Alexander Shashin is looking for a strongest move. Energy as a chess category. Rules of the game in international checkers

Tal - Tolusus
Leningrad (USSR Championship) 1956

In this position, the move is white, and we play white. What do we have?

I will answer briefly: all signs of the algorithm of Tal! Why?

Because we have:

1) a very acute deficit on the first factor of a chess position (in white two pawns);

2) the overwhelming advantage in the second factor, since the parameter "P" in our position is much more critical value (p \u003d 59/30 ~ 1.97 \u003e\u003e PKR \u003d 1.25);

3) An explicit advantage over safety factor (in position in the diagram, our king no one threatens; the black king is in the matte network).

In other words, all three factors we study the position indicate the algorithm of attacks of material chess targets. Moreover, all signs of the radical species of the Tal algorithm itself are observed. This is I. great importance The parameter "P", and explicit superiority of white on the third factor of the position ...

In the party followed

The move in the party is open attack On the queen, which is successfully combined with "throwing" into the conflict zone previously inactive figure and her victim. Speecually, is it not true?

It's like that! But still Kasparov disagree with the Taleh. Kasparov believes that Tal was wrong, and that's what he writes in notes to this party: "Intuitively felt that the position requires the victim, the Tal immediately sacrifices - just at the right moment, but ... not that figure and not on that field! Soon it was found with the strongest attack ... "

I hope that you, dear reader, have not forgotten about the hierarchical series when attacking material chess targets: k, q, r ... King - target number 1, queen - № 2, etc.

And this means that we, exploring the position, "not have the right to ignore 15.NXE6. Why?

Because after 15.Nxe6 threatens the "final" 16.NS7 #.

Question: What is more important - a direct attack on the king or an open attack on the target number 2?

Do not hurry with the answer. Not so simple!

Indeed, not everything is so simple, because after the course in the party also threatens the "final" hitch with a horse on the C7 field!

The same move of Tal "lifters" horse in the conflict zone, as well as, although formally, but donates another horse (on E4) and informally plays part of the material donated to them (pawn B5).

"Having gave the horse E4. Standard position estimate retreats before intuition and calculation. Mata is not, and it seems, based on the strict canons of the highest chess truth, whites should be easier or later to lose. However, what kind of practical importance is this "Highest Chess Truth", if the confirms of its options are only months and years later?! " (Kasparov).

Tale's move is not only a victim. This is the winnings of the pawns, and the open (or direct?) Attack ... Or, perhaps, white only threaten the innocent exchange on the G7? .. Tal plays strategically?! Yes or no?

The answer will not be. There will be a hint: chaotic, that is, irrational chess ...

Tolush took a pawn on F6. Followed

Analysis of the position after Kasparov devoted more than two pages in My Great Predecessors - Chess is truly inexhaustible! And here is his verdict: the last move is black - a mistake.

The "super-jammed" looks stronger and, oddly enough, after (see chart) black somehow keep ...

I will add: in your estimates of "this slightly crazy position" Kasparov is very careful. He looked at a pretty many possible options, and he even slightly complains that these options are "... too complicated for both a person and for the machine to make final conclusions ..."

We will not make final conclusions and we. I will admit better on those wonderful options that the thirteenth world champion presented us (I will give only a small part of these options):

a) with puzzle and, possibly approximately equal to the position;

b) and black, apparently, is better.

In the option a) Kasparov considers the breeding and ask to continue ...

In the option b) ... Stop!

I remind you that our main goal, which we unsuccessfully pursuing in this chapter, is what we call the method (algorithm) to search for the strongest chess movement on the "Thalu". I repeat: we are interested in the first method, and not a move. In other words, we are interested in the answer to a naive question: how? Or: how is the Tal, and not a soulless car, is looking for the strongest move? How does he get it?

Spread "on the shelves" ...

With this move, Tal develops its previously inactive Ladus - the second point of the algorithm. Will not forget about the figure on the G5 - the victim!

