Ff 12 walkthrough. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age review. Greetings from the past. King Raithwall's Tomb - The King's Legacy

Publication date: 08.12.2016 11:43:17

After Reynn and Lann were washed away from Valley Seven, they found themselves in Windswept Mire. Here they meet an enchanted toad.

From where you ended up, go east and watch the scene about the cursed toad. To remove the curse, you need to capture the Lucky Toad. Despite the fact that at the moment only one "tower" is available to you, the fight with the Mirage will not give you any trouble. Talk to Lucky Toad to initiate a fight. You cannot kill the enemy, even if he does not have HP left, because he must be captured in order to progress through the story.

After the capture of the Mirage, a scene will begin and you will meet another Champion, Snow. He will summon Shiva-Ixion to create the icy path. After the scene, the Gates will appear, so if you need, you can visit the previous dungeons or buy items at the Chocolatte Mart.

But before crossing the ice bridge, pick up a chest in the west with 4 Chimeric Wings... Flans will attack you in front of the chest (look at the map, there are also B points where you can face them).

Return to the bridge and cross it to the next island. There, turn right to another Chill point, create another bridge and pick up a chest with Aero seed... Return to the center point of the zone; to the north you will see another place where you need to use Chill. Create a bridge and cross it, fighting off the attacking Flans along the way, then save.

West of Save Crystal you'll find a switch puzzle and a chest with Remedy... To solve the puzzle, you need 14 units of weight and 25 points of water resistance. After its completion, the path to the secret area will open.

Please note that there is a Mirage in the secret zone, which you are unlikely to cope with at this stage, so come back here later when you become stronger (levels 40-45). In the meantime, leave the swamp by following the northeast path from Save Crystal. A scene will begin, followed by a boss fight.

By this time, you should have already noticed that Flan "s are resistant to physical attacks and vulnerable to magic, and Golden Flan is no exception. Therefore, prepare the strongest spells for your" towers "(for example, Fira and Blizzara) and you will deal with boss without too much trouble.

Also, you don't need to worry about elemental resistances, because the boss's main damage is physical. Heal when necessary and keep hitting the enemy with magic.

After the battle, a scene will begin and Snow will leave you (his Champion Medal is now available from The Girl Who Forgot Her Name). Save your game and continue through the swamps through the northeast exit.

Continue towards the east exit, but before leaving the area, head west towards Chill Point. Due to the fact that Snow is gone, you will have to make the bridge yourself with the help of a Mirage with the Chill ability. Cross the bridge and take the chest with 2 Remedies... You can now leave the swamps and go into the desert, completing Chapter 12.

Windswept Mire Secret Zone

When your party's average level reaches 40-45 levels, you can return to the secret area to fight Malboro Menace and Princess Flan. For defeating them, you will receive a Memento for each of the Mirages, allowing you to transfigure Korrigan into Malboro Menace and Flan into Princess Flan.

You can also directly capture these two Mirages, although it may take a lot of time and attempts (if you leave the zone and return to it, the Mirages will be restored).

To capture the Flan Princess, you need only one character left in your party. To capture Malboro Menace, you need to put any status on it. It won't be easy to get two Mirages at once, so focus on fulfilling one capture condition first.

To capture Princess Flan, you first need to destroy the enemy "tower" with a skill with high Topple, for example, Balancing Act or Misdirection, then defeat Malboro Menace. When there is only one Princess Flan left, dismantle your two "towers" and attack your party members until either Reynn or Lann survives. This will fulfill the capture conditions. Beware of her "Dance with Me" ability, which will put you in Berserk status.

To capture Malboro Menace, start the fight as described above, only after the enemy tower collapses, kill Princess Flan. Then use Lethean Chime on the remaining Mirage to set Oblivion status (since the enemy is most susceptible to it, compared to other statuses).

Princess Flan is a very powerful Mirage. She has access to the Celestriad ability, which sometimes prevents AP from being spent while using abilities.

The twelfth part of the series - Final Fantasy 12 was released in 2006 exclusively for Play Station 2. The game became the sixth in the world, which received 40 points out of 40 from the famous gaming magazine Fumitsu. A little later, the game was adapted for Windows. However, some define the genre of the game as "Japanese RPG".

Final Fantasy 12 - storyline

The action unfolds in game world called Ivalice. The opposing states - Rosarria and the Arcadian Empire, involve the neutral state of Dalmascus, located between them, in their conflict. The main characters of the game are a young guy Vahan, princess Dalmaski Ash, air pirates Balter and Freya, Bash, accused of murdering the king, and Vahan's girlfriend Penelo.

Together they travel to free Dalmask from the enemy invaders. Final Fantasy XII traditionally uses creatures that can be summoned to the battlefield to help the protagonists. In this part, they were named Espers.

At the moment of calling Esper, the main character remains on the battlefield and fights with him, while the rest of the team disappears. Espers can be on the battlefield for one to two minutes. If Esper's life bar is greatly reduced, he uses a powerful attack and disappears from the battlefield.

Final Fantasy 12 gameplay

Special attention should be paid to the gameplay. Unlike the previous parts, the developers decided to make changes, and now, at the start of the battle, the game does not switch to a separate mode, as it was until now. The battle takes place in the same screen in which the players met the enemy.

The music of the battle also does not differ from the one that was played until the team faced the enemy, and all battles take place in real time. The player can control all the characters of the team, but you can set the automatic mode. Due to the fact that the monsters are visible even before the start of the battle, the battle is not difficult to avoid.

