Passage of the game Duke Nukem Forever. "Hoodie" and "Ruins of Las Vegas"

Duke alive.

What should we do in the first place? Of course, "relieve"! Holding the left mouse button, satisfy the natural need. When you get tired of doing this, press "E" and leave the sorter. We are chosen in the hall and draw a board to your taste. Now it's time to go off the monsters. We follow the fighters and a little study the wisdom of management. Reaching the elevator, we select the first weapon - the destroyer, climb upstairs and shoot in a huge cycloid. We run the circles sideways and simultaneously shoot. When the ammunition is run out, we wait until they are delivered. The smaller the health remains at the cycloid, the closer we approach it and the fascinating it is trying to try us. Therefore, it is impossible to produce it from the field of view. Powing it, quickly run up to it and press the corresponding button. Then they also quickly press the "space" and tear off part of the body, after which the cycloid dies. We carry out the crown reception by pressing "E". Being finished in the apartments with twins, we leave the apartment and go to the elevator.

What we do not sleep?

Going down, go straight to the speech. In the corridor listening to emergency news. We sign the book a boy and choose the studio. There were problems here, so we go to find out what happened in fact. We go through another passage and teach the gaping dude. We are moving along the corridors and choose to the elevator. Stuck on the penultimate floor, we use a highlighted emergency button and on the stairs that appeared we climb on the last floor. In the museum, approach the throne and try to drive a boys. Use the terminal to the right to take a picture of it. Sit on the chair and go down.

Cave Duke.

After talking with the president and general, we pass forward. Through the door is trying to break the opponent. Beating it with fists, open the door and select a highlighted object. Throw it into another. We enter the door to the left and kill two more. We select a gircuit and jump a little, it gives an increase to health. From the wall we tear off the highlighted hatch, squat and canolate. Selecting, drinking beer, pressing "6". It makes us hardy and attacks of opponents bring less damage to health. In the dark, you can use special glasses, "F" button. Open the door, turn left and go down the pipes. Enemies are also not seen in the dark, it is an excellent chance to kill them without harm to health. In the last room we designate with two and knocked the grid on the wall. We jump down where it is still a little crawling, we are painting with opponents. Now we remove the supporting pipe of the tank. We get up to another end and, quickly sprint, jump over to another pipe. In the room with the generator we collect power supplies from the boxes. Here we select the first weapon - a laser rifle. We place the sources in the appropriate connectors. By inserting the second, the door will open, from where opponents will appear. We go to this door and, killing a few more, we get into the room with the control panel from the machine. The third power source is located in a room with a controlled machine. Our task is to drag it to the hole on the wall. Make it is very simple, it is enough to safely control the machine, dropping down the source - to move it through the hole. We select the power supply and, returning to the generator, insert into the connector. We are waiting and taking the resulting product - steroids. We accept them by pressing "5" and, running in a circle, splice opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Through the opened door, new creatures will crawl. We kill them from weapons and pass on. We get a new weapon - the M1911 corporate gun with a laser sight. Open the door and moving along the corridor, painting with the enemies. Only destroying everyone, we will be able to use a huge gun in the central room.

Vehicle carrier.

Having noted on the surface, we wait until the weapon of the head of the aliens will begin to smash the city. We shoot on it until complete destruction. Do not forget to keep track of the temperature and flying the opponent's aviation over us. Next, one of the knocked fighters repels us, and we fall down again. Waking up, after four hours, we take the grid on the wall and the moon in the ventilation mine.


Having passed to the end, we turn out to be-ready to collapse the elevator. Next to the cable is the lever. By activating it with the holding of the LKM. On the opposite wall, the numbers indicate the floors are depicted. Squeeze the lever to complete when there are 10-12 floors. Jump down and open the elevator door. We are on the liquid that reduced us! Seeing the boy, move the trolley, Tarana her. We sit in the machine and, using the floors, fly through the springboard. Next, we move across the only way. Reaching the first floor, carefully drive around the edge of the destroyed fountain. Walking it out, accelerate, as follows and flight. Then, we should not just clever the obstacles, but also evades opponents so as not to become their target.

Hello: Part 2.

Drive through the hall, evading the enemies. Through the next door, do not drive. Let's leave the car and crawl under it. We climb on the billiard table through the suitcases. Getting to the switch will not be difficult. Just do not forget to kill rats, otherwise they will make it with us earlier than we activate the switch. We return to the car and jump over the springboard. The danger increases with the appearance of pig-shaped beings. We are constantly in motion, and quickly looking for new springboard. We meet the soldier of POPs that can increase us if we open the gate. Move the trolley to the switch and across the sofas we get directly to it. We go to the increasing platform opposite the exhibit, between the sisters. We smack the glass and select a shotgun. We destroy the appearing enemies, both on Earth and attackers from the helicopter. When the sisters disappear, open the highlighted grille and return to the gaming rooms. Similarly, withstand the waves of opponents. In the hall with a car on the podium, both from the front and the back lie steroids. We pass along the corridor, jumping over the abyss from the right side.

Heart: Part 3.

We move forward, killing enemies. Reaching your own statue, with the help of the console, we move the right hand to the highest building on the right. Click, right mouse button and quickly climb upstairs. We kill the swine and across the room we get into ventilation mines. Having passed on it, jump down. We are moving away and shoot a laser source. The next rolling is crushing, then jump over the boxes. And again shoot on the grounds located on the ceiling. On the second floor we also explode lasers, and the fire has emerged to the car, shooting the fire extinguishers. We pick up mines and take the door. We are leaving back and scatter mines against raid creatures. We replenish the ammunition using a box with ammunition. In the hall we will attack a flying grenadeometer. Constantly moving, preferably in one direction, and attacking as close to the distance from the shotgun. Having understood with the aliens, we meet with the general.

Ruins of Las Vegas.

