How to add color to tin? Chemical decoration of metal How to get gold from copper wire

Nickel plating of iron or steel products is carried out in a solution containing 5 g of nickel sulfate and 4 g of ammonium chloride in 100 ml of water, to which several pieces of metallic zinc are additionally added. As a result of nickel precipitation, a beautiful silvery film is formed on the surface of the product.
*** To cover a copper or brass product with a nickel film, prepare a solution of 10 g of nickel sulfate and 25 g of ammonium chloride in 100 ml of water. This solution is brought to a boil, some iron filings are thrown into it, and then the product that is going to be nickel is lowered.
*** The release of metallic nickel on the surface of the metal occurs as a result of the reduction of nickel sulfate with zinc or iron. The addition of ammonium chloride, which undergoes hydrolysis in an aqueous solution, creates a weakly acidic environment.
*** A high-quality nickel coating on an iron surface is obtained as follows: in 100 ml of water heated to 60 o C, dissolve 3 g of nickel chloride and 1 g of sodium acetate, then the solution is heated to 80 (C and 1.5 g of sodium hypophosphite Then the defatted article is immersed in this solution and heated to 90 o C. If the temperature is lower, nickel plating will proceed too slowly, and at 95 o C the solution begins to decompose.
In this case, the reason for the release of metallic nickel is the reduction of nickel chloride with sodium hypophosphite in an alkaline medium, which is created during the hydrolysis of sodium acetate. When heated above 95 o With sodium hypophosphite decomposes with the release of hydrogen, turning first into sodium phosphite Na 2 PHO 3, and then into orthophosphate Na 3 PO 4.

Copper plating... Coating with a layer of copper iron products can be carried out in a solution of 1-5 g of copper sulfate and 1-5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid in 100 ml of water; the process takes place at room temperature for only 3-5 seconds. The processed little thing is removed from the solution, washed with water and dried. When copper plating in this way, the copper salt is reduced with iron.
*** A denser film of copper is formed if you first treat the product with a brush with a solution of 10 g of zinc chloride and 20 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid in 20 ml of water, and then apply a solution of copper-ammonia reagent with a brush. Copper ammonia reagent is prepared by dissolving 5 g of copper sulfate in 80 ml of water and adding ammonia until a clear dark blue solution is formed. Copper ammonia reagent is a solution of an ammonia complex of copper with the composition SO 4. The separation of a thin copper film is associated with the interaction of the surface layer of iron with a copper-ammonia complex, and pre-treatment with a mixture of HCl and ZnCl 2 makes iron more chemically active.
*** For copper plating of lead, a solution of 16 g of copper acetate and 15 ml of glacial acetic acid in 80 ml of water is used.

Chrome plating. The coating of steel, copper and brass products with a thin layer of chromium is carried out in a solution containing in 200 ml of water 3 g of chromium fluoride, 1.5 g of sodium hypophosphite, 1.5 g of sodium citrate, 2 ml of glacial acetic acid and 2 ml of 20% - th sodium hydroxide solution. In order for the chromium film on the surface of the product to be sufficiently thick, strong and even, the process is carried out at 80 o С for 3-8 hours, and then the product is washed with water and dried. Before chrome plating, steel objects are additionally coated with a copper film to ensure better adhesion of the applied chromium film to the surface. Chromium plating of metals by the method described here is based on chemical reactions in which sodium hypophosphite and sodium citrate serve as metal reducing agents.

Tinning.(coating with a layer of tin) iron or steel products are carried out at room temperature in a solution containing 2 g of tin chloride SnCl 2 and 10 g of sodium lactate in 100 ml of water.
*** For tinning copper, bronze or brass products, prepare a solution of 1 g of tin chloride and 30 g of aluminum ammonium alum in 100 ml of water.
*** Zinc objects are covered with a layer of tin in a solution, which in 100 ml of water contains 20 g of tin chloride and 40 g of potassium hydrogen tartrate (tartar). A tin film on zinc forms in the form of a gray coating within a few seconds. The product is removed from the solution and rubbed with a cloth until it shines.

