Codes to Max Paine. Cheats for Max Payne. Cheats to Max Payne

To access the game console, run MaxPayne.exe using the command line with the "-Developer parameter" (Developer). Once you start the game with the "Developer" parameter you will get access to the game console using the key. Example: "C: \\ Max Payne \\ Maxpayne.exe" -Developer Codes: Click to call a gaming console, and then enter: Coder - Immortality, all weapons, endless cartridges, etc. GOD - Mortal Immortality - Turn Off's Immortality GetallWeapons - All Weapons GetInfiniteammo - Endless Cartridges GetPainkillers - Get 8 Pain Cartridges C_ADDHEALTH (100) - Add 100 Lives Jump10 - Jump Above (20 or 30 To Jump Even above) SetWoundedState - walk like wounded setnormalstate - walk okay Get things: You can use the "Get" command to add different weapons and things to your Arsenal: GetBaseBallBat - GetBeretta Baseball Bit - Beret GetBerettaDual or GetdualBeretta - Two Berets GetDesERTEAGLE - Pistol "Desert Eagle" GetSawedShotgun - GETPUMPUSCHOTGUN shotgun GetJackhammer - Jack Hammer GetIngram - uzi GetDualIngram or GetIngramDual - two uzi GetMP5 or GetColtCommando - M16 GetMolotov - Molotov cocktail GetGrenade - pomegranate GetM79 - M79 (grenade launcher) GetSniper - sniper rifle GetHealth - life GetPainkillers - 8 painkillers GetBulletTime - freeze time transition to the desired level : To go to Liu Fight Level Dial the following in the game console while playing any level: MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (level name) where the level name is one of the following: startup_level Tutorial End_Combat (Secret Final, use this MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendFGameMessages () ; ") part0_level1 part2_level0 part3_level1 part1_level1 part2_level1 part3_level2 part1_level1b part2_level2 part3_level2b part1_level2 part2_level2b part3_level3 part1_level2b part2_level3 part3_level4 part1_level3 part2_level4 part3_level5 part1_level3b part3_level5b part1_level4 part3_level6 part1_level5 part3_level7 part1_level6 Easter eggs: In the third episode of the fourth part (garage) immediately after the title sequence to kill the four guys (those What's with the machine). Now look to the right to the garage, and you will see 3 barrels and A / C-block. Jump on them to the roof. On the roof you will see the construction, on the wall of which there will be a segment in the form of a door, painted a little paler than the rest of the wall. Skate into this area from any weapon, and the wall breaks down. Enter the inside: on the floor you will see something like a lattice. Come to her and you fall into another room where you will be waiting for some of the weapons, including sniper rifle With cartridges. And in this room, if you turn on the radio, you can listen to recorded developers' conversations. When you find a piano (at the level with the estate), click to use it, and Max will play a musical theme of the game. If you then shoot the piano in the cover, so that it fell, you can play the tool again. In the bar Find a shock setup, click to use it, and Max will knock for you on the drums. You can also try the guitar that lies near the floor. And if you make Max use microphones - he will say "Karaoke Was Never My Thing". (Karaoke has never been my skate) at the end of the third part of the first episode (gangster hotel), before blowing up the barrel and break the floor explosion, opposite the toilet Where an ambush was arranged at Max, you will see a completely skipped door. Shot in her a couple of times, and it will fall apart. You will open the entrance to the room with a large window. Get out through this window to the cornice and go to the right. Shoot the board window and climb into the room where you will be waiting for a corpse with a knife in the back, 5 pcs. Molotov cocktails and other useful items. There, after the explosion of the barrel, which breaks the floor, go down to the floor below; In one of the first rooms on the wall next to the bed will hang a poster with a naked girl. Click on it - the poster goes down, and the camcorder will stand behind it. The wardrobe near the wall around the corner is nothing but the entrance to a secret room, from which the shooting occurs. At the beginning of the first level in front of the bank you will see a hole. Use the codes and make yourself a grenade. Throw them in a hole. Now go to the room with mice

