Board games do it yourself. Games with various objects and materials for children of younger preschool age card file on the topic game that places in hand

Board games have fun and colorfully diverse leisure each family. Do not rush to buy games in stores, and try to make them with your own hands, it will help you create a special game style. In this article we will look at: how to make board games do it yourself.

Everyone knows this game with a school bench. However, you thought it was necessary for it a handle and a leaf, and it can be made of wood, fabrics, magnets, stones, buttons and other figures. Just fantasize and create a playing field, for example, on a refrigerator or a piece of fabric in the shape of a heart.

World Travel Game

In this game can participate from 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a cube and chips. Each player throws up a digital cube in turn, he falls the number and it makes the right number of steps on the map. The one who gets to the finish line is first, and the snag is that the number comes across the numbers that return the player a few steps back, or promote it forward.

The main process is to create a card. Spread 8 sheets of A4 format in 2 rows, leave the gaps by half a centimeter so that in the future it can be folded. Put the load on each sheet so that it does not move, then glue the sheets along each row. Draw a pencil route of strokes and place stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), make a distance of 2-3 minutes. Mix the bonus and penalty steps, indicate the arrows. Fill in pictures empty places on the map. Digital cube can be purchased at the stationery store or make a cardboard. As chips, use small toys Kinder Surprise, Buttons, Little Cookies ...

You can create a geographical puzzle to explore the country. Buy either print contour map, Collect each area in a separate color (in addition you can designate the tips - the sea, mountains, sights ...), then glue the card on a tight cardboard sheet, cut into squares or other figures.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Separate 7-10 sticks from ice cream and cut out the right picture from the magazine or draw yourself. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, cover the picture, wait until the glue dries and cut the sticks. On the reverse side of each stick, attach the velcro to attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name of the game sounds - "Say Other." The essence is simple: play from 4 to 16 people. Participants are divided into teams. The team can be 2,3,4 people. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words is written, each word needs to be explained in other words, you can use sounds (for example: Gav-Gav, meow ...) You can not show and use single-handed words. On 1 card gives 1 minute, you need to quickly guess as many words as possible. You can make supplement cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person should be joyful, or on the contrary sad, and the team additionally should guess emotion and the action that makes explaining. The team wins the team that most of the events of words. This game is perfectly developing logical thinking and increases vocabulary.

Cut out a cardboard card and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, marty, enemy, sweet, photography ... There must be at least 30 cards, on which 10 words are written. Words should not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for alias. On it, designate steps and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game trip around the world. However, you can play and without a field, simply appoint a judge that will consider points and take stock time.

This is very funny gamein which 2 people participate. On the edge of the beans, I press the coin and it bounces like a flea. The main task to get the flesh to the opponent's gate, then the point is counted and the fleece is removed from the field. If the flea gets on his field, you can pick it up and the next time it takes it to use it if the flesh falls on the enemy field - the point is not read and it just remains to lie until the next turn. If the flea falls into his gate - the point is counted the enemy. The game is underway until someone has a flesh.

To make a playing field Take a box from sweets, colored paper and a dense fabric. Plug with colored paper inner side of the box, make fires from the fabric so that the fleece is not flying away. As a flea, take the beans and do not forget about large coins.

This game involves 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are manufactured. On every two cards there are identical images. One person folds the card with a square in a chaotic order. Picture up, at the same time a person who will play standing back. It turns exactly 5 seconds and is trying to memorize images. It turns out and turn the cards on the other side. Now he must turn the cards and find pairs for a minute. The person who gave birth to the largest number of couples with the same drawings wins. Cards can be made from cardboard and draw any drawings.

To create this game you will need a cardboard box from candy, cocktail tubes and a small ball, you can use a bead. Think over and draw a labyrinth. Stick cocktail tubes. Put the ball and start the game.

You can use covers, butt, stitched fabric mugs, various figures and even plasticine as a checkers. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chessthat will not go, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the title. Detailed master class how to make a jumping frog from paper, is described

For dominoes, create 28 chips, they can be made of coloring pebbles, sticks from ice cream, sew from felt ...

By creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think over the colors of the areas, print almost "real" money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: pay utility bills. Create your fascinating original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. She is perfect for big company. Make cards, drawing them with your own hands, or simply print it out of the Internet, then cut them out.

Briefly crawled offline and amounted to desktop players: collected twenty-four options for every taste and case.

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I managed to escape from the matrix and see what kind of different and interesting are board games. Arranged the War of the peasants in the fields near Carcassonon and was put into prison admirals and presidents. Passed real-time games, using only a mixture and touchpad. Mathematician and engineer, in games, appreciates, first of all, good mechanics and original gameplay.

Gamers have reviews in Steam, kinomans - Metacritic. And "Tomatoes", and whom to ask about the stands, is incomprehensible. On profile sites and blogs rarely remember games for beginners, so you have to rely on the opinion of consultants in stores.

Sellers advice, to their honor, are rather useful, but are limited to the assortment of a particular trading point. Therefore, I decided to write a full-fledged guidance on the choice of the game that is suitable for your company. Twenty-four stands entered the final list - simple and complex. All of them are translated into Russian and are available in retail, so find them easy.

But first - three important advice.

Three commandments stop

Do not believe the franchise magic. You love Resident Evil. comics Marvel Or, for example, " Metro 2033" Want to see in the game of familiar characters? Alas, most likely you will get a mediocre game. By "Game of Thrones" There are good, and ordinary stands. Serial Battlestar Galactica., on the contrary, very lucky. The quality of the stands depends on the experience of the authors and the reputation of the publisher much more than from the loud name.

Think with whom you will play. Boards - social hobby. You will need at least one comrade, ready to spend from an hour to a whole day to hang cards and move figures. Honestly ask yourself: Does your friends are ready to put the beds in Agrikola, will everyone like the game about Zombies? Will a crowd of those who want to make a game that requires six participants? If there is no suitable company, even the coolest Board will collect dust on the shelf.

Be patient and boat time. You will have to deal with the rules and be ready to clarify the nuances. Calculate the rest to read about the game in advance senselessly, believe me. Do not believe the numbers on the package: on the first game in a decent game you will leave for at least an hour more promised. If there is no time - limit simple games. In the rules of the velocity on a large company actually sort out the go.

I myself sold board games and during the work in the store realized that there are certain requests from beginners arising again and again. For these requests, I broke the recommendations for eight thematic blocks and in each block I recommend three games: simple, interesting and not the most expensive, suitable for a specific topic or company. The article is not rubber, so many meaningful gamesColonizers», « Macchin", Intercepted" Monopoly") Will not enter this list. I tried to include in it not the most famous but good gamesWhat to get acquainted with popular mechanics and are not bored after a dozen parties.

Free Associations: "Code Names", "Dixit", Misterium

The game in the riddles and "crocodile" we know from childhood. Modern versions of these games are nothing, with the exception of the pair of nuances, do not differ from the classics: using a few words (or without them at all), you must convey to the rest of the epistle. There are not only cards with words (as in Activity and Alias.), but also gorgeous illustrations. The Associations are equally enjoyed by love and boys and girls and support many participants. If you prove the soil and are looking for new players to your company - capture the box to the party.

« Code Names »

« Code names. " The table is laid out a square 5 × 5 from cards with words, and players are divided into two teams. The captains of the teams should with the help of short associations to tell part of the words of the words to their associates - earlier than the rivals are guessing their own. Errors and inaccuracies pass the course of the other side.

« Dixit

« Dixit.Incredibly beautiful french game With surreal illustrations. Players take turns give associations in the pictures and should strive to guess as few participants as possible (but at least one). The score goes on glasses, but the chip is not in victory, but in the process itself. The game has a pirate clone - "Imaginarium".

« Misterium "

« Mysterium. Very similar to "Dixit", but more themselves. According to the plot with mediums, the ghost is trying to contact, who has witnessed the murder. You can report details using association cards. The ghost is obliged to be silent, mediums can consult and should eventually determine the crime scene, culprit and murder tool.