Silvering any defatted metals are carried out in a boiling solution containing 12 g of yellow blood salt, 8 g of potash and 0.75 g of silver chloride in 100 ml of water. When heated, poorly soluble silver chloride is converted into a complex compound of composition K, which is then reduced on the iron surface to metallic silver. At the same time, potassium carbonate removes excess iron salts from the solution, which interferes with the formation of a strong silver film, and precipitates a brown precipitate of iron hydroxide.
*** You can silver metal items with a liquid paste consisting of 10 g of silver chloride, 60 g of sodium chloride, 60 g of tartar and 50 ml of water. Grind a mixture of the specified composition in a mortar, and then, immersing the product in the resulting gruel, heat it for 15-20 minutes. The silver coating obtained in this way is beautiful, but lacks luster. To make it shine like a mirror, the paste is washed off the product, immersed in a solution of 6 g of sodium hyposulfite and 2 g of lead acetate in 100 ml of water and heated to 70-80 o C for 1-15 minutes.
*** For silvering, you can also use photographic paper. It is cut into pieces and dipped in sodium hyposulfite solution. The defatted product is also placed in this solution and, wearing rubber gloves, rub the surface with an emulsion layer of photographic paper until a sufficiently dense layer of silver is formed. After rinsing, the product can only be wiped with a dry cloth.

The transformation of brass to "gold". If a brass product, after cleaning and degreasing, is immersed in an aqueous solution of copper acetate heated to 30-40 o C, then, depending on the duration of processing, it will take on a new color - from light yellow to ruby ​​red and even purple. Then the product is washed with water and dried. The concentration of copper acetate is selected empirically.
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. The appearance of color during chemical treatment of its surface is due to the reaction of zinc reduction of the dissolved copper salt. Copper, standing out on the surface of the brass, gives it different (depending on the layer thickness) shades of red. To make the copper coating more durable, it is covered with a colorless varnish.

Turn tin into "bronze" it is possible if you immerse it in a solution of 5 g of copper sulfate and 5 g of iron sulfate in 100 ml of water. You can simply wipe the surface of the product with a swab moistened with the same solution. After processing, the product is washed with water, dried, wiped with a cloth and immersed in a solution of 25 g of copper acetate in 100 ml of 10% acetic acid.

Bluing is the painting of iron or steel objects in blue-black color.
*** This process is carried out by immersing steel or iron objects in a solution heated to almost boiling, containing 7 g of sodium hyposulfite and 2 g of lead acetate in 100 ml of water, and keeping there until the metal surface turns black and blue ... When blued, the thinnest lead sulfide film is formed on the product, firmly adhered to the metal.
*** A dark blue color to an iron or steel product is given by holding in a mixture of equal volumes of 0.5% solutions of red blood salt and iron (II) chloride. The mixture is prepared immediately before metal processing, since the reaction of formation of a complex compound of blue color - turnboolean blue (iron-potassium hexacyanoferrate) occurs immediately.
*** Brass can also be painted in the color of "raven wing" if for 1-3 minutes the brass piece is immersed in a solution of an ammonia copper complex, obtained by dissolving 12 g of a basic salt of the composition Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2 in 100 ml of 25% -th ammonia solution and add 0.1 g of brass sawdust.

Brass will turn brown if you process it:
*** heated to 70 o With an aqueous solution of 10 g of sodium sulfide in 100 ml of water;
*** heated to 70 o With an aqueous solution of 5 g of sodium hyposulfite and 5 g of copper sulfate in 100 ml of water;
*** heated to 80-90 o With a mixture of equal volumes of 6% lead acetate solution and 18% sodium hyposulfite solution.

For "painting" copper products in different colors recommend using the following recipes:
*** 4 g of sodium hydroxide and 4 g of lactose (milk sugar) are dissolved in 100 ml of water, the solution is boiled for several minutes, and then 4 ml of a concentrated solution of copper sulfate are added in small portions with continuous stirring. The defatted product is immersed in a hot solution, and, depending on the duration of processing, its surface becomes golden to green, brown or even black.
As a result of the redox chemical reaction of copper sulfate with lactose in an alkaline medium, gluconic acid is obtained and a precipitate of copper (I) oxide is precipitated. Initially, the thinnest yellow Cu 2 O film is formed, which gives the copper surface a golden hue. With prolonged heating, the Cu 2 O crystals enlarge, become dark red, hence the change in the color of the coating.
*** prepare a solution of 2 g of nickel sulfate, 4 g of berthollet's salt, 18 g of copper sulfate and 0.2 g of potassium permanganate in 100 ml of water. Treatment of copper products with a warm solution of this composition gives them a "bronze" appearance;
*** Dissolve 12.5 g of ammonium carbonate in 100 ml of water and add 4 ml of ammonia. The resulting solution is applied with a brush to the surface of the product and a greenish surface is obtained. When ammonia acts on the copper surface in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, a complex salt is formed, which then interacts with ammonium carbonate, producing a green precipitate of copper hydroxide-carbonate Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2 on the metal surface.

