The game set of World of Warcraft Steelseries: Gaming Mouse, Keyboard, Game Rug. Selection of keyboard for World of Warcraft Mechanical keyboard for gladiator

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Keyboard and mouse for World of Warcraft fans

Keyboard SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard

Colorful packaging is one of the attributes of gaming manipulators.

The ZBoard keyboard consists of three elements: databases and two kesets. The base is a plastic case with electronic components, and the kesenet is a removable keyboard unit.

This keyboard is very easy to clean.

Base the ZBOrD of black, on its back part there are keys to quickly launch applications and media player controls. Also, there are two USB connector on the back (we note that the built-in hub does not have an additional power source, so it does not support full work with USB devices, but it will be good for reading "flash drives).

The Zboard kit includes two kesenets: standard and adapted for world Games Of Warcraft. We will call them "working" and "game", respectively.

Caseset installed. Keyboard is ready to work.

Both kesenet are easily installed (the operation takes a couple of seconds) and support hot replacement, i.e. After using the working case, the user can set the game caseet, which will be activated without rebooting the system.

The working caset has a classic location of the keys: the difference from the conventional keyboards is the modified block of navigation keys. The symbols of the Russian alphabet are shown in blue, which is negatively reflected in the diffuses of symbols in the dark. If you have no blind printing skills, you can't do without lighting.

Working case of strict and elegant.

Game keset consists of three equal parts. The left and middle part, for a low exception, repeat the working case, the right-hand side is a modified block of digital and cursor keys. Their place was taken by the character control keys and other elements of the game. Buttons have a round shape and different diameter. The largest buttons are responsible for the movement of the character by game worldThey are located on the site of the shooter. Similar diameter of the "Screenshot" button and "Hide Interface". The smallest buttons are responsible for the PVP functions: "Cash", "call to the group", "go behind the player", etc. Also on this unit are the buttons to control the chat and emotions. Despite the small dimensions of most buttons, they are easy to use in the game. To get used to the location of the keys, there is enough a couple of hours of playing time. The buttons are conveniently located, have solid intervals, so it is problematic to scratch and press the two or more buttons simultaneously.

Game Caset is colorfully decorated.

Each of the round buttons is equipped with a description in Russian. Text description White - on a black background keys easily distinguish. Moreover, the developers managed to successfully select the font of the text, which made it possible to abandon little informative abbreviations. The keys fit such names like "Hide the interface", "say raid", "Inspection of the Player", etc.

Casete in the assembled reminds Sandwich.

Most of the keys are assigned several functions at once, for the example, take the "C" key: With it, you can display information about the character and see the combat magazine. The F1-F12 key group is responsible for managing the inventory and group members, in addition to the activation of the emotion panel, these keys will be responsible for the manifestation of emotions. For example, to wink, you must press F10; To wave a hand, it is enough to press F3. The F-keys are grouped into the notebooks and are located close to each other, in addition they are small, thereby use them uncomfortable, but, thanks to the built-in utility supplied on the CD along with the keyboard, they can be assigned secondary actions rarely used in the game. . We will tell about the utility for control and configuration of the keyboard separately. Also unacted the ESC key, which is more serious flawless, rather than the function keys are reduced in the size. In addition, the constructive features of both keisets include a double space, and its left part is much longer than the right. The game kese step is shortened by the right shift. If we have no complaints about the encryption, then the separated space at first delivered serious inconvenience: the blow to the thumb constantly accounted for precisely in the cut zone, because of which the space was not pressed at all. The symbols of the Russian alphabet on the red-colored playing case, the gaming tips have blue and white.

Not every keyboard boasts a built-in USB hub.

Ergonomics of both kesenets causes certain complaints: when you press the key, you create a lot of noise, the key is small. Also, once again, we note the separated space and the small ESCAPE button.

The package of SteelSeries ZBoard Gaming Keyboard includes the following items: base, two causet and disk with Z Engine.

By z engine

Z Engine allows you to produce thin setting Keyboard and use all its functions. Note that the certificate for Z Engine is translated into Russian, and this is not summary user, and a full-fledged reference system with a description of all functions and their deep settings. The Z Engine program is called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The main menu of the program consists of several modules. The main module is a graphical representation of the keyboard. The user can select any key on the virtual keyboard and assign any action to it, for example, starting the application (you need to specify the path to the EXE file) or shut down the key. By the way, the key shutdown function is not deprived of meaning, especially in relation to the Windows key, the random pressing of which in full-screen mode leads to folding the game. Also, Z Engine provides ample opportunities for developing and recording custom macros, and thanks to a thoughtful interface and a Russified reference system it will take some time.

WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Mouse

A gaming mouse fit in the cardboard chest.

The mouse is also "sharpened" under the WoW game, facilitates the character management and interaction with the virtual world.