To Get Access To The Game Console, You Need to Start Maxpayne.exe WITH THE COMMAND LINE PARAMETER "-DEVELOPER". Example: C: \\ Maxpayne \\ Maxpayne.exe -Developer Once You Have the game Running in Developer Mode, You Get Access to the game CODER - GOD MODE, ALLIAPONS, UNLIMITED AMMO, ETC GOD - GOD Mode Mortal - Become Mortal Showfps - Show FPS NOCLIP - Fly Mode Noclip_off - No Fly Mode GetBullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out Showfps - Show Frame Rate GetPainkillers - Get 8 Painkillers C_ADDHEALTH (100) - Add 100 to Health GetAllweapons - All Weapons GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo jump10 - Jump higher (set to 20 or 30 for higher) SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded SetNormalState - Walk Normally GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat GetBeretta - Beretta GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun # 1 Getpumpumphotgun - Shotgun # 2 GetJackhammer - Jackhammer Shotgun Getingram - Ingram GetingramDual (Or Getdualingram) - Dual Ingrams GetMP5 - MP5 GetColtcommando - Colt Commando Getmolotov - Molotov Cockta il GetGrenade - Grenade GetM79 - M79 GetSniper - Sniper Rifle GetHealth - Health GetPainkillers - Pain Killers GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time Jump10 - Big Jump Jump20 - BigBig Jump Jump30 - BigBigBigJump Inventory - Details of Player Clr - Delete Line Help - List Cheats The following Keys Will Be Enabled Also: [C] - Cycle Through Three Camera Modes - Cycle Mesh Up - Cycle Mesh Down + - Cycle Textureset Up + - Cycle Textureset Down - Increase Game Speed \u200b\u200b- Decrease Game Speed \u200b\u200b+ - Set Game Speed \u200b\u200bto 1.00x ( default speed) - Teleport Max to next start point - Teleport Max to previous start point - Switches AI movement network connections visualization - Switches AI movement network node visualization - Toggle statistics on / off - Open Console - External camera left - External camera right - External Camera Forward - External Camera Backward You Can Also Use These Command Line Paramers to Enable / Disable Some Features: -Nodialog - Skips The Max Payne Startup Dialog WHEN LOADING THE GAME. -SkipStartup - Skips The Startup Animation -Screenshot - Enables The F10 Key for Taking Screen Shots. Screen shots are saved to "screenshots" folder under your Max Payne installation folder -disable3dpreloads - If the system runs out of texture memory while loading a level, this option may prevent the game from crashing due to a driver error -window - Runs the game In A Windowed Mode, In The Resolution Selected From The Max Payne Launch Dialog. All 3D Accelerators Do Not Support Running in A Windowed Mode. JUMP TO LEVEL: TO JUMP TO ANY LEVEL, TYPE tHE FOLLOWING In The Developer Console While Playing Any Level: Maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (LEVELNAME); where levelname is one of the below: startup_level tutorial end_combat (Secret Finale, use this method instead of "maxpayne_gamemode-\u003e gm_sendendofgamemessages ();") part0_level1 part2_level0 part3_level1 part1_level1 part2_level1 part3_level2 part1_level1b part2_level2 part3_level2b part1_level2 part2_level2b part3_level3 part1_level2b part2_level3 part3_level4 part1_level3 part2_level4 part3_level5 part1_level3b part3_level5b Part1_Level4 Part3_Level6 Part1_Level5 Part3_Level7 Part1_Level6 Easter Eggs: Part i: The American Dream Chapter Two: Live From the Crime Scene Right at the Beginning, There Is a Hole in the Bricks in the Wall. Cheat Yourself A Grenade and Throw IT in. Your Mission Objectives Now Say "I Had Declared A War Against Rats". A Bit Later, After Walking Through Some Water and Taking Out a Few Enemies on a Train Platform, Walk Up the Wide Stairs. In The Room At The Top Are A Bunch of Rats ... With Desert Eagles! NOW SHOOT AT ONE OF THE CEILING LAMPS THAT "S OFF. HIT THE BASE OF THE LAMP AND IT WILL FALL. THE RATS WILL NOW BATTLE EACH OTHER. If" Your "Side Wins, The Remaining Rats Will Take Up Defensive Positions Around You. IF Your Side Loses, The Remaining Rats Will Come After You. Chapter Two: Live From the CRIME SCENE YOU CAN SHOOT THE WAILING SIREN IN THE CENTRAL VAULT AREA AND MAX WILL THANK YOU. CHAPTER THREE: PLAYING IT BOGART IF You Walk Past Rico Muerte "S ROOM TO THE END OF THE HALL, YOU CAN SHOOT AWAY A BARDED-UP DOOR. From this room you can Walk Across The Ledge and Shoot Away A Boarded Up Window to Find A Dead Body With A Stake in It Lying Next To the Word "Buff" in Blood (AS in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), as