Aluminum "mother of pearl". The surface of the aluminum is brushed with a metal brush, stroking in different directions. The shavings and dirt are removed with a clean cloth and a 10% sodium hydroxide solution heated to 90 ° C is applied with a brush to the prepared surface heated to 80 o C with a brush. After the solution dries, a beautiful film similar to mother-of-pearl forms on the metal surface. For better preservation, it is covered with colorless varnish.

The scope of this paintwork is amazing, gold paint is successfully used for the restoration of buildings and structures, interior decoration, painting household items, elements of cars and much more.

What do you need to color with gold at home?

How to paint "gold" at home?

To paint any object with gold itself, it is necessary to seriously approach the choice of paintwork materials. The range of gold paints is currently quite wide, so choosing the right shade is not difficult. Gold paint is sold on the modern market in the following forms:

1 Aerosol cans

2 Hermetically sealed metal cans

3 Soluble mixtures

What and how you can paint with gold yourself

Today, the most popular and widely available method of painting for gold is considered to be aerosol paints, which perfectly imitate this expensive metal. Spray paints can be applied to absolutely any surface: plastic, paper, glass, concrete, metal, etc. Very often, aerosol enamels are used to change the color of a car, since the paint when spraying falls perfectly evenly. She can easily and inexpensively ennoble the caps on the wheels of the car, as well as such interior items as picture frames, floor lamps, lamps, cornices, furniture elements, parts of smartphones and laptops ... in general, there are a lot of options for using gold paint.

As for the use of gold paints in spray cans in the automotive field, usually small parts, plastic body elements are distinguished with gold. Sometimes extraordinary personalities repaint a car completely in gold. The question of how to paint car wheels with gold itself is very popular, because only this element painted with gold paint can emphasize the general appearance of the car. Today it will not be difficult to find a company that would be engaged in car tuning, but you can paint the wheels with gold with your own hands. Just imagine how unusual and expressive the wheels of a car, painted in gold, will look: the paint will playfully shimmer under the sun's rays, and the wheels will look especially impressive while driving. The high demand for aerosol "gold" paint is due to the fact that spray paints can be applied even without preliminary sanding and priming of the surface.

Let's take a look at the main benefits of gold spray paints:

1 Spray paints have excellent coverage and adhesion to almost all materials

2 Dries quickly, allowing several layers of paint to be applied in a short time (after painting, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish to protect the surface)

3 Ease of use at home is one of the main advantages of this paintwork. In addition, you do not need to breed it and buy paint brushes.

4 Result of spray painting - perfectly even coating

5 Spray paint in cans is economical

Step-by-step instructions for staining with gold paint at home

Step_1 Clean the surface to be painted with a sponge (brush) and soapy water. If dust and dirt remain on the product, then the paint will lie unevenly and the product will have to be repainted. Dry the surface well before starting work.

Step_2 To degrease the surface, wipe it with a solvent or white spirit, then rinse off the applied composition and dry the product thoroughly.

Step_3 To create a "roughened" structure, if possible, sand the surface with fine sandpaper. Sanding will allow the paint to lie perfectly even, due to the bonding of the paint and the porosity of the surface. After sanding, the surface will be slightly dull. Correctly selected sandpaper will not give the product unwanted roughness, so it is better to choose sanding paper with a grain size of no more than 180. Be sure to remove dust from sanding.

Step_4 Before painting the product with gold paint at home, glue the places that cannot be painted over with construction tape and a covering film and remove it immediately after the end of the work.

Step_5 Now you can start painting with gold spray paint. Shake the spray in the can for at least 30 seconds, spray the spray paint from a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface. You need to apply the paint with smooth, even movements. After the first coat has dried, which will take 15-20 minutes, apply subsequent layers of paint. When painting "gold" it is recommended to apply at least 2 - 3 layers of paint.

Step_6 After the spray paint has dried, apply the varnish in the same way and wait until it dries. Complete (final) drying takes place at least 2 - 2.5 hours. Your gold piece is ready to use!

What to look for when painting objects and surfaces with gold?

4 When painting radiators, stoves, fireplaces, etc. under the gold paint should be not only "gold", but also heat-resistant

5 If you work with aerosol outdoors, do it in dry and calm weather.

6 Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that in order to obtain a more even coating, you need to apply paintwork materials in 2-3 layers. Pause before applying each coat

7 If possible, use paint, primer and varnish from the same manufacturer

8 Do not spray paint near open sources of fire.

Summing up, it should be noted that aerosol gold paints have gained deserved popularity in the past few years, the range of applications for gold paint is simply limitless. They are indispensable for decorating and creating luxurious interiors, finishing small parts and painting your favorite gadgets. Gold paint in an aerosol can has increased brightness and durability, is easy to use and looks great on the product.
Now, after reading the article, you know how to paint any material yourself with gold. Rest assured that the product will acquire the bright effect of real gold if you are patient, accurate and creative in approaching the task!

