Games for special tables. Poker tables. Table for games

Board games are a reason to get together with family or friends, this is an interesting evening without a computer and a TV, full of communication and real excitement. If you have a place for board games in your heart, then you need to think about the place for them in your home.

You can play "Boards" and at the dinner table, on the coffee table or even on the floor. But isn't it not wonderful - make a place for games, make it comfortable and atmospheric? To the game enough space on the table, all the players were conveniently posted, and the Party of Carcassonne would not have to interrupt on the very interesting placeBecause someone from relatives really wants to dine at this same table.

Top Games Zone

Where to play on the stands? The first thing that suggests is in the living room. After all, this is a public area in an apartment that is designed for a similar rest.

In one-room apartment, the gaming accent can purchase a kitchen if it is spacious enough. Or maybe you have a room that is not yet used (guest or "postponed" for later to create a nursery), then it can entirely become a game.

Table for games

As you already understood, the table is the center of this zone. The size matters, but depends on those games that you play. For a monopoly or scraples, a lot is not needed. But for civilization or games, where the field is being built by the players themselves, you need a really spacious table. The most versatile solution will be a transformer table with folding fields. It will not take much space in the room in the folded form, and in the unfolded - it will be a sufficient field for construction and battles.

Conveniently, if the table has edging or even flights, then the cubes will fly less out of its limits.

An interesting idea: paint the table with a stylist paint to record glasses with chalk right on the table.

What to sit on?

The table can be low or high, depending on which seats are provided. If there is very little space under the corner for games, it is better to put low table And put the cushions for seats around it, which is easy to clean while they are not used.

If there is where the elderly people who are inconvenient to sit on the floor will be involved in the games, which are inconvenient to sit on the floor, you can put a tall table and chairs. Since you can spend a lot of time behind the game, take care of the convenience of the chairs: better if they are soft and with the correct back.

You can organize a zone for games at the sofa in the living room, but it will cause certain difficulties. The players all the time will be seduced to high, which is there a neighbor. Yes, and get up from behind the table, not touching it, it will be difficult.

Storage games

Board games are boxes. Many boxes of various sizes. If you seriously enjoy board gamesYou will need a rack. The best place For storage - open shelves, wide and high enough to put games on them in an optimal way.

For saving space, you can free the games from the boxes and decompose according to compact containers.

Instead of racking, workers are suitable for storage for a wardrobe. They can be cheated on the railing.

If you have not so much games yet, they can be stored in the game table. For example, on the register for magazines from the quoted table or in special boxes. Thus, this table is arranged in the form of a Rubik cube.

Poker tables are pretty interesting story, of course, they are not so vintage as the first written or billiard tables, but their pedigree is also very fascinating.

The first specialized tables for playing cards appeared three centuries ago in Europe. These were the so-called lonely tables. They owe their origins to the Spaniards, the French and the British, the name - Russian. "Lomber" - so in the XVI century was called the Card game invented invented by the Spaniards, which was very popular in the old world.

Versailles decorators in the 17th century adapted ordinary tables for card games. But the glory of Lombera was speedy.

In Russia, she was ousted by wist and preference. These games were played for the same tables that in Catherine II came up with a special name. Neither the British, nor in the French, nor the Spaniards have no concept of a false table. They had just a game, and we also have furniture.

Tables had various forms: square, pentagonal or triangular. The main thing is symmetry: none of the players should have advantages. As a rule, tables were used only for playing cards, and stood the rooms or hall assembled somewhere at the wall. When those who wished were going to play poker, with the occurrence of the evening, the tables opened.

The selection of cloth for the coating is due to the fact that before players did their records with chalk on the table. On a smooth wooden surface of the recording, the tables were quickly, the tables began to shit cloth. To clear the cloth from the records used special brushes. In addition, there were tables upholstered with a special cloth - Gas. It is light, transparent fabric, but it is easily damaged with a slight pressure on it.

Green cloth tables with many poets, among them and A.S. Pushkin. It is he who owns the lines: "Green tables are revealed - the name of the tricky players."

Later, the record on the card table ceased to do, but the green cloth remained and became one of distinctive features poker table.

By the 19th century, special tables were used in almost all cabins of card games.

Over time, the tables were improved. Minimal additional details began to appear. For example, deepening for chips, ashtons, special installations for candlesticks.

Next time I will tell you about the poker tables of our time.

    The lonely table is a special table for playing cards. The name comes from the word Lomber, the name is the old card game for three. This name went from the French Lhombre, which means man, a man.

    The table for the game is called a lonely table. He is obliged to the Spaniards, his popularity, French, the British, and the name of the Russian. Liver table of quadrangular shape, covered with cloth. New fashion To Vintage presented this object of furniture The chance of a lonely table quite consistent with modern design.

    This table is called - Lomber table. Such a curly appointment for the Russian ear gave the Spaniards based on the name of the game Lomber (a game of cards for three people), the advantage - a compact table, can develop. Green cloth allows eyes not to get tired and not distracted.

    The name of this table - lomberian. The Spaniards first invented this table for the game invented by them in the card, which was called Luber. This symmetrical, four-year-old table covered with a cloth, was very loved by the French and the British and became used, became popular. And the Russians came up with the name of this table - Liver. The table began to make folding and it became part of the interior, because in the folded condition it was used as stands and coffee tablesAnd when it was necessary to decline for the game, for written works and even tea drinking. For a lonely table, it turns out that historical facts occurred:

    This is a lobby table, usually rectangular, covered with green cloth.

    There was once this game in the map - Lomber.

    You can buy and now: type in the search engine Lomber table buy .

    There are many different tables. For playing cards, a lonely table is used, which was originally created not only for the game in Lomber, but also suitable for other card games.

    The lonely table is a worktop that is covered with cloth green. Such a table is unfolded at four sides.

    Map Table This is a special table with fields. Typically, such tables are covered with green cloth, the main requirement - the fabric should not be very darous.

    The first such table Delivered specially for the game Lomber, He was driving a cloth and had a concave edge. Later other gambling tables began to call a lonely tablewhich are covered with cloth.

    Tables have differences in shape or size, for example, for roulette, poker and other games - there are special tables.

    Poker table:

    Table for blackjack:

    The table that is used in the professional game card is called logberry - This name he received from the name of the Spanish card game - Lomber. This table is small in size, is folded, the surface of it is covered with a cloth in such a way that there are quite wide fields around the perimeter.

    The table that is designed specifically for the game of the card is called a Liver Table. It has a quadrangular shape and covered with a special cloth. This table is folded and declined. The table was called Liver from antique Game In the maps of Lomber.

    Good day!

    It turns out the table on which there is a special name played in the card - Liver table.

    Description of the Liver Table:

    Now the lonely tables are available at collectors.

    liver table with cloth in the middle with a rectangular table top for playing cards.

    From the French language came to Russian language name of the old Spanish game ombrewhich is played as a rule three players. And the table for the card games was called lomberian. This quadrangular table is foldable for the convenience of players. It is covered with green cloth.

    not to treat more soul patient for green cloth casino ... These are words from a popular song, in which such a table is mentioned - Liver - especially for playing cards and it is covered with a green cloth. How many such tables have won and played, someone's fate collapsed. But he was Liver, and remained. The flow of time has not changed its essence.