Commands for Minecraft Server How to Becomith. How to make an admin yourself on your server - a detailed description. Adding admins to another way

Play single games It has long been out of fashion. Technologies allow you to create servers and gather on them with friends. Joint Games Gradually conquer the market. Most players in Minecraft, CSS, SAMP, RUST thought about creating their own game Server. But after the creation, encountered an unforeseen problem, because they do not know how to make an administrator themselves on their server.

Admin Functions can be assigned to any player. But, as a rule, create servers in order to have extended capabilities and special privileges. Moreover, in some games, the transfer of admin rights is a big responsibility. The popularity of the server directly depends on his behavior. Therefore, the role of the Chief Administrator The Creator prefers to execute independently.

How to make an admin yourself on your server

This question is given every player who has created its own resource on the Internet. In most new games, this feature is added to the interface to simplify the task. But not everyone has the opportunity and the desire to move in new gaming Industry. Someone does not like new engine. Someone does not want to constantly update your computer, because it is very expensive.

There is a way out - play old popular games. Lots are engaged in many people, so it is not for sure to miss one. How to make an admin yourself on your server? In this article you will find detailed informationthat will help solve your problem step by step. The following is a number of popular games in which difficulties arise when receiving administrator rights.


On any server of this game, an administrator must be, which performs several functions: chat moderation, installation and configuration of new plug-ins for comfortable game, improvement of the gaming world.

In a person who is unfamiliar with console teams, there is a problem with obtaining admin rights. Here step-by-step instructionwhich will help to figure out how to make yourself the main admin on your server in Minecraft.

First method

  • In Minecraft, run the server console.
  • In the window that opens, the Op User command. Instead of user, enter your game nickname.
  • After this operation, you will get all rights.

Second way

There is another way to make yourself admin.

  • Install PERMISSIONSEX plugin.
  • Create a group "Administrators" and add yourself.

Both working methods, but the first most simple in performance.

Counter-Strike: Source

About the need for administrator on servers of this game can only be said that they must be. With their help, you can quickly get rid of the annoying and inadequate players, cheaters standing just like that. If you need to urgently change the map, the admin will also help.

As a rule, they themselves play not so often, but interfere in game process constantly. About how to make himself admin on your server in CSS V34, not everyone knows. This instruction contains two ways and will help get the right rights.

First method: via IP address and steam

  • Go to the Server folder and find the Admins_simple.ini file.
  • Open it using a notepad.
  • In the very bottom write "!" "99: z". Inside the first quotes should be your IP address. Leave the second unchanged. It contains a command that provides admin rights.
  • Save the file and restart the server. In the console, write SM_ADMIN. After that, the administrator menu opens.
  • Add Steam. To do this, in the same Admins_simple.ini file, add "Steam_0: 0: 1525364413" "BCE". Instead of numbers in the first quotes, insert your Steam number. Do not change the second part.

Second way: through the Nick Player

In addition, there is another method. In it, rights are issued on nicks in the game. This is done by analogy and as easy.

  • Open the Admins_simple.ini file.
  • At the end write "Your Nickname" "ABC" "Your password." Second quotes without changes, the first and third - in accordance with your data.
  • In the C. folder configuration files Find and open core.cfg. In it, the "PassInfovar" string "_password". Change the content of the second quotes to "_pw". Save and restart the server.
  • Go to the game and write in the SetInfo Console "_PW" "Your password". Enter this at each entrance. After that, write SM_ADMIN on the server. The Admin window will appear confirming your rights.

After reading both options, you learned how to make yourself admin in the CCC V34 on your server. It turned out that it is not so difficult.


We can safely say that the level of self-controling content in SAMP is one of the highest. Server owners determine what to promote players and what events will be expected in the near future.

But the game is quite old and has no embedded functional for multiplayer. Therefore, the question of how to make yourself an admin on your server in Samp, is quite natural. There are two ways to step in this small instruction.

First method

  • Log in in the RCON admin panel. To do this, use the / rcon login command.
  • After authorization, access to all teams. Write / adminpass. Give yourself the right admin rights.

Second way

  • In the game directory, open the scripTFILES folder. It needs to find a text file that is called your nickname. it accountin which the settings are stored.
  • Open and change the string to the administrator. Save the file and go back to the game.

As you can see, get the rights of the admin was very simple. The second way may seem a bit more complicated, but it is more efficient and does not require knowledge of the RCon plugin.


Many know that RUST is popular in the multiplayer game mode. Despite this, the developers have not yet entered the support of the server setting inside the game. Accordingly, the craftsmen use independently tuned plugins that allow the level of rights for each player.

