Play ice cream 1 on 2 players. Games bad ice cream. What do we have to do

You might think that the phrase "bad ice cream" is stupid, since everyone loves ice cream, it is the most present delicacy at all times. It's just impossible to imagine that ice cream be bad, is it true? However, everyone's favorite dessert is also a wonderful idea for entertainment. Now, however, there are very few games devoted to this yummy.

Rules of the game

Players will have to manage ice cream to collect fruits that are located at this level. Fruits will be in cubes from ice. With the help of the cursor, you can not only move from the cube into the cube, but also create cubes, as well as destroy them. If the character has a string from ice cubes, it is enough to press the "Space" key and the string will collapse. If there are no rows from cubes, you should also press the "Space" key - the ice will appear in front of you. To collect the maximum number of points you need to build fruit as soon as possible. The timer can be found at the bottom of the screen. If the timer shows 0 - do not worry, the game is not over, but it will not be possible to get extra points. The further move in the game, the less you will need to look at the timer.
For more interest, because everything is not so simple, your opponents will appear at the level, they should be shy away from them. Each enemy has its own unique strategy of movement and the possibility. We will have to identify regularity and continue its mission. Do not miss the opportunity to fight the enemy using your overwear to destroy ice boulders. Further more interesting!

Play together

The main advantage of the exciting game can be called what you can play with the other, immediately together. You can, together, go through the game, and take part in the competition against each other over one computer. Who will gather more points, he won. At the start there is a special menu, you can select the game mode: for one or for two. Also, everyone can choose the type of ice cream: strawberry, or creamy, or vanilla.

Bad ice cream for two

There are several parts of this fascinating game, different levels of difficulty. They are united by all same good Mood, the ability to pronounce free minutes.

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Delicious gameplay Games Bad Ice Cream

In ice cream games, logic combines, battle with an opponent and extreme. It would seem that it may be easier than to add fruit to ice cream, so there is no way, our seal has to get them on their own, and everything in concerns about becoming tastier. At the very beginning, it should be determined not only with the number of people. And with the fact that a portion of ice cream will be managed by each of the people.

In the process of the game, you need to collect various fruits and berries, as well as other food additives that can improve the delicacy and make it good. To cope with this task, you will have to confront enemies, each of which is a lover of sweet. If you try, they can be neutralized by stirring in the walls of ice. However, be careful, each of the enemies are inherent in those or other abilities. Some and themselves can twist the ice walls or make you all sorts of fine dirty.

Online games are bad ice cream for two, stand out by one feature - a collision with the enemy is mortally. However, with a pair game, the remaining portion can always have a level alone. The goal will be executed if the fruit does not remain on the field. Be careful when building ice traps. If it is randomly climbing fruit, then after you have to release them from ice shacks. Do not be surprised if suddenly bananas, kiwi or coffee beans will sweep away from you. Some ingredients in this game obviously simply do not want to be eaten.

Version Version

The first part of this fascinating logic ferrock saw the light back in 2007. Despite this, she has not lost its popularity to today. It is quite clear that each of the subsequent parts is characterized by more advanced graphics. Ice labyrinths flicker all brighter, and the fruits look all appetizing. Bad ice cream 2, in addition to the graphics, received a number of other improvements, for example, the enemies became smarter, and it became even harder to get the fruit. In addition, Dummy Arcade became more interesting and varied, and the ability of evil monsters more balanced. Most recently released free game Bad ice cream 3, brought even more changes. There is even more improved opponents intelligence, and their new types, and new abilities for our main characters.

Sometimes in the game of the game, you just caught yourself thinking about what to eat strawberries or eat a juicy cluster of ripe grapes would be quite good. By the way, on the field, all fruits appear in a clearly defined sequence. So, without collecting all the fruits of one species, it simply will not be able to break the scourge of others. On the planner below gaming field It can be seen which fruit or berries are required to assemble at each individual level. Fragrant coconuts and fragrant oranges, juicy cherries and clusters of ripe grapes, coffee beans, kiwi and lemons All this tasty abundance should become fillers for your delicacy and turn it out of the bad at the best.

Tactics Games and Features of your favorite delicacy

In any of the series of games, levels are changing from simple to more complex. Before you go to endless ice maze, it is necessary to develop a certain tactics and deal with control. Your ice cream, moving, builds ice blocks or destroys them if necessary. In order to make such focuses, it is enough to use the Space key. Note that the character itself must be deployed in the right direction. All movement is managed using the arrow keys. In the case when two, the second person uses the WASD key to move.

You will have to control the ice blocks to this player using the F key. And so, the enemy can, and even need to neutralize, and for this you need to deprive it with the opportunity to move, insulting in an ice labyrinth. At the same time, keep in mind that the collection of fruit is delicate, it is possible that the sickness of the next variety will appear at the enemy under the nose. Playing bad ice cream 2 and 3 for two or even alone is not at all easy, but most importantly do not forget about the time, it is limited to passing each level.

The ultimate goal of the level undoubtedly is to neutralize the enemy and collect all the delicious ingredients. However, in the steam game there is another important moment. Collected more fruit becomes the winner of the crown. However, it is not necessary to extraditiate on this matter, because the struggle for the crown can suffer. To defeat the general enemy and successfully move to the next level, invested in the time allotted for this, much more important. In addition, with the death of one portion of ice cream, the second can lead the team to victory, completing the collection of items on their own. Games about bad ice cream are fascinating and interesting, and wander through an ice archipelago, having moved from one island to another and mastering new maze is very cool. Play and win, and then your ice cream will become the most delicious worldwide.

