Board game Millionaire Game Field. Board game Millionaire Rules of the game. Branches of enterprises: Description

Table game "Millionaire" is intended to dating children with commodity relations, improving the skills of the account and development of intelligence. The task of players is moving through the playing field to buy objects that dividends will be able to bring. The participant wins the participant who will go to the game final is the richest. The game is represented by a colorful performed game field, chips, cards, tokens, gaming money and cubes to determine the number of moves. Players alternately throw a cube and, committing a certain number of moves, perform the task that it falls. The task of each player make money and increase your capital. To increase capital, players can acquire various enterprises: banks, cinemas, supermarkets that can bring them income. The participant wins, who will be on the finish the richest millionaire. The game contributes to the training skills of the account, develops attention and intelligence, teaches inventive money relations. The product is certified and manufactured from high-quality materials. In the set: cards, tokens, gaming money, game field, chips, 2 playing cubesinstructions. The number of alleged players: 2-6. Composition: cardboard, plastic. Recommended for children from 6 years.

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January 4, 2018.

IN lately A lot of options for the board game "Millionaire" appeared on the market. This is an economic game that collects the whole family or a company of friends behind the playing field. The rules in it are not too complicated. People who loved "Monopoly" will be happy to know the "millionaire".

In the article we will look at the rules of the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic"). This is one of the fundamental modifications of the game. The remaining options are extended, several new rules have been added to them. We will understand in more detail below.

Game equipment

Buying a box with a table game "Millionaire", you need to check the complete set. This is a playing field of square shape, folded fourly. Two dice "bones" that help solve, how many cells are moving the player's chip. So how to play in this game They can both two and six players, then the chips, respectively, gives 6 pieces, to the maximum.

In the special department separately folded "money" for doing business. Banknotes of different nominal nominal (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500), in each pack of 48 pieces. Money in the game is called "phantas". The kit includes branches cards (24 pcs.) And enterprises (12 pcs.). There are also prize cards called "Chance" and "Movement". They are in the set of 20 pieces. There is also notation of the plots, which 24.

Also in the box there are printed rules.

Purpose of the game

Since the board game "Millionaire" is an economic game, its main goal is to earn as much money as possible, to buy most enterprises in all branches of the economy. Also, the player can enter into favorable real estate transactions, expanding enterprises and dispose of branches.

A player remains to win, who becomes a monopolist and owns fully all enterprises of the industry. To become a winner, you need not only to be lucky, but still have a "vest" of a businessman and have the ability to predict situations and moves of rivals.

Rules of the game Classic

The playing field has 8 sectors that symbolize different industries: transport system, media, lightweight and food industry, mining and heavy, communication and communications, and entertainment industry. These 8 sectors are located around the perimeter gaming field. On cells with enterprises, partial cards are laid out. In the center of each band game strip "Millionaire" are the most expensive making.

And in the middle of the playing field there is a slot machine called "Jackpot" and "Bank Charitable Fund". Targeted cell data Consider later. On the cells "Chance" and "Movement", which are through one, two or three cells around the perimeter of the playing field, put cards with the corresponding names. Place them with a "shirt" upstairs so that the player does not see the upcoming task in advance.

Beginning of the game

During the draw, a player who makes the first move is chosen. In the table game "Millionaire" begins counting of cells clockwise from the word "start". Before starting any game, you need to assign banker-water from players. He must distribute the initial capital - 2000 Phantom bills of different nominal. When the player throws cubes, points are counted, the chip is moving to the corresponding number of cells. If you are "lucky" and fell a double, you will have to throw the cubes again. But if the double falls in a row three times, the player is forced to go to the cell with the inscription "Tax Police". Such a move is fraught with the payment of penalties.

According to the rules of the board game "Millionaire" Classic, if the chip falls on the cell of the enterprise, then the player takes itself a card of the site, on which it is written in detail how many taxes need to pay for the enterprise itself or rental for it. If this enterprise does not yet have the owner, then the player can buy it, make the required cost for it to the bank. The site card remains at the player in the pack.

If the player is not interested in buying this site, he puts it for sale, independently determining its cost. The site goes to the player who will offer a large amount at the auction.

If on your site as a result of the cast of cubes, the chip of another player was found, then for finding a foreign enterprise, you will have to pay so many phantas as indicated on the card. There are situations where the chip falls on a cell belonging to a monopolist, that is, a player who missed all enterprises of this industry, then the rate doubles, the rental is already paid at a double rate.