The mouse frame is made of smooth plastic, the device is comfortably lies in the hand, does not slip. Distinctive feature Mice - the presence of a large number of additional controls. In addition to the traditional two keys and scroll wheels, the mouse is equipped with six additional buttons, one two-position and one four-position joysticks. Most buttons are located next to the scroll wheel, the joysticks are located on the sides. Additional controls characterizes a weak reverse reaction and an unsuccessful location - in particular, we did not like the accuracy of the location of the buttons. However, the main keys of this lack are devoid of: they have a clear reverse reaction and large sizes. The rubberized scroll wheel is also convenient to use.

Buttons are symmetrically located.

The mouse is connected to the computer via the USB port, is determined by the system in seconds and immediately ready to work. However, without installing special software, additional controls do not work.

The more mouse, the greater the buttons.

Mouse resolution record: 3200 dpi. USB port survey speed - 1000 Hz.

As you know, do not argue about tastes, but, in our opinion, the mouse looks stylish and modern, an additional charm gives embedded LEDs. The color of illumination can be chosen in supplied with a mouse from a large palette.

WOW MMO Gaming Mouse manipulator can be grained to shine.

It should be noted that on the forum there are topics with information on incompatibility of the device with Russian accounts. However, the version of the product that has fallen to us for testing worked without complaints in the game World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King v3.1.3 on a free Russian server.

MMO Gaming Mouse Software

Unlike the Z Engine application, the software for configuring the manipulator has a colorful graphical interface and stylized under WOW game. MMO Gaming Mouse Software allows you to create user profiles (up to ten) and record your own macros. To do this, it is enough to choose the profile number and specify the character. Then, using the graphical menu, assign actions for each of the controls. For example, the four-position joystick is convenient to use to move the character by the game world, and the scroll wheel is to control the camera.

In the "Illumination Settings" menu, you can set the color of the backlight, its intensity. In the Mouse Properties menu, you can select the mouse resolution, the scrolling speed of the wheel, adjust the sensitivity over the X and Y axes and configure other parameters.

To return to factory settings, the Restore Defaults button is provided. The software reference system is not Russified.


Judging by the information from the manufacturer's website, the keyboard and mouse are not supplied complete, but are purchased separately. Both devices do not have a single design style. When they lie near the table, it seems that the devices represent different product series. However, this does not mean that they cannot be used together. Functionally keyboard and mouse, definitely complement each other. Their tandem allows you to simplify the interaction of the character with a virtual world.

The keyboard of the Steeleseries Zboard Gaming Keyboard is suitable as a beginner conquerors of WoW peace and its permanent inhabitants. The beginners will easier to deal with all the variety of the game teams system. Experienced players will receive an unusual tool in their arsenal, emphasizing their individuality. The essential deficiency of SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard (although the moment, of course, is controversial) - a wired interface that we consider an anachronism. In particular it concerns gaming deviceswhere appearance Plays not the last role. A long and thick wire, as you understand, is not decoration.

As for the mouse, we have a dual impression about it. On the one hand, it is a stylish, modern device that simplifies manipulating the character in World of Warcraft. On the other hand, to get used to the most simple location and form of buttons and competently adjust the software, you will have to spend a lot of strength. Plus the "tail", the same long and wide, like the keyboard, does not add attractiveness to the device, and the price tag is able to scare not the most secured WoW fans. It was also unpleasantly surprised by the absence of the Supply Kits of both of the WORLD OF WARCRAFT game trial.

Chose, the turn and the holy of saints came up - controllers. Today we'll talk about the keyboard.

Are you still sure that the peripherals do not affect your skill games in World of Warcraft? Then read on and understand what you were wrong.

Unlike past reviews, I will not give specific keyboards, but reading the review you will understand what you need. And you can even justify your purchase, why exactly what you chose and not that "authorities" advise.

Additional keys are not needed to all

Here is my Logitech G15, she is old and in dust (in the first picture she looks steeper, is it not true?). My hand is also mine.

Standard "grip" ASDW. It is convenient to get the 1-4 keys from it and the surrounding buttons. Is it convenient for me to press G1? No, I can press G5 and G6 Mizinyz, and this is a weak finger.

I lead to the fact that the additional buttons use how hot keys in battle is not convenient, it is not quite convenient, they are for sophisticated macros that are pressed rarely.

It is easier for me to reassign macros to the surrounding buttons or, like many pros, drop away from ASDW and move the "grip" closer to the keyboard center. The second option is very professional, but it is just a half player in the world.

Screen on the keyboard


Although no, I lied you. It is needed in games in which there is no clock on the main screen, just to not be lost in time. It is needed if you use the Keyboard to automate the Grinda (shows which macro is executed). And so it is not particularly.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. In a broom and samspik (third), there is someone in the chat and who speaks now. It is really convenient.

And so more Ponty.

The same Logitech G15 does not support the rules, standard HP bars, mana and other information are not displayed. Sapport Literature mowes close, often silent.

Mechanical keyboard or not?

Now for health, enough sadness. Just did not resist from the description of the extra chips. Here you will deepen in the theory, but it is important. In general, for general development. It is almost impossible to find a mechanical keyboard.

