Intelligent games for young children. Children's intellectual games. "Are accompanied in the correct sequence"

Intellectual game for younger schoolchildren. "My own game" primary school teacher: Komova L.M.

Sections: Extracurricular work

Objectives: The use of intellectual games in order to create favorable conditions for the development of each personality capable of achieving effectiveness in intellectual work.


    Create conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization.

    Stimulate the development of intellectual and cognitive opportunities for children.

    Easify respectful attitude towards each other in working in a team.

    Develop the creative activity of children.

Participants of the game:

The game participates 4 teams. The participants of each team combines the date of birth. In the first team, the guys who were born in the fall, in the second - in winter, in the third - in the spring, in the fourth - in the summer.

Command participants come up with the name of the team, choose Captain.


    Multimedia equipment.

    Personal Computer.

    Multimedia presentation.

    Signal cards.

    Evaluation paper.


    Diplots and prizes

    "Cap of the wise"

Game description

This game is an command game and designed for 3 class students. In the game 4 round.

I tour

I tour Contains questions of the 4th category of knowledge that are estimated from 1 to 4 points:





For discussion, teams give 15 seconds. Over time, the task is followed by an arbiter.

The first one is answered by the command that raised the signal card faster. If the command gives the wrong answer, the answer right goes to the command that the next raised the signal card. For every correct answer The team receives that the number of points that corresponds to the question in the table. For every wrongthe response from the command is subtracted by the corresponding number of points. The right to choose the next question receives, the team that correctly answered the previous question.

Counting points leads accounts Commission As part of 4 people. Each member of the Commission monitors the same command and calculates the number of points scored by this command.

The same rules are used when conducting the game of the game.



Once chamomile, two chamomile ...


Shed overwhelming

Several questions of the I and II tour refers to the category "Cat in a bag" and to the category "Question-auction". The participants of the game do not know in advance, in which field these questions are.

If during the game the team gets a question from the category "Cat in a bag",that the right to answer this question the team gives rivals on an intellectual game.

If during the game the team goes "Question - auction",topvo responses the team that will offer a large "price". Only those teams can be "bargaining", on the account of which a positive number of points.

III tour

IN III Tour W.private traders decide the crossword. For each correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

Only commands with a positive number of points pass to the final.

The final

Before starting the final Each team makes bets, i.e., record the number of points on the cards, which is exposed as a bet and pass to the Accident Commission.

In the finalteams must compile new words from the letters of the word Snow Maiden. Task execution time - 1 minute. The team wins, which amounted to the greatest number of words. At the expense of this team, the number of points that the team said in the rate. The rest of the teams from the account are filmed scores claimed at the rate.

Winner gamethe team is considered, on whose account after the final there remains the largest number of points.

According to the results of the game, letters and prizes are given to the participants of the winning team of the game, the best player is revealed to whom "Cap of the Wise"

Stroke Game

I. Orgmant:

1 student:

If you want to build a bridge
Watch star motion
Drive a car in the field
Ile drive a car up -
Good work at school
Conscientiously learn.

2 student:

We go to school. Not in vain,
Without science you can not!
In life illiterate enter
During the minute you will disappear.
To avoid errors,
Your mind needs to develop.
And in the game you can check
Just will be or difficult.

II. Dear team members, now you must come up with the name of your team and choose Captain.

(Players come up with the name of the team)

I tour

(Attachment 1 , I tour)






1 point - what is the result of multiplication? (composition)

2 points - how to find an unknown divider? (divide divided by private)

3 points - what is the name of a drawing tool that helps draw a circle? (compass)

4 points - two students passed from school to home 100 meters. How many meters every student passed? (100 meters)


1 point -
Driving a guy on the furnace.
Rolled around the village
And married the princess. (Emel)

2 points -
Alyonushka - Sisters
They took the brother of the bird.
Highly they fly
Far they look. (Swan geese)

3 points -
Was a friend from Ivan
A little humpback
But I made happy
His rich. (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

4 points -
Work knew how beautiful and deftly,
In the matter of anyone showed a skill.
Bread baked and tablecloths of the fault
Sewed shirt, pattern embroidered,
White swan in dance sailed,
Who was the craftswoman? (Vasilisa beautiful)


1 point - goose, goose, caterpillar - related words? (not)

2 points - fast, slow, rapid, speed. What word is superfluous? (rapidly)

3 points - a lot - people, one - ...? (human)

4 points - Sounds see or hear? (hear)


1 point - tool for drawing? (brush)

2 points - what are the water-based paints? (watercolor)

3 points - how do you call the picture on which nature is depicted? (scenery)

4 points - name the colors of the rainbow.