There are pleasant moments. When a player makes a full circle on the game field, then according to the rules of the game in the board game "Millionaire", he gets a bonus of circular income in 200 Phanto.

"Surprise" cells

In the course of throwing cubes, the players chips can get on the cells with inverted up "shirts". This is a "chance" and "movement". Consider in more detail that in such cases you need to do:

  • Turning the card on the cell, the player reads the task and must execute it. If at this moment it is not set to execute, then this can be done later.
  • If you get to "move", as you can see from the name of the Card, the player will need to move the chip to the distance specified on it. If the chip suddenly falls on the "start", the player is deprived of a circular income, that is 200 Phanta. If, when performing a move, the chip falls on the cell "White Business" or "Charitable Fund", the player receives a money prize from the Bank or Fund. But there is also a cell with the inscription "Black Business". Having hitting it as a result of moving the chips, the player automatically moves to the square of the "Charitable Fund", where 50 phantoms for charity already have to be made.
  • "Jackpot". A playing machine is located in the center of the playing field, so when a chip hit on it, the player can play. In the table game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game, you must first make a bet. Then only one cube rushes, throwing it three times. After each throw, the chip player must rearrange the column up on the corresponding number of cells. If the pictures coincided with the winning combination, the winner receives a bonus prize. But if the player is not lucky, the combination did not coincide, the rate remains at the bank's office.

Corner cells

On the angular squares of the playing field there is a "tax police" and "Tax Inspection". If the chip after the course falls into the inspection, then the tax is simply paid. If the chip was found on the police cage, then you need to throw the bone 3 times (until the double falls out) to leave the territory of the site. If the double did not fall, then you will have to fork out and pay a fine.

Board game "Monopoly: Millionaire"

This is a new economic game, beautiful and stylishly decorated. Children will be able to play it from 8 years old. Players can be from 2 to 4 people. The main goal of the game is to become a millionaire, that is, earn a million. Who is the first to conquer this top, the winner. Each player has three chips on his hands.

The game begins with the "forward" cell, on which one chip is put. The rest are still standing on the table. The banker in the game is not used. On the playing field there is a cell where all the money players are stored. First, the games are distributed to each 372 thousand bills. You need to buy here no longer enterprises or at home, but an elite property is an island, a city of attractions, a castle, etc. Choose a realtor, which gives out real estate cards.

If the chip makes the full circle on the playing field, the player changes it to a larger one. This denotes the next level of security - "Life in Luxury". And the higher the level, the big income from the player. But for such a transition will have to pay 50 bills.

In this game there are already familiar players for the "Chance" card, but there are new, for example, "Life Millionaire" and "Fortune". You can find very interesting offers: getting a wedding gift from other players or money from the sale of a sports car, etc.

There is still a new prison cell. If you just got a chip on it, it is impossible to do any action until the next turn. There is also a player who is "lucky" to throw into a row by cubes three times a double. You will have to either sit in the bunches of three strokes, or give the appropriate card.

The remaining rules of the game are similar to a classic "millionaire". You can also buy, lease, sell your property. Only instead of industries have one-color objects.

Business game

"Millionaire" is a board game that already has many options. Now consider another, released by the Russian company. The game for children from 7 years has been calculated. She teaches their business in a fun game. The goal is the former, as in all other options - to get rich, buying real estate objects, selling services and goods. 17 types of activities and industries are presented.

The playing field is dispersed differently, there are cells for moves with circles. In the middle there is a bank, where, depending on the earnings of the player, chips are moving along the steps up, closer to the cherished million. Simple, you can play the whole family - parents with children.

Child Game

Last but I describe desk business game "Millionaire", the rules of the game will even starve children. The main goal of the game is to get rich, buying banks, shops, cinemas, etc.

The guys throw cubes, perform their moves with chips and make the task card written on cards. Wins one who before all became rich.

So, the article describes popular Games Millionaire, rules of the game, options for adults and children. All of them teach the calculation, the ability to foresee the situation, attentiveness and logical thinking. These business games are useful for development in the children of the entrepreneurial vein, which will come in handy in adulthood.