However, the game did not lose anything of the old and good qualities, and from the acquired new knowledge it began to meet the requirements of the present times. And to say about any shortcomings, of course, is stupid, because this would contradict the well-known critics who appreciated the game Final Fantasy 12.

Final Fantasy XII spent five years in development starting in 2001 and it was finally released to North American audiences in October of 2006. The game was released on PlayStation 2 and then it was later re-released on PlayStation 4 in July of 2017 with updated graphics , updated items and a completely redesigned job system .

The re-released version of the game on the PlayStation 4 was titled “The Zodiac Age”. It was based on the International Zodiac Job System version of the game which was developed and released in Japan many years earlier. This walkthrough has been updated and is based on the Zodiac Age version of the game (which is much more fun to play!).


Final Fantasy XII stands out amid Final Fantasy games as it differs quite heavily from previous installments in the series. The graphics and game engine were completely redone, the combat system is unlike any of the previous games and the setting strays away from the fantasy-style settings such as those in Final fantasy vi , Final fantasy vii and Final Fantasy IX .

The first thing to note about the game is the huge jump forward in terms of graphics and the new artistic-style that the developers took when they created the game. While it is very dissimilar to Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX and X, gamers who previously played Final Fantasy XI, which was an MMORPG also completely unlike any other Final Fantasy game, will notice the similarities in character designs and the settings.

The cast of characters in Final Fantasy XII are one of the strongest of any of the Final Fantasy games to date. There are no ridiculous and nonsensical characters like Cait Sith (from Final Fantasy VII) or Quina (from Final Fantasy IX). The main cast includes Vaan, Balthier, Fran, Penelo, Basch and Ashe.

The only character who is not a human (referred to as a “Hume” in-game) is Fran, who is a Viera and while her race's attributes are very similar to elven races found in other fantasy-style games and literature, they fit well within the setting of this game.

The world of Ivalice has been seen in previous Final Fantasy titles including Final fantasy tactics and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings... The scenery in the various zones look fantastic and work well with the story, although many fans complained of the story being too “political”. This doesn’t bother me, as I would prefer more of a politically-stylized story rather than one that was more fantasy driven, but it doesn’t work well for everyone.

Another highly polarizing aspect of the game is the use of the Gambit system which allows the player to setup specific actions for characters that are completed only under certain conditions. For example, you can create a Gambit which causes your character to automatically use a Potion on themselves or a party member when their HP drops below 50%.

The Gambit system allows you to build specific tactics around moves and focuses a lot of the strategic aspect of the game into the preparation before a battle rather than actions taken during the battle. It did not go over well with every player of the game but I found it to be both challenging and rewarding; especially once you start to master the basic concepts.

This is also the first game in the series which removed the aspect of randomly encountering foes on the battlefield and being forced into a fight. Instead, monsters and enemies appear on the over world and you can now run right past them if you choose to. This style has now been repeated in many of the newer Final Fantasy titles in the franchise (Final Fantasy XIII and XV, for example) and finally removes one of the more annoying and unavoidable aspects of previous games.

This title is not without its flaws though; for example, there are balancing issues with a few of the characters. In the PlayStation 2 version of the game, Fran, Penelo and Balthier (to a lesser extent) are underpowered and it does not make sense to use them during a playthrough. Many of these issues have been corrected in updated versions of the game making all characters useful in certain situations and for certain jobs.

The game also suffers from problems with spell load times which can cause noticeable problems during faster-paced battle sequences. If you noticed this during you’re playthrough, don’t assume that your PlayStation 2 is broken like I did! This is an unavoidable issue that the game suffers from and that players will have to suffer through while playing.

The game also employs a strange replacement to the Limit Break / Trance / Overdrive system: Quickenings... It can take a few tries to get used to Quickenings and to learn how to chain them together, which greatly increases the damage done. But the shear randomness of being able to hit the correct buttons in order and the length of time that the battle is halted while you perform a Quickening Chain is hugely detrimental to the overall experience. Quickening Chains can be used to make many of the battles easier but I avoided them entirely during my first playthrough due to the ‘boringness’ associated with spending several minutes staring at the Quickening screen.

The License Board system is somewhat unique. In the early stages of the game, it offers quite a bit of customization for each of your characters, but this tends to run thin later on in the game as all of the characters begin acquiring the same moves and Magick spells. The Zodiac Age (as well as the International Zodiac Job System version) solves some of these problems by adding in character classes which will greatly change the mechanics behind a standard playthrough.

Overall, I truly enjoyed this game and would rank it in my top 3 Final Fantasy games without hesitation. I highly recommend playing the Zodiac Age version as it includes updated graphics and you won’t have to go hunting down an old PlayStation 2 just to play the game (or worse, having to emulate it). I definitely encourage all Final Fantasy fans to give this game a try - 10/10 .

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Awakening in the Balamb Garden

Road to Timber

Don't forget the April Weapon Magazine on the table in the new room.

We go to the main exit where Sid will talk about the new mission

After the dialogue, you need to talk to him and he will give a lamp that we immediately activate

Here detailed description all the chocobo forests.

Beginner's Forest

Found: Trabia, Winter Island.
There are four fall sites in total. Of these, you just need to find one from which only one chicobo falls (the topmost), and the job is done. And somewhere else there is an Aura Stone.