Having learned how Dylan was happy to work with us, heading towards the truck and select a new weapon - the Ripper. We go down the street until we have a barricade. Using the turret, we destroy several aliens waves. Through the released passage, moving on. I mined the challenge - we are waiting until the explosive is detonated, and follow the bridge. Unfortunately, assistants kill. Jump down and deal with the aliens. If possible, do not rush and use the turret to save the cartridges. On the box we find a new weapon - RPG. We meet with the captain and soldier of POPs. After beating the attack of enemies, a huge commander appears. Against him, act exclusively RPG, or explosives. In no case, do not get up before him, in order not to be under massive fire. Shoot because of the corners and keep at a distance. You can replenish the buzz from the box, next to the fallen fighter. Having been holing, running towards him and twice use corona achievements. After some time appears ... Dylan. It is quite alive and well, although it seemed that he would no longer return, after disappearing on the bridge.

Dome Duke.

We move on sewer tunnels. Electricity blocks the path, so we are waiting for it to calm down for a while and quickly cross the water on wooden boards. Fire, shooting the fire extinguisher on a suspended corpse. We climb upstairs where we meet with the builders. Soon the container is lowered, and we climb into it. The monster that appeared kills all people. While we move through the air, we are growing with the enemies in sight. Do not forget that there is a box with ammunition. Out out of the container - unfold, jump over the boxes and shoot the lock on the door. Moving on the site, killing the swine. We pass through the container on the other end and jump down. By walking the trailer, climb on the roof. Sketching the glass, we fall inside. Activate the switch next to the door. On the table is a new weapon - rail. Very powerful sniper riflecapable of "flashing" several opponents in a row. We beat off the attack, being inside the trailer. After a few waves, the enemies turn the trailer, and we will be able to get out of it. We finish the remaining and click on the button next to the lattice door. She jammed, so we turn it out to the end yourself.

Dome Duke: Part 2.

We move forward and at the end we find the swinging container, inside which several barrels. We must add it to barrels. One is at the top of another container, as well as inside it, you just need to destroy wooden boxes. And two more inside the standing container. So that they fell, shoot on the red barrels. Placing all of them in the last container, it outweighs, and we can climb on it, through a standing container. Get to the crane that does not work without a battery. We climb the crane and move along its forklift. We enter the platform through the container, shot on the barrels located in it. We climb up the top of the red staircase and take the battery from the room. From RPG destroy the Aviation Aviation. Return to the crane and insert the battery. Dolbim the wall of the building on the left until the hole is formed. For a forklift, you penetrate into the building and take the door.


If you go down, then at the end you can detect the machine gun. And the right path is right, for this we jump on the stones. We destroy obstacles, rolling through the tunnel and roll the ball into the corresponding connector for opening the door. All that we do next is moving forward, killing various creatures. Having found a twin, we speak with them and soon they mutate in small creatures. The following room requires a ball for opening the door. We go through another pass to the end. Shot in the larva and when it turns into a ball, rolling it to a closed door.

Beehive: Part 2.

We shoot with suspended corpses, of which they appear both ammunition and weapons. We kill the encountered enemies and we clean the way from all kinds of obstacles. Up to high seats jerk using special replicators. Reaching the repuliter on the wall, the in front of which the abyss, throw explosives in it. When she departs, detonate her and the resulting ball feed up to the door. At the bottom of the left we use the replicate.

Queen-Sucia mother.

We find yourself in a building in front of a closed door. We hit a pear to increase health strips. In the right room we select explosives and throw it into the passage to the left of the door, as possible at a large angle. When she falls on the reverse side - detonate. We go to the hall with the queen. Of the highlighted boxes, we get explosives and with a metal to the nearest replicator. When she landed next to the queen - detonate. Quickly attack the discontinued uterus from RPG or explosives. We repeat these actions to the full destruction. In addition, do not forget to ride from her attacks, and kill small creatures. Having struck the queen, run up to her grazing and finish.

"Tits City" Duke Nyukem.

After talking with the stripter, we go to search for popcorn, vibrator and condom. We pass inside and turn right, go through the door with the inscription "EXIT". We climb the stairs and get into the room. From the table taking a condom. Opening the microwave, select the package lying on it with popcorn and put it inside. Close and wait when it gets ready. At this time, you can eat the product lying on the microwave, thereby increasing the health strip. Next, we go to the room next to the DJ remote control, near the podium. In one of the lockers we discover the vibrator. Returning to the stripper in the room for drinking champagne. Follow her, sit down on the chair and watch the show.

Crash course.

Having woke up in a helicopter, speak with a soldier of POPs. We are bought, and we tolerate wreck, crashing into the building. We jump over the fence, if there is no weapon for the near distance, then we select a gun. We pass forward, jump down and move along the tentacles. One wrong movement and death is waiting for us, so we kill enemies from the distance. Reaching a steady surface, we understand with flying aliens. According to the fallen piece of concrete, we continue to move along the tentacles. With the help of replicaters, we turn out to be a staircase. We climb on it to the fallen helicopter, inside which we use the turret. Be sure to use aiming fire, right-click. When the helicopter shakes, quickly unfold and jump out of it. We continue to move and soon in our disposal gets the most powerful weapon of the destroyer. We destroy the aliens fighter with it. Then we kill a few opponents, and we are trying to kidnap one of them. Quickly press the corresponding buttons to not please down.

Burger Duke.

We make my way through the tentacles and enter the eatery. We get up on the diminist and go to the cabins. Next to the first penetrate the floor through the hole. Increase and cut the light by switching the shield. We destroy the boards supporting the door and leave the backup. Activate night vision. Again, we decrease and jumping into the bench, we go through the sinks until we get into the emptiness between the walls. Climbing up the pipe.

Burger Duke: Part 2.

Fall down and get up on an increasing platform. Kill little swine. Go to the other side and decrease again. Now we are equal with enemies. We climb on the rack in boxes at the end. We go straight and go to the closed window through the tray. We click on the pipe and jump on the tentacle. It falls into the game room. Jump on the floor and kill rats. Going to the door, hear how it is climbing. Quickly run back, lubricate the aliens to the diminist and destroy. In the room with products we run to the door. We climb upstairs on the left. Also kill appearing enemies from the opposite regiment. From the last and the highest drawer jump over the other side. Salazim on the pipe to the highest shelf. Passing to the end remove the ventilation hatch. The girl in danger and her need to be saved, turning off the electricity. We climb on the trolley and then everything is as usual. Jump from one place to another. The spatulas act as replicaters. Having passed through the dishwasher, push the mop and go to the next shelf. We select RPGs, first of all shoot on the upper shelf on the opposite side so that it falls apart, and then we are painted with enemies. We move on the other side and climb on the surface that ignored, as you should jump forward. Jump down and carefully pass through mousetrap. We kill the enemy on the upper shelf and on the fallen drawer, jump over the other side. We climb upstairs, select the moment to slip on the gas stove, moreover, quickly jumping onto the sandwich. Jump down, pass on the corpse further. Reaching to the toast, activate and climb on it. We shoot in frying pan and use the cable. We jump from sandwich on a sandwich. Finally, turn off the electricity. The girl opens the door to us, we go into the room and climb on the boxes to ventilation.

