Noliki's crossing games online. Games Snacks Online Buttons Top Panel In Computer Game

Everything board games Logic - they need to look for the right move and perform tasks. Some have more complex rules that need to first study, but in others you can play right away. To ordinary, but exciting belongs of the noliki.

Simple Rules Games Captition Noliki

A classic option is a square with cells 3x3, but exist with a large number of cells. One player inside of them puts cross, another tag so as to build a straight line diagonally, vertical or horizontal. When the figures became in that order, they are burned, and won the one who managed to build a line. But in this process it is important not to give the enemy to finish before you. If you see that his figures are about to finish the party, try to prevent him, putting my sign between them - it is better to complete the round in a draw than to beat yourself.

If you try, you can find a win-win location option in the field, and then you will always be the winner. Despite the simplicity of the game of the crossbars, the puzzle lovers spend on it calculations and comparative analysis, looking for optimal options for winning.

The process ends in a matter of minutes, but it can be started infinitely. It is these who are engaged in children on boring lessons or reasons than cause the displeasure of teachers.

Variety of virtual options

Progress made it possible to postpone into the surreal world world wide web a lot than the man used to appear. Children quickly mastered his capabilities, but especially they like to play games. Now I don't even need a companion, in order to play another batch, because the games for two crosses of Noliki can be conducted not only with a real opponent, but and compete with artificial intelligence.

Choose, will play two players or one, and start the battle of the game of the noliki crossbars for two. After each round you will see an account that is automatically conducted.

  • For lovers of classics, options are presented with a separable notebook sheet with a ballpoint handle - here the full association with the reality of what is happening.
  • Also B. scene games Snacks to play crossbars. On the colored area, the image of a man-spider person or cartoon heroes is placed as figures.
  • Games for girls Crossbars Noliki with images of animals and colored crystals will bring gloss into favorite fun, brightness.
  • Noliki cross can act like additional task In games of other destinations. Similar mini-games make a variety in the plot, making it more interesting.
  • For the older generation of players there will be options with beer circles and other adult satellites. This will make it possible to remember your favorite childhood entertainment and enjoy the process.
  • More cross-ticks in Cuba or volumetric, so-called 3D. This is not only beautiful, but also creates some difficulties and the need for spatial vision in different planes.

In China is similar game, called gomoku. If a sports competition occurs, a square is used with cells 15x15, but the more traditional option is 19x19. Each player on the appropriate set of stones - one plays black, second white. The essence of the process is the same as in the cross-tag - it is necessary to place its objects into one line. The name of the game occurs from the Japanese "Homokunaraba" and means "five pieces in a row". Since the rules and conditions changed all the time, several varieties of fun arisen with some differences: gomoku with central stone, three-dimensional homoform, penta, kerio-penta, caro and many others.

Reading the publication on Habré found a couple of articles on Gomoku game algorithms: this and this. In the first article disassembled various options for solving the problem, but there is no implementation in the form of a game, in the second - there is a game, but the computer "plays" is poorly. I decided to make my version of the game Gomoku with blackjack enough strong game Computer. Publication that in the end it turned out. For those who love immediately into battle - the game itself.

First I want to determine the main points. First, there are many varieties of Gomoku game, I stopped at this option: the gaming field 15x15, the crosses go first, wins the one who first builds 5 in a row. Secondly, the gaming algorithm for calculating the course of a computer for simplicity will be called AI.

Thanks for attention. I hope you were also nice to read and play, how to implement me :)

P.S. A small request, if you can easily win - Attach the screenshot of the game and moves (from the console logs) to analyze and improve the algorithm.

Update 1.
1. 10% increased the importance of weight scales. Now the attack for AI is preferable to protection, other things being equal. For example, if 4ku at AI and the user, then AI will prefer to win.

