Termination of the program x ray 1.6 engine. The Stalker takes off: Call of Pripyat. Other possible causes

A large number of users of Microsoft products are reporting the loss of Windows 10 activation and the conversion of the Pro version to Home. Users receive a notification about an expired key, and when attempting to reactivate, it throws error 0x803fa067 for Windows 10. How to fix problems and start the system - more on that later in the article.

Reasons for failures

Microsoft provides standard terms and conditions for entering activation keys to verify authenticity and to properly use the installed version of Windows.

Activation error 0x803fa067 Windows 10

Error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 can occur for several reasons:

Interesting to know! The company has officially acknowledged that there is a problem with the activation server for Pro versions (0x803fa067) for Windows 10. Complaints came from users from all over the world: Korea, Japan and residents of other countries.

Using a troubleshooter

The troubleshooting function is only available if a copy of Windows 10 (version 1607 and higher) has not yet been activated. This service will allow you to troubleshoot existing activation problems. To use the functionality, the user must be an administrator.

Run troubleshooting or re-enter license key reactivates the system

Follow these steps to run the troubleshooter:

      1. Click on the "Start" button.
      2. Go to the "Options" section.
      3. Next, select "Updates and Security".
      4. And select the item "Activation".
      5. Then click on the line "Troubleshooting".

    If the service is unable to cope with the error, you can try to fix it yourself or contact technical support.

    Windows 10 activation

    Important! If the error 0x803fa067 occurs during the installation of Windows 10, you may need to confirm the legal purchase of the product: scans of purchase receipts, stickers and copies of letters indicating correspondence with electronic distribution stores.

    Microsoft reports that the appearance of error code 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 may be due to the fact that at the time of the free update, not the latest version was installed.

    Solution for error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows10

    An internet connection is required to activate Windows 10. To diagnose and know how to fix error 0x803fa067 in Windows 10, you should follow a series of steps:

    If the above steps do not help, contact

X-Ray Engine is a programming language created by GSC Game World for internal use. Everyone who played computer game Stalker, you heard about this company. The official SDK (Software Development Kit) engine and source code for the game's programming language is used by the creators of unofficial mods.

In the process of creating "Stalker" - Shadow of Chernobyl, the developers used X-Ray, and also released two versions of the game that continued the original: Clear sky and Call of Pripyat. A modified version of the "engine" was used to create the Stalker 2 project, but development stopped back in 2011.


Game developers use the X-Ray Engine to create new mods. Stalker is a multi-part game for which a lot of modifications have been released. GSC Game World has created SDK tools to help mod developers. For each part of the game, many mods have been released with different graphics quality and changes.

The creators of the unique engine forgot to "assure" it with official documents. The first mod developers created them half-baked. During the development of the first mods and writing this review, there were many instructions and thematic forums. Through these instructions, people communicate and share their experiences with the SDK.


The final version of the engine runs on the diagnostic tool and the DirectX 11 library. The programming language has support for volumetric light and complex effects with smoke, as well as it allows you to render complex game scenes and works with Ragdoll physics.

In the first version of the programming language, the developers added soft shadows to the game. At the time of the release of the first part of the game, such a graphic element was something new and technically interesting, especially for a game with a large space and an open area.

Key features

  • official SDK for creators of modified maps for the game;
  • the programming language supports DirectX 11 libraries;
  • creation of physics with realistic movement and its own AI system (A-Life);
  • introduction of technology that creates relief textures of objects;
  • support for soft shadows and volumetric light;
  • displaying about four million polygons in one frame;
  • the programming language of the game is not certified and is not officially distributed;
  • rendering of complex game scenes and support for next-generation physics.

Hello everyone! Today we will tell you about the main causes of the "X-Ray Engine 1.6 stopped working" error in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat and all possible ways to fix it.