Duke Burger: Part 3.

We shoot the hatch and jump down. We get up for the magnifier and the stairs are chosen on the roof. We select a new weapon - a decrease. A soldier is reported that they will fly after five minutes. In this, we will naturally deal with the destruction of the aliens. Reducing their enemies must be killed immediately, otherwise they will return to the previous form. On the hill there are some more ammunition for this weapon. After some time, opponents will appear with the new weapon - the messer. Effectively against groups of terrestrial enemies, but absolutely useless against flying. In the fight with them we use a shotgun. We climb on the arrived shuttle.

Deserted rally.

We fly over the desert, taking a bridge from the aliens. Then we free the zone of landing from Swing. We also exterminate the source of the appearance of enemies - ships. Landing, sitting in Bigfut and, focusing on the shooters, we are going along the road.

Desert rally: part 2.

We continue to advance the desert. Enemies appear or davim, or ignore. When crossing the gorge, we use the maximum acceleration by holding the right mouse button. On the bridge, gasoline ends at the most inopportune moment. We are growing with emerging aliens. When the path is free, moving forward to the booth on the right. We take out the lock and barely jump onto the roof. Inside, we take a canister with gasoline and a new device - a hungryuk, which allows you to create our exact copy, despite that we become invisible. We take out boards at the door and return to Big Fut. We pour gasoline and continue the movement. Do not accelerate too much in order not to please down.

Welcome to the passage of the game Duke Nukem Forever.

Mission 1: "Duke alive"

Immediately we offer to cast. You can run around the restroom, pour on the board. We need to run. We run away to the emperor, but it will fold. Go down down the stairs. Closed Shift., running the tunnel and grab the destroyer - rose.
We start shooting in cycloid. Soon we will throw the ammunition, and so far we are wearing not to die.
We finish cycloid.
We go to the elevator.

Mission 2: "What we do not sleep?"

We go, look at the news. The boy asks to sign the album (book) - draw everything that my soul. Moving to the elevator. We go out, climb the throne.

Mission 3: "Cave Duke"

We listen to the president and come out, beat the attack of the first strangers. Open the hatch and pass. Drink beer and battle. We turn on special vision and go down the pipes. Knock the hatch and get rid of enemies. From under the pipe we remove everything and climb, pass - the aliens take the weapon.
The first source take the boxes - activate. The second - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the last we go to the neighboring room. We use the machine to get the last battery. Activate. We accept steroids and urine in hand-to-hand combat all who are on the way.
We take a gun and go to the "Mordobius". Sit down for the gun.

Mission 4: "Ship - carrier"

Shelling a huge ship over the city. It will be more effective to shoot in the gun itself. We destroy small ships.
4 hours later ... We pass through the ventilation, destroying the lattice to pass.

Mission 5: "Hearted (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.
We go to the elevator - begin to pull the lever, without bringing to the end.
Prowk the trolley and sit down in the machine. We are going, circling all obstacles. To fly the abyss - use the forples. Go down on the floors.
2 part.

We pass the gallery and stop at the gate. We go out and go inside. Before you there will be boxes and go on the playing tables to the button - then again sit down in the car and go further. You jump over the abyss and donate from the aliens.
Use the trolley to open the gate. We become a stretcher of the particles, break the showcase and take a shotgun. Fight in the near battle.
We go to where they came from. We reach the casino and hiding - you need to kill the crowd. We raise the gate and occupy a position in the corner, because you will be teleported behind your back.
3 part.

Immediately turn on special vision, because the darkness is ahead. But also do not forget to shoot. We go to the hall where the huge DUK will be. We approach the switch and do so that Duke stands back to you, the left hand was upstairs. We jump on the lifts and climb on the 2nd floor.
Go to the door, then in ventilation. We jump down, rear replenish stocks, go around all mines. To remove the fire - shoot fire extinguishers. Take mines, open the door. I am flattering and hiding. Shoot in flying fat.
Go to the general.

Mission 6: "Ruins of Las Vegas"

Go for dilan. Become for the machine gun and shoot pigs. Go for a detachment. We take a partner "for 5 minutes" and forward over the bridge.
We take a stronger weapon, such as the "Captain Laser", which makes life easier. The RPG will meet on the way - we take and go down to the ditch, fight off.
A military leader will appear - so huge, and even with a machine gun ... without departing from the ammunition, rape rockets from RPG on it. We finish it and go, in just open, hatch.

Mission 7: "Dome Duke (1,2 part)"

1 part.

We pass through the ruins, get out through the well. We climb into the container. At the construction site will be enemies, and you have ammunition under the side. We pass to the goal and break the castle. We kill aliens, through the container we go to the construction site. We go around and penetrate inside through the roof. We use the chopper, press the button at the gate.
2 part.

We pass through the ruins. Ahead deadlock. We climb on the container and blast the red barrels in the other - it will fall. From there, blue will roll out - drag them into the container near the forests. He will lean - now we get on it and pass. We go around the crane, jump on a construction site, blast the barrels and pass upstairs. We take the battery. With the help of RPG, knock the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and the building on the left, then raise the faucet and go there.

Mission 8: "Beehive (1,2 part)"

1 part.

Turn on special vision. Moving along the edge right. We divide the mucus and in the cave. We pass through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of girls, go through - to the right will be "trampoline" - jumping. We find girls - they will "give birth."
In the end you will go to a dead end. We shoot in the caterpillar - and begin to ride it into the room to the girls, go through the door.
2 part.

