Ai di card is a passport. Ukrainians will be able to exchange the current passports on new ID cards. When and how to do it. Who will receive ID cards for free

Open for a nationwide discussion project, according to which for accommodation and movement inside the country, instead of a passport, can implement an ID card. By the end of April, the head of state will submit a project for consideration.

Contrary to popular belief, the ID card will not replace passports and will not be replaced. However, they will become a more technological analogue of the second passport (internal), which could appear after the recognition of a national biometric passport of a citizen overseas.

Where did they come from?

The idea of \u200b\u200busing ID-cards is not new. In many countries, it has already been about 50 years. The oldest of them is the international ISIC student certificate, which has been issued since the beginning of the 1960s. This card to this day is recognized as an identity card in 120 countries.

In neighboring Kazakhstan, the ID card is a smart card with a photo, the initials of the owner, the Inn and the nationality of the owner. It is issued to all citizens of Kazakhstan from 16 years for 10 years. The map allows you to enter the territory of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan instead of using a foreign passport.

The ID card in the US is the most unified document and eliminates the need to carry a passport with it. The certificate allows you to move within the country, buy alcohol, make bank cards, as well as driving a car.

One of the last countries that provided an ID-card became Ukraine in January 2016. It is issued to all citizens from the age of 14 for compliance with the standards of the European Union and in the next 5 years should replace all internal paper passports.


Honored Art Worker of Uzbekistan, Professor MFJ Uzgumama Tursunali Kuziev about the introduction of ID maps:

Uzbekistan rapidly hurts a lot of time. Much, in what is behind, has quite objective reasons. Nevertheless, a purely human factor is often present, when a particular official, waiting for the team or a hatch from above, becomes the cause of the lag of the technologies of the society. One of these tools in the modern world and are ID cards.

Back in the distant 1994, being in South Korea, we, artists of Uzbekistan, who came with the first exhibition in this unfamiliar country, appreciated the convenience of ID cards. Then they facilitated Korean artists in their own country, quickly and without extra tension solved many questions.

Europe has long been freed from unnecessary trouble by the introduction of ID maps. This is the achievement, and tool to many amenities in society. There is a moment of guarantee of the Freedom of Personality, in the end, this is an indicator of culture and the level of development of society. All with regard to technical convenience, lists many observers. In a society where id cards have natural walking, this is also a culture rate.

What id card is more convenient than the passport?

In addition to overall features (the ID card looks like a bank plastic card and size a little more business cards), the card will become a unified document. Result: Ability to use your ID card as a driver's license, INN, e-pass and electronic keys. It will save from the need to carry a daily chamber of documents, photocopy and additional skip. A contactless chip is also embedded in the card, which cannot be copied or replaced.

All information about a citizen who will be in a regular passport is laid in the ID card. This will simplify the identification procedure as necessary. In addition, if the ID card is plastic, it is much better protected from mechanical damage and water, without requiring such a careful circulation.

How will it work in practice?

Another question is concluded in the difficulty of transition to an ID card. Its ubiquitous implementation involves equipping all visa centers, embassies, banks, hospitals, and even probably UBDD machines (if it will replace the driver's license) with special equipment for reading.

In addition, the ID card must be thought out in such a way as to contain alphabetic information about the registration of the place of residence and the marital status. Such a problem was encountered in Ukraine, when the ID card had the need to wear documents on marital status and registration. On the other hand, information about the marital status and place of residence should be laid in an electronic chip so as not to inform your home address to each who will take your card in hand.

Ideally, the ID card should be one of the most secure documents that may even contain EDS (electronic digital signature). It will be a means of remote authentication to sign documents, which additionally stimulates the development of electronic services.

It is possible that the process of transition to an ID-card will be wiserfully to make the phased, and at the initial stages - completely voluntary. World experience shows that large companies and institutions will be more interested in servicing customers with ID cards, so they will begin to buy equipment to read themselves. Even if the first obvious advantages of the owners of such cards will be able to evaluate only 1-3 years after their introduction and receipt.

