Original Gamedata for Stalker Shadow Chernobyl 1.0006

I express a lot of gratitude to the creators of the originals of the Edit I applied, namely Kravan150, Esminets, Luckyan, Olodkav and
Many other masters!

Finally, she finished her job to make many edits to the folder to work and without conflict. I really hope. If something is wrong, I will be grateful for your feedback.
. The editors listed above on this page should now work all together - the problem of compatibility is solved (I hope!). Many edits of different authors forced the player to choose: or the delivery of "hamsters" with two packs of 9x18 and 9x19 cartridges or tags for cache, or other editing.

She tried to make it so that everything worked.

Requirements: Must be installed OP-2 version 2.09 on the TC 1006 platform.

40 Slots for Artifacts (Working)
- Received editing of cartridges for op-2
-Replace for op-2 2.09--2
-Refigure - Escape from the zone and the contract with the military.
To fulfill these tasks, you will not need to collect all the junk for Kuznetsov and the photographer. Now, GG is enough to have 1 ruble and two packs of fractions.
-Bag on the water. Stones Walls are not shot
- Without rain and fog on all locations + There is no thunder sound
- Proper use of maskhalats + you can use weapons in a maskhalate.
-Bessimmer buggy for Quest Sidora.
Weld one minute.
-Carts marked on problem locations.
-Tellows on most of the Cakes OP-2.
- Movement Repair kits.
- NPS not robbed knits labeled.
-Op-2. Visible enough.
-Op-2. GG does not explode on his mines.
-Op-2. Op-2. Immortal quests. 2.09.
-Op-2. We remove the time to perform secondary tasks.
- Translation of radiation on the swamps.
-That radiation from arts.
- Ho.
-Well teleports of 2 rubles.
- Drew it does not break when overloading.
-Part menu. Op-2. 2.08-10.
S is the main sleep menu.
M - Adding 10000 p. Gg
N - Health reduction up to 100%. (test)
T - Teleport. Location location in the file - _MS_TELEPORT.
W - change in weather, in the window I enter the weather section
Thunder *
* - Maybe some section does not work.
R - changing the grouping in the window enter the grouping section
O - view the names of items and the rest in Russian! It does not spawn anything here.
U is the movement by coordinates on the location where the GG is.
P - spawn mutant and NPS at a distance
Y - saving at the level
L - last saving
F1 - the conclusion of the coordinates of the GG to the screen.
F2 - part of the name of the object to search.
F3 - removal of anomalies 10 meters from the year
F4 - Section of the desired object, quantity.
F5 is part of the name or object to delete.
F7 - spawn menu.
F8 - spawn menu.
F9 is the object section, the amount (in the Inv.).
F10 - the revival of the dead NPC, which is under your feet.
F11 - Section of the desired NPS.
\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d New \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d
Added new cars, weapons and monsters

Super knives.
- OP-2. Remove the time to perform secondary tasks
-Documents Voronin in a backpack. Dialogue without nonsense. The simplest way Go through this quest.
- Dubno restriction on the exchange of merchants.
- Enhappy font op-2.
-New "hamsters" We hand over the cartridges, 9x18: 3 packs of cartridges one "Hamster". To run around the zone to seek reservation, trunks, parts of monsters do not need, only 9x18 cartridges are needed. or 9x19 (simple!).
-Replace the alcohol limit, you can drink up to 30 bottles and earn the perk "Alkash", but there is one thing: after all, after 34 bottles in the game day, the GG can die.
-Arts are not faded in the X-18, on the radar, etc.
-Vidable teleports (volzar, islands, etc.).
-Sombie do not fight when searching.
- NPS is reduced.
- Snipers on the Chernobyl, Suns-2 (bullfinch). Make a mining of the quest "Save Balc."
- Makers on collector caches.
-Poisk items by isomorphic detector.
-Diasis is disabled in transport.
-Elizium radiation -9000.
-Phothness. Photos from the satellite. When photographed in any direction of meters by 300. The necessary monsters are recorded (live or already dead) and anomalies on location.
Ahtung !!! Edit "Photo from the satellite" prevents some quest assignments to photographing! If you do not get a quest photo Commit the GameData folder ("Turn off" it!) And using original files Make a photo! Immediately after successfully photographing, the GameData folder is activated again!
- Edit backlighting rescriptors. A small fireball will be visible in the center of each restricant, do not be afraid, this is not an anomaly thank you dennis_chikin. Himself "blurred" the quest receipt of teleport for amber in a tunnel after X-16, and the quest is interesting.
- By the task of the Borov "Tag shooter", now we shoot just one bottle.
Accurate shooter. Screenshot.
- Tags for collector caches.
- Medusa Pooker 100.
- Acceleration of the battles (wave, etc.). The following waves will be spawned without delay, the time between the waves is reduced.
- Radiation is disabled in transport.