(Appendix 1, II Tour)


Once chamomile, two chamomile ...


Shed overwhelming


10 points are a sports inventory for ice riding. (skates)

20 points - the birthplace of the Olympic Games - ... (Greece)

30 points - a tool of a sports judge (whistle)

40 points - which elephant does not have a trunk? (chess)

Once chamomile, two chamomile ...:

10 points - an institution in which Pechekin is running from Prostokvashino. (Mail)

20 points - what hero with the help of his beard did all sorts of miracles? (Old man Khatabych)

30 points - Dog nicknames from the Fairy Tale "Repka".

40 points - this hero loved to boast and paid his life for it. (Kolobok)


10 points - the capital of Kalmykia? (Elista.)

20 points - What city is: Winter Palace, Hermitage, Kremlin, Red Square? (Moscow)

30 points - Country Fashion Country? (France)

40 points - how do we call the Italian cake? (pizza)

Peeling winding:

10 points - all feeds, and he does not eat. What is it? (the spoon)

20 points - when we look at the figure 2, but speak 14? (on the clock)

30 points - what can be prepared, but you can not eat? (lessons)

40 points - what needs to be done if you see a green man? (Go to the other side)

III tour

(Attachment 1)


IV tour

Make up new words from letters words : Snow Maiden


the counting commission calculates the number of points.

Valentina Krukokova
Intelligent game for preschoolers and younger students "I want to know everything!"


Develop in pupils cognitive interest,

Develop the speed of the reaction, memory, thinking, logic, speech,

Promote enrichment of the vocabulary

Find out the level of awareness and knowledge of the guys in different fields,

Expand the horizons, ideas about the world around

Contribute to the cohesion of the collective, the creation of good mood, the organization of leisure, gaining knowledge,

Learning to work in teams and pairs.

Equipment: Tokens for each participant, game winner tape « Want to know everything» Or grades, sweet and comforting prizes for all guys, cards with labyrinths, cards depicting different shadows and fragments.

The host invites children to fulfill different tasks, answer questions, following each competition - tasks, the child is issued 1 to the token. At the end of the game, the tokens of each player are calculated and the winner is determined. For junior The guys are asked simple questions, for older guys - it is needed to justify the answers.

Travel course:

(Leading - Educator)

Hello guys. Today we will spend interesting game, it is called « Want to know everything. This the game is called intellectual, requires the speed of reaction, attention, memory, brain work and your mental development as a whole.

You will be offered different tasks that will need to be executed. We will check your knowledge in different areas, by the results of their execution we will find out correspondence, erudite of you.

So you're ready find out the wiseerudited among you? Then begin! First, let's talk to the crurch and everything is loud, choir, her scrossing:

We are smart!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are learning a lot!

And everything will succeed!

Exercise 1. Connoisseurs of fairy tales

I'll start, and you finish,

Only in rhyme answer!

In a fairy tale, a horse is not simple:

Miracle - Mane Golden

On the mountains, the boy wears

Yes, it will not drop it.

There is a horse son -

Amazing lump

Amazing lump

On nickname (Gorboon)

In front of the wolf, he trembled,

From the bear ran away

And Fox on a tooth

All caught (Kolobok)

About a cozy some house

Talk we will be heading.

There is a rich special

Lived, tea saw.

Saw tea, chewed in Sdobu.

Unfortunately, the person

The house was all burned down.

Well, think a little ...

True, this aunt (cat)

In the rivers of Africa for a long time

Evil floats log.

Who would go to meet either swam

All swallow (crocodile)

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals

Angry robber (Barmalei)

Everyone in the world he wants

He treats sick animals.

And once hippopotamot

He took out of the swamp.

