Time Break in Chess Karyakin. The outcome of the Tai Break in the match of Karlsen - Karyakin is impossible to predict, experts say. Tai Break - "An extra time and a series of penalties"

Does the battle for the world chess crown Before Armageddon, you wonder everyone who follows the duel between Norwegian Magnus Karlsen and Russian Sergey Karyakin. Both grandmasters are preparing for a tie break - the main match ended in a draw. In the fans, the nerves at the limit, the excitement is heated by bookmakers. Ahead of the players is a difficult day, and tomorrow they are also equal to age.

It was the most short game The tournament is generally one of the fastest in history - only 35 minutes. Everyone was waiting for Magnus Carlsen - he played white - it takes advantage, but to win, as they say in chess world"To order" failed. Having tried to hold the option " berlin protection"And swallowing almost half of the figures on the board, after the 30th turn, the current champion agreed on a draw.

"I apologize to the fans who waited for more long gameBut today it did not work out, "he said at the press conference Magnus Karlsen.

Karlsen admitted: he was not ready to risk. The entire tournament was difficult for him. Seven parties were played by a draw. The eighth black won Sergey Karyakin. The current champion managed to recoup only in the tenth of the party, while he played white. This happened to him never happened. In the chess world, Karlsen is called a genius and "machine". On the eve of the championship, all the rates were made to him. And by the end it became clear: a strong nut caught champion.

"Of course, he is a brilliant chess player, brilliantly plays both the classics and fast. And in general, he is a valid world champion, so it is already clear that I managed to play with him 6: 6 in classic chess - it is already, you can say a feat. But, of course, I'm not going to stop at it. Ahead of Tai Break, very complicated, because, in fact, we will play four parties in one day - this is at least - because if four will end in a draw, we will play more additional parties. Therefore, there is a hardest day, but we will prepare, "said Sergey Karyakin.

The draw spent immediately. The chief referee just put white and black pawns in pockets. The choice was provided to the current champion. The first party of Tai Break Karlsen plays black, Karyakin - White. Then they change. The final will start a series of four parties for 25 minutes each, for each course is added 10 seconds. If there is a draw, Blitz will follow: no more than ten parties for five minutes, plus three seconds for each move. If Blitz does not reveal the strongest, then the players are waiting for the so-called "Armageddon": white is given five minutes, black - only four, but in the case of a draw, black is recognized as the winner. The draw for this batch will be held separately. Carlsen would prefer to play black. Karyakin left the answer.

"Let's hope that the" Armageddon "does not reach. It would be too, "said Grossmaster.

The current championship put a record for the number of fans. For broadcasting games online every second, more than two million people are followed from two hundred countries. Attempt to Sergei Karjakin to return the chess crown to Russia and we have gone on a real boom. In chess schools and sections of the Achglag, and in social networks, the turnover of Flashmob is gaining: "Support the Russian applicant!"

At the decisive day of the championship, both players comes with age. Magnus Carlsen is 26 years old. He already played important tournaments on his birthday twice and, by the way, both times - in Khanty-Mansiysk. One victory and one draw. This time he appreciates his chances like 50 to 50. Sergey Karyakin did not do forecasts. But it is unlikely that he is ready to make a gift to the opponent.

Good day, dear friend!

Tai break is used in many sports: for example, volleyball, tennis. Have you heard? Not bypassed this popular format of contests and chess. We are chess players and just obliged to know what kind of beast is such, a tie break in chess, and with what they eat.

Moreover, at the 2016 World Championships in the match, Karlsen - Karyakin, the fate of the match decided precisely on the Tai Break. In the last, 4 batch. I hope you remember, and maybe even watched the broadcast.

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What is it Is such a tie break in chess?

Tai Break is a continuation of the match. The origin of the word from Englishtie (draw) and Break (Complete, stop).

When playing a tie break?

The main part of the match consists of a certain number of batches of a classic time format.

If the winner was not identified by the winner at the end of the main part of the match, that is, the match ended in a draw, - Tai Break begins. Several batches with shortened time control.

Most often there are 4 batch. If one of the players dials 2.5 points (for example, one win and three draws) - he is declared the winner.

If the first Tai break ends with a 2: 2 tissue, then there may be options depending on the matching regulations:

  • Another Tai Break of Four Party
  • Blitz-match from two parties

If in this case the winner could not be revealed - another mini-match of the Blitz from two parties is played. Such matches can only 5. no more. If here is a draw, then - the decisive party, which is called the terrible word Armageddon.

Normal time control on a tie break - for 25 minutes each to the entire batch, with the addition of a few seconds for each turn after this time.

With the control, there may be options, so you should always clarify the regulations from the judge.

How to play a tie break?

The strategy and tactics of the game with shortened control has its own characteristics. Let me give a couple of recommendations:

Best the enemy of the good

The search for the best plan strongest travel, ingenious combination, is all beautiful. But it is better to leave for the classic game format. All these delights require time to think. And on a ta-break, long reflections are a non-disabilities. Control is shortened.