Board Games Millionaire Classic and received the best answer

Answer from Cogito [Active]
I write in memory, so I can slightly mistake. Actually, it would not hurt to look at these cards.
But, in general, something like this: there there should be two items on the card: 1) something like "Price of building"; 2) Something like "rental price." So, the first player who fell on the field with the enterprise can only buy a "empty section", paying the "price of the construction" (it must be the highest). After that, other players who fell on the cage must pay the owner of the cell (enterprise) "the price of the lease" (it should be below the purchase price).
With branches Next situation. Enterprises must be broken by groups (like in a group of 3 enterprises). And when one player will buy all the "empty areas" of enterprises of one group, it can start building. This is done as follows: when the player gets to his "empty section" he can build first "Building", with the next "enterprise" hit, then "First Branch" - "Second Branch" - "Third Branch". The cost of the construction should also be indicated on the card. Rental fee taken from the player who has fallen into your enterprises is taken at the cost of the last built building (indicated on the card). By the way, players cannot build anyone else's cage (empty section).
Even if I do not change my memory, there is a rule: that if you are built the construction of one type in all enterprises of the same group, the rent is doubled (or somehow increases).

Answer from Irina Nemchenko[newcomer]
tell me that the Millionaire in the game is the central industry

Answer from Elesemi Callen.[newcomer]
Game equipment:
1. Rules of the game - 1 pc. ;
2. Game field - 1 pc. ;
3. Branches - 24 pcs. ;
4. Enterprises - 12 pcs. ;
5. Cubes - 2 pcs. ;
6. Player chips - 6 pcs. ;
7. Cards: Chance - 20 pcs. , Movement - 20 pcs. , Plots - 24 pcs. ;
8. Banknotes worth: 1 PHANT - 48 pcs. , 5 Phanto - 48 pcs. 10 Phanto - 48 pcs. , 20 PHANTS - 48 pcs. , 50 Phanto - 48 pcs. 100 Phanto - 48 pcs. , 500 PHANTS - 48 pcs. ;
9. Box - 1 pc.
Is it easy to be a modern businessman? Open the colorful field of the game "Millionaire" Classic, and you will meet with the exciting rules of the "honest" and "shadow" business, the hard laws of survival in a competitive struggle. "Millionaire" classic is the traditions of "monopolies" and "manager" plus modernity. This is a game for millionaires of the Third Millennium.
The goal of the game: become a monopolist and ruin the rest of the players.
Game description:
The game can participate from 2 to 6 players. Game field - square. Movement over the field is carried out from the angular cell start clockwise. The numbering of the parties (from the first to the fourth) is also made clockwise. On the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 color industries, each of which consists of 3 sites having their own names. The cage of each site of the playing field with an indication of the value of the site, rent for the plot and the price of the construction corresponds to the site card with similar information.
Preparation for the game:
- Cards of sites (24 pieces) are announced in their branches to the appropriate sections of the game field;
- Card decks Chance (20 pcs.) And movement (20 pcs.) Are accommodated on specially indicated playing field cells "shirts" up. Spare cards (20 pieces) are postponed;
- Among the players, a banker is selected, which gives all players for 2,000 phantom of initial capital, and also puts 200 phantom in the jackpot office. ;
- Players have their own chips on the start cell. ;
- The sequence of moves is determined by the lot.
Game traffic:
Each move, players take turns throw two cubes and move their chips to the number of cells corresponding to the amount of the points dropped. If the player throws the double to the next move (two identical numbers in cubes), then he makes another move. If three doubles fall out in a row, the player goes to the tax inspectorate.

It's time to try on a monocle and cylinder - you are on the way to become a millionaire! However, they are not in a hurry, in the confused and cunning world of financial operations, you can fly to the very top, and remain uncomfortable bankrupt. In order not to stay without pants, you will need all your calcality, logic, prudency and, of course, luck. So, if you are ready to fight for the right to be the richest tenant within a detached room and take something profitable, the season of hunting for calling coins is announced open!

Rules of the game Millionaire Classic As well as the rules of the legendary monopoly: buy land plots, develop a business in various industries and try good luck by moving through the playing field. Runly shake the money from the hacked competitors who came to your site, avoid gloomy connections with the "black" business, hope for a happy "chance" card and do not pass by the slot machines - groaning can bring you extra light money! The goal of the game is the goal of the life of any calculating monopolist - to leave all competitors with the nose and remain the only owner of the newspaper steamboats on the field.

