The rules of the fool's game. How to win at the Fool: some tactical tricks. Basic game features

Completely match with classic rules game Fool throw-in.

The game uses a deck of 36 cards and involves two to four players. Each is dealt 6 cards, the next card after the deal is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game.

Purpose of the game

The object of the game is to get rid of all cards. The last player who does not get rid of the cards remains in the "fools".

The player with the lowest trump card goes first, then clockwise. You can move any number of cards of the same rank. The first "retreat" is 5 cards.

The player who is being played can cover the cards either with the highest card of the same suit, or with a trump card, if the card being covered itself is not a trump card - in this case, it can only be covered with the highest trump card.

The walking player has the right to "throw" cards that match any card on the table, including those that were played and those with which they were wings. If more than two players participate in the game, then the player who moved has the first word, but when he has finished walking, the other players have the right to throw their cards according to the same rules. You can also throw cards when the player has decided to accept the cards and not continue to fight back, this is called "after". Can't be thrown more cards, what remains for the beating player - that is, if the player has three cards, he was given one, and he decided not to cover it, then he can only add two after him. You cannot throw more than six cards in total, even if the player has more cards in his hand.

If the player, under whom they move, fought back, then he goes next, but first all players get up to 6 cards, starting with the player who played first, and ending with the player who fought back.

If the player could not fight back, then he takes all the cards, and the player on the left goes next.

Muhlezh and antimuhlezh

The ability to cheat adds even more lively excitement to the card game, as in a real game with real people.

To cheat, you need to click on the "cheat" button and you can beat or transfer with any card, without any restrictions.

Remember that as in a live game with real opponents, any cheating can be exposed.

If you think you have revealed cheating, then before the end of the current round, press the "anti-cheating" button next to the avatar of the player who, as it seems to you, is cheating. If the player turns out to be honest, you are deprived of the opportunity to reveal the player's cheating until the end of the round.

At a picnic, during a meeting with friends, on a long-distance train and just in the park, you can often hear a perky "beat! Your move ”, and no one will have to explain what is happening there - the people are playing cards. In the post-Soviet space, the game "fool" was and remains the most popular among card games, it is known to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status. Let's list again its rules in order to learn exactly how to play the fool.

As you know, the game uses a deck of 36 cards with the participation of two to six players. At the first deal, everyone receives six cards, the suit of the next card becomes a trump card for this game... The rest of the deck is stacked on top of the revealed card (face down), from which players take cards as needed. The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards before the other players. The last player with cards remains in the "fools".

The game begins with the player's move with the lowest trump card, then go "out of the fool". The moves are made clockwise, usually with one or more cards of the same value, and the attacked player must cover them with the highest card of the same suit or trump. If the player covers all the cards, the turn goes to him; if not, he takes everything open cards, and after the rest of the players draw up to six cards from the deck, the turn goes to the next player.

The types of this game are simple, throw-in and transferable fools, each with slightly different rules. The throw-in got its name because of the granting of all players the right to "throw" cards of the corresponding value to the batter; in the translated fool, the player being targeted has the right to redirect the move to the next player by playing a card of the same value.

To learn to play the fool is not enough to know general rules... This is one of the few card games in which you can develop a specific strategy and tactics. Game strategy is essentially based on memorizing cards and understanding game statistics, game psychology, and probability theory. When playing for two, knowing that the total number of cards is 36, of which 9 are trump cards, we calculate that a third of the deck is dealt at once, and the players have on average one and a half trump cards in their hands, and one trump card is open. At the beginning of the game, players do not know 23 cards, and the more cards a player is able to memorize during the game, the more successful he will be - at the end of the game it becomes possible to predict the remaining cards of the opponent in order to plan winning moves.

When you start playing cards as a fool, in addition to keeping statistics, it is also important to closely monitor your opponent, determine his tactics and develop your own counter-tactics in a timely manner - experts in this area have developed a number of specific recommendations for each specific case. General recommendations include the following: at the beginning of the game, you should not fold trump cards, fight back if possible with paired cards, memorize the sequence of cards leaving the game, and, if necessary, resort to bluffing - as in any card game, the method of subtle deception of the opponent remains very effective ...

Card games are fun for gamblers who like to develop their intelligence and try their luck.

Types of game: throw-in and transfer fool

Card game in a fool has several types:

  • Translated.
  • Throw-down.
  • With shoulder straps.

The classic game means following all the rules without reservation. Another name is thrown fool.

The players are dealt 6 cards each, the deck is placed in the middle of the circle. The dealer randomly removes a trump card from the deck and puts it down, revealing the symbol. The whole course of the game depends on the suit.

The first player's move determines the presence of the smallest trump card in his hands. The next game is opened by the one to the left of the loser.

The player throws a card that needs to be recaptured. The rest of the participants make a move in turn, in a circle. The player beats off all the moves of the opponents or accepts, losing the opportunity to move.

The loser deals the next round. The number of losses of each participant is taken into account. In some circles, it is customary to gamble. The casinos banned in Russia assumed a variety of games and high stakes.

