How to play your favorite puzzles game. How to assemble a prize puzzle in the game "Favorite Puzzles"? Online puzzles: make up the picture

Website - this is an online game "Favorite puzzles". After registration of yours personal Profile On this project, you can collect various pictures on fragments. Pazels on the site available for assembly from "Mosaic" are represented by an extensive collection of colorful illustrations from popular cartoons and fairy tales.

In the game "Favorite Puzzles" records the time of assembling of each picture. As the game passing through the game, the level of its complexity is increasing - the size and number of puzzles. To facilitate the task for players, the site prompts on the site. They help to quickly find the missing puzzle, and also show incorrectly set fragments, prolong the passage of the level (for 1-3 minutes), are displayed in the form of the background, the original image.

However, such assistance is provided for a certain payment by intra-card currency - coins. They are accrued at the account account for each collected image. Users who made a paid VIP profile in the game (for 95 rubles), free tips and 500 coins are provided.

This guide helps you register on the site and run the game in your personal profile.

Creating an account

1. To register in the game, open the offsite page with the registration form -

2. In the form fields, specify E-mail (use only a mailbox!).

3. In subsequent fields, enter nickname (your game alias) and twice the password (symbolic key to enter Latin letters and numbers).

Attention! If the data in the form string is indicated correctly, the "bird" on a green background appears in its right part.

4. Specify the floor: Click the M button (man) or F (Woman).

5. In the city column, type the name of the country, social Pointwhere they live.

6. In the Date of Birthday drop-down menu, select the number, month and year of your birth.

7. To accommodate in account Your photo or avatar, click the "Load avatar".

8. In the window that opens, carefully read the rules of Ava. Pictures and photos exceeding the agreed limits in size and volume are not loaded to the site.

9. Click "Select File".

10. In the system window, open the disc partition and then the folder in which Avas is stored.

11. Select it with a mouse click (cland the left button 1 time). Click the Open option.

12. In the Installation Panel, click the Download command.

13. Check on the correctness of writing all the specified personal data in the fields. Correct an error if necessary.

14. Click "Register".

Upon completion of the account creation on your E-mail site service send a letter with credentials for authorization (login and password).

Running game

1. Once you will be registered on the site, the page will open "Congratulations! ...". Under the text of the greeting, click on the button "Play".

2. Your profile will appear with thumbnails of the pictures that you have to collect. All of them are not yet available (they are depicted by the "Castle" icon), except the very first. But do not worry, it should be. All of them will open consistently, one after another, as passing. First, the first image, then the second, etc.

3. B. top panel Information about your profile (nickname, level, status), the amount of the game account (how many coins in the account), as well as a group of buttons to send messages, transition to the "Help" page, restart the game and view the rating tables (results best players site).

4. After quickly acquainted with the interface, you can immediately start the game. Without any settings and entry additional data.

Click the first picture in the gallery.

After reading the information, click "OK".

8. Now you can start assembling the following picture.

Enjoy your pastime in the online game "Favorite Puzzles"!

How to assemble a prize puzzle in the game "Favorite Puzzles"?

    IN popular game Favorite puzzles You can also collect the so-called prize puzzle. The developers have facilitated the task of creating several tips: a possible preview of the final picture (icon of the eye in the upper right corner), as well as the opening part of the picture for coins.

    I propose to get acquainted with the video roller, where the process of collecting a prize puzzle is shown. The main thing is to start with parts where the concentration of the figures is highest and move to a rare image of the lines, laying out pieces, respectively, from the center of the field to the edges.

    In Game Favorite puzzles The prize puzzle will have to collect long enough, which will require care, perfection and perseverance. But alone prompt Still, there is, which can be sought at the top on the right side - this glazik. If you bring the mouse cursor to it, you can see final image of puzzle. Thus, from time to time look at the final picture, you can collect a prize puzzle.

    By the way, if you have extra 540 coins, you can spend them to view a fragment of the picture.

    To quickly cope with this task, try using the tip. To do this, click on the eye and carefully examine the picture, which should result in the end.

    You can also buy an additional prompt, but the value is 540 coins.