If you feel an entrepreneurial veil, if you are not frightened by insidious competitors, tax police and possible bankruptcy and if your love for finance is as great as love for board games, then you definitely appreciate the Classic millionaire.

Millionaire is an economic board game in which people of any age can play. They love her and adults and children. In addition, such board games are united by a family and allow fun to spend the evenings of a friendly company, teach people to basic concepts about business, entrepreneurship, give knowledge of economic relations.

This board game develops logical thinking, attentiveness, the ability to quickly find the right solution, exit from a difficult situation, calculate the moves in advance. In the table game "Millionaire" rules of the game initially may seem complicated and confusing, but those who have already dealt with other desktop economic games, quickly enter the course. If you first encounter such a game, do not worry, you will very quickly understand how to act.

In the article, we explain in detail readers in detail, which is included in the table game "Millionaire", we will tell the rules of this game, consider reviews of other players.

Views of "Millionaire"

There are such types of the game:

  1. "Millionaire Classic".
  2. "Millionaire de Lux".
  3. Millionaire Junior (for children).
  4. "Millionaire Elite".

The goal of the game is to become a millionaire and ruin the rest of the participants in the competition, but each has differences that we will gradually consider in the article. Let's start with the first - basic option.


The main goal that players persecute is to reach the top of the rating, ruin the rest of the players and become the owner of more sites. In the table game "Millionaire" you need to become a monopolist. The one who ruined the rest and was on top, becomes the most wealthy player and is the winner. You can still play for a while. Then the goal of players will be at the time of completion of the game become the owner of the greatest condition.

How to play?

In the table game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game, participation takes at least two people. Maximum can be played by the guide. Each player has its own role:

  • banker - manages money, monitors financial flows, transactions, produces payments, controls bank operationsso that everything goes out correctly and without disorders;
  • broker - Works on the stock exchange, conducts and controls all transactions with securities, shares, etc.;
  • insurance Agent - oversees the issuance of insurance policies, hears the repayment of insurance in crisis situations.

The box with the game gives a playing field of a square shape on which 9 sectors are drawn. These are branches of the economy. The first 8 industries are presented in the game 2-3 enterprises. They are located close to each other. Last, 9 industry, is considered the most valuable. In its composition - 4 companies that are located in central points on each of the sides of the playing field.

The game begins with issuing his initial capital to each player. For this money, the player acquires shares and insurance.

Beginning of the game

In the table game "Millionaire" cards of the plots initially declined by industry of the drawn field. They are included 24 pieces. There are still packs of "chance" cards in the amount of 20 pieces, as well as "Movement" - also 20 pieces. They are laid out inscriptions down, unnecessary postponed until. First choose a player who will be a banker. He gives the initial capital for each person. It is 2000 Phanto, but 200 more places in cash. The board game "Millionaire" begins according to the rules of the game from the cell with the inscription "Start". The priority of the stroke is solved by the lot.

Actions players

The game begins with throwing a pair of cubes, chips from the "Start" cell clockwise, counting the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the numbers in the cubes.

If a double fell, the player makes another move. But there is one "but". If you fall a double three times in a row, the player is sent to the "Tax Police". Moving on the field, the player's chips fall on the cells of the enterprises. Each is written the cost of the enterprise and the rental rate. Also indicated the data on how many taxes need to pay for this enterprise.

If after the next cast of cubes, the chip falls on an empty plot, then you can buy it to its use. This cage is written the cost that needs to be made to the general bank. After payment, the card is removed from the cell and the player leaves it in his pack.

If you do not want to buy a plot, then you can be put up for sale. The starting price is chosen at its own discretion. All players can take part in the auction. Picks out the site that player who gave a large amount of money.

Stop on the site of another player

If after the next stroke of the chips stop on the cell with a plot belonging to another player, then you will have to pay a rent on someone else's territory. The price is written on this cell. If you are the owner of all available industries, then you are considered a monopolist. If, as a result of the stroke, the chip falls on the cell of the monopolist enterprise, then the rent will be increased by 2 times. When the player makes the full circle and passes the "Start" cage again, then 200 phantom of circular income is paid.