Instead of "Mafia": "Resistance", "Find for a spy", "Citadel"

"Mafia" is always stormy emotions, disputes and dramatic finals, but this popular Game There are drawbacks. Important decisions (where to shoot, whom to check) have to be taken, based on the nature of the participants and their behavior. The mafia killed is forced to miss the next party. There are games that are deprived of these shortcomings, but still reminiscent of the famous salon game. They are perfect for a large company on holiday and do not require the presence of a lead. You can shoot on "civilians", based on actions, not just words.

« Resistance"

« Resistance".The rebels are fighting with the totalitarian empire, but spies act in its ranks. For each mission, a general vote is going to team. Then her members secretly choose the outcome of the mission. Government agents can fail the mission, and may conquer the trust for the right to the following moves. For success, revolutionaries must successfully fulfill three tasks out of five.

« Nakhodka for a spy "

« Find for a spy. " All participants are distributed on the card. At all, except for one, a sort of place is drawn: hospital, vegetable bed or space station. A spy is drawn on the last card. Then players take turns ask each other any questions ("do you smoke at work?", "How are our director?"). A task " peaceful residents"- calculate the spy. The task of the spy is to understand where it is located.

« Citadel "

« Citadel. " It is no longer a "mafia", but here too, there are secret roles. The goal of the game is to build the richest neighborhoods in the city, having collected the necessary amounts of coins and finding good maps with buildings in the deck. Each move players disassemble roles from a common deck and can be pretty toward each other: steal coins, deprive the stroke or demolish the quarter-other.

Some madness: "Epic fights of combat mags", "Tavern" Red Dragon "," Overboard "

In this list - games, seemingly a little inadequate. All the game you will make immoral actions and not so much to strive for victory, how much to interfere with the rest to achieve anything. Suitable and drunk and sober company of merry and not touchy guys. With children, it is not worth playing in this: here both black humor, and alcohol, and blood in all directions. The rules are already more complicated than in the games above, but they can still be understood on the fly. In the booklet " Macchina"(It also applies to this category) and it is written at all: violate the rules until no one sees.

« Epic battle mags "

« Epic fights of combat magicians. " Briefly about setting: animated series about Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering On the ADULT SWIM channel. The sorcerers collect spells out of three parts, shake each other by fairbasters from babies and remove scalps. Behind the combination of elements and successful casts, the sorcerers receive additional charges of cheerfulness and can be solved by artifacts of varying degrees of uselessness.

« Tavern "Red Dragon" »

« Tavern "Red Dragon". Imagine the final of the classic fantasy. Heroes won a terrible evil and carry out the earned gold in bags. What to do next? Of course, drink it in the tavern! Choose a character (half-spit, brave paladdank and other, and so on, each with its strong and last sides) And follow the condition of its health, the level of intoxication and coins in the wallet. The goal is to remain the last hero in the legs.

« Overboard"

« Overboard". After shipwreck, you find yourself in a boat and together with the same horses are trying to accumulate to big land, along the way, taking things from a common chest, fighting for water and the right to sit under an umbrella. In the game you can steal, blackmail the team, to beat women and children, feed sharks and even eat disagreeable comrades.

For two: "Carcasson", "Star Empire", "Steel Arena"

Not the most frequent, but regular request. All games are higher for a large company: from four people and more. And if you are only two? Some games allow you to play in fist, but they are revealed when the game is one on one. The game together is always a game for a victory, let a small but competence. The score goes to points or before the destroying of the rival forces. I intentionally did not include collectible card games and wargames here, although in meaning they are in this category. It is the closest: a lot of games here did not fit, because they may be difficult for beginners (for example, NetRunner. or Mage Wars.).

« Carcassonne "

« Carcassonne. Immortal hit about castles and peasants are best played together. In the principle of dominoes, you constitute a medieval landscape from the squares of the area, passing the roads and buildings with their chips. For completed objects you get glasses. You can and need to sabotage the construction of the enemy and try to divide the most "delicious" locks with him.

« Star Empires »

« Star empires. Dynamic Cemoded Game: Starting from Maps of simple fighters, you will collect all new and new ships in a deck, attacking them on the opponent. Maps belong to the four fractions: one is better attacking, the other treats, the third allows you to get a card, fourth - get rid of unnecessary. With two boxes of the game, you can play against the "boss" managed by an uncomplicated algorithm.

