcraft set, so that each user can choose for themselves the most necessary device or the entire set (if finances allow).

Warcraft strategy has been around for almost 17 years (the first part came out way back in 1994) and has consistently been one of Blizzard's most successful products. In those distant times, very few residents of our country were happy owners of a PC, so most domestic gamers began their acquaintance with the strategy from the second version. Warcraft 2 was an order of magnitude larger than its predecessor and was distributed on 12 floppy disks (there was no CD drive).

In the fall of 2004, an online version of Warcraft was released. At first, it was available only to American users, and only 4 years later (in 2008) domestic gamers got the opportunity to fight each other. Now the Warcraft strategy is one of the most popular in the world and has more than 15 million players, which means that the World of Warcraft game set from SteelSeries is simply doomed to success.
Let's start our review with the most expensive part of the set - a gaming keyboard with the long name SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive.

Unfortunately, she didn't make us happy. Perhaps the whole point is that we were not able to fully explore the capabilities of the keyboard, since it turned out to be not very comfortable to play and work on it. The packaging, of course, impresses with the huge size of the box and the bright image of one of the heroes of the game. The manufacturer already on the packaging (on the back of the box) focuses on the fact that this product is made with the blessing of Blizzard. In addition, numerous advantages of the keyboard are listed. Moreover, which is nice, all the comments on the box are translated into "the language of native aspens." The keyboard comes with instructions, drivers and an additional panel.

At first glance at the SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive, disappointment sets in - it is no different from the usual "China". The same standard layout, ordinary keys with a fairly long travel and a standard distance between them. Everything is very usual, and therefore let's turn our attention to the game panel, specially sharpened for Warcraft. The digital block on it was replaced with a set of keys designed to call about 30 game commands. And again, we note that the inscriptions on the keyboard are translated into Russian, which cannot but rejoice (the same applies to the main part of the keyboard). The game panel is decorated with an image of one of the Warcraft heroes. I liked that the panel has a separate set of keys responsible for the facial expressions and emotions of the character.

Many faced the problem of a limited number of USB ports on a laptop. The creators of the keyboard took this moment into account and provided it with a hub for 2 USB ports. It is possible to write your own macros, both for the keys of the main part of the keyboard, and for the additional game panel. To do this, use the software that comes with the kit. The programming process is very simple: "double click" or pressing a key, and then just read the prompts. The profile changes depending on the layout automatically (there is a special driver for this).

Most of all, perhaps, I liked the SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse. The design of the box is very solid: it is large and opens like a box. The inscriptions on the box eloquently indicate that the device is intended for fans of the Warcraft game. The Blizzard and SteelSeries logos indicate that this gaming mouse is the fruit of a collaboration between the two companies. Opening the box, we did not find a disk with drivers, but they can be freely downloaded from the official website of the company. Instructions in multiple languages ​​available.

You are not buying a "pig in a poke" or, more accurately, a "pig in a box". The packaging of the mouse is designed in such a way that the product is completely open to the eye due to the round window and the transparent plastic cover. The main advantages of the mouse are indicated directly on the packaging. Among them: programmable buttons, updating the frequency of the USB port to 1 GHz, sensor resolution up to 3200 DPI. The mouse harmoniously looks in the hands of a large man - it is quite large. However, the lovely ladies had no problems using the manipulator.

The design of the SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse is very original and even brutal. At first glance, it is made of metal, however, this is not the case - the mouse is completely plastic, with the necessary number of rubberized inserts (for example, the scroll wheel is rubberized, which is very convenient). The only downside to the scroll wheel is that it spins in the same plane. The main buttons cannot be programmed, but there are 4 programmable keys on the sides of the scroll wheel.
The mouse fits comfortably in your hand thanks to its ergonomic shape and rubberized side surfaces (soft touch material). The backlight of the mouse can be changed programmatically by choosing a color to your liking. The cord of the manipulator is soft, but at the same time quite flexible and durable. We liked it.

Let's get back to programmable buttons. The SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse has another additional set of programmable keys located on the left side panel. It consists of a four-way joystick and two buttons above it (by default, they serve to move forward and backward). Another two-position additional key is located on the right side panel of the manipulator. Naturally, all keys can be programmed only after installing special software.
As noted above, you can download the software on the official SteelSeries website. It becomes and functions without problems if one of the older versions of Windows is installed on your PC. The software is easy to learn - even a schoolboy can handle it. Programmatically, you can assign actions to additional keys, not necessarily from the WarCraft game, but by listing any set of buttons or functions. In addition, it is possible to "play" with the backlight (you can change the color, intensity) and assign a key to change the resolution of the sensor. A little tip: save the desired settings in the profile, and you will not have any problems with the mouse at all.