Open attack on the root + Winning Material (or exchange?).

Open attack on the king + Winning Material (or still exchange?). The first and fourth elements of the algorithm are intertwined. Appears and the ghost of change?! Yes or no?

Laconic answer: Yes!

Tal stroke. Followed

We already "passed." Namely: white in almost the standard way "lifting" into the attack zone is a low-active figure. This course of the rook can be made (and the Tal did it) instantly, automatically. It would be more - the most presets for the black threat of the open Shah! I will add: this move is also instantly, also without any check made, analyzing the party, and Kasparov himself ...

However, soon after entering the second volume of the "my great predecessors", it was proved that the progress of the rook is a mistake. Stronger (indicated by the original Sorogenin!). After or, etc., white should win (according to "my great predecessors", vol. 3).

Eclipse on Olympus? ..

Of course, I don't even have the thought of doing something against the image of Tal and Kasparov. They are immortal, and they do not need a false varnish. Probably, they are not gods. But the demigods, at least ... and the greatest chess players tend to make mistakes!

I do not work for the glory of the greatest chess players. I work for you, dear reader, and I have a dream. I dream that some NN is not very high qualified chess player - read these lines. I read and ... would become in the end, the world champion in chess!

I'm looking for a little prince ...

Sorohtina's move - - probably wins. Is it because it is multifunctional (Shahi and Ferzend are threatened, and the root, and a horse)? And one more thing: this move is impossible to put on a single "shelf". For the reason that there are signs and direct attacks, and the optimal arrangement. However, we are already accustomed to the fact that everything is mixed in the batches of Tal. Mixed with each other all four elements ...

Question: Tal always plays on "thava"? Or: Does the right of the algorithm of Thale apply to become a universal algorithm? Yes or no?

The answer is obvious: no!

The algorithm of the Tale is not a universal algorithm for the search for the strongest stroke. It is part of a universal algorithm (a universal method for finding a strongest chess). The Tal algorithm is "just" one of the three pillars, which keeps all the chess wisdom. Two other pillar - Capablanca and Petrosyan algorithms. 22.kf1 move - Petrosyan's stroke, it is elementary prophylaxis. He is clearly outside the attack on the king.

There is no complaints from Casparov to this move.

The queen attacks the king is the most extraordinary attack from all open attacks in chess.

After (kasparov signs) white wins.

Another open attack on the king. And, add, the culmination of the grand battle!

"As they say," not in that steppe "! After the poor, the king could still hope to pass through the storm. White seems to have nothing better than ( I will add from myself: after the machine "prescribes" the advantage is white - A.Sh. ) With Eternal Shah "(Kasparov).

In other words, according to Kasparov analyzes, Tolusus's last move is a mistake. I will say more precisely: last error Black in this party!

Or with a victory (Kasparov signs).

Open attack.

Task: Find the mat after the computer tip is not used!

Open attack + Winning Material.

The decisive outcome of the struggle of the material gain.

Apotheosis of any, including the chess warfare - the mountains of corpses, fused technique. Fearless heroes are infinite. It is focused on incredit chess aggression ...

Elements of the algorithm of the Tale:

1) open and direct attacks;

2) the optimal placement of figures;

3) the victim;

4) Winning material.

The first two define dynamic and potential (strategic) components of attacks.

The latter - non-equivalent exchange with its variety - exchange.

and in this hopeless position, black broke the time.