Found: Trabia, Sorbald Snowfield.
We stand in the very center and blow the whistle. 3 chicobos will fall from the sky. Then we go further and exactly between the two chikobo blows one more time, two more will fall. Now you need to send back the bottom left and top left. Each of them will also take a friend with them, and as a result, only one copy will remain in the clearing. There is also a Flare Stone.

Intermediate Forest

Found: Trabia, Bika Snowfield.
Two of the Chicobos are already on the ground. You need to go up and send them back. Then at the very exit, near the broken tree, you need to make another whistle, and the goal will be achieved. Look in the local thickets of Shell Stone and Holy Stone.

Found: Centra, Nectar Peninsula.
Here you only need to whistle once. The only chikobo hid over a patch of grass at the very top, illuminated by the sun. Ask Chocoboy to move away, because above the place where he stands, you can dig up some pretty good magic items Protect Stone and Meteor Stone.

Challenging Forest

Found: Centra, Lenown Plains.
This field is a kind of bowling alley. You need to build the chikobo in a pyramid and "break" them with one blow. First, we call one in the middle, then two more, then another one behind the left extreme. The pins are lined up, now we move to the left of the Chocoboy. Strike! There are also three magic stones in this forest: Flare Stone, Ultima Stone and Meteor Stone.

Location: Centra, Talle Mountains.
This is perhaps the most difficult of the forests. Blow the whistle before Chocoboy, two people will fall. Then blow higher than the left one, while one will fall, and the other will fly up. Let us blow in the place of the one who flew away, and he will return to earth. Above it we will blow again, and another one will arrive. Now we stand between them all and blow one last time. There are also Holy Stone, Ultima Stone and Aura Stone.

Chocobo sanctuary

This is a sacred chocobo forest. You need to get here only on horseback on a chocobo and only after completing all the puzzles in all the forests. We completed the puzzles, so we take a chocobo in the forest north of Trabia Garden and ride it south to the crater, then east to the beach. From the beach to the beach we go to the island overgrown with trees. In the forest, keep to the left all the time and you will find yourself in the sacred forest. Here we will be given a Chicobo card. You can buy Gysahl Greens from the kid at 600 gil apiece, they will be useful to us, so take “everything”. We ask him to catch the chocobo one last time and get out of here.

Immediately after capturing the first chocobo, a mini-game called Chocobo World will become available to us. She will make two more Guardians Boko and Mog available, see the Chocobo World section for details. During the battle, you can call Boko to help with the Gysahl Greens item. Mog, in turn, is called by a special team and heals all the guards for money.

We return to the main tasks, we go to Balamb. The city is occupied by Galbadian soldiers, we tell the guard that we have information about Ellon, and we go inside. Go to the house located on the right side of the street, talk to the girl there. Then go to the next house (Zell's house) and talk to his mother. Now we will follow to the room to the right, where we will talk twice with the little boy, he will run away. We go to the hotel and talk to the guards. Then further to the pier and talk to the local soldiers. Then again to Zela's mother, then again to the pier. The dog will sniff us and run. We follow her to the railway station. Now run to the exit from the city. Distract the guard while the kid is talking to the owner of the hotel. Returning back to the city, you will see a kid standing in front of his house, he can help us escape from the city. In principle, this is not necessary, but if you are impatient to get out of here, then you can use the services of a little prankster. We go into the house of the hotel owner and play cards with his daughter (or with the hotel owner himself). Our task is to win a rare Pandemona map. That's it, the running is over, we go to the hotel and engage in battle with Raijin.

It is better to get here by car, because this place is located quite far on the other end of the continent, and enemies along the way will meet with a very high frequency. To the right of the entrance lies the magic Life, draw it out. The huge statue in the center contains the Reflect magic and the Solomon Ring item. Actually for this ring we came here, with the help of it you can call the secret guard GF Doomtrain. This requires the following items:
6 pieces of Remedy + - These can be obtained from regular Remedy using Alexander's ability to improve Med LV-Up medications.
6 pieces of Steel Pipe - can be taken from a monster called Wendigo or converted from Elastoid cards.
6 pieces of Malboro Tentacle is the hardest part. These items are much easier to obtain from cards. But if there are still not enough cards, then we go to hunt these creatures. You can meet them on the plains of this continent.
When all 18 items are collected, just go into the inventory and activate the Ring of Solomon. Now all the pressing matters are completed, we are heading to Lunar Gate.

Rinoa's dog had already gotten here somehow. All we have to do here is send Squall, Rinoa and another character into space. The rest of the heroes, together with Edea, will go back to the city of Estar.

A huge black object is approaching the city. We run rather to the laboratory of Dr. Odin (the one in which he set up experiments on Ellon). He will tell you that there are three places in the city from which it will be possible to get to this very Crazy Pandora. In total, 20 minutes will be allotted for this, but in reality we will only need 5. The first place of its appearance is the city center, the so-called air line. If you click on a square, a picture of this zone will appear, so you can easily find it. Moreover, you can reach it in 2 minutes, and then wait 3 minutes for this colossus to arrive. By the way, to the left of this screen is a soldier with a Combat King 004 magazine, now he must give it back. If you still did not have time (which is unlikely), then run to the east of the city, there will be two more places for her appearance. Before jumping inside, you will have to fight the Galbadian soldiers, but this should not cause any difficulties either.