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Tin is a metal that is widespread and used in many areas of industry, but at the same time, this material is mostly hidden from human eyes. That is, tin is most often used as a solder for joining parts, for covering them and making various containers for food from it.

If tin is used as an independent metal and is made from various subjects or details, then sooner or later you may be faced with the issue of color change or how to add color to the tin to make the product look attractive. Tin itself has a silvery white color. To change its natural color, you first need to electroplate it with copper, and only then paint it.

There is a given recipe for plating tin with copper. For him, you will need 5 g of iron and copper sulfate, which must be dissolved in water (100 ml). Tin must be placed in this solution. If a tin product is of non-standard size and it is difficult to immerse it in this solution, you can wipe its surface with this solution using a swab.

After the product is covered with copper, you can start painting it. However, you need to clean the product from dirt and degrease its surface.

The basic recipe for giving copper a golden to black color is this recipe. For it, 4 g of milk sugar or lactose and 4 g of sodium hydroxide are used, which must be dissolved in 100 ml of pure water. This solution is brought to a boil, after the solution has boiled for several minutes, it is necessary to gradually add a concentrated solution of copper sulfate there. You only need 4 ml.

The solution is now ready and the copper-clad tin piece can be placed there. Depending on how long this product will be in this solution, the final color will also depend. If the residence time in the solution is short, then you can get yellow or green color, if you increase the time, then you can achieve red, brown or even black. In this case, it is important that the temperature of the solution is high, but not boiling.

Today we will look at a way how you can turn copper into gold. This is not from the field of alchemy and the philosopher's stone has nothing to do with it. This is a common chemistry, and, naturally, copper will not become gold in its chemical and physical properties, but will simply take the form of gold. In this way, you can make gold: a copper coin, a copper chain or ring, or any other objects,. In order to turn copper into gold, we need the following ingredients: about ten grams of zinc sulfate, a piece of zinc itself, and, of course, for example, a copper coin.

Zinc sulfate must be dissolved in fifty milliliters and placed on the stove. We put the cooked piece of zinc there, and then the copper coin. The coin must be in contact with zinc. Now we turn on the stove and boil it all for fifteen minutes. During the boiling process, you can see that the coin is gradually covered with a layer of zinc. How does this happen? Everything is very simple. During boiling, zinc begins to give up its ions, and the solution is overflowing with zinc ions. Copper, however, attracts more electronegative zinc ions. So it turns out that our copper coin begins to be covered with a thin layer of zinc.

After boiling for fifteen minutes, remove the container from the stove and take out a coin from there. The coin can be rinsed in water to keep it cleaner. Now in our chemical experiment, we need to carry out the most important "trick". Namely, we transform the resulting silver coin into a gold one. Turn on the electric stove to maximum heat and place, directly on the hot plate, ours. You will see how instantly silver coin will acquire the color of natural gold. This is due to the fact that the zinc layer is, as it were, absorbed into the copper, and a layer of gold is supposedly obtained. At least visually, for an inexperienced person, it will be difficult to distinguish your coin, chain or ring from real gold.

Why can this chemical experiment be useful to you in practice? Well, of course, not so that you turn copper products into supposedly gold ones, and sniff them, by the same to inexperienced people, at the price of real gold. This, dear friends, is fraught with a long imprisonment in places not so remote, popularly called a zone. And this method will come in handy, it can only be for personal use. For example, I have a thick chain made entirely of copper. The chain is well made and looks very nice. But wearing copper around the neck is somehow not very aesthetically pleasing, and besides, a black stripe remains on the skin from long wearing. So, I first made the chain silver. And he wore it with a silver church cross (made of real silver). They practically did not differ from each other. Then when I got tired of silver, I repeated the procedure and “fried” the chain on a hot stove. Now I wear, ostensibly, a gold chain, almost as thick as a finger. Agree, it's easier than spending your hard-earned rubles to purchase real gold. Although here, too, you can argue. If, for example, you want to keep your money from being depreciated by inflation, then naturally you need to invest it in something. Why not buy gold things for this? They can always be sold later, if, of course, they are. Personally, I prefer to transfer money to gold in a bank. And copper can also be worn for beauty, having previously given it the appearance of gold in the manner indicated above. Good luck to you modern alchemists!

The luxurious golden shine used for the decoration of the premises is always admired. Using gold paint in the interior, you can achieve a stunning effect, decorate the room with chic art painting. For this, special metallized paints are used, presented on the construction market in a large assortment of colors and shades.