Initially, all keyboards were mechanical, which means expensive.

Now almost all keyboards (expensive too) membrane type. The essence of them is as follows.

There are two layers of films with contacts, between them a film with holes at the site of contacts. Buttons are spring-loaded with rubber ass, which are pressed to the film to connect the contacts. Those. Button's running is, but the action occurs when you press the "until the stop" button. Here is a modern keyboard in the analysis (sorry for the quality of the photo, the phone photo is played at work):

Some rubber pimples immediately scattered around, collect back problematic.

With this scenario, there is enough a pair of misses to start the Azzki to hammer on the buttons. This happens reflectively and tires the fingers.

In the mechanical keyboard, the varieties of the mechanism of which are much, the action occurs with a partial press. It is not necessary to hammer until it stops, the fingers tires less, but it is very expensive. There are not rubber puzzles, and the spring mechanism, not the membrane and the contact system (based on the gerons or other type). Of the shortcomings of mechanics - noisy they.

There are pseudo-mechanical keyboard. There are the same membranes, but the keys with a spring mechanism. The sensations of "as in mechanical" but press the buttons before the stop necessarily.

But let down from heaven to the ground.

Pressing the buttons should be sensitive. You must feel that they pressed the button and must be sure that there will be an action. This is at the level of sensations, it is not conveyed by words and not to describe the wall of the text.

Organization of the headset cable thanks to the keyboard

For me, the mystery why this does not make all the manufacturers of the keyboards! There is a great option to remove the cable, just a niche in the stand. Here is the example of the Logitech G15 keyboard.

Yes, the usual stand for hands, but it has a niche for entry and output Cords:

The attached hand supports exist for a long time, but only single manufacturers thought about gamers. Thought about the fact that the hand stand is more convenient than to keep your hand on weight. Thought about the fact that it is convenient to fix the headset cable under this stand and it will not hang out, will not fall at hand.

From experience. Not all stands are equally useful. Logitech G15 itself is heavy enough. The stand is fixed very hard, it does not disappear and do not hang out even if you are nervous to the keyboard, it does not make an unpleasant violin when you bind the keyboard on the table (thick and high quality plastic). Thanks to this time, fixing the cord there on the desired length it will stay all evening.

I am sure that there is a lot of low-cost keyboards in which this moment is also thought out. I know exactly what is very expensive keyboards in which this little thing is not thought out.

I hinted here that there are keyboards with headphone and microphone connectors. This is better than just a chatter cable, but worse than the cable fixed in the stand. The keyboard connector exactly solves the problem of short cords of headphones and headphones.

Wireless keyboard

There is also a wireless headset. The problems are the same, only plus to everything barely tangible signal delay. How many models, expensive and cheap I have not tried, everything is not that.

Special keyboard

Those who use it say that it is impossible to use it, just get used to it. The meaning is about such, all the keys are located near the main grip. The key is quite enough for basic binds. The screen is not needed there, but you need to justify the price of $ 80. If someone knows the analogues, but at a more imputed price - write in the comments.

I consider such a garbage to be ridiculous and not comfortable, just the ability to knock out more money from the players:

Even at first glance, the optional key of the key cannot be used normally. Why are the keys so rarely scattered over an additional keyboard? How to find them on the touch? IMHO is a mockery of players.

Trifles in choosing a keyboard for World of Warcraft

The backlight of the keyboard is good, even if you do not play in the dark. A small bonus is that the keys are not erasable. The main thing is that the backlight is not irritated in the dark day. Avoid blue backlight, eyes eaten. Well, if the backlight can be turned off.

The lock button of the hardware buttons will be by the way. I mean a Win button, which is to blame in a number of wipes (not only in the Second World War).

If under the DEL, END, the sleep buttons immediately go or still do not even look in the direction of this keyboard. I did not joke, there are such keyboards and even buy them ...

Remember that it is not so fast to retrace for a new keyboard. This will easily force you to make mistakes waving on the keys. Be careful.

In any case, I do not advise you to change the keyboard during the development of the new content. There is a glorious time between patch, then the time is the best.

For partial development of the new keyboard, you need 1-3 days minimum. The slightest inconsistency in size or location of the buttons will cause discomfort. Even too soft / hard buttons will deliver trouble. Many moments are learned at the level of reflexes and habits, they are difficult to break. At first, there will be discomfort, the desire to throw out a new deweice and get an old out of the cabinet. It must be survived.

Additional buttons for managing player are useful)

All, without specific models. Each has its own model, each has its own preferences.

So you use? What is your keyboard? What's the "grip"? ASDW, arrows, non-standard something, non-standard keyboard? Why did you buy this keyboard model? Have you got used to?

Share experience, flood, holivar!

