Key points on the map Prokhorovka. Map Prokhorovka WOT Tactic. Sample travel routes for all types of technology

This is one of the very first cards in the game. It is noteworthy and the fact that the basis is taken real location Prokhorovsky battle of 1943 (in minimize scales, of course). This is a fairly spacious card, with a hilly plain in the middle of a map, a dirt road on the left, a village, railway road and a large mountain of right. The size of the card is 1000 per 1000 meters, and the level of battles from 3 to 11. For its long existence, players tried on it absolutely all different tactics of Defa and Rush. Therefore, we can only unite everything in a single picture.

On the map there are two key positions - this is the mountain and "Alya". Also an important point is the field, in the center of which are located at home and moving to the hill and the village. It is worth going to the slide, and most often. The slide is the most important sector on the map. Capturing it can be shot by opponents walking through the village. Therefore, the capture of the slides is extremely important. "Alya" is an ambush place. Perfect position for. It is not necessary to move on the "Alley", but also you don't need to climb on the dog. If you want to touch on the "Alley", then better let it be PT. There are nothing to do there: they are poorly disguised and hid in the case of a light of nowhere. For this, probably, the most favorite map: Open spaces, Lupi where you want to "Prokhorov" usually drives along the field and on the bushes near the railway, so the position of art is better to occupy in the left side of the card, from sin away. From the second Ponpa, get to the hill, st and shutter can for a couple of seconds faster than their colleagues from the first, which gives them a slight advantage. Also excellent position for medium tanks is the middle of the field, from there you can shine and shoot on the mountain right in the side enemy tanks, and punish in the alley of inexperienced enemies. But better in order.

Exemplary paths Connection for all types of technology.

Green dots - chuck or Fri.
Yellow points - light points / snip point.
White dots - railway crossing.
Red dots - art.
Yellow arrows - directions of attack Art.
Blue arrows - Attack directions TT.


It should be said that both from the first and second respare tactics of action is the same. Everything will depend only on the direct hands of the players. On Alya, it is best to send a PT - these comrades will not let the tanks for art and light them even earlier than the enemy will see them themselves (which may not happen at all). Middle I. heavy tanks It is best to send to the railway road, to the village and on a slide. In the village of heavyweight will feel more comfortable, because between the houses can be hidden from the fire, which will bring the battle to the urban type. Also, TT will help their art on a hill or in case of failure, they will be able to restrain the enemy for some time. Name any of the directions cannot be prioritized. Both sectors are extremely important. The only difference is that your team will take on the "Alley": if you decide to define, there is nothing to do with heavy trees on the "Alley". You can, of course, leave 1-2 for the cover of PT flanks. The main forces are better sent to the village and on the slide. The task of ST - take a slide. If they succeed, the victory is in your pocket. They will cover their grief from the mountains in the village, they will starve enemy lights and, descending from the slide, destroy enemy art. Oh yes! About the observant bush on E1, I think, do not remind you? Great place for passive light, a beautiful view of the whole "Alley", the main thing is not to move and not shoot.

Attack from the second respe, in principle, nothing differs from the first. Tasks in front of the tanks are the same: "Alley" defaining PT, heavy, and station are ride into the village and on a slide. That's probably all. These are general principles of fighting on the map "Prokhorovka", and what tactics to choose for yourself - you decide. Good luck to everyone on the battlefields!

We open this article new series Materials dedicated game cards. Namely, detailed disaster All sorts of tactics (both input and for individual types of equipment), their effectiveness in constantly changing conditions of battle.

And the first card, which was decided to illuminate, became the legendary Prokhorovka. The name clinging somewhere in the soul, inspired atmosphere of the great tank battles of the past, the echoes of the past victories.

Prokhorovka became one of the first cards in the game. It is on its expanses that the newcomers are led by Azam, and experienced players spend the most uncompromising fights in the random and in the GC.

However, despite the fact that this card is one of the very first and, it seemed, along and across, unrecorded, in various forums, they still boil passions about stupid plots, the most effective tactics and tasks of each tank. After all, Prokhorovka is replete with a huge variety of features that have learned to use a variety of types of equipment.

"And again the battle continues ..."

So, the main bridgeheads, the total success of the battle on the Prokhorovka potentially depends on the Takenity, are Mount (1), the village (2) and the alley (3).

We will analyze the two most common tactics on this map - the capture of the mountain and the alleys.

