Wot game at the initial levels. How is Tanki played? "Tanks" - which tanks are better to play? World of Tanks ("World of Tanks"). Available ground vehicles

Despite the fact that "tundra" (as the users affectionately nicknamed the game) introduced ground vehicles quite recently, its influence on the balance of power during the confrontation became very noticeable. This was discussed even at the stage of the open beta test, but for the general public, such changes were very unexpected. After all, earlier battles took place only among the aces in the air, and they practically did not pay attention to the earthly firmament.

Tank alternatives

But after a number of updates in the War Thunder game, the possibility of conducting ground battles has become available to absolutely everyone. Therefore, we will try to keep up with the trends and figure out how to play tanks. First you need to register on official portal project, as a result of which the person will receive his own profile. As part of the authorization, the player will be asked to download the multiplayer simulator " War thunder", And it is better not to neglect these recommendations. Next, you need to install the online client on your computer and prepare for diving into virtual world battles.

Tactical actions at the initial levels

The game has several types of combat operations for armored vehicles. To understand these nuances, it is important to clearly understand how to play tanks and choose the appropriate mode for yourself. There are three types of battles in total, and they are divided into:

  • simulator;
  • realistic;
  • arcade.

This list lists the modes in order from most difficult to simplest. Therefore, for those who are taking their first steps in the War Thunder universe, tanks will not seem like an overwhelming burden. Studying them will be easy and fun. After all, many beginners will choose the arcade mode, where the sight has an additional crosshair, which indicates the place where the projectile hits. The first tanks that will be in the player's hangar do not differ in very strong armor, because they completely copy the first combat vehicles of reality. Therefore, you need to soberly assess your own strength and watch how your allies play tanks. Indeed, at the first levels, only one hit is enough to destroy an armored vehicle, so it is best to exercise discretion and caution.


The first steps can be especially difficult for those users who came to War Thunder with World of tanks, because this game does not have the usual circle of information or the expected spread, so here you need to open fire only after a complete stop and stop swinging the suspension. After all, shooting on the move cannot be accurate for types of tanks that do not have a stabilizer. vertical guidance... There are also differences in the mechanics of armor penetration - the upper frontal part of a combat vehicle has the greatest thickness and does not penetrate. Therefore, it is best to perform a maneuver and go to the opponent from the flank or rear - from this position it will be much easier to launch a striking projectile. It is preferable to aim at the tank engine, which is most often located in the stern. After a successful hit in this part, the tank loses its main advantage - the ability to maneuver. It is much easier to destroy it. But there are also more vulnerable points of the combat vehicle - the fuel tanks and the transmission compartment. A shot in them is capable of setting fire to the tank, after which its participation in the further confrontation will be reduced to zero. After all, the influence of fire leads to irreversible consequences, and in the worst case - to complete destruction. Therefore, a combat vehicle must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, the installation of which is provided after appropriate research.

Control features

Let's continue to figure out how to play tanks, with some examples, which will help increase the efficiency of the players. In case of knocking down a track of a combat vehicle by a projectile, it loses its driving performance. To carry out repair work on the tracks, you must hold down the D symbol for a few seconds, after which the process will be completed. You will be able to move around.

Change of shells

To change the ammunition during the game, use the number keys 1,2,3,4. They display the number of types of shells that the user can use during the confrontation with the enemy. Before the start of the battle, there is an opportunity to select the required set of ammunition from the drop-down list. They are selected for their purpose and individual tactics preferred by a particular player. However, some types of shells need to be researched in the corresponding development tree, since each combat vehicle has its own characteristics and modifications.

Available ground vehicles

The game features various tanks. It is not easy to choose which tanks are better to play. Provided:

  • combat vehicle fighters;
  • self-propelled artillery installations;
  • air defense and anti-aircraft installations.

This technique is divided into light, heavy and medium tanks, designed to perform various tasks on the battlefield. ACS and PTs have great amount accurate guns that can destroy enemy vehicles with one shot, while heavy tanks due to sufficient booking, they have not only an increased chance of a ricochet, but also very mediocre dynamic characteristics. Light combat vehicles are devoid of such disadvantages; they are used for unexpected attacks on enemy positions from the rear or flank and subsequent retreat. Their firepower is low, but together they are able to sow chaos and anarchy in the ranks of the enemy. A compromise option, for players who did not like the previous types of tanks, are combat vehicles with an average mass. They do not have such pronounced shortcomings as light types of equipment, but their excellent mobility and decent weapons make them very dangerous rivals.