In one of the beautiful warm evenings of this rainy summer, my look was attracted by three boxes of black, who hid in themselves anything else like gaming kit, a set of image products from SteelSeries, aimed at fans of an unfair online game World of Warcraft from an equally well-known company Blizzard Entertainment, which has gave this sensational project to millions of people of all ages, for which it has a lot thank you.

As you might guess, for each of the boxes, the products of the "mouse", "keyboard" and "mat", kindly provided to us by the manufacturer, which still does not have the fame and prevalence in the market of gamers products Russian Federation and CIS countries, such as the same Razer..

Not trouble, this review displays a lot of doubts that can cope in the hearts of our readers, which I am undoubtedly happy. Well, I present to your attention three lots: keyboard, mouse and rug that can be yours, provided that your wallet is not so empty enough to not pay for their cost.


To start, to warm up you as you should, as a lot of history and some information about these company, just in case I will remind you that we are talking about SteelSeries. and.

Turning to the resource and looking into the section "About us", you will learn that SteelSeries not only developing game equipment, so at the same time, which is no longer surprised, but everything also pleases, cooperates with many famous players three continents: Europe, North America and Asia. The headquarters of the company is located in Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark), also in this section there is information on offices and supplies.

It is also noted that the product range presented at the Russian-speaking website of the company is somewhat inferior to a similar range of an official English-speaking resource, which, again, confirms my words about the smallness of the solutions of SteelSeries on the territory of our state and CIS countries.

It is much more interesting to refer to the story, which is very brilliant - directly the standard of companies developing in computer entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment.

Backdated 1991 (the year of the company's foundation) Blizzard existed only in student dreams Alena Edhamfrom which he, thank God, did not refuse, and, moreover, her incarnation became one of the turning points in the game industry, since many players of this market are looking at Blizzard in the back of the Blizzard with such a wilderness that they are dried by cheekbones. about her.

In the 1980s, Alan worked on Interplay Tester, where acquired invaluable experience and skills, after which he persuaded his college comrade Morka Morhama To do the game design, and they are with starting capital 10,000 dollars founded the company Silicon & SynaPse with another employee Frank Pierce. At first, a young company worked on Interplay - developed a game design and code for the game RPM Racing. The company was under a stranger wing for about two years, after which they debuted with their projects Rock'n'ROLL RACING and Lost Vikings..

The first game released under the logo was in December 1994. Although this toy is blizzard and made their name, no one dares not to admit that the turning point that decided the outcome of the company's outcome, notice that at that time it was not so simple, it became Warcraft II.which divided the world with 3 million copies, and the first million was sold out during the first year. It was a furor, other words can not be found, that extravagania that these talented people deserve right.

In 1995, the Union of two Blizzard and Condor companies, which was later renamed Bizzard North, outlined the exit of the iconic game and its concept, respectively. On December 27, 1996, this game was published, repeating success Warcraft II.. Soon boiled work on Sixel Diablo - Diablo II.who instantly turned out to be a hit - about 3 million copies were sold in the first three weeks, which consolidated the title of the rank of best selling games to this day.

Further more - the time of the development of space spaces, namely, 'A, which in 1998 turned out to be, as well as previous projects, on top of the charts. But the most successful and popular project is, although they will not say about it that she is a story, but still, she is not something worthy of mention, it screams and requires it, because This is not just online-RPG - this is the toy that will go down in history for many and many years, and, moreover, her story is not even written, but only writes today, it is at that moment many followers.

Keyboard SteelSeries Zboard Warth Of The Lich King Exclusive

It's time to move from words to business. The first under the knife of your narrator will fall keyboard SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King ExclusiveBut not nervous, nothing bad will not happen to her, I just look at the packaging box and look at her with one eye.

What immediately rushes into the eyes, besides the logo of the game and the ominous knight, compressing in the palm of the handle of the sword, so these are the seams that make the "Space" key. Just do not think that the team of designers SteelSeries went crazy, there is a simple and reasonable explanation - the keyboard panel is changeable, there is no doubt about it, since it is still right under the keyboard there is another panel, the most common, without all these gamers, which It is famous for the first of them.

Design and Ergonomics Keyboard SteelSeries Zboard

The keyboard is made of black plastic, which is not particularly noteworthy in appearance - normal and moderately inexpensive material. The design is aggressive, you will not say anything, in many ways it seems that the removable panel having a property is threefold, because of which there are two seams, visible to the naked eye. One of these seams has our entire mechanism for fastening moving parts, namely: loops and metal shutters connecting together the whole design. He also divides the "Space" key in half, which also highlights this keyboard among thousands of others. I do not know how convenient it is, but I didn't prevent this text in any way, so do not worry about this technical solution.

How it is not regrettable to talk, but all images on the panels are a sticker and no more, that together with the above comments makes the keyboard even more similar to the children's designer. On this sticker, in addition to an ominous image of a gloomy guy named Artas, writing, not an elven, of course, but from this that does not lose their meaning, which is nothing different as a description of the World of Warcraft function keys. Similar descriptions are detected on the keys themselves, which should simplify the gameplay even more.