Rules of the game in Russian checkers

The goal of the game is to eat all the checkers of the enemy or "locate" them (i.e., to deprive the possibility of traveling)

The game is carried out only on dark fields. A coarse board is located between partners so that the dark corner field is located to the left of the playing. In the initial position of each side 12 checkers, which occupy the first three rows on each side

Checkers are divided into simple and ladies. In the initial position, all the checkers are simple. When reached the last (eighth of yourself) horizontal row, a simple checker turns into a lady

The moves are made in turn, movement of their checkers for an unoccupied field. Power skip is not allowed. The first move always makes a player playing white. Simple walks only forward on one cell diagonally. The lady walks on the diagonal on any field, both forward and forth, and it cannot jump through his checkers

If a simple checker is next to the rival's neck, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through this checker on the free field, after that, the rival checker is removed from the board. If you have the opportunity to continue the capture of other rival checkers, then this taking should be produced. With a simple box, a simple checker turns into a lady and continues the battle according to the ladies. In one course, the head of the enemy can only beat once (the rule of the Turkish strike). According to this rule, if with a few enemy checkers, a checker or a lady reappears a beaten checker, then the move stops. Blowed enemy checkers are removed only after completing the stroke. Taking the rival checkers is mandatory and produced both forward and forth. With several options for taking, for example, one checker or two, the player chooses an option to take at its discretion.



  • if a participant having three ladies (or more) against one enemy's lady, for 15 moves will not take the adversary lady;
  • if in the position in which both participants have ladies, the ratio of forces has not changed (there was no take, no simple checker has become a lady) throughout:
    • in the 2nd and 3 curly endings - 5 moves,
    • in 4 and 5 figured endings - 30 moves,
    • in 6 and 7 figured endings - 60 moves;
  • if the participant having:
    • three simple
    • three ladies
    • two ladies and simple,
    • dame and two simple,
    Against the same lady of the enemy, located on the big road (the main diagonal of the board), for 5 moves will not take the dame of the enemy;
  • if within 15 moves of the participants did the moves only by the ladies, without moving simple checkers and does not produce takes.

Rules of Games in Gazaver (Return Checkers)

Give inquins are checkers with the inverse goal of the game - to lose all your checkers: make the enemy "eat" or "locked up".

Rules of the game in diagonal checkers

Rules are similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but the initial placement is other (large diagonal is free, on top and to the left of it all the cells are occupied by black checkers, from the bottom and right - white).

Rules of the game in international checkers

The game uses a 10 × 10 cell board. Checkers are packed on the black fields of the first four horizontal rows on each side. Playing white goes first, then the moves are made alternately. Checkers are divided into simple and ladies. In the initial position, all the checkers are simple.

A simple checker walks diagonally for one cell. When any field is reached the last horizontal, the simple checker turns into the lady.

The lady walks diagonally on any free field both forward and forth.

Take sure if it is possible. Checkers are removed from the board only after the taking checker stopped.

When taking the rule of the Turkish strike - if with a few enemy checkers a checker or lady reappears on the already beaten checker, the move stops (that is, it is forbidden to take one and the same checker twice, while you can cross the same empty field ).

If there are several options for taking, you need to perform that of them that removes the maximum number of rival checkers (regardless of their quality - and simple, and the lad is considered one checker). If you still have several options, you can choose any of them. If there is a choice of battle or simple battle, then you can take any of them, observing and in this case the taking a rule of the greatest amount of checkers.

If a simple checker during the capture process reaches a lady field and can beat further in the role of simple checkers, then it continues to fight this move and remains simple. Otherwise, it turns into a lady and stops. The right of battle according to the rules of the ladies, it acquires only from the next progress.


The party is considered to be won in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants left the party or stated that it was surrender;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the opponents break all the checkers.

The party is considered to be ending in the following cases:


  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • if it is impossible to win a single opponent;
  • three (or more) times the same position (the same location of the checkers) is repeated, and the queue of course will be over the same side each time;
  • participants for 25 moves made the moves only by the ladies, without moving simple checkers and not producing takes;
  • if the participant, having at the end of the party:
    • three simple
    • three ladies
    • two ladies and simple,
    • dame and two simple,
    against a lonely lady or one lady against a lonely lady or simple checkers, the won position will not achieve its 5th stroke;
  • on the board there are five ladies or four ladies and one simple checker against two ladies, and the strongest side of its 50th progress will not achieve a won position.

