Treasure cards in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - how to find chests with gold. Kingdom Come Delivery: All Treasure Maps Where to Find Ancient Treasure Cards from Bonus for Pre-ordered "Treasures of the Past"

Attention! Please do not confuse treasure cards with a set of card treasures of the past, which is given for pre-order. These are different things and we have on them.

Sharpening with money and equipment in Kingdom Come: Deliverance turned out to be much easier than we thought. It is enough to show a little perseverance and collect the treasures charged throughout Bohemia. The whole charm is that you do not need to have a map in your hands to dig a treasure. It is enough to find the place itself. In this guide, we will tell you where exactly you need to go.

Treasure Map 1 (i)

The path to this treasure will be one of the most unusual. You need to find the old hut in the forest to the north-west of the monastery. It is better to do it in the afternoon, because at night we went literally two steps and still did not notice her. Inside, you can go down the stairs in the underground.

There you will be waiting for the cheek in the complexity of hacking difficult. Inside, it is possible to find the Augsburg brass lesions, 350 pennies, a long bow of the tees, a playing bone for odd numbers, the book to what keys III, a recipe for an antidote and dark nobleman boots.

Treasure Map 2 (II)

This treasure you can dig away from the grave not far from the river to the north-west of the monastery. I must say that it turned out not so simple. The forest is big, the grave is small and inconspicuous. Therefore, we suggest you focus on a having fun tree. Do not forget to grab a shovel. Inside you will find 276 pennies, the potion of Lazarus, the Book of the Dream Alchemist IV, Milan Latal Leggings, unwell playing bone, Pancake and decorated riding boots.

Treasure map 3 (III)

This time you have to find a very firmly locked chest. It turned out to be not on the teeth, as it was very difficult for us to hack the locks with the level of difficulty, we have not learned yet. If you are ready for such a test, move from the monastery strictly to the West and move the river.

In the forest you need to find a wooden house with a rolling roof. Near one of its walls and stands the chest. Inside, you can find Aachen dark brigantine, 400 pennies, a playing bone for odd numbers, Magdeburg Latal Leggings, Fashionable Shoes, Pansky Hunting Slash and Silver Ring.

Treasure Map 4 (IV)

This treasure will require unsalvous hacking skills from you, so leave it finally. For a landmark, you can take the city of impudent and go to the east along the coast of the river. In place, look for something similar to the dugout. Inside there is a chest with a level of difficulty is very difficult.

We could not open it, but inside you can find a suit with a visor, 317 pennies, a long bow out of ash, a conventional playing bone, a necklace, an archer drug recipe, nobleman boots and composite pan-panels.

Treasure map 5 (V)

This treasure can be found approximately in the middle of the path between Talmberg and Ice. Go, in our opinion, more convenient from the south. Take for the landmark drying the stream and move along the row until we get in the tree trunk fell across it. For a couple of steps, before that it's time to turn into the forest.

You need to find a dilapidated well. Inside are 270 pennies, fashionable shoes, painted Milan Brigantine, poor playing bone, prescription calendula tincture and herbs book and root IV.

Treasure Map 6 (VI)

This point of interest is located north-east of the edge, go from the city is not far away. Do not forget to grab your lays with you, since in the forest you need to find a locked chest. It stands in a stone niche under the notable design of wooden sticks.

The level of hacking is easy, a bit of patience and you can cope. Inside, you can find 436 pennies, the sword of the reinstairs, the recipe for the potion of Lazarus, a silver ring, a happy playing bone and dark nobleboy boots.

Treasure map 7 (VII)

This treasure can be found in the forest to the north-west of the edge. The guide for you will be a kindergarten, acquired by a dying fence and a big dried tree in the center. Right near it is a cheerful cheerfulness. Inside, we found 431 pencils, Kutnogorsky shell, the sword of St. George, the book is acute as a knife IV, pan-walled boots, poor playing bone and a moonshine recipe.

Treasure map 8 (VIII)

This treasure can be found in the fields southeast of the herachko. Focus on the label on the map below and look out for a dried tree. The bag costs directly near his roots. Inside are a bacietary with claspvisor, a combat hammer with spikes, 247 pennies, a playing bone for odd numbers, fashionable shoes, a necklace and a prescription of the drug poking.

Treasure Map 9 (IX)

This time we will look for a chest in the southeastern part of the Rockies. Go to the place marked on the screenshot below and inspect the area under the bridge. The chest is well hidden herbs, so be careful. Inside, you can find Aachen painted brigantine, a combat ax, riddled by iron, a bawel, 288 pennies, necklace and a silver ring.