Research principles for ground combat vehicles

This moment is very important for those who have only recently joined the ranks of players, so one cannot but tell about it. An excellent example for this will be the Russian tanks branch, which is very difficult for a beginner to understand. In the "Army" tab, you need to select the tank that is available for study at this stage (let it be KV-1). After the choice is made, you must click on the "Explore" button, after which a progress bar will be displayed, which will fill up as the player's experience increases and the number of battles he has fought. If the tank that the user wants to open is in the next historical era, then it is necessary to gain access to all combat vehicles that belong to this era.

"War Thunder" and "World of tanks"

Although it is very difficult to compare games of different ideology, such disputes are ongoing in the gaming community on a regular basis. The parties ignore the fact that it is about opposing the arcade to the simulator, and try to prove their case with arguments that do not stand up to scrutiny. The most ridiculous arguments are used: in the "World of tanks" tank "Tiger" is practically invulnerable, and this does not correspond to historical realities, the speed of movement of Soviet equipment is underestimated. These disputes are especially common among connoisseurs of German and Russian technology. It is with them that the intensity of patriotic feelings can reach colossal values ​​and sometimes it comes to ridiculousness. Comparative characteristics of equipment, results of ballistic firing, personal photographs from the museum in Kubinka and much more are given. It comes to the point that the essence of the dispute is forgotten and again the skeleton of fascism and, of course, the "Tiger" tank are showered with ashes. "World of Tanks" and "War Thunder" seem to really identify the differences in the views of their users and the opposite approach to details. the real world... It is only in such information noise that the fact that the developers have made these changes in the technical characteristics of technology and the environment is usually lost to please game balance and sofa tankers. PROFIT ...

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Final Fantasy Xv turned out to be imperfect, sometimes controversial, but, of course, a beautiful and addictive game. And many fans of the franchise love the Final Fantasy series precisely for the unique, truly fabulous atmosphere. We've prepared some tips for you to get more out of FFXV.

If you are not familiar with the Final series Fantasy and postponed acquaintance for fear of getting confused in all the intricacies of the plot - feel free to brush aside any doubts! All major (numbered) parts of the series tell independent stories that take place in different worlds and are not related to each other in any way.

What you need to do to play new game? That's right - buy. Usually the question "where exactly?" the price tag answers correctly, but in the case of Final Fantasy XV. Windows Edition there are a few subtle choices. A free bundle is available on Steam to play via Workshop Half-life including the famous Gordon Freeman costume, glasses and of course a tire iron! And the Origin store offers a bright llama costume from TheSims 4 and the familiar green crystal above the character's head ... just don't ask why. We ourselves do not know. Either way, both proposals are valid until May 1.

In any case, the PC version contains not only all the additional content from the DLC and patches that came out on consoles, but also a number of features, such as a first-person mode and the ability to switch between characters.

But even if you do not have a good PC (and the requirements for the "final" this time are not weak) and consoles, you can touch the beautiful even with the help of a smartphone. Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition - the official port with a highly simplified combat system, but carefully preserved plot and cute cartoon graphics. A great way to while away the time on the road. If in doubt, play the first chapter - it is free for all owners of IOS 11.1 or Android 5.0.

Beautiful from all sides

The plot revolves around Noctis, the crown prince of the state of Lucis. His loyal companions, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, are the original bodyguards who help the prince to get to the island city of Altissia. There, Noctis must marry, thereby concluding a military alliance vital for the state. In the game itself, the backstory is presented in a very tattered and obscenely short. Therefore, we strongly advise you to watch the full-length (1 hour 50 minutes) CGI film Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV... It sheds light on b O most of the important events of the beginning of the game.