    Collect such a puzzle as a prize in the game Favorite puzzles It is not entirely difficult - and for this you can completely use the useful tip (hover the mouse over the tip icon) in the right corner of the prize puzzle - look at the overall drawing of this puzzle and after you fold it easily, as the general picture of the drawing becomes clear.

    Find the eye at the top on the right, hover the mouse and see the picture with Puzzle. You can also use 540 coins to view a fragment of the puzzle clip art. And on the picture, respectively, collect a puzzle. Work is not from the lungs, you will have to try.

    Puzzle is going difficult. The game requires patience.

    Not an experienced player unknown the fact that in the game actually has a hint. At the top of the right there is eyes, hovering on which a whole image of a collected picture appears.

    Prize puzzle in the game favorite puzzles; It is quite difficult to collect, the work is painstaking and labor, but for fans of puzzles is just very interesting.

    There is a small hint in the game, please note that there is a small eye on top with the right, if you bring a mouse to it, you can see the picture of the puzzle, it will make a lot of task.

    This puzzle is going for quite a long time and difficult. To simplify his collection, we find the right at the top of the eye, we bring there with a mouse and see how the puzzle should look like - we look at this image and gradually collect. Also, if you have 540 coins, you can buy a prompt show a fragment of the picture. Well, it yourself needs to be very attentive and carefully look at the final picture, then it will be possible to collect a prize puzzle.

    Help when collecting a prize puzzle in the game Favorite puzzles You will have a button in the form of an eye in the right corner of the screen. When it is pressed, a picture of a puzzle appears. Viewing a fragment of the puzzle will cost you 540 coins. Start the puzzle from the middle and go to the edges.

    You will not easily have to collect this puzzle. Time spend a lot. But to facilitate the passage of the bonus level in the game Favorite puzzles There is one hint. In the upper right corner we find an image of the eye. Having on him the mouse can be seen on the game field the original picture. You can also see the fragment of the puzzle by paying 540 coins.

Everyone loves puzzles or, in any case, know what it is. This is a wonderful puzzle game for the whole family, a pleasant pastime and useful training for mind, memory and attention. Historically, puzzles were created precisely as a tutorial. They were in England by the trader John Spielsbury in the middle of the XVIII century. It was black and white geographic MapsBased on the wooden base and cut into pieces of different shapes. In each piece contained certain information and, collecting them one after another, it was possible to study geography.

The first puzzles were very expensive, but, nevertheless, quickly gained popularity in England and other European countries. In the XIX century, the puzzles "leaked" to America. Enontending Americans began to use cardboard sheets instead of a wooden basis, thereby significantly reduced the cost of puzzles and making them accessible to most people. Since then, the puzzles have become not only a textbook, but also enjoyable entertainment. They began to produce on the basis of the reproductions of art paintings.

Fucking popularity of puzzles acquired during the "dry law" in America. In addition to the reproductions of the paintings began to use photographs of natural landscapes, cars, celebrities, as well as pictures from movies and cartoons, first black and white, and then colored. Puzzle lovers gathered in teams and arranged entire tournaments to collect huge paintings from several tens of thousands of parts.

In Russia, the puzzle revolution was fashionable salon entertainment and called "Bowls". Unfortunately, in the USSR, puzzles were almost not produced. In Russia, the modern "Bowl" was gaining popularity again, now this passion is available to everyone, including online.

Puzzles Multifunctional: Adults often use the collected paintings to decorate the interior, and the puzzle children are useful both as a toy and as a simulator, developing logical thinking, imagination and attention. Well, in addition, a cardboard puzzle is a great gift for any holiday, you only need to choose the appropriate size, picture and beautifully wrap.

Online puzzles: make up the picture

Puzzles are a fascinating occupation for all ages. Modern manufacturers offer scatteries of any complexity and for every taste: from cartoon plots to reproductions of masterpieces of world painting. Amazes the diversity of subjects - still lifes, landscapes, portraits, genre scenes. If you wish, you can collect a whole collection, for example, fabulous characters or locks.