Types of decorative compositions

You can decorate wood and metal surfaces, ceramics, glass and plastic for gold. You can handle everything - from ceiling to floor. Decorative acrylic paint is popular. It surpasses alkyd and oil compositions in many respects.

The composition can be used both for decoration and for restoration work on metal and wood. With its help, you can paint polyurethane and gypsum stucco moldings. Manufacturers produce the coloring composition in several forms:

  • classic paint in a sealed metal can - enamel;
  • spray paint in spray cans;
  • dry, in the form of a powder composition to be dissolved.

Each type of decorative acrylic paint has different characteristics, color and application characteristics.

Acrylic based

There are a lot of manufacturers of golden paint, and any enamel is different. good quality... An example is Metallic Accents acrylic decorative paint.

It contains mica particles that give the coating a golden shine and a great shimmering effect. The manufacturer offers a varied palette of colors from light gold to dark brown paint. Enamel is suitable for any style of interior, it is suitable for wood furniture, walls, it is suitable for ceramic tile floors. For work use:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • spray gun;

The Bosny KT Gold Effect aerosols have become very popular. The spray contains KT-18 gold pigment. To make the substance more durable and get a rich, bright color, acrylic resin was included in the spray paint. The spray fits perfectly on all types of surfaces and is used by designers to create interior paintings.

Main advantages:

  • spray does not fade, retains color for a long time;
  • the composition is resistant to atmospheric influences;
  • does not contain toxic substances;
  • has anti-corrosion and antioxidant properties;
  • suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration;
  • has an acceptable cost.

For achievement maximum effect it is recommended to apply a primer of the same series before the spray. The manufacturer offers five popular shades of gold: copper, dark gold, brass, golden branch and golden spark. Dark gold and brass are used indoors for walls, ceilings, floors, other aerosols are suitable for outdoor use.

By spraying with aerosol, it is easy to paint the frames of paintings, the legs of armchairs, chairs, giving them the beauty of antique gold, old patina, to get an interesting painting and return the objects to their former attractiveness.

Sprays with chrome effect

Very often, when finishing surfaces in gold, the consumer wants to get a rich shiny chrome effect. The Jobi spray paint made in the Netherlands has proven itself to be excellent. With its help, you can paint absolutely any surface. The chromium compound has excellent characteristics:

  • enamel in a can is easily applied in an even layer;
  • it is universal - you can, metal, wood, fabric, ceramics;
  • withstands temperatures up to 110 ° C;
  • gives the surface a rich color and shine of chrome;
  • has good covering ability;
  • does not flow and dries quickly;
  • you can get a waterproof, reliable layer.

It is possible to paint up to three square meters of almost any surface with a shine of chrome with one can of spray paint - the composition is suitable for painting wallpaper or plaster material, plastered ceiling, floor. Great for creative design ideas. It is often used to get various products with a luster of chrome - souvenirs, handicrafts, unusual handmade gifts.

Art acrylic paint

If you need to paint just a wooden surface, you should use the inexpensive OLKI art paint. The manufacturer positions the dry powdery composition as natural gold leaf - and this is confirmed by consumers who work with artistic wood painting. Distinctive features:

  • the powder is diluted with water;
  • the paint is easy to apply;
  • has good hiding power;
  • creates a hard, stable layer on the surface;
  • it is light gold and dark brown;
  • dries quickly, emphasizes the texture of the surface;
  • is inexpensive.

OLKI paint is also used for artistic painting of icon cases and icons. She is suitable to effectively paint the wooden frame of a picture or mirror, to restore furniture.

What are the remarkable blacksmith paints

Since staining allows you to get interesting surfaces with different effects, it is used to decorate exteriors - gates, grilles on windows, entrance doors and groups, bas-reliefs, fences (including for). With the help of blacksmith's gold paints, it is possible to obtain an unusual surface with shiny chrome, artistic painting or to artificially age the metal.

Hammer compounds are very popular, which give the metal texture the appearance of dents and reliefs left by a blacksmith's hammer.

The use of several blacksmith paints produces a stunning brown patina effect, and there are more than fifty variations of this imitation. Even inexpensive metal surfaces can be presented with a luxurious look and architectural appeal. In addition, blacksmith paints significantly extend the life of the metal, additionally protect it from moisture and corrosion.

Using acrylic dry, aerosol and enamel paints, you can introduce very bold and interesting design ideas, get unusually beautiful unique surfaces, give the interior originality and chic. The only rule to follow is that there shouldn't be too much gold. Only neat, no-frills gold accents will look appropriate and beautiful.