Change of portable weight up to 900 kg.
- Inventory weapons, armor, items of all 0.1 kg as a rule.
- Running with minigans, ax, sledgehammer, camera.
- GG immortal, not being prone to hunger, thirst, radiation. Does not die in anomalies.
- The height of the jump is a little +. It is easy to play!
- Illumination of items through F is now 10 meters around.
- All sniper and shotguns are now placed in a pistol slot.
- non-killed water zombies-corrected.
- Edit to the effect of invisibility, you can run in it to shoot, if the barrel does not take place to remove and put it with reservation again.
-Newable caches now visible.
-Carts with the necessary labels on problem locations.
-Op-2. Turning off shaking on CHETS-2.
-Gitar Pak + all musical flash drives. When you download almost 700 MB. then know that the main "weight" is music.
- Edit in Quest "House of Spirits" on the AS.Tery of Poltergeists "We carry out" weapons convenient to us and not only the Gausovskaya Quest will begin.
-Added editing artifact terminator "Medusa" due to a large increase in the protective properties of art, it is necessary to switch to the game "Extreme", otherwise the game believes that in the "Survival" mode, the protective properties of the artifact are too large and removes the art with the "belt".
- Shadows at any time. According to the plot of "Shadows", the fixation is triggered at any time of the day, it is not necessary to wait.

unhandled Exception Occurred See Log for Details .. Eh catching constantly in Limansk .. I would write in contact .. But .. I don't even remember the Pass there) .. and so so the mod)) atmospheric on the grade but without action. . no asset .. it's boring) passing along the labam .. then at the end .. a lot of garbage of the items of all useless .. The economy is lame at all .. a lot has to run because of the dough for the same Batarek oo .. and in the dark to play .. Uuuuuuu Especially if the tushkany begin to bite - and they run with a reactive speed .. FIG. FIG. I will work work and work .. And yes, the most important thing - as always, the enemies see you even through the prefigurations ... It's so silent by a lantern .. In general, this agent is 007 from under the wall .. and you are Naa on a x bullet in the forehead and clearly .. I raped it - drops from Kalash to the scatter simply (on some logs and with more serious weapons) .. from the collimator .. in an empty clip (as it turns out from a lot of weapons raised - how do they shoot ???) and so on and so under Many years - the bugs covered glitches are not real behavior of the enemies ... mystical view of them. Where you just have a lot of stay to Peresparim and reboot ... And the many hundred and many things .. Like the mod is compiled without the experience of playing other fashion and even in the original ... In short .. my conclusion is like a stalker .. with the experience of many years and many pastries Mods ... Report Not Experienced Staff is working on this modification .. Just tons of comments that do not transfer one comment ... The author from the session will be released .. there will be another half of life .. why? Why? I apologize for the statements such grose and hard .. But already the 21st century .. alia how much can you pull the same and the same mistakes of the game of the last century ??? The game is already reworked again - and you all caress last century .. Take you already new worked comments .. Recycled systems are already working .... on your dick to dance from the beginning of the twin - when there is an end made by professionals ..
What kind of fashion is in which Taaaak is boring just pz dts is more boring even the very original game! And the study of physics of the dynamics of the game .. Attempt to bring the game to Realu .. Oh .. yes, I will jump my avatra finally, to bleat the box ... Not to mention that to aim because of an angle in silence .. Not noticeable ... . And no .. Fuck .... How did they find out? Vanguyut SKA .... .. Uhhh .. and why can't I remove the armor with them ?? .. I am the needless unavyd d What ... E B TA ... They are all in the exoskeletons ... aaaaaaa .... I want to remove .. but no ... Hands at Stalker campaign from ass ... batteries From ass .. All of the ass even a fucking meter of Geiger .. and that x y knows how to shut it, then it's a pancake .. Already infuriated at all! .. In the settings you have to just kill
So that the author of this sound gamer in the pasties often cracked in the ears .. It's just Fail ... how to shut it ??? To bleat tolerated tolerated .. So far, on the mistake in Limansk, the constant stumbled on the mistake .. everything is for E B LO .. Work from scratch .. bye all that others have been overcome and did .. I don't want to step on your rake on this .. The guys worked all sorts over other mods - took into account all sorts of mistakes and other disadvantages .. But in this fashion - the author does not take into account anything ... but simply mistaken from scratch .. worse even than original versions.. at x .. I spoke ...

