ID of burnt clay in minecraft. Minecraft blocks - description and ID of Minecraft blocks. How to put small numbers

Everyone who launches their own server sooner or later faces the fact that certain moment It is urgent to learn the block ID in Minecraft. It is for such cases that the nameplate is useful to you. It causes an ID of all available items in minecraft as of April 2016.

Why do I need blocks of blocks and how are they used?

Numbering of data (Id objects and blocks) is used to appeal to various types of blocks and elements in minecraft. Block IDs are used to determine which of them are placed in the world and inventory of the player (including objects in the chests and discharged items in the world). Id objects (not blocks) are applicable only for items. Each inventory slot also has its own unique number. In the versions of Alpha and Beta, there are additional data for some blocks that describe unique properties These elements (for example, the height of the water block or the direction of the torch installation). From version 1.7.10 Together with numeric IDs, string, for example, Minecraft: Bedrock is used.

In further versions () numeric IDs will be deleted!

Beginning with version 1.4.2 (12W34A) You can enable mapping ID and additional values \u200b\u200bin inventory, chests, stoves, etc., pressing F3 + H (outside the inventory), and after 12W41A (1.4.2) The strength is shown. To version 1.9 potions had ID 373 from 1 to 8270. With version 1.9. Potions do not have a numeric ID.

I. It has excellent from the subject in the inventory ID.
D. Uses the subject damage field to determine its strength.
S. Requires additional data from the preservation of the game to complete the block definition.
B. Requires additional data on the strength of the subject to fulfill the subject in the inventory.
E. Requires a block essence for storing additional data.
Red Cannot be obtained without the use of cheats. Available only when using the / GIVE command or via the inventory editor.
Light blue Cannot be obtained in any way (some of them can be placed using / setblock)
Blue Available in mode Creation in the list of items.
Purple Available in mode Creation When selecting objects.
Teal. Can be obtained during trading with residents in mode Creation.
Green Available only if there is enchanted tools or in mode Creation.
Lime Available only if there are enchanted items or through the use / GIVE or in the inventory editor, but not available in mode Creation.
Grey Unused data.

How to put small numbers?

As you might notice, the second indicator is depicted next to some objects. Proper writing code for such an item looks like this: 383: 101. The second digit in this example is the smallest digit.

What id at potions (version up to 1.9)?

373: 16471 - Reignation Splash-2
373: 16458 - Splash of slowness
373: 16457 - Power surge
373: 16456 - Waveness Splop
373: 16452 - Poison Splash
373: 16451 - splash of fire resistance
373: 16450 - Speed \u200b\u200bSplash
373: 16425 - Renament Splash
373: 16421 - Healing Splash-2
373: 16420 - Splash of poison-2
373: 16418 - Swipping burst-2
373: 16396 - Wave of maliciousness
373: 16394 - Splash of slowness
373: 16389 - Power surge
373: 16388 - Poison Splash
373: 16386 - Speed \u200b\u200bSplash
373: 16385 - Regeneration Splash
373: 16378 - splash of fire resistance
373: 8266 - Potion of slowness
373: 8265 - Potion Power
373: 8264 - Weakness Potion
373: 8260 - Potion poison
373: 8259 - Resistance Potion
373: 8258 - Speed \u200b\u200bPotion
373: 8257 - Reignition Potion
373: 8236 - Malicious Potion-2
373: 8233 - Power Potion-2
373: 8229 - therapeutic potion-2
373: 8228 - Potion poison-2
373: 8226 - Speed \u200b\u200bPotion-2
3738225 - Reentiration Potion-2
373: 8204 - Pest Potion
373: 8202 - Potion of slowness
373: 8201 - Potion Power
373: 8200 - Weakness Potion
373: 8197 - Medical Potion
373: 8196 - Potion poison
373: 8195 - The Potion of Resistance Fire
373: 8194 - Speed \u200b\u200bPotion
373: 8193 - Reignition Potion

We hope that this information will be useful to you. Have a good game!

ID of all Minecraft blocks are at the end of the record. If you do not work some item or block, then this unit appeared in a newer minecraft versions And for its operation, you need to update the client or server.

Team entry syntax: / Get 1 7, where 1 is an object ID, and 7 - quantity. If the subject is worth an index (such a small number), then the syntax is: / get 1 7 4, where 1 - ID, 7 is the amount, and 4 is an index.

