The biggest guide on the Shooter Master in Blade and Soul. The biggest guide on the Shooter Master in Blade and Soul Hyde BS Arrows Ghost or Pathfinder

Access to the selection of the first profession in the client online game Blood & Soul will appear at the 20th character level. General recommendations for the development of the hero can be found in the article "".

By choosing the class of arrows, the user will receive at its disposal a professional on remote attacks, which in battle uses onions. Good accuracy indicators allow an arrow to apply a powerful physical damage by isolated targets at a high distance. As a bonus - a good chance to avoid attack, as well as the temporary stunning of the enemy. About how quickly pumping the arrow read below.

Primary pumping

In general, it is built on the fulfillment of quests and battles. To speed up the development of the character in Locations, Paradise Gord should find NPC Caine and he has to get the cheese fire cheese. Periodically charged in it, the stones of the spirit can be obtained by a good increase in experience.

By choosing a hero class (20th level), it should be continued, using specialized skills. Of the 4 basic character parameters, it is necessary to invest everything in force, the remaining characteristics can be raised using equipment and points.

Do not forget about the accumulation of colorful jade reserves, which then need to acquire improved equipment (based on 1 item \u003d 7 stones). For successful game You need to take a set of level 50.

After 40 levels

Now it's time to visit NPC Mirna, she has a quest. Remuneration - objects for the legendary set (orange fluff). The next 10 levels to play the shooter will not be very simple, since the opponents will be little to give up the hero. We need to show patience and fight, no matter what.

The first shadow in the arena will occur somewhere around the level 45. This event is performed twice a day in battle format 3x3, registration occurs at the NPC Master of the Pyrrr. Award - Arenal medals who will go to acquire skills.

Pereviliv for the 50th level

Then the owner of the arrow will feel freely, besides the usual tasks / battles and the Arena will be available for two Lord. Traveling to hell and fighting bosses will begin at the 55th level, then the "Caps" player is a decent remuneration and even a good elf.

To assemble the elastic set of the 60th level, jade stones must be passed to Cain at the 59th level.

Skill Arrow in Blood & Soul

The class of arrows is endowed with 16 different skills, of which are the greatest interest:

  • The glowing beam is an active skill that allows you to combat the opponent with a powerful shot.
  • The slowing beam is a passage that will slow down the enemy.
  • A piercing beam is another passage that causes a larger opponent damage and causes bleeding.
  • Dull light is an active skill, wounds the goal. In the bundle with a piercing ray allows you to stun the enemy.
  • Stunning shot - active skill, immobilizing goal. It is not necessary to pump it hard.
  • Starfall - chips shells for a group of goals, an active abilka. Burning meteor - strengthens the stellar action (passive).
  • Hide in dreams - passive skill, an increase in the chance to avoid attack. It is necessary to pump out if you are interested in critting skills.
  • Phase shift - allows the hero to exchange places with the enemy. It does not make sense to pump much.
  • Gravity is an active ability that causes damage to one goal and slows down the rest of the enemies.
  • The destroying beam is damage to the enemy and his surrounding, causing bleeding.

Playing in the Blood & Soul shooter, it means being a damager, therefore, in the blood magic it is worth choosing wind books (pumping accuracy). Elf - Trisha (purple), it is best to insert fiery souls, raising an attack. Upon sharpening: Belt - Improve with stars (8th level and higher); Cloak and helmet - insert topases, boots and gloves - bright sapphires (magical / physical protection); Jewelry - strengthening accuracy.

Choice of specialization

Achievement of the 60th level will allow the player to deepen the specialization of the arrow, namely, become a ghost or tracker.


This is a hero who makes a massive blow to the enemy at a high distance. Wever protection requires the player to knock out enemies before they fit closely. The ghost is good in PVP battles, the focus of the character is a bias from enemy attack and attack at a distance. In single passing, crumbling monsters the ghost is also not bad, because it is quite decent damage.

Ghost skills:

  • Comet is an active abilka that allows you to attack the enemy and brake it for a while;
  • Orbit is a liable, walking in a couple with a comet. Accelerates the recharge time of the active skill.
  • Meditation - gives more likely to apply a critical strike (passive).
  • Vulnerability reduces the enemy armor with each next hit (asset).