Shower notation

The notation adopted in international checkers, all black fields have numbers (from 1 to 50). The numbering of the board begins on the side of the black and goes to the right left. To record the movement of simple checkers or ladies, the field is indicated first where the checker or the lady stood, then put a dash and write down the field to which it is installed (for example: 8-12). When recording a taking (combat), instead of a dash put a colon (for example: 12:21, 47:24:35).

Rules of the game in English checkers (Chechers)

The rules of the game in English checkers (Chechers) are very similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but have some differences:

  • the first goes player playing with black checkers
  • a simple checker cannot beat back;
  • the lady can walk only on one field in any direction;
  • the lady can beat only through one field in any direction;
  • you can beat an arbitrary amount of checkers.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.


The party is considered to be won in the following cases:

  • if one of the rivals beaten all checkers;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the participants stated that it was surrendered.


The party is considered to be ending in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • three (or more) times the same position (the same location of the checkers) is repeated, and the queue of course will be over the same side each time;
  • during the last 40 moves, there was no change in strength, that is, any of the players did not manage to carry out at least one checker in the ladies, and was not removed from the board at least one checkers or ladies.

We draw your attention to the fact that the game will be stored in history, and the points will be accrued for it only if 3 and more moves are made (for example, 2 white strokes and one black for the "Russian checkers" mode).

Mode panel

The modes panel allows you to select the current game mode.

Top panel buttons

Stroke back, Move forward - Allows you to cancel and repeat moves in the game with a computer.

Suggest a draw Allows you to send an opponent about a draw. In case of its consent, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points from both players will not change;


A new game - to begin new game with a computer.

Leave the game

Additional adhesions in a joint game

Suggest a draw Allows you to send a proposal for a draw. In case of its consent, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points from both players will not change;

Surrender - completes the game (the defeat is counted).

Leave the game - allows you to immediately complete the current game (the defeat is counted).

Lower panel buttons

Settings - Opens the settings menu in which you can:

  • Choose color figures;
  • Change the complexity of the computer;
  • Include or disable an automatic course for situations where there is the only possible move by the rules of the game;
  • Enable mapping taken figures and stroke history;
  • Enable or disable the sound;
  • Prohibit other players inviting you to the game;
  • Open blacklist.

Description - Opens the game description.

Questions and Reviews - Opens a guest book in which you can leave feedback or wishes for the game.

History - The story of all your games indicating the date of the game, the enemy and its place in the ranking.

The batch won marked by you, red - lost, blue - completed drawing.

The star marked the games you entered the Favorites.

Points are accrued only for victories over the opponents (for draws and victory over the computer, points are not accrued).

ELO rating system, Elo coefficient - method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This system ratings developed an American professor of physics of the Hungarian origin of the Arpad Elo.

In the Personal Account you can specify additional information about yourself, upload photos, change the password, as well as store and conduct personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registration as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will get access to personal Area And you can send personal messages to other players.

To register, you need to simply enter a name (from 3 characters) and password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another.

The 20s of the last century were perhaps the most "philosophical" decade in the history of chess. It was a time when the game, trying to realize himself, took a course on rapprochement with science and art. The "lesser" of Chess actively promoted Lasker. Young at that time Namitsyovy and Reti did not agree with the old champion, but they also found their theories on timeless chess values \u200b\u200brelated to the game with life. In those years the theory chess game Hounded to scientific and philosophical generalizations.
Against the background of such an in-depth attitude to chess, almost unnoticed by the Little Book of Alexander Gerbstman "Chess Party and Composition" (Moscow - Leningrad: Physical Education and Tourism, 1930) is now forgotten at all. Meanwhile, the main topic of this book is chess party With the composition, both alive, successfully selected examples confirming the organicity of this connection, and the theoretical calculations of the famous chess composer and the scientist are not outdated. Re-reading this book recently, I wondered over one of the general principles of the game, before I seemed to me too abstract.