Taking a mountain

Let's start with the team, which was at the Red Represent (remember the frequent questions in the game chat on how you can play for the Red Team, and then the green is constantly losing?). Standard, position number 1 (Mountain) will be the most correct to engage in Art, be sure to enlist the support of artillery. Given that it is from the Red Base that this bridgehead is achieved faster. The upper part of the mountain is replete with a variety of shrubs who will serve as an excellent ambush. The first shots are desirable to do when the enemy just climbed to the top and its guns are still dropped up, depriving his ability to give a response volley. Thus, in the time he needed to make a convenient position and understanding of the situation, you will already have a recharge and you will have an advantage of 1 shot.

Meanwhile, the Allied TT must be translated through a railway crossing, but do not deepen much along the railway paths to the village, since if the mountain is handed over, then the TT will receive from several sides at once - from the mountain from the village from the village TT (on the clutch ST) - that is, to whom they will become forehead - to another you will be in any way. But the most memorable for your TT will be a suitcase Armagedets, with whom not a single furious woman will not compare, dropping things of his former balcony on the head.

Thus, the TT must occupy the village only after taking a slide to the Allied Art. And the fate, lit in above, then will expect enemy TT.

Meanwhile, the Art, which took the mountain, there are several options for continuing success: to go abroad by the enemy TT, thereby helping his; Take advantage of the near fight of your and enemy TT, break through to the base and send enemy artillery to the hangar. The main thing is to remain in the group, since it is not for nothing in the tips before the fight it is written that even the strongest tank is powerless before the wolf packs of Art.

As for the role of PT in this tactic, then a position where they could reveal and use all their advantages, as the alley will always be. After all, Prokhorovka is one of the maps, where first of all the outcome of the battle can solve one high-quality litter. Here it is most important just there.

Moreover, the best way to light, in which he can light up as many enemies as possible and hide as possible, are the folds of the terrain in the center of the map and closer in the alley. There light tank It is able to hide behind the ridge by which the road goes and leave only for a new light, thus, without being under enemy trunks constantly.

Thus, only two successful actions lead to victory on Prokhorovka - this is taking a mountain and a good wave alley. Of course, in most cases.

Starting the fight from the Green Respa, it is worth remembering that it is hardly possible to have time to occupy favorable positions on the mountain earlier than their opponents, so it will be better if they could lure them under the TT (3) flames located in shrubs under the railway. Thus, having enlisted with the support of extra 2-3 trunks, artillery (4) and being on the slope (2) - that is, the chance of hitting the tank of enemy artillery will be somewhat less.

And again, only after taking positions on the hill, the Allied TTs can be carelessly to occupy a village, where with the help of fire from the mountain, will be forced by an enemy TT. There is an option to play artillery - only shining enemy TT for it from a slide. It will be more profitable from the point of view of conquering combat capability of the union tanks. However, it will seriously brake success and if the positions on the alley are not strong enough, then such a junk can turn into an offensive defeat.


Before the eyes of many players, all those stupid and stupid lesions were flying before the eyes of many players, associated with an incorrect understanding of her meaning. Many tried to renew the editors who at one time won the enemy at Prokhorovka precisely from the actions on the alley. However, random and its armorperm inhabitants contribute to the plan.

Why, in most cases, the displacement of the entire team on the alley does not lead to victory? Where is the mistake? And the main misconception is that a little shifted on the alley. It must be hurry to urge it, using a clutch, numerical translate in barrels and artillery support. On the alley, his base is optimal to leave about 2 tanks that can simply delay the enemies rolling through the railway moving from the mountain and the village.

What do we see in reality? Formless pillar of about a dozen tanks, among which no one is solved to go ahead. Just one serious enemy lighting, to turn all of them in the pile of burning wreckage. As a rule, a few more seconds can be seen on the forum several dozen freshness about how someone's tank does not bend, armor cardboard and the like. However, the tank is just a weapon, whose effectiveness depends on how correctly it is used depending on its characteristics and features of the terrain.

If the team decided to shift on the alley, each should clearly understand its role in this expense, because now the main thing is unexpected, determination and lightningness. Otherwise, you can call the hangar and order a tow truck, spare parts and a team of Strikov.

If the light tank is notchive, it is worth moving forward rather not by the armored itself, but the most imperceptible. For example, Jagdpziv. Since seriously armored tanks are often nervous and too noticeable. If they do not take them into the forehead, the collection of suitcases will delight their happy addressees. As a result, the top merged, the clutch was small, if at all was. An important criterion is the presence of extra. Equipment - in this case, stereotrubs, as the enlightened optics is unlikely to be able to implement themselves among such thickets.

