Passage of game princess isabella 1. Download free princess isabella. Curse of the Witch (full version). Adventures in the fairy kingdom

Patio, 1st floor.

Examine the lion statue on the left, go through the # I'm looking for # level and get gears, a green pearl, a bear claw, a doorknob and a piano key. On the same statue I find a shard of a mirror. It is necessary to collect the fragments in order to restore the mirrors in which the inhabitants of the castle are closed. I look around the courtyard and collect all the pieces. I draw the door closer, insert the doorknob into place. I come in.

Main hall, 1st floor.

I look around the hall and collect all the shards of mirrors. On the steps I found a note from my diary. Such notes will be found throughout the game, telling the story of Isabella and the inhabitants of the castle. Carefully examining the stained-glass windows on the right, I collect objects of evil. Light is pouring from the windows # the witch's spell in this room has been destroyed. I examine the painting on the left (up the steps on the left on the wall), correctly display the image, and gears appear in the lions' mouths. I take them for myself. Approaching the door on the first floor # insert the gears correctly. Door opened.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

I click on the first mirror frame and restore the image from the shards. I freed the servant, he opened the door for me to the next room.

Hall, 1st floor.

I picked up a bottle on the floor and got the ability to break (a stone icon appeared next to the fairy), whatever. I break a vase on the floor with a stone, and among the fragments I find the planet Mercury. The green door is still closed, we will return to it at the very end of the game.

Living room with piano, 1st floor.

At the writing, I go through the level # I'm looking for # and prepare the first potion. I collect mirror fragments around the room. I break the jar on the table with a stone and find Venus among the fragments. I look into the fireplace and add the prepared potion to it # the enchantment in the room is destroyed.

Hall, 1st floor.

I break a vase on the floor with a stone and a plate on the table # received fragments. I go to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

Found two shards. There is a dark frame on the column # these are notes. In the fireplace I passed the # I'm looking # level and got a claw, two gun barrels, a key and Pluto. I go out into the hall.

Observatory, 1st floor.

I collect the fragments, find the last two of 8. On the right on the platform I break the blue sphere with a stone and get a planet. I'm getting closer to the telescope. I take a book on the table and put it on the stand. I pass the mini-game # repeat correctly from the book in the starry sky.

Completed the task, the enchantment in the room is destroyed. I carefully examine the chest at the foot of the stairs. I pass the level # I'm looking # and got another planet, two more rifle parts. Approaching the model of the universe # insert the missing planets in place: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury. After placing the planets in the correct order, the globe shatters on the table and I find a bear claw.

Living room with piano, 1st floor.

I put the keys in place. You need to play the melody from the notes. Correct sequence keystrokes: F # E # F # E # F # D # E # F # G # F # G # get a bear claw.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

I bring the stuffed bear closer, insert all the claws into place # the enchantment in the room is destroyed. There are not enough weapons at the weapons stand, they still need to be found.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

I insert the fragments into the second frame from the mirror, the maid saved the girl. She gave me the missing piece of the rifle.

Main hall, 1st floor.

There is a bottle on the blue sofa to the left, I break it and get another piece of the rifle. I return to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

I approached the stand with weapons, arrange the parts of the rifles correctly, the entrance opens in the fireplace. I come in.

Tea room, 1st floor.

I am looking at the big picture, you need to destroy all the evil on it. I repeat this with all the paintings # it broke the enchantment in the room. On the table on the left, I go through # I'm looking for # and get a rotating gramophone disk and a gear from the calendar. I smash a plate on the table with a stone and find a shard of mirror. I find two more fragments around the room.

Hall, 1st floor.

I break the vase on the floor with a stone and get the fourth shard of the mirror.

Library, 1st floor.

On the stairs I go through the level # I'm looking for # and prepare a potion. I break the vase with a stone and get the ability to set fire. I gathered three fragments around the room. I notice that there is smoke at the top of the stairs, the floor is on fire - I apply a potion to the fire and the fire goes out. The enchantment in the room is broken.

Royal Treasures, 1st Floor.

I use fire on the skulls flying around the room, they disappear and the spell falls in the room. I take a bottle on the pillow and get the ability to wind. Approaching the crown on the pedestal. With the help of the wind I shake off the dust from it. Symbols are carved on the crown, I remember them. I zoom in on the window on the left and press the symbols that I memorized on the crown. The doors opened. I go through # I'm looking for # and get a gramophone needle and horn, a piano string. I find the last two shards of the mirror. I go to the tea room. Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor. Rebuilding the third mirror, freeing the nanny. She said that the witch attacked at lunchtime, that is, at 01.00, I remember that. I go to the library.

Library, 1st floor.

I go to the statue of Apollo. He asks me questions, and I answer.

1. What bird is hanging in the trophy above the fireplace? #PAVLIN.
2. How many lions guard the castle entrance? # 5.
3. Which planet is the 5th from the sun? #JUPITER
4. Indicate the time when the curse seized the castle? # 01,00

Apollo retreated. The entrance is open.

Kitchen, 1st floor.

We need to feed the ghosts. There is an old cookbook on the table, I am examining it. I hit the iron chandelier under the ceiling with a stone # I get splinters from the mirror. I break the bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard. I go out to the greenhouse.

Greenhouse, 1st floor.

I find two shards of a mirror. On the table with rotten seedlings I catch flies, 10 pcs. will be sufficient. You need to kill the biting plant. The mechanism is # to feed the plant with flies, and at the moment when the plant is chewing, I apply fire to it. The plant died, the spell fell from the room. I take a bottle on a chair and get the ability of water. And I immediately apply a new ability # watering flowers in pots, in each flower, I find something # two fragments, a bone and a dial. I go back to the kitchen.

Kitchen, 1st floor.

Once again, I carefully examine the book and tear out the leaflet with the recipe. I zoom in on the ingredient cabinet, apply the recipe to the cabinet, the # I'm looking for # level appears and prepares a potion. I put the pot on the table where the book is. Ghosts eat and disappear # spells slept from the room. I go through the window # I'm looking for # and get a record, a barrel plug and a dial wheel. I go to the cellar.

Cellar, 1st floor.

Collected three more shards from the mirror, that's all. On the wine shelf, you need to choose a bottle with evil, it should be the heaviest # this is the lowest bottle. I click on the bottle twice, the spell is broken. I bring the barrel closer, insert the plug on the tap and get a piece of rag.

Tea room, 1st floor.

I put all the parts of the gramophone in place # get the notes.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

Rebuilding the fourth mirror. I saved the cook, he got the third wheel to the dial.

Library, 1st floor.

You need to play notes on the globe. The correct sequence of pressing letters on the globe: F # E # E # F # A # G # A

The globe opened, I found an ax inside.

Cellar, 1st floor.

I approach the door, insert all the wheels into place, play the mini-game. The door is open, I come in.

Stable, 1st floor.

Found 4 mirror shards. In the horse's stall, I go through the mini-game # the spell slept. On the carriage I go # I'm looking for # and get a sword and two strings. I go to the garden.

Garden, 1st floor.

Collected three shards, restored the path on the bridge through the mini-game. I walk down the path to the fountain.

Fountain in the garden, 1st floor.