But the decision is not quite safe. To obtain the capabilities of the administrator, you need to transmit a password from RCON, which coincides with the password from the entire server. Therefore, admins appoint only very trusted people with whom the owner is familiar personally. If you want to know how to make yourself an admin on your server in Rust, then learn this instruction:

  • Open the console and log in with the RCON password.
  • Add a new administrator with the command: / addadmin "Nick".
  • Give him the right command: / setflag "Nick Admin" "Team Name". Here are what commands can be: god - activate or disable immortality mode; Give - give the subject; Kill - kill another player; TP - player teleportation.

Now the selected player has issued rights. It is not necessary to tell him the password from the server, which increases safety. All these commands can be done for their character to constantly not enter data for the entrance.


Summing up, we can say that the administrator rights on the servers of the most popular games is not so difficult. This article features the simplest and well-known ways that will help learn how to make themselves admin on their server, even if you do not understand it. It is pretty in demand now, due to the termination of supporting some games or there is no possibility to create and manage servers directly in the game.

Following the simple tips presented in this article, you can easily give administrative rights not only yourself, but also another user if such a need arises. Some people have even earn account, being administrators on their servers. The owners of large and promoted servers on which many people play, get very solid money. They earn mainly selling certain features to players. That is, to get the rights of Admin for a month, you need to pay a small amount to the owner. To turn your server to the source of income, you will need more competent and detailed setting, as well as its round-the-clock support. But for ordinary game With friends, it is enough of the recommendations proposed above.

First, look at the video clip on the topic "How to give an admin in minecraft" .. Now even the newcomer can cope with the setting. Pleasant learning!

Evgeny Kryuchkov, Blogger "Cactus - Mincraft"

| How to become an admin in minecraft - two proven ways!

Did you like the video? We offer to secure the material to read a small article and find out all the options to become an admin administrator admin. This is the first thing you must learn.

Option 1

1) Go to the section " My servers"Where already in" Server Management":

2) Run the server as shown in the photo:

3) Open the section " Console"where we go down to" Command line". To become an admin on the minecraft server, you must enter the command" ", where name is a player's username that is given the administrator. The photo below shows the example that the command is entered without" / "and other characters.

Option 2.

In the root of the server there is a file " ops.json."(new server versions) or" ops.txt"(Old server versions).

2) Open the file ops.json.

3) As you can see the task: how to make yourself an admin on the minecraft server no longer seems so complicated. Next, enter the name of the player for which the operator rights are issued. On the example of the nickname player - Name. After the nickname entered, save the file.

4) Restart the server to change the changes. To do this, first turn off it, and then turn on.

If you have a question, how to make admin in minecraft of any player, do not hesitate, but feel free to register on the site and contact technical support.

| How to give an admin in Minecraft? Additional video rollers.

We decided not to stop and removed several trailings from different specialists. Each of them uniquely presents information in its own style. Choose to the one who best suits you.

Artem Frolov

Dmitry Cotov

We tried to describe the process in the most detail and hope now each of you knows how to give an admin in Minecraft. Thank you very much for reading this article, do not forget to see the other site pages.

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And hello everyone again! On this day and in this guide, I decided to write commands for the administrator on your server in the game Minecraft.. After all, with the help of administrator commands, many useful chips can do - move another player to another, issue resources and so on.

To begin with, just in case I remind you to those who have just created your server in Minecraft: what would be the admin on your server you will need to write on behalf of the server:

Those you must write / Op. His NIK .
The team does not work if you write it and you will not at this time.
After you write it, you immediately become the administrator of your server! To change the game mode ( survival → Creative or vice versa) write / Gamemode. 0 or 1 (number 0 is survival, number 1 - creative). Now you can create what you want on your server. But you want to do not have cheaters and other free players on your server? Then the following commands will definitely help you - not only to "destroy" cheaters, but also to do all sorts of interesting chips 😉!

So, these commands you can write either in the chat (on behalf of the admin), or in from the server name (the picture above is instead of / OPS).
Attention! All teams that have< > Such signs are actually written without these signs!

Teams associated with player actions:

  • / Kick.nick player - To nourish the player
  • / ban.nick player - To ban players
  • / Pardon.nick player - Loose players
  • / Op. nick player - gives the player to the admin
  • / Deop. nick player - turns off the player to the admin
  • / Gamemode. 0 or 1 nick player - changes the game mode to players (where number 0 is survival, and the number 1 is creative)
  • / TP. nick player1 nick player2. - Teleport player 1 to player 2
  • / TP. nick Player A. - teleports player on the specified coordinates
  • / Give. nick player <item Number\u003e< number\u003e - gives the player resources
  • / List.
  • / Say. message - Sending messages to all players (Announcement) "says the server", the message is displayed with pink color.
  • / XP.<количество> nick player - gives a player with the specified nickname of the specified number of XP points.