In 2006, the world saw the best Ukrainian game of all time STALKER from GSC Game World. The Xray Engine became the game engine in all parts, it was developed for five years, and in the end support was provided by DirectX 9, although DirectX 8 was originally planned. Subsequent updates were also to the 10 and 11 versions of DirectX, but its potential was not revealed.

"Misfortune beetle"- this is how this bug was nicknamed. It consists in an arbitrary exit to the Desktop operating system with the subsequent closure of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It is in the description of the error that the drawn beetle is seen, hence the name.

What are the reasons for the crash of X-Ray Engine 1.6? Many users spent months studying the essence of the problem, but there is still no definite answer. The GSC Game World company was not particularly interested in this issue, although the new updates released partially solved the problem.

The majority of users who suffered from such a bug saw the reason in the old video card drivers, if they were updated, then the number of crashes became much less.

1. The very first game STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl was far from ideal - this concerned some immortal units and partially empty locations. In addition to everything, Xray Engine 1.6, so hated by everyone, was discovered. This orgy lasted until patch 1.5.04, with its release game process acquired a certain stability.

  • When downloading the game, you should make sure that all patches are available, they can be downloaded from the official website of the developers.

2. The game was protected by the StarForce system, which is designed to protect content from illegal copying and distribution. It is logical to assume that the bulk of users downloads NoDVD, thereby bypassing the protection, but this is where the Misfortune Beetle awaits.

  • The only solution can be buying a Stalker on Steam.

3. Any game now simply cannot be imagined without mods, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. they are necessary, because sometimes there is sheer boringness and despondency. This is especially felt in "Shadow of Chernobyl", it is not recommended to play the pure original here, but it is custom add-ons and become the reason for the emergence of Xray Engine 1.6.

  • When choosing a patch, you should carefully study the reviews and comments of their developers, you need to find the most successful one, but even in this case, it is impossible to guarantee the elimination of the bug, the probability of it still remains.

4. "Fast" passage and hacking may also be punished by a crash to the main screen, this applies to all so-called “ cheaters". Overuse of additional weapons and infinite charges causes the system to become unstable, making game engine extremely susceptible to lags.

  • You should resort to cheats only in extreme cases, and if such a case has arrived, then you will need to try many programs before you find stable file.

5. The Xray Engine is not well developed, which sometimes can manifest itself in the most unexpected bugs, this is what occurs when setting your parameters for the monitor. The misfortune beetle is caught by lowering the resolution for playing in windowed mode.

  • Take only recommended parameters for the gameplay.

6. The last frequently encountered bug related to Xray Engine 1.6 is small swap file... The best performance is achieved precisely when it exceeds twice the amount of RAM.

  • You can correct the data through the "my computer" menu on the desktop by selecting its properties. The item "virtual memory" should be changed to the required parameters, thereby reducing the risks of departure.

Here is one of the many video tutorials on how to fix it. Xray errors Engine 1.6.

I hope our tips will help you, and the problem of stopping X-Ray Engine 1.6 and leaving Stalker will be resolved.

In contact with

0) Install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Proffesional or Team, I collected in the first one), the service pack from the engine.vc2008.fixed.rar archive is suitable only for English version studios, for Russian you will need to download separately.

1) Create a folder on the disk, in it another folder.

2) Place only the engine.vc2008 folder from the "engine.vc2008.fixed - vs2008 project" archive into this folder, do not touch the SDK folder from there.

3) Take the SDK folder from the archive "stasvn \ sources \ engine.vc2005-2008 (~ 1.6.02 benchmark) - March 2010", from the sources.
We put it in one folder to engine.vc2008

4) Now on top of it we report the SDK folder from the engine.vc2008.fixed.rar archive, agree to replace all files

5) Download two DirectX SDKs from the Microsoft website - 2009 March and 2010 June. (The weight of each is about 500 mb), you can only use the 2009 version, but then you will not be able to build xrRender_R4. (LINK: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "d3d11.lib"), and if you only use 2010, the game will not start with R4.

