The draws of the creation of the input. Creatures - After Cataclysm - Dungeons - Catalog of Articles - Help Players WORLD OF WARCRAFT

Uldum, as well as Uldan and Uldamar, is one of the few famous creatures of titans, created earlier than life in Azeroth originated. In an effort to comprehend the mystery of the emergence of Azeroth, historians were examined by the land of Kalimdore in search of the method to penetrate the ancient buildings of titans. But the cataclysm will change a lot. The wall, millennia hiding Uldis from prying eyes, will be destroyed, and great secrets will open up the most courageous, intelligent and, possibly, the most warlike researchers.
The drawbacks of the creation are one of the ultra dungeons, designed for level 85 players, where the previously unprecedented buildings of titans and seven unique bosses will open a breath of heroes. You can get there with the release of the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: CATACLYSM add-on. In the depths of the drawings of the creation hidden ancient treasure, which, being not in those hands, can jeopardize the very existence of life in Azeroth. Heroes, who managed to survive the dangers of this dungeon, will have to help Branznu Bronze-Complex to get to the secrets hidden under the arches of the ancient buildings and preserve the ancient secrets of titans.

At the entrance to the draws

Having hit the ward of the Creators, you immediately appreciate the seriousness of your position, stumble upon the body of those who came here before you hoped to find the source of power and did not win. Brann Bronzemodrod is waiting for heroes near the transport tunnels leading to the upper levels of the dungeon ... at least those who succeed to get to him alive. But one of the help of Branna is hardly enough to move on. Nevertheless, the secrets of the tags should be disclosed.

Hall of prophecies

The Hall of Prophecies Folded by the Colonoms is the real covenant times. On its territory, richly decorated with the relics of ancient cultures, two mysterious boxes are kept under the vigilant protection of devotees. However, everyone who decides to eat in antiquity should answer before the keeper of the temple Anhur, a magic of magic of light and destructive hymns who protects this room.

Tomb Puta Raire Earth

Opposite the Prophe's Hall, immediately behind the walls of the dungeon, is the tomb of Puta Fury of Earth. It is surrounded by numerous pyramids, scorched by the sun and sheaven desert winds. For a long time abandoned and donated with the filthable bones, the tomb froze in anticipation of new victims. However, this is not just an ancient grave - this is the place of restoring the keeper of the revived land, Pta rage of the Earth. And if his peace is disturbed, the soil under your legs will shudder from the indomitable earthly storm, and the scarab has long been resurrected.

Vault of fires

The arch of the lights, richly decorated with invaluable artifacts, prepares a cruel kara to all who dare to invade his expanses. Anrafet, the ghost, the Universe in the statue created by Titans, waligns from a long-term sleep to destroy the rooted mortals in the name of the keepers. Do not cool down: a long missing is not joined by the mad rage of Anrafpet!

Guardian thrones

Heroes, who managed to survive all the dangers of ancient dungeon, will open the ability to penetrate its upper levels. With the help of a branch of the Bronze, you have to solve the secrets of ultima. Your journey will end in the thrones of magic, life, chaos and the sun. Here you will have to meet face to face with the influence of magic is ourselves, the influence of the life of Ammunae, the generation of chaos by Rajhe. These inhabitants of the ultimate will not leave their throne voluntarily - you are prepared serious tests.

The drawings of the creation are one of the dungeons related to the "technical" deity (we are talking about "Uldar" raids). In this, the ancient treasure, which turned out not in those hands. We, as we score, all this and get enough.

Raj - last Boss This dungeon. It is for him that they give a victoriousness. In general, as not strange, many players usually after fighting with the first third bosses (they are often missing) are sent straight to it. This is how time saves someone. Well, this is a personal choice of each, but we will see the ability of the boss that is really worth remembering.

Boss abilities

Challenge solar sphere- the call of the solar sphere

Furious flames -Notion 18, 500-21, 500 units. damage and discard players in a small radius.

Sun Zipper- Deals 18, 377-20, 621 units. from the forces of fire.

Solar zipper (2)- The scorching ray of the Sun burns the enemy, apply 7499-8500 units. damage with fire twee 3 seconds. within 15 seconds.

Infernal jump- The caster makes a jump in a given place, inflicting fire damage to uncomfortable goals.

Infernal jump(2) - causes 120, 249-139, 750 units and discard targets within a radius of 10 meters.

Combat mocked - The speed of movement rises by 50%

Blessing of the Sun.- The burning heat of the Sun inflicts 4161-4837. damage once per second and increased damage by 100%.

Tactics of Boy

Pretty heavy boss, compared with some. Ignorabies can kill you ... well, or breeders. Well, let's start with the fact that Rajsally beats the tank in the nearby bay, sometimes using the Sun Lightning spell. Outdoor spell, taking into account the fact that it beats at a random goal.

In general, it is not always good on the spot with this boss. Periodically, he causes a whirlwind, which reserves an unpleasant trace. With the mark and the mark, and the whirlwind. Try not to go to the center of the platform.