Collected all the fragments, now you can restore the mirror. I approach a part of the cooled lava, hit the lava with a stone, where pieces of lava fall off, I find various objects. I look under the bridge and go through the level # I'm looking for #, making a potion. I apply the potion to the volcano # the spell has slept. Approaching the fountain, repairing it. The fountain works fine # found a disk from the calendar. I go to the hall of mirrors.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

Main hall, 1st floor.

I go up the steps to the door on the second floor, insert the discs into place and set the date November 18 # on the left wheel I set the month (11), on the right day (18). The door is open, I come in.

East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.

There are many ways to play this game, but this guide offers the shortest possible.
On screenshots of locations dedicated to finding several items, only those items will be displayed, which will then be transferred to the Inventory.
If you decide to use the hint of this guide without finishing solving the puzzle, you will need to close it by clicking the cross in the upper right corner, and then return to it again.



Click on the glowing area (left) to zoom in on it.
Find all the items from the list at the bottom of the screen.
The 1st medium gear is on the right, the 2nd middle gear is on the right on the wall, the large gear is at the top center of the picture, and the small gear is at the top left. You will find a bear claw at the bottom center. The piano key is at the bottom right (on the fountain). The green marble "hides" in a crack on the wall (top right), and look for the door handle in the lower left side of the location.


GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
The 1st shard lies at the foot of the left lion statue, the 2nd - at the foot of the right lion statue, the 3rd - at the bottom right (not far from the right lion statue).
Click on the second floor window (upper left corner of the location) to enlarge it. You will see the Witch watching your actions.
Click on the front door to zoom it in. Take the doorknob from your inventory and attach it to the left wing of the door. This location has been completed: enter the opened door.


In front of you is a cursed room. It is necessary to rid her of the evil spell.
To do this, you need to remove all images of skulls, snakes and gargoyles from three stained-glass windows (top right; click on them one by one to zoom in). Sunlight will immediately begin to penetrate through each window cleared of the symbols of Evil.
1. Clearing the left window.

First, click on the large spider, and then on all the images of skulls, snakes and gargoyles that you find. If you need help, please use the screenshots provided here.

2. Cleaning the middle window.

3. Cleaning the right window.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Once you deal with the curse, the Main Hall will regain its original splendor.
Two pieces of mirror are on the railing on the left staircase and one on the railing on the right.
Pick up the note from the steps of the left staircase. Read it.
Click on the picture hanging on the left wall (above the place where you just found the note). Solve the puzzle:

There are four castors on either side of the frame. You need to rotate them so that the picture gets the "correct" look.
Shortest way:
1) lower left - 1 time;
2) lower right - 2 times;
3) top right - 1 time.
As soon as the fragments of the painting take their proper places, 2 more gears will appear in the room.

Pay attention to the bottle on the blue sofa (on the left)! You don't have the ability to break it yet. So just remember to come back later.
Both gears are on the railing: the middle one is on the side of the left marble lion statue, the small one is on the side of the right statue.

GOAL: open the DOOR LOCK.

By clicking on the door located in the back of the hall, you will proceed to the next puzzle. This time, your task is to place the gears in the lock so that when you press the handle (on the right), they begin to rotate.
If necessary, refer to the screenshot for a hint.



When you first entered this hall, the Fairy immediately informed you that the witch hid all the guests of the castle in the mirrors, after which she broke them and scattered the fragments throughout the castle. To free the unfortunate, you will need to collect all the pieces to a single one and restore all the mirrors throughout the game.
Click on the leftmost mirror (it is highlighted) and collect the puzzle. As soon as you complete this task, the Gatekeeper freed from evil spells will open the door for you to the next location-room. At the same time, he will warn you that in case you suddenly need it again, you can always find it in the Main Hall.


GOAL: Acquire the ROCK ABILITY and find the planet MERCURY.
Since during the passage of the game we will encounter several halls, we will conditionally number them, taking the sequence of their appearance as a starting point. So, in Hall # 1, you will see two doors at once. Since you are not destined to open the right one until the very end of the game, ignore it for now. Better immediately proceed to the left - leading to the Living Room with the piano.
But first, pick up the bottle from the floor (in the middle of the hall). So, you have just acquired the "Stone" ability, thanks to which you can now break anything that can break. Do not forget about this, because in many vessels that will meet on your way, items that are very important for the passage of the game are hidden.
To use the Stone ability, just hover the cursor over the Fairy and in the appeared circle of possibilities select the circle with the image of the stone. Then click them on the vase standing near the table, and it will scatter to smithereens. Among the fragments you will find the planet Mercury. Click on it to pick it up.
Now let's go back to the Main Hall for a while (using the arrows that appear when you move the cursor to one or another edge of the screen, or using the Diary located in the lower right corner of the screen: just open it and select the bookmark with the Map).


Activate your Stone and break the bottle on the blue sofa with it. Inside you will find the required rifle stock (stock with a fire section). Pick it up and return to Hall # 1 with a sense of accomplishment. Go through the left door to the Piano Lounge.


GOAL: examine the PIANO.
Click on the piano glowing in the dark and start searching for items in the list. Immediately upon completion, you will be presented with the Mix Potion puzzle. Your task is to destroy all the balls in the least number of moves. As soon as you click on a group of balls of the same color, it will immediately disappear and the rest of the balls will, as it were, "pull up" to each other.
This puzzle can be solved in just 3 moves if the following color sequence is observed:
1) orange balls;
2) blue balls;
3) green balls.

GOAL: Use the POTION to remove the enchantment from the Living Room.
Click on the fireplace (left) to zoom in and pour the potion you have prepared into it. The living room will take on its original appearance.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards and the planet VENUS.
One shard lies near the fireplace, the second is on the back wall (left), the third is on the piano keys.
Pick up also the note lying near the fireplace and read it.
After breaking the vase on the sofa in the middle of the Living Room, you will find the planet Venus.
Now it's time to visit the Observatory, so first we leave through the door to Hall # 2.


GOAL: Find the MIRROR shard and the PIANO KEY.
And again there are two doors in front of you. The right one leads to the Observatory, the left one leads to the Hunting Gallery.
To begin with, break the vase standing near the left door and pick up the piano key that fell out of it. After breaking the blue plate (on the table), you will find the desired piece of the mirror lying under it.
That's it, this location has been completed. Feel free to enter now through the right door to the Observatory.


Pick up the Book of Constellations (lying on the table) and click on the telescope (located at the top of the location). Solve the "Constellation" puzzle by first moving the book from the table to the stand. Your task is to "drag" the red stars from place to place, to bring the contours of the given constellations in accordance with those shown in the book. As soon as any red star takes the correct position, it immediately changes its color to white and loses its mobility.
If necessary, use the tips from the screenshots.




By solving this puzzle, you will free the Observatory from evil spells.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards and the planet MARS.
Take one shard of the mirror from the bookcase, the second from the rug.
After breaking the blue sphere (standing on the steps on the right side of the location), you will find the desired planet Mars.

GOAL: find 2 GUN BOXES and planet EARTH.
Click on the glowing area just to the left and below the sphere you broke. Start searching for items on the list.
Planet Earth is "hidden" in the mouth of an alligator (more precisely, in the mouth of its skull).
The rifle stocks are located in the picture almost parallel to each other: one is in the center, the second is on the left side of it.
We leave the Observatory. We leave first into Hall №2, and from there - through the left door - we penetrate into the Trophy Room.

