Book: "Atlas of highways of the USSR. Library of the motorist - atlas of roads of the former USSR Automobile atlas of the ussr

The Atlas is intended for motorists as a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. It includes the territory of the USSR, where there are roads, so some ASSRs, territories and regions are not shown on the maps in full. Map scales: 1:1,250,000 (in 1 cm 12.5 km), 1: 1,500,000 (in 1 cm 15 km), 1: 1,750,000 (in 1 cm 17.5 km), 1: 2,000 000 (in 1 cm 20 km), 1: 2,500,000 (in 1 cm 25 km), 1: 3,000,000 (in 1 cm 30 km), 1: 4,000,000 (in 1 cm 40 km). All maps are oriented to the north. The maps are arranged by republics, starting with the largest - the RSFSR and then in the order of the republics on the territory of the USSR in the direction from north to south and from west to east. As part of the republics, the maps are arranged by administrative units, also according to the above order. Separate territories (Khorezm region, north-eastern part of the Tashauz region, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region) are placed in the form of insets. The road network on the maps is shown with...

Publisher: "Main Department of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR" (1987)

Format: 72x112/16, 176 pages

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    Your attention is invited to "Atlas highways USSR" - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 72x112/16, 158 pages)1974
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    The atlas is intended for motorists who need a guide to the roads of the former Soviet Union. The atlas maps cover that part of the territory of the USSR where there are roads, therefore ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 72x112 / 16, 154 pages)1978
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    The Atlas is intended for motorists as a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. It includes the territory of the USSR, where there are roads, so some ASSRs, territories and regions ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 72x112 / 16, 182 pages)1991
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    The Atlas is intended for motorists and is a detailed guide to the roads of the former Soviet Union. The atlas contains maps of the administrative-territorial units of the USSR (allied ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 170x265, 168 pages)1971
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    The Atlas is intended for motorists and is a detailed guide to the roads of the former Soviet Union. The atlas contains maps of the administrative-territorial units of the USSR (allied ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography of the State Geological Committee of the USSR, (format: 72x112 / 16, 168 pages)1970
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    The Atlas is intended for motorists as a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. It includes the territory of the USSR, where there are roads, so some ASSRs, territories and regions ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 72x112 / 16, 176 pages)1989
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    The atlas is intended for motorists who need a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. The atlas contains maps for the administrative-territorial units of the USSR (union republics, ASSR ... - Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (format: 72x112 / 16, 168 pages)1973
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    Atlas of highways of the former USSR
    Author: collective
    Format: DJVU
    Size: 10 Mb
    Quality: Excellent, color images
    Russian language
    Publication year: 1980
    Map scales: 1:1 600 000 (in 1 cm 16 km), 1: 1 750 000 (in 1 cm 17.5 km), 1: 2 500 000 (in 1 cm 25 km), 1: 3 000 000 (in 1 cm 30 km), 1:4 000 000 (in 1 cm 40 km).
    The atlas is intended for motorists who need a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. The maps of the atlas cover that part of the territory of the USSR where there are motor roads; therefore, individual republics, krais, and oblasts are not shown in full on the maps.
    Map scales: 1:1 600,000 (in 1 cm 16 km), 1: 1,750,000 (in 1 cm 17.5 km), 1: 2,500,000 (in 1 cm 25 km), 1: 3,000,000 (in 1 cm 30 km), 1:4,000,000 (40 km in 1 cm).
    The federal republic is taken as a separate mapped unit. The territory of the RSFSR, the largest republic, is divided into three regions. Significant republics and regions of the RSFSR, which occupy several pages of the atlas, are divided into rectangles (pages and spreads). The overlapping strip of cards of each section is, as a rule, 1 cm and is limited by a blue dashed line. Outside of its section or region, the overlap bar is not shown. Each map has an arrow indicating the orientation to the north.
    The "Layout of sections of the atlas" (pp. VI-VII) indicates the places of the union republics or regions in the atlas. Each section is preceded by a layout of maps, where the pages of the atlas are indicated.
    To determine on which pages a map of a particular republic, territory or region is placed, one should refer to the index of political-administrative and administrative-territorial units (p. X).
    Information about the location of the settlement is given by the index of the names of settlements, placed at the end of the atlas.
    On the maps of the atlas, motor roads are divided into 4 groups: nationwide, republican, regional and other roads (see p.U "Symbols").
    To find the road interrupted by the map frame, refer to the page number indicated in the blue arrow near the frame. If the continuation of the road is outside the section and the index arrow
    no, you need to refer to the "Layout of sections of the atlas" and determine on which pages the adjacent section is located.
    Kilometer signs are given near settlements and at crossroads and the distances between them are indicated in kilometers * (red numbers between red signs). Between major cities, the total mileage is indicated (blue numbers between blue signs). Distances between major settlements are also given in the tables on pages VIII-IX.
    In each section of the atlas, motorist service points: gas stations, car service stations, hotels, car camp sites and campsites, tourist bases with campsites are shown only within the corresponding administrative-territorial unit, and on page XI there is a list of SACs (specialized auto centers) and service stations car maintenance) of the Volga Automobile Plant.
    On the schematic plans of the most important cities (pages 1-9), the main roads, service points and their addresses are indicated. The map of Moscow, in addition, shows the exits on the Moscow Ring Road and the distance from Red Square to it in meters.
    Road signs are placed in the atlas on pages 127-128.

    Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR The Atlas is intended for motorists as a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. It includes the territory of the USSR, where there are roads, so some ASSRs, territories and regions are not shown on the maps in full. The maps are arranged by republics, starting with the largest - the RSFSR and then in the order of the republics on the territory of the USSR in the direction from north to south and from west to east. As part of the republics, the maps are arranged by administrative units, also according to the above order. Separate territories are placed in the form of insets. The road network on the maps is shown with a division into roads of national importance (trunk and others), republican significance and others. On roads of national importance, their numbers are indicated. Complete road information according to conventional signs fits within the administrative divisions listed in the map titles. Continuation of roads outside the main area, see pages, numbers... 1 340 340


    The Atlas is intended for motorists as a guide to the roads of the Soviet Union. It includes the territory of the USSR, where there are roads, so some ASSRs, territories and regions are not shown on the maps in full. The maps are arranged by republics, starting with the largest - the RSFSR and then in the order of the republics on the territory of the USSR in the direction from north to south and from west to east. As part of the republics, the maps are arranged by administrative units, also according to the above order. Separate territories are placed in the form of insets. The road network on the maps is shown with a division into roads of national importance (trunk and others), republican significance and others. On roads of national importance, their numbers are indicated. Complete road information according to conventional signs is placed within the administrative units listed in the map headings. Continuation of roads outside the main area, see pages, numbers...