And, finally, the most budgetary part of the set is a mouse pad called SteelSeries QcK Frost Wyrm Exclusive (also available in Lich King colors, like the keyboard). Its quality caused us only positive emotions. However, it cannot be said that it in any way improves the performance of the mouse, which functions perfectly on all surfaces. The material from which the SteelSeries QcK Frost Wyrm Exclusive is made is a combination of rubber and plastic, which gives the mat flexibility. Its dimensions are slightly larger than standard and are 30x27 cm, which is very convenient for playing. And, of course, the rug is decorated with an image of one of the heroes of the game.

Let's summarize. Perhaps the mouse that impressed us the most in the World of Warcraft set. In addition to a sensitive, adjustable sensor, it is equipped with a sufficient set of programmable keys. At the same time, the process of programming them is not difficult due to high-quality software. In addition, the mouse looks expensive and fits perfectly in the hand. Her design was liked by both men and ladies far from the game. There were no complaints about the gaming mat either. However, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that it is not essential for a gamer, because. The mouse works great without it. The SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive keyboard was disappointing. Novice players who have not yet mastered the game may find this set of signed keys useful, but for devices in its price range, the keyboard looks clearly pathetic. The additional panel is poorly attached, the keys go randomly. There is a stable association with cheap Chinese products.

The Zboard keyboard consists of three elements: a base and two cases. The base is a plastic case with electronic components, and the case is a removable keyboard unit. The Zboard base is black, on its back there are shortcut keys for applications and media player control. There are also two USB connectors on the back side (note that the built-in hub does not have an additional power source, so it does not support full-fledged work with USB devices, but it will do for reading "flash drives"). The Zboard kit includes two cases: standard and adapted for the game World of Warcraft. We will call them "working" and "playing", respectively. Both cases are easy to install (the operation takes a couple of seconds) and are hot-swappable, ie. after using the working case, the user can install the game case, which will be activated without rebooting the system. The working case has a classic key layout: the difference from conventional keyboards lies in the modified block of navigation keys. Symbols of the Russian alphabet are printed in blue font, which negatively affects the visibility of characters in the dark. If your touch typing skills are not perfected, then lighting is indispensable. The game case consists of three equal parts. The left and middle parts, with a few exceptions, repeat the working case, the right part is a modified block of numeric and cursor keys. Their place was taken by the character control keys and other elements of the game. The buttons have a round shape and different diameters. The largest buttons are responsible for moving the character around the game world, they are located in the place of the arrows. Similar diameter buttons "Screenshot" and "Hide interface". The smallest buttons are responsible for the PvP functions: "yield", "call to the group", "follow the player", etc. Also on this block are buttons for managing chat and emotions. Despite the small size of most buttons, they are easy to use in the game. To get used to the layout of the keys, a couple of hours of playing time is enough. The buttons are conveniently located, have solid intervals, so it is problematic to miss and press two or more buttons at the same time. Each of the round buttons is provided with a description in Russian. The text of the description is white - it is easy to distinguish against the black background of the keys. Moreover, the developers managed to successfully choose the font of the text, which made it possible to abandon uninformative abbreviations. Names such as "hide interface", "tell raid", "inspect player", etc. fit on the keys. Most of the keys have several functions at once, for example, let's take the "C" key: it can be used to display information about the character and view the battle log. The group of keys F1-F12 is responsible for managing inventory and group members, in addition, when the emotion panel is activated, these keys will be responsible for the manifestation of emotions. For example, to wink, you must press F10; to wave your hand, just press F3. F-keys are grouped into notebooks and located close to each other, in addition, they are small in size, thus it is inconvenient to use them, but thanks to the built-in utility supplied on the CD with the keyboard, they can be assigned secondary actions that are rarely used in the game . We will talk about the utility for managing and configuring the keyboard separately. The ESC key is also unusually small, which is a more serious flaw than the smaller function keys. In addition, the design features of both cases include a double space, and its left side is much larger than the right one. In the game case, the right shift is shortened. If we didn’t have any complaints about the shift, then the divided space at first caused serious inconvenience: the blow with the thumb constantly fell precisely in the cut zone, which is why the space was not pressed at all. The symbols of the Russian alphabet on the game case are red, the game tips are blue and white. Ergonomics of both cases causes certain complaints: when pressed, the keys make a lot of noise, the key travel is small. Also note again the split space and the little Escape button. The SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard comes with the base, two cases, and a Z Engine CD.