Not everything is so bad as you think - when jumping (or rather, today, when he is going to jump) players give a pleasant effect that gives 50% to speed. Run! And you will be alive. It is important to remember that the sunny sphere and the infernal jack should be shot down. Again - do not knock, you can wipe.

The main mechanic of the boss is in energy. It's like Magali's energy in robbers - no energy, you can not pronounce spells. To finish it, the boss goes to the center of the room. Here it is worth run away from there, if you are still standing there. It is important to remember that at this moment on the players weavdoid and efficient Buff, which increases the damage caused by half. Include "heroism", we use all spells ... In general, Beam Boss.

Information from the site.

Uldum, as well as Uldan and Uldamar, is one of the few famous creatures of titans, created earlier than life in Azeroth originated. In an effort to comprehend the mystery of the emergence of Azeroth, historians were examined by the land of Kalimdore in search of the method to penetrate the ancient buildings of titans. But the cataclysm will change a lot. The wall, millennia hiding Uldis from prying eyes, will be destroyed, and great secrets will open up the most courageous, intelligent and, possibly, the most warlike researchers.

The drawbacks of the creation are one of the ultra dungeons, designed for level 85 players, where the previously unprecedented buildings of titans and seven unique bosses will open a breath of heroes. You can get there with the release of the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: CATACLYSM add-on. In the depths of the drawings of the creation, the ancient treasure is hidden, which, being not in those hands, can jeopardize the very existence of life in Azeroth. Heroes, who managed to survive the dangers of this dungeon, will have to help Branznu Bronze-Complex to get to the secrets hidden under the arches of the ancient buildings and preserve the ancient secrets of titans.

At the entrance to the draws

Having hit the ward of the Creators, you immediately appreciate the seriousness of your position, stumble upon the body of those who came here before you hoped to find the source of power and did not win. Brann Bronzemodrod is waiting for heroes near the transport tunnels leading to the upper levels of the dungeon ... at least those who succeed to get to him alive. But one of the help of Branna is hardly enough to move on. Nevertheless, the secrets of the tags should be disclosed.

Hall of prophecies

The Hall of Prophecies Folded by the Colonoms is the real covenant times. On its territory, richly decorated with the relics of ancient cultures, two mysterious boxes are kept under the vigilant protection of devotees. However, everyone who decides to eat in antiquity should answer before the keeper of the temple Anhur, a magic of magic of light and destructive hymns who protects this room.

Tomb Puta Raire Earth

Opposite the Prophe's Hall, immediately behind the walls of the dungeon, is the tomb of Puta Fury of Earth. It is surrounded by numerous pyramids, scorched by the sun and sheaven desert winds. For a long time abandoned and donated with the filthable bones, the tomb froze in anticipation of new victims. However, this is not just an ancient grave - this is the place of restoring the keeper of the revived land, Pta rage of the Earth. And if his peace is disturbed, the soil under your legs will shudder from the indomitable earthly storm, and the scarab has long been resurrected.

Vault of fires

The arch of the lights, richly decorated with invaluable artifacts, prepares a cruel kara to all who dare to invade his expanses. Anrafet, the ghost, the Universe in the statue created by Titans, waligns from a long-term sleep to destroy the rooted mortals in the name of the keepers. Do not cool down: a long missing is not joined by the mad rage of Anrafpet!

Guardian thrones

Heroes, who managed to survive all the dangers of ancient dungeon, will open the ability to penetrate its upper levels. With the help of a branch of the Bronze, you have to solve the secrets of ultima. Your journey will end in the thrones of magic, life, chaos and the sun. Here you will have to meet face to face with the influence of magic is ourselves, the influence of the life of Ammunae, the generation of chaos by Rajhe. These inhabitants of the ultimate will not leave their throne voluntarily - you are prepared serious tests.

(Halls of Origination) - part of the research complex of titans, ultima. Like Uldar and Uldaman, he was used by Titans thousands of years ago. But, unlike them, the purpose of the ultimate was the creation of new races. One of these races Tol "Vir. - a mixture of a person and cat, and inhabit this dungeon. Bosses in the drawings of creation - guards guarding this secret place.

The draws of the creation are relatively small in size, despite the fact that there are as many as 7 bosses (only three of which are mandatory for passage). It is designed for level 84 players.


Travel mobs in the pacles are a bit, but the group that does not represent, with which it deals can face some difficulties.

In fact, all the trash is a few packs on the starting section of the dungeon yes preceding each boss of minions. Moba-Tol'vira - Humanoids are subject to most types of controls than to use. Temple Catcher - Hunter; The caster of the runes does not hurt in the near battle, but can heal the allies and imposes a curse on enemies, which increases the recovery time of the spells used. The burning fire is immune to control, causes a very big damage compared to other mobs, in short, must be killed first or rather; Do not forget to displays a barrier fire from it. A copier - at first glance, the usual Milishnik with an average attack speed, but has a strong ayo pact of darkness that needs to be interrupted.

Anour itself is completely not dangerous in itself, however, this Enkounter can be fascinated if the group is not well coordinated.