2. Changed weights by templates. With a clearer balancing of weights, you can achieve best Game AI.
The values \u200b\u200bof the weights of the templates are now such:
99999 - XXXXX - Five in a row (final winning line)
7000 - _XXXX_ - Open Four
4000 - _xxxx - half-closed four (two of these four are preferable to one open, perhaps " more interesting game" will be)
2000 - _x_xxx, _xx_xx, _xxx_x - half-closed four with bars (2 of these four are equal to one open four and "preferable" open three; but if only 1 is such a four, then an open tripler is preferable)
3000 - _xxx_ - Open Troika
1500 - _xxx - half-closed triple
800 - _xx_x, _x_xx - half-closed three with bars
200 - _xx_ open twice
Also, small weights (from 1 to 20-30) are around all moves, to create a "short rate of course."

How to win in noliki cross

Intellectual games contribute to the development of thinking, there is no doubt. The earlier start to study - the more noticeable effect. Sophisticated games, such as chess or th, not all are close and accessible. But there are games known since childhood. They do not require complex inventory, take little time, and are interesting at different ages. One of these games is noliki cross.

The popularity of this game group is Great: There are many different computer implementations on the network, including applications for cell phones. Children's fun is often used as a mathematical programming task.

Cross-zoliki 3 * 3

Cross-tanks 3 * 3 - who did not play them at least once? The field of 9 cells, the players alternately put cross and testers, trying to build three figures in a row.

For right game draw guaranteed. To this end, the second player needs to put the first "Nolik" to the center, and if it is busy, then into the angle, and further block the threats. The error in the first move leads to the defeat. All variations n in a row on the board N * N also drawn.

Sports options for nolikov

Game 5 in a row on an endless board - already more complicated. Tactics Games in cross-tag: cross - build plugs and actively step, zolikov - block attacks (stop lines of three stones and prevent the forks), and try to intercept the initiative. The game is popular among schoolchildren and students, does not require inventory - a sufficient leaf in a cage and handles.

This game on the board 15 * 15 is known as Gomoku.

With the growth of the player level it becomes clear that in such a game, the novice side has a significant advantage. To compensate, the rules have been entered to start the game: the first move is black they put a stone into the center, then white and black put on a stone arbitrarily, the following moves can change the color. Gomoku - sports gameInternational tournaments are held.

Another variety is Renju. ancient gamewhich is considered to be the ancestor of the nolikov crossbars. To compensate, the advantages of the first turn is forbidden to build forks 3 * 3 and 4 * 4, build more than two forks at the same time, as well as create chains of 6 or more stones. These rules changed the tactics of the game, in particular, whites can play foul. Read more here.

Connect 6 - a new game Based on Gomoku, for victory it is necessary to set a number of 6 stones. Starting from the second move, each player exhibits two stones at once. The game is complicated, the miscalculation is currently not somewhat due to the large number of options.

Non-standard game options

Three-dimensional cross-tags 3 * 3 * 3

The game is done as usual, but in Cuba. Three stones chains are considered in any direction. It suggests a computer implementation, but there are options: factory children's sets or, if at hand only a notebook in a cage, - paint three square layers. Spatial imagination is welcome. A draw in this game is impossible: the first player wins, taking the central field. In three-dimensional gives, the first player will lose if the central field does not occupy and will not do diametrically opposite moves.

Three-dimensional cross-ticks 4 * 4 * 4 and above

The calculation shows that drawing options exist. The advantage of the crosses is available, but strictly not proven. The gaming volume is 5 * 5 * 5 and above is not studied.

Falling noliki

The infinite field has a bottom - horizontal line. The stones are set either on the line, or the figures already exhibited - it is impossible to put on an arbitrary field. The game is done up to 5 in a row. Another option: The board is 8 * 8, for victory you need to set 4 stones in a row. In the omnifers of "cross" win, if a series of 4-zolikov is obtained. In this version, the ban is introduced to put the chip over the previous pishka of the opponent.


Falling cross on a blackboard 8 * 8, but the filled bottom row disappears - as in Tetris, and the board shifts down. If the four was formed - the player wins.

Circular labels and circular linetris

On the board 8 * 8 there are 4 walls to which you can put stones. In the figure, blue cross shows possible moves.