Kindness is famous

This is a doctor (Aibolit)

His owner is Robin boy,

His buddy is a patch.

He was once a cloud like;

He is simple, but he is not a fool.

For him, walk - a holiday,

And on honey special scent.

This is a teddy squad

Medshound (Winnie the Pooh)

He is familiar with all small children,

Adore all it

But the lights on the whole

Will not find a single one.

He is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,

Not tiger, not tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf, not a blade.

But filmed for movies

And known to everyone for a long time

This cute face,

And calling (Cheburashka).

Well done guys, rightly coped with the task. Everyone who answered questions gets in a zaine. And now we will learn who of you is the most smart.

Task 2. Questions for a mixture, intelligence.

1. Two sausages are filled with 6 minutes. How long will the eight of the same suckers be cooked? (6 minutes).

2. Baba walked to Moscow and met three men. Each of them carried a bag, in every bag - for the cat. How many creatures went to Moscow? (1 Baba).

3. Five light bulbs dim talked in the chandelier. They slammed the doors - and the two burned out. Make you need the most a little: To say how many lamps are left? (five).

4. How many teeth have an adult? (32) .

5. How to talk: "Fish has no teeth", "Fishyev has no teeth", "Fish has no tooth"? (Fish has teeth).

6. What kind of fish is on one side? (at Cambals).

7. Where are the disappearing animals? (in the Red Book).

8. A and B sat on the pipe. And fell, b disappeared, what remains on the pipe? (and).

9. How many sun on the sky? (1) .

10. How many fingers have a person? (20. By 5 on each hand, 5 on each leg).

12. Remember and name the proverbs about health. ( "In a healthy body - healthy Spirit» , "Purity - a guarantee of health", "Health will not buy, - His mind gives" and etc.).

13. What can kill the horse? (drop nicotine).

14. What is harder: 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron? (equally).

15. There were 3 glasses with cherry on the table. Petya ate a cherry out of 1 glasses and put it again on the table. How many glasses are left? (3) .

16. If the rooster will demolish the egg to whom will it come? (Nobody, rooster eggs not carries).

17. Name 5 days of the week, without calling them by name (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

18. In which month, the talkative Masha says the least? (in February, since in February 28 days).

19. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (Nonestly, giraffes do not swim).

20. Can the ostrich call himself a bird? (No, ostrich does not know how to say).

Well done guys tried to answer questions correctly.

And now I suggest you pass the labyrinth who is faster.

Task 3. Pass the labyrinth

On the table in front of you are the cards with labyrinths, you need to pass them as sooner. Children pass the labyrinth on cards, mark the path to the outlet of the labyrinth. Who with the task copes faster and better, gets a token.

Well done, coped well with the task. And now check how you know how to guess riddles.

Task 4. Riddles

The board on the rope is not worse than the horses,

Races everyone clever on the playground. (swing)

From - under the roof roof

Walking under the rain came out. (umbrella)

Round, smooth, like watermelon,

The color of any, for different taste,

Kohl let go with a leash,

He will fly to the clouds. (balloon)

Knock on the wall - I'm jumping,

Throw to the ground, and I will rent

I'm from the palms in the palm of hand,

I'm not able to lie in any way want. (ball)

What is the master on the windows

And casting, and herbs, and thicket roses? (frost)

One says, two look, two listen. (language, eyes, ears).

The sisters grow in the meadows,

Gold with their eyes and white cilia. (chamomile)

Under the pines, under the christmas trees

Lies a bag with needles. (Hedgehog)

Multicolored rocker

Through the river hung. (rainbow)

One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners. (cabbage)

Everyone loves him, but will be glanced at him, so everyone frowns. (the sun)

In the summer walks, in the winter resting. (bear)

Who is in the forest without axes

Is the hut without corners? (ants)

Without hands without an ax

Built the element. (nest)

Well done guys, know how to guess riddles, and now rest a little. You need to find the appropriate fragment or shadow on the cards, insert the desired fragment into the drawing.

Task 6. Pick up the shadow, fragment

Before the guys are cards with drawn vessels, various thematic pictures. In some parts of the pictures, there are no details on each card. The task of the guys is to find and insert the necessary details, shadow, fragments in the missed places.

