Concept art game Stalker 2

Sergey Dorokhin which is considered the author of the poster of the future game from the official site, apparently in honor of the birthday of the head of GSC Game World, Sergey Grigorovich, published new materials on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, which are somewhat enchanted.

First, it is not clear what it is and what. On old Dzepoki, what can be thought of because of the past logo, it does not seem. However, it is also unlikely that these arts are somehow connected with the new development. Rather, the usual fan arts on the game, what, in fact, is indicated in the arts themselves. However, fans have already begun to build their guesses and theories, assuming that these drawings are associated with the cipher of the working game. The articles contain groups debt, monolith and freedom. They are drawn quite efficiently, however, it did not save them from indignation of part of the fan community, which accused the artist in ignorance Laura.

First of all, the players are outraged by the fact that the artist showed a debt with NATO weapons, which contradicts the ideas of gaming debt, using exclusively weapons in the WDD countries. And if you look at the shoulder of the fighter, you can notice the red "skies", which, most likely, point to the sergeant rank of stalker.

Then, according to many players, the fighter of the monolith was strangely depicted, the representatives of which were accustomed to see in white overalls, and not in the marsh camouflage. And the bones on the shoulder of the stalker, despite the fanatic mood of the grouping, they look not particularly, according to fans.

But what is impossible to reproach Sergey, so this is that the liberty is depicted as a sniper. After all, if you remember the game, freedom fighters are often positioned as skillful long-term fighters. However, the fans and they were indignant, and the Sedovets himself seemed too sad for them, because this grouping was inherent in such a "its" atmosphere of humor and positive.

For more than two years, it took from the day when the news of the termination of the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and the dissolution of the GSC GSC World Game department made the effect of a broken bomb. At first, I first messages, as, probably, many fans, perceived skeptically, however, the more details it was possible to find out, the easier the skepticism was replaced with natural shock. What to hide, no one was waiting for such development of events, and the developers themselves - including.
Together with the shocking news, some graphic materials from a frozen project leaked to the network, which slightly allowed to imagine what a game could be. Already in the future, various kinds of concept art, 3D scenes and models popped out the business in the portfolio of former developers S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but they could not help with the compilation of the general picture of the sequel. Now the backbone of the team of the second "stalker" as part of the Vostok Games is engaged in Survarium's own game - this online shooter in the decorations of the global green apocalypse is the ideological heir of his famous predecessor.

I can not argue that the material hosted below will become some revelation. But I can absolutely say one thing: there is something that has never been shown anywhere. And at the same time, probably clarify some moments in the plot of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, about which is so famous very little. The creative director of Flying Cafe Ilya Tolmachev (previously was the ART-director of GSC) supported me and gave my comments concepts, mainly created under his leadership.

Design of groupings S.L.L.K.E.R. 2 had a number of requirements that artists had to stick. The secondary equipment elements were thought out so that they could "remove" them from the model without losing expressiveness (let's say, knee pads are required to have some apparent mount). On the other hand, some elements made an exception due to technical restrictions or special importance for the image of a character (for example, a stalker-novice backpack). Also, for character characters, alternative versions of the upper and lower clothes were planned, the importance of this time was given to the preservation of the "compound" space between the geometries of the jacket and trousers. In overalls and jackets, hoods were envisaged, which could be thrown and removed depending on the situation. Another nuance - each character was supposed to have an individual respiratory protection system, it could be both actually existing prototypes and inventions of handicraft production.

Military personnel of the Ukrainian army. Purpose of the military in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 did not change with the past parts.

They continued to guard the perimeter of the Chernobyl zone from illegal penetration and patrolled by helicopters adjacent to the perimeter of the territory.

Military uniforms and equipment of the Ukrainian army took place. Protective camouflage pattern imitates oak leaves.