Click on the glowing area in the lower right side of the location and find all the items from the proposed list.
One bear claw is at the top left, the second is in the center of the fireplace.
The piano key is shown at the bottom left, and the planet Pluto is at the bottom right (next to the gargoyle).
One of the gun barrels is located in the lower right part of the fireplace diagonally, the second is located at the lower left vertically.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
Remove the first shard from the right arch, the second from the left.
If during the passage of the game you exactly followed our hint-instructions, then these two fragments will turn out to be the last ones that you lacked to restore the second mirror.
So let's hurry to the Hall of Reflections.


Having collected the fragments of the mirror puzzle together, you will free the Maid from the evil spell and it is from her that you will receive the desired gun barrel.
We return to the Trophy Room.


GOAL: find and learn a SONG.
Take the paper with notes - it is on the right arch. This will mean that you have found and already learned your first song.
Move to the Observatory.


GOAL: find the BEAR CLAW and return the PLANET to its place.
Click on the solar system (top left of the location) to zoom in on it. Move the planets Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury and Pluto to it from the Inventory.
Immediately after that, the egg lying on the table will crack, showing you a bear's claw. Take it away.
Since this location has been completed, we return to the Living Room with the piano. To do this, first go to Hall # 2, and then follow the down arrow. We enter the left door and find ourselves in the Living Room with the piano.


GOAL: Replace the PIANO KEYS.
Click on the piano to zoom in and fill in the empty spaces on the keyboard with the keys from your Inventory. To do this, it is enough to one by one bring the keys to the corresponding places (highlighted in black) and click on them.

GOAL: play the MELODY on the piano and find the BEAR CLAW.
Your task is to play the specified melody on the piano according to the attached sheet music. When you press the correct (correct) key, the corresponding note will turn black. If you are wrong, all the notes will turn gold again and you will have to start over.
As you can see, each key corresponds to a specific letter - from A to G. Since the keys designated by the letters A, B and C are repeated twice, let's call those at the end of the line keys A2, B2 and C2.
Puzzle solution: To play the melody correctly, use the following sequence when pressing the keys:
F, E, F, E, F, D, E, F, G, F, G.
Once you're done, a hidden door will open on the front of the piano. Take the bear claw from the niche behind it. The location has been completed. We return to the Trophy Room.


GOAL: Return the missing CLAWS to the STUFFED BEAR.
Click on the stuffed bear located on the left wall of the room. Take 5 bear claws from your Inventory and attach them to his paws. The goal is achieved - the Trophy Room has been cleared of Evil!

GOAL: Place the GUN BOX and BARRELS on the GUN STAND.
Click on the gun rack against the back wall to enlarge it. Your task is to place rifle stocks and barrels on the stand in accordance with the silhouettes depicted on it.

Once you are done with solving this puzzle, this location can be considered completed.
Clicking on the fireplace (bottom right), go to the next.


To cleanse the Tea Room of the witchcraft curse, you need to remove all symbols (snakes, skulls) representing Evil from the two paintings hanging in it.

Cleaning the left painting:

Cleaning the painting hanging on the back wall:

As soon as you deal with the symbols of Evil, the Tea Room will return to its normal appearance.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Pick up the 2 Mirror Shards in the lower and upper right areas of the location. You will find the third shard by breaking the plate on the table.
Now click on the glowing area on the table (leaned against the left wall) and go to the hidden object list.

You will find the gear from the calendar mechanism (golden disc with gray teeth) on the left side of the box, and the gramophone disc (black round object) is just under it.
When you are done with the Search, click on the arrow pointing to the right, and you will find yourself in the next Hall.


PURPOSE: to find a shard of the MIRROR.
In this Hall, two doors await us again: the left one leads to the Grand Library, and the right one leads to the Crown Jewels.
Having broken the vase standing to the left of the sofa and picking up the fragment of the mirror that fell out of it, we enter through the left door into the Great Library.
GOAL: prepare a POTION.
Click on the glowing area on the steps and start a Hidden Object Scene. When you have found everything you need, you will have to solve the Mix Potion puzzle again.
The task is to destroy all the balls in 4 moves. For the correct solution, click on the groups of balls in this order:
1) orange;
2) purple;
3) green;
4) blue.

GOAL: Acquire the FIRE ABILITY and remove the CURSE from the LIBRARY.
Break the vase standing in the middle of the Library and pick up the "Fire" ability that dropped from it. With this ability, you can now not only set fire to individual items, but also attack all sorts of enemies.
By clicking on the upper left corner of the location, you will see burning books.
Pour your potion on them: the fire will go out, and the Library will get rid of the Evil.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Two shards are waiting for you at the foot of the right and left columns, and the third is at the landing on the second floor.
Return to Hall # 3 and use the right door this time.

In this location, you will come across several flying ghostly skulls right from the doorway. By applying the Fire ability to each of them, you will free the Treasury from evil spells.

GOAL: Acquire the WIND ABILITY and find 3 MIRROR shards.
Take the pitcher from the pedestal on the right side of the pedestal and get along with it another gift - the "Wind" ability. Being endowed with this ability, you can now blow away dust from certain objects.
On the left (near the steps of the stairs) pick up the note.
Now it is the turn for the fragments: one is on the left under the shield, the second is on the right under the painting, and the third is at the foot of the pedestal for the crown.
After picking up all the mirror fragments, we will briefly move to the Hall of Reflections.



When you complete the puzzle, the old woman will tell you that the castle was cursed at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon. Memorize her words and return to the Royal Treasury.


GOAL: clean the CROWN from DUST.
Click on the crown located in the center of the room. When she gets closer, use the Wind ability to shake the dust off her.
Consider carefully the symbols inscribed on the crown. They look something like this: a distorted "F", an inverted "V" and a regular "N".

GOAL: reveal the secret of VENTILATION.
Zooming in on the ventilation grate located on the left side of the location, you will see the same symbols on it as on the crown.
Conditionally number them in order with numbers from 1 to 5, then press in the following sequence: 3, 4, 2.

Find all the items from the list provided.
The gramophone needle is in the lower right corner of the picture, and the trumpet is in its central part (behind the statuettes).
The piano string "lurks" next to the "N" symbol.
That's it, this location has been completed. Return to the Great Library.


Click on the statue and it will ask you 4 questions. To gain access to the door located behind her, you must answer like this:
1) What bird is depicted above the hunting fireplace? - Peacock.
2) How many lions guard the entrance to the castle? - Five.
3) What is the name of the fifth planet from the Sun? - Jupiter.
4) What time of day was the castle cursed? - Set the clock hands (in the window that appears) to 01:00.
Satisfied with your answers, the statue will free the passage to the door to the next location.


Looking around at the new place, we notice two doors in the background: the right one leads to the Greenhouse, the left one leads to the Cellar.
Let's start with the Greenhouse.


Click on the lower right part of the location and when it gets close, collect 10 flies in it.
Remove the fly from the Inventory and bring it to the gluttonous plant: it will immediately grab it and start eating greedily.
While Biting Ivy is busy eating, you need to manage to destroy it using the Fire ability. Above the "head" of a plant, a peculiar level of its life is displayed. Your task is to bring this level down to zero. This procedure will have to be repeated several times (at least three times), each time diverting the attention of the predator from the Fairy by feeding him more flies.
As soon as you destroy the plant, the Greenhouse will be freed from the enchantment.

