The passage of the game Mafia is stepdown. Manual and passage by "Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven". Distinction

Before us is the legendary MAFIA - a representative of such a rare genre game film. She has already been quite a few years old, but many still play it from time to time, for it is not there, and it is hardly ever. It has its own style, your highlight, charm, if you want. Plus an infinite charm of America of the 40s of the last century: the flourishing of large mafia structures and small banditry, a boom of the automotive industry. The car finally became not a luxury, but a means of movement. And the Thompson car makes 600 shots per minute - many know about it, because not knowledge can lead to death. And the last thing you will hear in this case: "Mr. Salieri transfers hello!"

However, the surname of the mafia boss value does not have. Dramas on the tamping of non-annual mafia people were hardly an ordinary thing then. But, since we have to try it all on yourself, I will not detain you. Boldly press the "new game" ...

1938. In a small cozy cafe included a presentable view of a young man, goes to a long-round table. He greets with a person sitting there, referring to him "Detective" and is sitting on. Orders coffee. Several phrases, sharing by baggas. Feed coffee. The conversation continues. Soon it turns out that a young man is a member of a large mafia structure, one of the most important leaders. And his boyfriend hunt behind him. How did it happen? "Set a more comfortable, a detective, this story is not from short ..."

Autumn 1930. 8 years before the events described. Late evening, empty streets lit by dim lanterns. Cuteless, but the autumn cold already makes itself felt. Thomas Angelo, a young taxi driver, finished the working day and stopped at the cross.

"Busy car inspection, I reflected. That, although I get tired, like a hell, but I like my work - honest, real ... Safe work. The fact that many people in those heavy times for America have taken away much less. So it was not necessary to complain about fate.

Suddenly heard the screech of rubber and rumble, the ringing of the glass, the crackle of the fermentable iron. Literally immediately from behind the corner jumped out two, one had a row of a leg, he was chrome. And both were not very weighty, but extremely slaughter arguments. In principle, everything became immediately clear. These are those whose work is incomparably more dangerous than mine, and it is not so honest. Mafia. And they chase them.

Reflecting on this now, I want to convince myself - again and again, that then I just had no choice. Then then - many, many times. I had to help these gangsters. Because they depended on it and, most importantly, my life. "

You can't refuse

So, we are in a taxi, in the driver's seat. Nearby are very unusual passengers. The goal is to tear off the pursuers. Here as lucky. It will be enough to turn twice, while being out of the field of visibility of enemies. The enemy loves to overtake you and deploy auto, hitting in the rear wing. Take advantage of this. As soon as he is attached to Radom with your car, you will need to get close to the lamppost - the enemy will stay, will lose some precious seconds, and you can still hide out of sight.

Autosave worked before the start of the roller, so you can safely experiment - the number of attempts is not limited. How it turns out, get a new task to take customers in the bar Salieri.

A little later it became clear who were my clients. These are people of Don Salieri - a major mafia boss. And pursued us, it became, people of Don Morello. Because who could still be. About Emief Morello and Salieri know everything in the city.

Focus on the map (default Tab key). It's not difficult to reach. You can not limit the speed - there are no police patrols at night. Traffic lights and accidents can also be not afraid.

Reaching the bar in Little Italy, I landed satellites. They thanked and asked to wait. I lit. Hands were shaking after experienced. At the entrance to the bar, two rowed gangster looked at my car and smiled brazenly, as if they knew what would happen. I also began to guess. Now someone will come out of the bar, suitable for the car and ... "Hello from Mr. Salieri!" After all, I am a witness. I can either pay, or kill me. Which method prefers to choose the mafia I know. Bar door opens. To me there is one who called Sam. By convulsive to shaking hands by turning the ignition key. Tormented the starter. The heart knocks like mad. Gangster has already passed halfdow. I press the gas pedal several times - no sense, the car still does not start. Pot appears on the forehead and top lip. He left two steps. He fuses his hand in the inner pocket of the jacket, I instinctively pressed into the seat ready to hear the last rush smoky in life.

- "Hey guy! Mr. Salieri wants to thank you. Here is the amount of car repair and fee for your services. If you need help, come and Don will help you. We could take you to work ... "

I look and see. Circles float in front of the eyes. I take the envelope stretched out, saying goodbye and turn the ignition key. Start immediately. I am not able to figure out something, think about problems or about changing work. Thank you again and drove away.

The envelope turned out to be much more than on the repair of the car. I drank for their health, however, I did not think about the proposal for a second. It is better to be poor and alive ...

But, as they say, a person assumes, and God has ...

running Man

The following mission imitates the working day of the taxi driver. The following limitations are valid: You cannot shoot down pedestrians (even easy contact will cause the mission failure), it is impossible to give the police a reason to arrest you (instant failure of the mission), you can not cut into the car and in real estate too often. Police responds to speeding (you can turn on the limiter - an exceptionally convenient thing, CLVAYSH F5 by default, I used on F), on the passage to the red light (time to deliver plenty, you can not hurry and survive all intersections), on the accident. If you do not bring to sin - immediately stop and pay a fine, they will let you go with the world. You will resist and try to hide - arrest.

Divide passengers. To transport the first to the bridge to the east of the starting site, and further to the church. From there, we leave on the embankment to the west of the church and along the embankment to the north to the hospital. From there through a large red bridge (Juliano Bridge) to the theater we carry a girl (pay attention to it. It will be useful). From the theater we are going through the red bridge, right on the avenue, turn on the main and farther turn to the right, we go along the tram paths to the easiest of the array, there is a bar Pompey. Please note: a person who waited for a friend's arrival in his car will come out and go to heart up by the hand with the one we brought. From the bar we carry the passenger through the entire map to the parking lot in the little Italy.

On the map all the time stand pointers, so do not get lost. And in general - the map of the city in Mafia is hardly the most comfortable of all, I have been visible in such games.

On the way, you can pochore: strongly exceed the speed, pass on the lawn or hook a pillar (not strongly). Listen to the replicas of passengers and the answers of the chief hero. Sometimes absolutely worrying combinations are obtained:

You almost killed us !!!

You were not afraid, right?

I reach the little Italy, watch the video.

Bastards quarreled the car by license plate. I was right - this is a gang of Morello. I escaped, but they want to shoot me. Need to run. Now or never…

Run directly across the road, by the sidewalk, behind the green arrow in the doorway (the peasant hacks the door with a rubbish), right, running around the road, again again the naughty (from there the car will leave the car. Be sure to listen to the guy standing there). Immediately behind the arch, the young man copes a small need, run to the left, rise around the steps, to the right, descent, go around the courtyard, forward and straight, descent (there is a parenchy, the bullets are lurled around him, and he knew himself peacefully), left , along the sidewalk (listen to the Ahinea of \u200b\u200btwo business partners), again the green arrow, dive into the doorway (a man is going with his duranduler, a family quarrel at the balcony, the girl in the arc is waiting for a guy), ranging out of the arch to the road, we turn to the left and see the Saalieri bar.

Salieri helped me, as promised. For those two guys ... In general, the guys don can ... work. Yes, yes, work, because now it is my work too. I accepted their offer. I did not have a choice (again!) - I was between the hammer and anvil. My chef would not want to have an employee who had problems with mafia. And Mafia would simply be seeded already an unemployed guy, like hundreds of others.

I was accepted as a family. Actually, this is a real family. I was presented to some people. But the circle of communication was limited - I, nevertheless, a new man. Don is a very prudent man. And fair.

I immediately gave out the first task - to take revenge on Morello. He spoiled my car, I ruined him. Early in the morning we will go with Poly and cover their earlings for spare parts.

Molotov detachment

We look at the videos, we are introduced to gang members. From now on, at the beginning of almost every mission, Ralfi will give us the secret of theft of a certain machine. Later we will get acquainted with another character of a similar sense.

We are going to the farthest island from us. And enjoy the fresh morning. Still, no matter how obsolete graphics were, then able to portray the wonderful start of a new day. It is even symbolic - the beginning of the day and the beginning of the new - gangster - life.

I caught up to the bar (the police would not sleep), with the go, without stopping, let's give the car to the parking lot. We leave from the car and Gasim two cars with a battle, before filling the red stripe at the bottom of the screen. In the last car you need to throw a Molotov cocktail. Immediately sit down in our green arrows and ware.

Please note - it is this machine model that does not have a manual brake. At all. If you need a skid - pull the brake after pressing the rotation key. The effect is the same.

Returning to the bar, I listened a few laudatory words to my address from Poly. He said that I would come out that I was not afraid at all and what did it all even with the share of gloating, which corresponds to the real gangster. Salieri congratulated me with enrollment in the family, and we drank ...


We start at Bar Salieri, listen to a briefing. It is necessary to visit Vinnezo behind the gun and get the car from Ralfi. Cartridges from the revolver do not waste in no case. After completing both conditions, sit down in the car, ses and poly are attached to us. We leave to the city.

After loading, follow the restaurant on the central island. Time - the middle of the day, the police rode the police patrols, so the speed is not exceeding, the pedestrians do not kill, observe traffic lights. We are professional mafiosa, and not some Spand, it is necessary to behave accordingly!

The restaurant will come down, we must wait for it. After a minute, he will come, but not with empty hands, but with a whole suitcase of money (well, the turnover of establishments in America: for one defense pay suitcases!). We are going to the second institution - Bar Pompeii. In case of any taxi driver, we drove the client there. Operation with a suitcase of money is repeated (shine! I want to America!).

When everyone spoke to places, we bring the car and go to the departure from the city. There is one road, do not get lost, on the entrance to the motel goes roller. Our friendships were detained, to act themselves. Four shots in the center of the wheel are out of order a yellow car.