Square enix inserted fragments from a full-length movie into the game with one of the first patches for the console version

On the way, the comrades learn that the capital of Lucis, Insomnia, was attacked by the Niflheim Empire. Noctis's father seems to have been killed, and he himself will have to forcefully return the rightful throne. The road is not easy, and the first half of FFXV is a game road movie - "road adventure" in the luxurious Regalia car. The characters constantly communicate, joke and comment on what is happening. You involuntarily want to join their company, find out more about each member of the "boy band" ... but, oddly enough, the guys and their relationship are really revealed in the five-episode anime Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV... In a hundred minutes of this series, you can learn about the company almost as much as in the whole game. And it's worth it.

By the way, about the comrades. In the course of the story, friends will have to separate for a while, and you can learn about the adventures of each of them from their personal DLCs. But do not rush to turn them on ahead of time. The Gladiolus add-on should be completed after the ninth chapter of the main campaign, the Promto story after the twelfth chapter, and with Ignis it is better to wait altogether until the main quest is completed.

Huge spaces

When you first come to Lucis open world striking. In huge locations with access to a wide variety of activities, it is very easy to get lost. And although the tragic beginning prompts to quickly deal with the invaders, our main advice is not to rush!

First of all, because in the second half of the game, the essence of the narrative will change, and we will no longer be allowed into the open world. It is worth slowing down already in the third chapter, when Promto offers to hire a chocobo. These cute creatures give a special charm to races in the wilderness, where the Regalia will not go without proper improvements. Chicks can even change their appearance! And with proper pumping, pets themselves rush into battle.

Another mascot in the series, creatures called "moogles" will do just as good as chocobos. True, you will not find live cat-pigs in the game. But in the same third chapter you can find very useful amulets - muggle talismans. These cunning gizmos increase all experience gained by 20%. And if you find a second one of the same ...

But there is a catch. The talisman works only for the character who owns it. So for even pumping you need at least four, otherwise you will have to constantly transfer the amulet between the heroes.

First appearing in Final Fantasy Ⅲ, the Moogles ended each phrase with the word "nya". In subsequent games in the series, the end of the phrase was changed to "coupo"

Complete quests at the chocobo farm. The owner of the farm, Wiz, in gratitude for completing three tasks, will share a recipe for no less than a ham sandwich! It is unlikely that you will be able to get enough for a long time, but double experience is guaranteed to you. However, there is one more condition - you have to buy a thick chocobo for 1100 gil.

Fishing with Noctis, prepare goodies to strengthen the party with Ignis, photograph landscapes and funny situations with Promto, but most importantly, do not forget to rest. You will get experience for a lot of different activities, not only for battles and quests, but you can really "master" XP only during parking in nature or in comfortable hotel rooms. And the more comfortable (read, more expensive) the bed, the greater the experience multiplier. In addition, at night on the roads, demons literally get out of the ground, and battles with them at the initial levels are unlikely to give you pleasure.

On the road, time flows much slower - and the more important it is to spend it with benefit. In the comfortable Regalia, you can not only listen to the conversations of a group of friends or soundtracks from past FF parts, but also buy restorative potions and sell unnecessary junk. And Ignis can also steer.

Health recovery potions come in handy after visiting the royal tombs. Perhaps you should start looking for them as early as possible. The rulers of the kingdom of Lucis are buried in these places. The crown prince can absorb their souls and thereby gain immense power in the form of royal arms. Great firepower will help you get out of difficult situations, but you should not get carried away with such gifts: each use will cost you health points. There are eleven such crypts scattered throughout game world, and only half you will find in the course of the main tasks.

Ability to survive

In the combat system and pumping combat skills, each player will find something of their own, depending on the weapon they like and the fighting style. So the main general tips: do not forget about friendly damage, teleport Noctis to tall objects to speed up regeneration and save first-aid kits, and also learn the following skills as early as possible:

  • "Effective evasion" (8 points of abilities, the "Combat" tab) - reduces the mana cost for evasion during blocking.
  • "Telefakter" (24 OS, "Combat" tab) - increases the damage from teleporting attacks. In the future, it will literally disassemble enemies piece by piece.
  • "Stalker" (26 OS, "Fight" tab) - increases damage to enemies from behind. It will be very helpful in battles with strong opponents.
  • First Shot, All-In-Bank, Scanning (6 OS, Fight tab) - three basic skills for each of your companions. Used automatically.
  • "Deadly Dash" (28 OS, "Combat" tab) - allows you to inflict damage from a distance.
  • Chain of Strikes (8 OS, Teamwork tab) - increases the strength of linked attacks.
  • "Health reserve" (10 OS, the "Characteristics" tab) - increases the health reserve according to the hero's level. Gives a constant increase in health as the characters level up.
  • "Slot for accessories" (16 OS, the "Characteristics" tab) - gives a second accessory slot to each of the heroes.
  • "Regrouping" (18 OS, "Techniques" tab) - with this skill Ignis can take the whole group out of a dangerous situation and restore the health of friends without using potions.

As you can see, a lot of ability points are required, so at the beginning of the game you should take care of comfortable pumping. In addition to tasks and leveling up, you earn OS for finishing off the enemy with a teleporting blow or parry, as well as for conducting tactical operations during a battle. Simply put, if Gladiolus says that it is better to burn enemies, there is no need to argue. Final Fantasy XV appreciates teamwork... Even during rest, comrades can sometimes offer a quest, the completion of which will not take much time, but will generously reward the OS.

In addition to the above skills, it is worth learning the skills as early as possible to quickly gain ability points for moving a car, resting in camps, riding a chocobo and using magic.

It doesn't matter which magic you use more often, which weapon you prefer, or which companion you like best. Whether you love fishing, riding bird races or evening gatherings by the fire. Will you do side quests or focus on the main quest. Whichever path you choose, the main thing is to enjoy the game. And in this, together with our advice, you will be helped by the magic music of Yoko Shimomura and loyal companions in a reliable car.

World of Tanks is played all over the world - in Europe, Asia, America, countries the former USSR... With the exception of international tournaments, everyone only plays in their region. If you wish, you can visit the "neighbors".

To start playing in another cluster without using mods, you need:

  • Go to the main site of the game
  • Select a region in the upper left corner of the page
  • Register now
  • , if necessary
  • Download World client of Tanks for the selected region, install and start playing

It is clear that this method is not intended for those who want to play in different regions, it requires a lot of traffic to download and a lot of time to install and configure. If you plan to play for more than one day, then in the future there will be problems with updating several installed clients and mods for each of them when patches are released.

Problems with installation and configuration can be avoided by using the mod of one client to play on different World servers of Tanks. The mod adds localization files for all clusters of the game to the already installed client, which allows you to change the region by simply selecting the desired shortcut. You will still have to register in each region, but the mod eliminates the need to download, configure and update several instances of the client and mods for them.


  • Download and unpack the archive with the localization mod from the link below
  • Copy the "Automatic changelocales" folder to the C: World of Tanksres_mods folder (if the game is installed in a different location, the mod will not work)
  • Copy the contents of the "Autodesktop" folder to the Desktop or to any other place from where you start World of Tanks
  • Launch the shortcut for the region you want and play

Have you downloaded the 1.0 WoT Update but the performance is keeping you from enjoying the game? We are ready to help you! Here are some tips to help you improve performance in World of Tanks 1.0 regardless of your PC / Laptop configuration.

Update your graphics card driver to the latest version
Nvidia, AMD, and Intel regularly update the drivers for their hardware. Latest Versions tend to improve performance, especially in newer games. Check the websites of the companies to find these versions. And be sure to check that the driver matches your operating system and your specific video card model. If you do not know which video card you have installed, use the automatic detection function, which is available on each site and will allow you to download the appropriate software.

Thorough PC check
Many programs run in the background, consuming resources, including memory and processor performance. Check if you are running unnecessary processes that can affect the game. Try also clearing temporary files to free up space on your hard drive, and make sure DirectX hardware acceleration is enabled.

Run the auto-detect feature
Run auto detection to find the right balance between FPS (frames per second) and picture quality for your computer.

Make further graphics settings in World of Tanks 1.0
The best frames per second can be achieved by adjusting settings and looking for trade-offs. If you want to make additional adjustments to one of the suggested presets, read the complete settings.

Switch to a lower graphics preset in WoT 1.0
Performance can improve significantly and you can further customize your graphics by focusing on the basic settings.