Suggest the opponent to the problem

Try to get a position, especially on debut, where the enemy should play for sure.There is not much time, and in an unfamiliar position, the opponent can get acquainted and make mistakes.

To do this, many strong chess players have special debut billets.

For example:

1.D4 D5 2.C4 E5 3.DE D4 Monetagitis Albina

Boris Spassky.

Now black must play for sure. Most players continue to inertia to develop figures. four…. KS6 5.F4 CB4 + 6.CD2 K8E7 7. CD3

As a result, the White has a powerful honest fist in the center and extra pawn. It is much better for black 6 ... F6!, Undermining the center. However, in practice, almost no one plays. The course is not obvious, splits the pawn, and with time it is not particularly walking to the assessment.

Typical mistakes on a tie break

Getting into zeietot

You can wonder the party, inspired, strongly and beautiful. However, chess players have such a saying: the most difficult thing is to win a won position. If you do not leave yourself the time to implement the advantage, - all your efforts can easily go as shock in storming hot.

Passion for the calculation of long options

Accurate calculation takes time and skill. While you are not a grandmaster - you should not overestimate your strength. Even in the "most accurate" calculation, almost always the opponent will have the opportunity to turn left.

At the Tai Break, try to play hard, do not allow rude miscalculations and not fall into the cealot. And for the errors of the opponent, it usually will not matter.

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According to a chess expert, Yun Ludvig Hammer, a Tai Break may take as much as eight hours if Sergey Karyakin and Magnus Carlsen will still be equal and will not spend a lot of time thinking.

But what is, strictly speaking, Tai Break? Here is briefly about how the fate of the global chess crown will now be solved:


Kasparov is not sure

Aftenposten 11/14/2016

Cold War of Karlsen and Karyakin

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The Telegraph UK 11/24/2016

1. Rapid - four batches of fast chess (each of the players gets 25 minutes with time control + 10 extra seconds for each move)

If after these parties the winner is still detected, it will not be:

2. Five rounds in two batch batch (Each player receives two batches with the control of five minutes + three seconds per move). If one round end the victory of one of the players, this player becomes the world champion.

If the winner after these five rounds will still be detected:

3. The so-called Armageddon. The player who wins the draw can choose, play black figures or white. The one who plays white receives five minutes, and the one who plays black - four. But: if everything is over to the draw, the one who plays black will become a world champion. After 60 moves are made in Armageddon, players will receive even additionally for three seconds for each course.

Karlsen - number one in the world

Fast chess and blitz differ greatly from traditional chess, in which players spent 12 parties to date. On these chess disciplines, even special world championships are held.

Carlsen is now a world champion in fast chess. He used to be also a world champion and Blitz.

Karlsen also takes first place in the world ranking on fast chess. In the Blitsa, he is number two after the Chinese Dean Lysen.

For comparison: Karyakin - respectively - number three and number nine in the world in the same disciplines.

Therefore, it may not have anything strange that Carlsen agreed to Tai Break. When Karlsen took an interview after the 12th Party, the Norwegian was clear that it was necessary that such a strategy.

Most experts are also united that Karlsen is a favorite on a tai break.

"In Tai Break, Magnus objectively is also the strongest. I would not say that Magnus was doomed to defeat and before him. Just do not be too impulse. On such a tie break, you should actually be tough, "earlier in a conversation with Aftenposten at the World Championships, I spoke the historian Chess Eystain Brekke (Øystein Brekke).

In New York at the world championship in chess, passing between the Norwegian world champion Magnus Karlsen and Russian applicant Sergey Karyakin, A series of twelve mandatory parties ended.

The 12th Party lasted only 35 minutes. Chess players agreed to a draw on the 30th move, as according to the rules, they do not have the opportunity to go to the settlement agreement before this turn. Final account - 6: 6. Now .

What is Tai Break?

Tai Break is a shortened party that allows you to identify the winner with a draw. Translated from English Tie - draw, break - break, stop, which is literally translated as "stopping a draw".

The Tai Break in Chess is played with the equality of points from the current champion and the applicant in matches for the title of world chess champion.

According to the rules of the championship match, the Tai Break consists of 4 parties to quick chess. On the batch, each player is given 25 minutes with the addition of 10 seconds for each move. If these parties end up in a draw, two more blitz-party will be played, for each of which chess players will take 5 minutes plus 3 seconds per course. If the bill remains equal, then another match of two blitz games will play. A total of such matches may be no more than five. If these 10 parties do not identify the winner, the grandmasters will play the decisive party "Armageddon", where white have 5 minutes, black - 4 minutes with the addition of 3 seconds for each turn, draw is counted in favor of black.

When will chess players hold a tie break?

Tai Break in matches for the chess crown will be played for the third time in history. Previously, he was held in 2006 in the match of the last Russian world champion - Vladimir Kramnika Both Bulgarian Veselina Topalova(2.5: 1.5), as well as in 2012, when the representative of India Vishvanatan Anand.beat Israelin Boris Gelfanda(2,5:1,5).

What prize will the winner get?

The winner must score 6.5 points. The size prize Fund It is 1 million euros, the winner will receive 60 percent of this amount, the loser - 40 percent.