well as Some Other Goodies. Chapter Six: Fear That Gives Men Wings As You Ride The Elevator Up From Luigi "S Laundry, Shooting The Speaker Playing Sappy Elevator Music Will Bring Another" Thank You "From Max. Shortly Therefter, As You Leave Out the Window from the Room Sporting The Thug In The Bathroom and the TV News Report, Walk To the Left and the here Will Be a window You can Jump Through to a Room with Two Soldier of Fortune 2 Posters and a Stash of Shotguns. If you Didn "T Destroy The Elevator Speaker Earlier, You Should Be Able to Hear The Music from Within This Room. Chapter Seven: Police Brutality When Gognitti Reaches The Locked Door, There Is A Satellite Dish Behind You on The Ledge. IF You Jump From this Corner to the Ledge Across The Alley, You Can Drop Down Into The Fenced Area and Open A Door To A Room With A Nice AsorTment of Ammo and a Poster Proclaiming "Dopefish Lives! "Dopefish Is QUite Possibly The Most Prolific Character in Easter Egg History. Chapter Seven: Police Brutality at the Basketball Court, There Is a Baretta Stuck In The Net. Also, if you wait by The Fence, An SUV Wil Drive BY. If you SHOOT IT, IT WILL CRASH AND THE DRIVER WILL GET OUT TO SHOOT AT YOU. CHAPTER EIGHT: Ragna Rock When You Reach The Inner Stage Area, You Can "Use" The Drum Kit and Microphone and Step on the Guitar for Some Interesting Effects and Dialogue. Part I: A Cold Day in Hell Chapter Five: Angel of Death, When You Reach The Grand Piano, You Can "Use" It and Max Will Play The Title Theme. You can Get a Different EFFORT by SHOOTING OUT THE LID Support And Trying Again. Part IV: a Bit Closer to Heaven Chapter Four: Backstabbing Bastard at the Entrance Ramp to the CAR PARK (from Where You Start), There Is a Stack Of Barrels and An Air Conditioning Unit That You Can Jump On to Reach The Roof of the Garage. Shoot The Off-Color Panel of the Sedue and It Will Fall AWA y. Inside, You can Jump On a Grate to Fall Into A Room with the Grafitti "R Thanks", A Radio You Can "Use" to Hear Audio from the Production Team, and a sniper rifle with ammo. Chapter Five: In The Land of The Binding Plans (Where You Find The Aesir Building Plans), There Is A Small Picture That You Can Shoot Off The Wall, Revealing A Button. Pressing It Will Raise The Couch on The Other Side of the Room, Revealing A Staircase Down to a "Private Area". In IT There Is a Big Screen TV You Can Use to Play a 3DRealms-themed Parody of Star Trek. In the adjining room there is a bed With Chains Next To a Closet Full of Bondage Gear. Secret Finale Ending to Access It, Enter The Following In The Developer Console: Maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendGameMessages (); Life After Death: After You Die, Use the Console and Put Yourself in God Mode . Max Will Then Come Back to Life And You Can Move Him Around and SHILE A SEMI STATIONARY CAMERA FOLLOWS THE ACTION. IT "S Kind of Hard to See Where Max Is Going Because of the Camera But It" S Kind Of A Neat Trick . Tutorial Easter Egg: In The Tutorial, Jump On Top Of The Van With The Sniper Rifle Ins IDE, Then Jump On the Ventilation Thingy Next To the Fire Escape, Then Jump On The Fire Escape. Climb Up To The Top and Shoot The Windows and Walk Through. A Message Says, "Congratoulations, You Have Discovered A Secret Room!" There Is An Ingram, Some Ingram Ammo, and 5 Molotov Cocktails. Pump Action Shotgun: You can get a Pump-Action SHOTGUN Right in Max "S House at The Very Beginning. The Shotgun Is Hidden in His House, On the Opposite Wall of the Phone, In A Shutter Closet, Much Like The One That You See Right When You Get In The House Near the Door. Open The One Farther Away from the Adjacent Room, and You Will Get A Pump-Action Shotgun With 5 Rounds. Unlimited Bullet Time: Assign Shootdodge Under Controls in the Options Menu to Keypad 1. During The Game, You Can Hit This Key to Slow The Action Down Any Time You Want. Repeatedly Press IT and It Will Slow Things Down Even Further to the Point of Pausing The Action. Pressing Keypad 7, Will Speed \u200b\u200bThe Action Back Up. There IS No Time Limit for How Long The Action is Slowed Down. Alternate EGOS: By Pressing Keypad 9 OR 3 You Can Change The Character Max Plays During The Game. Be Aware That Some Weapons May Not Be Available to You During the Time You are Using these Alternate Characters. Level Warp: By Pressing Keypad 0, You Can Warp to Different Areas of the Level, OR CHAPTER, "AND AT THE SAME TIME YOU COULD BE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ENEMS AND THEY WILL NOT ENEN NOTICE YOU.

