Cognitive games for children 11 12 years old. On the pages of the tank. Board Activities for Children

"Tropical rain".

Participants are in a circle. The presenter is in the center: "Now we will all call a warm tropical rain together. During this, it is better to be silent everyone, as the rain sounds will be heard." Then the presenter shows movements, gradually turning and looking at the participants in turn. A participant who is watching a presenter, begins to repeat movement behind him.
  1. Touch your palms about each other.
  2. Click with your fingers.
  3. Clap your chest palms
  4. Clap palms on the knees
  5. Top legs.
Then moves are descending from the fifth to the first movement.


All sit in a circle. The first participant starts the story with the words: "I have a hamster at home, he has such paws" and shows. The next repeats the movements of the previous participant and continues Rask-Tale: "I have a hamster at home, he has such ears", etc., according to the principle of snow coma. At the end of the story, the whole group draws a ho-ball, which was just told.


All playing becomes in a circle, take hands and everyone gets her right hand behind his back. Everyone closes your eyes and do not open until the presenter says. The presenter appoints a "killer", touched upon someone from the participants. The "killer" in the lead signal begins to send a certain number of pulses to any side (shifting the hand of a neighbor), received a pulse transmits it further, reducing one hand. That player who received one impulse is considered killed and you are walking out of the game. Then everyone opens his eyes and find out who killed. If two have a suspicion who is a killer, they can say about it in the ear leading. If their opinions coincided, this participant drops out of the game, regardless of whether he was a killer or not. If their opinions diverged, they themselves drop out of the game. The task of the participants is to determine the killer, the killer's task is to bring out of the game.

Magic words

All participants are calculated on the "first-second", and then form pairs in which there is one "first" and one "second" number. The presenter says: "Close your eyes and imagine a ten-bullure scale. Find your mood at this moment. Mark it for yourself (you can record on a piece of paper)." Next, the task "first" numbers: turn to their partners in a pair and make several positive statements to their address. For example: "I am very glad that we are with you in one pair," you have a very nice voice, "I like your name", "You are very beautiful today," you have a charming smile, "you came up cool yesterday In the concert, "etc. Then the guys are changing in places, and" second "numbers are already expressed. After that, all participants are again invited to close their eyes and mark their mood on a ten-ball scale. The results "to" and "after" must be compared.

o Play is recommended with children not under 10-12 years.
O must be the active participation of each player. You can give a minute to think about your statement.
o Do not tell the children that you need to say compliment to each other - a positive statement is a much wider and capacious concept.
o Some children (especially in differential pairs) may have difficulty. Therefore, the lead is better to make several cards in advance with positive statements written on them.


The game is usually carried out in a circle. Selects a person who will be discussed.
Participants must come up with whom or what this person is associated with them.
For example, who (or what) this person will be, if he suddenly becomes:
o tree
o Painting
o Flower
o songs
o Furniture
o River
o animals
o Plant.
o Bird
o The time of the year
An option is possible when each participant of the game is described in the form of a metaphor: "Spiny Hedgehog", "Eternal Engine", "Captain Lunners", etc.
Comments. The game can be somewhat complicated: choose a leading, ask him for a while leaveing \u200b\u200bthe limits of the room or a detachment place. At this time, all participants choose a person who will be discussed. After that, they invite a leading. His task - with the help of questions (see above), find out the Association of Players and call what they say.
If the lead coped with this task, the one he guessed, goes to "drive."

Image players

Leading: "We all wonder to know what impression we produce on other people that they are perceived as a significant in us, and they do not notice it. Now there is an opportunity to participate in the collective creation of images of people present here, that is, try themselves in the role of image makers." The player enters the center of the circle. The presenter sets children questions: what image does you appear when looking at our hero? What picture can we create to this image? What people surround him, what interior or landscape makes the background of his portrait? What epoch is all this happens? What time of year is surrounded by our hero? etc.
It is necessary to select questions to reflect the diversity of the inner world of the child, the features of his behavior, the nature of interaction with other members of the team.
Comments. After discussing the advantages and individual drawbacks, it is possible to continue the work of the "image makers" on the formation of a positive image of the hero. For this, the guys must say about the desired, but those missing characterities, personal qualities.

Relay gesture

All participants get into a circle. The presenter gives them a task to come up with some gesture, movement, a grimace with which everyone will participate in the game (clicking fingers, patted with palms, "horns" from fingers, squabble nose, funny face, etc.). After the gestures are invented, they must be demonstrated to each other and try to remember everything that other participants showed.
The game begins presenter:he shows his gesture and a gesture of the person he transfers the relay. Player's task - repeat the previous gesture (lead), your gesture and gesture of the participant to which the relay is passed. Thus, each of the participants shows three gestures: the previous participant, its own and the next participant.
Comments. At first glance, this is a game of attention (children are very often confused, forget to demonstrate some of the gestures, etc.). However, 5-7 minutes after the start of the game, it can be noted that some gestures (and, accordingly, participants) repeat the cup than the others. Why? The reason is not that some gestures are more memorable. Practice shows that they often choose the guys pleasant in communication, have managed to successfully express themselves in any matters.
In order for the game to be wondering, it is necessary to observe a simple condition - it should be held in complete silence.
After 7-8 minutes after the start of the game, it can be complicated by giving the participants to increase the pace of the game twice.
The game can produce a shocking impression nearby "uninintent" people - try to make it so that it is not sevented.


The game is very similar to the previous one and demonstrates attitudes that are emerging in the team, sympathy and preferences.
All participants are sitting in a circle. By teammate (starting with him), players are calculated in order.
The lead number "one", he says: "Five crocodiles flew through the sky." The player with the number "Five" asks: "Why five?". The presenter responds: "How much?". The player calls any digit that does not exceed the number of participants in the game. Now the player, whose number was named, begins to ask questions and continues the game. For players, it is important not to get down and correctly conduct a dialogue in a rapid pace.
O Some time after the start of the game, you can ask the participants to play faster.
o In some guys, the game can cause bewilderment: "Why is it all?". Explain that "crocodiles" - very thin psychological game (Of course, this is not quite so, but the children should be motivated), which helps to identify the level of cohesion of the team.
o If you play "crocodiles" at least 10-15 minutes for 3-4 days, you will notice that children play every time faster and faster. o few days later it happens that the numbers that children choose more often, change. This is natural because, in the team there is an obvious dynamics of the development of relations.