Commands related to the IP address:

  • / BAN-IP - Banit IP address by enhancing it in a blacklist. Players having an IP address in the blacklist cannot play on the server
  • / Pardon-IP - the opposite ban on the IP command, also deletes IP from a black list

Server commands:

  • / Stop. - Stop Server
  • / Save-All - Forced level saving
  • / Save-Off - Disable Saving levels
  • / Save-ON - Enable level saving
  • / Whitelist ON.oroff - Enable or disable White List
  • / Whitelist Add.or remove.nick player - introduction B. white list or remove player from it
  • / Whitelist List. - Display all players included in the white list
  • / Whitelist Reload. - Displays all connected players
  • / ToggledownFall - Changes weather (every time differently)
  • / Time Add. or SET. < number\u003e - Current time correction in the range from 0 to 24000.

And in the late Sweet:

  • / ME - team that allows you to send messages from a third party
  • / DefaultGameMode 0 or 1 - Changes game Mode Mira

That's basically it. If you have any questions, please contact!

Administrator rights are needed to manage the server directly from their client. You can switch the game mode, you can hand out any blocks, you can navigate and ban players. For example, blocks available for admin.

IN general question "Why?", As I understand it, is not worth it, there is a question "How?".
There are several ways to make yourself an admin right on the server, provided, of course, that the server belongs to you. Consider.

2. The string window opens. We enter the command:
Op Your_nik
where your_nik is your game name specified when starting the client.

In response, the server answers us:
2012-06-15 12:39:54 Console: Opping your nickname
So everything is fine, your nickname remembered as an administrator. Now you have unlimited rights on the server.

The method of the second. Via Ops.txt
1. To do this, you need to access the server directory, you can do it on FTP, but the easiest way is through the file panel item.

2. Find the OPS.TXT file through the search and click to edit it on the Edit icon (pencil).

3. Enter your_nik from a new line, press SAVE.

4. After that, you need to restart the server, for this return to the main server management window and click the Restart button.

How to become an admin on the server?

Created by the programmer from Sweden by M. Person, the game in the style of the sandbox style Minecraft has been holding at the peak of popularity. The game is characterized by complete freedom of action: you can build any building, go fishing, excursion to the lower world or become a sheriff of your own settlement and punish all unwanted.

Another no less popular game Is Counter-Strike, or abbreviated CS.

To date, these games are present both single and multiplayer regime. You can play on special servers with real players. As statistics shows, interest in both games only grows: new servers are opening, updates appear. Over time, some players who are devoted to the favorite game a lot of time begin to think about how to become an admin on the Minecraft or CS server.

Admin on the minecraft server

This method is ideal for players having significant gaming experience and corresponding fame in Minecraft gaming circles. To become an admin, we do the following:

  1. Go to any gaming server.
  2. We find the coordinates of the chief administrator.
  3. Communicate with him on the formation of his assistant. But it is important to comply with several rules:
    • we write competently;
    • indicate your positive qualities;
    • not "begging".

Remember that the financial investment is required for the possibility of becoming an admin. Before "asking" to Admins, carefully examine the period of the server's existence, its reputation and reviews about it.


Also one of the options to become an administrator - creating your own personal Server. What should I do in this case?

  1. First of all, choose a hosting on which we plan to place your server.
  2. After that, carefully study the characteristics of your computer.
  3. Note that minecraft server requires a very good processor with high capacities.
  4. Also, choosing rAMIt is necessary to be guided by the fact that the server per 100 people is required about 6000-7000 MB.
  5. Next, after purchasing hosting, our disposal enters the permanent IP address, which will be used as an address for the Minecraft server.
  6. After that, you download it from the official portal of the game distribution and pour into the host directory. To do this, use the PUTTY program.
  7. Next, we draw out the translation of the finance at Minecraft's account on its official portal, and instead we receive the data necessary to access the server as an administrator.

Become an administrator in CS

Probably, each playing in CS at some point wanted to become an admin in the game. It would seem hacking him and play, but here and the problems begin. After all, the CS server is not only very difficult to hack, so even for it you can completely actually run into criminal liability. It is much easier to go officially.

Main method

  1. We find the game portal CS.
  2. We collect maximum information about it.
  3. We learn server rules.
  4. We study the requirements of the chief administrator to a potential admin.
  5. We find a way to contact him.
  6. We offer our idea of \u200b\u200badministration. Also, if possible, show the way it is implemented.
  7. We indicate as much information about yourself.
  8. If there is a desire, we provide material assistance to the server.

Alternative way

  1. Open the user.ini file.
  2. In the end, write "Admin" "12345" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a".
  3. Remember that instead of the name of the admin pointing your nickname.
  4. We agree with the changes and maintain.
  5. After that, not launching the game, we register in the SetInfo _PW console_pall.
  6. Run the server and write in the AmxmodMenu console.
  7. If in the window that appears we see inscriptions to hit / kill, then everything went more than successful, and finally the dream becoming the admin in CS was embodied in reality.

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