Lower the setting for "3D Render Resolution"
If that doesn't work, try lowering your screen resolution. We do not recommend doing this if the client's performance allows you to play comfortably, as then performance will increase, but the picture quality will be significantly reduced.

Contact the Customer Support Center
If you have tried everything but still face technical difficulties, please report them to us by submitting a request to the Customer Support Center. Describe the problem and the steps you have already taken to solve it. We will definitely help you!

If the game client has been successfully updated to the current version, but there were problems when launching or during the game, attach the WGCheck program report to the application: this will help to solve the problem as soon as possible.

NOTE: before contacting the User Support Center, try running the game in safe mode without third-party modifications, especially since after the release of 1.0, many mods will simply stop working.

World of Tanks is a sensational free-to-play game representing several genres at once: action, shooter, and RPG. On the WoT battlefields, you have to take the place of the crew of an armored vehicle and test yourself in the greatest tank battles 20th century.

World of Tanks is a sensational free-to-play game that is a representative of several genres at once:, and. On the WoT battlefields, you have to take the place of the crew of an armored vehicle and test yourself in the greatest tank battles of the 20th century.

The creator of the game is Wargaming.net, which has released such critically acclaimed games as Operation Bagration and Order of War. In 2013, WoT won the Golden Joystick Awards for Best.

Game process

The basis gameplay World of Tanks are session PvP battles between teams of 15 players, with one single goal - the destruction of all enemy tanks or by capturing the enemy base. At the initial level, you have access to the first level of each state - participant of the Second World War. To upgrade existing tanks, train the crew and unlock new combat vehicles, the player needs to accumulate experience points in battles and earn "credits". The game has very well developed tank mechanics. Each of its component parts (turret, gun, engine) you can improve or replace with more new model... The player can sell all unnecessary spare parts or ammunition for half their cost.

Teams are randomly formed by 15 people. The models of the tanks that are in the team can be completely different. It could be cars different years release, different countries, real or experimental models. To win the battle, one of the teams must destroy all enemy vehicles or stay in the zone of the enemy base for a certain time, thereby capturing it.

Game Modes


In the "Assault" mode, a team of players must defend their base from attacks, not allowing it to be captured.

Meeting engagement

The teams are fighting to capture the only control point located on the map.

Team fight

The battle is 7 on 7 players, tanks no higher than level 8 are allowed, the composition is formed randomly based on personal rating players.

World War

On global map In the USSR, Europe, Asia, North America, North Africa, there is a confrontation between the clans sharing power.


The WoT developers paid special attention to the elaboration of tank mechanics. For historical accuracy, their appearance, armor thickness in different parts tank, the location of the crew and the presence of internal components, the developers actively consulted with specialists in tank building and military historians. The damage received when a projectile hits a tank depends on many factors (the angle of contact of the projectile with the armor, its speed, the type of ammunition, the thickness of the armor at the point of impact, etc.). The tank's capabilities also depend on the damage of its individual parts. For example, a tank will be immobilized if the engine is damaged or it may catch fire if a projectile hits the fuel tank.

World War

The WoT universe includes all the territories of the countries participating in the Second World War. Inter-clan battles for territory are constantly being waged here. The more territories your clan controls, the more gold the player will receive. The amount of the player's reward is influenced by the remoteness of the clan front from the drop zone. The clan has its own positions of commander, his deputy and treasurer. They distribute the gold earned by the clan.

To fight for territory, a new clan must apply for a landing in a zone available for landing. The danger of an attack on the conquered territory motivates clan members to enter into alliances (coalitions) with other clans. Having joined the coalition, the clans from the coalition are obliged, in the event of an attack, to attack a common enemy.

Game currency

In the World of Tanks game currency is presented in the form of loans and gold. Credits can be earned by performing well in Session Battles. Gold can be obtained in the game mode " World War", During various promotions, or purchase for real money. Credits allow the player to upgrade tanks, buy new ones, train the crew, and much more. For gold you can buy:
Premium account
Premium tank
Additional hangar space
Additional crew space in the barracks
Game credits
Instant complete crew training
The ability to replace the original tank paintwork and much more