Lessons of the declamination

Children gives a task: choir expressly read any known poem (in a single pace and rhythm). This lesson usually does not cause serious difficulties. It is much more difficult to read the same poem with the same intonation, in a single pace and rhythm, and at the same time "students" should pronounce words in turn, sitting in a circle.
Comments. You can spend the same "lesson" several times. Does the recording quality increase after multiple repetitions? What is the attitude of children? Or maybe it's time to change the poem? Ask the guys a number of questions: how did they feel at the "lessons"? How did they manage to overcome the psychological barrier (shyness, stiffness)? How were they tuned on one wave with the "class"? How has their mood changed?


The host turns to the participant sitting (standing) to the left of him, and having fun: "Hello! You imagine ...", and then tells him any news, tells a funny story, the case, anecdote.
The task of the participant is to listen carefully and be happy with the lead. Then the participant appeals to the neighbor on the left and also happily utters: "Hello! You imagine ..." And finishes the phrase by your news, the case, history. Comments. You can change the task during the game. For example, ask children to retell the same news, story, case. Track out how initially reported information changes (it can become more brief, and maybe more extensive).


Participants are sitting in a circle. The lead calls the number, and it is so many participants should rise from the places. Contracting participants are not eligible, but non-verbal interaction is allowed. While the group will not act quite simply, the game cannot continue. Comments. It is necessary to bring the game until completion; It is important to positive fixing. This game can be held in a circle: participants, by teammate, should take a step forward.

Account up to ten

The game is very similar to the previous one. But the task of players changes somewhat: it is necessary, without negotiating among themselves, consider out loud from one to ten. It is important to bring the score to perfection.

Tale with continuation

The presenter begins to tell some unknown to children a fairy tale or history. After the 6-7 first sentences, he interrupts his story and transmits the word the next participant.
The task of the player is to come up with a slight continuation of the fairy tale (3-4 sentences). Each participant has the right to change the plot of fairy tales, introduce new characters into it or, on the contrary, to exclude someone. Interrupt the speaking is prohibited. He has the full right to compose his passage as it seems necessary.
When all participants in the circle take part in the composition of the fairy tales, the word turns the lead again, and he finishes the story.
Comments. Be prepared for the fact that the story will not develop as much as I would like, and how the storytellers will decide. Namely:
o will often die, die, disappear the characters of the fairy tale;
o The heroes of the fairy tales can become really existing people, members of the team, and sometimes teachers themselves conducting this game;
o Probably the frequent appearance of negative characters that will confuse all the action and create all sorts of nastiness;
o Some episodes of fairy tales will contradict each other;
o Children can think for a long time over their episode of fairy tales;
o Some children will refuse to participate in writing, and some on the contrary - intervene even before they give the floor, etc.
In order to avoid such a development of events, teacher must be managed by the priority.
It makes sense to hold the game several times within 2-3 days. Then the interaction of children becomes more coordinated, purposeful, the content of the fairy tale is kinder, and the plot is logical.

Flew swan

All children form a circle, turning face to the center. The circle should be quite wide, so you need to get up so as to be apart from each other at a distance of 30-40 cm. Hands stretched forward, the palms of each participant lie on the palms nearby or support them.
Someone from the players starts a children's child: "She flew the swan on the blue sky, the number was fed ...". Each of the guys calls just one word from the count. The one who needs to name the number calls it, and the following are starting the bill. At the same time, everyone makes cotton on the palm of the neighbor.
The one on which a finite number fell should not miss it and put the palm from under the cotton of a neighbor.

Mesia, MEEM

Participants are in a circle, holding hands, and repeat the words: "MEISE, MEISE DOOP, MEEME, MEISE DOOP," while converging as close as possible. Under the words: "blow a bubble, do not be sick, blow a bubble and do not be shed!" Dissate as wide as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people whose knot burst into the center of the circle, and they already knead. In the circle have the right to help "break" with their spins "bubble". Win the strongest and dexterous.

"We are funny guys"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y and x: from 10 to 40 people. A place; Hall, playground, preparation. At a distance of 15-20 m, two parallel lines are drawn. This is "house", in the center of the site becomes driving, and everyone else is located behind the line of one of the "houses". Description of the game. According to the leader's signal, the children say choir: we, funny guys, love to run and play, but try to make us do! After the word "catch up" players flee into the opposite "house". Driving tries, giving them up, touch them. Spotted departs, after that, the game is repeated again, the rules; 1) You can only run over after the word "catch up"; 2) it is impossible to ride back by the line "House"; 3) Catching the running around you can only up to the line of the opposite "House".

Mer T O D and C E S C I Y K A Z A N I I, POOM, must be pre-learn. Wasing should be changed after 3-4 mining. Together with. New leading to the game includes both stained.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game contributes to improving running skills with a change in direction "brings up courage, intelligence, speed of reaction and orientation.

"Wolf in Ravy"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uch and x: 20 - 40 people.

A place; Hall, playground.

Preparation. Two parallel lines are held in the center of the site at a distance of 60-80 cm one from another. On the opposite sides of the hall, two "houses" lines are celebrated. 1.- 2 leading - "wolves", which occupy a place in the "RW". The remaining players are "goats" - located behind the line of one of the "houses".

About P and C and N and E. At the signal "Goats" move into another "house", jumping on the go through "ditch". "Wolves" try to stain jumping. Cuts depart aside. After that, the ogre is repeated. Win those who will never be caught.

П рака и ил и а: 1) The mining is allowed only by signal; 2) it is impossible to step on "ditch"; 3) "Wolves" do not have the wrong side of the "RVA"; 4) who delayed in front of the "moat" must necessarily jump over to the team of the head, otherwise they are considered caught.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. With a large number of playing mining are carried out by several groups. The distance between the lines and the number of "wolves" in the "RBU" can be increased.

In a r and a n t s: 1) jump through the "ditch" from the place (the push of one and two legs); 2) After counting stained continues to play.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game contributes to improving the skills of running and jumping in length, develops orientation, intelligence, courage,

"Two frost"

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. On the opposite sides of the hall are celebrated by two parallel lines of two "houses". Two driving - "frosts" - become in the middle of the site. The rest are arranged behind the line "Houses".