We collect objects from the corpses and go along the edge of the cliff. We jump upstairs and pass on the clogs of stones. We reach the room with capsules and explosives. Opposite you trampoline - we throw an explosive on it on the "3" key. Right the tangle there, from where they came. Fight on the way from flying octopus.
We pass forward using a trampoline ... Now the cockroaches climb out flowers. Ralm everyone in their way and complete the stage.

Mission 9: "Queen-Sucia-mother"

Immediately open the door and reserve. To the left of the door there is a cave - throw a grenade there. We go and climb the uterus.
Left and right trampolines. We throw pomegranates on them and wait until they sound for the uterus shields - we blame ... Then we take to help RPG. It will cause a profog, a shotgun will help.
After all - finish it.

Mission 10: "" Tits-City "Duke Nyukhema"

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and a condom in a room with a code (near the bar counter). Code 4768.
Pop Corn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be prepared. Go straight into the room of drinking champagne. Girl will bring you.
Sitty and "enjoy".

We go on tentacles, clearing the road. We jump across the trampoline, climb and for the machine gun ... Try not to miss any ship. Start shooting.
Gently go out and continue to go on the giant tentacles. We select the destroyer and destroy the aliens ship. We shoot flying paratroopers ... We understand with the last.

Mission 12: "Burger Duk (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.

We pass through the tentacles and decrease. Now in the hatch, we become normal and cutting electricity.
Again, we decrease, we turn on special vision and jump onto the bench, from there on the sink and in the hole, from where there was a current. We climb up the pipe and are moving forward.
2 part.

Fall and become normal. We enter into battle with small bulls. Through the hole in the moon to another part of the hall. On the right there will be boxes - climb, then at the checkout and upstairs. We jump on the tentacle and go on it. Huge enemies will go on you, lubricate them into a decreasing fluid and we deal with them. We go to the back and climb up the boxes. We break ventilation and pass.
You need to turn off the electricity. We jump down, then on the trolley, because the refrigerator and trampoline. We jump to the dishwasher and activate it. We reset the mop and go. We jump on the boxes, climb the shelves. We jump over the other side, we go on the bottom. Climb on the slab, jumping through hamburgers. We jump on the trolley, then on the corpse. We climb the boxes, turn on the toaster and take off to the top. We use a hook, jump on feet and cut down the current. We go to the door, we climb upstairs and ventilation.
3 part.

Knip the grid, increase and go to the roof of the burger Duke. We take a diminist and wait for the evacuation ... Isn't it too simple?!

Mission 13: "Deserted rally (1,2 part)"

1 part.

Clean the bridge. Clean the place of disembarkation. Sit down in the car. We go, following the signs.
If the car turned over - come to it and press "E".
To drive faster, use the forples (right mouse button).
To dramatically wrap - the space.
2 part.

Now the enemies will be on the way - they need to crush them.
Following the signs, you will send on the road. Use the floors to fly the abyss. Soon the gasoline will end, get out and in battle!
We reach the booth, break the castle and in the old manner ... penetrate inside from above. Take the canister and holotryuk ... We return to the car and go!

Mission 14: "Ghost town"

With the help of a shield, jump into the breakdown and right ahead there will be a terrain with buildings and, of course, the "peaceful" population, which you want to meet you. After the shock with the inhabitants, jump over the next challenge. Soon you will see a wooden bridge, do not break, and we drive around the turn and move it. Here is another town - to battle!
From the hangar, a fat shooter, the best tactic - to throw a holotoyuk and fall out to spread it as it should. We go inside the hangar, first move the platform in front of us, rising to the top level and descend the stairs. Now we put the platform in the initial position and take a canister through the other side.
We run to the car, pour and forth through the hangar!

Mission 15: "Battle on the highway (1,2 part)"

Mission 16: "Top Dam"

We go to the dam, ahead - well, about a lot of enemies. Davim, who will fall under the wheels, but in general - it is better to cross out obstacles. Jump on the ship.
We climb the stairs and see the president's whipped. We go around and meet with a detachment. Take the weapon and beat the attack on the road. Here will serve the warlord again. The principle of action is the same: shoot with RPG, standing near the box with ammunition. This time you will have to tear 2 horns, instead of one.
Go down the rope down. We go to the tunnel.

Mission 17: "Boy - middle finger (1,2 part)"

1 part.

We go to the workers and take the "freezer". We go and stop all the waves of opponents for a long time and stubbornly. We return to the door where the workers come from and will come - they will open the way to you on ...
Go down on the stairs.
2 part.

We go to the door, to the left of the barrier screw - cool. We put the pipes in this position so that you are not there.
That is, there are 3 rows:
- Near the wall - 1
- in the middle - 2
- Before you - 3
It is necessary that 1 and 2 row are parallel to each other, then turn the screw and go further.
We understand with the enemies, divide the board - rose. We decrease, unscrew the bolts at the lattice and jump down. We divide the mop and take off. We spin the screw and climb the gears. I cut the fan and forward. We go out and jump on the wheel, now through a whole mechanism. We rose, break ventilation to disable the main fan. "1: 0 - in favor of Duke."
We rise on the suitcases to another room. We call the elevator - it will appear thugs, we kill. On handrails, we get to the button.

Mission 18: "Storekeeper (1,2 part)"

1 part.

We go to the magnifier. In the main room activate the chopper. Open the gate and climb. Here you can run on the cornices. We go into the hole in the fence. We divide boxes and destroy all enemies. Soon there will be an aximiboss - sit down for the machine gun.
Raise the gate and go inside.
2 part.

Sit down for the lift and forth.
You jump over the grid, we turn on special vision, climb the control room and turn on the light. We go out, interrupt the crowd of enemies, using the lift we climb upstairs. Sit down to the elevator.

Mission 19: "Machine Hall"

We leave the elevator and go down the stairs to the detachment.
Go to the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb the stairs and move the pipe. On tentacles, go from one generator to another. Climb upstairs and reserve. While the platform will move - fought off the ammiboss. We take the "destroyer" and fall asleep with rockets.
Soon he will fall and will begin to attract you - we shoot until you kill.
We jump down to the worker and exit. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there - into the water.

Mission 20: "underground (1,2 part)"

1 part.

Gasim fire with a fire extinguisher and descend. We pass the hall with screws and climb. We reset the red locker to the mechanism and 2 more, which are below. Let's go down and leave. We climb into ventilation.
2 part: Diver.