After that we run in the courtyard that behind the building. There is a dog - it is better not to spend the dog on her, immediately lazinate on the boxes near the wall of the building, then upstairs and find themselves on the balcony, on the second floor.

We enter the corridor. Near the door to the toilet - we open and immediately focus on the unfortunate with navigated pants. The nearest door to you leads to the room, there is a Thompson automatic. We select. We go to the stairs and single shots, shooting the cartridges, gently fold those who decided to take the storm the second floor.

Go down, carefully sticking out due to the rebuild, we finish sitting in the main hall. Go to Sam. It follows a roller in which we are shadowed by teeth. The bastard in the clothes of the butcher should pay for it. After the bloody revenge for the dissected teeth, approach the sam. Again, a very nervous and very armed young man pops up from the locked dotol. It is impossible to provoke it, so we are released on the street and immediately leave. Having called a porch of a beloved car, he will open fire for the defeat, for which it will be cruelly punished with the deadly fraction of lead introduced intramuscularly.

Alternative option: You can not touch the car before entering the building, or shift it the wheels - but leave the guy in a suit. The opportunity to escape with money. Then we sit down in our car, and the chase begins. The result is the same.

Detective listened and made a note in notepad. I told - thoroughly, leisurely, thinking on the further course of the presentation.

I told about my first impressions from ... new work, let's say. What this is - to be mafios. What is it - to be Don. He told a little about the structure of power, about how the Mafiosis Boss Empire was built. The detective listened and amazed - the impression that he lived on another planet before. The whole country knew what was being done, and he did not know. Or maybe did the view that he did not know. In any case, I had something to tell, so I had to be astounding more than once, and not two. For example, I told him about how ...

Fair game

After a briefing, we go to Ralfi. He will tell you what to do and give a new car. I recommend leaving it in place (pre-hacked), and take the green durandultic, on which we performed a mission for the destruction of cars Morello. It only takes place in the garage, and in the city we will have the opportunity to change the car.

After loading, we change the car to any, available for theft from riding around the city. There is no guarage of order - they will sleep to sleep, so you can break without fears being caught. Time is pressed, so we go to the racing track.

At the gate stop, talking with a guard. He opens the gate, and sits down to us in the car. Going all the time straight. Start the desired boxing. Bobby opens the gate. We sit in a racing car and go through the whole city to Lucas Burton (located under the Giuliano Bridge). You can go through the Giuliano Bridge - there some suicide decided to jump into the water, and the brigade of doctors dies. And you can go through another bridge. He, just when you drive, raise, so you can jump, like on a springboard. After playing, loading, and we go to Lucas. He regulates the car, after which we have a very little time to return the car to the garage.

There they transplant on your Kolymagu and quietly go home (the contrast after the racing car is very strong) to fumble after a sleepless night.

Morning does not bring anything good. Frank reports that our driver broke his hand, and that there is no one to participate in races. So what kind of presentation was preparing our opponents on the morning of the racing day. Well, at the start, they are waiting for a surprise. In the meantime, we will have to fade in a racing track. We take any car, we are going to boxing, where we recently took someone else's car.

The Frank Roller will explain the rules to us - drive 5 laps and come first - and hint that the loss will not add popularity at all. Like Don Salieri. The next stage is the race.

Here advise anything difficult. Immediately after the start, take the leftmost row and go to the first turn to the third. This advantage must not lose, but to develop. It is more convenient to bypass rivals on turns, going could be less than them, radius. Use additional control keys - if the right arrow means turning the steering wheel to the left smoothly, the additional key will instantly put it in the rotated position - it is very convenient to exit driving.

After the victory we see triumph and general education, and Don will say that Lucas Bertone, an auto mechanic who also won a bunch of money on races, wants to thank us in its own way. Take the car, we go to him (under the bridge Juliano, where at night he helped "step up" the enemy's car)

He shows us a chic cabriolet standing on the lift, tells where it can be taken and, most importantly, as such can be taken. We are going to the building of the mayor's office (south of the Central Island), we wait until the guard turns out, we wake a car and leave. Reaching Bar Salieri, we use the door to the bar to complete the mission.

It is better to get used to ...

Mission designed to diversify game process. No shooting, no verses and accidents. Only on your two. At first, we go for Sarah, cute chatting. Turning in the alley and reaching the door, on the left we will meet the arrogance and self-confident guys who will ask us to put them on the teeth. It is impossible to refuse: we get the crack from the inventory, and, the stuff, beat the one who came up too close - the most efficient tactic. It should be remembered about the restriction in time - Sarah, who ran in horror of the corner, decreases health. We must have time to reach it until she is still alive - there are two more boys who need the help of a professional dentist. Then comes one more, with a bubino. He also wants to get rid of caries - along with his teeth. Everything, the reception is over, hiding the working tool in his pocket, talking to Sarah, and go home to her. After the Love Scene follows - remove the children from the monitor.

P. S.: In a mission, where you need to take people on a taxi, I asked to pay attention to the girl, which we brought to the theater on the central island. It was just Sarah, at least a character model and voice identical.

Don Salieri was not delighted with the fact that someone makes noise on its territory. He instructed me and Poly to deal with this business immediately. Family Informant - Big Biff is in the Chinese quarter.

We go to Vinnezo behind weapons. On the way, you can talk to Luigi and listen to gratitude for the salvation of your daughter. Having received weapons, sitting in the car, you will need that quickly - will be chase.

Having waited for the end of the download, we go to the new part of the city - the Chinese Quarter. He used to be unavailable. There, in the heart of the square, we talk with Buff. He directs us on a hundred nearby, they say, there all this "Code" is inhabited. We are going there, take away the bit and land the gate with foot (or let it make it half). Having met the first two young people "will give them hello to them from Mr. Salieri" - the standard formula of the Mafia and the fun will begin. Try until the villains are engaged in a fight with Poly, go to them behind your back and move a bat with a scope - holding the attack key. In no case cannot shoot - this will lead to an instantaneous failure of the mission.

Cutting out (or rather, knocking out) all villains - lovers hand-to-hand fight, go up the stairs to a dead end between buildings. There we jump down and get a revolver. We run away from behind the corner, we see how a young man is first twisted, and then pulls the gun. As soon as Poly will pronounce a replica with their weapons, you can open fire without fears to fail the mission. Shoot him immediately in the head while he is being shred. Immediately through the fence to the right we climb two - we kill until they climb and cannot answer. Around the corner of a wooden garage sits an enemy with a pistol. We are alive and make one shot, it is advisable to mind. Repeat operation until it gets into. At the end of that corridor, where he sat in the morning, one more nasty type was - he has a revolver, shoots exactly, with great return and very killy. Bear hit. You can apply the tactics "lean-shot" hiding behind a metal column.

There is a 5-year meter behind him, too, with a gun, and two more will be drunk from the roof of the garage. Having finished stripping the terrain, we go to the boards stack, followed by the car, and near her two. The roller begins, at the end of which we run to the car, sit down and go trail. There are many options, the easiest way to go for the car, without trying to cut it, hit or something else. If you go away in the distance, in the end, in the working quarter, it will just become and starts the roller. If in one of key points You will go close to them, the roller can start earlier. In it, Poly kills the driver, and his passenger remains unconscious. There is not enough cartridge on him, Poly decides to keep his life ...


A few days later it turns out that the story with the guys with a hundred has an unexpected continuation. The guy, killed Poly, turned out to be the son of a city adviser, and the second to which life retained - will give testimony against the killers. However, nothing is clear yet. Meanwhile, Frank has a new task for us. Delicate. The director of one of the supreme hotels of Don Salieri suddenly looked at the side of Morello. Our task is to show all that this approach is destroyed for the health of the traitor. It is necessary to publicly kill the owner and blow up his office. The delicate part of the task is that Tom should also eliminate the girl who transmits the information of Morello, which is why Mr. Salieri's enterprise suffers losses - financial and human.

We are going by car to the hotel Korleone. There is a car park (we will no longer sit in it, you can quit where it fell) and the main entrance to the hotel. Begins the most interesting. Inside a lot of security and even more customers and girls designed to brighten up the stay of the rich gentlemen.

We go to the guy beyond the counter, ask about the manager, then ask about the photo and once again - for entertainment. After that, he does not pay attention to us. Weapons up to a certain point is better not to get.

We go to the left of the main entrance, there is a gentleman in a white suit. I need it. Rather - I do not need. Also in the room in the chair sits Bodigard. We become the left of the hotel director, so that he and his guard were on the same line. Click to use on the manager, and without waiting for it to raise the noise, we get a pistol and make up two or three shots. After that, instantly switched on the guard in the chair. Without going from place to reload the pistol and wait for the campaign that comes running out of the hall. Be vigilant - one of them creates two-barbells - a formidable weapon at small distances. Put them, trying to shoot. We collect weapons. Going out of the room, pay attention to the saroshka crawling on the floor to the right - kill it from sin away, it can get a gun and shoot back.

We go to the hall, we pass for the desk of a cheeky guy who did not want to recognize the girl in the photo. There is a first-aid kit (if there is such a need) and the key to the manager's room.

We rise to the second floor. Find a quick place quickly - now the guys from the upper floors can take away from the fire stairs. One will be with a pump, but the second with a crop and a few more with pistols.

After that, you can go on the third floor. Rising, we drink in the door of the elevator. Turn the right (you are in the right wing.) Go along the corridor to the right, after turning the right door left - you here, click, watch the video.