About P and C A N E. Two "Frost" by team team turn to playing with words: we are two brothers young, two frost are deleted; I am a frost red nose, I - frost sormia nose. Which of you will decide in the Road Path to go? Children answer them: We are not afraid of threats, and the frost is not afraid of us. Third and fourth phrases leading are pronounced in turn. With these words, children begin to run into the opposite "house". "Frosts" stain them - "frozen". The caught remains at the place where "Frost" touched them. When reverse the run, performed after the same team, playing trying to help stained, touching them, "frosts" prevent this. After several runs, the leading changes. Win those who have not been caught. Rules: 1) You can only run over after the words "And not terrible to Mam Moroz"; 2) Cannot be returned to "House"; 3) You can not run out of the "House" to free the caught.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Words need to learn before the game. Watering is better to place each other, silence, the zone of their action. The judging should attract assistants.

Po d and g about g and ch e s k o z n a ch e n e and r s. The game requires playing rapid orientation, dexterity, courage. It helps to upbringing a sense of a friendly mutual assistance, contributes to improving the ability to run quickly, easily changing the speed and direction of movements.

"Hare without Logova"

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Plays are calculated along the top three (fours or fives). Two players are taken by the hands, the "hare" becomes between them. Two of the leading - "hunter" and "hare" are selected. All playing uniformly distributed in the root.

O n and C and n and e. At the signal "Hunter" begins to catch a "hare", which runs away from him. Falling from the persecution, the "hare" runs into someone "House". The owner of the "House" is forced to run away from the "Hunter". If the "hunter" has time to touch the runaway, they change roles.

PR and V and L A: 1) You can not run through the "house"; 2) standing in the "house" should immediately lie down in order to release the place of "no-hare"; Rechanged "Hare" can be stained; 3) it is impossible to interfere with the "hare" run into the "house",

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Well-standing in pairs, but to change with running around, setting the rule to replace the players that have generated "home". It should not be allowed to catch one pair of playing for a long time.

In a r and a n t s: 1) move "at home" on the site; 2) Close "at home" by signal.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game contributes to the improvement of the speed of the reaction, orientation, dexterity, raises resourcefulness, determination.

"Birds and cage"

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Playing are divided into two subgroups. Some, holding hands, form a circle "Cell". Others are located on the outside of the circle. The game is better to spend with musical accompaniment, for which two melodies are selected,

About P and C and N and E. At the signal of the head, standing in a circle of music begin to move in one direction. Another part of the playing "birds," - putting hands to the sides, moves in the opposite direction. Then the melody changes, standing in a circle stop and raise hands up. "Birds" run and run away from the "cell". On the second signal, the music stops, standing in a circle squat and lowered hands down. Those who find themselves inside the "cells" are considered caught and become in the common circle. So the game continues, until all the "birds" are caught.

PR and V L A: 1) You can not lower your hands ("close the cage") to the signal; 2) those who at the time of the signal will be inside the cell at the time of the signal are caught; 3) During the second melody, all "birds" must run through the cell.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The direction of movements of the players needs to be changed. The duration of the melodies should be different. It is necessary to ensure that children do not use forces when delaying.

In a r and n t s; 1) move the dance steps; 2) Choose several melodies requiring different ways to move.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game is improved by the rapid response, the musical hearing is developing, the rhythm of movements, determined determination, creative activity,

"Guess who"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y y and x: 10-20 people.

M E S T O: Hall, Corridor, Playground.

Preparation. The players form a circle, inside the circle it becomes driving.

About P and C and N and E. At the direction of the head, the leader closes his eyes. One of the players is suitable for watering, touching him and, changing the voice, calls his name. After the player returns to his place, the head allows you to open the eyes and call the approach. If he fits, his place is occupied by the named player.

Rules; 1) can not be opened with eyes without the permission of the head; 2) You need to return only to your place.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Welding, which has not guess several times, you need to replace with others. You can resolve playing not to pronounce the name, but to imitate animals and birds.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. In this game, children learn silently move. They develop hearing, observation. The game is typical for the final part of the lesson.

The relay of the beast

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uch and x: 20 - 30 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Playing are distributed over teams with an equal number of players. Each room receives the name of the animal; "Leo", "Bear", "Elephant" and T, d. All teams are built into the column behind the start line. At a distance of 5 - 8 m, another line is performed.

About the command on the team The first numbers of all teams start moving to the opposite line. At the same time, they imitate the movement of those beasts that they depict. Requer to the line and touching her hand, they return back. Rent first brings his team a point. After that, on the team starts running the second numbers, etc.

N P A V and L A: 1) You can start the movement only by the "March!" Command; 2) devoting to the line, you need to touch her hand; 3) During the run, might imitate the movement of the animal.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. You should not choose too complex ways to move. It is necessary to monitor the preservation of the system and the disciplines of playing. In the necessary cases, you can build not engaged in the columns, but in the car. After each run, you need to declare a common account,

In a r and n t: Sudden calling numbers.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game contributes to the development of speed, dexterity, forces, is rapidly responsible for its actions before the team.

Relay with balls

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uh and x: 20-30 people.

M E S T O and I N E N T A R L: Hall; 4-6 goals, as much bully.

Preparation. Plays are divided into four or six teams, which are located in the columns behind the start line. At a distance of 4-6 m from the start line against each team in the circle put a crea. Before each team is put on the ball.

About P and C A N E. At the signal, the first players throw or roll the ball on the floor, trying to get into the mace. After that, they quickly run the ball and return it to the second player. Fallen mace put in a circle. The second player repeats the actions of the first. For a shot down by the mace gets a point. The team wins, which earlier finishes the relay (for it it gets 10 points) and will somete more Bulaw, that is, gains more points.

PR and B and L A: 1) to shoot down the beolaf by the specified method; 2) when throwing does not intercelace the line; 3) You can not interfere with players pick up your ball or mace; 4) It is not allowed to throw the ball to the next player without reaching the start line,

PE E D A G O G I C O S K O E S N A C N E N A GAME. The game is improved throwing skills, agility and accuracy of movements are developing. "Stop!"

M e s t o and and and n in e n t a r b Hall, playground; Small ball.

Preparation. The leading gets the ball and becomes inside the circle. The remaining players become in the circle and are calculated in order of numbers.