We dive and float down the door. Do not forget to raise oxygen. Twist the valve to open the hatch - swim through a round room. We destroy cockroaches. We get out on the stairs and jump down ... turn on special vision and down again. We kill enemies and go down in the tunnel.

Mission 21: "Lighter (1,2 part)"

1 part.

We remove the path, destroy the aliens. We use forests to climb upstairs. Go down to the site. Wills a crane, we use it to get the blue barrels and immerse them on the platform.
1 barrel - near the platform.
2 barrel - above the door, from where the crane left.
3 Barrel - on the forests, from where we came from.
We ship all the barrels on the crane. From the hangar №2 and №3 will be in turn to publish others - we are afraid. Another barrel will be in 3 hangar.
Two fat will fly out - we kill. We climb on the crane and go down.
2 part.

Gently come out. If there is a holotoyuk - we use if not, then quickly break through the stairs to the left. We jump down, we climb on the forest on the right. From there on the tentacles we go to the hole above the door.
We jump down, then on black island. We leave upstairs, there in the pipes to the comrade.
We descend and deploy the bridge to the door. I cut the electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and sail.

Mission 22: "Burst of the dam (1,2 part)"

1 part.

Slow, turn the crane, now we swallow. We set on the lattice - the first bomb. Circling all the valves, sailing along the yellow tube.
We take RPG, we kill the energy leech. You can replenish stocks from containers. In the end, put a bomb in my head and swim into this pipe.
2 part.

We jump into the water and float to the left. Be careful, at any time the floor can collapse.
We run up a long staircase, hiding from the red barrels ... It is impossible to hide too long - rear water. Without paying attention to the enemies - run. Ahead of the abyss, but on the left there is a staircase. Ahead is different - climb and running the tunnel.

Mission 23: "Decisive battle (Final Battle)"

Kill ordinary aliens with a gun to take possession of RPG. We begin to shoot the emperor, after the cartridges are ends - the gun kill ordinary pigs and so always. We take all the health of the emperor, we climb on it.
He almost will restore life - we continue to deposit him with fire. We climb the second time.
You will be informed that the cartridges will reset - but there will be a "destroyer", oh ... FINISH HIM!
Clean the helicopter!

What should we do in the first place? Of course, "relieve"! Holding the left mouse button, satisfy the natural need. When you get tired of doing this, press "E" and leave the sorter. We are chosen in the hall and draw a board to your taste. Now it's time to go off the monsters. We follow the fighters and a little study the wisdom of management. Reaching the elevator, we select the first weapon - the destroyer, climb upstairs and shoot in a huge cycloid. We run the circles sideways and simultaneously shoot. When the ammunition is run out, we wait until they are delivered. The smaller the health remains at the cycloid, the closer we approach it and the fascinating it is trying to try us. Therefore, it is impossible to produce it from the field of view. Powing it, quickly run up to it and press the corresponding button. Then they also quickly press the "space" and tear off part of the body, after which the cycloid dies. We carry out the crown reception by pressing "E". Being finished in the apartments with twins, we leave the apartment and go to the elevator.

What we do not sleep?

Going down, go straight to the speech. In the corridor listening to emergency news. We sign the book a boy and choose the studio. There were problems here, so we go to find out what happened in fact. We go through another passage and teach the gaping dude. We are moving along the corridors and choose to the elevator. Stuck on the penultimate floor, we use a highlighted emergency button and on the stairs that appeared we climb on the last floor. In the museum, approach the throne and try to drive a boys. Use the terminal to the right to take a picture of it. Sit on the chair and go down.

Cave Duke.

After talking with the president and general, we pass forward. Through the door is trying to break the opponent. Beating it with fists, open the door and select a highlighted object. Throw it into another. We enter the door to the left and kill two more. We select a gircuit and jump a little, it gives an increase to health. From the wall we tear off the highlighted hatch, squat and canolate. Selecting, drinking beer, pressing "6". It makes us hardy and attacks of opponents bring less damage to health. In the dark, you can use special glasses, "F" button. Open the door, turn left and go down the pipes. Enemies are also not seen in the dark, it is an excellent chance to kill them without harm to health. In the last room we designate with two and knocked the grid on the wall. We jump down where it is still a little crawling, we are painting with opponents. Now we remove the supporting pipe of the tank. We get up to another end and, quickly sprint, jump over to another pipe. In the room with the generator we collect power supplies from the boxes. Here we select the first weapon - a laser rifle. We place the sources in the appropriate connectors. By inserting the second, the door will open, from where opponents will appear. We go to this door and, killing a few more, we get into the room with the control panel from the machine. The third power source is located in a room with a controlled machine. Our task is to drag it to the hole on the wall. Make it is very simple, it is enough to safely control the machine, dropping down the source - to move it through the hole. We select the power supply and, returning to the generator, insert into the connector. We are waiting and taking the resulting product - steroids. We accept them by pressing "5" and, running in a circle, breaking opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Through the opened door, new creatures will crawl. We kill them from weapons and pass on. We get a new weapon - the M1911 corporate gun with a laser sight. Open the door and moving along the corridor, painting with the enemies. Only destroying everyone, we will be able to use a huge gun in the central room.

Vehicle carrier.

Having noted on the surface, we wait until the weapon of the head of the aliens will begin to smash the city. We shoot on it until complete destruction. Do not forget to keep track of the temperature and flying the opponent's aviation over us. Next, one of the knocked fighters repels us, and we fall down again. Waking up, after four hours, we take the grid on the wall and the moon in the ventilation mine.


Having passed to the end, we turn out to be-ready to collapse the elevator. Next to the cable is the lever. By activating it with the holding of the LKM. On the opposite wall, the numbers indicate the floors are depicted. Squeeze the lever to complete when there are 10-12 floors. Jump down and open the elevator door. We are on the liquid that reduced us! Seeing the boy, move the trolley, Tarana her. We sit in the machine and, using the floors, fly through the springboard. Next, we move across the only way. Reaching the first floor, carefully drive around the edge of the destroyed fountain. Walking it out, accelerate, as follows and flight. Then, we should not just clever the obstacles, but also evades opponents so as not to become their target.

Hello: Part 2.