However, all of the above can be implemented in random combat. Therefore, the overall state of affairs and should encourage you to make a particular action.


Prokhorovka - quite playable and interesting mapwhere there is a place to any type of technology. Also, the map has many features, the use of which allows you to achieve some advantage on the local area. However, despite the fact that the card is one of the oldest, it is often allowed not that mistakes, or rather, the inconsistency of actions, as a result of which the rescued team is doomed to light and fire from all sides, including on top. It must be remembered that on what kind of tank you did not get into battle, he has its own specific task, from the quality of which the success of the battle depends on how much degree. Often the high-level battle is won by one good light. And Prokhorovka - the map is just that type.

Light tanks on the map Prokhorovka most often travel 2 routes: through the center and through the alley.

1) Light through the center can be 2 different types:

A) Light directly to the base of the enemy. In this case, the light tank tries to light up immediately as many enemies as possible.

B) Light with snipe-free movements at the peak of the hill. With such a tactics you give a periodic backlight of the enemy tanks, that is, have been studied and drove back. By the way, such a light is quite effective, and on the map Prokhorovka often uses not only light tanks but also medium.

2) Light through the avenue has its own trump card - these are bushes that give you a chance to hide from the enemy's gaze. On this map, Svelli players often use this route.

Sometimes there are cases when the lights go through the town, but this light is often unsuccessful. Routes of light tanks are marked yellow arroders.

PT-SAU on the map Prokhorovka in the game World of Tanks. Often occupy places in the bushes of the alley, although it is often possible to see how anti-tank self-propelled artillery settings are going through railway and occupy there position in the bushes. All movements of PT-SAU are marked on the map green Arrogments and Circles.

Middle tanks on the map Prokhorovka are moving with 2 routes: through the alley and through the railway in the village. There are cases when the average tanks perform the role of fireflies and highlight enemies, as it makes light tanks on this map. It should be noted that battles of medium tanks in Prokhorovka often occur on the hill.

Artillery occupy practically the places that marked on the map purple circles. Going there, you will have percentage of 90 what you find an enemy artillery. Low-level artillery occupies places marked on the map with thin purple circles.

Heavy tanks B. online game World of Tanks. On the territory of Prokhorovka ride along the routes that are indicated on the map red arroders. Basically, the clashes of heavy tanks are observed on the Alley and in the village on both sides of the railway.

Rush on this map can be done from two directions: through the center and through the alley. The best tactics of the Rasha on this map through the center, but at the same time you need to stay closer to the railway, if you do everything right, then the chance to defeat will be quite large. Rush across the alley is also not bad, but you need to take into account that you eat through the bushes, but the enemy is waiting for you sitting in the bushes, that is, the enemy will notice you wherever it will begin to lead the first fire, and therefore not everyone survive.

On this map, white circles marked the main places of ambush, in other words, the enemies will probably wait for you in these places.

The battle can be divided into three parts.
1. This is a cluster of tanks in its original position.
2. Nomination on position, key position
3. An offensive as the battles are currently organized at the moment, so the base of the base or the destruction of all the enemy tanks will occur in any case.

Probably, many noticed that when you do not pay attention to - the battle time on the map can be on what, then the direction is one and get the "buns" and then write a long time for all "NUBE" in the team.
So what is the entry, our offensive must be massive and superior to the fire power of the enemy, preferably on the flanks, since if we receive buns from the enemy, only on one side.
It is necessary to take into account that besides such a gradation of tanks: LT, st, TT inside its groups, they also have gradation for example tank Tiger II not tank offensive, he is rather a defense tank.

Properties of tanks onset
What properties should have an offensive tanks. They must have about the same dynamics when selecting tanks, this should be taken into account otherwise no massive attack will not succeed (when the tanks are stretched into a long chain and enter into battle one by one and the same and dying one after another), as well as high damag.

Speed, dynamics, damag, protection of the tank (for example, on the French are not raised in the forefront, although the dynamics and speed are wonderful, but the defense of the tank is the lowest).
The number of HP, the protection of the tank, the tool possessing a high one-time damage, the accuracy is not important here because the fight is mainly conducted in the clints.

Comparative characteristics of tanks for championships and absolute battles.

We assume
1. The opponent does not know where we will come, the enemy's forces are dispersed on three plots (left flank, center, right flank).
2. We have advantages in the number of tanks in the direction, focused destruction, support for artillery during the onset of problems with light.
3. What we have gained an advantage in such an offensive, destroying the rival tanks on one of the directions

First stage of battle occupation of positions tanks
Advance tanks on position.