Well done guys quickly and rightly coped with the task. And now let's play, rest. Do you know what echo is? Imagine that you are an echo. I will talk phrases, and you must repeat these phrases exactly behind me, the word word.

Task 7. Synchronous Echo

College, Devora / Ra, Ra /,

Continues game / Ra, ra /

Bay in hands of cheerful / lei, lei /,

Yes, Ladoshek do not regret / lei, lei /,

What time is it? / hour, hour /,

How much will it be twice two? / two, two /,

Goes around the head / va / va /,

Is it an ear or nose? / nose, nose /, (Show your ear)

And maybe the WHO Sena? / WHO, WHO /,

Is it an ear or eye? / eye, eyes /, (Show your ear)

But what about us? / us, us /, (Show on the knee)

How does the rooster sing in the village? / Wow, Wow

Are you good, obedient always? /Yes Yes/,

Or only sometimes? /Yes Yes/,

Not tired of responding? / think, think /,

I allow you to silence / think,

Here is the end of our game / re, RE /,

And thank you, deleay! / RE, RE /.

Well done guys were able to become a real echo, friendly and cohesive team. In the game you tried to help each other, maintain and encourage.


So our intellectual game to the endYou all tried, coped well with the tasks proposed. What did you know new for yourself, what did you have learned? Thank you for good game, Your knowledge! Try and continue to do well, be careful in classroom, watch what is happening around, behind the world and its changes and, try to become educated, cultural and intellectually developed people!

Now we will calculate all your tokens earned by you on our game. « Want to know everything, find out which of you has become the most erudite, smart, intellectual(Calculation of tokens). And now we will conduct awarding. The smartest became (became (Name, surname of a child - winner). He is awarded the winner's ribbon, the honorable diploma, all participants - sweet incentive prizes. Thank you all, to new meetings on our games and occupations.

During a long trip, in rainy weather or at the cottage, away from the child's toys, you can take fascinating and useful game. Intelligent games are good with their availability and develop a child. With their help, time will fly imperceptibly. And at the same time they do not require cash costs or special training.

The direction of intellectual games

Intelligent games carry huge potential and allow you to develop:

  • Memory.In the process of the game, it works both involuntary and arbitrary memory - even children preschool age Perfectly remember the information filed in this form.
  • Attention.IN interesting game The child focuses as much as possible, trying not to miss sight of the slightest details.
  • Thinking.Thinking over a complex, but an exciting task, a schoolboy will be able to excellently train this skill, assimilate the decision algorithms for the future.
  • Logic.Intelligent games are inextricably linked with logical thinking, allow you to instill its foundations to children younger age And improve the older schoolchildren.
  • Speech.A number of games, cycling the child's speech, develop the articulator and help to absorb new grammatical designs.

The game can have its own specifics and be aimed at developing only one of these processes or train a few skills. In today's article we will consider multisaded games. In addition to the above processes, they will also help develop fantasy, creative thinking, small motor and etc.

Principles of Intellectual Games

Offering a child game, it is important to remember the following principles:

  • The game should be interesting.Offer the child to have an exciting time, call the spirit of rivalry in it and watch his behavior during the game. If enthusiasm is quickly dried, it is better to change the task.
  • The game should have an optimal level of complexity.It is too easy - the child will not be able to shorten the attention of the child, very complicated - can upset it, cause displeasure or insult.
  • The child needs support, help and praise.Be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to break over the head of your head - the child must feel your interest, see participation. Praise his successes, but do not intercept, but cut to a minimum or remove the criticism at all.

Game "Monkey"

Monkey is not always bad!

What Develops:attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements

The game begins with a small fairy tale: "There was a little monkey. And one day it became very boring. She was sitting at the table and sad when a boy entered the room. The monkey hid under the table and began to watch. The boy came up to the buffet and took a candy - a monkey also ran to the buffet and pulled out candy. The boy unfolded a piece of paper - a monkey unfolded. The boy bit off - the monkey bit off. The boy smiled, and she too. "

Next, the adult offers a child (children) the game in which he himself becomes a boy from a fairy tale, and a child is a monkey. After that, the parent can show any actions (for example, collect the model), and the child's task is to quickly repeat them.

