How to win at cards in any card game. Hazi is a card game. Rules of the game. How to play the game Playing cards azi rules

Number of players: 2 - 6

Optional: deck of 27 cards

Seniority of cards: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T

Purpose of the game: take two tricks first

They play with a deck of 27 cards, in which there are only 3 suits. Each suit is represented by cards from six to ace. The suits can be any. Before the start of the game, each player bets a predetermined amount of money. For example, it can be equal to five rubles.

After that, the first deliverer is determined by lot, in next games players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and 4 cards are dealt to each player. The dealer opens the last dealt card (his) and the suit of this card becomes a trump card. Players who, after the announcement of the trump card, do not want to play, announce this and fold their cards. Those players who have agreed to play, fold one of their cards and start trading.

Trading is about raising the stakes by the players. The player to the left of the deliverer opens the trade, he either raises the rates or folds. It is allowed to raise a bet no more than three times on all participating players in the game. If all players fold except one, then the trade ends and the drawing begins.

The first move in the first draw belongs to the player to the right of the player who won the trade. A player can put any card, each next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of this suit, then he must put a trump, if there is no trump, he can put any card.

The player who has the highest card in relation to the first one laid out in the trick wins the trick. The player who first takes two tricks takes the stake. If none of the players takes more than one trick, which means a draw or "Azi", then a second draw is made. The players who took one trick in the previous drawing play the round. A player who did not take a single trick in the previous drawing must contribute half of the stake to participate in the drawing. A player who did not participate in the drawing, who threw cards after the deal or during the bargaining, in order to participate in the drawing, must bet the entire stake. When the cards are dealt for replay, the dealer reveals his last fourth card, which will represent the trump suit. If the donor does not participate in the drawing, then the player who took the last trick deals the cards. In this case, the top card of the remaining deck is revealed after the deal is dealt and placed on top of the deck. The suit of this card will be the trump suit. After the surrender, the trade and the drawing take place again.

There are 2 additional rules:

1) a player who has a trump ace and two cards of the same suit has the right to declare "misalignment", which means the player's game in order to prevent other players from taking two tricks, in this case the player is not obliged to beat the first card of the move with his trump ace in the absence of he has cards of the same suit, but if the second move is made in the same suit when playing a trick, then it is obligatory to beat with an ace;

2) players have the right to invite each other "to azi", which means a game of players that does not allow other players to take more than one trick, and if one of these players took two tricks, then the player does not take the stake, but participates in the re-drawing on the rights of the player who took one trick.

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 27
Number of players: 2 - 6
Seniority of cards:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: take two bribes first.
Rules of the game. They play with a deck of 27 cards, in which there are only 3 suits. Each suit is represented by cards from six to ace. The suits can be any. Before the start of the game, each player bets a predetermined amount of money. For example, it can be equal to five rubles. After that, the first dealer is determined by lot, in the next games the players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and 4 cards are dealt to each player. The dealer opens the last dealt card (his) and the suit of this card becomes a trump card. Players who, after the announcement of the trump card, do not want to play, announce this and fold their cards. Those players who have agreed to play, fold one of their cards and start trading. Trading is about raising the stakes by the players. The player to the left of the deliverer opens the trade, he either raises the rates or folds. It is allowed to raise a bet no more than three times on all participating players in the game. If all players fold except one, then the trade ends and the drawing begins. The first move in the first draw belongs to the player to the right of the player who won the trade. A player can put any card, each next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of this suit, then he must put a trump, if there is no trump, he can put any card. The player who has the highest card in relation to the first one laid out in the trick wins the trick. The player who first takes two tricks takes the stake. If none of the players takes more than one trick, which means a draw or "Azi", then a second draw is made. The players who took one trick in the previous drawing play the round. A player who did not take a single trick in the previous drawing must contribute half of the stake to participate in the drawing. A player who did not participate in the drawing, who threw cards after the deal or during the bargaining, in order to participate in the drawing, must bet the entire stake. When the cards are dealt for replay, the dealer reveals his last fourth card, which will represent the trump suit. If the donor does not participate in the drawing, then the player who took the last trick deals the cards. In this case, the top card of the remaining deck is revealed after the deal is dealt and placed on top of the deck. The suit of this card will be the trump suit. After the surrender, the trade and the drawing take place again.

There are 2 additional rules in the game:

1) a player who has a trump ace and two cards of the same suit has the right to declare "misalignment", which means the player's game in order to prevent other players from taking two tricks, in this case the player is not obliged to beat the first card of the move with his trump ace in the absence of he has cards of the same suit, but if the second move is made in the same suit when playing a trick, then it is obligatory to beat with an ace;
2) players have the right to invite each other "to azi", which means a game of players that does not allow other players to take more than one trick, and if one of these players took two tricks, then the player does not take the stake, but participates in the re-drawing on the rights of the player who took one trick.


Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 27
Number of players: 2 - 6
Seniority of cards:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: take two bribes first.
Rules of the game. They play with a deck of 27 cards, in which there are only 3 suits. Each suit is represented by cards from six to ace. The suits can be any. Before the start of the game, each player bets a predetermined amount of money. For example, it can be equal to five rubles. After that, the first dealer is determined by lot, in the next games the players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and 4 cards are dealt to each player. The dealer opens the last dealt card (his) and the suit of this card becomes a trump card. Players who, after the announcement of the trump card, do not want to play, announce this and fold their cards. Those players who have agreed to play, fold one of their cards and start trading. Trading is about raising the stakes by the players. The player to the left of the deliverer opens the trade, he either raises the rates or folds. It is allowed to raise a bet no more than three times on all participating players in the game. If all players fold except one, then the trade ends and the drawing begins. The first move in the first draw belongs to the player to the right of the player who won the trade. A player can put any card, each next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of this suit, then he must put a trump, if there is no trump, he can put any card. The player who has the highest card in relation to the first one laid out in the trick wins the trick. The player who first takes two tricks takes the stake. If none of the players takes more than one trick, which means a draw or "Azi", then a second draw is made. The players who took one trick in the previous drawing play the round. A player who did not take a single trick in the previous drawing must contribute half of the stake to participate in the drawing. A player who did not participate in the drawing, who threw cards after the deal or during the bargaining, in order to participate in the drawing, must bet the entire stake. When the cards are dealt for replay, the dealer reveals his last fourth card, which will represent the trump suit. If the donor does not participate in the drawing, then the player who took the last trick deals the cards. In this case, the top card of the remaining deck is revealed after the deal is dealt and placed on top of the deck. The suit of this card will be the trump suit. After the surrender, the trade and the drawing take place again.

There are 2 additional rules in the game:

1) a player who has a trump ace and two cards of the same suit has the right to declare "misalignment", which means the player's game in order to prevent other players from taking two tricks, in this case the player is not obliged to beat the first card of the move with his trump ace in the absence of he has cards of the same suit, but if the second move is made in the same suit when playing a trick, then it is obligatory to beat with an ace;
2) players have the right to invite each other "to azi", which means a game of players that does not allow other players to take more than one trick, and if one of these players took two tricks, then the player does not take the stake, but participates in the re-drawing on the rights of the player who took one trick.

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Azi's popular game

Preparing for fun

This begins addicting game with the fact that you need to prepare one deck of cards. It should contain exactly 27 cards, while the seniority of the cards is distributed from 6, 7, 8, 9, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. From two to six people can take part in the game "Azi" at the same time. The first player to take two tricks is considered the winner.

Let's start the game

So, before starting the game, you need to familiarize yourself with its rules. A deck of twenty-seven cards should have three suits of your choice. Each suit must have everything specified cards by seniority from six to ace.

Before starting the game, the participants wager a certain amount of money. The amount is not fixed, the participants agree on the size of the bet with each other in advance. The game "Azi" says that after the bets have been made, the first deliverer must be determined by drawing lots.

Further in the game, the participants will deal cards in turn, determined by them in advance. One of the players shuffles the cards and then distributes four sheets to all participants, including himself. The suit of the card that he will deal to himself last, the participant must show to all other players, since it becomes a trump card in this game.

The rules of the game "Hazi" allow that if it happens that after the announcement of the trump card, one of the players does not want to continue the game, he must immediately discard his cards. The participants remaining in the game discard one of their four cards.

Bidding now begins. The point of trading is to increase the rates made. The very first bargaining begins with the participant sitting to the left of the one who dealt the cards at the beginning of the game. Further, everything also takes place in compliance with certain rules, but the rules of the game "Azi" are democratic here, the participant has the right to raise the rate or pass. In the process of increasing rates, there is one important rule: one participant cannot raise the rate in a party more than three times.

In the event that all players have passed, except for one, the bidding ends and the drawing begins. The player sitting to the right of the winning bidder starts the rally first. He bets any of his four cards, and the rest of the participants must lay out either a card of the same suit or a trump card, but if there are no such cards, you can participate in any of his cards.

If there is a draw, the rally is repeated. Those players who took at least one trick in the last drawing start a new round. And those who last time did not take a single bribe, bring half of the previous knight into the new drawing. The player who discarded his cards at the beginning or during the auction puts the entire bet.

Further, the drawing of cards is carried out as follows: the cards are dealt by the previous donor or, if he does not participate, the player who took the last trick. In this case, the card from the top of the deck becomes the trump card. Then the game "Azi" proceeds according to the same principles.

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Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 28
Number of players: 2 - 12
Seniority of cards:8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: take all the money from the bank.
Rules of the game. This game is a variation of the Three Leaves game. The main difference is that the game is played with a deck of 28 cards. The rules are as follows. The deck is carefully shuffled, then removed. The bank is exposed before the distribution. The player who deals the cards first is determined by drawing lots. The trump card in the deal belongs to him only when 12 players are playing. Otherwise, the trump card is opened and placed at the very bottom of the deck. Then comes the trading stage: the player who is to the left of the one who bets on the line can double the initial bet, thereby equalizing the bet. The money that makes up the starting pot and the money of other players have a ratio of 1: 2. The first player to start is the player who puts the highest bet on the line. This player can bet an amount higher than the doubled bet. The rights of this player are as follows: the player can stop playing the game if he folds his cards, or put the first bet together with the new one added to it and play them in azo. Azo - this means a new distribution. Further, the right to move goes to the player who sits on the left. The player who wins the hand is entitled to a new one. The player who has 3 sixes can beat any 3 cards and reveal his own as soon as the trade is over.