After installing two DX SDKs, make sure that they have registered their paths to the studio, the 2010 SDK files should be after 2009, as shown in the figure:

Likewise for the sections Executable files and Include files. If you have any questions, look for information on google for the words "connect directx sdk visual studio 2008"

With incorrect versions of the SDK (or its non-connection), the log will contain abuse for the absence of files like d3dXX.lib \ .h)
There is no need to move folders from the already installed DirectX SDK. It is enough to register paths to them globally for the studio (or for each project manually)

Comment from loxotron: just copy and rename d3d11_beta.lib to d3d11.lib in the folder with the direct SDK, or even better, download and install the DX SDK August 2009 and not bother with unsuitable versions.

6) Just in case, you can also install SDK \ OpenALwEAX.exe, but I'm not sure if it is critically needed.

7) Run the project via .. \ CoP \ Project \ engine.vc2008 \ engine.sln. When it is loaded, at the top of the studio, we change the build mode from Debug_Dedicated (or any other) to Release. Further on the left \ right there will be a list of folders with engine files, we need, first of all, the 3rd_party folder - right-click on it and select Build \ Build.

If everything is correct, then at the end of the log at the bottom it will write about 11 successful projects (or the number will be less, if some projects have already been built before, the log will also report this "skipped \ up to date") The main thing is that there are errors \ Fatal everywhere 0
I have completely collected all projects without errors. (warning does not count as full errors)

8) By analogy, from top to bottom, you can collect other Dlls, it is not necessary to collect the editor \ dedicated \ utils \ plugins folders - they do not belong to the engine. XrGame.dll will take the longest to build. The rest are fast enough.

It is not necessary to collect all Dlls by the way. You can only need the right ones. When they are ready - create a clean bin folder in the game folder. Throw in all the created dll files (together with .pdb). If necessary, you can add missing files from the original ZP bin (2nd patch), if the game requires them. (Like wrap_oal.dll)
I started the game from the original Stalker-COP.exe

If everything is correct, then in the log / console of the game, the first lines will indicate the build of the game and the date of construction.

A large number of users of Microsoft products are reporting the loss of Windows 10 activation and the conversion of the Pro version to Home. Users receive a notification about an expired key, and when attempting to reactivate, it throws error 0x803fa067 for Windows 10. How to fix problems and start the system - more on that later in the article.

Reasons for failures

Microsoft provides standard terms and conditions for entering activation keys to verify authenticity and to properly use the installed version of Windows.

Activation error 0x803fa067 Windows 10

Error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 can occur for several reasons:

Interesting to know! The company has officially acknowledged a problem with the activation server for Pro versions (0x803fa067) for. Complaints came from users from all over the world: Korea, Japan and residents of other countries.

Using a troubleshooter

The troubleshooting function is only available if a copy of Windows 10 (version 1607 and higher) has not yet been activated. This service will allow you to troubleshoot existing activation problems. To use the functionality, the user must be an administrator.

Running the troubleshooter or re-entering the license key will reactivate the system

Follow these steps to run the troubleshooter:

      1. Click on the "Start" button.
      2. Go to the "Options" section.
      3. Next, select "Updates and Security".
      4. And select the item "Activation".
      5. Then click on the line "Troubleshooting".

    If the service is unable to cope with the error, you can try to fix it yourself or contact technical support for help.

    Windows 10 activation

    Important! If the error 0x803fa067 occurs during the installation of Windows 10, you may need to confirm the legal purchase of the product: scans of purchase receipts, stickers and copies of letters indicating correspondence with electronic distribution stores.

    Microsoft reports that the appearance of error code 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 may be due to the fact that at the time of the free update, not the latest version was installed.

    Solution for error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows10

    An internet connection is required to activate Windows 10. To diagnose and know how to fix error 0x803fa067 in Windows 10, you should follow a series of steps:

    If the above steps do not help, contact