From January 11, 2016, a contactless biometric ID card will be obtained in Ukraine as a substitute for a paper state passport - President Petro Poroshenko said this. And Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov in his Facebook account published detailed description Devices (in fact, the new passport is quite drawn to such a definition). "" I studied the data from the minister and the experience of other countries, where E-Government (that is, the E-government or electronic public services, which will be more clear for our person) develops a long time and successfully to understand what opportunities (so far is pure in Theories) will give Ukrainian such innovation.

What is ID card

ID cards, which will soon be able to get Ukrainians, international sample. At the moment, according to Avakov, similar documents are issued by 16 countries in the pioneer among whom Singapore is a state city with a high level of development of government electronic services.

Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the only source of information about the document gives several confused information. On the one hand, as it affirms, receiving an ID card in Ukraine is a voluntary business, on the other - to exchange a paper document on chipped citizens will be obliged for five years. The ID card will be able to get every Ukrainian who has reached 14 years (passports, remind, in our country are issued from 16). 14-year-olds will receive cards for a period of four years. A new type document will be accepted on a par with the old in all state institutions of the country from the new year. Production period - 10 days. Outstanding authority - State Migration Service. The first time is issued at the place of residence, follow-up in any branch of the migration service.

The ID-card of the Ukrainian sample, like its overseas colleagues, there will be three functions: to act as a maximally secure identity card, serve as a key to electronic public services and a carrier of the electronic digital signature (EDS) of the owner. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bour lawmaking and the experience of other countries, the ID card will be the key to a citizen to government services in electronic form. And for all relations with the state, one document will be enough - but in the case of its loss, respectively, there will be more problems.

European experience

In a number of European countries, biometric ID cards have already come to replace ordinary laminated identity cards, but without a biometric chip. In countries where such a document is already used, a biometric ID card receives everything: both citizens and owners of a permanent residence permit, and those that have only SHA (for example, students). For Europeans, his ID card is a sufficient document for free movement along the Schengen zone and even beyond its limits, while, for example, the Ukrainian student who is in the Czech Republic or Poland on training, when leaving for neighboring Germany, should have a Ukrainian passport with him With a visa. However, all the same student with his SMG will decide to issue an invitation for its Ukrainian comrades or relatives, then without an ID-card, he cannot do this. In fact, without "biometrics" he cannot do anything at all.

And since we started a conversation with an example with a Czech student, we will continue the story of the possibilities of ID maps on the example of this country, in other European states they are in principle plus-minus the same. Biometric ID cards there have become mandatory for individuals with SF or PMZ in 2011 (for comparison, in Estonia - in 2002). Those who have SMG get new map Every time getting a new resolution, but not less than once every two years. Those who have permanent residence receive an ID card for a period of 10 years.
The service is paid, costs 2500 kroons (approximately 2500 hryvnia), the loss of the document, breakage, the proceedings of the production is punishable by large fines, when moving from one place to another, it is necessary to receive a new card and pay extra 1000 kroons (or 1000 hryvnia for the current course).

Within the Czech Republic, this card is a mandatory document for wearing with you, but a foreigner does not have to have an abroad passport. It is needed to open an account in the bank, employment and any other points in relation to the state. In addition to photography, standard owner data on the ID-card is a special number (analogue of our identification), which every case receives at birth, and a foreigner - when the document is first.
In all states, the ID-card format is the same for foreigners, including. Those who have the right to request an ID card (police, bank employees, etc.), have a special reader for it with them. Several degrees of protection and complexity in production make this document at times more reliable compared to a conventional paper passport.

Special case - Estonia

In recent year-two, technologically advanced Estonia has repeatedly excited the minds with their innovations. In addition to the fact that citizens of this country were able to vote over the Internet with the help of their ID-cards or take part in the elections on any site also thanks to the ability to identify a citizen with a digital manner, so also this country has become the first in the world who gives everyone e-citizenship .

However, the ability to vote remotely implemented in Estonia depends not on the possibilities of "plastic", but from the "software" by the state. Estonia, her know-how cost 50-60 million euros. And if a number of technologically advanced government governments develop E-Government, because he can afford it (part-time it is also countries with the highest standard of living), then Estonia took the case of poverty. First, the translation of the document turnover into electronic form allows to save on paper, queues and other "charms" of the non-Russian era. Secondly, it makes the procedures transparent, which allows both to control the pockets of officials, and to constantly monitor citizens. Thirdly, it is trite convenient for everyone.