But we all heard about these people, but heard, but never seen, so to speak, Face To Face. Meet: Employees of the Scientific Research Institute of the Chernobyl Abnormal Zone (for Lazy - Niichaz). So someone from the leading staff of the Institute could look like. The establishment itself was on the border with the zone and had at his disposal militarized security personnel (good, the pleasant financial security was perfectly promoted). "People in White" did not accidentally have such a suspicious and evil look. According to the plot, these characters belonged to the player extremely hostile. Subsequently, it turned out that they were participants in the secret conspiracy: they had some secret and powerful organization that had their own interests in the zone. And the niichaz for her is a cover for its real purposes. An important point: The administration of the headquarters of the institute in Kiev did not know anything about the melting conspiracy and are not involved in him. Thus, "People in White" became the main antagonists of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and occupied the central position in its scenario.

"Always rzhu from these alkash," Ilya is joking. - I imagine how near the groceryom is that on the right, they are offered for the top ten with a serious view of the camera. "
As you can see, the uniforms of scientists are very different from traditional laboratory bathrobes - the design was made with a focus on rigor and, if you want, an eliteness. Clothes looks modern and elegant.

Several non-traditional for usual s.t.a.l.k.r. Characters with a pronounced negative characteristic, right?
What kind of goals were these conspirators? Apparently, they sought to tighten the abnormal nature of the zone, turn her strength to reversing with modern technologies, towards their own material benefits.

"Well, chiki-bricks - and in the ladies!". Old good gangsters ... Are there any old and kind?
"IN new game, "says Ilya," the image of the gangster should have combined the usual, traditional elements (sports pants, leather raincoats and jackets), with new details. " As we see, all the iconic attributes of Gopota with greetings from the 90s in place: and "training" with lamps, and sneakers, and impressive robusts on the fingers, and the knockers.

Here we see the bandits in Balaclas. Ilya notes that this was done to hide the uniqueness of persons.
Otherwise, the Gopnik did not differ from their colleagues from the past "stalkers": robbed, killed, did "chiki-bricks" and "We managed this Sheluke."

Long fighters in severe equipment. These wellms could be seen on other sketches that appeared on the day of disbanding S.T.A.L.K.R.R. 2. However, the principal difference here is another version of the exoskeleton. Otherwise, the elements are made like it on a spider, which was suiced to the back.

"In addition to maintaining the corporate black and red coloring, the task of creating an image was no longer limited. Therefore, the artist perfectly used the fantasy field, "concludes Ilya.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes on this sketch is the "Long Thaw" with an impressive multi-venerable machine gun. Probably, the Terminator itself would have envied this. "Some team members," remembers Ilya, there were doubts about the practicality of manual use of such an instrument. Indignant. Then they decided to leave yet. "

Now pay attention to the fighters on the right. According to Ilya, since the days of Shadow of Chernobyl, the elements of motorcycle costumes fited well in the design of the "debt" equipment.

This sketch - good things the confirmation. Burned all of his perky stars on the legs. Therefore, the design was sent to refinement.

This citizen we also met. But without a bizarre turban, wrapped around the head. So who is it?
A little difficult to believe it, but this is a representative of "Monolith". It seems, with a familiar to us all grouping fanatics, nothing relates. But only externally.
Their ideology in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 remained in immunity - these are stalkers, fully distraught on the soil of faith and service a great monolithic hidden in the depths of the sarcophagus of the Chernobyl NPP. Artists had a task to convey dedication and desperate loyalty to the performer of desires in the group's robe. The elements of the "monolithpetes" equipment are practically completely devoid of practicality and logic. The clothes could save something from the former uniform, even before the stalker was zombied and recruited in "Monolith". Respiratory protection systems have taken some wild forms that do not fit in the head. The mission of artists on the embodiment of real psychov was successfully completed, agree!

Just take a look at these eyes! What a magnificent "monolithic" madness is read in them! Well, isn't it cute?

And here, everything is clear: only I completely went to sew a gas mask to my face.
Exoskeleton, by the way, to become a grouping thinking: he has full of strange homemade improvements, which is why the similarity with the initial species is almost lost.