« Steel Arena »

« Steel Arena. "In the distant future on a hexagonal dump, robots are collected every Friday and find out who Titan is stronger. Details are lying throughout: it is a weapon, and armor, and opportunities for cunning movements by the arena. Each module is a health point, and a successful attack deprives the opponent of part of the possibilities. Modules can overheat and fail. Full rules Ensure the influence of accident factor influence: it all depends on your mind and tricks.

Card games: "Berserk", "Evolution", Pixel Tactics

If you like Hearthstone and "Gwint" - you already Fan board games. Do not be lazy to familiarize yourself with the classics (first of all Magic: The Gathering). But now we are talking about non-combustive games: Interesting and complex mechanics are in conventional card ones. A significant part of them never translated into Russian, but there are pleasant exceptions. Most likely, you will need the same fan - you simply be bored with random people in the card benches.

« Berserk"

« Berserk". Starting with the time card game Still beautiful. No need to buy boosters - sets with several finished decks still meet. Game process Reminds the battle King's Bounty. : Move through a small arena, blows, activation of abilities. New incarnation of a collectible "Berserka" - a completely different game, a sort of table Hearthstone. She is also interesting, but our list will not be logged.

« Evolution"

« Evolution". The strongest survives! In this game you create animal populations and add useful properties to them - everything is to survive the cold winter. The number of animals is limited to the size of the feed base and predators that players themselves create. And eaten by your beasts food turns into victorious glasses. Important! This game has two versions, and I strictly recommend playing a modified "Evolution. Natural selection"It exceeds the first version and decoration, and mechanics.

Desktop JRPG in miniature. You set the pixel men on the 3 × 3 field and attack the enemy leader to the victorious end. The game is placed in his pocket, but strikes with a variety. Each card can be retracted by five different ways: as a leader, as a fighter of the first row, flank or rear, or as a one-time event-order. The second set of Pixel Tactics 2 is completely independent and adds new fighters to the game.

European School: "Stone Age", Ticket to Ride, "7 Miracles"

European (or German) style is usually economic gamewhere it is impossible to fight and in general to harm the opponents directly. During the party, you will produce resources, change them on goods and winning glasses, build houses. The garden of the neighbor will not come out, but competition in such games is very strong. IN " Agrikola"The player even gets a fine if all the cells will plant all the cells or will not build there for cattle.

The EuroGy is usually designed much more modest American benchmarks, but it is more demanding about intelligence. If you like urban planning simulators and strategies like Stronghold , pay attention to these games.

« Stone Age"

« Stone Age", or "100,000 years BC" in the previous edition. You get five shaggy men. You can send them behind the tree, clay and stones, and then build houses, point tools and hunt mammoths, to invent the wheel. And, of course, enter the hut together, and come out already threesome. The game is very beautiful, especially the resource chips are small gold bars, bricks and stones.

On the huge map (most often Europe or the USA, but there are already a lot of them) You are in turn lay out the chains from the trailers - or get the card, if not enough on the route. Routes demand to deliver passengers from Moscow to Rome, from Los Angeles to New York, but there are not enough paths at all - they will have to put the stations and say goodbye to part of victorious glasses.

« 7 wonders "

« 7 miracles. "Home Mechanics of this game - Draft. Three times for the game you get a stack of cards with buildings, choose the best and pass the rest of the neighbor. Another neighbor transmits you your stack. Etc. Buildings require resources, but during construction they are not spent: if you have a quarry, the stone does not end. You can go into science or military business and get extra glasses.

And if more complicated? "Generals: Second World", "Dungeon", "Kubarem for the Galaxy"

If you are confident and your friends, you can start immediately with serious gamesBut it is better to choose something fast. About once a year or two appear a new game With all the advantages of large-scale "monsters", only it can be decomposed for an hour and a half. Axis and allies., Descent, Race. for the Galaxyfascinating gamesBut I would not advise you to start familiarizing the hangs from reading their rules. The game in the list below perfectly realize similar mechanics, almost without losing in depth. You will still have to understand, but after the first game you will understand almost all the nuances.