About P and C A N E. At the leader's signal, the leader throws the ball to the floor and calls any number. A caused player runs in a circle and tries to catch the ball. At this time, the rest of the players scatter on the site. Catching the ball, the player screams: "Stay!". Everyone stops on the place where the team found them. Walking throws the ball into someone from the players that can be filled with the ball without going off. If the ball falls into the player, then he is counted a penalty point and the game begins again. If the throw is unsuccessful, then the leading runs behind the ball and, catching it, again commands: "Stay!".

P and B and L A: 1) It is not allowed to go from the place after the "Stay!" Command; 2) It is impossible to throw a bad ball.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. After an unsuccessful throw of the driving all the players must return to their places in the circle. You can not allow to hide each other and in some shelters. The game is performed until a certain number of penalty points.

In a r and n t s: 1) to each playing the number or name of the animal; driving, throwing the ball, must correctly call this player; 2) Include a rule about "receiving the ball" from the leading. The player taking the ball becomes leading. These options are suitable for children of senior age groups.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E G R S. The game contributes to securing the skills of catching and throwing a small ball, promotes raising the speed of the reaction, orientation, the ability to quickly switch from one action to another.

Games for children 9-10 years

"Day and night"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y and x: 20-30 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. In the middle of the site there are two palating lines. All players are divided into two teams, which are located along the line opposite each other. Behind them, in two or three meters from the wall, the draws of the lines of "houses", one team gets the name "Day", the other "night".

About P and C A N E. The manager calls one of the teams. The named team catches the players of another team, which, turning, run away into their "house", after counting the stained teams return to their places, and the game is repeated again. Wins the team that caught more playing

PRA A V I L A: 1) start running only but a team; 2) catching running away only to the line "House"; 3) You can not run away from the persecution, changing the direction of the run.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Call commands need unexpectedly. The judging should attract assistants.

In a r and n t s: 1) use various source positions for playing; 2) Offering playing to perform various tasks - exercises.

NE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C N E N E H E H E N A. The game is improved by the rapid response to auditory signals.


Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. On the opposite sides of the site, the line "Home" is drawn. Playing are divided into two teams that are located behind the lines in one share.

About P and S and N and E. In order to appoint a captain one of the teams, any of the players runs to the "home" "enemy". Participants pull hands forward, turning the palm up. The player tuned three times concerns the palms of one or three different players. After the third touch, the player runs to his "home", and the participant caused to them tries to catch him if he could not succeed, he becomes in the back of the head for the player who had called him, and in case of luck, running into a "capt" to another team. After that, the captain of the opposite team appoints his player to export the opponent. A team of having more caught players is defeated.

П А В А А А: 1) it is impossible to start running to the third touch; 2) you can only catch up to the "House" line; 3) the caught passes on the opposite direction and becomes a "prisoner" of a hundred player; 4) "Captive" can be helped.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Do not allow the captains to send to the call in a row of the same players. The game must be carried out without a large pause, demanding from playing speed of action.

PE D A N O G I C E C O E S N A C E E. The game contributes to raising the speed of the reaction, speed of running, courage and mutual arration.

"Karasi and Pike"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and u uchi: 30-40 people.

Me E S T O: Playground, Hall.

Preparation. On the opposite sides of the site, two lines "House of Caras" are held. Driving - "Pike" - becomes in the middle of the site, the rest of the players - "Karasi" - are performed in one of the houses.

About P and S and N and E. At the command of the head of Karasi, they begin the rye to the opposite "house". "Pike" is trying to catch them. The stained departs, and then, when there are 5-6 people, they are taken by arms and form "network". "Pike" becomes the back of the "network". Now when the "Karasi" is obliged to run through the "Network". Caught later form a circle - "basket", and then "will be" will be ", becoming a face in two ranks to each other. Wins the one who will be caught last.

PC and V and L A: 1) The ignition is allowed only by the command; 2) "Karasi" are obliged to run through all the "networks" of "fishermen"; 3) players forming the "Network" should not interfere with the running "crucian"; 4) "Pike" can not run into the "network" (players can catch it).

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. With a large number of players can be two driving. Participants should encourage active, decisive action.

NE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E H E N E N E E. The game promotes rapidness, dexterity, orientation, courage, collectiveness of action.

"Race balls in a circle"

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Two big balls.

Preparation. The players form a circle and are calculated on the 1-2th. The first numbers make up one command, the second one. Guides both teams - captains - is given on a basketball or volleyball ball.

O n and C and N and E. At the signal, the captains graze the ball to the near players of their team. Moreover, it is determined in advance that one team transmits the ball clockwise, and the other in the opposite direction. The ball is alternately transmitted to each player of the team and returns back to the captain. The team wins, who managed to transfer the ball a certain number of times in a circle before.

PRA C AND L A: 1) The ball can only be transmitted through one player; 2) can not be out of its place; 3) The fallen ball must be caught and, returning to his place, transfer the next player.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. If there are a lot of playing, then several circles are formed. In each circle there must be your judge. Transmit the ball only in a certain way.

In a r and n t s: 1) transmission to perform in the sitting position; 2) Before starting the game, the balls give players on the opposite sides of the circle; 3) Ball transfer to both teams to perform one way. The game ends when one ball will catch up with the second.

NE D A G O G I S E D A N O N A C N E H E H A. The skills of catching and transferring the ball are being improved, the speed of reaction and orientation develops, the feeling of collectivism is brought up.


To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uh and x: 20-25 people.

Preparation. Playing are divided into two teams. The playground is divided into two halves line. On the opposite sides of the site there are two lines in 2-3 m from the wall of the hall. All players are located inside the field, each team on its side.

O n and s and n and e. One of the teams by lot gets the ball. At the signal, players of this team start the ball to stain players located on the opposite side of the site. Players of this team do not go beyond the fields, try to avoid hitting the ball. The ball bounced off the site or player, they catch and, in turn, begin to stain the opponent. A stained player comes out of the game. Wins the team, who managed to quickly knock out the opposite team players.

PRA A V I L A: 1) A stained is the player in which the ball will fall from Lot; 2) can not be overpowering for the line of the site; 3) Catch the ball is allowed, if the ball will not be caught, the player is considered stained; 4) You can not run with the ball in your hands (without a ball you can move freely).