Z Engine Software

Z Engine software allows you to fine-tune the keyboard and use all its functions. Note that the Z Engine software help is translated into Russian, and this is not a quick user guide, but a full-fledged help system describing all the functions and their deep settings. The Z Engine program is called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The main menu of the program consists of several modules. The main module is a graphical representation of the keyboard. The user can select any key on the virtual keyboard and assign any action to it, for example, launching the application (you will need to specify the path to the exe file) or disabling the key. By the way, the disable key feature is not without meaning, especially in relation to the Windows key, which accidentally presses in full screen mode, minimizing the game. Also, the Z Engine software provides ample opportunities for developing and recording custom macros, and thanks to a well-thought-out interface and a Russified help system, this will take a little time.

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Keyboard and mouse for World of Warcraft fans

SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard

Colorful packaging is one of the attributes of game controllers.

The Zboard keyboard consists of three elements: a base and two cases. The base is a plastic case with electronic components, and the case is a removable keyboard unit.

This keyboard is very easy to clean.

The Zboard base is black, on its back there are shortcut keys for applications and media player control. There are also two USB connectors on the back side (note that the built-in hub does not have an additional power source, so it does not support full-fledged work with USB devices, but it will do for reading "flash drives").

The Zboard kit includes two cases: standard and adapted for the game World of Warcraft. We will call them "working" and "playing", respectively.

Keyset installed. The keyboard is ready to go.

Both cases are easy to install (the operation takes a couple of seconds) and are hot-swappable, ie. after using the working case, the user can install the game case, which will be activated without rebooting the system.

The working case has a classic key layout: the difference from conventional keyboards lies in the modified block of navigation keys. Symbols of the Russian alphabet are printed in blue font, which negatively affects the visibility of characters in the dark. If your touch typing skills are not perfected, then lighting is indispensable.

The working case is strict and elegant.

The game case consists of three equal parts. The left and middle parts, with a few exceptions, repeat the working case, the right part is a modified block of numeric and cursor keys. Their place was taken by the character control keys and other elements of the game. The buttons have a round shape and different diameters. The largest buttons are responsible for moving the character around the game world, they are located in the place of the arrows. Similar diameter buttons "Screenshot" and "Hide interface". The smallest buttons are responsible for the PvP functions: "yield", "call to the group", "follow the player", etc. Also on this block are buttons for managing chat and emotions. Despite the small size of most buttons, they are easy to use in the game. To get used to the layout of the keys, a couple of hours of playing time is enough. The buttons are conveniently located, have solid intervals, so it is problematic to miss and press two or more buttons at the same time.

The game case is colorfully designed.

Each of the round buttons is provided with a description in Russian. The text of the description is white - it is easy to distinguish against the black background of the keys. Moreover, the developers managed to successfully choose the font of the text, which made it possible to abandon uninformative abbreviations. Names such as "hide interface", "tell raid", "inspect player", etc. fit on the keys.

Caset in the assembled state resembles a sandwich.

Most of the keys have several functions at once, for example, let's take the "C" key: it can be used to display information about the character and view the battle log. The group of keys F1-F12 is responsible for managing inventory and group members, in addition, when the emotion panel is activated, these keys will be responsible for the manifestation of emotions. For example, to wink, you must press F10; to wave your hand, just press F3. F-keys are grouped into notebooks and located close to each other, in addition, they are small in size, thus it is inconvenient to use them, but thanks to the built-in utility supplied on the CD with the keyboard, they can be assigned secondary actions that are rarely used in the game . We will talk about the utility for managing and configuring the keyboard separately. The ESC key is also unusually small, which is a more serious flaw than the smaller function keys. In addition, the design features of both cases include a double space, and its left side is much larger than the right one. In the game case, the right shift is shortened. If we didn’t have any complaints about the shift, then the divided space at first caused serious inconvenience: the blow with the thumb constantly fell precisely in the cut zone, which is why the space was not pressed at all. The symbols of the Russian alphabet on the game case are red, the game tips are blue and white.

Not every keyboard boasts a built-in USB hub.