GOAL: Acquire the WATER ABILITY and find the TRIANGLE SWITCH, BONE, and 4 MIRROR shards.
Pick up the blue bottle from the chair in the foreground. She will give you the ability "Water", with which you can water the plants. After watering, flowers will bloom on those, inside which, in turn, the items you need may be found.
Water all four closed flowers at the bottom of the location, and they, having blossomed, will put at your disposal: a triangular switch (pick it up from the yellow flower), a bone (remove it from the purple flower that grows near the chair) and two mirror shards (take one from a red flower, the second from a purple one standing on the table).
You will find two more fragments on the floor (in the background of the location, behind a white chair).
In the center of the location, pick up a note from the floor.
The location has been completed. Return to the Kitchen and follow the left door to the Cellar.


GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Two pieces of the mirror can be found on the bottle rack (left), and the third is behind the fallen beam (right).
Now click on the wine rack and play the bottle mini-game.
Take one of the bottles from the rack and put it on the scales. Do the same with the second one. Ideally, all bottles should be of the same weight. Except for one - the one in which Evil is stored. When you "calculate" it, all the bottles will line up at the bottom of the screen, and you will need to choose the "heaviest" one. The secret of this mini-game is to remember from the very first time what the "evil" bottle looked like. If you click on the "wrong" bottle, the game will have to start over. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for this mini-game, so call all your observation to help.
After completing the "bottle" mini-game, return to the Kitchen.


Click on the cookbook lying on the table (on the left).
Your task is to choose from it a recipe for a dish that the ghosts would like to taste. The pages are turned using the arrow located in the lower right corner of the book. When you find the "correct" recipe, tear out the page with it from the book: all you need to do is click on it.
The recipe you need is ghostly gruel. Click first on it, and then on the cabinet on the far wall (located exactly between the two doors). Bring the recipe to the cabinet and start searching for items on the list.

GOAL: prepare a POTION.
When you find all the ingredients you need, you will be presented with the familiar Mix Potion puzzle. To destroy all the balls in 4 moves, click on them in this order:
1) orange;
2) green;
3) purple;
4) blue.

GOAL: to disenchant the KITCHEN.
By mixing the potion, you will receive a Ghost Plasma. Place it on the table. The ghosts will immediately flock to the pot with their favorite dish and begin to devour it one by one. Once they finish their meal, the Kitchen will be freed from the Curse.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
First, pick up the note (you will find it above the oven closest to you).
Now break the brown bottle standing on the table (next to the book) and pick up the fragment of the mirror that fell out of it.
By applying the Stone ability to two chandeliers, you will also find the last two fragments (they will fall out of the chandeliers on the table).
Travel with them to the Hall of Reflections.


After completing the next puzzle, you free the Chef and get another triangle switch from him (it will come in handy in the Cellar).
Return to the Cellar location.



Click on the glowing area on the stove and find all the items from the list provided.
You will find the switch and the tap from the beer keg in the lower left part of the picture, and the plate - in the upper left (it is partially hidden by the turkey).
Now go to the Tea Room.


GOAL: collect the GRAMOPHONE, find and learn the NEW SONG.
Click on the gramophone (standing on the table to the right of the central picture) to zoom in. Complete it with items from your Inventory: a turntable, a record, a horn and a needle.
Simultaneously with the end of the passage of this location, you will receive the notes of the second song. With them and proceed to the Great Library.


GOAL: find the AX.
After clicking on the globe, proceed to the next mini-game.
Your task is to play the melody at the specified notes using the sliders. Arrange the sliders as shown in the screenshot:

When you're done, slide the horizontal slider from the far right to the far left.
If everything is done correctly, a melody will sound and the globe will open. Inside it, it turns out, was hidden an ax. Take the tool.
The location has been completed. Return to Cellar.


GOAL: Attach the Faucet to the BEER BARREL and find the RAG.
Click on the beer keg on the left side of the cellar. Take the faucet from your Inventory, attach it to the barrel in the proper place and turn it. A rag will appear under the barrel, in a puddle of spilled beer. Take it away.

GOAL: open the DOOR LOCK.
Click on the back door to enlarge the lock and solve the puzzle.
Your task is to place three triangular switches from the Inventory on the lock, arrange the numbers in order, rotating them in a circle using the switches. If you can't cope or get tired, ask the Fairy for help.


GOAL: return the HORSE to the STAND.
Click on the stall gate (right) and solve the puzzle.
Your task is to move the hay briquettes so that the horse can freely pass through the gate.
If you need a hint, refer to the screenshots below: move the hay in the same directions and in the same order as the arrows shown on them.

Click on the glowing area (left) and start searching for items in the list.
You will notice one string under the open book (on the right), the second - under the black cylinder (in the center of the picture). The sword is between them.

GOAL: Find 4 MIRROR shards.
Pick up one piece of the mirror from the carriage step (left side of the location). The other three shards are on the right side of the picture, forming a kind of triangle.
Pick up the note (located near the barrel in the lower left corner of the location).
By clicking on open door at the back of the Stables, proceed to Sadovaya Path.


GOAL: to repair a section of the WAY.
Click on the Garden Path in the place where the monster's tentacle protrudes from the hole and solve the puzzle.
Your task is to fill all four holes with stone blocks. After each successfully filled gap, the stone block returns to its original position. The arrows on the block indicate in which directions it can be moved. If you are at a loss with a solution, contact the Fairy for help.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Pick up one mirror shard from the railing (right and left), and the third one at the far end of the Garden Path.
Go to the Garden Fountain (arrow).


GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
One shard lies on the left on the bridge, the other two are in the lower right side of the location.
Move to the Hall of Reflections.


After completing the puzzle and freeing the Gardener, you will hear from him a short story with the mention of the date November 18. The gardener believes that this date has something to do with the door leading to the second floor.
Remember the date and return to the Garden Fountain.



GOAL: examine the ROCK.
Click on the section of rock to the left of the flowing lava for a closer look. Using the Stone ability, you will find foreign objects hidden under the rock layer. Their exact location is shown in the screenshot below.

When finished with the rock, click on the bridge (in the lower left corner) and go to the Hidden Object Scene.

GOAL: prepare a POTION and remove the curse from the ROCK.
At the end of the Search, the Mix Potion mini-game awaits you again.
This time, the balls must be destroyed in 5 moves. To remove color groups:
1) green balls;
2) purple balls (bottom row);
3) blue balls;
4) orange balls;
5) purple balls.
As you can see, your Inventory has been replenished with a jar of potion. Bring it to the lava to free the rock from the evil spell.
Now click on the Garden Fountain and solve the "Fountain Pipes" puzzle.
Your task is to connect all parts of the pipeline so as to avoid possible water leakage. Click on the details, deploying them in the desired directions.
The solution to the puzzle is shown in the screenshot:

As soon as the fountain starts working, you will see another detail from the calendar mechanism in its upper jets. Pick it up.
The location has been completed. Visit the Main Hall.