« Kubarem in the Galaxy "

« Kubarem in the Galaxy. " Affordable version Complex card showers. Multicolored workers cubes can colonize worlds, promote improvements and trade rare goods, but need a sensitive manual. For success, you need a clear plan and intuition: only one group of workers can be used in one move, and to use the rest, you will have to guess the enemy's move.

Hardcore means hardcore! "Game of Thrones", "Ancient Horror", "Dead Season"

Those who always choose the highest complexity in video games, board can offer real tests. Usually, I do not recommend nobody from Hardkore, but I know too many happy stories in which the "table" hobby began with the most complex games. To plant newbies for the game with the thirty-wallet booklet rules, of course, is not the best idea, but some hangs are suitable for this better than others. All games in this group were tested by me on the utmost beginners, and "victims" always remained delighted.

Horror Arkham " Testers » , the largest Russian-speaking community, and - The main global portal about board games. On both sites there is a game rating, articles and information about new products are constantly appearing, colorful descriptions of parties. I recommend separately from blogs notes Vladimirza from Latvia (foreign novelties) and "Two chips" (family Games and puzzles). Both authors have a great taste and a wide range.

I play board games for more than ten years and is convinced that this hobby is suitable if not everyone, it is very much - you just need to find your genre. The stands are the sea of \u200b\u200bfun, and I just scheduled the route for your cruise. Have a good trip!

Go on a trip to the fabulous forest, where unusual creatures are inhabited, which believe in the magical power of contacting the hands! These funny kids decided to unite with their parents, with whom the connection has long been lost, because it is possible to protect yourself from evil. But for this they will need your help! Download an exciting desktop "hand in hand" and help the peas become one big family.

At the beginning of the game, it will be not difficult to cope with the task, but when there will be two-handed, three-way and even five-handed characters on the playing field, then you will have to break your head well to achieve a positive result. Remember, peas absolutely all hands should be busy with strong handshake, otherwise there will be inexpressible sadness on their faces. Therefore, do our best to ensure that forest beings are happy and smiled having fun!

Sometimes on the playing field will appear wells, inside which are the hearts. These cells are considered to be the comfort zones in which each of the heroes will be happy and satisfied with life regardless of whether his hands are free or not. Also pay attention to the wells with stars, collecting which you will receive special awards. However, avoid meetings with sadness - creatures that can not get along with other characters, because of which they can bring you a lot of problems.

Soon the peas will be joined by their good friends, who are also not averse to hand. And although they are not so flexible as their green comrades, but they can be rotated in different directions. Use this advantage to enable fixes in a friendly chain. By the way, it is not necessary to create one continuous chain from the forest inhabitants - the task will be considered performed if you combine the characters of the game in two or more closed chains.

Additional information about the game:

The size of the downloaded game: 13.85MB

To play this game, you need to first download it to your computer, and then install. To download the game, click on the appropriate link located just below this text, after which it will start downloading and the menu will appear in which you want to select "Save File" or "Run". Then wait until downloading, run the downloaded file and follow the instructions. After the installation is completed, it will be possible to immediately start playing the game.

The full version of the game hand in hand contains all available game functions, as well as unlimited time. You can download a free trial (free) version of this game right now and play it for a while, and then, if you like, purchase the code full version, enter it into the game and play without limitation. If the game does not like it, it can be easily removed from your computer at any time.

In the fabulous forest there are some funny creatures - peas. They have beliefs that if you take all hands, you will not be disturbed by terrible forces. Once they decided that it was necessary to combine their efforts and began searching for conifers, the relationship with which was long lost. And the more the number of peas tried to draw up a vicious circle, all the harder it was for the hands.

For such little creatures, this mission seems very difficult, help them become one big and friendly family. At first, it's easy to cope with this task. But when the gaming field is started to fill not only two-handed and one-handed peas, but also three-hand, and even the five-way, so they will have to break the head truly.

Do not try to create one continuous chain of forest characters, chains can be two. The main thing is that the chain is closed, all together held hands and were quite happy. It is happy! After all, if the polka dot has at least one free hand, then his face reflects inexpressible sadness. Therefore, you will have to find such a way that dozens of funny creatures happily smiled.