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. In each team, you should assign a captain. The length of the field should not be too big, as it will make it difficult to play. Methods of throws are better to determine in advance and achieve their use. Do not throw the ball strongly, not aim in the head of running away.

In a r and a n t s: 1) stained transfers between two lines on the opponent's side. They can be helped by throwing them the ball; 2) Allow throws into players only of two or three points on the midline. Players at these points ball can be transmitted.

PSE D A G O G I C O S C O E S N A C N E E S N A C E N E. Game - Typical Sample team gameswhich requires high consistency of the actions of the participants. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of skills in the ball throw, the development of speed, orientation and reaction, education of collectivism and mutual assistance.

"Strengthening protection"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y and x: 12-15 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Big ball, three gymnastic sticks.

Preparation. In the center of the hall draws a circle. Playing uniformly arranged for its line. In the center of the circle, "Strengthening" is established - three connected sticks. It is chosen by the leading, which becomes near the "fortification".

About P and C A N E E. The signal playing trying to get the ball into the "fortification". Driving prevents this. The player who falls into the goal is changing the place with leading.

Rules. 1) throw the ball without going beyond the circle line; 2) drivening does not have the right to keep hands strengthening; 3) to change the leading only after the "strengthening" will be shot down (or the defender himself drops it).

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. It is necessary to adjust the distance between the strengthening and challenging in accordance with the capabilities of students. It is necessary to stimulate collective actions in every possible way, preferring the ball transmissions.

In a r and a n t s: 1), instead of "strengthening", set a few rages in the circle, which driven has the right to install again after falling; 2) Living to protect the playing included in the center of the circle.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E H E H A. The game contributes to improving the skills of throwing, catching the ball transfer, brings up courage, speed of orientation and solutions.

"Do not let the ball watering"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and uh and x: up to 10 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Big ball.

Preparation. The players form a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. The center of the circle is becoming 2-3 leading. The ball is given in a circle.

About P and C A N E. A signal of players begin to transfer the ball to each other. Welding trying to intercept the ball or touch it. If they succeed, the player who made a mistake occupies a place of water, which goes into a circle.

PRA A V and L A: 1) the driving has the right to touch the ball not only in the air, but also in the hands of playing; 2) Cannot run with the ball in the hands; 3) It is not allowed to move the ball through the head of the leading.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. It is necessary to pay attention to the importance of using distracting movements with the ball and the consistency of the actions of the leading. To accustom to playing your place, you can arrange them along the drawn circle.

PE D A G O G I C E E D A N A H E N E E. The game refers to the number of preparatory for basketball, manual ball, in it students are mastering the skills of the technique and tactics of these games.

"Fight roosters"

To about l and ch e s t and g r and y uch and x: 20-40 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Players are distributed over pairs according to their capabilities. In each pair, playing becoming against each other on one leg, bent the other leg, hands behind the back.

About P and C and N and E. At the signal, the players strive to make the shrill to take out of the equilibrium of the "rival", forcing him to become two legs. For each successful attempt, there is one point. Wins scored more points.

P and B and L A: 1) Cannot push hands; 2) Cannot change foot without a team.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The playground of the game should be smooth, without pits and chosel. In the hall it is impossible to allow the boring of playing, which can lead to injury.

NE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game is mainly used in the introductory part of the lesson. It contributes to the development of force, dexterity, the speed of the reaction.

"Detachment, feeling!"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y, and x: 30-40 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Playing are built in one car.

About P and C A N E. The head applies various teams. It is necessary to perform those of them, before which the word "detachment will be said. Overting take a step forward, but continue to play. At the end of the game celebrate the most inattentive.

PS and V and L O: A player who has not fulfilled the team with a pre-word, as well as the one who executes the team without prior words, take a step forward.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. We need to pause between next each other teams. The game is not necessary to spend standing still.

NE D A G O G I C I C O E S N A H E N E. The game helps to assimilate the building teams and rebuildings, brings up attention and speed of the reaction. Games for students of the main school

Games for children 11 - 12 years

"Fight in squares"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y and x: 20-30 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. In the middle of the hall, three squares are drawn, one size of 10x10 m and two 5x5 m. All players become in a large square.

About P and C A N E E. The signal begins the struggle. Everyone strives to stay in a big square. Founded by lines are moving to the next square. After a certain time at the leader's signal, the struggle stops. Coming in the next square are preparing there to continue the struggle. Win those who will be able to stay in a big square.

PS and B and L A: 1) During the struggle, the "opponent" is allowed only by arms and torso; 2) it is impossible to attack the player from behind; 3) The one who turns out the restrictive lines dropped out.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The game is recommended only for boys. The fight time must be strictly dosed (not more than 1 minute). After that, a break for explanations and transitions. Each square should be your judge. It is necessary to demand from playing honest struggle, excluding the attack from behind and together for one.

In a r and a nt: Alternately cause one or two pairs into a square. For the victory in a pair, the team gets a point.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game is being improved by the skills of martial arts, the power, dexterity, the speed of reaction and orientation develops, is brought up persistence, determination, courage, collectivism,

Counter relay with overcoming obstacles

To about l and ch e s t and h and x: 20-30 people.

M E S T O: Z A l, p l about u and d to a.

Preparation. In 3-4 m from the steppe on the opposite sides of the hall, two parallel lines are drawn. In the middle there is an inverted gymnastic bench, 5-6 m from the lines are put by a gymnastic horse and a goat. The players share Pa 2 teams, which, in turn, are divided into two halves. One part of the team is located on one half of the hall, the other - in front of it (Fig, 2).

About P and C A N E E. At the signal, the guide columns located on one of the sides begin running to the opposite column. On the way, they jump over the goat, run through the rail, the gymnastic bench is subject to a horse. The guides relate to the next player on the start line, which repeats all of their path, and they themselves become behind the last in the column, the game can end when all players will be changed by the parties or returned to their places.

П Ра и ил и ам: 1) You can start running only after touching the next player; 2) For violation of the method of overcoming obstacles, playing is fine with glasses.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. When distributing players for teams, it is necessary to take into account their strength. The judging should attract assistants who would count the penalty points. You can define the amount of points in advance for the winner, from which to subtract penalty glasses.

PE D A AG O G I C E C O E S N A C I S. The game improves the skills to overcome various obstacles, agility develops, a sense of equilibrium, coordination of movements, is brought up responsibility for their actions before the team.