GOAL: open the DOOR leading to the second floor.
Click on the door located at the top of the location and solve the puzzle.
Take both parts of the calendar mechanism from Inventory and insert them into the empty slots. Remembering the Gardener's hint about the date November 18, set the number "11" in the left switch (by turning it), and "18" in the right one. Door opened. Go into it.
GOAL: Find a shard of MIRROR.
Break the vase standing near the left column and take the desired mirror shard from it.
Take a look around. As you can see, you can leave the East Picture Gallery in three locations at once: the door on the right leads to the Ballroom, the lower right arrow leads to the Western Picture Gallery, and the lower left arrow leads to the Main Hall on the first floor.
Let's start with a visit to the Ballroom.


GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
Break the green bottle (below, in the center of the location) and pick up the first mirror shard. After breaking the bottle on the piano, pick up the second shard.
Click on the area under the blue curtain and go to the balcony.


GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards and BERRIES and feed the BIRDS.
Pick up the note lying on the balcony railing.
Water the potted plants (left and right). In one of the blossoming flowers you will find berries, in the second - a mirror shard. Remove one more shard from the lantern (on the right).
Make the telescope bigger.
Treat the birds with berries, and they will sing you a song, which will become your third learned melody.
The location has been completed. Return to the Ballroom.


GOAL: fix the PIANO.
Click on the piano and, enlarging it, replace the three broken strings in it with new ones (taken from the Inventory). Click on the instrument again and play the melody according to the suggested notes.
If you remember, at the very beginning we agreed that the repeated keys A, B and C at the end will be designated as A2, B2 and C2.
To play the melody correctly, press the keys in this order: E, G, D, E, A2, D, E, F, D, E, C2, E.
The ghosts will dance to the piano sounds for a short time, after which they will disappear.

Click on the piano again to go to a Hidden Object Scene.
You will find the pike on the upper border of the picture on the right side of it, and the diagonally located halberd on the right side of the location.
We leave for the Eastern Picture Gallery.


GOAL: unravel the mystery of the SHIELDS.
Click on the shields hanging above the door. Your task is to correctly connect weapons from Inventory to them. The clue to this riddle is captured in the paintings hanging in the Western Gallery.
So, the weapon should be placed as follows (from left to right):
1) halberd (HALBERD);
2) peak (PIKE);
3) sword (SWORD);
4) ax (AX).
Their clear location is shown in the screenshot:

Having thus cleared the Eastern Picture Gallery from the curse, we leave for the Western.


GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
You will find both fragments of the mirror above the door: one is located a little higher, the other, respectively, a little lower.
Click on the door to zoom in and solve the Door Lock puzzle.
Your task is to arrange the square blocks so that the numbers on the adjoining faces of each of them coincide. By clicking alternately on the two selected blocks, you can swap them.
The correct location will be "signaled" by the green connecting line, the wrong - by the red one.
A clear solution to the puzzle is shown in the screenshot:

The location has been completed. Proceed to Hall 4.


GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
Pick up the mirror pieces to the left and right of the carpet, one at a time.
The location has been completed.
Click on the left door to enter the Dining Room.


Click on the glowing area (bottom left) and start a Hidden Object Scene.
Solve another puzzle in the Mix the Potion series.
Your task is to remove all balls from the field in 4 moves. This time, the order of "killing" the color groups will be as follows:
1) purple balls;
2) blue balls;
3) orange balls;
4) green balls.

GOAL: remove the curse from the DINING ROOM.
Click on the fireplace to zoom in and splash the potion on the fire. The goal is achieved: the curse is lifted!
Click now on the picture hanging over the fireplace and solve the next puzzle.
Your task is to turn the wheels located at the corners of the frame so as to give the picture its original appearance.
Optimal caster rotation sequence:
1) top left;
2) bottom left;
3) lower right;
4) top right;
5) top left.
Ideally, the picture should look like the one shown in the screenshot:

After picking up a mirror shard that appears against the background of the restored painting, you will free the Dining Room from evil spells.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
One shard lies under the table (exactly in the center of the location), and in order to take possession of the second, you will have to break the bottle standing on the table.
Move briefly to the Hall of Reflections.


When you complete the next puzzle, the Queen Mother, freed from the mirror captivity, will hand you a ball - the dog's favorite toy.
Return to the Dining Room.



Click on the candlestick in the center of the table and solve the puzzle.
Your task is to light all of them by clicking on the candles.
Solution: conditionally number the candles (from left to right) from 1 to 9 and click on them in this order:
1) №9;
2) №6;
3) №3.
You can use the screenshot as a visual hint:

When all the candles are lit, a red pearl will appear on the candlestick. Take it away.
The location has been completed. Return to the East Art Gallery.


GOAL: open the DOOR under the shields.
Click on the door above which there are battle shields... Put a ball in the mouth of the right dog, and a bone in the mouth of the left dog (taken from the Inventory, of course). The door will open. Walk through it to Hall 5.


Let's look around. The door we see here leads to the Lady's Room.
The lower arrow takes you back to the East Picture Gallery, and the arrow pointing to the left leads to the Armory Room (more like a corridor).
Since we have nothing to do in this Hall yet, we proceed directly to the Armory Room.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Pick up the first mirror shard from the front left shield, and the second from the floor (it lies between the two right shields).
After breaking the vase standing in the far left corner of the Armory Room, you will find the third shard in it.
Click on the door located in the far right corner of the room and proceed to the Royal Bedroom.


GOAL: remove the CURSE from the ROYAL BEDROOM.
Click on the bed on the right. Call on the ability Stone to help, destroy all the bugs on it.
Hint: to crush them, you need to take turns and accurately aim at each.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards and open the CHEST.
Take one shard of the mirror from the right table, and remove the other from the ceiling (above the bed).
Click on the chest next to the bed.
To open the lock, restore the drawing as shown in the screenshot:

When the chest opens, you will find the location "Hidden Objects in the List".
The CROSSBOW you need is shown exactly in the center of the picture.
Return to the Armory Room.


Click on the portrait hanging on the back wall to zoom in on it.
Take a crossbow from your Inventory and destroy all insects scurrying around the picture with accurate frequent shots.
The curse has been lifted from the Armory!

Click on the table at the end of the corridor and find all the items from the proposed list.
The large gear is to the right of the bouquet. Opening the desk drawer (with a click of the mouse), you will find inside and a bottle of oil.

GOAL: find the CLOCK DIAL.
Click on the armor (left) to enlarge it. After learning from the Fairy that the helmet is rusted, grease it with oil. The visor will fold back, and inside the helmet
the desired clock face will be waiting for you.
The location has been completed. Return to Hall 5 and follow from it to the Lady's Room.

GOAL: to disenchant the LADIES 'ROOM.
Click on the large mirror hanging between the windows. Take a rag from your Inventory and clean the surface of the mirror from dust.
Once the mirror is clean, the Lady's Room will get rid of the evil spell.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
One mirror shard lies on the table between the doors, and the second on the one between the windows.
Click on the last (second) one and go to the Hidden Object Scene.

You will find the gear in the upper right corner of the box, the large (minute) hand is to the left of it, and the small (hour) hand is even to the left and lower.

GOAL: repair the WATCH.
Click on the table clock and collect it in the following order:
1) small gear;
2) large gear;
3) dial;
4) small arrow;
5) big arrow.
Take the blue key from the box that opens in the clock.
Now visit Hall # 4, located next to the Dining Room. To do this, use either the Map (stored in the Diary) or the arrow pointing to the right.