Ergonomics of both cases causes certain complaints: when pressed, the keys make a lot of noise, the key travel is small. Also note again the split space and the little Escape button.

The SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard comes with the base, two cases, and a Z Engine CD.

Z Engine Software

Z Engine software allows you to fine-tune the keyboard and use all its functions. Note that the Z Engine software help is translated into Russian, and this is not a quick user guide, but a full-fledged help system describing all the functions and their deep settings. The Z Engine program is called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The main menu of the program consists of several modules. The main module is a graphical representation of the keyboard. The user can select any key on the virtual keyboard and assign any action to it, for example, launching the application (you will need to specify the path to the exe file) or disabling the key. By the way, the disable key feature is not without meaning, especially in relation to the Windows key, which accidentally presses in full screen mode, minimizing the game. Also, the Z Engine software provides ample opportunities for developing and recording custom macros, and thanks to a well-thought-out interface and a Russified help system, this will take a little time.

WoW MMO Gaming Mouse

A gaming mouse fit in a cardboard chest.

The mouse is also "sharpened" for the WoW game, making it easier to control the character and interact with the virtual world.

The frame of the mouse is made of smooth plastic, the device fits comfortably in the hand, does not slip. A distinctive feature of the mouse is the presence of a large number of additional controls. In addition to the traditional two keys and a scroll wheel, the mouse is equipped with six additional buttons, one two-way and one four-way joystick. Most of the buttons are located next to the scroll wheel, joysticks are located on the sides. Additional controls are characterized by weak feedback and poor placement - in particular, we did not like the accuracy of the buttons. However, the main keys do not have this drawback: they have a clear feedback and large sizes. The rubberized scroll wheel is also comfortable to use.

The buttons are arranged symmetrically.

The mouse connects to the computer via a USB port, is detected by the system in a matter of seconds and is immediately ready for use. However, without installing special software, additional controls do not work.

The bigger the mouse, the more buttons.

Mouse resolution record: 3200 dpi. The polling rate of the USB port is 1000 Hz.

As you know, tastes differ, but, in our opinion, the mouse looks stylish and modern, with built-in LEDs giving it extra charm. Illumination color can be selected in the software supplied with the mouse from a large palette.

The WoW MMO Gaming Mouse can be polished to a shine.

Note that on the forum there are topics with information about the incompatibility of the device with Russian accounts. However, the version of the product that came to us for testing worked flawlessly in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King v3.1.3 on a free Russian server.

MMO Gaming Mouse Software

Unlike the Z Engine app, the mouse customization software has a colorful graphical interface and is styled after a WoW game. MMO Gaming Mouse Software allows you to create custom profiles (up to ten) and record your own macros. To do this, just select the profile number and specify the character. Then, using the graphical menu, assign actions to each of the controls. For example, a four-way joystick is convenient to use to move the character around the game world, and the scroll wheel to control the camera.

In the menu "Illumination Settings" you can set the color of the backlight, its intensity. In the "Mouse Properties" menu, you can select the mouse resolution, wheel scroll speed, adjust the sensitivity of the X and Y axes, and configure other parameters.

To return to the factory settings, the Restore Defaults button is provided. The software help system is not Russified.


Judging by the information from the manufacturer's website, the keyboard and mouse are not supplied as a set, but are purchased separately. Both devices do not have a single design style. When they lie side by side on the table, it seems that the devices represent different product lines. However, this does not mean that they cannot be used together. Functionally, the keyboard and mouse certainly complement each other. Their tandem allows you to simplify the interaction of the character with the virtual world.

The SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard is suitable for both novice WoW conquerors and its permanent inhabitants. It will be easier for beginners to deal with all the variety of the game's command system. Experienced players will get an unusual tool in their arsenal, emphasizing their individuality. A significant drawback of the SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard (although the point is, of course, debatable) is the wired interface, which we consider an anachronism. This is especially true for gaming devices, where appearance plays an important role. A long and thick wire, as you understand, is not an ornament.

As for the mouse, we have an ambivalent impression about it. On the one hand, this is a stylish, modern device that simplifies character manipulation in World of Warcraft. On the other hand, in order to get used to the not very simple location and shape of the buttons and correctly configure the software, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Plus, the "tail", as long and wide as the keyboard, does not add to the attractiveness of the device, and the price tag can scare away not the most wealthy WoW fans. Also unpleasantly surprised was the absence of a trial version of the World of Warcraft game in the bundles of both devices.