Puzzles - a universal gift. They can be collected by one and the company, they will help pass the leisure time with bad weather or build the "home arrest" in case of illness. It will not be superfluous to recall that classes with puzzles are useful for children: they develop perseverance, attentiveness and accuracy, and with minimal adult efforts - also the imagination of kids.

There are, however, the circumstances that limit the enthusiasm of Pazloman. First, for the assembly of large paintings you need a lot of space and time. Agree, not all family members will be delighted with a two-week occupation by your masterpiece of the dining table or a rowed place on the carpet in front of the TV. Yes, and for the puzzles themselves, this location is fraught with losses. Secondly, when the picture is collected, usually the question arises - "What's next?". Do not break the work of art again by 2-3 thousand pieces?

We will try to tell you how to solve these problems.

So where to collect puzzles? For example, you have gave a loose picture with a gorgeous view of New York, a window into the world size of only edak 86x116 cm. Sold, of course, special mats for assembling puzzles, but they, honestly, are expensive and do not cover all the sizes of paintings. Our advice is not looking for a shop on the entire city or the Internet to buy such a rug, and go better to the nearest building supermarket. And buy there 2 (!) Slices of the finest Fiberboard each size, in our case, 100x130 cm. Yes, it is heavy, but incomparably (or rather, comparable - somewhere 10 times) is cheaper than the rug. As you understand, a sheet format is the dimensions of the painting plus allowances on each side of about 5 cm. This is your desktop / floor - shorter, bridgehead for action. On one sheet you collect a picture, the second cover the collected part at the time of breaks. In such a form, your masterpiece can be calmly shoved on a week-second under the sofa, under the carpet or put on the closet, for reliability, taking the edge of the sheets in several places with scotch. And be calm - your cat will not make its own adjustments to work, everything will remain in their places.

So, slowly, for a week-month-year, you have collected the picture. And what now? How to make it? Our recommendations again will be sent to the construction store. What for? For self-adhesive film, moldings (yes!), Glue, paint and varnish. What for? We tell.

The collected picture turns the face down - with two sheets of the Fiberboard, it is easy to make it, according to the "Eagle Rush" principle for a coin. An appropriate sheet of self-adhesive film with a protective layer is applied to the wrong sheet. We begin to glue it carefully - peeling the protective layer for several centimeters. To make it easier, start moving from the short side of the picture. Do not hurry, each cursed piece carefully press the rigid ruler, preventing the formation of air bubbles.

The picture pasted in this way is glued with universal glue to the Fiberboard sheet with the markup of symmetric fields. We advise on the sheet to immediately make holes for hanging the picture - it is better not one thing, but two at a fairly big distance from each other. Now proceed to the design of the frame.

Bagent frame for painting from puzzles is a big luxury. Replace the real baguette we offer foam moldings. First, they are much cheaper, secondly, it is easier, thirdly, it's easier to work with them. Building stores offer their widest choice - different widths and profiles, with all sorts of ornaments. Pick the molding to your taste, in accordance with your vision of the finished masterpiece. A strict or faded frame will be your picture - choose you, like what it will be color. Think in advance where your job will hang, it will facilitate your choice, tells the desired design solution.

First color moldings selected with paint or metal pigment using a brush or an aerosol spray. When they dry, cut the parts of the frame of the desired length with a knife and gently glue the versatile glue to the sheet with the picture. If the left fields are wider than the chosen baguette, cut them to the desired width before sticking the frame. Opposite the holes for the nail with a neatly selection, select the foam, so that it does not burst when you hang a picture.

If desired, the finished picture can be covered with a lacquer or an aerosol spray. In the latter case, the coating will be evenly and you will be able to avoid incontrolle. At this stage, you can be inserted using various effects of crane or coating - the main thing is to have a sense of action, because this decor is not suitable for all plots.

And a small hint. In the pictures of puzzles, you can combine beautiful with pleasure. For example, on a puzzle with the image of the year, you can place a room thermometer or a tear-off calendar. Under the picture with a fabulous palace, you can make pockets for keys, and to the drawing with cartoon characters good add-on Will become hooks for children's clothing. Think out the composition and calculate the size of the sheet of the base - and forward, for work!