Arrogors and an additional digital keyboard are completely redesigned for the same purposes - convenience when serving free time behind your favorite game.

Keys there are round, the appearance of which is childish mil, but too cheap.

In addition to all these tastes SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive Not deprived by additional function keys: multimedia and not only made of transparent plastic.

Many are interested in the question of a set of text and related amenities or inconvenience. In this keyboard, high-profile keys are used that the property has a little none when they are pressed, which personally does not interfere with I, I love, you know, sound, but can scare the tier fans of silence and peace. I can't call it a minus, again, because of my subjective opinion, but also not to write down the pros.

I would like to note some ergonomic oversights that engineers and / or designers missed out of sight - the input of the keys is individual for many of them: for most it is soft, but, for example, the "J / O" key on my instance can only be on my and You will not affect a similar problem, it is possible that even the most common reinstallation of the panel can cure a similar ride, it happened only with an excessive pressing, which very often led to its stabbing and non-development. Caused by a similar all the same design.

In my opinion, there would be a lot of better removable panel to make one-piece, because I personally have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea of \u200b\u200bwhat such "mobility" can help me, because the keyboard housing itself with all its technological contents is made in the form factor " one piece ", so even if you wish to take SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive With you, fold the keyboard will not work well.

The contact of the base of the keyboard with the surface is very good, for which thanks to the rubber laying on the legs. Over the numeric keypad itself easily detects USB-hub on two ports, which is already almost standard for solutions of this class.

Upset also the lack of ports for headphones and microphone, sometimes so necessary, especially if such inputs are located in the rear of the system unit.

I will make a small withdrawal to all of the above, purely personal - design is not at the height, too, "in childish", ergonomics - an amateur. Maybe it is rude, but honest, although somewhat subjectively.

View a small video review, of course, you can also.

I think that it will be logical to all of the above to offer you a description of the delivery set, technical characteristics and system requirements Keyboard.

Supplies set SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive:

  • Base for removable panels.
  • Removable panel for World of Warcraft.
  • Standard removable panel.
  • CD with zengine software.


  • Built-in USB hub on 2 ports.
  • Cable: 2 meters.
  • 1xusb plug.
  • Dimensions: 225x467x38 mm.

System Requirements SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive:

  • PC with USB port.

Software Keyboard SteelSeries Zboard

Software discovered on disk with software Ideazon. codenamed zengine.. After the first launch of this utility pops up the dialog box, which will bring to your information that the ZenGine program has discovered a new keyboard, and that it will require an Internet connection to its normal operation and the necessary update required, otherwise the program will refuse to function normally SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive. You will also be asked to register your product, which will allow you to get the latest information about updates and new products from SteelSeries.

I had to obey and allow this program to upgrade. Only after that it was possible to touch the key programming and create a wide variety of user profiles. All this is implemented in a special window where the almost accurate copy of the keyboard is detected.

In order to assign any functional value for the selected double-click key, after which a menu appears with appropriate features, including both a combination of characters, macros and certain actions, directly implemented in World of Warcraft., such as, for example, Special Actions, Toggle World map Pane etc.

But do not think that on this keyboard capabilities are limited, I declare a categorical "No, it's not like that!", Since not a single Warcraft world is full. This utility in a pair with a tested device is able to create profiles and for other various games, which will definitely like to any geimer, and even, moreover, the software keeps more than 150 different profiles for a wide variety of toys. Bravo!

SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse Mouse

Let us turn to the second position of this article, namely to the mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse.

This device, without which it is easy to do not do in these difficult times of high technologies, hidden behind a cardboard box that resembles a small trunk, which detects the logos of the SteelSeries company and the license for the right to use the name of their brainchild from Blizzard.

Design and Ergonomics Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse

Take this very packaging to my delight there was no limit, the design really conquered my heart, no words, alone emotions! The mouse itself is made of plastic of two colors: its back - under metal, and side faces and abdomen from black plastic.

On the upper surface you can see the World of Warcraft game logo, in addition to this feature, it would be foolishly not to note the presence of elven patterns, so well-combined with a rather aggressive design, applying to the similarity of the armored armed car for racing, and death!

Despite the very not small number of buttons (along with the wheel there are 15, each of which is programmable) absolutely no effect of cumbersiness and absurdity of this designer solution.

For the reliability of the mouse cord, connecting to the USB port, is covered with a rag material - in the binding, which eliminates all the possibility of overpowing it or at all accidentally break, but it is sufficiently flexible (although it leaves the thickness to be desired) so as not to prevent the comfort of this device .

After connecting the mouse to the USB port immediately, its illumination of blue is immediately striking, to change which after installation and activation of the software comes a golden glow, such a nicely pleasing eye.

Sliding mouse is surprisingly good, each of your movement will be accurate exactly as much as you wish it yourself. Click on the buttons is a pleasure, no random unwanted presses have to wait - responsiveness at the level, on which it should correspond to the Gamer product.