To use the card as a key to access all the country's electronic services (starting with banal references and extracts, ending with access to bank account, authentication in Internet discussions, participation in elections and preferential passage, etc.) not only the card itself is necessary, But the reader. Authorization on services requiring citizen's passport data is possible only at the moment when the card is in the reading device. In general, the number of electronic public services to which you can access remotely using the ID card in Estonia for individuals and legal entities reached 3000.

But an even more exciting aspect of the "electronization" of Estonia affects not an ID card of citizens and non-residents of the country, but the possibility of obtaining electronic citizenship in this state. History with electronic citizenship in Estonia was also introduced as a way to attract additional money to the country's economy. "Citizenship" costs 50 euros, it does not allow residence permit or special privileges to obtain a visa, but allows you to register your business in this country and pay taxes to anyone who wants to register its treasury. Since the document flow in this country occurs on the Internet, for registration of a business, payment for services and other accompanying things in Estonia does not require personal presence, the system of doing business is now more transparent, such a proposal looks attractive. To get a document to go to Estonia, still have to - hand out fingerprints, get acquainted with the local police, submit documents. The time consideration of the application is 2 weeks. After that, the "electronic" citizen receives his ID card, the possibilities of which are strongly cut compared with the standard, and can receive services from the Estonian state. Data on the number of "electronic" citizens of Estonia has not yet been voiced.


For China, the certification of citizens became the task of the century and it was going to succeed in the state in the 90s of the twentieth century. At the moment, the Chinese are moving on the third generation of ID-cards, and this is the first generation with biometric data. ID card in China is a full-fledged bank card, in addition to the owner's data, its registration, photo, fingerprints can contain in encrypted in the form of any information necessary Chinese. For example, his medical card, a subscription to the fitness center. The map, as in other countries, is perfectly protected from theft and loss. If the user, for example, loses its passport, then all the data attached to it, including the card in the fitness club, are easily restored and definitely cannot be used by other persons. An interesting case of using an ID card in China is kindergartens. On the map of parents, the guards at the entrance to the Children's Institution see on the screen of the multifunctional terminal, which of whom they came from the children.

As you can see, the use of a contactless biometric ID card allows not only to make interaction with the state more convenient, and documents are more reliable, it also leads to the fact that society is more secure, and all personal documents of the user are even more personalized, protected from Theft and action of intruders.

"DS" studied that he would give Ukrainians replacing a paper passport to a contactless biometric ID card.

From January 11, 2016, a contactless biometric ID card will be obtained in Ukraine as a substitute for a paper state passport - President Petro Poroshenko said this. And Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov in his Facebook account published a detailed description of the device (in fact, the new passport is quite drawn to such a definition).

"DS" studied the data from the minister and the experience of other countries where E-Government (that is, the "electronic government" or electronic public services, which will be more clear for our person) develops a long time and successfully to understand what opportunities (so far is clean In theory) will give Ukrainar such an innovation.

What is ID card

ID cards, which will soon be able to get Ukrainians, international sample. At the moment, according to Avakov, similar documents are issued by 16 countries in the pioneer among whom Singapore is a state city with a high level of development of government electronic services.

Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the only source of information about the document gives several confused information. On the one hand, as it affirms, receiving an ID card in Ukraine is a voluntary business, on the other - to exchange a paper document on chipped citizens will be obliged for five years. The ID card will be able to get every Ukrainian who has reached 14 years (passports, remind, in our country are issued from 16). 14-year-olds will receive cards for a period of four years. A new type document will be accepted on a par with the old in all state institutions of the country from the new year. Production period - 10 days. Outstanding authority - State Migration Service. The first time is issued at the place of residence, follow-up in any branch of the migration service.