"In the living party, and in the composition, usually time, space and strength are organically connected, synthesized: how to quickly introduce your strength into battle and argue the opponent is the usual scheme of the chess. The one who knows how to carry out this triple principle, having developed a real plan on its basis and conducting this plan to life, will always achieve victory over the enemy, for which time, space and power are presented by independent factors"

Of course, it was a deep thought! But in order to give it the power of practical (methodical) leadership, it was necessary to take another step - to find the term to designate this unity of space, time and strength. We needed a term that would associate in the consciousness of chess players this general principle of chess struggle both with familiar life realities and with the conceptual apparatus of science.

And now, in our days, a successful, in my opinion, the decision of this problem was offered Alexander Shashin.
Chess material, space and time are interrepressed. However, how? Whereby?
With the help of energy - a universal chess agent!

(A. Shabshin and Metashakhmata ". In the book. L. Yudasin Millo-Miral Chess. M.: North Pilgrim, 2004. P. 515) and further A. Shashin clarifies:" Energy is a chess material, space and time. " (ibid.). According to A. Shashin, energy is a concept that must be "central when teaching chess".

However, it is necessary, however, to note that the use of the term "energy" in chess of course does not mean their identification with physical reality. But since we agree that in the special world of chess there are special time, space and strength, we must recognize the existence of a special "chess energy". In my opinion, the use of the concept of "energy" in the theory of chess can be quite productive.
To experience how this concept works, I tried to give an "energy" interpretation of one cluster I liked me from the article M. Butler "Combinational Finds" (published on the Internet:

Mukhin - Butler
Moscow 1969.

White has a huge material advantage - rook and horse, but the passage E3, supported by the Fish and Elephance, is not less. The real force of this pawn has repeatedly exceeds the nominal ("average"). How can this be explained from an energy point of view?
One of the main factors that increase the strength (potential energy) figures is the ability to attack (creating a threat). And implement this "added" energy most often moves that combine two or more threats.
The position on the diagram reflects just the moment when the double blow (fork) on D2 and F2 implements the potential energy of the pawns - transforms it into the material. But the possibilities of black are not exhausted. In the position of the Black Queen and the pawns felt the threat to the white king, which can also lead to another, killing for the enemy double strike, for example 1. FF4 ED +! 2.F: D4 DCF + 3. CRF2 FD2 + C WIN.
White queen is doomed. And the only chance of whites is to give the life of its strongest figure as expensive as possible.
30. FF2-F7 + !! KRG8: F7.
31. KD2-F3

The price of his life, the queen gave a horse the possibility of Shah on the G5, which made the horse almost two more. Thanks to this field E4 (the only one, from where the black queen could protect his elephant) turned out to be under blow. Another consequence of the Queen's victim on F7 was the fact that the horse on F3 indirectly is protected: after 31 ... FG4 32.K: D3 does not pass 32 ... f: F3 due to 33.LF1. Nothing changes 31 ... fb2 32.k: d3 and white everything is protected.
As a result, black losing their elephant, and with him and the chances of winning.

A characteristic feature of chess combinations is the increased intensity of energy processes on a chessboard.
This is quite simple: if the combination with victims is correct, the force prisoner in the donated material does not disappear, and inevitably transformed into other forms of chess energy. And in particular, the strength of one figure can be transmitted to another, as in the example above. Hence the special, elevated energy tension of all combination.

I will give two more examples borrowed from the book by A. Gerbstman.