Immediately at the entrance is the Meteor draw point, then in the main hall there is Curaga. First take elevator # 3. On the right there will be a barely noticeable staircase, we go down it into a small basement. If you did everything right in the second hallucination with Uncle Laguna, then you can collect a lot of good items here. First, immediately in front of the stairs we suck out the Confuse magic, and in the closet on the right we pick up LuvLuv G. Then we run to the left. This whole location, as it were, has turned 90 degrees since its last visit in the past, so the stone that once blocked our passage will now play the role of a bridge and help to get behind objects. In the three open hatches, take the Power Generator, Phoenix Pinion and draw the Silence magic. Further along the path we select the Combat King 005 magazine and run into the secret door, there is the Ultima magic. These outer doors were opened as a result of losing an old key in the past. Now we leave from here and we run into the elevator number 1. On the left there will be a pull point for Holy magic, and even to the left is a small cave with a Spd-G Scroll. On the next screen, save and run upstairs straight to the boss. But the boss will not want to fight, but will simply throw us out.

Take Rinoa to a special isolation ward and go for Piet. Let's look at the monitor. The monsters on the moon have already gathered in a heap and prepared for the so-called moon cry. Let's go talk to Ellon, she will say that she cannot help with anything, since she did not know Rinoa in the past. There are two rare cards on this base: Piet has Alexander, Ellon has Laguna. Suddenly, Rinoa's roof will go down, and she will go to remove the protection from the witch Adele. To remove the second level of protection, she will have to go into outer space. We follow her, take the space suit in the pantry and fly to the reception compartment. But the compartment was closed, and Squall did not have time to fall into space. We return to the control room. Then take the elevator to the right and eject from the base. Here's another mini-game - you need to catch Rinoa. Hit the triangle to fly faster. If it doesn't work the first time, you can try again. But the SeeD rank will decrease from this, and it will all look pretty stupid. After meeting with Rinoa in space, we jump into the spaceship.

For the lift in the middle of the ship to start working, you need to kill the eight monsters that live here. Moreover, they must be killed in pairs, that is, depending on the color. The fact is that creatures of the same color will animate each other, so they must be killed in a row, one by one. I usually deal first with two violets, then with two red, yellow, green, but, in principle, this can be done in any order. After killing everyone, we rise to the control room.

For starters, you can fly to Dollet, there are still some prizes left. Specifically, you need to go to the art workshop, which is located on the right side of the main street. The boy painted a white bone on his grandfather's picture, he says that he just wanted to express his emotions. But in fact, in the place with the bone, the dog buried an object. The first such item lies in the central square, we approach the dog and take it out, this is the X-Potion. While we were running, the grandfather had already painted a new picture, and the boy fucked it up again. The next item is buried literally on the next screen up from here, Mega-Potion. We scroll through this procedure a third time and we get Elixir, which lies right in front of the entrance to the workshop.

It's time to talk about the queen of cards, in fact, this old man is her father. He can draw new cards, which can then be won against certain people. But he will only draw if we lose certain rare cards to his daughter. You probably already realized that the queen of cards moves every time after such a loss. So, in this way, you need to move it to Dollet, and only then the quest will begin. We already lost the Minimog card at the very beginning of the game - in Delinga (opposite the shops) from the man in black, you can now win the Kiros card. We also lost the Minotaur map - the wife of the mayor of the fishing horizon now has the Irvine map. The Chicobo card can thus be exchanged for the Chubby Chocobo card, it will be at the teenager in the Balamb garden, sitting opposite the library. Be sure to lose the Alexander card to the Queen, then the owner of the pub in Timber will have a Doomtrain card. The last fraud will occur with the same Doomtrain card, for which we can play the Phoenix card from the assistant to the President Estar. You may have difficulty finding the queen of cards, so I'll explain just in case. Each time she names the region, but does not say exactly where she will be. In Balamba and Delinga, you already know, in Dollet - the second floor of a pub, in the village of Shumi - a hotel, in Vinhill - the Rhine pub, in the fishing horizon - railway tracks, in Estara - the presidential palace or the lunar gates (those from which we flew into space ). Do not worry about the lost cards, they can be played from her son, a little prankster, who lives here in Dollet with his grandfather (or she herself).

Until we flew out of town, I advise you to go to the pier to look at the idiot guy. He cannot swim, but he will jump into the water. : lol:

It is a lake located north of Timber. Click the cross on the shore of the small peninsula and a black shadow will appear immediately. In a conversation with her several times, select the answer option "Try humming", then the shadow will ask you to find her friend Mr. Monkey. He lives in the forest near Dollet. After talking with the monkey, go back to the shadow, it will start sprinkling with mysterious clues.
Take some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula - This place is across the ocean northeast of Dollet, at the very tip of an oblong peninsula. There will be a stone pillar labeled "TRETIMEASUREATMINOFFDEISLE". If you do as the shadow said, remove the words "time off" from here, you get "Treasure at Minde Isle", that is, the treasures are buried on the island of Minde. This islet is located in the south of Estar. Somewhere a little to the south of its middle is the Luck-J Scroll.
At the beach in Balamb, something special washes ashore at times - the first mysterious stone "STSLRM" is lying in the sand on the beach near Balamb.
You "ll find something on an island east of Timber, too - on the island east of Timber you can find a stone with the inscription" REAIDR "engraved on it.
There "s also something on top of a mountain with a lake and a cavern - not far from the former garden of Galbadia, a stream flows from the mountain. Right above this stream, on the top of the mountain, monster-like birds hatch their eggs. Let's kill the birds and get a stone with the inscription" ESNPD " ...
Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think ... - in order to get this hint, you need to throw stones into the lake until the message “The Rock skipped many, many, times” appears. After that, you need to go to the forest to Mr. Monkey and throw stones at him. Sooner or later he will throw the URHEO counter stone.
Having collected all four stones, we return to the shadow, she will decipher these inscriptions. If you read the letters from left to right from top to bottom, you get the phrase "Mordred Plains has treasure". The Mordred Plains is a vast plain stretching north of Estar. We land in the middle of it and talk to multi-colored stones. There are four of them, but you need to act only on the basis of replicas of the red stone. He always lies, so we go in the opposite direction. If he says "The treasure" s not here! ", Then the treasure is found. Press the cross again on this place and take the rare item Three Stars into our inventory.

