Minecraft passage of mini skar games. Mini-game Shurikom: Spectacular Motorcycle Tricks

Do you like to solve precipitant challenges, solve crosswords or somehow use brains otherwise? Mini Michemoft Games with Shurik help you in this.

They say, without sufficient regular load, the human brain begins to "be lazy", loses the ability to produce new ideas, gradually atrophies the ability to notice the details, to see the causal relationships and generally think logically. I am sure that you want all this for yourself? Not? Then regularly play our exciting online puzzles - and the brain of use, and you are pleasure.

What do we have to do?

On a closed game field, using virtual shovels, it is necessary to dig as many prize cells as possible and do it for a minimum of moves. This time is also desirable to spend as little as possible. By the way, on the right side of the screen there are counters and the other. For them, you can determine how good your result is. Open prize cells differ from conventional red-brick color and TNT letters in the center.

The mini mini -raft game with shurika five levels of varying degrees of complexity. If you have never played a puzzle of this kind before, we advise you to start with the simplest. If you consider yourself a cool special - not closely, right away for the task more complicated. Rights differ from each other primarily the size of the puzzle field and the number of closed prizes. On the first width of the square gaming field Makes four cells, two prizes hid behind it, the next width is already eight, and the prizes are hidden six, and so on. The principle of passage remains unchanged. On the most complex (but also fascinating) level, the level of 16 cells width is waiting for you, on which the developers managed to hide 64 surprise cells. I wonder how fast can you find them all?

Slight advice: playing, try to memorize the time that you need to pass each of the mini mini-mini levels with shurik. Next time try to improve this indicator and dig cells with prizes even faster. We wish good luck in this difficult act!

Do you like to solve precipitant challenges, solve crosswords or somehow use brains otherwise? Mini Michemoft Games with Shurik help you in this.

They say, without sufficient regular load, the human brain begins to "be lazy", loses the ability to produce new ideas, gradually atrophies the ability to notice the details, to see the causal relationships and generally think logically. I am sure that you want all this for yourself? Not? Then regularly play our exciting online puzzles - and the brain of use, and you are pleasure.

What do we have to do?

On a closed game field, using virtual shovels, it is necessary to dig as many prize cells as possible and do it for a minimum of moves. This time is also desirable to spend as little as possible. By the way, on the right side of the screen there are counters and the other. For them, you can determine how good your result is. Open prize cells differ from conventional red-brick color and TNT letters in the center.

The mini mini -raft game with shurika five levels of varying degrees of complexity. If you have never played a puzzle of this kind before, we advise you to start with the simplest. If you consider yourself a cool special - not closely, right away for the task more complicated. Rights differ from each other primarily the size of the puzzle field and the number of closed prizes. On the first width of the square of the playing field, four cells are hidden behind it, two prizes are already on the next width, and the prizes are hidden six, and so on. The principle of passage remains unchanged. On the most complex (but also fascinating) level, the level of 16 cells width is waiting for you, on which the developers managed to hide 64 surprise cells. I wonder how fast can you find them all?

Slight advice: playing, try to memorize the time that you need to pass each of the mini mini-mini levels with shurik. Next time try to improve this indicator and dig cells with prizes even faster. We wish good luck in this difficult act!

The mini-game with Shurik accurately like this extremal, who adore dangerous adventures.

Do you like extreme? Do you adore sports from which the spirit captures? Then harsh motorcycle races are what you need. Here you will not see smooth roads and you will not feel low speeds. Mini-game with Shurikov offers you to ride on a special bike on uneven tracks, where you can find a lot of obstacles and springboards. You can demonstrate here excellent tricks that will definitely be unable to everyone. But it is necessary to show maximum caution, because the tracks are quite dangerous, and with each level their complexity is only rising.

Mini-game Shurikom: Rules and Structure

As mentioned above, a mini-game shurid consists of a large number of levels. Each level is the original track that you want to drive on a motorcycle from beginning to end. At the same time, you will need to observe the balance and not fall into emergency situations, otherwise your health level will be rapidly decreased. However, if it does not end at all, you can restore it, picking up a special bonus subject. There are others here. bonus subjects - Stars that bring extra glasses. Control is carried out using the arrow buttons.

Mini-game Shurikom: Spectacular Motorcycle Tricks

The main advantage of the game is that there are unimaginable tricks here. This uses both natural soil irregularities, and a variety of items: tires, boards, etc. You will be able to make high jumps and exciting coups, leap the abyss and still have many wonderful actions that are probably not available to you in reality. And the mini-game with Shurikov gives you a great opportunity to ride a motorcycle, and even if you cannot immediately pass the level, you can always repeat the attempted passage. Try to go through all extreme tracks!