Drive through the hall, evading the enemies. Through the next door, do not drive. Let's leave the car and crawl under it. We climb on the billiard table through the suitcases. Getting to the switch will not be difficult. Just do not forget to kill rats, otherwise they will make it with us earlier than we activate the switch. We return to the car and jump over the springboard. The danger increases with the appearance of pig-shaped beings. We are constantly in motion, and quickly looking for new springboard. We meet the soldier of POPs that can increase us if we open the gate. Move the trolley to the switch and across the sofas we get directly to it. We go to the increasing platform opposite the exhibit, between the sisters. We smack the glass and select a shotgun. We destroy the appearing enemies, both on Earth and attackers from the helicopter. When the sisters disappear, open the highlighted grille and return to the gaming rooms. Similarly, withstand the waves of opponents. In the hall with a car on the podium, both from the front and the back lie steroids. We pass along the corridor, jumping over the abyss from the right side.

Heart: Part 3.

We move forward, killing enemies. Reaching your own statue, with the help of the console, we move the right hand to the highest building on the right. Click, right mouse button and quickly climb upstairs. We kill the swine and across the room we get into the ventilation mine. Having passed on it, jump down. We are moving away and shoot a laser source. The next rolling is crushing, then jump over the boxes. And again shoot on the grounds located on the ceiling. On the second floor we also explode lasers, and the fire has emerged to the car, shooting the fire extinguishers. We pick up mines and take the door. We are leaving back and scatter mines against raid creatures. We replenish the ammunition using a box with ammunition. In the hall we will attack a flying grenadeometer. Constantly moving, preferably in one direction, and attacking as close to the distance from the shotgun. Having understood with the aliens, we meet with the general.

Ruins of Las Vegas.

Having learned how Dylan was happy to work with us, heading towards the truck and select a new weapon - the Ripper. We go down the street until we have a barricade. Using the turret, we destroy several aliens waves. Through the released passage, moving on. I mined the challenge - we are waiting until the explosive is detonated, and follow the bridge. Unfortunately, assistants kill. Jump down and deal with the aliens. If possible, do not rush and use the turret to save the cartridges. On the box we find a new weapon - RPG. We meet with the captain and soldier of POPs. After beating the attack of enemies, a huge commander appears. Against him, act exclusively RPG, or explosives. In no case, do not get up before him, in order not to be under massive fire. Shoot because of the corners and keep at a distance. You can replenish the buzz from the box, next to the fallen fighter. Having been holing, running towards him and twice use corona achievements. After some time appears ... Dylan. It is quite alive and well, although it seemed that he would no longer return, after disappearing on the bridge.

Dome Duke.

We move on sewer tunnels. Electricity blocks the path, so we are waiting for it to calm down for a while and quickly cross the water on wooden boards. Fire, shooting the fire extinguisher on a suspended corpse. We climb upstairs where we meet with the builders. Soon the container is lowered, and we climb into it. The monster that appeared kills all people. While we move through the air, we are growing with the enemies in sight. Do not forget that there is a box with ammunition. Out out of the container - unfold, jump over the boxes and shoot the lock on the door. Moving on the site, killing the swine. We pass through the container on the other end and jump down. By walking the trailer, climb on the roof. Sketching the glass, we fall inside. Activate the switch next to the door. On the table is a new weapon - rail. A very powerful sniper rifle capable of "flashing" several opponents at once in a row. We beat off the attack, being inside the trailer. After a few waves, the enemies turn the trailer, and we will be able to get out of it. We finish the remaining and click on the button next to the lattice door. She jammed, so we turn it out to the end yourself.

Dome Duke: Part 2.

We move forward and at the end we find the swinging container, inside which several barrels. We must add it to barrels. One is at the top of another container, as well as inside it, you just need to destroy wooden boxes. And two more inside the standing container. So that they fell, shoot on the red barrels. Placing all of them in the last container, it outweighs, and we can climb on it, through a standing container. Get to the crane that does not work without a battery. We climb the crane and move along its forklift. We enter the platform through the container, shot on the barrels located in it. We climb up the top of the red staircase and take the battery from the room. From RPG destroy the Aviation Aviation. Return to the crane and insert the battery. Dolbim the wall of the building on the left until the hole is formed. For a forklift, you penetrate into the building and take the door.

If you go down, then at the end you can detect the machine gun. And the right path is right, for this we jump on the stones. We destroy obstacles, rolling through the tunnel and roll the ball into the corresponding connector for opening the door. All that we do next is moving forward, killing various creatures. Having found a twin, we speak with them and soon they mutate in small creatures. The following room requires a ball for opening the door. We go through another pass to the end. Shot in the larva and when it turns into a ball, rolling it to a closed door.

Beehive: Part 2.

We shoot with suspended corpses, of which they appear both ammunition and weapons. We kill the encountered enemies and we clean the way from all kinds of obstacles. Up to high seats jerk using special replicators. Reaching the repuliter on the wall, the in front of which the abyss, throw explosives in it. When she departs, detonate her and the resulting ball feed up to the door. At the bottom of the left we use the replicate.

Queen-Sucia mother.

We find yourself in a building in front of a closed door. We hit a pear to increase health strips. In the right room we select explosives and throw it into the passage to the left of the door, as possible at a large angle. When she falls on the reverse side - detonate. We go to the hall with the queen. Of the highlighted boxes, we get explosives and with a metal to the nearest replicator. When she landed next to the queen - detonate. Quickly attack the discontinued uterus from RPG or explosives. We repeat these actions to the full destruction. In addition, do not forget to ride from her attacks, and kill small creatures. Having struck the queen, run up to her grazing and finish.

"Tits City" Duke Nyukem.

After talking with the stripter, we go to search for popcorn, vibrator and condom. We pass inside and turn right, go through the door with the inscription "EXIT". We climb the stairs and get into the room. From the table taking a condom. Opening the microwave, select the package lying on it with popcorn and put it inside. Close and wait when it gets ready. At this time, you can eat the product lying on the microwave, thereby increasing the health strip. Next, we go to the room next to the DJ remote control, near the podium. In one of the lockers we discover the vibrator. Returning to the stripper in the room for drinking champagne. Follow her, sit down on the chair and watch the show.