By the way, a quick start guide to SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse is attached.

Mouse Software SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse

The software of this advanced product SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse is a simple name. I want to delight you, dear readers, it, exactly, like the mouse itself, did not fail, all in best of sight, ranging from the design and ending with the functional. The interface appeared and intuitively understood at first glance, and only ballads can be set on its convenience, because There is almost impossible to come up with nothing more reasonable and suitable.

For each of the buttons, and the wheel including, you will be free to choose any of the actions - more than 130 presets of game teams implemented in World of Warcraft.Also, in addition to this convenience, you will be available at once several profiles for a variety of scenarios, for example, for PVP, PVE, in general, your choice and taste that you can also easily program.

Of specific features World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse Software It is impossible not to note the possibility of changing the color of the illumination of this peripheral device for all the shades of the rainbow, 16 million colors, as stated on the manufacturer's website, which, it seems to me, will satisfy even the most demanding users, in addition, you can choose the luminescence intensity modes and flicker modes, High or Medium. For each of these two settings. Also, what can and does not carry any particular benefit, but will serve as a pleasant addition, this is the possibility of displaying nickname, level, class and servers of your character.

Just in case I will give technical specifications of the mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse, Specifications of its software and system requirements.

  • Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000.
  • 100 MB of free hard disk space.
  • 128 MB of RAM.
  • Free USB port.

SteelSeries QCK Lich King Exclusive mat

Mat STEELSERIES QCK LICH KING EXCLUSIVE Cute enough, decorated in cold colors - under the name of his name. Packed in a separate cardboard and plastic box.

On the rug STEELSERIES QCK LICH KING EXCLUSIVE Everything also has an image of the same ominous knight of Arthas. The contact between the surface of his contact with the computer table is good, largely due to the property of the rug adhere to it. And this is what the base of the rug looks like.

The mouse feels more than excellent when working with him, which only adds his advantages. Of the minuses, I will note that the rug is demanding about the accurate handling of it, which, in principle, should not be a problem that is unresolved.

Conclusions from SteelSeries WoW as a whole

I will not twist and walk around yes about: I liked everything in all respects. For fans World of Warcraft. This investment will definitely not be superfluous, since in addition to the keyboard itself, mice and rug they will be able to get very smart and advanced software, and the appearance of these products will not force them to be sad, every time recalling their favorite toy. Also notice and the high technhylability of these solutions, which, if not ahead of time, then almost step on his heels.

I will note some pros and cons of the set as a whole.

Pluses of SteelSeries Wow:

  • Convenience in circulation.
  • Advanced and very smart software.
  • Not bad design.
  • Good functionality.

Cons SteelSeries Wow:

  • Ergonomic keyboard keys not at height.
  • Overcoat children's keyboard design.
  • The durability of the rug does not inspire confidence.
The ZBoard keyboard consists of three elements: databases and two kesets. The base is a plastic case with electronic components, and the kesenet is a removable keyboard unit. Base the ZBOrD of black, on its back part there are keys to quickly launch applications and media player controls. Also, there are two USB connector on the back (we note that the built-in hub does not have an additional power source, so it does not support full work with USB devices, but it will be good for reading "flash drives). The ZBoard kit includes two kesenets: standard and adapted for the World of Warcraft game. We will call them "working" and "game", respectively. Both kesenet are easily installed (the operation takes a couple of seconds) and support hot replacement, i.e. After using the working case, the user can set the game caseet, which will be activated without rebooting the system. The working caset has a classic location of the keys: the difference from the conventional keyboards is the modified block of navigation keys. The symbols of the Russian alphabet are shown in blue, which is negatively reflected in the diffuses of symbols in the dark. If you have no blind printing skills, you can't do without lighting. Game keset consists of three equal parts. The left and middle part, for a low exception, repeat the working case, the right-hand side is a modified block of digital and cursor keys. Their place was taken by the character control keys and other elements of the game. Buttons have a round shape and different diameter. The biggest buttons are responsible for the movement of the character on the game world, they are located on the site of the shooter. Similar diameter of the "Screenshot" button and "Hide Interface". The smallest buttons are responsible for the PVP functions: "Cash", "call to the group", "go behind the player", etc. Also on this unit are the buttons to control the chat and emotions. Despite the small dimensions of most buttons, they are easy to use in the game. To get used to the location of the keys, there is enough a couple of hours of playing time. The buttons are conveniently located, have solid intervals, so it is problematic to scratch and press the two or more buttons simultaneously. Each of the round buttons is equipped with a description in Russian. Text description White - on a black background keys easily distinguish. Moreover, the developers managed to successfully select the font of the text, which made it possible to abandon little informative abbreviations. The keys fit such names like "Hide the interface", "say raid", "Inspection of the Player", etc. Most of the keys are assigned several functions at once, for the example, take the "C" key: With it, you can display information about the character and see the combat magazine. The F1-F12 key group is responsible for managing the inventory and group members, in addition to the activation of the emotion panel, these keys will be responsible for the manifestation of emotions. For example, to wink, you must press F10; To wave a hand, it is enough to press F3. The F-keys are grouped into the notebooks and are located close to each other, in addition they are small, thereby use them uncomfortable, but, thanks to the built-in utility supplied on the CD along with the keyboard, they can be assigned secondary actions rarely used in the game. . We will tell about the utility for control and configuration of the keyboard separately. Also unacted the ESC key, which is more serious flawless, rather than the function keys are reduced in the size. In addition, the constructive features of both keisets include a double space, and its left part is much longer than the right. The game kese step is shortened by the right shift. If we have no complaints about the encryption, then the separated space at first delivered serious inconvenience: the blow to the thumb constantly accounted for precisely in the cut zone, because of which the space was not pressed at all. The symbols of the Russian alphabet on the red-colored playing case, the gaming tips have blue and white. Ergonomics of both kesenets causes certain complaints: when you press the key, you create a lot of noise, the key is small. Also, once again, we note the separated space and the small ESCAPE button. The package of SteelSeries ZBoard Gaming Keyboard includes the following items: base, two causet and disk with Z Engine.