GOAL: open the DOOR to the OFFICE.
Click on the locked door and, enlarging it, solve the puzzle: open the lock with the blue key.
Take the blue key from the Inventory and click on the keyholes in such a sequence to unlock them all in 12 moves. Remember that each lock is associated with neighboring ones: by opening one, you will either open the wells adjacent to it, or, on the contrary, close it.
Tip: starting from the edges of the puzzle, work your way towards the center. An illustrative solution to the mini-game is shown in the screenshot:

When the door opens, go through it.



GOAL: find the NET and the PICTURE fragment, restore the PICTURE.
Going to the "Search" location, pick up the net in the upper left part of the picture. A fragment of the picture is on the bottom right.
Click on the picture hanging on the back wall. Insert the missing fragment into it, after which, changing parts of the picture in places, give it the "correct" look.
The final result is shown in the screenshot:

Once you solve this puzzle, the room is freed from the evil spell.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards.
Remove the note from the windowsill (to the left of the globe).
The two mirror shards are approximately at the same level (at the height of the middle of the wall) on either side of the mirror.
After breaking the bottle with a boat lying on the table (lower right corner of the location), you will find the third shard.

GOAL: find the RED KEY.
Click first on the table to the right of the fireplace, then on the book, above which, when you hover the cursor, a golden puzzle piece appears.
The fairy will ask you to find Spain on the globe.
Click on the globe to zoom it in, and then twist until it stops in the right place. At the level of Spain, the globe will open and you will see a red key hidden in it. Take it away.
The location has been completed. Return to the Ladies Room.


Click on the right door to see the lock on it up close.
Take the red key from your inventory and use it to solve the puzzle: open the door lock.
If necessary, use the screenshot hint:

When the door opens, go to the Fitting Room.


GOAL: get rid of INSECTS.
Click on the right window. Take the net from your Inventory and start moving it very quickly over the swarming insects. When you catch everyone, bring the net to the vase standing on the table (to the right of the fallen chandelier).
Using the Fire ability on the vase will remove the curse from the Dressing Room.

GOAL: Find 2 MIRROR shards.
Pick up one shard from the table on which the vase stood, remove the second from the top of the extreme left curtain.

Click on the dress and, bringing it closer, undo all four buttons on it. To do this, one by one grab each of them with the mouse and pull first down, and then, without releasing the mouse, up.
In the open neckline of the dress, find a blue pearl.
Everything, in the Dressing Room all goals are achieved. Go to the location called "Your Bedroom".


GOAL: prepare a POTION.
Click on the glowing area (under the bed) and go to a HOS.
When you find all the ingredients, mix the potion according to the principle you already know.
To destroy the balls in 5 moves, click on the color groups in the following sequence:
1) orange balls;
2) green balls;
3) blue balls;
4) white balls;
5) purple balls.

GOAL: remove the CURSE from YOUR BEDROOM.
Click on the fireplace built into the left wall. After getting closer, pour the potion you have prepared into the fire. The curse has been lifted.

GOAL: Find 3 MIRROR shards and a BALLERINA.
You will find one mirror shard on top of the bed canopy, the second on the mantelpiece, and the third in the armchair.
Click on the cabinet and find the required items.
You can find the ballerina in the lower right part of the picture.

GOAL: Find the LAST MIRROR shard.
Click on the music box on the fireplace and open it.
Place the ballerina in the center of the box and twist the handle several times - the ballerina should start spinning to the music by herself.
When the secret box of the box opens, take the last shard of the last mirror from it.
Go to the Hall of Reflections.


GOAL: Collect the seventh MIRROR PUZZLE (FATHER KING).
After completing the puzzle and freeing the Father King, you will receive a yellow pearl in your Inventory.
Go along the left arrow to Hall # 1 (the same one from which we started counting the halls in the palace and in which we could not open the right door).


GOAL: destroy the BALLS.
Click on the right door and start a mini-game.
Place all four pearls from the Inventory in the corresponding colored empty slots in the picture. The rules of the game are the same as in the classic "zumanoid": "shoot" colored balls moving in a circle with a central ball of the same color so that they disappear completely.
At the end of the mini-game, the door will open. Go into it.


Your task is to find items from your (lower) list faster than the Witch can cope with her (upper) one.
Beating the Witch, you can hit her with a spell. But, alas, she too, in the event of her victory, can do the same to you.
If the duel ends with the victory of the Witch, you will be automatically thrown into Hall # 1. Enter the Witch's Lair again (you are allowed to repeat it multiple times) and start the duel again.
If you need a hint, click on the green "eye" (in the lower right corner of the screen), but be careful: for the next hint, the "eye" will take time to charge, and every second counts!
Having finally won the victory over the Witch, enjoy the final game video.


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A wonderful game with a fabulous plot - “Princess Isabella. Curse of the Witch. " Witchcraft, witch, enchantment and of course saving love! Princess Isabella is about to get married, but on the eve of the wedding, the castle with all the inhabitants and the prince was captured by a terrible and evil witch... Isabella must pass all the tests
and free the castle from the spell. A fearless, attentive and intelligent princess easily goes through all the traps on her way, and if something goes wrong, you must help her. A game in the style of "I'm looking for" and a quest, excellent graphics and music, good gameplay of levels and wonderful puzzles.

Patio, 1st floor.
Examine the lion statue on the left, go through the level "I'm looking for" and get gears, a green pearl, a bear claw, a doorknob and a piano key. On the same statue I find a shard of a mirror. It is necessary to collect the fragments in order to restore the mirrors in which the inhabitants of the castle are closed. I look around the courtyard and collect all the pieces. I draw the door closer, insert the doorknob into place. I come in.
Main hall, 1st floor.

I look around the hall and collect all the shards of mirrors. On the steps I found a note from my diary. Such notes will be found throughout the game, telling the story of Isabella and the inhabitants of the castle. Carefully examining the stained-glass windows on the right, I collect objects of evil. Light pours from the windows - the witch's spell in this room has been destroyed. I examine the painting on the left (up the steps on the left on the wall), correctly display the image, and gears appear in the lions' mouths. I take them for myself. Approaching the door on the first floor - inserting the gears correctly. Door opened.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I click on the first mirror frame and restore the image from the shards. I freed the servant, he opened the door for me to the next room.
Hall, 1st floor.
I picked up a bottle on the floor and got the ability to break (a stone icon appeared next to the fairy), whatever. I break a vase on the floor with a stone, and among the fragments I find the planet Mercury. The green door is still closed, we will return to it at the very end of the game.
Living room with piano, 1st floor.
On the scribble, I go through the level "I'm looking for" and prepare the first potion. I collect mirror fragments around the room. I break the jar on the table with a stone and find Venus among the fragments. I look into the fireplace and add the prepared potion to it - the enchantment in the room is broken.
Hall, 1st floor.
With a stone I break a vase on the floor and a plate on the table - I got splinters. I go to the trophy room.
Trophy room, 1st floor.
Found two shards. The dark frame on the column is the notes. In the fireplace I passed the level "I'm looking for" and received a claw, two barrels from a gun, a key and Pluto. I go out into the hall.
Observatory, 1st floor.
I collect the fragments, find the last two of 8. On the right on the platform I break the blue sphere with a stone and get a planet. I'm getting closer to the telescope. I take a book on the table and put it on the stand. I pass the mini-game - repeat it correctly from the book in the starry sky.

