Is it worth playing Minecraft: Story Mode? Minecraft Stori Fashion Description Episodes

In October, the new game series TELLTALE GAMES started, and on March 29, the last major episode arrived. Developers have been removed to do what it seemed impossible - to implement the plot regime Minecraft. Who is primarily oriented Minecraft: Story Mode? Is it worth playing if you liked it The Wolf Among US The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones - Previous Developer Games? Read about it in our review.

The basis of this basis is the aspects of characteristic of the specific universe with which TellTale Games works (and it, as everyone has repeatedly has been convinced, works great in any framework). IN The Walking Dead: Season One and the next atmosphere "people are more dangerous than zombies, no one can trust", an abundance of action scenes. IN The Wolf Among US Developers meticulously recreated comics (by the way, the most frequent source of TELLTALE-games), they tried to show the characters of fairy tales, which are opening human emotions.

Tales From The Borderlands consisted of humor and perfectly recognizable Borderlands-elements: characters, enemies and weapons. Closer than just Minecraft: Story Mode is worth it for it, because it is also done based on the game. But B. Game of Thrones developers tried to reproduce intrigue and betrayal from the eponymous series, but not everything turned out. There are no sex scenes, characters are not often labeled enough, and some look compared to their serial analogues.

You just listened to the course "Design games TellTale Games, "Thank you all for your attention. If you stick to my point of view, then each work Telltale Games is unique, and coincidence is random. If a

There is a separation of the plot depending on the decision of the player: 1) Jesse and Olivia fall into Krasnokamye, where Elgard lives. She appealed to the inhabitants and said: who will have the most ingenious building, he will be her protege. After that, she goes to the dome of the concentration, which friends did not have time to get. They meet with her assistant Kelvin. He explains that ELHort is engaged in the invention of the command bloc. After that, he disconnects the repeater so that no one penetrates Ellhard, and friends have to find a new one: either find materials and make it or steal it. Opening the door, they get to ELGARD, pass through the various inventions. Having met, they tell her everything about the destruction of the world. Ellhard says she is trying to finish command blockAnd, since he is the main ingredient to create a tearsing storm, he may be able to destroy it. After numerous attempts to create it, the draining storm penetrates into this world. Everyone is forced to run into the portal.

2) In case of choosing to go in search of Magnus with Axel, they fall into the city of Griferov: "Boom Town". They have to run from the numerous crowd of the griffers who want to pick up the amulet, because that he indicates which side Magnus is. After escaping from the crowd, they hit the palace to Magnus. He catches them in a trap and interrogates why they penetrated him. After that, he tells that he could not leave the city because he is the king, and to leave the city, you need a new king. To become the king of Bomanburg, you need to defeat the operating king in the death Cup. This competition in which the participant is fighting against the king, but Nobody has ever defeated Magnus. Therefore, he never left the city. Then he agrees to the transaction: Jesse must / should fight him and become the king, and then they will flee safely. Magnus promised to succumb to Jessie. But during the battle, he animals, and ceases to succumb. In the end, Jessie wins. All immediately want to attack him / her, because he (a) is lighter than magnus, but here the draining storm is broken into the city. Magnus, together with Axel, Jesse and Ruben run away into the portal.

They return to the temple where they meet the returned friend (Gabriel or Peter, depending on whom the player saved in the first episode). They recognize that the one who remained in the temple with Lucas, led another member of the Order. A quarrel arises between ELGARD and Magnus because of different interests and views on how everything should be done. They mention a hyper-bomb, the most powerful weapon in the world, which invented the Soren-last, long-lost member of the Stone Order. Returning to the car, Jesse discovers that the location of the Sorena is now shown, as well as Aivor, which is now sent to Sorego. Arriving in place, Magnus and Ellhard broke after a quarrel and Jesse follows. After that, Peter / Gabriel tells Jesse that after Jesse Savior (La) his / her, he (a) became infected / infected with a tearsing aide, because of which he (a) will be drained after some time (a). Soon, they first find a whale room, but stumble upon Aivor. Between them there is a fight. When Aivor was almost defeated, the whole group of Jessie, except Magnus and Eldord, came running on the hell, but Aivor sprinkles all the potions of slowness and catches them in the library.


When at the end of 2014, a plot addition was announced for the Main, most players reacted to this news with skepticism. Minecraft and plot? How can something good come out of all this? But after five episodes of "cubic" history, it can be argued that, oddly enough, TELLTALE GAMES is still it turns out. Right now, they are unsuccessfully written the story of the very square world created by Marcus Persson in 2011.