Real oldcual gamers perfectly remember Duke - it was one of the first colorful characters that appeared on personal computers. Duke Nukme is the main character A series of shooters that began to appear back back in 1991. Already then the project became very loud and attracted a lot of attention, as it was one of the first first-person shooters in the history of the needleration. Naturally, this developers did not stop - two years later, the second part was released, and in 1996, five years after the release original Game, I. Duke Nukem. 3D. On this series ended - there were also side projects, spin-offs, platformers and more, but the original series was closed until 2011, when Duke Nukem Forever appeared. The passage of this game was returned to the gamers in the dashing nineties, but at the same time allowed you to enjoy high-quality graphics, excellent physics - and rejoice again to the rude comments of the pet computer to the twentieth ago. Even if you are not a fan of the series, you still have to try this project - if the current gamers are unlikely to be seduced by pixel graphics of the original trilogy, then the last part can attract the attention of absolutely all players. And if you have difficulty, you can always use the use of passage.

"Duke alive" and "what not sleep?"

In the game Duke Nukem Forever, the passage begins in a typical style. The first thing you need to do is to fix it, you can do it either in the urinal, or throughout the toilet - as you wish. After that, go to the next room, you can draw chalk on the board. When you get tired of having fun, join the detachment and train the Azam management and other features of the game, select your first weapon. After that, you will have a meeting with the emperor, during which you will strongly flow off the explosive wave, because of which you are divided with the detachment. Now you need to act on your own - go up the stairs, run the tunnel and meet with the cycloid - the fight with it is not easy, but you will dump the ammunition, because it's still only the beginning of the game. When you overpower the enemy, go to the elevator. After reviewing the news, you can again show the wonders of creativity - this time leaving the autograph to your fan. When the broadcast problem is started, go to the utility room and taking a height that spoils you all. Then you need to sit in the elevator, which will be stuck in one floor before your destination point. Select from the cabin and use the fire staircase. Once in the throne room, take a picture of the boy who climbed the throne to convince. Sit yourself in his place and go down. As you already understood, in the game Duke Nukem Forever, the passage is broken down by chapters, which only a little more than twenty.

"Cave Duke" and "Vehicle-carrier"

So, in Duke Nukem Forever, the continuation begins to unfold with a rapid pace. If in the previous chapter you have no need to fight, now you have to sweat. To begin with, listen that the president and general will tell you, then go to your first fight with the aliens. Overcoming them, head to the hatch, which will lead you to the first-aid kit, which in this game is beer - it increases your endurance and reduces the damage caused by enemies. It's time for the next fight, after which you need to use nightpoint glasses to get through the pipes and go out in another room filled with enemies. Crashing with them, you will need to clear your aisle, deal with another group of aliens and pick up weapons. You can get the next room only when you collect three batteries. It will open you access to steroids that will allow you to take part in an incredibly large-scale hand-to-hand fight. Picking up to the gun, sit down for it - and begin to lead the interplanetary fire. This perfectly describes how impressive in the game Duke Nukem Forever passage. The machine room is littered with the bodies of the aliens, and Duke palettes along their ship from a huge gun. Lay into the gun that will fire the city, but do not forget about small ships that will fly around. As soon as you destroy the gun, one of the enemy fighters will somete you, and you will fall down again, having lost consciousness. As soon as you can get off - take out the ventilation grille and move on.

"Hoodie" and "Ruins of Las Vegas"

However, you should not think that behind the most difficult thing remains that you can offer you in the game Duke Nukem Forever. The machine room is still flowers compared to what awaits you ahead. Go to the stuck elevator and with the help of the lever lift it. As soon as possible - jump inside. There will be a spilled liquid that will somehow decrease you in size. Push the trolley that blocks the exit from the elevator, sit down to the toy machine and go on the road, jumping over the obstacles and dodgeing the enemies. The door flies to you, which can be opened with a switch located above the billiard table. Close to it on the suitcases, shoot from rats and open yourself a passage. Further, the race becomes even harder, as new opponents appear. After a while you will reach the soldiers who have an increasing installation, but in order to take advantage of it, you need to raise the gate. Look for a switch, lay the road to it and activate. Big again, pick up a shotgun and straighten with the aliens. Go to the room with your own statue, turn it in such a way that it can be climbed onto the floor above. There will be a complete darkness, so use the night vision device. Come on the door, and then crawl into ventilation. Jump down, replenish the ammunition and carefully go around mines. Once in the Hall, fight with a flying grenadeometer, then you can move to the general. There you will appoint a partner - Dylan, who is very happy to work with you. Of course, you don't care, so go for a weapon and push the squad, fighting with the aliens. When moving along the bridge, the whole group is killed, and you have to fight the next boss - a warlord. It is huge, powerful and armed with a machine gun. When you defeat it, it turns out that Dylan survived. As you can see, the passage of the game Duke Nukem Forever can present pleasant surprises.

"Dome Duke" and "Beehive"

The passage of the game Duke Nukem Forever is gaining momentum, you have to withstand an increasing number of aliens and other opponents, and most importantly - they are becoming stronger. Now you need to go down into the sewage and get through the ruins, which will lead you to the well - you can climb through it. Get to the construction site, where it will be full of opponents, but in the container there are ammunition, so you should not have any problems. Objes of all aliens, go around the house and activate the chop, which will open the gate for you. According to the opening path, reach deadlock - here you will need no rough strength, but intelligence. When you decide the puzzle, you will open a passage further. You can pick up the battery and RPG. For something, the RPG will need when the aliens ship will appear on you - you need to knock it down. When you get rid of the ship and from the alien landing, it will come to use the battery - turn the faucet and demolish the wall of the building to penetrate inside in the hive. There you need to break the door and go down - the circle will be full of mucus. Once in the ulle, you will find that the aliens kidnapped human girls to enter their cubs. Duke promises to take revenge on this, after which you will need to move along the hive, constantly shooting from a wide variety of aliens, from small and shock beetles to huge flying octopuses. You need to move only forward, shooting until you finish chapter and do not continue the passage of Duke Nukem Forever. Beehive is a rather difficult chapter, so be careful.