"What subject removed?"

What Develops:attention, memory, logic

The child is laid out a set of any items (the optimal number for children elementary school - 5-9). The task of the student is to carefully consider all items (within 30-50 seconds) and remember them. Next, he turns away, and the adult cleans one thing. The child must determine which one thing was removed. If it makes it difficult, then you can give a hint: "This piece of red", "he's round", etc.

To develop logic, you can slightly change the conditions of the game. To guess the missing item, a number of logical tips is given: "He lay behind scissors, but in front of the handle," the subject is more notepad, but less than a book, "" has four angle, but not square, etc.

"Chronological sequence"

What Develops:memory, attention, thinking, speech, logic

It is necessary to prepare several pictures based on fairy tales. For example, to a fairy tale of a kolobok, a grandfather and grandmother, a cheerful swab, hare, wolf, etc. can be drawn. You can search for the relevant images in books and the Internet.

"Story by pictures"

What makes it develops:attention, logic, speech, fantasy

The child is offered several pictures, for example, on one depicted a girl holding a candy, on the second - a girl with an empty candy in his hands, on the third - crying girl. The student needs to make a logical story on these pictures. At the same time, the events in the story should go in the sequence that the images were presented.

"Are accompanied in the correct sequence"

What Develops:attention, thinking, logic

The child needs to be located in the correct sequence based on logical conditions. Example:

Green circle can not stand next to a red square. The blue triangle should stand in front of the green circle, but after a yellow square. Red square is always the last. Yellow square goes paired with a blue triangle ...

"Frame from balls"

What Develops:attention, thinking

Task: Imagine that you have 15 balls. 5 of them yellow color, 5-Sinet, 5 - red. You need to position them in a triangular frame so that there are no balls next to the same color.

"Sold down the code and add"

What Develops:memory, attention, thinking, logic

The child is made by a number of images that are selected on a specific principle. The task is to solve this principle (code) and add a number.

For example, sequence:

What kind of figure you need to put instead of a question mark:

Pictures from Akimova G. E. "Superintellect. Effective training for the development of natural genius "

"Geometric cipher"

What Develops:attention, memory, logic, thinking, speech

The following scheme is proposed to the child:

And conditions:

Thus, the word / phrase is encoded to be decrypted. For example:

Pictures from Hart Davis A. "Amazing Mathematical Puzzles"

"Turn the cups"

What Develops:attention, thinking, logic

In front of the child in a row puts seven cups bottom down. In one move, you can turn over three cups (no more and no less). Task: For three moves to deliver all cups.


What Develops:attention, memory, thinking, speech

Before the game, it is necessary to make a number of questions on common intelligence, knowledge, erudition, intelligence. Questions can be as with answers (how many planets in the solar system? A) 6; B) 3; AT 8; D) 9.), so without (how much is the emperors in Russia?).

To enhance interest in the game, you can award the child for each correct answer, and then exchange them for prizes. Or to arrange a small competition between children, who will give more correct answers.

"Riddles with trick"

What Develops: Attention, memory, thinking, logic, speech

There is a huge set of riddles with trick, to solve that interesting and adults, and children:

  • Can there be a pronoun? If yes, then when? (When they are you-you)
  • What a bird will be the biggest in Europe, if you lose just one letter? (Oriole)
  • What month is the shortest? (May - just three letters)
  • When to enter the black cat in the house easier? (When the door is open)
  • In which month, the talkative girl speaks the least? (In February - short month)

You can find such riddles in books or on the Internet.

For the preparation of intellectual Game The "magnificent seven" for teams from each class of parallels - seven players in each team, commands are assigned numbers. This game passes in several rounds - in each of its own rules. To make a game, it is better to use a small hall or an audience - necessarily with the equipment so that the questions asked to be well audible to the players. The game holds several people: the lead, the counting commission of 2-3 people, two assistants.

Stroke Game

(Players are searched for individual tables placed in a checker order.)

Tour 1. Option

(When the host explains the conditions, the assistants lay out on the tables each team a set of cards with letters a, b, in and number corresponding to the command - the plate with the number remains at the command to the end of the game.)