That's just from the original Minecraft in the creation of the American Studio, there are few things left. On the other hand, listen to the original story adaptation of the game, which at all implied initially the presence of some kind of plot there is at least interesting. And it is not empty words.

Immediately make a reservation before we start - Minecraft: Story Mode is not divided by season. Yes, it is unusual and uncomfortable, but you can only accept it. So the fifth episode is not the last, and from how many episodes will concretely consist of this square soap opera is known only to the developers themselves.

However, this is not so important, because the main thing is how interesting they tell and play the story, right?


Adventure in Square

Perhaps the only thing that there is no doubt after the passage of all five episodes is in Story Mode from the actual Minecraft there is nothing left. So, a million question: why is this game in the "survival" genre with an uncomplicated graphic in the style of the primitivism brought the developer millions of dollars and won many fans of different ages around the world?

The main reasons are only two. First, she made it possible to reveal his creative "I", and for an unsightly facade was hiding a very deep and complex designer, in which it was possible to build anything from individual blocks anything. Without unnecessary pathos, it can be said that the only limitation that is present in the game Mojang is your fantasy. Well, and secondly, Minecraft was and remains among the best survival projects - it is not childishly complicated and able to challenge even the most motley gamer-hardcore.

And now mentally delete all the above and add a fairly naive plot in fantasy style. Congratulations, now you have received an approximate view of Minecraft: Story Mode!

As accepted by TellTale, the characters seem to remember all the decisions you have taken, but they do not receive serious further development. Therefore, to count on nonlinear passage in the case of Minecraft: Story Mode is not worth it.

But it is not necessary to think that the "history regimen" is very boring and noiseless, since it is not at all. Perhaps there are no stunning plot turns, and the dialogs are very simple, but it is interesting for the narration, because after a time it raises surprises.

The main character named Jesse goes under our control only into rare moments to participate in a dialogue, kill a couple of zombies, pick up a thing or solve some dilemma or puzzle. But a similar solution went gaming process only in plus - no pixel-kanting, no harves with complex riddles. Just know, see yourself interesting and moderately interactive movies.

Conditionally, the local history can be divided into two parts: to the fifth episode and after the fifth episode. The first part takes its continuation of the story about an evil wizard of Aivor with a square (which is not at all strange) beard, which had a negligence to release the "drunkering storm" on the will, literally erasering from the face of the earth, everything that rises on her way.

Pier Ruben all also accompanies his owner in adventures and even gives him a lot (for pig, naturally) help.

But in the fourth episode, disassembly with a monster end with a unambiguous happy endome (not without some reservations, but let's do without spoilers), the Order of the Stone is reunited, and at first glance it is a good reason to finish Story Mode ...

It was not there - the story continues, and in the plans of Teleltail, now there is still a release of at least four episodes.

The workbench in Minecraft: Story Mode is still in the go and on it directly, as in the original, you can create objects. However, all of them are pre-prepared by geimdizainers, so no freedom of action is observed ...

... since all recipes (unlike your ancestor) are prepared here in advance and no one will ask you what you want to build. More precisely, the choice is sometimes given (just two recipes), but it does not affect almost anything.

And you don't want to joke about Santo Barbara in this case. Despite the general uncomplication of the story, it is interesting to listen to the story, and it is still perceived extraordinarily easily.

And besides, to call Story Mode entertainment exclusively for children will not quite correctly - some finds and alluses are able to please and adult, and the experienced player with experience.

The fifth episode turned out to be more interesting than the previous ones, which gives hope for the successful development of the series in the future. What is just worth a subtle teaching of the scripts over totalitarian modes and dictatorship! Of course, to some Far Cry 4 Creation of TellTale Games in this regard is still far away, but the fact that in the last episode the developers took a new bar, cannot but rejoice.


From a visual point of view, we have all the same Minecraft - a square, slightly sloppy, but still standing out by their corporate identity among all other games of the genre.

Simply put, graphics (and with her and system requirements) No significant changes have undergone, the developers only removed some irritant graphic artifacts, and on this all visual innovations end.

Perhaps one of the main innovations of the fifth episode - the beard of Aivor, which is finally normal is displayed, and does not provoke an epileptic seizure with his every second blinking. Seriously, no joke.