"Queen Mother" and "Bub City Dyuk"

Where did the Duke Nukem Forever lead you? Beehive is a place where the aliens live and fruit, and you could already see exactly what they do, as well as how much of them are inside. But ordinary aliens you naturally are not very interested. You need to deal with their queen to get rid of the root of the problem. Therefore, gain as many supplies as possible, paying special attention to grenades and rockets, as the queen is very high, so we will not make harm to the usual weapons. Once in the room with her, pay attention to trampolines from the mucus - you have already jumped into the ul. But this time you better throw pomegranates on them so that they flew over the Queen's shield plates - so you can make it defenseless. Start shelling it from the RPG, but at the same time do not forget that it will cause a profog, so periodically switch the shotgun and get rid of annoying monsters. After some time, you will be able to deal with it and go to the strip club to reward yourself for efforts. Talking with a stripter, you will need to go in search of three necessary items - a condom, vibrator and popcorn. Once you all get all this - come back to the stripper and follow her in the VIP-room to get a private show. Do not outraget - in the description of the game, age limits are clearly indicated, so the children in this project are simply prohibited. So it's time to continue in the Duke Nukem Forever passage - the queen is defeated, what's next?

"Crash course" and "burger duk"

As this time it prepares for the gamer in the game Duke Nukem Forever. The queen of the aliens is dead, which means that the invoice came the end, isn't it? It turns out, everything is not so simple. While you have fun, something happened - and you come to yourself only in the helicopter, where you give a brief briefing regarding the fact that the threat of aliens is still far from extermination. Here your helicopter is bubble, and you find yourself on tentacles huge monster. Move carefully, because the fall means death. If you need to kill your enemy threatening - stop and see, and then keep moving. Once on solid soil, you can exhale - now movement will be more free, but the opponents will become even more. Punch the machine gun unit for which you need to sit down and start playing the fighters of the aliens. As soon as the helicopter shall be drawn out of the enemy, in which your machine gun is installed - jump or fall into the abyss. Pick up the most powerful weapon in the game is the destroyer. Now you need to destroy the enemy's enemy fighter by hand. Having coped with the task, resist the alien attempts to kidnap you. When you succeed in it, make your way through the thickets of the supreets to the burger. Then you need to look and find the diminutive liquid and the door to the back. The door is closed, so decreasing, pigeon inside and turn off the energy, becoming more. Then decrease again and make your way to the ventilation shaft - getting out of it, finally become big and begin to understand the crowd of aliens who settled in the diner. Having understood with everyone and deciding all the riddles, you can get to the roof of the diner, where you will find a walkie-talkie and a new weapon - a decrease. It does not kill opponents, but makes them small, but you need to straighten with them, as they are rather quickly returned to normal size. By the radio, you report that in five minutes they will arrive at you, so everything you need is to hold out. The battle is complicated, but you have a diminist, which will make it easier in Duke Nukem Forever. Burger Duke is a mission that requires serious preparation, since spontaneous actions will not lead anywhere.

"Desert Rally" and "Ghost Town"

Well, now you can try the air mission that you offer in Duke Nukem Forever. Burger Duk remains behind, and now you have a flight over the desert, in the process of which you will not be able to relax. You will need to destroy the aliens on Earth and in the air until you reach the landing zone. It is also to be presented from the crowd of enemies, after which your squad will go down to the ground. You need to sit in buggy and go to the road. Do not forget to accelerate before breaking, to overcome the abyss without any problems. Do not be distracted by aliens and do not stop to figure them out - you can easily shoot down, it is a very fun and pleasant lesson. But at one fine moment you will end in gasoline, and then you will have to walk to refueling, fighting against monsters. On the refueling you, you will meet a large crowd of aliens - when you deal with them, grab the canister and return to the car. Place it and continue the road. You will find yourself in the city that captured aliens. I would like to drive it, but you again ends with gasoline. We will have to wander around the city, take a stack of enemies and find another canister, in place again to fix your car and move on to continue in Duke Nukem Forever. Dome Duke, part 2 - It is this mission that reminds this episode, but only then there was no car.

"Battle of highway" and "Top Dam"

Everyone remembers what an unpleasant in Duke Nukem Forever passing underground, 2 times you needed to go down to a huge depth, and there was nothing visible, but the aliens were just incredibly much. It would seem that everything should be easier on the surface, but everything is wrong. Of course, there are no darkness here, and you do not need to use the night vision device, but the aliens are even more - and they are even stronger. Now wives you need to wake up on the road with other machines until you finish gasoline again. Punch yourself the way to the machine gun, then straighten with huge number enemies both on earth and in heaven. Go to the cave, explore it, then pour it fuel and set up. With the same gasoline, you can fix your car and go further. The aliens are becoming more and more, so put them, but do not get drunk to not get stuck. Reaching dams, meet with a detachment, look at the president that went crazy and get ready to fight the crowd of opponents. Then the warlord will appear again - attack it on the same strategy as the first time. After that, descend on the rope and go to the tunnel to continue in the game Duke Nukem Forever passage. 1 against all is your motto for the entire process, so do not be discouraged that the detachment again either dies or remains behind.

"Boy middle finger" and "Storekeeper"

As you can understand, it's approaching the end in the game Duke Nukem Forever. "Middle finger boy" (2 parts) is one of the last missions. Here you need to pick up a new weapon, which freezes opponents - it will help you deal with several monsters waves. When you finish, workers will skip you further. There you will need to become small and solve the puzzle to go on. Having done a considerable way, you can reach the magnifier and take your normal size. Move on, open the gate and fight a bunch of aliens until another boss appears. Running go to the machine gun and fight him to a victorious end, then move to the lift - you need to activate it, but do not doubt, without a company you will not stay. When you raise to the very top, prepare - you are waiting for a series of recent tasks, which will complete in the game Duke Nukem Forever. Beehive, part 2 is a mission that was incredibly complex and tense. And now you will have a real test.

Latest missions

So comes to an end in the game Duke Nukem Forever passage. Part 1 was quite simple, but gradually the complexity was increased, and now everything is very difficult. First you need to destroy the next boss in the machine room, then again rip the sewers and even swim under water. Then you will need to blow up the dam to eventually meet with the emperor, the fight with which will finish in the game Duke Nukem Forever. Beehive (2 part of it) pushed you with the first major monster in the game, and now you need to deal with the emperor using the RPG and the destroyer that will be rebelled to you a little later.