Next climb on the fourth floor. Turn to the right and immediately see the door with the inscription "Director". Give the edge, sit down and, opening, immediately focus on the guard at the door. It should have a single shot. We take documents from the table, put the bomb and go out into the corridor. We watch the video.

After the roller in front of the right, I will see the fire staircase, we go upstairs on it, then in the door, on the parapet to the next building, until you reach the big steps half of your height. There is a sniper in front of you. Here carefully and carefully - five policemen will be released from the door. First, using Colt 1911, remove the sniper. Then, without going down, we try to clear the platform as much as possible by shooting all the speakers of the police parts. After we take a clip and go down, finish. We collect weapons. Over the door, from which the police raised, two and they try to get from the pistols, and fall into the parapet. We shoot them on the heads, go to where there was a sniper (you can take a rifle), further on the scaffolding, for corner and there. There is a roller.

a priest

You can shoot in a bucket on the winch - it will fall and gives a work at the bottom. We go on the disassembled roof down, do not miss the first-aid kit.

Further along the screw staircase to the door in front of the door, take a clip into the hands and recharge. A roller starts, after his end, immediately shoot in the Mafios standing in front. After getting a rifle (or colt 1911) and with single shots in the head, remove one sitting in the hall. Over the entrance to the church, the "Hans Muncher" with Thompson sat down. It shoots a lot, but by - it is possible to calmly beat it with a shot in the head.

After stripping, a few more candidates for the afterlife will be resorted. With pumps and pistols. They will be resorted and become at the door, you can sit calmly from the same colts.

After the roller, we turn out in the city, and the police rushes to the church. Very, very quickly jumping in the sobility at the steps.

If you face a face to the church, there will be a road and alley in the far corner going to the Corleone's hotel. Quickly go to him and stop there. If you are lucky, it will not go here to the police and wanted will follow. When this happens, we turn on the limiter and calmly go to the bar. Machine (Lassuit Charron) Put in the garage - will soon need.

Trip to country

Night mission. Frank called and asked to come. We need our help - to conveold two trucks from whiskey. We are talking to Ralfi, we get a new car and we are going to the far island on it, we are visiting the warehouse to the territory of the warehouse. The video begins. After him, we run through the village to the distant corner and approach the truck. Fun begins. After a short roller, immediately go to the right behind the truck, go around it on the other side and the trick of a boy with a pistol. Be careful to the left behind the building also sits one gangster. Wait until the man shoots the peasant and until he is recharged, aligning and finishing it.

We go around the building, followed by the third gangster. Kill in the emphasis. We collect cartridges. It's time to move back to poly. The most dangerous is a two-story building, with open windows and gates. There two on the second floor and three on the first. One of them hid behind the door. The first-aid kit is hanging - decide, it is necessary for you or not, there is still a lot of fights ahead.

We run to poly. Going past two houses on the outskirts. Be prepared to meet a delegation from two gangsters in each. Two with pumps and two with pistols.

We finally get to Poly, talk. We go to the open indestructible building where the first is hanging. There, Poly takes scrap, you and a fully charged pump, sit opposite the entrance, a little right. Over the gate one with a pumping point, one with a gun left (it will remove it poly) and one from above, with a gun. I recommend to get into the inside immediately, so that you do not crush the one that covered on top. We climb the stairs - the villain also hid behind it. We go to Sam, talk, after which I completely recharge the rouzho and sit down at the open window. On the left, two cars go, first start to fill as soon as the bullets begin to get it when she comes to the gate, she will have to explode. In the second two - from the pistol them.

We watch the movie, Sam ship in the truck body. We, armed Thompson, will guard it. Three cars will come for us. When they are still alone in the windshield area - it must be broken. When the machine will drive up closer, a continuous queue in the driver, it must be killed as quickly as possible until he overtakes your car.

We repeat it all for each of the three cars. The hardest finished, watch the video. Closing the warehouse and saying goodbye to Poly, we can go to Baru Salieri, and we can visit Lucas Bertone. We are going to Lucas. He asks to rolling down the cable and warn him a friend that a cops will arrive at him. We are going, focusing on the map. We knock on the door and after the dialogue can immediately go back to Lucas.

Be careful, do not hurry to the storm at home of the police. These assholes fly on the oncoming at a huge speed, can be cut into you into you and speak your health.

Lucas will show you how to hack the Ulver Eyrostrim. We are going to the Okwood area, take the car there and finally go to the bar. The mission is completed.


In the catastrophe family, Frank is unknown why the police transferred all financial data from the company. But the books themselves without Frank, who led the whole accounting, mean nothing. Therefore, it is necessary to pick up the book from the policemen, and Frank is destroyed.

We get weapons - special for such cases and a new car at Ralfi. However, it is better to leave it in the yard, but to take a catatball, which we shook in the last mission. We will need fast, and most importantly, a heavy car.

We are going to the Chinese Quarter, talking with a big biff. He directs us to the central island, to a certain Tony. That in turn. Indicates "Idiot Joe" which is called so because he is an idiot. Iron logic, do not hurt anything.

Going to Joe. This brazen type did joke jokes and call. And with the mafia jokes are bad - we give him the teeth, and he immediately becomes silk. It says that Frank is held in a house in Okwood near tennis courts. We are going there.

Upon reaching the place marked on the map, the roller will begin. Franca is put in the car and take off. Follow him. IN certain moment Following the Limousine Frank, the road will block the truck - press the gas pedal to the floor, and melt into the back of the truck - we will go to the ram.

The ultimate goal of the police car is the airport, it means our too. Immediately after download, go to the right, otherwise you will crush the leaving limousine.

Give your favorite colt and begin the traditional stripping of the terrain with neat solitary shots in the head. The first Supostat sat down right and left from the door. The second hid behind the desk, the third and fourth - as you go, will sit on the left behind the column. As soon as the last lips, Frank immediately runs out. We collect cartridges, including insolent Thompson and go out to the street. Franca is accompanied by three. One will sit right in the middle of the runway - apparently, it dreams of "delay" us, give Franz time to leave. No matter how. Still from afar you can put it with single shots from the machine.

The next segment of the path runs through a big hangar. A truck will stop nearby, an angry uncle will come out of it and try to heal. Soothe it. Along the walls of the hangar are containers, the enemy sits for each of them. Start from any, but be careful: as soon as you kill the first, everyone else will resort. Use shelters and, close distances, edges. We collect cartridges. We go to the far left corner of the hangar. As soon as they turn and find yourself at the end of the thick wall of the hangar, a guy with a machine gun will be released because of the corner. Be prepared to meet it with fireman of the tommygan or cut.

Now go around a number of buildings on the right. The pillar has a french guard and Frank himself. The rest are hidden near the walls of buildings. I liquidate all, come to Frank. Goes long conversation. Frank asks to find his family. Wife and daughter are in a building between Frank and airship, which is visible on the horizon. We go there, at the entrance to the building there are two. We talk with my wife (the guy calls the police - either kill him, or be ready to reflect the attack of two police outfits in a couple of minutes), return to Franch. Remove your handcuffs, go back to his family. Touching scene. Now you need to bring tickets from the main building near the car parking tickets (here I can appear by the police, who caused a man in the booth). We go there (and it is better to go - not close light, after all), we take documents and come back. Touching scene, farewell.

We return to parking machines, we take any, leave to the city. Our goal is the first National Bank. Take the documents there. We are waiting for a choice again - either go to Bar Salieri, as the mission is already over, or visit Lucas Bertone.

Lucas has a fairly simple task for us. His friend broke the bar of the Black Cat, that in a small Italy. Accordingly, it is necessary to beat himself to beat himself. But not to death. We are going to him, talk, after which I give a person. It is easiest to do this, retreating back. Eight or ten shots and can be returned to Lucas. He will show us how to hack an expensive front-wheel drive car. She is in the quarter of the rich, Okhili. We are going there. Near the car forward-back guards.

Theoretically, we must wait until it goes away in a small need for nearby bushes. However, it is so tedious and long, which is easier to simply shoot it. Sit into the car and go to the bar. Everything.

Visiting the rich

After listening to the briefing, visit Vinnezo and go for the bear - Ralph today will not please us. Select a specialist in the safes and go to the house of the victim. Ask the Salvator to open the door and enter.

Arrange the bat. Go forward and left, behind the shop, sway and in this state, talk to Salvatore. He will stay you here. Quickly run back, to the gate and right - hidey near the statue. Comes the guard and will be on the cross. Come back in a dense and, delay the attack key, drive your back with a bat on your back. Ready.

Select the key and gun with the corpse. Return to the partner, click it and run to the pool, bypassing it on the right, behind the bushes. Without reaching the last lamp, which at the end of the live swelling, suck the Salvator again and wait until the guard descends from the steps, will turn it and turn back to you. Then go beyond him. When he stops - reconnect it, like the previous one.

Close to the terrace at the dining room. There is a cook - the most difficult opponent in this mission, without jokes. She is a sixth sense (or some other place) feels that you drunken from behind and prepared to hit. Therefore, do not butt. If she saw you - try to finish her bat before it pops up onto the terrace and cause security. Protection will not come if the cook did not have time to finish the phrase to the end.

Pick the salvator and go to the office - in the dining room to the right, then through the kitchen and once again to the right. Upstairs. In the corridor - the last door directly. Use the safe and watch the video.

After the roller ( Do not forced to pick up documents!) You need to imperceptibly get out of the estate. Quickly, not suffocating, not being fed, run back to the wicket in the same way, what came here. Perhaps you will shoot - do not pay attention. Salvators can not wait, the main thing is to activate the wicket and the mission is completed. Take the Salvator home and go to Baru - Lucas today will not please us.