Take a break at the railroad bridge

Is a hint that there are magic draw points on railway bridges.
Also, the shadow will tell you about a small town located in the middle of a forest on the Sentra continent. People in this town lived happily ever after. But when we arrive there (near Edea's house), we see only an empty place strewn with stones. Perhaps this city was destroyed, or maybe the shadow itself is so ancient that it remembers a village that existed millions of years ago. In general, this mystery has not been solved to this day.

There is still one small secret left in the city of Balamba. Take Zell on your team and step into this quiet town. The girl at the entrance will say that some person was looking for Zell. Talk to his mother, she will say that she did not hear anything. Now we go to the hotel and spend one night there. In the morning we find Zell in the hallway talking to a girl. This girl is in love with him and will gladly give the Combat King 003 magazine. Also, if during the occupation you did not win the Pandemona card from the daughter of the hotel owner, now you can win it from him. He stands directly opposite the entrance to his establishment.

Lunatic Pandora

Sinister Pandora hovered over the Sorrowful Place. Before flying here, you must first fly to save Rinoa in the witch's memorial, visit the orphanage and go for a conversation with President Estar. We win the Squall card from the president and agree to carry out the task. If you initially did everything according to my instructions, now you should have absolutely all rare cards in your piggy bank. Win ordinary cards at least one of each, and an asterisk will appear in front of the Cards column, which indicates that you are now a great card collector. We fly up to Pandora and crash into her with all our might. Attention! Now is the point of no return. If you have not done some business yet, have not completed quests or have not pumped enough characters, then you can change your mind and come back. So, a fight with Raijin and Fujin awaits inside us right away, they have remained loyal to Seifer to this day.

HP: 22,200
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Poison
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Power Wrist x1

Raijin's strength has remained at approximately the same level. The only thing is that now he will also use support magic too. Still absorbs lightning and is still great dazzle.

HP: 17,900
Attack: Wind, Blindness, Silence, Poison, Confuse (random action)
Weakness: Poison
Immunity / Absorption: Wind
Steal: Megalixir x2

Similar to Raijin, only absorbs wind attacks and is not blinded as well. Watch out for her status magic and Metsu's new move. She has less lives, so at first it is more convenient to defeat her, and then take up the man.

Having defeated them, we move on. On the way, we will meet old acquaintances, losers Biggs and Wedge. Now they were forced to fix the electrics. They will not fight, they will simply drop everything and go to drink beer. On the next screen, a robot is waiting, the one that previously threw Zell's team off Pandora. It's time for reckoning.

HP: 42,300
Attack: No
Weakness: Lightning
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Laser Cannon x2

The robot consists of three parts: two shields on the shoulders and a body. Applies a strong enough attack Corona, which instantly resets the number of lives of all characters to one. Heal immediately, otherwise the Medigo Flame and Homing Laser techniques will completely reset the life indicators. In principle, to win, it is enough to crumble only its core. But for every damage to his body, he will respond with a powerful counterattack. The sides of it are too well protected, so steal a couple of Vit Up and Str Up from them, and don't touch them again. As a compromise, you can use Kvazakotla on it

So, we are left with the last fight - with Seifer. His friends are already refusing to help, Fujin will even speak in long phrases and express everything that hurts her.

HP: 34,500
Attack: No
Weakness: Poison
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Hero x1, Holy War x1

At the beginning of the battle, Odin will appear on the battlefield and try to cut Seifer. But on the contrary, it will be chopped up itself. I strongly advise you to draw the magic of Aura from him, unless of course you have typed it on the islands. Seifer will not resist for a long time, and at the end of the battle someone Gilgamesh will appear and end the battle with his own blow.

GF Gilgamesh is the new guardian, replacing Odin. He also attacks randomly, depending on the luck of the characters. Moreover, he does not disdain even bosses. Cypher, meanwhile, took Rinoa hostage and dragged her to the witch Adele.

Lunatic Pandora

Let's go one screen below (the place where they fought with the robot), there should be a huge crane on the right. On the upper platform, we take the Break magic and climb up the arrow. Ahead of us is a metamorphosis - the witch Adele will merge with Rinoa. The boss on which many challenges skid.

HP: 51,000
Attack: Stone
Weakness: Wind

Steal: Samantha Soul x1

The difficulty of this fight lies in the fact that Rinoa is tied to Adele's body and cannot be allowed to last level HP (about 9000 at the beginning of the battle) has become zero. It is worth expecting that Adele will use Ultima magic at any second, so keep at least one character with a constant high life level. In no case should mass attacks be used, because they will damage Rinoa too. Apply Regen magic to her or just heal from time to time. I also advise you to tie the basic elements to a physical attack of magic: fire, lightning, ice. Be sure to steal the Samantha Soul item from her.