To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uch and x: 20 - 30 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. The center of the hall is conducted line 3 - 4 m. Playing, crashing into two teams, are located in two opposite ranks. Captains of teams in lots define what team to start the game.

O P and C A N E. The player assigned to the captain with the starting line jumps forward. At the site of landing on his heels, the judge conducts a line. From this line in the opposite direction jumps the player of another team. And so the game continues until all participants jump. The team wins, the last player which will jump over the start line. After that, the teams change roles.

Pro in and L A: 1) When jumping can not be attached to the line; 2) Length Length is made according to the nearest touch to the start line; 3) Everyone has the right to jump no more than once.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The game is better to spend on a soft soil. When performing a game in the hall you can use mats. Before the start of the game, it is useful to repeat the equipment jumping technique. To avoid disputes, it is desirable to produce accurate measurements using a roulette, meter, etc.

PE D A N O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game is being improved by the skill of the jump, in length. At the same time, the strength, jumping, is cultivated, perseverance, responsibility for their actions.

"City outside the city"

K. O l and Ch e s t in about and g r and uh and x: 20-30 people.

M e s t o and n in e n t a r b Hall, playground; Lapte and a small ball.

Preparation. In the immediate vicinity of the hall of the hall the line of "Cities" is drawn. The rest of the field is scheduled 3-4 circle with a diameter of 1-2 m. Playing are divided into two teams. According to the lot, one team gets the right to play in the "city" and becomes behind the line, and the other is located under the "city", in the rest of the platform (but not in circles). In each team, captain is selected (Fig. 4).

About P and C But Na. The captain of the team playing in the field takes the ball and, becoming in the "city", throws the ball in front of him. The player of another team hits the ball of the lapto. After that, the pierced runs away from the "city" to the first station and, if possible, runs into the rest of the stations and returns back. For this, the team is accrued.

After impact, they are trying to catch a flying ball in Nole. If it succeeds, the teams change roles. If you can't catch the ball, then players try to spot the ball of the running player. The game continues until the time has expired or a certain number of points will be scored. Wins a team who scores more points.

П А В А Л А: 1) You can only run over when the ball is in the field; 2) Each player has the right to one of the ball, the captain can serve three times; 3) the player in which the ball got during the rank can take the ball and immediately spot the players of the opposite team; 4) hitting the ball and catching "Candles" give the right to go to the "city". The change is carried out in the event that the team in the "city" has no one to serve the ball.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. In the game, be sure to use assistants - points meters. It is necessary to draw the captains of the teams to the correct placement of participants depending on their capabilities.

PE D A N O G I C E C O E S N A C E E. This game is one of the options for a widespread lapto game. Its value is actively influenced by the entire propulsion apparatus engaged in the game, the tyshes of running, throwing and catching the ball are fixed, the speed, accuracy and dexterity of movements are being improved, the feeling of the partnership and collectivism is brought up,


To about l and ch e s t in about and rk and uh and x: "20-30 people.

M E S T O and I N E N T A R L: Hall; Gymnastic shells, stuffed balls.

Preparation. On the opposite sides of the hall drawn the line "Cities". Playing are divided into teams of 6-8 people. Captains are chosen. Each team takes place in the "city" and receives at its disposal the same means of crossing - benches, stuffing balls, etc.

O n and C and n and e. At the signal, the weight of the team is beginning to cross the opposite "bank of the river". For this purpose, they have accessories available. Mary movement can not touch the floor. The team that is faster and with less losses will solve this earnings, wins.

Rules; 1) touched the floor drops out of the game; 2) When crossing, everyone can help each other (except left out of the game).

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Before starting the game, you need to give time to teams to think about the plan of your actions. The inventory selected for the game should not be too heavy and bulky. Each team observes its judge. In some cases, you can assign assistants to insurance players. Retired from the game occupy a pre-assigned place. They should not interfere with their tips.

PSE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A C E N E. This type of "task" is very useful. It contributes to the development of creative initiative, smelting, mutual assistance, collectivism of playing, and also improves the balance, accuracy of movements and strengthens the force.

Relay with basketball elements

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y, and x: 30-40 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Several basketball balls.

Preparation. Playing are divided into several teams and are located in columns on the opposite sides of the site. Each team gets the ball (Fig. 5).

About P and C and N and E. At the team, the guides quickly lead the ball to the opposite shield and thrown into the ring. Featuring the bounced ball, they lead it back and transfer the next participant, and they themselves become behind the last player in the column. The team wins, which earlier finishes the relay and gain the greatest number of points.

П Ра и и и и и им и) The maintenance begins only from the site line; 2) the point is counted for entering the ball into the ring; 3) For violation of the rules of conducting and movement with the ball, a penalty point is appointed.

ME T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The battery can be used when studying the maintenance of the ball in the ring. Throwing the ball and the ring can be resolved several attempts. For each team should observe the judge - the meter of points. The method of performing the transmissions of the ball throws should be due to the ball.

PSE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The relay contributes to the consolidation of fishing skills, transfer, keeping and throwing the ball into the ring.

"Fight for the ball"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and uh and x: about 20 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; big ball

P o d r o t o v to a, for the game is used by the markup of the basketball field. Playing share two teams. Each team puts on shirts or dressings of the same color.

O P and C A N E E. At the signal of the head, the captains of the teams are played by the ball. The team mastered the ball is trying to keep the ball at home and make it possible more gear. Another team seeks to take the ball and do not make a lot of gears. Having mastered the ball, this team, in turn, is trying to keep the ball in his hands. The game continues a certain time or up to the specified number of points. Wins a team who scores more points.

PR and L A: I) with the ball, it is allowed to do more than 3 steps and intercelace the platform line; 2) Players can not be delayed with hands, push n.; 3) the intercepted ball is introduced into the game due to lines; 4) it is impossible to transfer the ball between the same players more than two times; 5) With each new transfer, the captain of the team is obliged to call the bill.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. With a large number of players, you need to create four teams playing on their halves of zero. They judge the game assistants, and the head is following the account and time of the game. Organizing the actions of the players, it is important to pay their attention to right game In defense based on holding one specific player.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game is preparing for basketball and hand-held balls involved in the technical and tactical elements of these sports games,

Games for children 13-15 years

"Circular relay"

To about l and ch e s t in about and rk and uh them: 15-20 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. In the middle of the site, the corridor is scheduled for a width of 5--6 m. At a distance of 8-10 m from the corridor four racks are installed for players. Teams are located in columns opposite each other (Fig. 6).