To access the gaming console, run Maxpayne.exe
using the command line with the "-Developer parameter" (Developer).
Once you start the game with the "Developer" parameter
you will get access to the gaming console with the key.

Example: "C: \\ Max Payne \\ Maxpayne.exe" -Developer

Click to call a gaming console, and then enter:

coder - immortality, all weapons, endless cartridges, etc.
god - immortality
mortal - turn off immortality
getAllWeapons - All Weapons
getInfiniteammo - Infinite Cartridges
getpainkillers - get 8 painful
c_ADDHEALTH (100) - Add 100 lives
jUMP10 - jump above (20 or 30 to jump even higher)
SetWoundedState - walk like wounded
Setnormalstate - walk ok

Get things:
You can use the "Get" command to add
of different weapons and things in your arsenal:
GetBaseBallBat - Baseball Bit
GetBeretta - Beret
GetBerettaDual or GetdualBeretta - Two Berets
GetDeserteagle - Pistol "Desert Eagle"
GetSawedShotgun - Drobook
GetPumpumphotgun - Pumping Gun
GetJackhammer - Jack Hammer
Getingram - Uzi.
Getdualingram or GetingRamdual - Two Ultrasound
GetMP5 or GetColtcommando - M16
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenata
GetM79 - M79 (grenade launcher)
Getsniper - sniper rifle
GetHealth - Life
GetPainKillers - 8 painful
GetBulletTime - Frost Time

Switch to the desired level:
To switch to any level dial the following in the game
the console is still playing at any level:

maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (level name)

where the name of the level is one of the following:

eND_COMBAT (Secret Final, Use this method
"MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendOfGameMessages ();")

part0_Level1 Part2_Level0 Part3_Level1
part1_Level1 Part2_Level1 Part3_Level2.
part1_Level1b Part2_Level2 Part3_Level2B.
part1_Level2 Part2_Level2B Part3_Level3.
part1_Level2B Part2_Level3 Part3_Level4.
part1_Level3 Part2_Level4 Part3_Level5.
part1_Level3B Part3_Level5B.
part1_Level4 Part3_Level6.
part1_Level5 Part3_Level7.

Easter Eggs:
In the third episode, the fourth part (garage) immediately after the introductory screensaver, kill four guys (those with the machine). Now look to the right to the garage, and you will see 3 barrels and A / C-block. Jump on them to the roof. On the roof you will see the construction, on the wall of which there will be a segment in the form of a door, painted a little paler than the rest of the wall. Skate into this area from any weapon, and the wall breaks down. Enter the inside: on the floor you will see something like a lattice. Come on it, and you will fall into another room, where you will be waiting for some of the weapons, including a sniper rifle with cartridges. And in this room, if you turn on the radio, you can listen to recorded developers' conversations. When you find a piano (at the level with the estate), click to use it, and Max will play a musical theme of the game. If after
to shoot it into the piano cover, so that it fell, you can play a tool again.
In the bar, find the shock installation, click to use it, and Max will knock for you on the drums. You can also try the guitar that lies near the floor. And if you make Max use microphones - he will say "Karaoke Was Never My Thing". (Karaoke has never been my skate) at the end of the third part of the first episode (gangster hotel), before blowing up the barrel and break the floor explosion, opposite the toilet Where an ambush was arranged at Max, you will see a completely skipped door.
Shot in her a couple of times, and it will fall apart. You will open the entrance to the room with a large window. Get out through this window to the cornice and go to the right. Shoot the board window and climb into the room where you will be waiting for a corpse with a knife in the back, 5 pcs. Molotov cocktails and other useful items.
There, after the explosion of the barrel, which breaks the floor, go down to the floor below; In one of the first rooms on the wall next to the bed will hang a poster with a naked girl. Click on it - the poster goes down, and the camcorder will stand behind it. The wardrobe near the wall around the corner is nothing but the entrance to a secret room from which
shooting occurs. At the beginning of the first level in front of the bank you will see a hole. Use the codes and make yourself a grenade. Throw them in a hole. Now go to the room with mice

To access the gaming console, run Maxpayne.exe
using the command line with the "-Developer parameter" (Developer).
Once you start the game with the "Developer" parameter
you will get access to the gaming console with the key.