Blocks in Minecraft can be divided into 11 species:

  1. Natural;
  2. Man-made;
  3. Fixtures;
  4. Mechanisms;
  5. Plants;
  6. Ore;
  7. Liquids;
  8. Fragile;
  9. Planned;
  10. Remote.

Today, in particular, I will consider natural blocks. These also include blocks such as: clay block, snow, gravel, tiny cobblestone, earth, stone, sandstone, rooted breed, ice, sand, obsidian, spaner Mobs.

So, proceed.

Clay block

This type of blocks can be found on the territory of sandy beaches and deserts. Sometimes they can meet in the deserts and at the bottom of the reservoirs. It is strange that it meets even less often than gold and diamond ores. But it is much easier to look for it, just inspect the beaches and deserts. You can get clay with the help of any tool, although the shovel is best suited. When destroyed, 4 clay lumps fall. Of these, you can scream brick or again a clay block.

  • Clay color varies from white to bright red.
  • Clay is sometimes located on the bottom of the reservoirs with a sandy bottom.
  • In very rare cases, clay can be found in the dungeons.
  • In version 1.6 Beta there is an error, due to which clay is generated only where the X and Z coordinates coincide.


Gravel occurs usually in natural wells underground and water. Sometimes it can be met in the Lower World. Gravel - bulk type of block, like sand, i.e. If there is no block under it, it falls. If such a block falls on the player, it will be thicker. From gravel it is impossible to scratch anything. It happens, flint falls out of it (used to create arrows and lighters). The chance of falling silicon from stone is 10%. Gravel can also be placed in game world. But if flint falls out of it, then the gravel unit will not fall. More gravel can be treated, but he burns for a short time.

Sleepy cobblestone

The block, which first appeared in SURVIAL TEST and remained in the following versions of the game. Appearance Almost like a cobblestone, only he has a greenish tint. It can be found only in treasurers, from 30 to 60 pieces. In the crafting is not used in any way. The silent cobblestone has common features with a hellish stone, as they both use one texture, only with different tint.


Earth can very often meet in the game. She appeared in the game of one of the first. The Earth is generated in many places: under the ground (no matter how strange it sounds, but it is so), on the surface, in caves, dungeons, under water, under the snow. It is also very suitable for landing of various kinds of plants. It can be covered by grass, but under one condition: only if any other block of the earth is adjacent to it. On Earth there is an opportunity to make even a bed, hoe. To do this, you need to approach her and press using the hoom, PKM. Plowed land becomes ribbed. If there is a water source nearby, then it takes a dark brown color, and become suitable for planting seeds.

A rock

This unit appeared in the very first versions of the game and is generated in huge quantities. The stone is most often generated under the layer of the Earth and can reach the indigenous breed. Sometimes you can meet, fully consisting of stones. If the stone is bridle, a cobblestone falls out of it, which when burning in the oven gives a stone. From the stone you can scaffle, stone steps, stone button, red repeater, push stone slab.

To be continued...

Cool video. Watch all who at least a little loves to play Minecraft!

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In this article you will find a lot of new and useful information Which will help you to play minecraft, and play very productive and in your pleasure. Or rather here you will get acquainted and the ID of all the main blocks, items and other things that exist in minecraft game. For each specific version of the game, the blocks with numbering blocks are laid below. You just need to know what you have a game version and find a picture for your minecraft. I often update this news and complement it after each game update.

But not every one knows that such an ID objects and why do we need it? I will try to dispersed this fog that has developed in your head and help figure out this issue.

Id blocks and objectsin the Minecraft game, this is a list, or rather the numbering of all existing items and blocks that exist in the game world, ranging from the usual block of land to diamond or anvil.

Why do you know all this incomprehensible and huge numbering? The answer is very simple! Those people who know how to use id will help get the right resources in single game. And admins on servers with their help will be able to distribute resources the remaining player in their desires, thus encouraging them.

You ask: You are all so well tell, but still how to get my desired diamonds I do not understand.

I answer you for this question! In order to get diamonds in the game you need to find a diamond in the picture, remember this number or write. Then I use this number you can get a long-awaited resource in the Minecraft Creative game mode or using such cheat fashion How ToomanyItems and Not ENOUGH Items.. You can find them in the future on this site.

Now proceed to the long-awaited numbering ID. I posted it below. Dare and look for the necessary information.

So one more suggestion! To enlarge the photo just click on it!

Blocks of blocks and items for Minecraft 1.13, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10, 1.5.2