Big deal

After the briefing, we are immediately thrown to the scene. Go forward and climb the stairs to the right. After the roller, hide behind the machine and shoot. When you deal with the first party, two more cars will arrive. After that, you need to go down (not on the stairs, but through parking) and shoot the mafiosis hidden there. On each floor in three. From the lower floors they can take away themselves. On the first floor there is a whole block post: about a dozen guys with machine guns, cuttings and pumps and two cars blocking travel. The cars will explode after the Molotov's coated cocktail. When the last enemy is killed, go back to the truck and leave the parking lot.

After loading, it is very important to get out of the truck (only far away from it) and to deal with the guys on the left side of the vehicle. Then the chase will not and the fragile cargo will take place. Drive to the warehouse and wait for Sam's arrival.

Bon appetite!

Go with the boss at the specified address. If you think that it is not possible to eat today - you are right. After the start of the boat, shoot the most persistent visitors through the wreck of doors and windows. Then go through the back door - here you will be waiting for three. Colt 1911, Pompovik and Thompson. It is best to meet them at the exit of the building - they will resort to you. On the left in the alley will be another with a machine gun. Go through the building where the restaurant is located, go up - there is a car gun. The recycling of the last enemies on the street.

Go to the traitor to the apartment. Climb the apartment. Boss for some reason warn Carlo about our appearance. Probably that he escaped into the courtyard. Go to the window, get out, and kill the owner of the sleepers. He will come to him even three more.

Happy Birthday!

Take the next novelty from the Ralph (or any other machine) and go to the pier. Opposite the berth there is an open door - go, go down the stairs to the right and change clothes. Go to the ship. Go to the male toilet (on the stern on the right, the second deck). Skipper is on the first deck from the left side. Talk to him twice, go to the stern on the same deck and pick up a bucket. Go to the toilet, take the gun and clean. The bucket can be thrown anywhere, at least overboard from the nasal ladder. Give the key to Skiper.

Now, in anticipation of the speech, the adviser can be spent with a clean conscience in the bar. Go and use a glass to the left at the rack several times. Click, admire the views of the city until the target comes out. Become a right side with a weapon and kill politics. Then go down to the bottom deck, to the right side - there Pauli with a boat. Everything.

Visuchi bastard

Another briefing. Another portion of weapons. Another car (wait until Pauli comes to Ralph himself, then the video will begin). Go to the restaurant and call the phone in the booth. After the roller jump in the saddle and surprise. Having dropped the pursuit, go to the bar.

Attempt number two. Grab the bomb, the car and go to the house of the mistress Morello. The guard document and go inside. Install the bomb and go away.

Attempt number three. Drive to the restaurant. Roller. Failure. Surprise. When the chase is lost, ride the bar. See the video. Do not try to cut either shooting the car. Just follow. After entering the port, shoot nearby enemies, grab the truck and go to the end of the port. Carefully select the parking place - on sniper cranes, between machine gunners, and in the building away from the pier - guys with rifles. When you figure it out with all this cunsty chamber - switch the arrow nearest to the tanks and pull the iron out of the wheels. Roller.

The path is free, you can not be afraid of fire - it is purely decorative, harm will not cause. Throw everything, except for Thompson and a pump rifle. We choose Thompson, sit down and, looking out because of the served edge of the gates cut off the explosion, carefully eliminate the guy with Magnum on the boards. Now, on our care, four mafiosics with pumps, who have taken out between the elements of the warehouse landscape. We take one step inside the room, the script starts and they jump out of their shelters and run to you. It will be good to jump out onto the street and shoot as partridges that run down pests in one. The main thing is to have time to make a shot first, otherwise, they will shoot you like a partpath you already. Having finished with the four owners of pumping rifles, we go to the warehouse. Further wall sits Morello with Thompson. This is a gaming boss, so do not hope for a large distance and a small accuracy: it is almost not blocked. Try as little time as possible to be in the zone of its visibility. Choose yourself place, sway and, looking out for a split second, do one shot from the machine. He is enough four-five. After throwing out Pompovik, collect cartridges from the bodies of Sergio and use the first-aid kit in the room in the far left corner of the room.

The mission is completed, you can go to the bar, and you can visit Lucas. We just need to get out of the port area. The gate is just not far away how to leave the hangar left and left again. But in these gates just run up four. Weapons are ready, sway and practice shooting, as in a dash. After we go beyond the gate, sit down in the car and depart. Loading…

It is advisable to immediately change the car, since we will need something large for the mission of Lucas, the most powerful, fast and necessarily four-door. Gardian terraplane can be taken, black such. See only that there is no police nearby. We are going to Lucas. His boyfriends shot, and he lies in the Chinese quarter, expires blood. Rusya there through the northernmost bridge. A friend lies in the far corner of the quarter, in the north-west. We approach, talk with the accompanying, sit down in the car. It is very funny to watch as the wounded himself, without any assistance rises and sits in the car. We are in the same way back, but they do not turn on the embankment, but straight, right, past the turn on a hobken, through the bridge over refueling in OKVD. Brake near Lekary's house. For all about everything we were given six minutes, however I managed for five, and drove all the time with the speed limiter turned on.

In any case, we return to Lucas, it points to the parking lot on the central island. We are going there, wait until the watchman turns, we wake up, sit down and go to the bar Salieri. Mission Complete.

Creum de la Corm

The logical finale of the entire mafia campaign. Go with the guys to Winnie, then jump into any car with four doors and quite powerful (the same Gardian Terraplein Fordor is suitable) and go to the presentation. The car departures. As usual, there is no need to shoot it, or try to stop it. Just go track. If immediately after check out the city, let go of Morello a little forward, so that he stops being visible on the radar at the top of the screen, he will go to the airport. If you keep close - go straight, in the forest. In this case, just hold the back and in the end, see the video.

If the car rolled to the airport, then at the entrance to the parking lot, the engine will stall. Pull and run to hangars. Around the corner you are waiting for two. And the plane. Shoot from cutting around the engines. Immediately they will sing Sam and Poly by car, which started. Jump inside and shoot motors. Your task is to deal both, that is, to make it so that Lifebar was empty. Both engines will burn. See the video.

To go to Lucas four - not the option: barely you are attaching, the guys will say that they are tired, and they will be asked to get them home first. Therefore, the first thing to take them to Baru, then we are going to Lucas. He will give you a car that is wanted. Drive to the specified location, put the machine to the slope, hold down the handbrake. Now act quickly - using the "Enhance" / "lower" keys to make a neutral, let go of the handbrake and immediately leave the car while it has not yet had time to dial the speed. Either you can push it into the water by another machine, for example - a policeman. Drive for a reward.

Near the restaurant, Park the car back in the door of the building, for when you start hacking the castle, from there throw an infrared owner and start shooting. And so he can not do anything. Return to the bar.

Selective campaign

Visit Vinnezo and Ralph. Drive to the old prison. You can get inside through the communications that repairs one diligent poor. Kill it and hide the corpse. The only way. Wake up the prison territory. Go along the fence, through the hall to the second floor. Kill four, two of which are with a fireman. Then go to the back of the building, there are two - revolver and pumping room. From the balcony, kill all dogs in the yard. Return back to the facade of the building. Rise on the balcony to the third floor. You are already waiting. Runs and revolvers. Slightly weather from the chamber will come out an idiot with a bubina.

In the rear of the building there are also guys with revolvers and pumps. Rise up the Tower. From the balcony kill politics (he is near the stands) and go down to the bottom of the tower, to the basement. Go out into the courtyard, where there were dogs before. Shot the castle and choose the street.

Another mission for Lucas. Drive to the working quart (west of Little Italy) and select a guy there, followed by the guards of the law. Bring it to Lucas. The award is in the rich quarter - a huge airship of dairy-white color. HAY in the neck of two zooak and go to the bar.

Just for Roslabuhi

Take the gun, the car and go to the agreed place. After the roller, go to the port, wait and accompany the truck to the place of unloading. Two alley lead to the warehouse - in one truck drives, through the other - leaves. Wait for it on the way out, after unloading. The driver does not have to kill - just beat him until the documents fall. Select it and go to the port.

From the gate right you will have a building. At the end - the site of loading. Put the truck there. Talk to the guy on the site - he will order to transfer boxes in the alley. Talk to the guys next to the boxes. They will help. You can not drag, but it will be more fun. When finished, go to the "boss." He will appreciate the work. Wait until he comes to his "workplace". Talk again. Now quickly immerse the boxes in the body and exhaust from the port.

Drive to the place of ambush (in the courtyard it is better to shut from the northern gate, for Lassuit is standing near the eastern oriental). Help Pol and Sam are divided with the pursuers and take the truck to the don's warehouse.

Part-time job

Follow the Poly in pursuance of his idiotic idea to go on the subway (or as it is called). During the trip you can talk to Poly, see the surroundings, shoot in civilians from the window. Arriving in the bank, listen to the plan and go. Catch the car, go to the weapon store, be afraid (Thompson and Colt 1911 should be enough). Next stop - Lukas Workshop.

He has a simple task - take the package with a kind of guy - Dick. It is convenient to go on the embankment, including its pedestrian part. When guess the package - the guys-acrobats will attack you. Nothing difficult - you can remove them with a long distance by Colt. Drive to Lucas and get the coordinates of the machine. When will arrive at the specified place, the car will move away. You can accompany her to the central island, you can brake straight here, kill the driver and steal cars. In any case, snag in front of the house Poly and go to the jar. Inside will have to deal with the security. One comes running from the side of the desk, the second - from the entrance side.