HP: 32,500
Attack: No
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Meteor Stone x1, Ultima Stone x1

In general, of course, the battle is not very difficult, it just meant that by this time the characters would already be exhausted by the previous witches. Know this witch can use Ultima magic too. Protect yourself from it, for example with Shell magic. Also, for each of our attacks, she will respond with a powerful physical counterattack.

Once in the shelter, we go down to the beach. The seeds of the future and the magic of Triple will be scattered along the way. Our last target is Ultimecia Castle. You can easily get there by overhanging chains, but first you can look into the portals that will take us to the main world

We need to enter the second portal. First, go to the chocobo forest, take the vehicle. Chocoboy, oddly enough, easily survived the apocalypse. Riding a chocobo in shallow water we move to another island. Our ship Rognarok is in the desert, and not far from it there is another gate, which will become active after we enter them. Members of the card club appeared inside the spaceship, if, of course, you completed the corresponding quest. They can play any rare cards, convert them into items and play again. The Card Queen also entered this world, she can be found near the rescue module on which Piet once evacuated from the lunar base. Now she plays with the most powerful cards and uses rules collected from around the world.

Ultimecia castle

Now you can convert all cards into things, because Ultimecia will not play in them. The lock has a seal prohibiting the use of any commands other than Attack. In total, there are 8 bosses scattered around the castle, from which these very abilities can be taken back. Also, at the local bosses, you can draw out some of the guards that you missed earlier. It is not necessary to defeat them all and you can do it in absolutely any sequence. But we are going through the game 100%, so we have to clean out the entire castle. We take the Flare magic at the entrance and go inside. You will have to investigate the castle in two groups of three people, but do not rush to evenly distribute the guards between them. It is better to bind all the guards to one trinity, and at the right time, simply exchange binding systems.

HP: 20000
Attack: Lightning, Fire, Ice
Weakness: Holiness
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Elixir x1

This boss has two forms. In the first half of the fight, Sphinxaur simply attacks with elemental magic. Having lost half of his health, he transforms into Sphinxara. Sphinxara summons assistants (Jelleye, Forbidden, Tri-Face) and casts bad statuses. But if you swing your heroes properly, the boss will quickly fall from several physical attacks.

You can print magic or limits. It doesn't really matter, since almost all bosses can be killed with physical attacks alone. I will only say that until you print the Resurrection ability, you will not be able to animate characters with magic, objects, or anything else. We go from here to the right, go into the door, go down the stairs, go into another door, and here we are in the art gallery. First, we will carefully look at all the pictures, and then we will go to the largest one and write down the words VIVIDARUM, INTERVIGILIUM and VIATOR. It will turn out "A messenger sleeps in the garden", and the boss will appear from nowhere. The riddle was that it was necessary to enter the time at which the monster appears. The large clock on the floor just indicates this time, and three pictures correspond to hours (VIII), minutes (IIII) and seconds (VI).

HP: 34114
Attack: No
Weakness: Wind
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

During the battle, he will summon mechanical drones. Being in a critical situation, he will begin to suck energy out of them (for a fool, it would be better if he pulled out from the characters). Actively uses Mega Pulse Cannon, which damages all heroes at once. We don't pay attention to the drones, but just hit him in the head.

On the balcony on the right, you can draw out the Meltdown magic, if, of course, you have opened the Draw command. We return to the main hall and now we go into the central door. We stand on a huge chandelier and fall down. We open the hatch and go down to the wine cellar. Before engaging in a fight with the boss, draw out the magic of Aura, which was lost somewhere among the barrels.

HP: 22400
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Fire, Ice
Immunity / Absorption: Lightning
Steal: Nothing

If you organize your elemental defense wisely, you can absorb his Mega Spark's electrical shocks. Keep in mind that after each hit, the boss changes susceptibility to fire and ice.

Now that 3 teams are open, it's time to visit the red giant. To do this, we return to the art gallery and go from there to another door, then into the basement and into the open room. The door will slam. Take the key in the hand of the statue and the boss will appear.

HP: 30,000
Attack: No
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

It would be nice, of course, to attack him with guards, because he has no defense against them. Diablos, for example. Demi magic can be very cleverly used. At the beginning of the battle, it is advisable to blind him, and the giant will smear with the sword

We leave from the basement and in the green circle we switch to another command. With the second group we go into the central door and fall down from the chandelier. There will be a lever on the right. This lever will not allow the chandelier to fall, press it and switch back. With the first strike group we now run across the chandelier and go into the door. Draw Meteor magic before the fight.

HP: 16000
Attack: No
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: Ice
Steal: Nothing

It would be wise to let the guards deal with him, since before dying goodbye, this bastard always uses Ultima magic

Further, the secondary team must go to the left of the room with the basement, past the fountain into the large door, go up the right stairs and pick up the key from the armory on the rope bridge. You have to walk along the bridge, otherwise the key will fall. You can find him later in the same room in front of the armory, you still have to go there. So now we switch to the first group and go exactly there. Open the right door with the key, take Ultima magic at the entrance and fight the boss.

HP: 15400
Attack: Earth, Silence, Curse (the character does not use the limits), Berserk (the creature loses control and attacks with physical attacks), Slow (ATB bar flows slower)
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: Ice
Steal: Nothing

At first, the boss may seem like a monster called Vysage, but soon he will show his true nature and crawl out of the ground up to his waist. The final form imposes negative statuses and actively counterattacks. We beat him with limits, before he had time to do something wrong.