The second stage is nomination in position, the occupation of key positions, a collision with the enemy. Yellow Places of probable collisions. The main collision places.

The third stage is an offensive, because the battles are currently organized, so that the capture or the destruction of all the enemy tanks will occur in any case will have to occur.

In GK and in Rottny battles, a PT-SAU is very rarely used in this direction.

Advantages of the card
+ The advantages of this card that it has a lot of space if you have LT or st, you have the possibility of maneuvering
+ Many different ravines where you can hide.
+ A convenient map for ART-SAU covers almost the entire territory.
+ Big movements of tanks are quite simple to notice.
+ For TT, too, a rather comfortable card despite the fact that PT-SAU covers the whole territory TT there is where to hide (in the form of houses)
+ The terrain is convenient for the offensive both from one and on the other side.
+ For PT-SAU, the ability to see the enemy long before he himself will be lit.
The result, on what would you have had no tank on this map you can find a comfortable place for yourself.

- artillery can cover you everywhere,
- There are shelters, but they are temporary.
- If the opponent lit up for sure to you fly a suitcase of buns,
- If you play a hill during the offensive or defense you will receive buns from two to three sides.
- There are a lot of trees on Alea, in almost the middle if you have no light, you can find an enemy when he has already arrived at you
- artillery, limited places where she can leave and they are expected enemy or trying to light up this place either focuses on the tracers.
-Rupny movements will certainly be seen

If you are in a random battle
First look at what parties your comrades on the team "One in the field not warrior" you should not be one in the direction.

Welcome to you, virtual lovers tank battles. Today portal site presents to your attention. maps world. Of Tanks Prokhorovka / Fire Arque.

For a start, let's understand what the cards and fiery arc are different.

Differences are insignificant, for the most part only visual components that attach atmosphericity: the gray sky, flying airplanes, fortified positions with guns (which, however, do not affect the gameplay, as they are destroyed), baked cars on the railway, funnels from explosions, smoking cozov Destroyed tanks in different places of the map. By the way, the cozovs of tanks can be used in the gameplay part, hiding behind NLD (and if you have a small tank, then you can completely hide). In addition, on the gameplay on the WOT card, the fire arc can slightly influence a slightly modified landscape on the alley and hill.

General information.

Map WOT. Prokhorovka It is one of the oldest cards in the World of Tanks game, it is available for fighting 3 - 11 levels, has a pronounced relief, but fully open, with a large number of distant strips. Wot. maps Prokhorovka and fiery arc refer to summer cards, have a size of 1000 * 1000 meters, available in random for random and counter fight.

Let's analyze the key to key items:

Picture 1.

  1. Upper base
  2. Lower base (only in random battle).
  3. Alley (long, elongated map area with abundant presence of bushes, partially covered with relief from the rest of the map).
  4. Central Hill (elevated with respect to the entire left part of the map).
  5. Hill.
  6. Village (has a number of low destroyed houses that give some kind of artillery, but is shot from all directions, and therefore low-load). The village is the base in the oncoming battle mode.
  7. Island(The relevance of this part of the card is close to zero, but with a roller coaster from the side of the lower base players, it can be successfully used).
Red-colored railway, stretching along the entire length of the card. Conditionally divides it on the left and right. Driving through the railway is possible exclusively in places allocated yellow.

And now let's see the shooter on the map:

Picture 2.

As you can see, they are shot on the map all directions, and from several sides. It should be noted that on this map there is no 100% protection against artillery, leaving for nowhere and the only option to avoid a suitcase from the art is to be unnoticed or quick and maneuverable.

Such an open card as Prokhorovka in World of Tanks To a large extent depends on the tanks capable of giving a light (first of all light tanks, therefore, each light tank on this card by weight of gold). Prokhorovka / Fire Arque Great for execution Lbz on light tanks.

Consider tactics on Prokhorovka (fiery arc) For all classes in random battle.