Interesting fact! Many seniors have fun by playing throw-in fool.

And to heighten the excitement, they put money on the line: rubles or kopecks. Losing will not cost too much, but winning 10-20 rubles will seem like real luck.

The transferable fool assumes all the rules with one exception. The player can transfer the move to the opponent by placing an equivalent card on the table, regardless of its suit. The next player will have to cover it.

Playing the fool with shoulder straps is no different from the translated fool, but there is one nuance. All players begin to collect two cards of a certain value.

They are needed to hang them on the loser's shoulders, like shoulder straps, after winning the round. At first, the sixes are the epaulettes, but each con increases in value. The next ones are sevens.

When all the shoulder straps from the deck, up to aces, have been hanged to the opponent, he is officially a loser.

Shoulder straps on hands during the game can greatly interfere, since the number of cards is limited to 6, shoulder straps cannot be used for defense or attack. The excitement of this type of game is off scale.

Secrets of the game or how not to lose

Each type of game involves a deck. When playing the fool, a deck of 36 characters is used. The experience gained while studying the game will help in other similar competitions.

For a gambling person who wants to master the skill of a win-win card battle, our advice will be indispensable.

Three tricks for a win-win fooling game:

Method description Addition
1 Labeled cards Deception, like any tricks and tricks, but effective. Examine the deck, memorize all the cracks and bends on the back side, so that you know which card is in the opponent's hands
2 Studying your opponent's facial expressions to recognize bluffs An additional method that will help in the decisive battle. Memorize the facial expressions of each player in different situations, learn the mimic signs of a good and bad situation
3 Memorizing moves Using mnemonics, tie each card to a certain vivid image in order to remember which ones came out of the deck and which ones are in your hands. This will allow you to calculate the options for the development of events.

It will take time, but the result will not be long in coming: you can play for serious amounts, earning it, or simply surprise your friends with your abilities.

Important! Luck is a coincidence that is beneficial to a certain person. Take it into your own hands and arrange for yourself these favorable circumstances.

The first option from the list is suitable only for certain circumstances: when they play with your deck, and the players do not ask why you are looking at other people's cards.

5 ways to learn to memorize cards when playing the fool:

  • Spread out cards in rows, according to seniority, put a certain picture on each of them: a clipping from a magazine or a sticker.
  • Come up with a story associated with suits, so that in the subconscious they become associated with feelings and emotions.
  • Bind each character to a certain character from the film in your imagination. Choose your favorite movie that has been watched a hundred times.
  • Divide on the suit. Let one suit be tied to smells, another to delicious dishes, and the third to familiar people, friends and colleagues.

    Tie the fourth to certain events, dates, facts.

To associate, you need to use one of the proposed methods.

Scheme of binding the map to taste buds:

  1. Lays out all the suits in order.
  2. We start with the smallest - six. We take it in hand, imagine the smallest edible dish. Crackle or bagel. We present it to taste and remember.
  3. The 7 looks like a goose, think of it as a contaminated dish with apples around the edges.
  4. Eight is a birthday cake for March 8th.
  5. Nine is an orange.
  6. Ten - an empty plate and a fork nearby.
  7. Jack is a young man who ordered sushi for dinner with a gorgeous girl.
  8. Lady - A middle-aged woman preparing borscht in the kitchen.
  9. The king is shrimps.
  10. Ace - imagine your favorite dish.

Remember this order, and it will become easier for you as you play. It is easier to remember that a lady with borsch and an orange came out of the deck than a specific card.

Enjoy the game, develop your skills and win! By the principle of memorizing cards, you will learn not to forget other important things. It trains your memory.

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Usually only two players participate in the game. Use a deck of 36 sheets.

The game is played according to the rules of a thrown fool, but the goal of the game is completely different. It is necessary not only to leave the opponent in a fool, but at the same time with the last move, that is, using all the cards remaining in your hand, go to him from paired cards of a certain value. In this case, the number of paired cards is arbitrary - there can be two, three, or four. These cards are called shoulder straps, they are then "hung" on the fool's shoulders. However, if the paired cards of the last run are beaten off and at the same time the beaten one also has no cards left in his hands, the shoulder straps are not hung - the fool did not take place.

First you need to hang shoulder straps in the form of sixes. When one of the players accomplishes this, he will already hang seven shoulder straps, and his opponent, of course, is still six. If he also hangs six shoulder straps on his opponent, they will both continue to hang sevens on him, but if he instead hangs sevens, then the player who did this will now hang eight, and his opponent will still hang six. Thus, the game continues further: after the eight shoulder straps, you need to hang nines, then tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Delivery, in which no one has hung shoulder straps for anyone, is ineffectual.

The winner is the one who is the first to hang the largest, ace, shoulder straps on the opponent.

The cards that the player in this deal should hang as shoulder straps are special for him. For example, if a player hangs nines in the current deal, then he can neither walk with them, nor beat them, nor fight them, while for his opponent no restrictions are imposed on handling nines. But he also has his own special cards - those that he now has to hang. For example, if he now hangs sevens, then he can calmly beat the opponent's sixes and eights with his nines, but if he goes with a seven, he must accept it.