And now let's dream a little. Imagine that instead of the solar, non-straining and cheerful fantasy style, TellTale Games decided to make a dark, gloomy quest about survival in the harsh conditions of the unknown world in the scenery of his favorite "Main", in which no less square danger at each square angle Crypers or zombies.

After all, it was about that original game But instead of this Story Mode prefers to tell the uncomfortable fairy tale about the elected heroes that the world saves.


Not that it was very bad, but also a little good in all this. In TellTale Games, they decided to go along the path of the least resistance, and it turned out to be a good, but not very original fantasy-quest, which you can pass with pleasure and forget about it.

Isn't it wonderful?

The verdict: a good quest, who, however, is very lacking fresh ideas and in which the original Minecraft has only the name and square scenery.

  • Discussion of news dedicated to Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series on the site:
    • Minecraft: Story Mode will acquire three new episodes until the end of the year;
    • Telltale and Mojang are developing an episodic game Minecraft: Story Mode.

Minecraft Story Mode (Season 2) It turns out July 11th! If you are not familiar with Story Mode, then this is a game in the style of "Choose your own adventure" in the Minecraft Universe, in which there is a place of real drama, real losers, legendary heroes, sublodesee, incredibly dangerous and funny pigs. It is quite logical that after the first season will come out the second, and the players will again try the square boots of Jesse, and let them go in let them with old families. But new players should easily connect to the game!

I talked with the lead screenwriter of the second season Eric Stirp, to find out all the maritous on new and old heroes!

The life of Jessie and his friends has changed a lot after the first Story Mode season. Work, responsibility ... And not so much time for adventure, to be honest. Life is still full of joy and fun, but it is not at all as it was before. Peter worries that they are stuck in one rut, and often trying to convince friends, as before, join her adventure. Jesse is trying to understand her priorities, but it is even more difficult ...

Eric Straip

When Jesse's hand stuck in the damned glove, the events began to spin with an unimaginable force, threatening her new life and old friends. Something far, something very older and very powerful learned about the existence of Jesse and wants to know that this is for the hero of such (or "such" - you will have the opportunity to choose who exactly play in Story Mode!)

"Unlike the tearsing storm, which just wanted to absorb everything on his way, the new opponent Jesse is very clever and very strong," says Eric - "Fortunately, Jesse has many allies - old and new ones, they will join her in search, which will lead to the most edge of the earth. "

So, let's find out that Eric told about Jesse and the new team, with which we will get to know in the first episode.

Jesse (Jesse)

"After she saved the world from the tearsing storm, many people expected to do Jesse on. In truth, she does not yet know. She is enough that she just breaks between the desire to go to a new adventure with their friends and duties in Bekontown, as a "leader and local hero".

Peter (Petra)

"The fearless warriper and the mercenarus, Peter - the most faithful friend who can only dream of. She does not like that the Order of the stone is donkey on the spot, and does not wait again to go on the road. Her impatience sometimes creates problems, but she knows, Jesse is always ready to cover her. "

Jack (Jack)

"Velvet Hurricane, an iron sword of Harbor Mudji ... Different people call Jack in different ways - a lot of names, a lot of people. The legendary treasure hunter, he left the game many years ago to open the store along with his best friend Nurm. In his past many interesting stories And dark secrets, and Jesse will find a very strong ally in his face. "

Nurm (NURM)

"The peasant from the Pur-Gan-hectare valley, Nurm has always been distinguished from the total mass. Unlike his friends, he had a secret dream to go on a journey, away from their quiet villages to see the world. And only having acquainted with Jack, he was able to get together with the Spirit, and the rest, in his own expression, is already history. "

Radar (Radar)

"No one knows whether Radar is paid to help Jesse or he does everything voluntarily, but in one one you can be sure: he loves his work. Ox-organized (albeit a little busy), he is always ready to help Jessie in everything. "

Stella (Stella)

"The leader of the city of Champions, Stella was drawn into a fierce rivalry with Jesse, which has been going on for several months ... Well, or she thinks so. Despite egoism and envy, she has and the good side. She really wants to make the world better. Somewhere in the depths of your soul. Probably".