Tour conditions: Players read the question and gives three options for answers that correspond to the letters: A, B and V. Gives time for thinking - 30 seconds. Then the question is read again and the command is given to raise the plates (the command raises the nameplate with its number and letter with the alleged answer). If the command raised the sign with the answer before the last time - they are given a penalty point. The Counting Commission registers the numbers of the teams that gave the correct answer, and at the end of the tour summarizes the minus penal points.

Possible questions.

1. On the chest of King Sweden Charles 17 yohan was a tattoo:

A) I - tyrant;

B) death of Tirants; +.

B) Only the people.

2. Which of these words laid Kai in the fairy tale "Snow Queen"?

A) snowflake;

B) eternity; +.

B) Heat.

3. One of the listed insect pests is found in the countries - the republics of the former USSR.

A) Irish Studge;

B) Himalayan Puffer;

B) Mauritanian Kozhenka. +.

4. What animals sold Dramar?

B) leeches; +.

B) Turtles.

5. The official clothing of sports judges on football matches in the United States is:

A) pink shirt; +.

B) yellow mantle;

B) Blue fracture.

6. How did the money called the money worth 15 rubles from silver?

B) empire; +.

7. The inflorescence of which plant turns over the sun during the day?

A) sunflower; B) chamomile;

B) tulip.

8. One of the listed people is an inventor of scuba:

A) Captain Nemo;

B) Kruzenshtern;

B) Jacques Yves Kusto. +.

9. The word "acrobatics" translated from Greek means:

A) jumping on a trampoline;

B) I go on tiptoe, climb up; +.

B) Locking, jumping, jumping.

10. In water-motor sports, the vessel with a suspension motor is called:

A) scooter; B) Casper;

B) Flipper.

11. In boxing, judges are called:

A) referee; +.

B) brakers;

B) Ringers.

12. Which of these writers was written "Moydodyr"?

A) wings;

B) Chukovsky; +.

B) Marshak.

Tour 2. Questions

(When the presenter explains the conditions of the second round, the assistants laid down on the tables of each team for answers, on which the team number and handles are written; the number of forms corresponds to the number of questions.)

Typa conditions: Players read the question and is given one minute to discuss the response. Five seconds before the end of the minute, the presenter reports to teams that it is necessary to answer. Teams write their answer on the letterhead. The presenter announces that the commands need to pass the answers. Assistants take place around the hall, collect blanks and transmit them to the lead. If the team did not have time to write the answer until the end of a minute, then their form is not accepted. Once all the forms are collected, the lead announces the correct answer and reports the counting commission of the team numbers that answered correctly.

Possible questions.

Question 1: Every year, the Spanish peasants write on the sides of their cows "Vaka", which in Spanish means "cow". And for whom this inscription is meant, you can say if you understand that it still begins in autumn in Spain.

Answer: for hunters (hunting season begins).

Question 2: This term came to us from Greek, although scientists know its use in Egypt 2000 years ago. For a long time, the secrets owned priests. Gradually, she came out for the original framework, and it began to conditionally divide into three directions: medical, hygienic and ... Probably you already guessed, what we are talking about, the gap that you will not be difficult to call this third direction in which, by the way, and There was an ancient meaning of this term.

Answer: Decorative (it was about cosmetics).

Question 3: 14 September 1638 Died English priest John Garvar. He left his library of a seminary founded in a new city in 1636. And how did this city be called then?

Answer: Cambridge (and college built in him, named Harvard's priest in honor of the priest).

Question 4: Once, when clarifying relationships with courtiers, Louis XIV noticed that he is the king and if he orders it to rush into the water, they should immediately obey. After these words, one of the courtiers went to the exit. What did he answer to Louis on his question about where he went?

Answer: Learn to swim.

Question 5: In America, a computer program has been developed that browsing the memory of all computers of the institution and destroys up to 6,000 different programs. It is not antivirus, although it is built on the same principle. What is it directed against?

Answer: against computer games.

Question 6: A whole may consist of many components, but the main three. They are never the same and cannot be in the same plane. The first symbolizes the sky, a second-person, the third - land. How do we call the whole?

Answer: Iquiban.