Now we return to the hall with the second team and from there we run to the second floor through the door to the left. We go forward until we find ourselves in a room with elevators. We get up to the bottom and switch. With the first group we run into the same room only in a different way, through a long corridor with Cura magic (who thought of putting such weak magic here?). We take another elevator and switch. The second team can now get into the door on the left, there is the Curaga magic and the key from the lever. We leave the room and switch over. With the first group, we run to the basement room, where the water runs and the lever stands. We open this lever with a key and turn off the water. This action will dehydrate the fountain in the center of the castle. In the fountain, it will now be possible to take the key to the treasure room. This room itself is on the way to the elevators (on the second floor, door to the left). The treasury contains the magic Holy and four chests. You need to open these chests until all four are open, then the beast will appear.

HP: 38500
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Earth, Water
Immunity / Absorption: Lightning
Steal: Nothing

We call Pandemona and Leviathan against him, they will quickly deal with him. After every third of Thundaga's magic, he will use the strongest lightning technique Thunder Summon, it is clear that from all this you need to put lightning on a spontaneous binding. Before dying, the boss casts Meteor, be prepared for this.

Located towards the end of the castle. The first command we pass along the suspension bridge, on which the key once lay. In the chapel we climb the spiral staircase to the very top and jump onto the huge pendulum (you need to jump from the left side). He will take us to the door, behind which is the magic of Triple and the monstrous dragon.

HP: 89600
Attack: Lightning, Fire, Ice
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: Lightning, Fire, Wind
Steal: Nothing

He will apply only one attack of Dark Flare, it will immediately kill all characters. Although, if you put Flare and Protect on elemental protection, then the effect of this multi-element magic will be reset. The tactic of the battle suggests itself, you need to soak it before he applies it

There is one more surprise left in the castle - Omega Weapon. This boss is considered by many to be the strongest not only in this game, but in general in the entire Final Fantasy series. You, of course, can skip it, but in this case you will definitely lose a third of the pleasure of passing. To call it, you need to ring the bell located in the room to the right of the hall. The assault team must stand ready by the fountain when the heroes of the weak group will ring the bell. After the call, we quickly switch to the first command and run to the organ, because the boss will only wait one minute.

You should be aware that in the PlayStation version of the game this boss has a fixed level of 100 and, therefore, he always has 1,161,000 hit points, no matter what level your heroes came to him with. In the PC version of the game, the level of the Omega Weapon changes depending on the level of the characters, just like other bosses.
Right at the beginning of the battle, he uses LV5 Death magic, so put your status protection against death in advance. His two attacks, Medigo Flame and Terra Break, kill all the characters on the spot. The Light Pillar and Gravija moves are borrowed from the previous vipon. We do not need to know that it absorbs almost all the elements, because we will attack with the same limits. There are several ways to win.
The first is Holy War. This item imposes immortality on all characters. This method is the most obvious, since Omega will not be able to do anything in this case. If you have at least two of these items (the Gilgamesh card gives you 10 at once), then the whole fight will become an easy warm-up for you.
The second is Invincible Moon. This Rinoa limit works exactly the same as Holy War. But the method itself is rather creepy, since this limit does not always fall out.
The third is The End. A very good selfie limit can do away with Omega instantly. It drops out depending on luck, so if you decide to go this way, bind the strongest magic (Aura) to her for good luck and use the ability Luck + 50%.
Fourth - Low Level Challenge. This method is designed for the PC version of the game. Its essence is to come to the enemy with the lowest possible level and the power pumped as much as possible, after which, using the fact that the enemy will have less health, to win before the monster uses its thermonuclear magic. And he will not stand three or four good limits.
The fifth is an honest victory. All of the above methods seem to me to be somehow cheating and ugly. Therefore, for the notorious laborers who do not want to use any immortality and zends, I will write another method, the one that the developers originally conceived for this monster. The method itself is based on the knowledge that Omega uses its attacks in a clear, regular sequence. To win, we need the Defend teams (the Brothers and the Cactuar have), more Megalixirs (100 from the Bahamut map) and a high Spirit indicator (bind 100 Reflect magic to it, put abilities like Spr + 60%). A character with weak magical protection can also be put on Auto-Shell (available from Doomtrain). So let's get started. First, the boss will apply Lv5 Death, but we already have 100 Death magic on the status defense, so this technique will pass by. Next comes Meteor, which will undoubtedly remove some HP. When it comes to our characters, we use Megalixir with one of them, and with the other we apply Meltdown to Omega. Let the third hero stand on a safety net (if the boss suddenly decides to use a physical attack as well). Megalixir will allow you to approach the next Omega attack with 9999 HP, this is extremely necessary, since Medigo Flame removes exactly 9998 HP for all characters. It turned out that all the members of the group had one life point left, and this was exactly what we needed! Now, with all three characters, we can safely apply the limits on the boss. Make limits and don't be afraid that everyone has 1 HP, because the next attack is Gravija. Use a calculator to quickly calculate how many whole numbers you get if you take 75% of one. That's right, zero. Gravija will not do any harm. Squall, for example, let him use Renzokuken, and let the other two make the Defend command (above I asked to put it in the command menu). Terra Break is the most powerful weapon of the boss, it inflicts somewhere between 11-12 devastating blows to all characters. But, unfortunately for Omega, fortunately for us, this technique is purely physical, so only one Squall will die, and two will remain on their feet. Before the next attack, you can have time to walk twice. Now we revive Squall with one brow and let them both into battle. The third is to use Mega-Potion, which will allow our characters to grow stronger, while remaining at the HP level suitable for the limits. If you have a high Spirit score, then 2000 HP will be enough for you to survive the magic of Ultima. Next comes the Light Pillar magic, which will surely kill one of the characters. We don’t think about defense, we just hit with limits. So, one of the heroes lies dead again. With the other two, we revive the slain and use the Megalixir. And then everything goes in a circle, starting with Meteor. Such cycles can be driven off as many as you like, until the Omega is torn to pieces.