So, how to play on light tanks On this map:

  • Most importantly shine alleySince almost all allied PT-SAU and heavy tanks (usually) will be here. However, highlighting the alley is extremely hard, because the opponents will be behind the bushes, and a light tank, which is trying to actively ride the alley, dies extremely quickly. And here for passive highlighting alleys on the map there is a wonderful bush in the square E1 (In the picture 2, it is highlighted in red). Attention!!! To get to this bush is not easy, it is necessary to approach it on the border of the card, but if the enemy's light tank also decides to take this bush, then you light up each other at the entrance. Also, approaching this bush, you can highlight from the center. In the event that you are lit, you should immediately turn around and leave for the central hill. This bush can often be shot and "on maybe"Therefore, do not be surprised if something arrives without lighting something. Standing in this busist, it is important not to shootSince after your shot you with a lot of probability will be lit.
  • It will also be important hill Central Hill. Shining the central hill is not so difficult: just just ride on it, from time to time I dial to the tip. Highlighting the central hill, you will always keep in tension all the tanks of the enemy trying to stick out for a shot. Thus, the opponents on the center will either sit behind the hill, without having to shoot, or will stick out and get damage from your allies.
  • Hill slide is needed, but only if your allies completely threw this direction.
  • In the absence of light tanks, it is the middle tanks that need to take on the role of Svetlikov.

We will analyze the position on the map Prokhorovka.

Middle tanks, as well as small heavy tanks and PT-SAU Can manifest themselves at the center and hill. It should be noted here that both of these areas are very interrelated: if the center is highlighted, then your allies from the slides will fully successfully destroy opponents on the center, and if the slide is highlighted, then your allies from the center will shoot the enemy on the hill. Therefore, on this map it is extremely important to occupy all key positions. If your team does not control any direction, then, most likely, the enemy will very quickly take it and will shoot your allies in the board.

To make it easier to present gameplay on the map Prokhorovka (Wot Arc) Try to mentally divide it into two parts of the line, which passes through the entire width of the card in the central hill - the whole part should be monitored by your team and if the enemy falls at least some part of your territory, then you will have problems. And now divide mentally a map into three parts vertically with lines, one of which separates the alley from the central part, and the second line is the railway. In one of these three directions, you need to attack, gradually capturing the territory of the enemy. Having created an advantage in any part of the card, it can be easily distributed to the rest of the card.

PT-SAU and great heavy tanks (such as Mouse, E-100) It is best to stay on the alley, hiding behind the bushes or to blame the alley, knocking off the shells of your armor. True, in the second case, most likely you will perish, and your allies are unlikely to be able to use your highlight.

Artillery On this map can successfully shoot everywhere and everywhere.

So how to play on the map Prokhorovka?

On the map Prokhorovka WOT (Fire Arc) There is a checkelling rule that will be relevant for most open maps In our game: the most part of the card your team will be controlled, the less space for maneuvers will remain your opponents. Thus, pushing opponents in a small section of the card, you will be high and destroy them very quickly.

Most simple can be done on Prokhorovka through the right side of the card. So, good tactics on Prokhorovka: Waving the slide, you must not stop and move further, pumped under the railway near the enemy base. Then, having grown a little through the railway, you need to shoot the remaining tanks on the center of the map (which, most likely, will stand for your feed). After that, opponents will remain only on the alley, which will easily enliver light or medium tanks.

Look at the scheme of this tactics in Picture 3:

Picture 3.

Black arrows depicted your movement, reds are highlighted by opponents, blue - allies.

And now let's talk about the map in the oncoming combat mode.

Prokhorovka of the world of tanks (fire arc) in the counter combat Slightly different from random battle. In this mode, most of the team must concentrate on the right side of the card, since the only base is located on the right side of the railway. Another position appears - a log on the database. It is necessary to control the capture of the base And do not allow you to capture her opponents. A key role in the counter battle plays a slide: who controls the slide, he will be able to shoot the base.

And here standing on the alley in the bushes absolutely does not make sense in the oncoming combat modeSince the control of the alleys will not give your team any advantages and even on the contrary can play against your team. After all, your team is deprived of one barrel in the base area that must be controlled while you stand on the alley.

Also change I. gameplay on light tanks. Much more important will be shifted to the base and enemy moving through the railway. But the lumen of the alley will have little meaning, especially if your allies did not go there. In addition to this light tanks must control the capture of the base And, if the opponent is close to capture, then you need to get up in a circle, hiding behind houses in the bushes. Light tanks It will be easiest to hide or even having driven around the base, to bring down the capture.

As withdrawalI want to say that the card is great for light tanks and sau, relatively simply playing on it average tanks and PT-SAU, but heavy tanks (especially large) on this map will be difficult. However, keep in mind that the gameplay on this map is often turning into "thereby". To avoid this, a competent light is required, and therefore, if you are on a light tank, then use the advantages of this card and do not rush to die. Your light will need an allied team until the very end of the fight.

Dear tankers, all. Play correctly and do not substitute the command.