Treasure map 10 (x)

This treasure can be digging from an inconspicuous grave in the forest to the east of the Vernik. There are no noticeable landmarks nearby, you will have to rely only on the map. Inside you will find a bocinet with clapvizar, 300 pennies, a book of life in Corcch IV, a playing bone of the Holy Trinity, Sveta Mikhail, a prescription drug from gravity in the stomach and dark nobleman boots.

Treasure map 11 (XI)

Dimmed items from this card you will find southwest of the edge inside the small stone basement. There is something similar to the bag. Name it and find the potion of Lazarus, a playing bone for odd numbers, an open baciety, pan-walled boots and a teesh hunting bow. The easiest way to move from the city along the river, and then roll in the forest.

Treasure map 12 (XII)

This time we have to find a wooden house with a collapsed roof in the forests southeast of Rata. In fact, it makes sense to go to this campaign if you are not ready to open the levels of the level difficult. Because it is such a chest that is waiting for you inside this hut. A good guidelines hanging on the rope underwear. If you are ready, do not forget to stock hides.

Treasure map 13 (XIII)

This treasure can be found inside a serene hut a little south of the camp of the coats between Rataja and Nehukhof. In appearance and you will not say that the tragedy recently unfolded. However, the corpse by the fire spokes about the opposite.

You need a chest inside the house with a level of hacking level easily. There you will find 350 pens, a playing bone for odd numbers, a book clever as ferret IV, a Pansky sword, a Pancar, a recipe for Ezopova Drugs and nobleboy boots.

Treasure Map 14 (XIV)

This time we will again have to dig in someone else's grave. It is possible to find it at the intersection of two streams southeast of Neuhof. The exact location is indicated on the screenshot below. Inside you will find Aachen decorated Leggings, 336 pennies, necklace, pan-walled boots, poor playing bone, recipes of poison and decorated cleaver.

Treasure map 15 (XV)

During the search for this treasure, you will have a unique opportunity to deal with a spare shovel. The desired point of interest is located near the stream to the west of Neuhof. You should find the collapsed house. From a bunch of land near it will be pricked to hang around, and nearby the smell can be separated.

Inside you will find 315 pennies, the potion of Lazarus, the playing bone of qi, the book is silent - gold and other superstitions, painted jacket, old family relic and dark nobleman boots.

Treasure Map 16 (XVI)

Searches for this treasure will lead you to another grave. You need to find a point of interest to the north-west of the town of Samoprech. Go to the Rod Rod and delve a little bit into the forest. The landmark will serve as a bald birch. The grave is right under it. Inside you will find 100 pennies, Lazarine Potion, high-quality arrows, peasant tice onions, pancakes and happy playing bone.

Treasure map 17 (XVII)

To find this treasure, you will have to grab a shovel with you. Go to the northwest from the town of Samoprech. The river you will find a small wooden house, in the backyard of which there is a grave. Outpalling it, you will receive 222 pennies, a long bow of ash, a playing bone for odd numbers, a book for what keys IV, Magdeburg shell, necklace and decorated riding boots.

Treasure map 18 (XVIII)

This treasure you will find near Talmberg. Lay the poacher camp to the northeast of the city. Outwardly, he is very nice, as the refreacted deer carcass hangs on the woods. If someone is in the camp, you can just wait a bit.

There is also a chest that needs to be opened with the help of a knee. The level of complexity is easy. Inside are about 200 pennies, trendy shoes, a hunting bow from Kizyl, the book of the joy of nutrition IV, the recipe of owl, a happy playing bone and a hunter hat.

Treasure map 19 (XIX)

Find this treasure will be very easy. North of Sazava is a tiny island, and in the center of him - the grave. We went there at night and slightly suitable, as a result I almost drowned in the local river along with a horse. From the grave, you can dig a letter IV, 266 pennies, a playing bone for even numbers, a sword of baron-robber, fashion shoes and decorated shell.

Treasure map 20 (XX)

This treasure you can find north of the native village of Rockies. A good guideline for you will be a tremendous wasting willow from the second screenshot. The chest attached right at her roots. The level of complexity of hacking is easy. Inside you will find a long bow of ash, a playing bone for odd numbers, a necklace, a book of riding basics IV, recipe for live water and dark nobleman boots.

Types of Treasure Card Kingdom Come Deliveryance

Treasure type depends on how you got the game itself. If you made a pre-order, then in the first five (by numbers) you can find parts of the armor. If the pre-ordered was not decorated, then the cards and so there will be all your and treasures too, But the armor will not.