After winning in the information section, the Proof of Omega item will appear in the menu. It says that you are the strongest fighter in the world. That's it, only Ultimecia remained. We go up to the very top of the chapel, run along the clock hands, go down the ladder, and continue forward.

HP: 43000
Attack: All - Any
Weakness: Poison
Immunity / Absorption: Holy
Steal: Nothing

A feature of the next four battles is that all six characters (3 strong and 3 weak) will participate in the fight. On the battlefield, of course, only three will stand, but as soon as someone falls to the ground, an angel will immediately fly in and take him to the otherworldly dimension. Therefore, the task of this battle is not for us to kill her as quickly as possible, but to filter the heroes down to the three strongest ones.
Weakness: Water, Lightning
Immunity / Absorption: Holy
Steal: Nothing

Ultimecia will merge with her guardian, and they will begin to attack with a vengeance. The tactics are the same. No matter how beautiful and powerful magic they use, they will never break through our immortality.

HP: 278900
Attack: Holy
Weakness: No
Immunity / Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

Ignore the Sephiroth sticking out of her ass, hit the top. From the bottom you can draw the magic of Apocalypse, although we need it already. She really has a lot of lives, but with your three cool characters, you should feel completely free and easy in battle.

Just starting to play a new version of the famous Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age? Then be sure to study this guide, and you will learn how to properly plan your strategy.

Choose your job very carefully

With the new work system, you will need to choose one for each party member as soon as you receive it. Unfortunately, you cannot change your job once you have selected it. Because of this, it is very important to choose it carefully and build a strategy around your choice. You can access every profession in the game if each of the six group members choose two different ones, or you can focus on one thing, like magic. There are several compulsory professions. You will definitely need a White Mage to heal and empower yours, as well as a Knight capable of dealing maximum damage to enemies.

Check accessories

Remember to check your accessories regularly. Some of them increase "license points" or the experience gained. It can be a huge help as you level up your professions and make your heroes as powerful as possible. At the same time, if you notice enemies in the dungeon inflicting damage on your indicators, check if you have an accessory that can heal them.

Experiment with gambits

Gambits are probably the most unique aspect of Final Fantasy XII's combat system, allowing you to customize the tactics of each of your party members. Of course, when you look at this system, you will see that there are a ton of different options that you can choose from. The only way to really understand the system is to experiment. Try setting up different options for using healing and buff or magic spells against enemies and just see how they work. Not everything will work out the way you want it to, but experimenting will help you find a strategy that's right for your playstyle.

Take part in every hunt

Final Fantasy XII has a ton of additional content, most takes the form of a hunt that has tracking of unique and dangerous monsters... It is in your best interest to carry out each of your hunts, as it not only contains some of the most challenging and exciting battles in the game, but also gives you worthy rewards. The hunt can be found in pubs and bulletin boards around the world or in the Centurio Clan. Upon completion, you will receive an excellent amount of Gil and a unique reward.

Check out the Centurio clan regularly

While you're done hunting, it's a good idea to regularly stop at Clan Centurio's Hall for a variety of reasons. You will find the most challenging and rewarding hunting games Montblanc has to offer here. In addition, when you fight monsters and finish the hunt, you will gain clan points, and this will lead to the emergence of new ranks, you can see them in your Clan Primer. Each new rank receives a reward from Mont Blanc, usually including several teleportation stones and other items. At the same time, defeating all of the monster bosses in the game will also unlock the Gil reward from Mont Blanc.

Sell ​​loot and old equipment

Most monsters will reward you with different types of loot, and you will also receive many items from hunting and quests. When you go to the Sales tab from merchants, you will see a whole tab for mining. This is your main way of making money in the game, so sell your loot regularly. Be careful as you will need certain items for quests. Anything that has a low cost, about a couple of hundred Gil, is perfectly safe to sell, or those over 10. When you get new equipment for your team, you can go and sell anything you don't need, because there is no use for the old ones. armor and weapons, and this can help recoup some of the money spent after a lot of shopping.

Explore the world of Ivalice

There are many lore and stories in every corner of the Ivalice world that you can discover by exploring. Talk to the different townspeople in each city for a great way to learn about certain policies, organizations, and ideas. There are many secrets to discover in the game, exploring both side and area, side quests and weapons, and even side espers.

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is updated version 12 editions of one of the most popular jRPGs in the world, Final Fantasy XII. The plot is set in the world of Ivalice, long before the events depicted in the original game, in an era when the skies were explored by majestic air ships and magic was commonplace. Rozzaria, at war with Archadia, is the dominant political power - two powerful empires on opposite continents. Between the empires there is a small kingdom of Dalmas, which is forcibly taken over by the Arhadian army. Seventeen-year-old Vahan is the main character - an orphan and a city thief who dreams of becoming a sky pirate.