Surprises along the game

In the desktop game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game there are special cells, falling on which the player has to perform an action written on the card underlying the "shirt" up. In advance, the player does not know what he expects him. This is the main surprise. After all, he can be both pleasant and not very. Consider in detail the meaning of such cells:

  1. "Tax Inspection". Once upon such a cell, you will have to pay the tax.
  2. "Tax police". Here the player needs to throw off the bones three times, waiting for the duplicate. If the double did not fall, you will have to pay a fine, otherwise you will not leave the police station.
  3. "Jackpot". The player who fell on this cell has the right to play on a gaming machine. First there is a bet. The player in the table game "Millionaire" according to the rules of the game throws only one cube, but 3 times. After each throw moving the trick from the bottom up the column slot machine For as much as it fell. If all set numbers correspond to the combination for winning, the player gets a bonus. From the bank it lists the cash premium. But if the numbers did not coincide, the rate remains at the checkout.
  4. "Movement". If, by the result of the cast of cubes, the card falls on the "Move" cage, the player turns the card and reads the task, which cell he needs to rearrange the chips. If this is a "start" cell, then the player does not get circular income.
  5. "Charity Foundation". If, as a result of moving the card to indicate the "Moving" cell, the chip falls on the cell with the inscription "White Business" or "Charitable Fund", the player pays money from the bank from this Fund.
  6. Still there is a cell called "Black business." When entering this cell, the player flies from it to the "Charitable Fund" box, and he will also have to pay a fine of 50 phantas.
  7. "Chance". If the chip hit this cell, then the card turns over. The instruction written on it must be executed by a player. Then the card hides from the bottom of the pack. If the player cannot currently execute the instruction, then the card remains until it completes the task.

Branches of enterprises: Description

The Board Game "Millionaire" offers players who own a monopoly in any branch of the economy, to build in areas of the enterprise and branches. The cost of them is written on the cells of the field, their price is indicated and on player cards.

Posted purchased extensions in the fields of the fields that are built up systematically. First, one branch is then added second, and only then - third. If the player has three branches of the enterprise in each industry, then he already has permission to build the enterprises themselves. At the price of the branch and enterprise are equivalent. But to start building, all branches must be free. If at least one is pledged by the bank, the industry is not considered complete. The player ceases to be a monopolist and can no longer build plots in this industry.

If the player has monetary difficulties and he wants to sell his buildings to a bank, he must act as a planned. You can sell in one site from each industry, then on the second, etc. But you need to know that the bank buys areas from the player only half the price from full cost.

"Millionaire Junior"

How to play the table game "Millionaire" ("Classic")? The rules are described in detail above. Now let's see what the child's child is different called "Junior". The kit includes a playing field in the form of a square. This is an amusement park. There are 20 adventure cards, money of different nominal - 121 banknote, ticket kiosks - 56 pieces, a cube for throwing numbers, chips - 4 pieces, description of the rules of the game.

Board game for children has other rules. Consider them in more detail.

The goal of the game is to get rich, buying attractions. Money is earned on the sale of entrance tickets. To begin with, we will understand how the player can buy an attraction. Each cell is divided into two equal parts. If, after throwing a cube, your chip fell on one of the halves of the cell, and it is free, no one has yet bought it, then you have the right to purchase it, only you need to pay 10 Phanto. If a player is able to make a purchase, he (without looking at the card) pulls out any of his ticket kiosks and should cover half the ride. If the player has no money to such an acquisition, then it returns to the Square "Start", and the other player gets a chance. From any part of the playing field, it returns to this cell and becomes its owner for free. Board game for children is bright, it is interesting to play for children younger school age. The guys learn to the skills of economic activity that will be suitable for them in later life.

"Millionaire Elite"

This is a game for adult players. Differs from the classic version of the game the following features:

  1. Promotions were added, you can buy insurance for all occasions. In this game, it is possible to get rich in this game not only at the purchase and sale of plots, but also at the expense of the securities market. In "Elite" has great importance Factor of luck.
  2. A surprise card "Fortune" appeared. There is step-by-step instructionwhich players must run. It may affect the course of the game as a whole.
  3. If, when patting cubes, the chip falls on the "Exchange" cage, then learn the course of its shares. They may grow up, and they can fall to a minimum.
  4. Insurance policies can protect the player. This concerns lease, taxes or auctions. There are short-term and long-term policies. The first act before the passage of one circle. If the player switches the "Start" cell, the action of the policy ends. But the action of the second continues before the occurrence of the insured event.