A. Troitsky
"Deutsche Schachzeitung" 1911


Thanks to the possibility of shaft, white horse controls a large number of fields. The rook on these fields turns out to be inviolable, which allows it with the extraordinary energy to pursue the Black Queen.
1. LB7 FG8 2. KE5 + KRC5 3. LB8 FH7 4. B4 + KRD6 5. LH8 FXH8 6. KF7 + Win

"Many years ago former champion The world lasker gave a simultaneous game in London. In the party against the broken, he turned out the following position:

Lasker - Loman, 1916

Black stroke

Despite the huge material advantage of the enemy, Lasker, thanks to the "outstanding" pawn H7, must win. Loman makes the latest attempts to resist 1 .... LSZ +, which suddenly lead not only to salvation, but also to victory. In response to this Shah Lasker will followed the F2, and then approach the king to the Black Floor, and the queen on H8 decides the case. In the party, however, happened: 2. KPG4 ?? LC4 + 3. KPG5. "(A. Gerbstman)

3 .... LH4 !!
Time is more expensive! Black gives a root to freeze the G7 field, which needs to be a king to neutralize the enemy's walking.
4. CR: H4 G5 + 5. CR: G5 KRG7 and black win
Typical combinations of chess energy conversion scheme: Material - time - material.

"Combination". Disputes on the definition of this concept have been continuing for many decades. It is possible that the energy approach to the fight chess figures Will be able to solve this complex theoretical problem.

It is interesting, but can you simplify the concept of your theory?
- You are welcome. All positions 10 at 36 degrees. I break into three classes.

  • The first class obeys the algorithm M. Tal. Here the main thing is necessary to attack the material targets of the shapes and pawns. This is not the only one, but the main task.
  • Second class. It works here algorithm Xr. Capablanca. In such positions, there is a game of empty fields of a chessboard, that is, the positional game I communicate to the game on empty fields. We capture them or give them. Depending on when we carry out a strategic attack, or under the pressure of the opponent's strategic protection. Thus, the game with the Capablanca algorithm can be both aggressive and defensive.
  • Third class Algorithm T. Petrosyan. This is an antipode of the algorithm M. TALYA. If the strongest side is obliged to attack strategically important fields and material targets, then the other party is obliged to protect them. That is, trying to establish a barrier of the opponent's expansion without prejudice to his chess forces. In other words, a symmetric process takes place.

It is quite simple for understanding chess players not even the second, but a strong third discharge. And, speaking of more complex positions, we will be forced to enter the element of chaos. Mixed Tal type algorithms appear - Kapa Bablanca, Kapablanca - Petrosyan and the most complex algorithm of Tal - Kapablanca - Petrosyan. These algorithms are filled with complex bifurcations. If the chess player will understand that in a difficult position he has a minimum of two correct moves, if the second-turnover will not stupidly spend his time on one single right course. If he programs himself that he has two correct strokes. (

Dear friends, today we are glad to inform you that the agreement between the American chess book publishing house "Mongoose Press" and A.A.Shashin finally signed. Shashin is the author of the "physicide-like" model of Chess. The textbook of the famous St. Petersburg chess coach A.A.Shashina "I am looking for a strongest move" will see light on english language Closer to the end of this year. Scientific labor impressive - about 500 pages. The tutorial consists of three parts.
Part 1 Universal method for finding a strongest chess movement.
Part 2 Universal method for finding a strongest chess movement in practice.
Part 3 of the contours of the unified theory of chess game.
The author claims to solve the most important issue for the chess player: to find the strongest course in any position using the Algorithms of Tal, Capalands, Petrosyan, or combinations thereof. But about everything else, the dear reader will know in the passage from the textbook, and fully read and having studied all the work completely. Shashin does not hide that his textbook is a holistic system in theory and in practice, just like A. Starzovich, only at a new quality level.
For reference:

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shashin, Master of Sports of the USSR, the coach in the Poland named after Zhdanov, now Anichkov Palace, in St. Petersburg since 1979 instead of the deployed Master of Sports of the USSR, Veteran V. A.V. Cepkova. He graduated from the Physics and Chemical Faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Technology. Lensovet in the specialty "Radiation Chemistry". Further, on the distribution, 3,5 years old, as a teacher of physics on the department, managed to become a junior researcher, he studied for 1.5 years in graduate school, threw it. This is all before the transition to the coaching work. That's what Shashin talks about his childhood: "I became acquainted with the Father with chess when I was eight years old. I remember that they didn't give me a right impression on me. They became one of many children's fun. That is, I played chess along with Russian Checkers, cards, etc. Summer - football and bike. In winter - skis. And more: classes in a music school (laughs) From under the stick - my father is a professional musician. But, alas, nature (I am about my musical The abilities) decided to rest on me. However, at ten years, that is, in 1954, when the match was held between Botvinnik and the semantiest, there was a cool fracture. I got one of the parties of this match, clearly not the most wonderful. Commentator (I do not remember Who and in what newspaper) did not leave the "stone stone" from the game of its participants. And then I decided to become a world champion! I remember well that for some reason I decided that I was playing now ... no worse sense (A.Sh. smiles) And only slightly inferior to the Bottinnik. It was then me, it's not I remember exactly - whether the fourth, or the fifth category. Wonderful! I had a serious ambition, a character appeared, the successes of youthful competitions appeared. I was a three-time champion of Leningrad among the young men, in 1962 he became the champion of the USSR, a year earlier than the second prize. In August 1961, - heading the team of Leningrad at the All-Union Games of Schoolchildren, I became the champion of the Spartakiad. It was a very large competition and a great test for me. "
In an affordable form in its textbook, Alexander Aleksandrovich Donas the main ideas, as well as the stroke search algorithm. In a small article, it makes no sense to rewrite everything that has already been told by Master Shashin in his interview published on our website.
Part 1
Part 2
Party A.Sashin - V. Korchoe, Leningrad, 1973.
The "lion's share" interview with A.A. Shashin was published in the All-Russian newspaper "Chess Week" in 2005. After the end of work on the manuscript, I met the author, and he once again outlined the essence of the search method and spoke about the changes that had undergone his technique from taking into account the experience of coaching work with children. I would like to emphasize that the book does not replete examples that go to the textbook to the problem book and vice versa. They are selected creatively in the bases of chess games, analyzes are tested using the best computer programs. Among the strongest chess players of the world two, and these are grandmaster V. Korchnoy and A.Morozevich, collaborated with A.A. Shashin. With V. Korchoor in 1976, the creative union lasted a couple of weeks spent together in a holiday home near Zelenogorsk. Its result was the successful speech by Viktor Lvovich in Amsterdam, after which he, as is known, remained in the West. And with A.Morosevich began in 2002, he endured the test of time, and lasts until now. It is worth noting that A. Morosevich wrote a preface to the textbook. Here are small excerpts from it:

"Our first full-time acquaintance with A.A. Shashin took place in the spring of 2003, in a very difficult moment in my career. Behind was 2002, one of the most unsuccessful for all my 15-year-old professional activities: the fate was pleased then to introduce me to an amazing person, coach, physicist on education and, perhaps, calling - Shashin San Sanych, as I have a somewhat frivolous call. His support at that time is difficult to overestimate. Our many hours of kitchen conversations returned me to life as a chess player and as a person. Thanks to the patience and extraordinary congenital intelligence of San Sanychu, it was possible not only to revive my chess appetite, but also to show those faces of life that I had stubbornly ignored by the age and characteristics of your character: S.S. It was at that moment that he significantly enriched and expanded his ideas; When choosing a move, I often successfully used the ideas offered to them. The fact that the period from July 2003 to July 2004 turned out to be the most successful in his entire career - in many ways the merit of our "feasting" conversations. I triumphantly returned to the top five, winning almost all where I played ... "

In the foreseeable future, it is planned to publish a textbook and in Russian ... The most impatient readers will be able to study the textbook chashin in English is already quite soon. The preliminary name of the book in English sounds like this: Alexander Shashin "Best Play: Revolutionary Method for Finding The Strongest Move." Today we offer a small excerpt from the first part of the book, introducing the reader to the course of the method under consideration with an example from the Petrosyan party - Bertok, Bled 1961.