Example: "C: \\ Max Payne \\ Maxpayne.exe" -Developer

Click to call a gaming console, and then enter:

coder - immortality, all weapons, endless cartridges, etc.
god - immortality
mortal - turn off immortality
getAllWeapons - All Weapons
getInfiniteammo - Infinite Cartridges
getpainkillers - get 8 painful
c_ADDHEALTH (100) - Add 100 lives
jUMP10 - jump above (20 or 30 to jump even higher)
SetWoundedState - walk like wounded
Setnormalstate - walk ok

Get things:
You can use the "Get" command to add
of different weapons and things in your arsenal:
GetBaseBallBat - Baseball Bit
GetBeretta - Beret
GetBerettaDual or GetdualBeretta - Two Berets
GetDeserteagle - Pistol "Desert Eagle"
GetSawedShotgun - Drobook
GetPumpumphotgun - Pumping Gun
GetJackhammer - Jack Hammer
Getingram - Uzi.
Getdualingram or GetingRamdual - Two Ultrasound
GetMP5 or GetColtcommando - M16
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenata
GetM79 - M79 (grenade launcher)
Getsniper - sniper rifle
GetHealth - Life
GetPainKillers - 8 painful
GetBulletTime - Frost Time

Switch to the desired level:
To switch to any level dial the following in the game
the console is still playing at any level:

maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (level name)

where the name of the level is one of the following:

eND_COMBAT (Secret Final, Use this method
"MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendOfGameMessages ();")

part0_Level1 Part2_Level0 Part3_Level1
part1_Level1 Part2_Level1 Part3_Level2.
part1_Level1b Part2_Level2 Part3_Level2B.
part1_Level2 Part2_Level2B Part3_Level3.
part1_Level2B Part2_Level3 Part3_Level4.
part1_Level3 Part2_Level4 Part3_Level5.
part1_Level3B Part3_Level5B.
part1_Level4 Part3_Level6.
part1_Level5 Part3_Level7.

Easter Eggs:
In the third episode, the fourth part (garage) immediately after the introductory
screensavers kill four guys (those with the machine). Now look
to the right to the garage, and you will see 3 barrels and A / C-block. Jump up on them
on the roof. On the roof you will see the construction, on the wall of which will be
the segment in the form of the door, painted a little paler than the rest
wall. Skate into this area from any weapon, and the wall breaks down.
Enter the inside: on the floor you will see something like a lattice.
Come to her and you fall into another room where you will be waiting
something from weapons, including a sniper rifle with cartridges.
And in this room, if you turn on the radio, you can listen
recorded conversations of developers.
When you find a piano (at the level with the estate), click
use it, and Max will play a musical theme of the game. If after
it is to shoot in the piano cover, so that it fell, you can play
on the instrument again.
In the bar, find the shock installation, click to use
her and Max will knock for you on the drums. You can also try the guitar,
which lies near the floor. And if you make Max use
microphones - he will say "Karaoke Was Never My Thing." (Karaoke never
was my skate)
At the end of the third part of the first episode (gangster hotel), before
how to blow up the barrel and break the explosion of the floor, opposite the toilet where
Max was arranged an ambush, you will see a non-completely clipped door.
Shot in her a couple of times, and it will fall apart. You will open the entrance to
room with a large window. Get out through this window to the cornice and go
to him right. Shot a clipped window and climb into the room,
where will you wait for a corpse with a knife in the back, 5 pcs. Molotov Cocktails I.
other useful items.
There, after the explosion of the barrel, which breaks the floor, go down in the hole
on the floor below; In one of the first rooms on the wall next to the bed will be
hang a poster with a naked girl. Click on it - the poster goes down,
and behind it will stand the camcorder. The wardrobe near the wall around the corner is
nothing but the entrance to the secret room, from which
shooting occurs.
At the beginning of the first level in front of the bank you will see a hole. Use
codes and make yourself a grenade. Throw them in a hole. Now go B.
room with mice

If you did not suit the cheat codes found by us, use the program for hacking games or

Found a mistake? Have something to add? - Write to us through! Or in the comments below

Also in our database, in addition to the cheat codes for Max Payne there are cheats for such popular games as.

To access the gaming console, run Maxpayne.exe
Using the command line with the "-Developer parameter" (Developer).
Once you start the game with the "Developer" parameter
You will get access to the gaming console with the key.