Question 1: Before the war in many cinemas, Charlie Chaplin's films were successfully shone. Who voiced the roles of Chaplin?

Answer: No one, these films are dumb.

Question 8: You are undoubtedly loved by plenty of work. Here is the plot of one of them: while the treasure unexpectedly found. On the occasion of the find a holiday will take place, which is overshadowed by the appearance of a cunning villain. The life of the heroine in danger, but at the last moment the hero appears and kills the villain. Everything ends with a wedding. What is the name of the heroine of the work?

Answer: Mukha-Costohah.

Question 9: Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Blue. What color is this list lacks?

Answer: Violet (we are talking about rainbow).

Question 10: Taming of this pet man dates from the IV millennium to our era. It was reached by his image on the stone with a suitable collar - the owner's owner. They were called the "good spirits of the dwelling" and were dedicated to the goddess of the moon, fertility and childbearing. The famous Circus Trainer is done by them. Who are we talking about?

Answer: About the cat.

Question 11: In the time of serfdom, the original "winter" punishment for the peasants who guessed the peasants existed. They are dipped into the hole. What expression did the Russian language enriched, thanks to this punishment?

Answer: "I will show you where the crayfish is" (count all the answers with the words about the "wintering racks").

Question 12: Pig, dog, crow, hare. These animals are known to all kids. Name the name of at least one of them?

Answer: Hurusha, Phil, Karcush, Stepushka.

Question 13: The procedure for finding out the circumstances of any case in the Rome court consisted of seven questions. Four of them: who? Whose help? For what? How? Name the three remaining questions.

Answer: What? Where? When?

Tour 3. Tamble

(To carry out this tour, the assistants lay down on the tables each team several sets of cards, each set lies in its envelope on which the issue number is written to which the data of the card corresponds to.)

Tour conditions: Players read the question and they are from the tables that correspond to the number of this issue, choose the right one, in their opinion, the answer. 30 seconds are given to thinking. As soon as the time for thinking ends, the commands on the signal raise signs with the answer and with the number of their team. Then the host reads the correct answer, and the Certificate Commission registers commands that gave the correct answer. If the team raises its answer much later than all other teams - it is counted a penalty point.

Possible questions.

1. The goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology. (Aphrodite, Gera, Venus, Joys.)

2. The last Russian king. (Nicholas II, Peter I, Nicholas I, Ivan Terrible.)

3. What science is studying the behavior and emotions of a person in various situations? (Psychology, Pedagogy, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis.)

4. What figure is the Slavs considered the sacred? (7, 5, 13, 28.)

5. What word is called warm southern wind and oriental sweetness? (Marshmallow, Lukum, Shcherbet, Couscous.)

6. "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts." Word author? (Chekhov, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky, Pukin.)

7. Famous Russian icon painter? (Rublev, Levitan, Korovin, Ayvazovsky.)

Tour 4. Blitz.

(For this tour, commands will need a sign with the number of their command.)

Tour Conditions: The master reads the question and the team that is ready to answer, raises the nameplate with its number. The counting commission carefully monitors what the team was the first and gives her the word if the team responded correctly, then five points are counted, if not, the word is given to the team that the second raised the plate, but in the case of the right answer, only four is counted Point, etc.

Possible questions.

1. Removable hairstyle. (Wig.)

2. Creator Venus Miloso? (Michelangelo)

3. The inhabitants of the quiet pool. (Devils.)

4. What is the name of construction art? (Architecture.)

5. An outgoing complaint, which Moscow does not believe. (Tears.)

6. When, as the Tsar, the Decembrist's uprising happened? (December 14, 1825, Nicholas 1.)

7. Adaptation for recreation in suspender. (Hammock.)

8. Creators of Slavic ABC? (Cyril and Methodius.)

9. Bald's younger brother? (Hare.)

11. Solar entry. (Sunrise.)

After all the tours are held, the counting commission reveals the winners (first, second, third place), awards.

For children, not only mental abilities and smelts are developing, but also give children a new knowledge.

Intellectual game Kolobok

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Kolobok". In a fairy tale, seven characters: Baba, Grandfather, Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Bear and Fox. You need to cook seven pictures or draw them together with your baby. Then tell the child a fairy tale "Kolobok" using pictures like a visual allowance. After that, it is necessary to offer the baby to decompose the pictures in the chronological sequence. An older child will gladly tell the fairy tale.