The first cards will appear in your inventory after the prolobe when the hero will wake up with Teresa on the mill of the city of Rata. This is the "watch two" after the start of the game, although of course more 😉)

Other cards can be purchased from random merchants and merchants, found in the cabinets and chests, they can even steal them. Variations are many, especially since some cards have the same number in the title, but different images (pre-orders and ordinary).

To find out where the map leads, expand it and see a schematic pattern. We will be focused on it.

All Treasure Cards and their Kingdom Come Delivery Part 1

Treasure map 1.

The treasure is in the West (almost) from the monastery. From him, go to the north-west in the field where there is a camp (on the map he is visible). From the camp, go to the north-west direction to the forest, and you will find a cave (these are more destroyed house). You need a house on the left (Western side). Follow the stairs down and there is a chest inside.

Treasure map 2.

The treasure is found on the coast of the nearby river. Get out of the monastery through the Western Gate and move to the west towards the camp at the river. From the camp, go to the north and see dry (dead) tree. Near him and there is a grave.

You can find the map in the monastery, in the library. On the northern side of her stacks of books, and the card will be among them.

Mill is on the mill, in the north-west of a duzhice, under the rafters.

Treasure chests burned not only the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, but also residents of the Middle Ages; Apparently in 1403 people did not trust banks even stronger than now (or they simply could not put their money and jewels in them, since banks in the traditional understanding of this word did not exist). In order not to forget where they hid their good, they naturally painted cards. Therefore, there is nothing unusual that in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you can look for a treasure with a shovel in a pirate.

The cards themselves find it easy: some of them sell merchants in cities and villages, others lie in the secluded corners of the houses, and others are mined at all from the corpses of enemies. But with the search for treasures, difficulties may arise, since the map does not always manage to understand exactly where the treasures are located. For this reason, we decided to write detailed guide By their search.

Preparation for the search for treasures

First of all, it is worth preparation for finding buried treasures. Unfortunately, the metal detector will not be allowed. Instead, you will need the following tools:

  • Shovel - Just keep with you the one that you get almost at the very beginning of the game when the task "Return home" is passing. If you lost it, you can just buy a new to the blacksmith.
  • Locks - you will need to open the chopped chests. Buy from merchants or kuznetsov.

If you plan to independently solve treasure cards, then here is a couple of tips:

  • Some objects are not scaled on paper, so on the map of the treasure river may look small, and in real world It is very big.
  • The image on the card can be inverted upside down or mirrored, so always check whether it has a hint in the form of the right direction.

Note: In most cases, it is not necessary to have a map with you to find a treasure.

Where to find ancient treasure cards from a bonus for pre-order "Treasures of the Past"

In addition to conventional treasure cards, an ancient cards are present in the game, which are part of the "Treasures of the Past" and those issued only to the players who issued a pre-order of this RPG. However, you will not get them immediately in your inventory.

First of all, you will need to fully pass a prologue and get to Rata. When you wake up in the house of Teresa in Quest "Awakening", immediately inspect the chests - in one of them the cards you need and a good jacket will be lying.

Solutions of all treasure cards

Ancient treasure map I

The desired place is south of Neuhof, near the pitch. It is necessary to rise to the hill.

Ancient Treasure Card II

The treasure should look far in the west of Ratae, in the depths of the forest. Look inside the collapsed mine.

Ancient Treasure Card III

Everything is quite simple - we are looking for a grave under a tree and a corop. The screenshots below indicate the exact location of the treasure.

Ancient treasure map IV

It is necessary to climb up the walls, and then go down here:

Ancient treasure map V

Here we had small difficulties, since we still could not find needed Home. It turned out that the first thing it is necessary to find the place of hunting on deer, located north of the Rockies. Next to her and is worth a hut, near which the chest can be found.

Treasure map I (1)

The map can be found on the Simon Mill, located east of Sazava.

The treasure is located in the forest north-west of Sazava in a kind of cave. First you need to find two houses. Enter the one that we marked the red circle in the screenshot. Inside, turn left and find the ladder leading to the cave. There you will find a chest, for the opening of which will need a well-hidden skill of the opening of locks.

Treasure Card II (2)

Card can be found in Sazava monastery. Climb the second floor and log in to the library. Then go through the closed door to the far room. There will be a leaf you need.

The treasure itself lies on the coast of the river, flowing nearby. Exit the monastery, passing through the gate in the West, and continue to go ahead until you reach the camp near the river. Next turn to the north. Soon you will notice the dead village, near which the grave is located. In it and you can find a treasure.

Treasure map III (3)

You can find the map in the housing of the artist, located near the monastery of Sazava.