The ID-card of the Ukrainian sample, like its overseas colleagues, there will be three functions: to act as a maximally secure identity card, serve as a key to electronic public services and a carrier of the electronic digital signature (EDS) of the owner. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bour lawmaking and the experience of other countries, the ID card will be the key to a citizen to government services in electronic form. And for all relations with the state, one document will be enough - but in the case of its loss, respectively, there will be more problems.

European experience

In a number of European countries, biometric ID cards have already come to replace ordinary laminated identity cards, but without a biometric chip. In countries where such a document is already used, a biometric ID card receives everything: both citizens and owners of a permanent residence permit, and those that have only SHA (for example, students). For Europeans, his ID card is a sufficient document for free movement along the Schengen zone and even beyond its limits, while, for example, the Ukrainian student who is in the Czech Republic or Poland on training, when leaving for neighboring Germany, should have a Ukrainian passport with him With a visa. However, all the same student with his SMG will decide to issue an invitation for its Ukrainian comrades or relatives, then without an ID-card, he cannot do this. In fact, without "biometrics" he cannot do anything at all.

And since we started a conversation with an example with a Czech student, we will continue the story of the possibilities of ID maps on the example of this country, in other European states they are in principle plus-minus the same. Biometric ID cards there have become mandatory for individuals with SF or PMZ in 2011 (for comparison, in Estonia - in 2002). Those who have SMH receive a new card every time getting a new resolution, but not less than once every two years. Those who have permanent residence receive an ID card for a period of 10 years.
The service is paid, costs 2500 kroons (approximately 2500 hryvnia), the loss of the document, breakage, the proceedings of the production is punishable by large fines, when moving from one place to another, it is necessary to receive a new card and pay extra 1000 kroons (or 1000 hryvnia for the current course).

Within the Czech Republic, this card is a mandatory document for wearing with you, but a foreigner does not have to have an abroad passport. It is needed to open an account in the bank, employment and any other points in relation to the state. In addition to photography, standard owner data on the ID-card is a special number (analogue of our identification), which every case receives at birth, and a foreigner - when the document is first.
In all states, the ID-card format is the same for foreigners, including. Those who have the right to request an ID card (police, bank employees, etc.), have a special reader for it with them. Several degrees of protection and complexity in production make this document at times more reliable compared to a conventional paper passport.

Special case - Estonia

In recent year-two, technologically advanced Estonia has repeatedly excited the minds with their innovations. In addition to the fact that citizens of this country were able to vote over the Internet with the help of their ID-cards or take part in the elections on any site also thanks to the ability to identify a citizen with a digital manner, so also this country has become the first in the world who gives everyone e-citizenship .

However, the ability to vote remotely implemented in Estonia depends not on the possibilities of "plastic", but from the "software" by the state. Estonia, her know-how cost 50-60 million euros. And if a number of technologically advanced government governments develop E-Government, because he can afford it (part-time it is also countries with the highest standard of living), then Estonia took the case of poverty. First, the translation of the document turnover into electronic form allows to save on paper, queues and other "charms" of the non-Russian era. Secondly, it makes the procedures transparent, which allows both to control the pockets of officials, and to constantly monitor citizens. Thirdly, it is trite convenient for everyone.

To use the card as a key to access all the country's electronic services (starting with banal references and extracts, ending with access to bank account, authentication in Internet discussions, participation in elections and preferential passage, etc.) not only the card itself is necessary, But the reader. Authorization on services requiring citizen's passport data is possible only at the moment when the card is in the reading device. In general, the number of electronic public services to which you can access remotely using the ID card in Estonia for individuals and legal entities reached 3000.

But an even more exciting aspect of the "electronization" of Estonia affects not an ID card of citizens and non-residents of the country, but the possibility of obtaining electronic citizenship in this state. History with electronic citizenship in Estonia was also introduced as a way to attract additional money to the country's economy. "Citizenship" costs 50 euros, it does not allow residence permit or special privileges to obtain a visa, but allows you to register your business in this country and pay taxes to anyone who wants to register its treasury. Since the document flow in this country occurs on the Internet, for registration of a business, payment for services and other accompanying things in Estonia does not require personal presence, the system of doing business is now more transparent, such a proposal looks attractive. To get a document to go to Estonia, still have to - hand out fingerprints, get acquainted with the local police, submit documents. The time consideration of the application is 2 weeks. After that, the "electronic" citizen receives his ID card, the possibilities of which are strongly cut compared with the standard, and can receive services from the Estonian state. Data on the number of "electronic" citizens of Estonia has not yet been voiced.