Pumping Ghost:

Since the ghost is Crete, then strengthen the chance of the operation of its abilities can be pumped up the skill of dim light and polish it by avatar.

For the ghost, more important skills will be meditation and vulnerability, and it is worth downloading, and comet and orbit - in case of special desire.

Being still in the rank of the arrow, the player can reach himself an elite bow by completing the quest on the weapon (52nd level). Having received the 60-1 level and the second specialization will be sharpened by the legendary geek before the Devil Seta.

Closer to the 70th level, the ghost will be able to take a second weapon, there are two options: either two elite onions, or a pair to a bow can be organized a spear.

Equipment Tips: Jewelry - You can assemble a set of enchanted rings, necklaces and belts (increasing passage and krotovic abilities as a whole).

Choosing an elf for a ghost: Trisha (changed Trisha), Rafaina Favorite Goddess (Changed Rafaina) or Princess Demon Alais.

Divine ranks: if you want to strengthen the triggering of Crete, then you need to choose the god of the storm. In the event that configured to enhance the damage applied, then the God of Fire, the God of the Sun.


This is a shooter who prefers to control his opponents, both single and group targets. The hero of this profession is very dangerous in PvP, especially in the near distances.

Traffic skills:

  • Meteorite is an active abilka that amazes many enemies.
  • The explosion of the meteorite is a liable, which strengthens the meteorite, allowing damage to a greater number of enemies.
  • Astromaggia - Stuns for a while a chosen goal (passive).
  • Impulse - the use of this skill makes the probability of stunning the enemy (asset).

Pumping trail:

The most important skills of this specialization are: the most effective one is astromagic, it is pumped first. The meteorite is well combined with the arrow skills already studied. The explosion of the meteorite, strengthens the Abilka meteorite. The impulse is in principle a good thing, but has a small radius of defeat, pumping at will.

52nd level - to pass the quest and take the second weapon for physical damage (spear). Somewhere in the area should be joined in the guild ranks, so that you can participate in the guild events.

60 level, after selecting a second specialization, you must tighten the weapon, the existing legendary set should be turned into a devilish.

For trading in extremely important accuracy and control. Therefore, in the blood magic, we take the wind book (accuracy),

From the items of equipment you can collect a holy set that it will well strengthen the ability of the traid. The geeks need to be sharpened by stones to enhance the physical attack, as well as physical / magical protection. Stars worth applying good level, not less than 5-6. Weapons should be sharpened by 7-10 levels. Blood Magic: Great thing - Skill Inquisition, which enhances the attack of the character.

Elf for the traid should be focused on physical / magic protection or accuracy. Perfectly fit: Trisha / Changed Trisha and Demonse Alais / Modified Alaysh.

The maximum success of the tracker will be able to achieve, turning into the goddess of darkness. It also good strengthens the physical attack the status of the war of war, in addition, it allows you to collect a good set at high levels (after the 80th).

Arrows - Wizard of fighting at a distance. Sickly owning shooting, he is able to apply the most severe injured by the enemy, and also temporarily immobilize the enemy. The arrows perfectly copble with the task of applying a large number of damage for one purpose, using onions as weapons.


  • Physical attack at a distance;
  • Immobilization;
  • Evasion.

The main skills of the arrow apply a significant physical damage to the enemy and impose negative effects on the purpose (bleeding, immobilization, etc.)

Icon Name A type Description
Light beam
Active Amazing the enemy, causing damage by a destructive shot.
Slow Loose Passive Gives a chance to slow down the goal when you get to 6 seconds.
Piercing beam Passive
It gives a chance when you get to pierce the target and cause it to bleeding for 6 seconds.
Paralyzing beam Passive
You have a chance to immobilize target for 2 sec.
Low light Active Damage target. If the goal is under the action of a piercing beam, the effect of bleeding will be interrupted, and the goal will be overwhelmed by 2 seconds.
Eclipse Passive Increases the speed of movement after applying the ability of dim light for 3 seconds
Starfall Active
I am striking several remote purposes by applying them significant damage.
Meteor Passive Enhances the chance of a critical strike when using starstel.
Roaring wind
Passive When using a stunning shot, you have a chance to discard the goal.
Embody in dreams
Each time you use Starfold, you get a chance to temporarily increase your dodging for 5 seconds.
Burning meteor
Increases the number of targets affected by stars, 1.
Phase shift
Active Quickly changes you with the enemy places.
Active I am striking the goal and slows all goals around.
Stunning shot Active Out of Luca immobilizes target for 2.5 seconds.
Destructive beam
Active I am striking the goal and all goals around, causing bleeding from them.
Fall in emptiness
Active I am striking the goal and attracts goals around to you. All affected goals will be immobilized. Then, with the help of a quick jump, go from the place where the fall into the emptiness applied, seriously increasing your dodge and resistance to control.
Enchanted ATTival
Reduces recharging time of a stunning shot for 5 seconds.
Phase control Passive Phase shift also stuns the target.

Using skills, the shooter may not let the enemy to himself, but to apply more damage, should increase the level of physical attack. To increase the physical attack, when the characteristics are distributed, the power indicator should be raised ( FORCE).

Note: When your character reaches the 60th level, you can task the choice of profession. The shooter can become Ghost or Tracker. This task can be taken from the spirit of the arms of the corresponding class in Tario by coordinates 617 914.


Specializes in applying a very large number of damage for one purpose. Due to a small amount of protection, its main task is not to let the opponent at the distance of the blow.

Ghost skills are based on the applied of powerful blows for one purpose.

The advantages of the ghost is its high level of physical attack, the possibility of burning the enemy and the temporary decrease in its level of armor.

Icon Name A type Description

Active Deals the target damage and immobilizes it for 2 seconds.
Passive Reduces comet recharge time for 3 seconds. And increases its strength.
Passive Increases the chance of applying a critical strike by 20%. Duration 5 sec.
Active When the vulnerability is activated, it lowers the armor and the decline in the entire damage of the target with each attack. The effect lasts 12 seconds. And it can be up to 2 times.


Specializes in the control of the enemy - stunning both single and several goals.

Traffic skills are designed to defeat several opponents at once.

Each of the tracking skills is designed for defeat and stunning several goals, which gives it a good advantage in both far and in the near battle.

Icon Name A type Description
Active Encourages meteoric rain, stunning targets for 1 sec. every 3 seconds. The effect lasts 18 seconds. And may affect up to 5 goals.
Explosion meteorite
Passive Increases the number of targets affected by meteorite, by 2.
Passive Gives a chance to temporarily stun the target for 1.5 seconds. In case of hit.
Active You have a chance to stun the target by 0.5 seconds. In case of hit. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.

Class skills

Upon reaching the 80th level, you can get NIPLeanora Class skills that directly depend on the profession chosen by you earlier.

Icon Name A type Description

Arrow insight Active A bright arrow causes damage to all enemies around, lowers the current spirituality for the target. With an increase in level, the effect of the skill is enhanced.
Class : Arrows, tracker, ghost.

Star Mig. Passive The speed of movement increases. Activated after using skillPhase shift.
Class : Ghost.

Heaven of Great Active Strengthening the control increases, the speed of movement increases, the obtained fiz decreases. damage.
Class : Pathfinder.

Omen Passive Reduces the recharging time of the meteorite.
Class : Pathfinder.

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Arrows - ghost / tracker

Arrows - Wizard of fighting at a distance. Sickly owning shooting, he is able to apply the most severe injured by the enemy, and also temporarily immobilize the enemy. The arrows perfectly copble with the task of applying a large number of damage for one purpose, using onions as weapons.

Class features

  • physical attack at a distance;
  • immobilization of the enemy;
  • high evasion chance.

The main skills of the arrow apply a significant physical damage to the enemy and impose negative effects on the purpose (bleeding, immobilization, etc.)

- Light beam (active) - striking the enemy, inflicting damage by a destructive shot.

- Slow Loose (Passive) - gives a chance to slow down the target when it gets to 6 seconds.

- Piercing beam (passive) - gives a chance when you get a goal and cause bleeding for 6 seconds.

- Paralyzing beam (Passive) - You have a chance to immobilize target for 2 sec.

- Low light (active) - causes damage to the goal. If the goal is under the action of a piercing beam, the effect of bleeding will be interrupted, and the goal will be overwhelmed by 2 seconds.

- Eclipse (passive) - Increases the speed of movement after applying the ability of dim light for 3 seconds

- Starfall (active) - strikes several remote purposes, inflicting them significant damage.

- Meteor (Passive) - increases the chance of a critical strike when using starstel.

- Embody in dreams (Passive) - every time you use starska you get a chance to temporarily increase your dodging for 5 seconds.

- Burning meteor (passive) - increases the number of targets affected by starfall by 1.

- Gravitis (Active) - strikes the goal and slows all goals around.

- Stunning shot (Active) - Out of Luca immobilizes target for 2.5 seconds.

- Roaring wind (Passive) - gives a chance to discard the enemy when using a stunning shot.

- Enchanted ATTival (Passive) - Reduces the reloading time of a stunning shot of 5 seconds.

- Fall in emptiness (active) - striking the goal and attracts goals around to you. All affected goals will be immobilized. Then, with the help of a quick jump, go from the place where the fall into the emptiness applied, seriously increasing your dodge and resistance to control.

- phase shift (active) - Quickly changes you with the enemy places.

- Phase control (passive)- The phase shift also stuns the target.

Using skills, the shooter may not let the enemy to himself, but to apply more damage, should increase the level of physical attack. To increase the physical attack, when the characteristics are distributed, the power indicator should be raised ( FORCE).

Note: When your character reaches the 60th level, you can task the choice of profession. The shooter can become Ghost or Tracker . This task can be taken from the spirit of the arms of the corresponding class in Tario by coordinates 617 914.


Specializes in applying a very large number of damage for one purpose. Due to a small amount of protection, its main task is not to let the opponent at the distance of the blow.

The ghost skills are based on the applied of the most powerful blows for one purpose:

- Comet (active) - causes the goal damage and immobilizes it for 2 sec.

- Orbit (Passive) - reduces comet recharge time for 3 seconds. And slightly increases its strength.

- Meditation (Passive) - increases the chance of applying a critical strike by 20%. Duration 5 sec.

- Vulnerability (active) - when activating vulnerabilities, lowers armor and decline in the entire target damage with each attack. The effect lasts 12 seconds. And it can be up to 2 times.

The advantages of the ghost is its high level of physical attack, the possibility of burning the enemy and the temporary decrease in its level of armor.


Specializes in the control of the enemy - stunning both single and several goals.

Tracking skills are designed to defeat several opponents at once:

- Meteorite (active) - calls for meteoric rain, stunning targets for 1 sec. every 3 seconds. The effect lasts 18 seconds. And may affect up to 5 goals.

- Explosion meteorite (passive) - increases the number of targets affected by meteorite, by 2.

- Astromaggia (passive) - gives a chance to temporarily stun a target for 1.5 seconds. In case of hit.

- Pulse (active) - you have a chance to stun the target by 0.5 seconds. In case of hit. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.

Each of the tracking skills is designed for defeat and stunning several goals, which gives it a good advantage in both far and in the near battle.

Class skills:
Upon reaching the 80th level, you can get NIP Leanora (Tario - x626; Z1063) The following class skills that directly depend on the profession chosen by you earlier.

Stone Avalon
Methods for obtaining:

  • There is a possibility of obtaining when analyzing NIP NIP for an Equipment of purple quality 80+ level or equipment of orange quality 90+ levels.
  • Different lottery.
  • Market.

Divine kernel
Methods for obtaining:

  • Creating from magical and divine fragments that can be obtained on the "2 Lord" IVEnta, as well as when performing tasks from the heavenly list of tasks
  • Periodic shares in a premium store.
  • Different lottery.
  • Market.

Magic kernel
Methods for obtaining:

  • Creating from magic and divine fragments, which can be obtained on the "2 Lord" Inta, as well as when performing tasks from the celestial list of tasks.
  • There is a possibility of obtaining family quests from a family award for 100%.
  • Periodic shares in a premium store.
  • Different lottery.
  • Market.

Stone demonic poison
Methods for obtaining:

  • Danza 70+
  • Creating out of 5 demonic fragments that fall from monsters in the 70+ dance.
  • Periodic shares in a premium store.
  • Different lottery.
  • Market.

Crystal abyss
Methods for obtaining:

  • There is a chance to get when disassembling things at Nipia Blacksmith Theodore (Tario, 716 783) not lower than orange quality since 40 levels
  • There is a possibility of obtaining materials of various quality from chests
  • Falls out of chests in the dance
  • Market

The stone of Destiny
Methods for obtaining:

  • With a slight chance, there is a declaration of equipment for the Nipa Blacksmith Theodore (Tario, 716 783) not lower than orange quality from 90-95 levels
  • There is a possibility of obtaining materials of various quality from chests
  • Market

In total, you can get 5 levels of class skills, for which you need to perform the appropriate tasks, as well as take part in the battles in the arena:

  • Profession I - 80 level.

  • Profession II - 85 level.

  • Profession III - 90 level.

  • Profession IV - 95 level.

  • Upon reaching 100 levels, you can increase the levels of these skills using special scrolls. They can be purchased from Krazen merchant, which is located on the "Frontier" location by coordinates: 1273, 1227. The cost of each skill - 40 medals of valor and 500 gold coins.

After receiving, the skills will be in your inventory. Open the inventory window (button "B") and right-click on the icons of the acquired skills to study them.

To activate class skills, you should open the window " The skills of the gods"(" H "button) and go to section" Extra. skills", 3-4 Page. The activation of the skill is carried out by pressing the button located next to the image of the skill.

After activation, class skills will appear in the window " Skills"(" K "button), in the" tab " Godsยป.

- Arrow insight (active) - Bright arrow causes damage to all enemies around, lowers the current spirituality for the target. With an increase in level, the effect of the skill is enhanced.
Class: Arrows, tracker, ghost.

- Star Mig. (Passive) - the speed of movement increases. Activated after using skill Phase shift.
Class: Ghost.

- Heaven of Great (Active) - Increased control increases, the speed of movement increases, the obtained fiz decreases. damage.
Class: Pathfinder.

- Omen (Passive) - reduces the time recharging meteorite.
Class: Pathfinder.

Also for generic medals, the characters who reached the 100 level will be able to explore.


Already on September 19, we are waiting for a new and last class on the windows of the world Blade and soul. - Master shooting. For Russian-speaking players, such names like "Haner", "arrows", "Maestro" are the most common. Therefore, do not be surprised if the terms will be mentioned in the future and more than once.

Master shooting - a class designed exclusively for a long battle, this can be judged by its main weapons. Do not be surprised, the character will also be vital to the energy of qi, because with her it creates bullets for his firearms. But, it will be stupid to assume that the class is still and hurt, on the contrary, it is all mobile. It is connected with its additional devices. In this case, harpuna. They allow the arrow masterfully to maneuver both by air and on the ground, while creating unforeseen situations for their opponent.

Let's talk a little about the batches of the class. To the main and very necessary can be attributed to "tracking". It helps the class with ease to use all its combat receptions at a distance of 20 meters. By the way, only the Element Master has this ability. "Detection" allows you to significantly increase the strength of the infamous strikes, however, while cutting the distance between opponents to 6 meters. "Command Spirit" (activated by the "Z" key on your keyboard) eliminates all members of your group from ski skill. But. It is worth noting that this Buff also has long rollbacks.

How is moving in the air and on Earth? The answer is quite simple. We mentioned harpunas. However, in addition to them, another moment, which is called "Heavenly Crystals". After the desired scales, such as the health and energy of qi, you can observe additional scales. They depict harpunas among them. As we understand, their maximum number of 5 pieces. It is used by pressing the "E" key on the keyboard. This allows your character to move 10-18 meters forward.

We will tell a little about the celestial crystals. By clicking on the "Q" key, Master shooting in Blade and. Soul sets it. Thanks to the installation of such a crystal by clicking again on the same key, you can release harpoon and move directly to it. This will allow Ganera to attack enemies from the air.

Class skills are also an important part. The class has 2 elements in its arsenal, between which you can switch. Consider each of them separately.

Element of fire

Combo circle of power

Element of darkness