Upstairs one guard. Another one will appear when you take the keys from the safe from the director. At the bottom of the two security guard - right, how to go down, behind the bars. Take money and jump into the car. Drive into the shelter, kill the pursuit, and talk to Poly.

Death of art

The final turned out to be more than tragic. Drive to yellow peit, buy Thompson and Colt 1911, then to Lucas. Lucas have a boring task for you - to trace the girl from the hotel, which we at one time were nice to pieces. Do not approach her closely. Track where it will enter (house for the church), go back to Lucas. Take the car (the dogs are better to shoot because of the grid - there are four of them) and go to the museum.

After the roller, hide in the niche from behind, and kill two guys at the entrance. Two more will come out of the opened doors over the staircase, one - behind the column next to the doors, one more - will come out of the door from the opposite side.

Go through the gallery. Exit the balcony. In the last room in front of him - two. For the balcony - immediately four. Go to the bottom of the stairs and immediately run away - they threw a grenade from above. Close the stairs, clearing the bridgehead on the top platform. After the roller there will be three left, one behind and one right. On the second floor they hid five - between the columns. Remove them - go to the door to the right. Go through all the halls and run after Sam.

At the base of the stairs again pomegranate. From above - evil uncle. Go to the corridor on the third floor. Roller. After the roller, you need to look and shooting the first, single frequent shots shoot in Sam, not letting him answer. In the end, it will run away. Run behind him. At the end of the corridor, he will pop up - you should again shoot first. See the video.

On this story ends. Could everything be different - I do not know. But I am sure that the path that I chose, sooner or later ends with the words "Don transfers hello!". And the last thing you will see will be two huge, like railway tunnels, trunk cut, black, like an infinite nothing, coming immediately by clicking the trigger ...

»Secrets of missions

Mission 2. About the delivery of passengers.
Looking at carefully for passengers, we learn among them Sarah, Sam, and other characters. Also in the parking lot at the very beginning of the task are there are several cars. In some, you can sit as a passenger, the driver carries you 10 meters, and then the game will end. And from some you can pull the passenger or even the driver. The hijacked machines are indicated by white on the radar.

Mission 2. About Escape from Gangsters in Bar Salieri.
In the alleys, you can see the following: The man pisses on the wall, another man cracks the door with scrap, but the scrap cannot be taken from him, another man revenge the car, the vacuum cleaner and another woman standing in the alley and waiting for someone who can suggest where it is worth and Waiting for her buddy.

Mission 3. About the defeat of machines in the Morello Bar.
Arriving to the bar and killing the guard Dublinka, put the box lying to the left of the entrance in front of the door of the black exit, the main output is blocking any wheelbarrow and we throw the parked cars in the incendiary mixture, and the gangsters will not be able to get out of the bar, and only the main one will shit I ask for "embroider this damn door" :) Instead of the box to the rear way out, you can put the car.

Mission 4. About Motel Clark.
We climb into the window and, without killing anyone, take the machine on the second floor on the bed, go down and shoot the wheels with a yellow car, then Lysik will not be able to leave. Then we climb back to deal with dudes. Also on the first floor there is a toilet, and Tommy can easily easily. A lamp hangs above the bar. If you get into it, it will fall on the floor, the floor will light up, and the mini-presentation will be. Also on the morning of the floor in the toilet sits a tarantino with a newspaper, which you can also fill out;)

Mission 5. About the hijack of sports car.
In the working quarters there are some bombs and warm their handms at the barrel with fire. On the bridge between the central island and New Arch, you can see a suicide, ready to jump into the water, but I never jumped, and the crowd of the people near.

Mission 7. About Sarah.
After the appearance of hooligans, you can take the board on the right at the wall. There is an opinion that there are two mission rollers, and the second appears if you kill all hooligans. But this information is not confirmed, which means unreliable.

Mission 8. About hooligans in the car repair shop.
A man will go to the courtyard and just gets up, it will be impossible to talk to him. Do not touch him not to spoil the secret. Then, in the next mission "pursuit", run out again into the courtyard to that man - you can now talk to him. He will say: "Sorry, I could not resist." Also during the chase, about the departure from Chinatown, you will see an accident (the car smacks with a truck). If you hit the driver of the truck or try to catch a truck, then it will take the board from a heap and will attack on Tommy (one of two places in the game where you can get the board). If you talk to a woman (which swears with that drunk), she will jump "Hi, Tommy" or "Hello, Mr. Angelo".

Mission about prostitutes at the hotel.
In one of the rooms you can take a knife and quietly cut to almost all enemies. When you find yourself on the roof of the church, immediately in front of yourself will see a bucket hanging on the rope, and below is a worker. If you shoot in a bucket, it will fall on the unfortunate.

Mission about a trip for the city at night for "Kosososovka".
On the wasteland in Hoboken, you can get through the post of the fence, which is located in the northwest of the quarter. An interesting bar is hidden, in which you can sit down. On her will come by the fouls behind Luke's friend.

Mission to Frank and Shooting at the airport.
The baby Tony has a dog. We put the car next to the dog, and when the dog runs up to it, we shoot from a cut around the car so that it explodes. Come to the dog's head and use it. With gangsters at the airport you can get healthy. For example, you can force a negra with a scrap, which gets out of the truck, to kill the srawl of all gangsters with automata, though after the fight the Negro will die in any way. To do this, you must first drive up to Negar on the truck, and then go for the fence opposite the airport building. Negro will run to the parking lot where cars are standing and taxis. Gangsters will run out, and ebony will begin to bite them. You can still, sowing in his truck, make all the gangsters from the entire airport camming for cars (they are just enough, and if a couple of blowing up at the beginning, then they will start to pull each other from the rear seats). But it all needs to be done before Frank rang out of the box office, and do not go there.

Mission about a deal with Bill Gates.
Before the attack of gangsters can be blocked by the path, putting the car in the passage of the last floor. Some can be sled into the walls on the wall, as it is impossible to shoot there. When the gangsters are already arrived, they will be locked among the cars and stuck. Then you can blow up earlier cars from a few shots, then the rest of the cars will explode along the chain, and almost all gangsters will die.

Mission about Salier's leaning in a restaurant and a traitor in shorts.
If you download a little from the previous mission not as necessary, but being a little on the side of the door of the door of the house Carlo, and it is even desirable and jump, tumbling, after loading the next mission, Tommy will not be in the entrance immediately for salieri, but to the left of it through the wall. So it can run a little on the "apartment" guests at home, but it will be very difficult to go out into the yard, since the invisible wall will prevent the exit, but you can see the fucking friends of Carlo and almost everyone to get to death.

The mission of a party with a peasant on a steamer, which became bad.
The bar on the steamer (left on the bar) will stand a glass. It can slightly challenge

MOREWLO MISSION, whom you need to catch up, confirming to the port, and shoot in the hangar.
In the pursuit, you can shoot the tire of his car ... And in the port, if you shoot in large barrels on the platform at the very end of the port, they will explode, and will take many enemies, including those sitting on the cranes.

Mission about an old prison and local bandyukov.
Look at the sea when exit the tower upstairs. There will be a fisherman-a boat who is trying to repair his boat.

Mission About Sam and Art Gallery.
Sometimes, even before Yeah, Tommy has a knife in inventory ...

Secrets B. Big walk (extreme) .
At construction site, in Hoboken, for a transparent fence, there is a hidden blue machine ... and there is still an extreme.

Secrets related to all modes and missions.
For those who want to have all the cars in Freeride, then in the "Extreme" mode go to the northeast of Oakwood, there is there next to the phone booth there are, approach it and press the action button. Everything, now in Freeride, you can choose all prototypes of cars. And so that the Thor 812, which can teach the onion in the last mission, to be treated for Freiruda, which is used in the working quarter, not far from a warehouse from 18 mission, but only being in the location "Freeride - Little Italy".

In any task you can get a secret machine. To do this, you need to shoot the window located on the western side of the turret, which is located on the bridge between the working quarters and the central island. If the shot was successful, then the screen goes out for a second. After that, you need to go to the bridge connecting the central island and the business district. If you go under this bridge (on the left side), being on the central island, then there you will see a neatly parked red "Ford" from the final scene. And if you shoot one of the windows from the central island, which is located on a balcony connecting two houses, then the screen will darken and the game will hang ... so that this does not happen and to hear the selected Czech mats, download and put it in the folder with mafia. Personally, I heard this phrase, but after that I had a game all the same, so anyone like.

Cops still those mandels here are short video For familiarization.

A selection of secrets prepared
Denis Tsarev A.K.A. RingoStarr.


Mission 11. Visit to Tolstosmum. VISITING RICH PEOPLE)

Salieri ordered you to penetrate the villa to the prosecutor and get the entire compromise from the safe. It is necessary to take a Salvator with you, it will open the safe.
We go to Vincenzo behind weapons, take the car and go to the stadium in Hoboken. Give the Salvators to sit in the car and go to the Okhill area. Drive up to the villa and ask the Salvator to open the wicket. Come into the courtyard and run to the left, to the statue, leave the Salvator there (go to it and click the right mouse button, the default button is the action button) and wait there the guard will come there, as soon as the guard goes out, go out and stun it from behind the bat. Searches the body and take the key. Run to the other side where the guard came from, and turn off the light. Now run around the corner and wait for another security guard that will come running on the light. Next, together with Salvatore, run to the house, to the central entrance. Caution, in the house of the maid, it is also better to cut it out. If she sees you, immediately with shouts will run to the exit, run behind her and cut down it. Go to the right side of the house, through the kitchen, turn the right, open the door and climb the stairs to the second floor. Go straight along the corridor, opening the doors. Now you are in the office with a safe. Come to the safe. Salvator will open the safe just at the moment when the prosecutor arrives. Grab documents from the safe and run to the output in the same way as they entered. So you do not hit the eye of the prosecutor. Go out on the street through another entrance, on the back of the house, the left is the guard, it can also be cut off by a bat. Then run to the car and ask the Salvator so that he opened it. Carry the Salvatore home to Hoboken, and then return to Salieri.