By the way, the game "Hand in Hand" will later introduce you to the boosters, who also want to help the peas. True's tights are not so flexible as the peas themselves, but they can be rotated in any parties so that they also manage to take up hands with some of the acting chain. Sometimes on the playing field you will see special wells with hearts inside. These are the comfort zones, here any character will be pleased with life and very happy. You can just put it there. If the peas even ten hands and they are all free, then in this zone he will still be fun.

In addition to the comfort zones, there will still be holes with stars, try to place characters and here, then you will collect the stars, and therefore - and your awards. But you need some kind of sideways, go around them. They categorically not tolerate neighborhood, thereby they will interfere with the task in every way. So, everything is in your hands!

Download the game "Hand in hand" for free

There was no time in the magic consecutive farmer - the Kvazi worker. In the afternoon he was engaged in his work on his site, and in the evening Korotal, playing in ancient game Mahjong chips who switched to he inheritance. But one day the dragons flew into the village, and in one moment turned it into the last minute ruins. In the company with quasi you will need to put the destroyed country. Mahjong rules are all the same: with gaming field You need to remove pairs of free chips.


The game "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber. Rattub" was created based on the cartoon about Ilya Muromet. In the company with a bold hero, you will go to the legendary Tsargrad to defeat the nightingale - the robber and other enemies of peaceful people. To overcome all the enemies is not easy: so that the power of the Bogatyr does not leave Brave Vityaz, you will need to solve many puzzles.


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Skolki, hide and seek, Cossacks - Robbers - how much of the supons of childhood we remember with a smile. But what is new to surprise our children?

website Search for the same interesting games From the entire planet, which cause delight from local kids. We take a note and at the first opportunity we try!

"Catch for the tail of the dragon" (China)

Number of participants:the bigger, the better

What will take: nothing

Rules of the game:everyone is built into the column and put your hand on the shoulders or the belt ahead standing. The one who is the first is the Head of the Dragon, the last is his tail. Next begins the fun. The Head of the Dragon begins to hunt for his tail. Those players who are closer to the tail can help him in every way to "wash away" from the head, deftly running around to all the tail. However, in trying to grab the tail and run away from the hunter, it is important that the column does not crumble and "Dragon" did not fall apart.

So hold on, head! We are not so easy to catch.

"Pay oranges!" (Ghana, Africa)

Number of participants: Two teams of 3-4 people

What will take: 4 orange on each participant

Rules of the game:two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-15 m from each other, followed by commands. On the line in a row in front of the players of both teams is placed by a slide oranges: the bottom is placed on the bottom - one more. Teams alternately throw oranges along the hondes of the enemy. If you managed to scatter it, then the falling oranges fell for his team. With the unsuccessful throw "fucking" orange goes to the enemy. From the oranges thus obtained, the opponent folds new slides, which can also be scattered. The game continues until one of the teams will lose all its oranges. She is considered losers. Oranges will easily replace balls, cubes and everything that your fantasy will tell.

Kabaddy (India)

Number of participants: Two teams, any even number of players

What will take: Good mood and strong lungs

Rules of the game:the playing field is divided in half on the territory for two teams. With the beginning of the game, the striker of the starting team moves into someone else's half of the field and tries to touch his hand or foot to rival players. But everything is not so simple: before he should do inhale and while hunting constantly say "Kabaddy! Kabaddy! Kabaddy! ". As soon as the air ended, the attacker himself becomes prey and should escape from all his strength. To escape, you need to have time to touch your hand or foot of your territory. If successfully, then from the opponent team, everything, the striker touched. If it was caught, then the opponent team goes into battle. Win those whose team has more players.

This game is from India, but it became so popular in Asia that the world competitions in Cabuddi are held.

"Three pebbles" (France)

Number of participants: from 2 to 4

What will take: 3 pebble or any small round items that can be clamped in a fist

Rules of the game for two: Both participants in the cam hide behind the back of 1, 2 or 3 pebble to confuse the opponent. And you can listen and leave your hand empty. At the signal, both exhibit a fist "in the game". Now the task is to guess how many pebbles are just now in the game, and they are in turn call their version of the number from 0 to 6. But it is impossible to repeat. For example, if the first player calls "five", then the second chooses from the remaining numbers. Next squeeze fists and look who won. Guessing throws one of his pebbles and the game continues. If no one guess, then they just play further. The one who got rid of all the pebbles earlier.