Anuur is tanned on the same site, where it is worth. The divine calculation will pull the player's health under Debuff and all the allies surrounding it, healing Anura; This debuff is dispelled. A blue flame will appear under a random player, in which, oddly enough, it is better not for a long time.

Twice for the fight (66% and 33% of health) Anjur becomes unresponsive to any damage due to the light shield, to disable which can be only with the help of two leversmounted on columns in jamas on both sides of the boss. This means that as soon as the shield appeared on the boss, players should jump off the platform and click on the levers. The task will complicate the snakes living on the bottom in large quantities. In normal mode, it is enough to send one player on one player for each lever because they click instantly. In the heroic, this is a dechecond caster who is shot down by any incoming damage, and here the task has at least three possible solutions:

  • the whole group, including the tank, jumps alternately to each lever, passing the snakes;
  • for each side there are two people, one of which aggrees reptiles and runs away to the tank, and the second presses the lever;
  • snakes are first killed, the levers are pressed.

The third option is possible only in a well-charged group, since damage in snakes is very tangible, and health is enough to have time to sweep the player before perishing. The first way is simple, but requires more time - and since at the time of the shield all the players will be decomposed, delaying the phase with the shield is not worth it.

At the end of the AUTUR shield, it will sing a rolling anthem that will damage all the players depending on how many stas they scored, turning off the shield. This spell can be interrupted and earned the achievement "hate this song".

After the fight with Anuur, you will go to the fork. The road to the left leads to the main part of the temple, where all the other Creations of Titans are located. By continuing the path straight, you walk through the corridor with skeletons and scarabs, fight with an optional dungeon boss. Keep in mind that scarabs are poisonous, and also have a habit of suddenly dig out of the sand, so the tank is worth going at the head of the group.

Have you already hoped to meet edges? Meet his Egyptian fellow Puta rage storms, blinded from sand, fire and bones to protect it is not clear what on the backyards of the symptors of the creation. It is impossible to call this Enkounter special - the tank holds the boss, DD do not stand near the tank to avoid the clizals and do not fall into the sanding sands / germinating spikes from sand. On 50% of health, the boss will raise on a bunch of skeletons that need to be killed, after which Pta will again appear before players in solid form. In front of the platform with the boss, several camels are graze that you can range. They are pretty ugly, but increase your speed of movement and allow apply spells on the go. In addition, if you spend the whole battle on the camel, you will get an individual achievement "Solominka, breaking the spin of a camel."

Naturally, in such a grand constructions of the ancients did not cost without a curiosity dust muzzle of a branch of the bronze. He will give you a post assistance, opening the door to the illuminated lights, where you can alternately fight with the elements of the four elements and the guard of the anrafet.

Between the platforms of elementals, hordes are hordes. They quickly kill with an aeoy, but most of them can just get around. Your task is to go through all four platforms and destroy the spirits of the elements, each of which has its own characteristics.

After the victory on the anrafet, use the round portal on the floor - it will take you to the elevator, with which you will get to the second floor to the final bosses of the Creation of Creation: Isiset, Ammunae, Sketch and Raju.

Before each of the creations is a group of mobs, personifying the peculiarities of the upcoming Enhunter. In the case of Isis, we are dealing with clean magic energy, therefore we will fight with essential beings: stars fragments, a lively stream (heals allies), spatial anomaly. In addition to the mobble mobs, it is pretty annoyed by the portal, guiding the destructive beam in his legs to a random player; From the ray, of course, it is necessary to leave.

Remember the fight with Edric pure on the champion test? Isiset, creation of magic, has a similar ability - supernova spell. During reading this spell, all players must turn away from the boss. Those who neglect this precautionary measure will be disoriented for a few seconds, and the whole group in addition will receive damage.

Three other abilities are of isisitis - star rain (analogue of starfall in Druids, damage damage), call of heaven, calling for heavenly Familyiara, and the heavenly veil - shield, absorbing damage. The shield may be dispelled by the priest, shaman, magic and other classes that shoot positive magic effects from opponents.

At 66% of health, it is impeked with three components, similar to its spells: Star rain, call of heaven and heavenly veil. You need to kill one of the three aspects, after which it comes to return and continue the battle, but will no longer apply the ability of the appropriate add-made. Aspects will again appear instead of extensive, but now there will be two. As in the previous case, you should focus only on one of them, ignoring the rest.

Who to kill and in what order to solve you. If there is a person in the group who can dissolve / speck the shield, leave Add to Heavenly Veil, and kill the other two. Are you experiencing problems with the names? Kill the call of heaven first. Is it too much damage? Get rid of star rain.

Creation of life is closely related to floral worldWhat is evidenced by the abundance of all sorts of green frightened, a dispute and a busy Lian before the boss. After death, orange disputes explode, leaving poisonous puddles on the floor - all the creatures that stand in it receive additional damage. Exactly the same disputes will sometimes appear and during the battle with Ammunae - try to always keep it in the zone of Oo.

On the Eastern (right) platform, the creation of darkness is the set, and a group of unpleasant trash before the boss. The main problem will be