Completed the task, the enchantment in the room is destroyed. I carefully examine the chest at the foot of the stairs. I pass the level "I'm looking for" and got another planet, two more parts of the rifle. I approximate the model of the universe - I insert the missing planets in place: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury. After placing the planets in the correct order, the globe shatters on the table and I find a bear claw.
Living room with piano, 1st floor.
I put the keys in place. You need to play the melody from the notes.
Correct keystroke sequence:
F - E - F - E - F - D - E - F - G - F - G - get a bear claw.
Trophy room, 1st floor.
I bring the stuffed bear closer, insert all the claws into place - the enchantment in the room is broken. There are not enough weapons at the weapons stand, they still need to be found.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I insert the fragments into the second frame from the mirror, the maid saved the girl. She gave me the missing piece of the rifle.
Main hall, 1st floor.
There is a bottle on the blue sofa to the left, I break it and get another piece of the rifle. I return to the trophy room.
Trophy room, 1st floor.
I approached the stand with weapons, arrange the parts of the rifles correctly, the entrance opens in the fireplace. I come in.
Tea room, 1st floor.
I am looking at the big picture, you need to destroy all the evil on it. I repeat this with all the paintings - it broke the enchantment in the room. On the table to the left I pass "I'm looking for" and get a rotating gramophone disk and a gear from the calendar. I smash a plate on the table with a stone and find a shard of mirror. I find two more fragments around the room.
Hall, 1st floor.
I break the vase on the floor with a stone and get the fourth shard of the mirror.
Library, 1st floor.
On the stairs I go through the level "I'm looking for" and prepare a potion. I break the vase with a stone and get the ability to set fire. I gathered three fragments around the room. I notice that there is smoke at the top of the stairs, the floor is on fire - I apply a potion to the fire and the fire goes out. The enchantment in the room is broken.
Royal Treasures, 1st Floor.

I use fire on the skulls flying around the room, they disappear and the spell falls in the room. I take a bottle on the pillow and get the ability to wind. Approaching the crown on the pedestal. With the help of the wind I shake off the dust from it. Symbols are carved on the crown, I remember them. I zoom in on the window on the left and press the symbols that I memorized on the crown. The doors opened. I go through "I'm looking for" and get a gramophone needle and horn, a piano string. I find the last two shards of the mirror. I go to the tea room.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
Rebuilding the third mirror, freeing the nanny. She said that the witch attacked at lunchtime, that is, at 01.00, I remember that. I go to the library.
Library, 1st floor.
I go to the statue of Apollo. He asks me questions, and I answer.
1. What bird is hanging in the trophy above the fireplace? - PAVLIN.
2. How many lions guard the castle entrance? - 5.
3. Which planet is the 5th from the sun? - JUPITER
4. Indicate the time when the curse seized the castle? - 01.00
Apollo retreated. The entrance is open.
Kitchen, 1st floor.

We need to feed the ghosts. There is an old cookbook on the table, I am examining it. I hit the iron chandelier under the ceiling with a stone - I get splinters from the mirror. I break the bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard. I go out to the greenhouse.
Greenhouse, 1st floor.
I find two shards of a mirror. On the table with rotten seedlings I catch flies, 10 pcs. will be sufficient. You need to kill the biting plant. The mechanism is such - to feed the plant with flies, and at the moment when the plant chews, I apply fire to it. The plant died, the spell fell from the room. I take a bottle on a chair and get the ability of water. And immediately I apply a new ability - I water the flowers in pots, in each flower, I find something - two fragments, a bone and a dial. I go back to the kitchen.
Kitchen, 1st floor.
Once again, I carefully examine the book and tear out the leaflet with the recipe. I bring the closet with ingredients closer, apply the recipe to the closet, the level "I'm looking for" appears and prepare a potion. I put the pot on the table where the book is. Ghosts eat and disappear - the enchantment has slept from the room. In the window I go through "I'm looking for" and get a plate, a plug for a barrel and a wheel from the dial. I go to the cellar.
Cellar, 1st floor.
Collected three more shards from the mirror, that's all. On the wine shelf, you need to choose a bottle with evil, it should be the heaviest - this is the lowest bottle. I click on the bottle twice, the spell is broken. I bring the barrel closer, insert the plug on the tap and get a piece of rag.
Tea room, 1st floor.
I put all the parts of the gramophone in place - I get the notes.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
Rebuilding the fourth mirror. I saved the cook, he got the third wheel to the dial.
Library, 1st floor.
You need to play notes on the globe.
The correct sequence of pressing letters on the globe: F - E - E - F - A - G - A

The globe opened, I found an ax inside.
Cellar, 1st floor.
I approach the door, insert all the wheels into place, play the mini-game. The door is open, I come in.
Stable, 1st floor.
Found 4 mirror shards. In the horse's stall, I go through a mini-game - the spell is asleep. On the carriage I pass "I'm looking for" and get a sword and two strings. I go to the garden.
Garden, 1st floor.
Collected three shards, restored the path on the bridge through the mini-game. I walk down the path to the fountain.
Fountain in the garden, 1st floor.
Collected all the fragments, now you can restore the mirror. I approach a part of the cooled lava, hit the lava with a stone, where pieces of lava fall off, I find various objects. I look under the bridge and go through the level "I'm looking for", prepare a potion. I apply the potion to the volcano - the spell is asleep. Approaching the fountain, repairing it. The fountain works fine - I found a disk from the calendar. I go to the hall of mirrors.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I collected the fifth mirror and saved the gardener. He told me the important date - November 18th.
Main hall, 1st floor.
I go up the steps to the door on the second floor, insert the discs into place and set the date November 18 - on the left wheel I set the month (11), on the right number (18). The door is open, I come in.

I break a vase near the column with a stone, and among the fragments I find a shard of a mirror.