By z engine

On Z Engine allows you to make a thin keyboard setting and use all its functions. Note that the help of the Z Engine is translated into Russian, and this is not a brief manual of the user, but a full-fledged reference system with a description of all functions and their deep setup. The Z Engine program is called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The main menu of the program consists of several modules. The main module is a graphical representation of the keyboard. The user can select any key on the virtual keyboard and assign any action to it, for example, starting the application (you need to specify the path to the EXE file) or shut down the key. By the way, the key shutdown function is not deprived of meaning, especially in relation to the Windows key, the random pressing of which in full-screen mode leads to folding the game. Also, Z Engine provides ample opportunities for developing and recording custom macros, and thanks to a thoughtful interface and a Russified reference system it will take some time.

Introduction In today's review, the heading "Testing" will be presented to your attention a game set for players in the famous trilogy. Within one review, you will be presented with three components:
- mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse
- keyboard SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive.

Any of the set components is available on sale separately. We will test the entire set at once, because it was supplied to us for testing in this tandem.

I immediately want to stay at the cost of the products presented. The mouse under discussion on the central electronic market of our country is offered for 100 dollars. The WOW fan gaming mat will cost $ 20. The game keyboard is rated by sellers of 115 dollars. Summing up all the indicated numbers, we can once again make sure that the fanship has never happened and will not be cheap. After today's review, one of our users will be able to solve for themselves that it is really necessary for them, and what can wait until the "best times".

History of the game Warcraft. Since 1994 stretches, when for the first time, users were able to play this strategy. Personally, I encountered this game only in 1997. It was the first version of the game Warcraft, which already then forced many users to remember Blizzard logo. The users then got access to the second version of the game, - Warcraft II. This game It turned out to be ten times the bulk of the first version and due to the lack of a CD drive, it went between users in blocks of flop over 12 pieces.

Popular to date online game World of Warcraft. Officially became available for the domestic user in the summer of 2008, while US users have honed their skills since the fall of 2004. To date, the game has about fifteen million users around the world, so SteelSeries rates made in the right direction and the absence of demand for the game set does not have to think.

SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse.
Most of all we liked this set game Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse, so it is from it that we want to begin consideration of this game set.

The game mouse is supplied in a box of solid sizes. The opening mechanism, it resembles a casket. On a box wherever it is possible, there are many references to the game, for the players of which the product was created, - World of Warcraft.

In the upper corners of the boxes are logos SteelSeries. and Blizzardthat emphasizes the joint work of two giants over the product under consideration. A mouse and instruction in several languages \u200b\u200bwere discovered in the box. Unfortunately, the drivers disk we did not find and rewrote the drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

On the front wall of the box there is a huge cutout, which is calmly fit men's hand. Through it is visible to the Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse covered with plastic packaging.

On the back of the box of the box, the manufacturer with special diligence lists all the key advantages of the product. Among which we also want to allocate:
- Maximum resolution 3200 dpi
- Support for updating the frequency of the USB port to 1 GHz
- availability of programmable control buttons

The mouse has a huge size and vryatli fit in the palm of a city resident. It is more suitable for men of a strong body, in the palm of which mouse is placed without any problems. Nevertheless, it is only our opinion. Using the mouse in office applications girls at work did not cause any problems. On the contrary, the mouse left after himself only positive emotions.

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The mouse is completely made of plastic, although when viewed it through the box it may seem that its upper part is made of silver metal. There are mouse and rubberized areas. Scroll wheel rubs up, which makes it very comfortable. Unfortunately, the wheel rotates only in the same plane. Near the scroll wheel there are four programmable buttons. The parties have standard main control buttons without the possibility of programming their function. Side coasters of mouse covered with rubber Soft touch, which ensures reliable fixation of the brush during the game.