The game "Bad ice cream 1" is salvation for those who are tired of racing and everybody, although in this game they are also there, but in a much smaller quantity than in other toys. Well, what else can we expect when the chief of heroes stands up the horn of ice cream, is it really not very good-natured? But in the fact that he is so spoiled to blame the manufacturers who irresponsibly approached the recipe for manufacturing and spoiled a snack. So travel through the territory of the virtual refrigerator, where they put the hero. He needs to find a stuffing to become the most tasty, otherwise it is finally ruined and even playing with him will become dangerous, not to eat.

However, in the toy "Bad ice cream 1" there is a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive. It is very funny to watch how the angry horn runs in search of berries, and crumbs all those who come across him on the way. You are still long after you finish playing, you will smile, so all this is fun. By the way, call a friend, if the most boring is to sit at the computer, at the same time and the gossip will speak, and do it.

Special skills game "Bad ice cream 1" does not require, do not need to strain brains, only dexterity of hands and a little attention to the screen. Draw a few minutes a day to help the character get the desired, and he will immediately correct his harmful character. Let him bust all the apples and bananas scattered under their feet, and go to the next level, where even more different ingredients.

We will prepare horns with fillers or ice cream pies will not. Let us leave this idea for a pretty lady, especially since the restaurant to the real fans of mobile arcades will quickly bother.

And so, everyone is ready to get acquainted with bad ice cream? It is not worthwhile to fear or avoid it, this hero does not threaten the gamers and does not carry a frightening mission. On the contrary, he has completely noble intentions that in the passage of ice cream and is going to implement. Swabs wants to be fruit or acquire another appetizing filling. But, there is one "nuance" that prevents him from doing this. Intrigue!

What is the problem of Bad Ice Cream?

In reality, where bad ice cream are unfolded, there are no people, but the cream-brulee feels comfortably, schcherbets and eskimo, our comrade is also not a little. But, there is a hindrance that does not give him to become tastier. Antagonists are hampered by all methods to extract the berries and slices of fruit, which is why the protagonist is angry.

Losing ice hands bad ice cream is not going to miserably with cheats, but I intend to fight with your enemies. Have you ever seen shooting filling treats? In everyday life, such a dick is definitely not cleared, but in a fictional country, easily. Join the militant brave and try to play on his side, help defeat all the detractors and pass all the levels on the computer.

Each location of the game is a labyrinth of designs made of ice. Glorious enemies are saved between them, it is necessary to manage to shoot all rivals and collect every piece of Malinka and strawberry. To do this, destroy the blocks, the system of them, using a space and actively move, clay arrows, in order to find yourself in the cunning west.

On Android, to perform the above manipulations, the sensor is used. Comforted on combat swollen? Forward, handle, erect, striking spectacular shootings and do not think that all the tests of games are bad ice cream are the same, gradually you will be required to be more and more agility and talkers in order not to get stuck on some difficult area.

Two more fun

One of the advantages of the games of this category is the presence of a mode for two. And if you have a friend next to you, who is also not averse to immersed in the edge of exciting alterations, then distribute the roles and both be able to prevent. From one phone or tablet it will not be easy to do, but if there is no laptop under the side, everyone can easily download the game to the device and obstacles to the dynamic time spent.

All games are distinguished by bright graphics, a pleasant act of tasks for stubborn guys, cool animation. The abilities of the filling and the growing ambitions are growing. Do not yaw if you do not want, in order to melt you or eliminated by another unpleasant method. Moreover, if you give a series of "misses", we will find out at the starting point, losing all accumulated achievements.

But, even if it will not always be to get from the first approach to rinse with the quest, take a new attempt, take into account your mistakes and do not be fully thought out the strategy. If the monitor is large, expand the game bad ice cream to the whole screen and then even a small part will not slip away from your dormant eye.

Set up to get positive emotions And feed your hand, show the class and remember that the most persistent always gets victory!

Time to play "Bad ice cream 1" for full screen: The very first version of the game is free available in best quality! Start the adventure right now and understand why the appearance of the game "Bad ice cream 1" (Bad Ice-cream) blew up the Internet in a distant 2010 and revived the fashion on pixel retro style today. The plot is very simple: the bad ice cream lost the fruit and hurries any way to restore your inner world. At this time, various villains (ice monsters, goblins, violent bulls, aliens) are trying to merge him in a puddle. Saw together who can!

But, before starting to play "Bad ice cream 1", I will open the main secret of the game: no enemy can be destroyed or defeated! But it can be slowed down, caught trap or deceived! If you do not know how to undergo a level, watch the enemy. There are many smart level design designs in the game: some rely on rapid movement, it is important to correctly place the ice block or finding out the models of enemies in order to use it in your interests.

How to play

Choose a character and game mode "Bad ice cream 1": on 1 player, if you want to fight against ice monsters alone or two with one computer, if you are ready to play as a team. The choice of "bad ice cream" characters in 1 part of the game are limited to 3 aromas: strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. There is no difference, but it is impossible to duplicate one color when playing for two.

In addition to the movement in the labyrinth, the hero can blow up the blocks of ice or create them when he wants. One action is available for many features:

  • block pests;
  • get out of the trap;
  • punch the way to bonuses;
  • defend and attack enemies.

It all depends on the state of the labyrinth: if there are no walls, it is created, and if there is, it is cleaned.


Playing "Bad ice cream 1" needed with different control buttons. Player 1 moves with arrows, and blocks are installed or removed. In the game mode for two, the second is added, then the WASD buttons are activated - moving, F - block control.

Pleasant game right now!