About P and C and N and E. At the signal of the head, the guides of both commands occupy a place on the start line. On the team "March!" They start running to the rack, ride it and head in the opposite direction. Having reinmed the second rack, they run into the corridor, where the next participant transmits the relay. Wins a team that used to finish running.

PC and V and L A: 1) transfer the relay only in the corridor; 2) You can not hold on to turning behind the racks and interfere with the running participant.

ME T O D and C E S C I Y K A Z A N I: It is necessary to follow the correctness of the transmission of the relay. The direction of running players should be changed.

Special athletic skills are improved in the game. The game is improved by special athletics skills (the transfer of the relay and running along the distance), I am developing a speed, it is raised orientation and accuracy of movements.


To about l and ch e s t in o and g r and y y and x: 15-20 people.

Me E S T O: Hall, Playground.

Preparation. Players are divided into several teams, each of which is built into the column. At the site there are starts of the start of each command (Fig. 7).

About P and C A N E. At the command of the guide of each team start running clockwise. Moreover, everyone tries to catch up and stain ahead of the running. Favoring cool, guides relate to the next participants who continue to the competition. The team wins, whose player will be the first to drive ahead of the running "opponent."

PRA V and L A: 1) Do not start running to touch; 2) you can not interfere with running players of other teams; 3) When running strictly observe the markup of the distance.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The path of moving the players is better to designate with the help of some items (racks, printed balls). Waiting for the start, the next participant should be located behind the second line. If the forces of the commands are equal and cannot be caught up with anyone, then the game should be interrupted by making a break for rest.

PE D A G O G I C E C O N A H E N E E. The game contributes to improving the speed of running and endurance, brings up responsibility to the team for its actions.

Treating rope

Ko l and Ch e s t in o and mr and uh and x: 20-30 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; rope.

Preparation. In the middle of the hall, the start line and two finish lines are drawn, separated from the start line by 1 - 2 m. Playing are divided into two teams in strict accordance with their strength and capabilities.

About P and C A N E. Plays take the rope and become on both sides of the start line. Moreover, the mark on the rope is strictly on the start line. At the team, playing trying to drag "opponents" to their side. The team wins, which during the time "the game will be able to change the" opponent "more than once.

Pro in and l a:]) pull only by team of the head; 2) the game stops as soon as the rope mark crosses the finish line of one of the commands; 3) You can not dramatically release the rope at the time of pulling.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. Of great importance is the selection of team makeup and the appointment of a good captain, which would correctly put the participants. Playing must be in sports shoes. After each attempt, you need to do a small pause to perform several relaxation exercises.

PE D A G O G I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game contributes to the development of force, strengthens the sense of partnership and collectivism. It is not possible to be carried out both at training activities and a vapor, physical education, etc.

"Lapte volleyball players"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y uh and x: 12-20 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; volleyball.

Preparation. Playing are divided into two equal commands, one of which becomes the feed, the other - the receiving feed. Both teams are located on opposite sides of volleyball sites (Fig. 9). According to the signal, the first player serves the ball to the opponent's side, and himself quickly runs around the platform and returns to his place, the players of the opposite team take the ball and play out among themselves, trying to make as much accurate gear gear during the run of the player's run, served the ball. As soon as he returns to his place, the ball draw is stopped and the ball is transmitted to the next player to perform the filing. So continues until all the feeding team players do not fulfill the run. After that, the amount of points accrued for each transmission is calculated, and the commands are changing roles. Wins the team whose players will be able to score more points.

PC and V and L A: 1) Serve the ball only by signal; 2) the running player has no right to run into the site limits and to change the direction to capture the players of the opposite team, touch the ball; 3) Two attempts are given to execute the feed. If after the second attempt the ball will not be correctly filed, then 5-10 points are charged the opposite team; 4) when the package cannot be reused the ball with the same players; The ball each time should be sent to another player; 5) The ball draw stops after the completion of the run, after falling the ball on the floor and after the technical error made when the ball is transmitted.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The game can be used after the involved in the technique of feeding and transferring the ball. You can play not only on the volleyball court, but n in an unequipped room. To maintain the game, be sure to highlight the meter of points. The method of feeding and transferring the ball must be determined in advance.

The game contributes to the consolidation and improvement of technical techniques in volleyball, promotes the development of speed and run speed, brings up collens and responsibility to the team for their actions.


To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and y and x: 20-40 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Racks and planks for jumping.

Preparation. Two teams are created from the players, whose players have differences in shape. Teams are built up to the place for jumping (Fig. 10).

About P and C A N E E. The first participants from each team start on the signal. They must overcome the installed height to participate in the future competition. Each performs two attempts in the total stream. If in one of the attempts the height will be taken, then the participant continues the competition.

When performing a jump, glasses are charged for the correctness of the repulsion and landing. For repulsion from the line "3" - 3 points, from the line "2" - 2 points, from the line "1" - one (according to the markup), the same for the landing. At best, the participant can receive 6 points for jumping. The game is carried out either to the agreed amount of points gained, or before determining the largest number of the remaining participants.

PC and L L A: 1) All jumps are performed in a certain way, in a signal; 2) who did not take out the height of the competition.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. It is necessary to clearly place the point of repulsion and landing. Another jump to fulfill only after the full preparation of the place of the competition. Several people are attracted to the judging: counters of points, judges at the lines, at the plank and in the pit for jumping.

PSE D AG O G I C E C O E S N A C N E N E. The main purpose of this game is to fix the skills of athletic jumps in height, education of the ability to compete be helping the team and achieve victory.

"Gate Protection"

To about l and ch e s t in about and g r and uh and x: 26 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Handball racks, handball ball.

Preparation. In the center of the site draws the circle with a radius of 6 m. The middle line is planned through it, which divides the platform in half. In the center of the circle at a distance of 3 m, one of the other is installed racks for jumps. Playing are distributed by teams. Each team consists of 13 hemes - one goalkeeper, 6 attackers and 6 defenders. Fresh teams choose half of the field H on the beginning of the game. Each team on its half of the field leaves 6 strikers, and on the side of the enemy, the goalkeeper and 6 defenders are sent. The goalkeeper takes place in the gate, and defenders and are located along the radius of the circle.