"Monolithic" in the sniper camouflage. It differs from the previously published version of the presence of discharge vest and some trifles like straps and pockets.

Another option of uniforms, without a gas mask.

Significant changes in the design has undergone visual scientists. It gave pictures a more prominent liveliness, or something.
However, appearance Of these employees of the State Organization to study the environmental problems of the Chernobyl zone seems archaic, and contrasts with uniforms of representatives of NIICAZ.

It is simply explained: the state is extremely poorly funded by the organization. Scientists did not have their own constant protection, went to scientific expeditions at their own risk. Old research bunkers - and place of work, and accommodation.

However, whatever serious conditions for the conditions of work, for which they have to expose their lives of danger, the researchers were still filled with enthusiasm and continued to lead their scientific activities.

An alternative design of the costume of the Chemical Protection, which came to replace the SP-99 "Ecologist" overalls.

Undoubtedly, among the interesting finds shown here, which would be curious to look in the game itself. But, alas, whether it will be in s.t.a.l.k.e.r. 2, whether it will appear at this light in general - about it is unknown to anyone. Yes, we all have already read the comment by Sergey Grigorovich LOST ALPHA And his some hint on the possible way out of the game someday. Someday. That's the point, friends.
Continue to live your life, bring dreams to reality. And everything else will be. Someday.
And maybe more than once.

Material prepared Vyacheslav Murygin

As we promised you, Outputs a mysterious veil over the monsters, which were planned to implement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.. Only we have - exclusive concepts of persistent not setoes for authorship Ilya Tolmachev, until October 2010 worked in GSC Game World At the post of art director. To the second "stalker" Ilya also managed to make a hand. Tell him the word!


You can meet this character only deep in the forest, away from the stalker bases.

Led - A strange monster who is not trying to catch up with his sacrifice. He just stands in such a completely non-aggressive pose, looks at you from a long time and publishes a long, dreary sound. As if sings. Or it is silently - then you can just not notice it. You will go through the woods, feel the usual fatigue, you will fall on the leaves, light and do not wake up anymore.

According to the idea, in the game you needed to go to the forest, make track of Leshgo, get to his dwelling, and before he would notice you and dust sleep, pretend to sleep. He will come, take you to his arms and takes into his lair - blackened, wooden hut. In the lair, he will put you on the rotten floor, next to several immobilized stalkers - other victims, whom he dragged here before. All the victims, including you, he will post in the form of a right star - so that the heads come into contact and the center of the star, spins on the floor. After that, the bangful son-monster will fall on all fours, forming an arch over the star from the stalkers. Its body will begin to crack and change the form - the slits between the fragments of the wood bark covering the body will begin to disperse, and expose vulnerable insides. At this point, you should grab the weapon and shoot in Leshgo - in its insides.

The SEX himself at that moment dines - it feeds on the abnormal energy of the noosphere - the only resource that can support life in this ridiculous being. Leshel uses a combination of nervous systems of its victims as a disposable conductor through which energy is transmitted from the nosphere to the merits. During one such session, stalkers die, and Leshel again full of strength, can wander through the forest and sing their songs.

Pig, first version

Pig, Second version


Visual and gameplay analogue of ordinary "blind pieces" (not to be confused with the rat wolf, which was planned for the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - approx. ed.). Roofing It was approved, modeled, reflecting. A complex skeleton with a lot of bones, skin, and even a couple of animations was ready.


The creature can be masked in a forest environment. Looks like a raw, half-chased log. Inexperienced stalker is unlikely to distinguish him from an ordinary log.

At the moment of attack, fragments of the cortish come into motion, and the log "folded out" into a terrible organic education, resembling monsters from Dead Space. . I then saw the announcement of this game, and was impressed with the design of creatures.


Evil monkey that eats pilaf (comic sketching Ilya Tolmachev and Andrei Verpakhovsky :) - approx. ed.).