This game differs markedly in its ideology from the usual thrown fool and is often delayed for quite a long time.

It is good, for example, for playing on a train when you are in no hurry and no one distracts you, or on the beach, if you can calmly play a small amount of deals at a time, postpone the continuation to the next days.

To speed up the game, trump cards are usually excluded from special cards. So, if a player hangs nines, he can neither walk, nor beat, nor fight back with non-trump nines. No restrictions are imposed on the trump card in the denomination of the hanging shoulder straps. This is very convenient, especially when you are already hanging larger shoulder straps. For example, if you are ready to crown your opponent's shoulders with aces, a trump ace will greatly facilitate your task - having it and a couple of other aces as shoulder straps, you can always use the trump card to clear off or to sleep up your opponent - after all, he will not beat the trump ace.

In general, since in order to hang shoulder straps, one must first of all have them, each player must have cards of the corresponding denomination. At the same time, his opponent, having collected at least three cards of the denomination of the shoulder straps hung on him, is guaranteed to protect himself from them, if, of course, he does not use them. However, this ballast will greatly complicate his task. As a rule, in the early stages of the game you have to take risks and part with indicated maps... If the cards that your opponent is now going to hang on you have grown, then, having received them from the deck, you should try to remove them from the game, simply by fighting them off - you have every right to do this, of course, if you are not hanging cards of the same on your opponent now face value.

If the game does not impose any restrictions on the trump card of the denomination of the shoulder straps to be hung, the player usually strives to come to the end of the game with the least ballast, that is, only two cards intended for shoulder straps - the trump card and one non-trump card. At the same time, he can both achieve his goal in a good scenario, by hanging shoulder straps, and at a critical moment, feeling the threat of his own "catching up", use his trump shoulder strap, although parting with the hope of hanging shoulder straps on his opponent, but at the same time saving his shoulders from them , beating off an opponent's card or overwhelming him.

Of course, knowing about the same problems of your opponent, you yourself are thinking about whether to fight back with the cards he needs to hang shoulder straps, thereby removing them from the game, or, on the contrary, use them on the opponent, forcing him to play with useless so far that ballast on your hands. You can also always play and even thinner, leaving one of the cards that are now trying to hang on you in your hands until the end of the game. If you know that your competent opponent saves the trump card of the "running" denomination, choosing to the last whether to hang it on you or fight it off in a critical situation, you can always deprive him of this illusory chance - as soon as he fights back with his trump pursuit, you are here toss him another one, but already not a trump one, which he has no right to beat off with all his might.

This game is perfect for those who have already mastered the usual thrown fool quite well and are eager to try something more serious. Try it, maybe a fool with epaulettes will be your next step in card skill. When playing for the first time, do not fall into doubts if at first both you and your opponent hang shoulder straps with great difficulty - with an increase in the value of the shoulder straps to be hung, things will go much faster.

A deck of 36 cards is used and two to four players are involved. Each is dealt 6 cards, the next card after the deal is revealed, and its suit sets the trump card for this game.

The object of the game is to get rid of all cards. The last player who does not get rid of the cards remains in the "fools".

The player with the lowest trump card goes first, then clockwise.

You can move any number of cards of the same rank.

The player who is being played can "transfer" or "cover" the cards.

In the first round, cards cannot be transferred. The first "retreat" is 5 cards.

How to translate

If a player has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to an already lying card and "transfer" both cards to the next player. The first horse cannot be transferred. Translation is possible only when the player has not yet begun to fight back. You can re-translate. If at least one turn card is beaten, the others cannot be transferred. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in hand. When the cards are transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the beating player, and is obliged to cover everything, or accept.

The player can translate the move, but is not required to. Translation is possible only when the player has not started to fight back.

How to fight back

You can fight back with the highest card of the same suit, or with a trump card, if the hidden card itself is not a trump card - in this case, it can only be covered with the highest trump card.

How to pop up

The walking player has the right to "throw" cards that match any card on the table, including those that were played and those with which they were wings.

If more than two players participate in the game, then the player who played has the first word, but when he started to move, the other players have the right to throw their cards according to the same rules. You can also throw cards when the player has decided to accept the cards and not continue to fight back, this is called "after". You cannot throw more cards than the beating player has left - that is, if the player has three cards, he was given one, and he decided not to cover it, then he can only add two after him. You cannot throw more than six cards in total, even if the player has more cards in his hand.

If the player, under whom they move, fought back, then he goes next, but first all players get up to 6 cards, starting with the player who played first, and ending with the player who fought back.

If the player could not fight back, then he takes all the cards, and the player on the left goes next.

Muhlezh and antimuhlezh

You have the opportunity to cheat in the game by purchasing a special gaming gadget. The card game becomes even more realistic: as in real life if you have a gadget, you can beat off and transfer with any card by pressing the "cheat" button.