Moon (Lluna)

"The moon has an innate gift of the disturbing treasures and the talent to find an adventure on his tail. Stubborn and self-adequate, like her hostess Stella, she always runs away from his rich house in the city of Champions to find some strand. "

And this is not all! In the same season, Jesse will meet many new friends and rivals, and, of course, other characters from the past will appear. Who will be the best friend? Who will be the most angry, after the choice made? Story Mode puts the strength of friendship right in your hands ... and maybe even the choice of life and death! Eric does not say that this will happen in the second season, but if you were forced to "put into consumption" someone from those who are told above, who would you choose?

Telltale Games has always distinguished the slim scent and the ability to adjusted under any sought-after franchise. But this time they started, it seems, a rare adventure. It's one thing - to make a story on comics Bill Willingham or Robert Kirkman, with a finished literary base and beautiful soil for creativity, and completely different - to turn into a flowering garden "Sandbox", for which nothing lies besides the recognizable style and an internet memetics.

IN Minecraft. The player himself is looking for an adventure and himself creates his story, but in Story Mode. All this is crossed by a single solution: there is a plot. And this plot becomes a foundation, and on it, as usual in episodic stories from TellTale, the game itself is already laid. Not entirely, but in parts.

Scene mode

First running classic first Minecraft.You will see that her characters only make that they dig, build and survive. But the true essence of the game has long been out of the elementary routine, and I say not only about amateur modifications.

We live in a world where players in Minecraft mansions for millions of dollars; in the world where Microsoft uses Minecraft to demonstrate their glasses augmented reality Hololens, and to work on the VR version of the game attract John Karmaka. Present plot Minecraft. - here. Not in the game itself, but in the surrounding reality.

Story Mode. It appears in a completely different light when you know that it all means. Why, for example, to be afraid of cries, you will understand from context, but they will cause a truly rich gamut of feelings, only if you happened to accumulate a full backpack of diamonds and meet one such friend on the way home.

Nevertheless, TellTale team once again confirms that she can make a connected story on any material. If you drop all refills, it remains a simple, but quite a suitable fairy tale with elements of the family humor.

The main character is a sorting role-playing model of a typical fertilous young man (or a girl) with good heart. The story begins with the contest on the construction of unknown structures: you decide which project will be popular for the inhabitants and will help you conquer the fame of the best builders. Training take place in the best traditions of movies about Rocky Balboa, and your sworn rivals - a gang of typical hooligans in leather jackets, and for the completeness of the image, they are not enough unless the swivel hair.

TellTale's scripts in their usual manner continue to build situations in which the boundaries between the right and wrong solutions are blurred (not least because the choice is often illusively, but these are already the items). Only this time the situations are built out of cubes and pixels the size of a fist ... And this is perhaps a little scratching. The story that tells Story Mode.However, it is clearly designed for kids: it has an explicit good, explicit evil and moral of the level "friends are not thrown in trouble." It is certainly for example. Because there is no need. Not here.

Combat system in all ... Gras, the main thing is that canonically!

Kopai deeper

The first episode, as usual, reveals the background of the game gradually and eventually makes it clear that almost every item here relies on the ideas that came from a huge base of fans. The reference is very much - what is there, the first episode is almost entirely of them. how Uncharted. Ties in a solid adventure, a set of scattered action scenes and Story Mode makes the same with Minecraft trails.

In your classic cinema mechanics, where dialogs are mixed with simple puzzles and QTE, TellTale on slightly mixes branded chips Minecraft.. For example, heroes sometimes fall in tasks, the solution of which requires a new subject: it must be brought from the girlfriend on the workbench. Combat episodes are the same clumsy, as in the original (click, click, click, victory), since again the source obliges.

Tips are sometimes illogical (for those who have not played) combinations of objects.

But this is all not so many full-fledged gameplay mechanisms, how small, neatly built into the worked teltale canvas fragments of the universe so that fans feel cozy. Despite all the intersections, Telltale does not retreat from its favorite structure.

True, in the second episode, the authors decided on not quite characteristic of them: they made two parallel paths of passage, as in the second act " Witcher 2." But if you do not replay the episode to see the second half of the story, it turns out that the series just became in half an hour in short.

* * *

However, the heroobrin break me if the first parts of Story Mode were made without understanding the topic. Persons Story Mode reminds good short films with YouTube . Even specific jokes are almost not blocked - you sit and enjoy.

But is this a big compliment? ..

It's not the same for everybody. Surely Story Mode is not what you used to expect from TellTale. Their interpretation Minecraft. sufficiently funny, but not too smart and elegant, and it is unlikely to play this thing in the separation from the original source, as many played the same The Wolf Among US.