Mission 12. Transaction of the century! (Great Deal!)

Someone named William Gates from Kentucky, suggested Salieri a batch of whiskey at a very favorable price. You only need to go to the garage and pick up the goods.
Driving up to the garage, climb on the last floor, there you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. Come to them and change money on the goods. In the midst of the transaction, the guys are Morello, and a serious shootout will grow up. Go down along with Poly and Semam, shoot everyone on your way, and then rise up again, sit down in the truck and leave the garage. Leaving to the street, immediately go to Salier's warehouse, do not stop, you are for the chase. Driving to Salier's warehouse, the mission will end.

Mission 13. Bon appetite! (Bon Appetit)

This time you dine from Salieri in a restaurant.
Go with Salieri in New Ark to Pepe's restaurant. During lunch you are attacked by Morotlo thugs. While Salieri touched at the table, fights off from them, you must go through the back door, get around the restaurant and shoot everyone on the street. One gangster sat down on the second floor, another one in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest in the front entrance. Getting rid of the gangsters, head to the little Italy to the House of Carlo. Run into the apartment, jump over the fire staircase window, go down and kill Carlo. Now carry Salieri in the bar.

Mission 14. Happy Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

Salieri decided to take over Morello seriously. He tried to begin with the mayor's adviser. You need to kill the adviser who celebrates your birthday, on the ship.
Drive to the pier and try to penetrate the ship. You will not miss - no pass. Now run into the house opposite the pier, go down to the basement and change the form of the sailor. Once on the ship, run along the right side of the service toilet and take the bucket. Then run to the toilet on the second deck. After reading the door that the "keys at the rescuer" run again on the first deck and look for a man there in the vest, go to him and ask the keys. He in return will ask you to separate this toilet. Again, run to the toilet with a bucket, remove there, then take a gun, run back to the rescuer and give the keys. Now it remains only to shoot an adviser, wait until it comes out of the room and starts talking, during speech it just needs to be shot. Then, taking advantage of the muddy, surprise to the boat, which Poly was adjusted to the motor ship.

Mission 15. Lucky Gado! (You Lucky Bastard)

Next, after the adviser, you need to remove Sergio Morello, Brother Done Morello. You need to go to the restaurant where Sergio dins and kill it.
Go to the restaurant, come in telephone booth, Call and wait until Pains will kill Sergio Morello. However, Sergio will not be in the restaurant, Poly will kill the wrong one. There are two ways: get out of the booth, hide behind the car and shoot all gangsters, and then quietly go to Don Salieri; Or a moment to sit in the car and ride with a tail to Salier's bar, but do not forget that the tail in any case will have to lose.

The second attempt. This time you need to lay explosives in the car Sergio Morello. Drive up to the house of the mistress Sergio, wait until the guard goes to the house, run to the car and lay the explosive. Now run on the other side of the street, away from the car and follow it from the side. Sergio was lucky again - a mistress sat down in this car, and not he.

Third attempt. You need to take a poly to a restaurant in a business district, where he shoots Sergio Morello. In poly, as discharged, the automatic launcher. Mafiosi, who were near Morello, rush to the chase. Now you need to lose them from the tail and go to the bar to Salieri.

The well-lasting attempt. After the next failure, Salieri sent to the case of professionals, and Tommy sent to follow their work. But these "professionals" did not work out and Tommy nothing remains, how to pursue Sergio Morello alone.
Immediately chase for the Morlalo car, do not lag. After chase, you will arrive at the port. You can only find it there. Go and kill everyone on your way, some gangsters sat down on red cranes, near the pier (there are only four of them). Run to the warehouse, at the entrance to which, is the car Sergio. Now go to railway To two wagons, if necessary - put the arrow. Come to the first car with a tank and pull out the damper out of the wheels. The car rolled and dries in the warehouse door (if you pass by the warehouse, then transfer the rail arrows again and take advantage of another attempt, because the second wagon with flammable remains). Come on and ignite gasoline that follows from the tank. Run inside, shoot anyone who is located there and Morello including. After, running to the street, sit down in your car and head to Bar Salieri.

The Mafia game is conducted on behalf of the character by Tommy. The beginning of the action is dated 30 years of the last century. You will have to immerse yourself in the world of unusual vintage cars, interesting outfit and Thompson machines.

First you will only bring mafiosi so that they make their audacious things. Gradually will become cool in this business and complain even at the prosecutor, prominent politicians and other gangsters. It is important not to hide during the execution of some tasks, as time is too expensive.

Mission 1: Unable to refuse (An Offer You Can't Refuse)

In the courtyard autumn 1930. In the evening, you in the form of a simple taxi driver Tommy stopped to check their car. Two people run out of the corner. One of them from the wound, and the other will instruct the gun on Tommy. The couple will sit in a wheelbarrow and Tommy is lucky.

Machine bandits do not close too close. They will shoot and be able to kill you or travelers. At the first turn, turn, trying to hit the wheelbarrow of the pursuers about something. When you shame pursuers from the tail, you will have about 10 minutes to get to Salieri Bar. Drive according to the compass, which will be in the upper left corner. You can use the card by clicking Tab. It is better not to crash, as it removes health. Bar Salieri is located in the "Little Italy" area. Continue the passage of Mafia game.

Mission 2: Running Man (Running Man)

Your task is to deliver five people in different parts of the city - to the Church in the business center, to the hospital in New Arc, to the theater on the central island, driving necessarily through the Giuliano Bridge, to the Pompei Bar in Hoboken, to a universal store in Little Italy, passing Mandatory Bridge Juliano, and then the tunnel. Set the speed limiter "F5" and start. Try not to shoot down passersby. Otherwise, you will begin to pass the mission first.

When you take passengers, the volume will want to relax a bit and drink a cup of coffee. He was rushed in the car, next to the Salier's Bar.

Suddenly, the car is beating a baseball bat. Someone opens the door and throws out Tommy from cars. These are the geeks that recently chased after Poly and Sam. You need to run. So as next to the bar of Don Salieri, run in it. You should not fight with them, as you lose. Run without looking back. Head along the green arrows into the yards and focusing on the compass that in the upper right corner. It is impossible to stop, otherwise you will lock you.

Mission 3. Party with cocktails. Molotov Party)

The passage of the game Mafia continues. Salieri decided to check you. You need to just do the defeat of cars at Bar Morello. Go from the courtyard, blow to the ferrow bar. It is located in New Arc. It is better to go there through the tunnel, after the Juliano Bridge. At the entrance to the bar, you will see the guard that stands at the Red Gate. No need to attract attention. Park the car next to the bar and go through the back door to the courtyard. There are cars.

Go to the guard from the back, thoroughly swing and hit it from one hit. Then lift the batches of the bat, set fire to the Molotov cocktail. When defeat all the cars, you can go to the boss for the report. Do not forget to look into the garage. There you will find a good car for yourself.

Mission 4: Nepical work (Ordinary Routine)

In this mission, you must collect in the city of Dan. Sam and Poly collect her, and you tax. At first go to the central island. Best of all follow the recovery bridge. After blowing in a hobken. There you can get through the Juliano Bridge. Then go to the motel, which is located outside the city.

When you go to the motel, then Sam and Pol will go for tribute. Tommy will remain at the car. Hear shots inside. The door will open and run out poly. He is injured and asked you to pull Sam from the boat. The passage of the game Mafia continues.

The best option is to get into the motel at the back, using the balcony. But keep care, because in the yard a dog. When you get into the motel, do not rush to rush around the stairs. To start, look at the toilet. There are mafios. How to kill it, then immediately rush into the first room, where you will see the Thompson's automaton. Sit in the room. Representatives of the mafia will come to you. They will only be three. However, one of them is unlikely to run inside. He will remain in the corridor. Go down the stairs down, there will see three more mafiosa in the cafe. Two at billiard tables, and one with a gun sat down at the bar counter.

Soak everyone and then the guy will run out. He will be in some T-shirt and without a gun. It will make you molt fists. He must be shot and go to the room where this boxer appeared. There will be Sam. Tommy is trying again to pull Sam, however, the road to block the crap with a gun in his hands and a bag of money. Now Tommy has a new task - to catch up with psycho and take the bag with money. Sit into the car and press the gas pedal. You need to follow the wheelbarrow, which is no sense. We must try to catch it up in the tunnel and block the road. In this case, he will come out and will open the shooting. Also leave cars, shoot in response. When you kill psychos, then come to the body and do the bodies of the body. All this mission is completed.

Mission 5: FairPlay (Fairplay)

When passing the game Mafia came 1932. Tomorrow morning the race should take place. Everyone, as Salieri made a bet on a young guy, who was before the first. However, Ralph said that there is some European, which has a wheelbarrow better than your rider.

Salieri will ask that Tommy Europeans drove to Luca Berton, which is the owner of the garage under the bridge of Juliano. That will adjust the running part slightly. No one needs to explain that it is necessary for many people familiar.