It is even more fun to play three pebbles threesome or four of them. The main thing is not to forget to change the options for answers from 0 to 9 and from 0 to 12. By the way, this old French game used to be used not only for entertainment, but also to resolve disputes.

"Duel Potato" (Philippines)

Number of participants: 2, total number of couples - by the number of wishing to have fun

What will take: Forks and potatoes

Rules of the game:players at a distance of each other are becoming knee, the second leg is removed from the ground and keep their hand to the weight to maintain the balance. In the other hand, each - in potatoes on a fork or chopstick. The main task is to knock down the totato of the enemy and keep its own. We defeat not the strongest, and prompt and clever: sometimes one lightning movement is enough, and the victory is ensured.

The player is "dead," if the potato falls or the raised leg concerns the Earth three times. The game also ends if one player relies on the enemy or pushes it. To simplify the rules, you can not get on your knee.

"Ambassador arrives" (South Africa, Africa)

Number of participants: can be any - the more players, the longer the game

What will take: "Valuable Gift" is any item that will become value in the game. For example, the ball. On the home of the game it is most often a piece of wood that is very appreciated in South Africa.

Rules of the game:players are divided into two "villages" and are built by the ranks opposite each other. From one "Ambassador" with a valuable gift to another. He gives his rivals and immediately runs away, and the whole "village" rushes after him in pursuit. If the "ambassador" manage to catch to return home, he becomes a prisoner. But if he was still able to escape, his player "captured" persecutors. Loses the "village" in which only one resident remained.

"HUREG ADUN / Tabun" (Buryatia, Russia)

Number of participants: the more, the more funn

What will take: nothing

Rules of the game: Participants are in a circle and tightly take hands. These are horses that guard their foals - other players who are in the center of the circle. You can knock with hooves, to imitate horses. A horse player walks around herd, which protects the foals from the invasion of wolves. And several wolf players dig around and try to break the circle, grab the foal and drag it into the den. But the horse guard scares the wolves, and if the wolf sales, then he is considered killed. The game continues until the horse is "overgrown" of all wolves.

"Quinta" (Lithuania)

Number of participants: 5

What will take: ball

Rules of the game:on Earth or asphalt, a large square with a side of about 10 m is checked or the angles of this square are marked, where 4 players get up. In the center of the square there is a circle with a diameter of about 1.5 m, the fifth player - Quinta becomes in it.
Corner players take turns trying to "knock out" by Quint the ball, the same dies from the ball without going beyond the circle. The one who managed to get to Quint is changing with him in places.

"Barrbum" (Sweden)

Number of participants:game for large companies - the more, the more interesting

What will take: nothing

Rules of the game:all but three players are built into the square so that in each row there were so many players as the rows themselves. Standing ranks are taken by arms, forming inside the square of the street.

The remaining three is a persecution, pursuer and presenter. The task of the second is to catch running around the streets. But on the first side - the whole team, and as soon as it overtakes, the leading makes a sign. All players quickly release hands, turn left and form new streets. The pursuer who practically caught the runaway, in a moment it turns out to be with him on different streets. And so every time the pursuer will not be more advantageous. Then new players are selected for chase and fun continues.

"Wolf" (Uruguay)

Number of participants:more fun if players more than 4

What will take: nothing

Rules of the game: The spacious field is selected and the boundaries are marked on both sides. Among the players are selected by the player who will become a wolf. On the one side of the field, the house will be the house, on the other - the "Wolf Lair". All players run between the house and the wolf on the site and kill the invented song, "that there is no wolf."

Then the players approach the lair and ask the wolf: "Do you come, wolf?", He answers: "I just get up." Players again frolic on the field and after a while again go to the wolf with the same question, but they already hear another excuse. And so constantly - then he washed, it dresses, it is combed, etc. But at some point, the wolf suddenly shouts: "I go to catch you!" - And rushes to catch the players. They rescue those who have run to the house, and the captured wolf changes with him in places.