I find two more shards of the mirror.
Great Hall, 2nd floor.
I break the green and brown bottles with a stone - in each I find a shard. I go out onto the balcony and find a shard. I water the flowers in pots - I get a red berry and a shard. I look through the telescope and see birds in the meadow, I give them a red berry. For this I get notes from the birds. I go into the hall, when I approach the piano, I insert notes. You need to play the melody correctly on the piano.
Correct note sequence: E - G - D - E - A - D - E - F - D - E - C - E
The ghosts disappeared and the spell fell asleep. On the piano I go through "I'm looking for" and get a halberd and a tip.
East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
Above the entrance there is a shield with a weapon, you need to correctly insert it into place. The correct placement of the weapon can be seen in the paintings in the west east gallery. The weapon is positioned correctly and it broke the spell. Approaching the door handles - made in the style of the heads of the dogs. You need to insert something into them to open. The bone is already there, one more item is needed.
Western Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
Examine the door, complete the mini-game, the door is open.
Hall, 2nd floor.
I found two fragments, I go through the door on the left, into the dining room.
Dining room, 2nd floor.
Found a shard from a mirror. On the cart I go through the level "I'm looking for", as a result I got a potion. I approach the fireplace, apply the potion to the boiling cauldron - the enchantment in the room is asleep. I go through a mini-game on the candlestick - I got a red pearl. There is a picture above the fireplace, I correctly expose the image on it and I get another shard from the mirror. I break a dark bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard, this is the last 12th. I go to the hall of mirrors to collect a mirror.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I restore the next mirror and save the queen. I get a dog ball from her.
East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
Approaching the door handles in the shape of the heads of the dogs. I insert a bone into the dog's mouth on the left, and a ball on the right. The door has opened, I go into it.
Royal bedroom, 2nd floor.
I find two shards from the mirror. Beetles are crawling by the bed - I crush them with a stone, the enchantment in the bedroom has slept. I go through a mini-game on the chest - it opens. Inside I go through the level "I'm looking for" got a crossbow.
Armory room, 2nd floor.
I zoom in on the picture and shoot the monsters from the crossbow. When all the evil spirits destroyed the enchantment in the room they slept. I examine the table, go through "I'm looking" and get a gear and oil. I examine knightly armor, the visor of the middle knight is stuck, I apply oil to it and open it. Found 4 dials inside.
Ladies' room, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I bring the bedside table with the clock closer, there is a dirty mirror above the bedside table, I wipe it with a rag, having previously moistened it with water (I take a rag and bring it to the capacity of water). The mirror is clean - the enchantment in the room was asleep. On the bedside table I go through "I'm looking for", get a gear and an arrow from the clock. I bring the clock on the nightstand closer - I insert the gear into place in the clock, then I add the dial and hands. A secret compartment opens under the clock, in which I find a key with blue stones. I go into the dining room, from it I go out into the hall to the door with a blue lock on the door. I insert the key with blue stones into the lock, I go through the mini-game, the door is open.
Office, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I go through "I'm looking" and get a mosquito net and a piece of a painting. I zoom in on the painting above the fireplace - assemble it correctly and insert the missing fragment into place. The enchantment in the room is broken. I approach the table and find a book on the history of the castle. On the globe I find about Spain and Portugal - the globe opens, inside I find a key with red stones. I break the model of the boat on the table with a stone and get a shard from the mirror.
Ladies' room, 2nd floor.
I use the key with red stones on the lock on the door, I go through the mini-game, the door is open.
Fitting room, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I approach the window, catch all the flies with a net (you need to swing it as in real life). I draw the table closer, put the flies in the urn, it is closed with a lid. I use the fire ability on a closed urn - the urn shattered, and this broke the spell in the room. There is a dress on the left on the mannequin, you need to unfasten all the buttons on the dress (to unfasten - you need to turn the buttons in a circle). Inside, under the dress, I get a blue pearl.
My (princess) bedroom, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. Under the bed I go through the level "I'm looking for" - get a potion. I move closer to the fireplace, toss the potion inside. I draw closer a wardrobe with dresses, go through "I'm looking for" - I get a ballerina figurine. I see a box on the fireplace, open it, insert a ballerina figurine inside, turn the knob clockwise. The compartment opens, inside I find a splinter from a mirror, this is the last splinter.
Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I restore the mirror in the last frame, I save the king. I get a yellow pearl from him. I go to the green door.
Hall, 1st floor.
Green door. Mini-game, I put all the pearls in place: green, blue, red and yellow. I enter the tower. Now you need to kill the witch and save the prince. The witch is dead.

Love won, everyone is saved !!!

The key to the game is Princess Isabella. Curse of the Witch is not needed

Princess Isabella was preparing to marry her lover, Prince Adam. Before the wedding, she decided to go on a little trip. But, returning home, she discovers that a terrible curse has been imposed on her castle. It turns out that these are the tricks of a mysterious witch who settled evil in every corner of the castle and imprisoned all its inhabitants in mirrors. You must uncover the secret of the curse and free the captives from the mirrors.

In the game "Princess Isabella. Curse of the witch ”you, together with your magical friend - a cheerful fairy - have to solve puzzles and look for clues to free all the captives. An unforgettable adventure awaits you in the genres of quest, "I'm looking for", excellent logic mini-games. Together with the princess and the fairy, an irreplaceable assistant, you will walk through all the rooms of the castle, look into every corner of it, remove the curse from all rooms and halls, and, in the end, break the curse imposed by the evil witch.

Unique gameplay of the game Princess Isabella. Curse of the witch ”will give you the opportunity to make a fascinating journey around the castle, to unravel the mystery of the ominous curse imposed on the castle and all its inhabitants.

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Pentium IV 1.5 GHz processor or Athlon equivalent
RAM: 512 MB
3D graphics card: 128 MB
Sound card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: version 9 or higher
Free space on hard disk: 200 MB

original name: Princess Isabella: A Witch "s Curse
Genre: Quest / Hidden objects
Release date in Russia: 14.04.2010
Platform: PC
Format: exe
Medicine: not required (Full version install and play)
Language: Russian
Game size: 101 MB

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Also you can find tips and help to next games from the series "Princess Isabella":
walkthrough of the game "Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse"

Princess Isabella: Curse of the Witch Walkthrough - Ground Floor

1. Courtyard
Once here, meet your fairy helper and follow all the instructions and prompts.
Find two shards of the butler.
Complete the hidden object mini-game.
Receive green pearl, two middle gears, large gear, bear claw, doorknob and piano key.
Attach the door handle to the door - the entrance to the main hall of the castle will open.

* all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them

Main Hall - Part II
We now have 2 calendar sheets and a date that the gardener named. Let's open the doors to the Second Floor.

Walk past the West Gallery and Ballroom directly onto the Balcony.

3. Mirror hall
Collect mirrors from the collected fragments.
The first will be the Servant:

Revive him and he will open the doors for you.

4. First hall
First Hall - Part I
Take the bottle on the floor, it contains ability for a fairy.
Break the vase (inside - Mercury):

Return to the Main Hall, break the bottle and take rifle butt.
Now go to.
First Hall - Part II
You will need to look here at the very end of the game, when you have all the pearls (red, blue, green and yellow).
After shooting all the balls, you will open.

5. Living room with piano
Living Room with Piano - Part I

Collect all the shards, the diary page, and the things in the piano.
Break the vase (inside - Venus).

Prepare potion - orange / blue / green.
Light the fireplace with the potion and the living room will be cleansed of the curse.
We pass in.
Living Room with Piano - Part II
Return the keys and put the notes. Play the song ( F-E-F-E-F-D-E-F-G-F-G).

Taking away bear claw go to.

6. Second hall

In a vase - key from the piano, and under the cymbal - shard of a mirror.

Part II.

Answer the questions of the stone statue ( Correct answers - peacock, 5, Jupiter, clock time - 1:00)
The statue will move over and give you a passage in.

Part III.

Play a song on the globe.

In the opened globe we find axe.
Go to.

11. Royal Treasury

Kill ghosts with the new fairy ability - fire.
Collect 2 Shards, a Diary Page and a New Fairy Ability - wind ability.
Zoom into the crown and use a new ability to blow off the dust to read the symbols on the crown.
These symbols will help us to get into the window below and collect items.

Revive the nanny, she will tell you when darkness fell on the castle.

14. Cellar
We collect 3 shards and find the heaviest bottle to cleanse the cellar of evil.
In the Hall of Mirrors, we collect a mirror with the Chef, he will give you triangular dial.
We insert the plug into the barrel and select rag.
Solving the dial puzzle ( you can entrust this task to a fairy, she will immediately solve and open the door for you.)

15. Stable
First, solve the horse puzzle - the Stable is disenchanted! ( can't get through on our own - ask the Fairy for help).
We collect items, fragments: