Transformers games online. Transformers games online Transformers games for every taste

Who Bumblebee knew every resident of New York. It was a specially trained transformer robot. Throughout his life, he stood guard over the city and guarded the peaceful sleep of US citizens. But Bumblebee's soul longs for real adventure, so he drops everything and goes on a journey around the world. He chose a very long and dangerous path for himself. On the way, he wanted to make some money and find himself a girlfriend. First, he went to California, as he had long dreamed of being there. He was not going to stay here for a long time. He walked the streets and parks of the state, ate ice cream and cotton candy, filled the tank and hit the road. Then he was going to get to China, he really wanted to try the local food and buy himself inexpensive spare parts, of which there was a sea in the local market.

The next stop was in Kazakhstan. The endless steppes and fields of this country amazed Bumblebee with their endless expanses and majestic views. Further, his path ran through the cities of Russia. Bumblebee was firmly convinced that he would meet Russian people with balalaikas and tame brown bears... He was looking forward to it all. Arriving in Russia, he saw nothing of this and was a little sad because he trusted stereotypes. In Russia, Bumblebee's money was completely out, and he worked as a taxi driver for a while in order to have money for gasoline and food on the road. So he got acquainted with the culture of the Russians and had a great respect for this people.

Bumblebee was already determined to return to his homeland, but on the way he was attacked by warlike robots. There was nothing to be done and Bumblebee, full of courage and determination, took the fight. Bumblebee Transform Transform is an online game that you can play completely free of charge. In the game you have to help Bumblebee cope with robots and get home unharmed. You will race across platforms, collecting pieces of a fallen meteorite. For each piece you will receive an additional reward in the form of bonus points. But be careful, some of the pieces will not only not give you extra points, but also take away some of yours. On the way, you will be attacked by robots with which you need to fight. The combat system is designed in an interesting way. To defeat your opponent, you need to dial a certain code in a short period of time, which will be displayed on the screen. If you succeed, then Bumblebee will hit and crush his opponent, if not, then the opponent will defeat you. Also on the road there will be red pluses that will replenish your health, and thorns that will take away part of it.

Category Transformers - original name REPAIR YOUR TRANSFORMERS

Before starting the main part of the process, we choose the transformer that we want to help first of all. As soon as you decide on it, you will find yourself in the workshop, and at the bottom of the screen there will be the first tools with which we will begin to cope with the work. The system arrow will show which one to click on, so just wait for its prompts, and when you get one, start working.

Gradually, you will cope with all the tasks in the first part of the game, after which the next, so to speak, chapter will begin. But you do not expect anything special, because below, the tools will simply be updated, with the help of which you will have to work in the same spirit until the moment you finish the job completely. Having put one soldier on the wheels, do not forget about the rest of the soldiers. With them, you will have to do the same operations that you just performed, and although nothing new will be added to the process, still try to cope with your duties several times.


  • Left mouse button - repair the transformer.

Boys love to play with different pieces of iron, cars, weapons and robots, and when all this comes together, their delight has no limit. When transforming robots first appeared in stores, the male part of the population turned into active fans of this toy. It gave them great pleasure to change the appearance of these giants, turning them into fighters, then into jet cars, then into walking robots, armed to steel teeth. In such toys, most often, chips and sound speakers were mounted and when a certain lever was activated, the robot uttered a threatening speech or the sounds of shooting. And if the robot could also walk, it was the height of dreams.

Happy owners of transformers did not part with them even at school or in the yard, organizing a war of the titans during breaks. Despite their ability to mutate, the kids needed imagination to come up with a course of events. Sooner or later, but even the most Interesting games... The toys break, the speakers sit down, and the ruined fun goes to the bottom of the box, and soon into the trash can. But hobbies do not go away, and buying a new expensive model for parents is sometimes overwhelming. Cartoons and films with transformers have already been revised and tired of everything. But computer transformers 2 games inspire anew, because they offer entertainment of a different level and possibilities.

The film "Transformers 2" served as the basis for the creation of the series computer games... Megatron and his Deceptacons attack the city. To repel an attack, you need to arrange your combat transformers so that the enemy, leaving the zone of destruction of some of your robots, immediately fall into the radius of others. Each time the enemy will put forward new, more lethal forces, but your cars will also increase their level. To find out what qualities your iron soldiers have, just hover over them with the italics of the mouse, and you will see the characteristics of each at the bottom of the field.

Transformers games for every taste

Transformers 3 games based on the movie "Transformers: The Other Side of the Moon", offer a different turn of events, but most importantly, you can show your creative side by collecting puzzles. These giants will appear as the picture is collected from separate mosaic pieces. From picture to picture, you will see many options for transforming robots, and their view is so impressively realistic that it seems a little more, and they will begin to move.

Online games transformers 2 for hidden objects differ from similar topics in other games. First, on different images you have to find the details of the mechanism, which are skillfully disguised against the general background. Then, from collected items you need to collect new model transformer, finding a place for each found piece. Just take another piece and place it on the semi-assembled robot.

Also, you will have to enjoy playing transformers, fighting - after all, this is what these cars were created for. Shootout on city streets or in outer space - choose your option. Or maybe you will like the control of transformers under water by means of fish more? Then dive to the bottom and choose your giant. But when a real disaster strikes, even metal creatures have to survive in conditions of destruction. In one of the games nuclear war not only broke the human world, but also harmed the robots, and some of them, divided in half, are forced to look for a way to survive in such a deplorable state.
Online transformers games - games for boys and men who feel quite comfortable in the world of robots.