To fulfill the mission to the end, you will be allocated for only 13 minutes. At first we must go to the racing track. You will find it for the working quarter. Go to the womb, go out of cars, go to the guard. Talk to him, after waiting when he opens the barrier. Sit into the car. Further go to garages. Cut into a racing wheelbarrow, go to Luka Burton's workshop. It is better to go through the tunnel, in after the Julianno Bridge. There should be no scratch on the wheelbarrow. Also beware of cops. When the bow will make everything necessary with the machine, you need to get it back to the track all the same way. Paint the wheelbarrow in the garage, go back to Salieri bar.

The passage of the game Mafia continues. When you go to the bar, hear the call. Luigi will raise the phone and give it to Tommy. Tommy is indifferent due to what he hears in the tube. It turns out that Don Salieri wants you to arrive at three to participate in racing. It turns out that the leader's racer fell ill. Drive again on the track, pass the race. If you have game version From C1, then for you everything must go smoothly. The fact is that you will have the opportunity to choose the level of complexity. Otherwise, it may seem complex and impassable for you. In fact, it is necessary only to comply with a number of rules - to slow down on time at the turns, do not harm the gas pedal when maulvers. Otherwise risks to get into the skid. To bring the car to the track, press "NUM 0"



After the entrance rollers, Tommy will be in its taxi with two gangsters. Your task: to get sway from their pursuers. And not only to get sway, but also to finish them. Do not give the car chasers to drive up to your car on the left side (that is, on the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.
Try to keep their car to the right and push it so that it crashed into everything that can crash. Your passengers - Poly and Sam - will support you by shooting guns.
In general, this mission is more based on good luck. Lucky - not lucky! There is no special tactics here. Break their car to smithereens, and Poly and Sam let them commend what you started.
After all the attackers go to the world of others, go to the Salieri restaurant. It is located in Little Italy. There's just to get there: from Downtown (Downtown), where you are most likely now, on the huge arched bridge, Juliano move to the central island (Central Island), and from there through the tunnel in Little Italy.

Part 2. The Running Man

Part 2. The Running Man

2nd part

Part 2. The Running Man

This mission is designed to familiarize you with the city. You must have five passengers at five different addresses. Even if you do not know English, the direction will indicate you arrows on the map. Put the speed limiter and try to knock anyone and do not violate the rules at all.
After you take the last passenger, two thugs will be attacked on you, and you will be fleeting to the Salieri restaurant. Run, without distracting anything. Only follow the compass and green translucent shooters pointing to the passing yards.
For those who cannot run this spinning distance, I tell.
After the roller run straight. See the arrow. Sketch on it to the right in the naval. Run right around the yard, and when you again find yourself on the street, turn left. See a new arrow, run through it. Arriving past a man, immediately turn left, go up the stairs and run straight. Turn the right, then left - you will see a man in a white and blue T-shirt. Run towards it, but turn right to descend from the stairs. You will again see the doorway and exit to the street. Run there and immediately turn left. You will see a new arrow. Run along it until you see a standing man and one more, which is messed with the car. Turn the right, and you will see something like a tunnel. Run there. Run past the girl and, flying to the street, turn to the left. You must see the bar Salieri. Run up to it. (If you did not see the salier bar, get a pair of points).

Part 3. Molotov Party

Part 3. Molotov Party

3rd part

Part 3. Molotov Party

Welcome to the family". You have to complete the first task of Salieri. Run to Vincenzo and Ralph and go to the establishment of Morello.
You can penetrate the Morlalo to the garage in two ways: either just to drive into the gate, stirring on the path of the guard to death; Either on a small alley to call behind, challenge a small door, approach the guard from behind and to climb a club. In any case, you do not need to allow the guard at the gate to rush behind the mind.
After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles you have with a "Molotov cocktail", and the third broke the bat. After a successfully completed mission, you can obey a small wooden house for Falconer and go to Salieri.



How boring and non-vegetable life of simple mafia! Now you have to collect money from accountable Don Salierie establishments. With the bank and restaurant there will be no problems: just drive up to them and leave the car. All the rest of Poly with Sam will make themselves.
But the motel will have to tinker. Go along the northern highway - the only leading from the city in this direction. After the roller, ride the house on the left, visit the dog and take into boxes on the second floor. Come on the door. Right in front of you there will be another door. Come in the room and grab Tummy Gan. Take up in this room and one click anyone who will break here. In the next room on the wall hanging a first-aid kit.
Go down the stairs, shoot everyone who is in a big room, and then a hefty man in a white t-shirt. Come into the room where Sam languishes, and get ready for a new battle - one on one.
Now you need to catch up with a man who is with your money. Jump into the car and behind it - in pursuit. You must by all means stopping his car and shoot it. It is difficult to do this, but maybe: try to press it to a rock, overcoat the road in the tunnel, reset it with a cliff ...
And to be easier - before climbing the motel, shoot the tires from a yellow car. Now he will ride with the speed of your old taxi.

Part 5. FairPlay

Part 5. FairPlay

5th part

Part 5. FairPlay

In order to be squeezed by Don Salieri's don, you have to smoke the racing car of the last model, take it to Luke Bertoni and return it back. Drive through the Work Quarter) on the western road for the city. Shogrbaum stop and run to the guardhouse. Talk to the guard and go along with him on to the garages. Take a racing wheelbarrow and go back to the city. You must get to Luke at a strictly defined time and at the same time do not get caught by the police and do not spoil the car. Follow the radar and be extremely neat.
Reaching to Luke, hand over him and get it back in a moment. Now you have to do the return route under the same starting conditions.
Now you have to win on the modernized Saleri kare in the race. Five circles along a winding track, and you must be first. It can be done single way: Bringing out at the start and without performing a single error on the track. Dare! Once twenty restart - and you will succeed.

Part 8. The Whore & The Priest

7th part

Parts 6 and 7. Sarah & Better Get Used to IT

Luigi asked you to spend Sarah to home. Wear the crack and go to accomplish the girl. On the way you will meet two groups of panks for three people each. Bates them with a tape from all over Duri, pick up an abandoned weapon ... In general, the Fighting Force (who played) in the "Mafia" skins. After the successful completion of the campaign, see the very cute movie (children up to 16 remove from the monitors away).
The next day, Don Salieri commanded the way to rest in his area. Arm yourself from Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive to Chinatown (Chinatown) to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old car repair shops.
Carefully follow Pol: on it and you will be attacked by five thugs armed with tannins and lows. Running with everyone in this part of the workshops, run on the stairs up, then go down and do not shoot until you start shooting in you. Now you can open fire, put everyone and watch the video.
After the roller, sit down in the car and catch up with two escaped scumbags. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will dock themselves. You will only have to shake them.

Part 9. A Trip To the Country

8th part

Part 9. A Trip To the Country

Don Salieri ordered to deliver a truck from a country farm with a smuggled Canadian whiskey.
Arriving for a farm, go to the farthest end, where you find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and prepare for the battle. Killing gangsters, make way back to poly. Already with him reflecting the next attack, start exploring every farm building. Morlalovsky wrappers are hiding everywhere. Be careful. Ultimately, Poly will detect a tool with which you can open a barn where Sam was planted.
Open the barn door and immediately meet the cheerful compash with Pompous guns and one Tommy Gan. Sam is at the very top. There and go - slowly and carefully.
Having found Sam, Poly will go for help, and you have to reflect the attack of policemen, bribed Morello. Note: AI can bypass you from behind. After a shootout, Polit will deliver Sam to the truck, and Tommy will see two pursuing their car.
Now you have an excellent opportunity to make a place to shoot on a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy Gan in Hands - and Forward. Bates by drivers - you won't lose! After returning to the Salier's warehouse, you can either immediately go to the database, or first come back to Luke, fulfill its small task and sobally a new car.

Part 10. Omerta.

Part 10. Omerta.

9th part

Part 10. Omerta.

Frank violated the main mafia law - the Code of Silence, Omert. He is ready to pass the accounts of Salieri Police. And now, according to Omert, Tommy must kill Frank, but to learn where the books are located.
First, visit Big Biff, then Little Tony on the central island, and from Little Tony, go to the idiot Joe near the bridge in New Ark (NEW ARK). Idiot Joe is easy to identify among bums on Lysin. Speaking with him several times, press him with good fists on a bald maquer, and he will tell you where the police holds under the guard of Frank.
By the way, before you go to the task, make sure that you have taken a good high-speed car. Bolt V8 Roadster is strongly recommended.
Go to Oakwood to the house where Frank hold, and after the roller follow his car to the airport.
Updated at the airport and going to the terminal, you will immediately come across a group of armed special specialists. Send them to consumption, leave the terminal and run to the right of the hangars to the flight school (AIR SCHOOL). And here they will not give the retaent of rest. Spend stripping, trying not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter in a flight school building. Talk to them, and then bring to them Frank. Now it remains only to get plane tickets to Europe. They lie on the rack in the building of the terminal. Give tickets Frank and come back to Salieri. Just keep in mind: five police officers are already waiting for you at the exit of the terminal.
On the way to Salieri, you can come back to Luke again.

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

10th part

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe on his villa in the oak hills (Oak Hills) testimony against Salieri.
On the way to the villa, capture the stadium in the Hoboken of the famous membarer Salvatore. Driving up to the villa, find small, almost imperceptible gates and order the salvator to open them.
Come in the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order the Salvator to stay in place, and take a bit in the hands. As soon as the guard will pass by the guard, slap with his battle by Kumpolu. Take the weapons and keys. Go to the right to the gazebo. There is another guard. We perform a proven reception - a bike on the skull. The ladder leading to the balustrade, calm another guardsman. Here the most important thing is not to raise noise, otherwise all the protection will frighten.
Capturing a Salvator with him, go to the house. The maid that appears also have a bat and climb up. Find the office with the safe and after the roller do not forget to pick up the paper.
Go down. Leave the salvator at the stairs, and go to the dining room with a bat in your hand. Calm the guards and capturing the Salvatore, make your feet from the park and in general from oak hills.
Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this welcoming house on the master's car.
Throw the salvator to the house and go to Salieri.