O P and C A N E E. The signal on the signal owning the ball starts the attack. Transferring the ball and moving, the attackers try to throw the ball into the gate. Defenders interfere with them and, intercepting the ball, transmit it to the opposite side by their attackers. Those, in turn, begin to attack the opponent's gate. The game continues until a certain time or score points.

P and B and L A: i) You can not go for the average line, beyond the site and in the central circle; 2) NE is allowed to keep the ball more than 3 seconds. and run with him more than 3 steps; 3) It is forbidden to detain, push the players, pull out their ball from their hands. For all these violations of the team, who owned the ball, the ball is selected and transmitted by the attacker the opposite team, and the defended team is punished with a free cast from the disorder (the defenders cannot be located closer than 3 m from the ball).

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The number of players can be different. In the first stages of learning, it is advisable to spend the game in small teams. And the attackers should be more than defenders. In the future, this ratio is gradually equalized.

PE E D A G O G I S E C O N A S N A C N E N E. The game is used in hand-held ball. It promotes the consolidation and improvement of the elements of technology and tactics of this sports game. This version of the game can be carried out in small halls, and almost pattering can participate in it.

The relay of skis

To about l and ch e s t in o and r and y uh and x; 15-20 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, Playground; Racks.

Preparation. Starts start and finish line. In the middle of the site, several special racks are installed (on 5 for each command) at a distance of 2-3 m one from another. Playing are distributed over teams (from 3 people each) and become behind the start line.

About P and C A N E E. The signal guides are running, observing each rack, to the finish line and return back. On the start line of their belt take the second team numbers. Now they are overcome this distance together, then threesome. Returning to the start line for the third time, they quickly change the construction: two take the position of the stop lying, and the third takes them for the ankle joints. In this position, they are moving in the corridor between the racks to the finish line. Here, they again change the position: two extremely tolerate the middle participant bold between them. The team wins, the first ending distance from the resulting penalty points.

PR and V and L A: 1) You can not shoot down the rack and disrupt the construction; 2) It is not allowed to start and finish the run prematurely, before the partner arrival and before the intersection of the lines. Penalty glasses are accrued for all these disorders.

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The game is better to carry out on the ground, on the slope. Trees branches can be used as racks. The distance between the racks can be changed in accordance with the preparedness of the participants. The distance between the start and finish line should not be more than 20 m. Assistants counting errors of each team are attracted to judging.

PE D A G O G I C E C O N A H E N E. IPA contributes to the acquisition of the necessary skiers of motor qualities, endurance, speed and strength, brings up perseverance in overcoming difficulties, collectivism L coherence. The game can be used in the preparatory period of the workout of young skiers.


To about l and ch e s t in o and g r and y y and x: 15-20 people.

M E S T O and I N N T A R L: Hall, specially equipped playground; soccer ball.

Preparation. On opposite sides of the site (at a distance of no more than 30 m), two parallel lines are scheduled. On the line "Cities" marks the filing place. All players are divided into two teams, one of which occupies a place in the "city", the other in the field. The team in the "city" is given a ball.

O n and C and N and E. At the signal, one of the players playing from the place of filing the ball sends the ball in the field, and he immediately rushes into the opposite "city". Players of the team, acting in the field, take this ball and hit, but the ball is trying to spot the running party. If the last one will be able to run unnoticed, then his team gets a point. Otherwise, the commands are changing in places. Wins a team that will be able to score more points for a certain time.

PRC A V I L A: 1) The ball must fly with a low trajectory and be sure to hit the field; 2) is not allowed to stop the ball with his hands; 3) it is impossible to interfere with the running player); 4) Running after the strike is obliged in all cases to run into the field. It can return only after crossing the line of the opposite "city"; 5) the ball, published beyond the field or in the "City", proceeds to another team; 6) A player who has not served the ball is deprived of the mining. After two unsuccessful delivery teams change roles "

M E T O D and C E S C I E K A Z A N I. The game is carried out in a specially equipped room with protected windows or a platform. Strokes on the ball, stops must be carried out in a certain way.

PE D A N O R I C E C O E S N A H E N E. The game contributes to the improvement of the technology of the game of football, develops speed, courage, determination of action.

Unfortunately, modern teenagers are more likely to be fond of computer gamesthan desktop. But they will not give livelihood and such a heap of positive emotions and energy charges as board games.

Board games for children are 12 years old will help not only perfect leisure, but they will teach attentiveness, they will expand knowledge, will contribute to the development of memory and the reaction rate.

Our online booking store is pleased to offer you games for both large and small companies!

Any teenager will undoubtedly like the Desktop game of Jenga Boom. It will require the speed of the response and agility of the hands.

Having fun at the company of friends will help the game - "Twister" and Mafia. Games are especially suitable for a fun party! Also in our desktop games online store there is a great option "Twister + Mafia" (Bambi), two games in one box. This is a great option for a gift to any child 12 years old!

Clooto will like all lovers of detective stories.

If children are interesting economic games, For it, the most popular - monopoly Millionaire and cash flow 101 (Cashflow 101) This is a great workout for brains and a cheerful version of the pastime.

These games will teach children of tidy, wish to win, and these are very important qualities for future businessmen!

Game description

Bright fascinating game, developing for 11 12 years, clings from the first minute. It will help to understand physics, as well as develop logical thinking. This time you have to help little bugs to bring the light into their magic forest.

Characters and their meaning in the game

  • Ladybug is a strong bug that will carry a variety of severity. Her task is to free the way for other insects. You must clamp the left mouse button, attaching a bug to the obstacle. Then direct which way the ladybug will fly. The main goal is not only to remove obstacles, but also to save crystal ball. The number of ladybugs is displayed in the upper left corner.
  • Fireflies - fly to a bright ball on the first call. They will raise this ray of light, attribute to the place. In the upper right corner there is a timer. It is activated only when the glowing bugs start their flight.

Tip: Sometimes it will have to use two ladybugs to drag heavy items. Put one and hold Ctrl. Then the first bug will not fly away immediately, but will raind the second strong insect.

Total in the game 25 levels. There is an interesting addition - this is the presence of an award for achievements. You can see them in the main menu by pressing the ACHIEVEMENTS button.