unhandled Exception Occurred See Log for Details .. Eh catching constantly in Limansk .. I would write in contact .. But .. I don't even remember the Pass there) .. and so so the mod)) atmospheric on the grade but without action. . no asset .. it's boring) passing along the labam .. then at the end .. a lot of garbage of the items of all useless .. The economy is lame at all .. a lot has to run because of the dough for the same Batarek oo .. and in the dark to play .. Uuuuuuu Especially if the tushkany begin to bite - and they run with a reactive speed .. FIG. FIG. I will work work and work .. And yes, the most important thing - as always, the enemies see you even through the prefigurations ... It's so silent by a lantern .. In general, this agent is 007 from under the wall .. and you are Naa on a x bullet in the forehead and clearly .. I raped it - drops from Kalash to the scatter simply (on some logs and with more serious weapons) .. from the collimator .. in an empty clip (as it turns out from a lot of weapons raised - how do they shoot ???) and so on and so under Many years - the bugs covered glitches are not real behavior of the enemies ... mystical view of them. Where you just have a lot of stay to Peresparim and reboot ... And the many hundred and many things .. Like the mod is compiled without the experience of playing other fashion and even in the original ... In short .. my conclusion is like a stalker .. with the experience of many years and many pastries Mods ... Report Not Experienced Staff is working on this modification .. Just tons of comments that do not transfer one comment ... The author from the session will be released .. there will be another half of life .. why? Why? I apologize for the statements such grose and hard .. But already the 21st century .. alia how much can you pull the same and the same mistakes of the game of the last century ??? The game is already reworked again - and you all caress last century .. Take you already new worked comments .. Recycled systems are already working .... on your dick to dance from the beginning of the twin - when there is an end made by professionals ..
What kind of fashion is in which Taaaak is boring just pz dts is more boring even the very original game! And the study of physics of the dynamics of the game .. Attempt to bring the game to Realu .. Oh .. yes, I will jump my avatra finally, to bleat the box ... Not to mention that to aim because of an angle in silence .. Not noticeable ... . And no .. Fuck .... How did they find out? Vanguyut SKA .... .. Uhhh .. and why can't I remove the armor with them ?? .. I am the needless unavyd d What ... E B TA ... They are all in the exoskeletons ... aaaaaaa .... I want to remove .. but no ... Hands at Stalker campaign from ass ... batteries From ass .. All of the ass even a fucking meter of Geiger .. and that x y knows how to shut it, then it's a pancake .. Already infuriated at all! .. In the settings you have to just kill
So that the author of this sound gamer in the pasties often cracked in the ears .. It's just Fail ... how to shut it ??? To bleat tolerated tolerated .. So far, on the mistake in Limansk, the constant stumbled on the mistake .. everything is for E B LO .. Work from scratch .. bye all that others have been overcome and did .. I don't want to step on your rake on this .. The guys worked All sorts of other modes - took into account all sorts of mistakes and other disadvantages .. But in this fashion - the author does not take into account anything ... and just mistaken from scratch .. worse even than the original versions .. on x .. I spoke ...

Name of the game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Pripyat / Call of Pripyat (PUS / 2009) PC
Year of issue:October 2, 2009
Genre: Action (SHOOTER) / Add-on / 3D / 1ST Person
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: GSC Game World
Official site:
Type of publication: License
Interface language: only Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tabletka: Present

Description: Game "S.T.L.K.E.R.: Call Pripyat Deployed after the end of events games "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."And the destruction of the project" O-Consciousness ".
Having learned about the opening of the road to the center of the zone, the government decides to conduct a large-scale military operation to take Chernobysia. The operation receives the code name "Farvater". According to the plan of this operation, the first military group must go to the air intelligence of the territory in order to subsequently compile detailed plans for the location of the anomalous fields. Then, according to the marked safe aisles, the main forces of the military are nominated.
Despite careful preparation, the operation suffers fiasco. Most helicopters from the shock group are broken.
In order to collect information about the causes of the operation, the Security Service of Ukraine sends its agent to the center of the zone.
Further all depends on the player.

Basic innovations of the game

System requirements:
Windows XP SP2;
Pentium IV 2.2 GHz / Athlon XP 2200+;
768 MB of RAM;
6 GB of free disk space;
DirectX 8.0 - compatible GEFORCE 5900 / RADEON 9600 XT level video card with 128 MB memory;
DirectX 9.0 - compatible sound card;
Internet connection at a speed of 512 kbps (for network game); To create a server - with a speed of 2 Mbps;
DVD reader;

1. Minding the image in Daemon Tools Lite v4.35.5
2 Install
3 Copy xrengine.exe in the BIN folder in the game directory
4 Start
5 If a serial requires or something else, we do not pay any attention, it is a fool protection, just click check the disk, it checks and runs the game.
after that, the image can safely throw out, at least I have everything worked from the first time without problems.
6. if with a routing dialog ejects to put the GameData folder in the root directory of the game.

unhandled Exception Occurred See Log for Details .. Eh catching constantly in Limansk .. I would write in contact .. But .. I don't even remember the Pass there) .. and so so the mod)) atmospheric on the grade but without action. . no asset .. it's boring) passing along the labam .. then at the end .. a lot of garbage of the items of all useless .. The economy is lame at all .. a lot has to run because of the dough for the same Batarek oo .. and in the dark to play .. Uuuuuuu Especially if the tushkany begin to bite - and they run with a reactive speed .. FIG. FIG. I will work work and work .. And yes, the most important thing - as always, the enemies see you even through the prefigurations ... It's so silent by a lantern .. In general, this agent is 007 from under the wall .. and you are Naa on a x bullet in the forehead and clearly .. I raped it - drops from Kalash to the scatter simply (on some logs and with more serious weapons) .. from the collimator .. in an empty clip (as it turns out from a lot of weapons raised - how do they shoot ???) and so on and so under Many years - the bugs covered glitches are not real behavior of the enemies ... mystical view of them. Where you just have a lot of stay to Peresparim and reboot ... And the many hundred and many things .. Like the mod is compiled without the experience of playing other fashion and even in the original ... In short .. my conclusion is like a stalker .. with the experience of many years and many pastries Mods ... Report Not Experienced Staff is working on this modification .. Just tons of comments that do not transfer one comment ... The author from the session will be released .. there will be another half of life .. why? Why? I apologize for the statements such grose and hard .. But already the 21st century .. alia how much can you pull the same and the same mistakes of the game of the last century ??? The game is already reworked again - and you all caress last century .. Take you already new worked comments .. Recycled systems are already working .... on your dick to dance from the beginning of the twin - when there is an end made by professionals ..
What kind of fashion is in which Taaaak is boring just pz dts is more boring even the very original game! And the study of physics of the dynamics of the game .. Attempt to bring the game to Realu .. Oh .. yes, I will jump my avatra finally, to bleat the box ... Not to mention that to aim because of an angle in silence .. Not noticeable ... . And no .. Fuck .... How did they find out? Vanguyut SKA .... .. Uhhh .. and why can't I remove the armor with them ?? .. I am the needless unavyd d What ... E B TA ... They are all in the exoskeletons ... aaaaaaa .... I want to remove .. but no ... Hands at Stalker campaign from ass ... batteries From ass .. All of the ass even a fucking meter of Geiger .. and that x y knows how to shut it, then it's a pancake .. Already infuriated at all! .. In the settings you have to just kill
So that the author of this sound gamer in the pasties often cracked in the ears .. It's just Fail ... how to shut it ??? To bleat tolerated tolerated .. So far, on the mistake in Limansk, the constant stumbled on the mistake .. everything is for E B LO .. Work from scratch .. bye all that others have been overcome and did .. I don't want to step on your rake on this .. The guys worked All sorts of other modes - took into account all sorts of mistakes and other disadvantages .. But in this fashion - the author does not take into account anything ... and just mistaken from scratch .. worse even than the original versions .. on x .. I spoke ...