Part 12. Great Deal

Part 12. Great Deal

11th part

Part 12. Great Deal

After failure with the Canadian whiskey, Salieri was very upset. But then Poly turned up someone to William Gates from Kentucky, who offered a batch of whiskey at a very competitive price. Before you need to go to a multi-storey garage, pay and pick up the goods.
Driving up to the garage, take the third floor. In the depths of the garage you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. While do not go there, and from cars standing in the garage, make up the congress to the next floor of the barricade.
Now you can approach colleagues and change money on the goods. In the midst of the transaction, the guys of Morello will be, and a serious scratch will grow up. That's why I needed a barricade from cars. First, so right away, they will not break here, and secondly, sooner or later either you either, or they will blow up one of the cars, and after it we will be restored. The enemy's troops lost good half (if not two thirds) of their warriors. Strip down the lower floors, and then rise up again, sit down to the truck and go out of the garage.
Update on the street, leave the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably accommodated on the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to Salier's warehouse. Is that the police beware - your truck from police cars do not leave.

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

12th part

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take quite a bit of space, you will most likely spend on her passage and not two.
You will have to protect Done Salieri from Morlow's thugs. After the lawlessers ride a grenade into a restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as much as possible bad guys. Constantly glance on the health of the boss and on the back door - from there can also be shed irripable guests.
All the complexity is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you acquire anything long-life, the problem can be considered solved.
Go out through the back door. And shoot everyone who has not had time yet. One gangster sat down on the second floor, another one in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest hang out at the front entrance.
Crashing with Morells, sit in Salieri in the car and drive into the little Italy to the House of Carlo.
Takes off following the chef in Carlo's apartment, embroider the door and get out on the fire staircase. Carlo hangs down at the bottom with a pistol naked, and with him a few guys with batons and guns. Needless to say what to do.

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

War is so war! Now the patience of Salieri is exhausted, and he decided to take for Morello seriously. Start decided from the Counselor of the mayor, who now celebrates its birthday on the ship.
Drive on the map to the pier and try to penetrate the ship. Security will not let you go - no pass! Come to the house opposite the pier, descend down and change to the sailor form.
Once on the ship, first of all stand face to the stern and go along the right side until it stops. Emphasis will be a doorway to the service toilet. Open the door, take the bucket and, with a bucket of the vingo, go to the middle deck. Shooting a little on her on her stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription "Skipper Has The Key". Look for a skipper (he is the only hanging on the ship in a vest) and, angry with a bucket, take the key with him.
Open the door and take a pistol from the locker. Now it remains only to shoot an adviser and, using the muddle, flushing from the ship, which Poly adjusted in advance.



The next to your hand should fall Sergio Morello ML. Lucky bastard! Now you make sure it is nickname as it is impossible to suit it better.
Go to the ITALIAN GARDEN restaurant, come to the telephone booth, call and ... urgently surprise in the bar to Salieri, scoring the pursuers on the way.
Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the Major Morotlo lover house, wait until the guard does not go to the house, run up to the car and quickly minister it. Satisfy on a safe distance and follow the development of events.
Attempt three. Now we are going to the Rainbow Garden restaurant. At the entrance, the youth of the cabinet species hangs out, and with them Sergio. In poly, as discharged, the automatic launcher, it means that there will be Tommy to fade. Throw a grenade into a gangster car. Everything is easier! The rest are already easy. Sergio merged ...
Attempt four. Last. Because I'm tired. After the roller, drive after Sergio car. Loge is strictly prohibited! He will bring you to the port. In the port run all the time straight, lazily shooting from defenders of honor of the family of Morello. Some gangsters sat down on the cranes - do not miss them out of sight.
De will reach the warehouse, at the entrance to which the car is Morello ml., Make sure that the railway track led from the warehouse to two tunches standing in a dead end. If necessary - move the arrows. When everything is ready, pull out the block from under the first tank. When she crashes into the warehouse door, you will only run up to her and set fire. Ba-Bach!
Doors - as it did not happen. You can get inside and wet the six heavy gangsters, and with them younger Morello.
Having finished with this, run away on the will and head for your car, shooting from police agents in a citizen who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luka again.

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

15th part

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

After the younger reached the older. Drive up to the theater and try to hold the Limousine Morello here. If nothing happened, throw in time and try to divide with it on the way to the airport. If nothing happened here and Morello turned to the airport, turn them after him, throw a suddenly kneading car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to two ambal. Shoot the engines of the aircraft. Continue shoot and run after the aircraft on the handle. On the way, Poly with Sam will pick up, and now on a car with Tummy Gan, you continue to pursue and shoot an airplane. Shoot in both engines. By bringing the strip of the life of the plane to zero, you can be calm - Morello is no longer a tenant.
But it may happen that Morello will not turn to the airport, but will go further. Persoading it, not behind, and at the destroyed bridge just collide his car down.
Before reporting Salieri on a successful task execution, you can visit Luka again.

Part 17. Election Campaign

Part 17. Election Campaign

16th part

Part 17. Election Campaign

We will eliminate the dismissal salieri policies. Fur face Vincenzo sniper and drive to an old prison with a breeze. By putting a car in prison, get it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And touch themselves there.
Get out on another staircase. Here you are in prison. Now it is necessary to pave the path to the very top. There are quite many enemies here, but they are not so aghi. Be that as it may, do not deliver sniper - come around with the fact that they raised with tel.
From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison housing, from the second to the third - staircase on the outer balustrade. The tower is again leading a screw staircase inside the prison case.
Go to the balcony. Correne on a small island. Deliver sniper and switch to sniper mode. You need the person on an island that says speech from the stands. It must be laid from one shot. Otherwise, the explanations with the police can not be avoided.
Crawing with a politician, leave the prison building through the door that leads to the patio with dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the castle on the gate.
You can try to throw off all your weapons right here (in case the cops will be searched). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with the song on the mouth and the breeze in the left ear, go to the Don. However, Luke is not away again to help you than can.

Part 18. Just for Relaxation

17th part

Part 18. Just for Relaxation

Relax the boss wanted! Sigars good smoke! We will be cleaned ...
Say Sam, where on the map and on the Radar the cross, and they themselves go to the port. Do not drive into the territory, but wait until the truck leaves from the gate. Go behind it. When the truck comes to the warehouse, go further, turn the corner and barricading your own car. Unloading in a warehouse, the truck will go through this way and immediately falls into the trap. Highway drove from the cab, take it off your paper and climb into the truck cab. Now you will be allowed to the port.
Having arrived at the long-range left warehouse (there is still a man in the doors), customize the truck with a back side close to the doors and get out of the cab. Immediately a man will climb a gun. Here you, without giving anyone to come to his senses, defend your honor and dignity.
Cleaning the surrounding area from security, start shipping boxes with cigars in a truck. Immersed all 12, sit down in the cockpit and go straight to that noise, where Sam was planted. In this dock, meet Sam and Poly and show Kuzkin's mother to your pursuers. Their little - six people in two cars. Take care of your truck from shock !!!
After completing the disassembly with a score of 0: 6, go to the owner's warehouse.
And the owner decided to inflate! Instead of cigars in drawers diamonds ... So we will take the bank. Without him!

Part 19. Moonlighting.

Part 19. Moonlighting.

18th part

Part 19. Moonlighting.

Together with the Poly, go on the above-ground metro a few stops and go out in the downtown. Go to the bank and listen to the poly plan. While he tells you - look around. Remember where the clerk feed is. Then there will be no time to seek her.
After the campaign to the bank, Poly will leave you, and you alone, without a car, you have to get a collection of weapons and delivering the wheels.
Go to Hoboken, run from the right side Twister Cinema, knock on the door and get a yellow-pit powder from a weapon merchant next set of products: Colt 1911, COLT Detective Special, S & W Magnum, S & W M & P, Thompson 1928. However, this set can be completely different - It all depends on your taste.
Now either treat the car, either go on the outbreak, or grab the wheelbarrow, but in any case drive to Luke. He will give you a task to attribute the package Big Dick. Go to the destination. After giving the package, put three loss and return to Luke. He will give you a pickup to a chic wheelbarrow. Personally, I could not catch it in the specified place, I had to ride around the city, and then I still arrange with her former owner the ugly scuffle right in the middle of a lively crossroads (the benefit of the police was not near). Maybe you will be lucky.
On the newfound wheelbarrow, go to the house of poly and directly under its windows make sound signals.
Your path again lies in the bank. Going inside, do not bag the police (while she is stuck), go beyond the clerk rack and take the keys to the depositary. Close to the floor above, carelessly shooting the right and left, go to the Cabinet of the Director and, talking to him, make the keys from the safe from the board.
Now in full combat readiness you can go down to the depositary and go to the safe.
After the safe is taken, take the poly and make your feet.

Part 20. The Death. Of Art.

Part 20. The Death Of Art

19th part

Part 20. The Death Of Art

There is nothing even to say. With empty hands, quickly get out of the Poly Apartments and, not paying attention to the two policemen, plug past them into the street. Consider any car and rush to yellow peets to be caught. Take the same set as before, only instead of Tommy Ghana take the US Rifle M 1903 Springfield.
Drive to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open, and shoot everyone there. The latter falls Sam. And after that, you will be left first with joy, and then with horror to watch the final roller.