Example: "C: \\ Max Payne \\ Maxpayne.exe" -Developer

Click to call a gaming console, and then enter:

God - immortality
Mortal - turn off immortality
GetAllWeapons - All Weapons
GetInfiniteammo - Infinite Cartridges
getpainkillers - get 8 painful
C_ADDHEALTH (100) - Add 100 lives
JUMP10 - jump above (20 or 30 to jump even higher)
SetWoundedState - walk like wounded

Get things:
You can use the "Get" command to add
of different weapons and things in your arsenal:
GetBaseBallBat - Baseball Bit
GetBeretta - Beret
GetBerettaDual or GetdualBeretta - Two Berets
GetDeserteagle - Pistol "Desert Eagle"
GetSawedShotgun - Drobook
GetPumpumphotgun - Pumping Gun
GetJackhammer - Jack Hummer
Getingram - Uzi.
Getdualingram or GetingRamdual - Two Ultrasound
GetMP5 or GetColtcommando - M16
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenata
GetM79 - M79 (grenade launcher)
Getsniper - sniper rifle
GetHealth - Life
GetPainKillers - 8 painful
GetBulletTime - Frost Time

Switch to the desired level:
To switch to any level dial the following in the game
The console is still playing at any level:

Maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (level name)

Where the name of the level is one of the following:

END_COMBAT (Secret Final, Use this method
"MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendOfGameMessages ();")

Part0_Level1 Part2_Level0 Part3_Level1
Part1_Level1 Part2_Level1 Part3_Level2.
Part1_Level1b Part2_Level2 Part3_Level2B.
Part1_Level2 Part2_Level2B Part3_Level3.
Part1_Level2B Part2_Level3 Part3_Level4.
Part1_Level3 Part2_Level4 Part3_Level5.
Part1_Level3B Part3_Level5B.
Part1_Level4 Part3_Level6.
Part1_Level5 Part3_Level7.

Easter Eggs:
In the third episode, the fourth part (garage) immediately after the introductory
Screensavers kill four guys (those with the machine). Now look
To the right to the garage, and you will see 3 barrels and A / C-block. Jump up on them
on the roof. On the roof you will see the construction, on the wall of which will be
The segment in the form of the door, painted a little paler than the rest
wall. Skate into this area from any weapon, and the wall breaks down.
Enter the inside: on the floor you will see something like a lattice.
Come to her and you fall into another room where you will be waiting
Something from weapons, including a sniper rifle with cartridges.
And in this room, if you turn on the radio, you can listen
Recorded conversations of developers.
When you find a piano (at the level with the estate), click
Use it, and Max will play a musical theme of the game. If after
it is to shoot in the piano cover, so that it fell, you can play
On the instrument again.
In the bar, find the shock installation, click to use
Her and Max will knock for you on the drums. You can also try the guitar,
which lies near the floor. And if you make Max use
Microphones - he will say "Karaoke Was Never My Thing." (Karaoke never
was my skate)
At the end of the third part of the first episode (gangster hotel), before
how to blow up the barrel and break the explosion of the floor, opposite the toilet where
Max was arranged an ambush, you will see a non-completely clipped door.
Shot in her a couple of times, and it will fall apart. You will open the entrance to
Room with a large window. Get out through this window to the cornice and go
To him right. Shot a clipped window and climb into the room,
Where will you wait for a corpse with a knife in the back, 5 pcs. Molotov's cocktails I.
Other useful items.
There, after the explosion of the barrel, which breaks the floor, go down in the hole
on the floor below; In one of the first rooms on the wall next to the bed will be
Hang a poster with a naked girl. Click on it - the poster goes down,
And behind it will stand the camcorder. The wardrobe near the wall around the corner is
nothing but the entrance to the secret room, from which
Shooting occurs.
At the beginning of the first level in front of the bank you will see a hole. Use
codes and make yourself a grenade. Throw them in a hole. Now go B.
Room with mice

Codes to Max Payne

Code Activation:

coder - immortality, all weapons, endless cartridges, etc.
god - immortality

nOCLIP - walking through the walls

Setnormalstate - walk ok


End of the game - Maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendOfGameMessages ();

Cheats to Max Payne

Code Activation:
Run the game with the "-Developer" parameter

Then log into the console (F12) and dial the following codes:
Coder - immortality, all weapons, endless cartridges, etc.
God - immortality
Mortal - Disable immortality
GetAllWeapons - Get all weapons
GetInfiniteammo - Get Diekless Cartridges
NOCLIP - walking through the walls
NOCLIP_OFF \u200b\u200b- Disable walking through the walls
Showfps - Show Frame / Second
GetPainkillers Get 8 "Paynekiller"
C_ADDHEALTH (100) - Get 100 lives
JUMP10 - "Jump" into action (10 - 1, 20 - 2, 30 - 3)
SetWoundedState - walk like wounded
Setnormalstate - walk ok
Get XXX - Get a weapon xxx

XXX - GetBaseballbat, GetBeretta, GetBerettaDual, GetDualBeretta, GetDesertEagle, GetSawedShotgun, GetPumpShotgun, GetJackhammer, GetIngram, GetIngramDual, GetDualIngram, GetMP5, GetColtCommando, GetMolotov, GetGrenade, GetM79, GetSniper, GetHealth, GetPainkillers, GetBulletTime.

MaxPayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_INIT (LevelName); - jump to LevelName level

Levelname - part0_level1, part1_level1, part1_level1b, part1_level2, part1_level2b, part1_level3, part1_level3b, part1_level4, part1_level5, part1_level6, part2_level0, part2_level1, part2_level2, part2_level2b, part2_level3, part2_level4, part3_level1, part3_level2, part3_level2b, part3_level3, part3_level4, part3_level5, part3_level5b, part3_level6, Part3_Level7.

End of the game - Maxpayne_GameMode-\u003e GM_SendendOfGameMessages ();

Secrets to Max Payne

Tip for the passage of labyrinths. Focus on sound and
Fold where the cry is stronger.

Tip to those who are stuck at the last level. Shoot B.
The bases of the cables that hold the tower until those fly off and then
Shoot in the base of the tower. She will collapse and presses the helicopter, and
At the same time, the malicious aunt, trying to hide from us. Time
Limited, but for all of the above it is enough for it.

At first glance in the Max Payne game there are no secrets, but if
be attentive, then they can be found in each level for
In order to make it necessary:
1. Cover the doors of the cabinets,
chest of drawers (if you see that the chest is low, then sneeze and press
use and you will definitely find some thing
2. With a brothel, if you click in the room on the device with vibration, then
bed will go to the side or will remain standing if she goes
to the side, then under it may turn out or
3. The window you can go to another room
eternity or balcony (if they are)
4. Showing doors S.
cracks, boldly shoot on them, so you will open
Log in to a new room (it will be necessary at levels, otherwise it is not
Will be on)
5.If see very dark corners and see
benches or boxes in the corners go there maybe there you will find
6.The Little Boxes often come across the levels
If you shine on them from the cut, they will break, but in place
broken boxes you may find a thing

Simply useful advice:
1. Do as often as possible, it
will help save time if you are killed
2.If you see
Computer, go to it and press it, maybe there you will find the necessary information (example: in the laboratory to
go further need to find a computer and by clicking on using
You will receive the code you open the door)
3. In the last
Level Follow the first cable from M-79, and on the second that
Located behind the wall, I was able to get only a grenade, kinning her for
4. To get into the bar you must find the key hidden in
One of the rooms
5.To pass to the hallucinations of Max it is necessary:
Focus on crying
b. In the first gal-ii hold the left
Parties, and in the second right

Max Payne 3 game is so interesting and attractive, which delays for a long time - both experienced players and avid gamers. But, you need to admit that some missions are quite complex, and without experience, they are rather difficult.

And some fans of the franchise, replacing in the game more than once, who have passed all missions, play again, to just feel the game world and its atmosphere. Make the passage of the game easier help cheats, even though they have a lot of opponents. Let it not always honestly, but sometimes it becomes a wand-grinding for a gamer, which in despair completes the next mission to failure. All codes for the game Max Payne 3 We have collected in our article, and we hope that they will never help you in a difficult moment.


Max Payne 3 is a third part of the famous trilogy about the presence of Max detective, who has lost his family, the goal in life and its meaning. The game was developed by masters of their case - Rockstar Vancouver.

Events of the third of the game take place several years after the end of the second part. Max still remained working in the police, until the most serious meal with Italian mafia occurred. He was forced to leave New York, trashing gloomy alleys and streets, bitch filled with cruelty, on Sunny and bright Brazil. There he worked as a bodyguard for one rich, but the memories of New York did not give rest to his soul, so from time to time he drove his scotch, trying to drown out pain and anger, bubbling him inside.

Max Payne game is a third part of the famous trilogy about the presence of a Max detective

And of course, the heroes like him never finish their lives in the wrath of the world, quietly drinking the juice from the tube. The wife of the boss is steal, and it must be returned, by all means. The task, of course, not the lungs. However, the hero had "chips" from previous parts, Namely, the Slow-Mo mode when you can slow down the time, as well as shooting during this mode.

Himself, as in any other games, the passage of the game will simplify existing cheats and trainers. Max Payne 3 codes range from the most minor and global. We will analyze them in the article below.

Max Payne 3.