Accordingly, the filled side disappears in the circular version of Lynetris, and the playing field is shifted in this direction.

Insane noliki cross

Board 4 * 4, each player can put both cross, and noliki - figures are not tied to players. The novice game ("cross") wins if a series of 4 of any badges gathered, otherwise he wins the second player ("Noliki").

Silvermen's Ticlets

Board 4 * 4, the first player wins if a row is formed from 4 crosses or zealics. The tactics of the game in the cross-tick-tick Silvermen is simple: the first player first actively attacks, then it does not interfere with the opponent to set 4 talits. The advantage of the cross - overwhelming, the analysis showed that crosses can win at any initial progress. In case of complication of rules - the main diagonals are not considered - the victory is not so obvious. However, this option is disassembled: For victory, the cross does not put the first stone to the main diagonals.

Different game Boards

Certain interest represents games on modified boards: 3 * 4, long with fixed widths, cylindrical ("glued" on one of the parties), etc.


The game is conducted on a chessboard. Each player exhibits 12 (in another version - 15) chips, trying to get 5 in a row. If it failed - rivals move stones to neighboring free fields. The game does not end in one combination: for each row player gets one point, for victory you need to dial ten points. Repeated combinations are not taken into account.

For analyzing parties and debuts.

Guaranteed winning strategy For the debut of the 7d (bay) with various development options: ,,,,,,,,

Top panel buttons in a computer game

19x19 - Traditional version of the game on the 19x19 field. The player wins the chain exactly of five stones of the same color (cross or zolikov).

Swap2. - game with debut regulations swap2.

3x3 - game on the field 3x3.

A new game - Start a new game;

Additional adhesions in a joint game

Suggest a draw - Allows you to send a proposal for a draw. In case of its consent, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points from both players will not change;

Surrender - completes the game (the defeat is counted).

Leave the game - allows you to immediately complete the current game (the defeat is counted).

Lower panel buttons

Settings- Opens the settings menu in which you can:

  • Change the field design;
  • Allow B. joint game one cancellation without a request to the opponent;
  • Include or disable automatic closure of enemy threats;
  • Enable or disable the display of your threats and rival threats;
  • Enable or disable the sound;
  • Prohibit other players inviting you to the game;
  • Open the black list of players.

History - The story of all your games indicating the date of the game, the enemy and its place in the ranking.

The batch won marked by you, red - lost, blue - completed drawing.

The star marked the games you entered the Favorites.

Points are accrued only for victories over the opponents (for draws and victory over the computer, points are not accrued).

ELO rating system, Elo coefficient - method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This system ratings developed an American professor of physics of the Hungarian origin of the Arpad Elo.

In the event that the player does not play for a month, on the first working day of the next month he is charged fine in the amount of 100 points. The accrual of fines works only in the "Snag-Zoliki" mode. The penalty in "cross-tick-zero" mode is charged regardless of the number of games in other modes.

In the Personal Account you can specify additional information about yourself, upload photos, change the password, as well as store and conduct personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registration as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will get access to personal Area And you can send personal messages to other players.

To register, you need to simply enter a name (from 3 characters) and password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another.

How to win in cross-noliki?

Any intellectual game Not only contributes to the development of thinking, it also makes it possible to experience the excitement and joy of victory. Even this at first glance is simple and famous since childhood game in cross - Noliki. Some and adult age continue to get involved in this game.

According to the cross-ticks, which are played on the board 15x15 and are called Gomoku, even international tournaments are held. To understand the patterns of the game, it is first worth considering the simplest option on the 3x3 cell field. Wins in this version of the player who built three figures in a row on any line.

Victory Algorithm

In order to learn to win or, at least, do not lose in cross - Noliki, you need to stock attention and ... patience. In the absence of errors with one side or another, the game will end with a draw endlessly. The main principle that determines how to win in the cross - Noliki is to create a situation in which after any course of the enemy the player will fill one of two lines, that is, put three crosses or three tanks in a row. An example of such a situation is shown in Scheme No. 1.