Photo: For China, the certification of citizens became the task of the century and how many succeeded by the state it became in the 90s of the twentieth century. At the moment, the Chinese are moving on the third generation of ID-cards, and this is the first generation with biometric data. The ID card in China is a full-fledged bank card, in addition to the owner's data, its registration, photo, fingerprints may contain in the encrypted in the form of any information you need. For example, his medical card, a subscription to the fitness center. The map, as in other countries, is perfectly protected from theft and loss. If the user, for example, loses its passport, then all the data attached to it, including the card in the fitness club, are easily restored and definitely cannot be used by other persons. An interesting case of using an ID card in China is kindergartens. On the map of parents, the guards at the entrance to the Children's Institution see on the screen of the multifunctional terminal, which of whom they came from the children.

As you can see, the use of a contactless biometric ID card allows not only to make interaction with the state more convenient, and documents are more reliable, it also leads to the fact that society is more secure, and all personal documents of the user are even more personalized, protected from Theft and action of intruders.

Today, the passport of a citizen of Belarus is a document having a familiar appearance, with seals, registration stamps, signatures. And biometrics are a personal identification technology that uses the physiological parameters of a person: fingerprints, a rainbow shell of eyes, and so on. Such data are harder to fake.

For example, in Ukraine began to produce biometric passports since 2015, and the ID card - from 2016. Why do we talk all the time about two different documents - passport and identification card?

Everything is simple: one is needed for crossing the border, the second is for use within the country. But the data is stored on both carriers are absolutely the same. Except that biometric passports will be used to obtain visas.

But from the current Belarusian passport, the new document will be more serious. It should be built into a special microcircuit, containing a photo of the owner, its usual data (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, passport number, date of its issuance and expiration date) and special biometric information. In our case, it will be fingerprints.

ID-card Gets the exact same set of information about the holder. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they do not exclude that over time, the need for biometric passports will disappear and only the card will remain, according to which it will be possible to leave abroad. But so far it's too early to talk about it. Actually, in the government, there are still disputes about whether it is necessary to implement biometry in general. But the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this issue has a tough position that his representatives defend on each working group, with any discussion of the project running just half a year ago.

The Department of Citizenship and Migration plans to issue about a million ID cards per year.And I will need to be approximately 500-600 thousand biometric passports, As they will need only to those who go abroad. So ordering and paying the manufacture of the second document can be at will.

The first document with electronic information is collected in the fourth quarter of 2018, that is, after a year and a half.

Biometric passport As the usual, will be made on a paper basis, but it will still be more durable. Externally, a new passport will not differ anything. The same blue cover. Only a special icon will be added on it.

At the same time bring one significant innovation - you can get two identical biometric passports at the same time. This will facilitate the procedure for obtaining new visas. So far, one of the passports is in the consulate, on the second you can safely ride abroad.

That is, at the end of 2018 we will be able to have two passports and a national card. By the way, the Citizen ID card will be done on a plastic basis. They will resemble the current driver's license.

True, the two documents are not going to unite, because in this way there may be a problem with the deprivation of drivers of rights. Only on such maps there will still be a chip, as in the cover of new passports. Documents will be issued from birth. Up to 14 years - for 5 years, and after 14 - for 10 years.

On the ID card will not indicate the registration site - only on the chip. It will be done in order not to change the card every time after moving to a new apartment. Now the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing for the modernization of its branches, where they will shoot fingerprints, photograph. Passports will be issued only there. And all information about personalization will be in Minsk.

That is, all the data on each citizen of the country will gather in a single base. And while there is a coordination of all the nuances to introduce new technology, it is suggested that in the future the ID card will be not just an identity card, but also a payment facility.

But everything will depend on readiness for this banks. Perhaps they will also be able to agree that the recently created interbank identification system is integrated with the passport system, which will facilitate financial services.