The plot of the Max Payne 3 game has suffered a change. Many even believe that this is not the same Max, which was before. In fact, this part is a worthy completion of the trilogy. Especially if you take into account some moments that focused on.

For the game was used by the physics engine "Euphoria", which radically changes physics

A physical engine was used for the game, which radically changes physics. It is called "Euphoria". Also, thanks to this engine, combat scenes became incredibly cinematic. Animation and polygons of the character are not prescribed in advance and not scripted, that is, it moves and interacts with the outside world depending on the situation.

The shelter system has been worked out with a qualitatively.

The level of detail is something out of a series of outgoing: from the holes from bullets and sleeves, and to sweat, which performs on the face of the protagonist with a long run or when wounded that opponents that Max Payne is realistic to expire with blood.

Cheats on Max Payne 3

In order to activate the possibility of entering cheats for the game, you must run it with the -DeVeloper parameter. The source line will have to look approximately as follows: from: \\ Propogram FILES \\ Max PayNe 3 \\ MaxPayne3.exe "-DeveLerkeus.

Now, during the game on the PC, you can click on the Tilda (key "~") and enter codes.


  • coder - immortality, unlimited ammunition, all weapons.
  • gOD is invulnerability.
  • mortal - Disconnecting immortality.
  • getAllWeapons - get all kinds of weapons in arsenal.
  • jUMP (10-30) - Selecting the height parameter of the jump.
  • getBeretta - Get Beretta and a thousand bullets to her.
  • getBulletTime - endless Slow-Mo.
  • getColtcommando - get colts and a thousand ammunition to it.
  • getDesERTEAGLE - Get a Needle Desert and a Thousand Cartridges.
  • getdragunov - get SVD and a thousand cartridges.
  • getGraphicsnovelPart (1-3) -Serpose one of the three parts of the historical plot.
  • getHealth - get a thousand health items.
  • getingram - get ingram and a thousand bullets to it.
  • getKalashnikov - get AK-47 and a thousand bullets.
  • getMolotov - get a thousand Molotov cocktails.
  • getMP5 - Get MP-5 and a thousand bullets.
  • getPainKillers - get a thousand units of painful.
  • getPumpPumphotgun - get a pump rifle and a thousand bullets.
  • getSawedShotgun - get a crown and a thousand charges.
  • getsniper - get a regular sniper rifle and a thousand bullets to her.
  • getStriker - Get a multi-charge rifle Stryker and a thousand bullets.
  • showhud - Activate HUD.

Play a naked girl

Need to start the game with the parameter - developerkeys

After starting the game, press the "Up Arrow" and the "Down Arrow" keys to switch between the protagonists, and at the very top you will be expecting a perfectly drawn model of a naked girl.

Developer keys, other words Developers Keys

  1. The above describes how to start the game with this parameter. Once launched the game, use the keys to change something like you want.
  2. Key "C" - switches the view of the camera.
  3. The "Arrow Up" and "Down Arrow" keys choose the skins of the main character.
  4. The "Home" key - increases the speed of the game, the "END" key on the contrary reduces.
  5. Insert and Delete keys use for teleportation. The first will transfer to the starting point of the game, the second is the next one.
  6. The "F11" key will show statistics.
  7. The "F12" key will open the console.
  8. The "F10" key will screenshots and automatically save them in a folder with the game.

Top Trainers

Here we will provide to your attention Top Trainers for the game Max Payne 3. The advantage of the trainers in front of the cheats is that there are no special directory and consoles to use them, you can simply install them and click on the hotkeys.

Best Max Payne 3 Treakers

  • Trainer +6 ver.;
  • Trainer +8 Latest Steam;
  • Trainer +9 ver.;
  • Trainer +5 Ver;
  • Trainer +8 ver. (Grizzly).

Top chet

We will discuss the most popular cheats and commands to activate them. Of course, in the first place, as, however, and everywhere - Cheat on immortality (God). Second place successfully and firmly occupies cheat on infinite regime Bullettime (GetBullettime). The place at number three took the cheat, who gives you all the weapons and endless ammunition to him, because sometimes you sometimes want to spread the violent heads in the trash, without worrying about the lack of cartridges (Coder).

We have collected the most popular cheats and commands to activate them.

The fourth place is awarded to the code, which gives at your disposal a thousand units of painful, which, in essence, in contrast to previous codes, does not too imbalances the gameplay, just eliminates from their search (getpainkillers). And finally, the last fifth place we are awarding the cheat, which adds all types of weapons to your arsenal, without making their cartridges endless (getAllWeapons).