The treasure is west of the monastery. Cross the river and continue to climb upstairs until you come across two abandoned log houses. Not far from each hut worth one chest: the first is closed on a light castle, and the second is very complicated.

Treasure map IV (4)

It can be purchased from Brother Nicodemus (herbal), who lives in the monastery of Sazava. She appears in his inventory after performing several story quests. However, as we have already noted above, you do not need a map to find a treasure.

The treasure is in the forest between Neuhof and the herachko in the location indicated as " interesting place" Here you will find entrance to the mine. Enter the inside and find the locked chest. For its discovery, it will be necessary to remove the castle opening skill.

Treasure map V (5)

The map can be purchased from a merchant who lives to the east of the deck. Get ready to spend 90 pens on it.

The treasure is southeast of the Mrud. Go to the end of the river, located near the Mrudes and continue to go up until you find the tree falling on the river. Complete a few more meters ahead and delve into the forest, turning to the northwest. There you will find a well, and inside it a bag with useful things.

Treasure map VI (6)

You can purchase a merchant. True, it appears randomly, so we advise you to carefully view the goods from new merchants.

You can find the treasure in the east of the edge, deep in the forest. Find two pines, the discourt of which is chased niche from stone. Inside, you will find a chest in which the pennies are hidden, the sword of the detones, the ring and other valuable things.

Treasure map VII (7)

The map is located in the library of the Sazava Monastery. You will get here when passing the plot task "needle in a haystack". You can wait for a quest or break into the desired room without an invitation.

The treasure is located in the location indicated as a "forest garden" located in the forest north of the edge. The chest will be closed on a light castle.

Treasure map VIII (8)

To find the card, head to the mill located in the north-west of the duzhice. Upstairs of this building on a wooden beam (well hidden) lies the piece of paper you need.

At the point of interest to the south of the edge, you will find a bag lying behind the tree. In it, there are treasures.

Treasure map IX (9)

It can be found in Saraj, located north of the Rockies (look outside the settlement).

The treasure is south-east of the Rockies, where the bridge is located (looking for the settlement of the settlement itself). The chest stands on the side of the bridge. Fortunately, it is not locked, so you do not need the bastards.

Treasure map X (10)

It can be found in the chest, which stands in a small barn, located in the northeast of the edge.

To find wealth, go south from the edge, and then start moving along the road leading to the southwest. Passing past the camp, turn north and find the grave in the forest.

Treasure map XI (11)

You can purchase a single merchant in Talmberg. The treasure is located between Sazava and Ice inside the cave, but keep in mind that there are two caves in the area. You may have to be seen both to find a chest.

Treasure map XII (12)

You can buy Miller's foot in Rota. The chest is lying in a dilapidated hut. It is closed on the castle of a high level of complexity.

Treasure map XIII (13)

Card can be bought from the herbal that lives to the west of Neuhof. She will ask for a relatively small amount of pennies.

The treasure is hidden south of Neuhof, right in front of the place where the river is branched. Here you can detect the point of interest called the incident. Having reached the river, find a path leading to the question. There you will find a house and a dead body. The chest is in the hut.

Treasure map XIV (14)

You can buy from a wanderer without a hat, which you will certainly find north of Rata. He will sell you for 80 pens.

In order to find a treasure, head first in Noyhof. Then turn to the southeast and go to the place where the river flows into the reservoir. Next to this zone is a grove with trees and a grave. In the grave you can find a bag with wealth.

Treasure map XV (15)

To search for a map, go to Ratae and go to the fortress in which Sir Radzig lives. Locate Tobias's room there. Native a bookpin - on it and there will be a map.

The treasure itself is located to the west of Neuhof and east of the herachko. River passes near the desired location. If you go upstream, then notice a couple of fallen trees forming a kind of ladder. Roll away from the trail and go deep into the forest to the collapsed hut. Inside inside the grave.

XVI Treasure Map (16)

To find the map, go back to the forest and find the grass, living near the sambeshes.

The treasure is located in the western part of the map, not far from the Mrudes and Samopysh. Pass over the river, and after finding out in the forest, turn north and find the grave. It will be treasure in it.

Treasure map XVII (17)

Card can be bought from Berrtold Hunter, who lives in Rata.

The treasure can be found southwest from the smooth, not far from the hut. Go behind the house and fence and find the grave where the chest is located.

Treasure map XVIII (18)

The map can be purchased from Mikalus, which lives in the southern region of Talmberg, on a hill. He will sell you for 115 pennies. However, you can simply steal it at night. Sense into his house, go to the second floor and hack two chests (light lock).