The mouse has a different backlight that changes through the software that we rewrote from the manufacturer's official website.

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On the left side wall of the mouse there are additional control buttons that are subject to programming. First of all, it is a joystick for four positions. Over the joystick there are two additional buttons that, after installing the software, programmed forward and backward.

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On the opposite wall there is a two-position button, the functions of which are programmed via the available software.

Separate interest on our part caused a cord at the mouse. It has a soft braid, sufficient length, very mobile, flexible, - in connection with which it has thickening to protect against the cliff.

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As no longer noted, many mouse functions are not available without installing additional software. For the convenience of our visitors, at the end of our article we placed a link to it.

In the environment Windows 7 32 Bit The software product was installed without any complaints. It takes several tens of minutes. In any case, we recommend that you want to save your favorite settings in profiles - it will facilitate your life in the future.

The software product allows you to assign steps for programmable buttons, save profiles for them, modify colors, intensity, rhythm of the mouse backlight, assign a button to change the resolution of the laser sensor.

The programmable buttons have the ability to assign not only commands from the World of Warcraft game, but any other commands at the discretion of the user by directly enroll the key combination or the selection of office functions. It is this circumstance that significantly expands the scope of mice among users.

Mouse pad SteelSeries QCK LICH KING EXCLUSIVE.
The rug included in the set of dialing or affordable for a particular purchase is high quality and left only positive emotions. Immediately I want to note, he does not change the consumer qualities of the mouse itself, which works great both on the glossy table and on ordinary paper.

Our rug came to us already unpacked, so we cannot say anything about its original packaging. The rug is quite flexible and, most likely, made of plastic and rubber, a combination of which allowed him to acquire the necessary consumer qualities. On the upper wall, the WORLD OF WARCRAFT symbolism and the image of the hero of the game, which gamers always recognize at first sight.

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The rug is quite large and has dimensions of 270 mm wide and 300 mm in length, which is quite enough even with an intense game.

Game Keyboard SteelSeries Zboard Warth of The Lich King Exclusive.
As far as the keyboard is pleased with the gamers, we do not know. We did not like it, as we could not fully reveal its potential, in view of it is not comfortable work on it for us.

The keyboard comes in a box of solid sizes, to cover the camera lens from a close distance is not so easy. On the front side of the box, the images of the World of Warcraft Hero are applied, and on the back of the keypads, the advantages of the keyboard value of about 115 dollars are listed. It is especially emphasized that Blizzard approved this product to the game.

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Not forgotten about domestic users. All information on the back of the box is translated into Russian and is available for understanding.
The keyboard with a regular panel, an additional panel, instruction, driver was detected in the box.

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The standard keyboard layout does not cause any interest. On the contrary, she is poor. The keys are standard and look like on a conventional Chinese keyboard, the keystrokes are large enough, and the distance between them does not mean that the manufacturer did the focus on this layout.
Therefore, a special interest on our part is the game optional keyboard panel, which is designed to play World of Warcraft. The game panel is also fundamentally different from the main layout only an additional digital block.

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Additional digital replacement block to various gaming teams, the number of which exceeds thirty. The image of the Hero World of Warcraft is applied to the panel. It should be noted that, as in the box, all the inscriptions on the keyboard are applied in Russian, which makes the device more friendly with respect to the user.
There are keys to manage user character emotions, which are highlighted in a separate category of emotion panels.

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On the main part of the keyboard next to the usual buttons there are signatures of action in the game in Russian.

The keyboard boasts its strong technical side in the form of a USB hub for two additional USB Port, which is especially true when connecting a set to a laptop, which is always limited to a set of available USB ports.

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The keyboard includes software that allows you to program additional action, both for the main and for additional keyboard layout. To start programming, it is enough to select the key and perform a double click on it.
The keyboard driver automatically replaces the keyboard profile, depending on the set layout on it, is not required to further participate.

Game mouse I left only positive emotions. We did not want to part with her for a long time and return it to our suppliers. The mouse is quite large, comfortably lies and fixed in hand. It did not cause any complaints from our side, although it was used for the most part for the game in network shooters.

The quality of the materials used causes the feeling of working with the road and the good mouse of the highest price range. The software existing on the manufacturer's website is performed on an intuitive level and did not cause us any complaints.
Without any complaints, testing and game mat. Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse with Rug SteelSeries QCK Lich King Exclusive receive from our portal an honorary gold medal of the portal site and are recommended for buying our visitors.

We did not like the keyboard. Yes, for gamers in World of Warcraft It may not be replaceable, but otherwise, is a Chinese keyboard with a bunch of functions. The game panel is not comfortable, attached, as it fell, the keys when pressing go to the "walker" in the sides. This keyboard with its additional layout will be relevant for novice players who can not learn the location of the game buttons on standard keyboard. Otherwise, it is much inferior to the keyboards of this price range from the same Logitech and BTC. We cannot recommend it to buying for your users. From our portal, the keyboard does not receive any medal.