Intellectual game Putanka

At least 5 people should participate in this game. Two of them: one confusing, the other is unraveling. Razniting goes to another room, so that he would have seen the rest of the playing children. The participants of the game are taken by the hands, after that "confusing", begins to fulfill its work - to confuse all the guys: who climbed the arm, who crossed the other, who wrapped his hand around the neck, but you can not smear your hands. In general, it turned out "Abrakadabra". Now the output of the "unraveling" - the task is simple - to unravel, not blurred hands.

Intellectual game Guess

The presenter asks, questions, in turn gradually approaching playing children to the correct answer. For example.
- They are looking for him
- He is looking for Ivan
- This is a hero of fairy tales.
- He lives in the raid kingdom
- He wants to win him.
- His life is not in it.
- His life at the end of the needle
Then presenter suggests children Create a similar series of questions.

The game Word stick

On the school chalkboard or on paper, draw a square. Then draw cells - 5 to 5 (this is the minimum number of small cells, it is possible and more - 6 to 6, etc.). In the central part write the word. For example: trap. Then in turn fit in one letter to neighboring cells so that another word is. If under the word drone downstairs under the first letter, but write the letter P, then the word folder will turn out, and in a separate column, drawn for each participant, write a figure 5 - since the word folder contains 5 letters. And so in turn. The winner of the game is the participant who will give the greatest amount of points.

City game

The first participant says the name of the city. The next participant must call the city on the letter to which the first city ends. For example: Moscow. The next says: Astrakhan. Next - Novosibirsk. The subject can choose any: animals, countries, movie titles, etc.

Air, Water, Earth game, Fire

For this game, you need a ball and several participants. Children become in a circle. Inside the circle there is a leading ball. He alternately throws the ball to the participants and at the same time says one word out of four offered: "Air" - you need to catch the ball and say the name of the bird, "water" - catch the ball and call the fish, "Earth" - call the animal, but if you catch the ball on The word "fire" - drop out of the game. After someone from the participants caught the ball, the lead starts to count to the "three" and if I caught not called anything, then it drops out of the game. If I called fish instead of a bird - drops out of the game.
The winner becomes the lead.

Travel game

The presenter throws the ball in a circle in turn to the participants of the game. I caught the ball, says such a phrase: "I will go ... for example: Delhi." The participant standing on the right of him asks the question: "Why?", And the next one who stands to the right must quickly answer: why he needed to go to Delhi. For example: "Elephants to count either India to study."
Who could not quickly answer the question coming out of the game.

The game Crocodile

This game develops figurative thinking and acting abilities. Play two teams.
Representatives of the same command call the participant from the other. We whisper into his ear name of the animal, and in the future, everything that comes to mind. The task of the rival side guess that they will be depicted without words caused by the participant.

Game "Winged Expression of the Hero of the Cartoon"

Fragments of the statements of famous characters from cartoons are sounded: hare from "Well, wait!", Kuzya's house, Freken side, Bremen Musicians, Alice from the castorcallian, etc. Children who named the Hero, get a token - smile, and on the screen An image of this hero appears.

"Fabulous cubes puzzles."

Requisites: 24 cubes with parts of the pictures of the heroes. The presenter makes riddles. Those participants who gave them to them are invited to the scene. Then, on time collect pictures with heroes.

Intelligent game with the hall.

Sea, window, cake, heart, cocoa, grapes, flower, ocean, blankets, kiss, look, love - these words calls the lead. Words, as you can see, are pronounced in the singular. The task of the audience to name these words in the plural.

Intellectual Game with movements.

This game has a complex character. It is carried out in several stages:
Stage 1 - The presenter builds playing in one row, then calls the adjectives (for example: round, green, large, etc.). After each spoken word, the participant takes a step forward and continues the phrase (for example: Round - Ball, Green - Forest, etc.). It drops out of the game, not found the desired noun.
2 Stage - you need to come up with an original exercise with Hula - Hup
3 Stage - draw a creature consisting of geometric figures: Circle, square, triangle.