Game one a lot, insert the necessary words. Didactic game "One-Many" Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish


Purpose of the game: teaching children to correctly form singular and plural nouns in speech;

The course of the game: an adult calls the noun in the singular and throws the ball to the child, the child must throw the ball back, naming the plural.

It is advisable to play the game in the form of riddles using visual, colorful pictures. So that you can understand me, You will have to guess riddles. Each word has its own meaning, which indicates the purpose of the words.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the breeze.

Inflated - it flies

And the deflated one is resting.

If you slap it hard,

Then it can burst right there.

(Ball) (showing pictures to children) -Ball one -

There are many balls

He is old, small,

And the new one is big.

Sometimes he is simple

Sometimes colored.

Will help me write in a notebook,

Color the picture, draw.

He will be with me in class

My Friend and my learning assistant

Pencil) - One pencil - Many pencils

It ripens on the tree in the garden,

The taste and color of the fruit is different.

Both sour and sweet

It tastes good.

Green, yellow, red

It is useful!

Everyone knows about it.

(Apple) - One apple - There are many apples

Multi-colored bun,

He will give you a side

He is not afraid of pain either

Loves to jump and roll!

Who jumps so merrily?

My cheerful, round ...

(Ball) -Ball one -Many balls

Appeared at a neighbor's

Good brood hen,

Bright fluffy suns are radiant.

Nice guys Yellow ...

(Chickens) -One chicken, many chickens

They stand up without a team,

They go to the pond.

Who goes in a long chain

Who loves discipline so much?

(Ducklings) - One duck, many ducklings

White fluffs are flying

Are spinning in the wind.

Cold beauties covered in the morning

The whole earth is covered.

There are countless patterns.

Snow-white fluffs are gentle ...

(Snowflakes) - One snowflake - There are many snowflakes

She will dress up in winter

In garlands and balls

Hid gifts

She is for kids

It is not in vain that it is sung in a song

I was born in the forest

But I will buy from plastic-

I'll save the beauty!

(Christmas tree) -There is one tree, there are many toys

Consolidation of the studied material for the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech:

One ball, but many ... (balls);

One pencil, but many ... (pencils);

One apple, but many ... (apples);

One ball, but many ... (balls);

One chicken, but many ... (chickens);

One duck, but many ... (ducklings);

There is only one snowflake, but many ... (snowflakes);

-There is one tree, but many ... (toys);

Thus, the use of didactic exercises in the learning process develops imagination and memory in children, helps to activate the accumulated information and vocabulary.

Puppy - puppies, a lot of puppies.

Duckling - ducklings, many ducklings.

Owl - owls, many owls.

Tit - tits, many tits.

Heron - herons, many herons.

Linden - lindens, a lot of lindens.

Pine - pines, many pines.

Birch - birches, many birches.

Oak - oaks, many oaks.

Spruce - ate, a lot of spruce.

Aspen - aspen, many aspen.

Fox - foxes, many foxes.

Hare - hares, many hares.

Leo - lions, many lions.

Zebra - zebras, many zebras.

Wolf - wolves, many wolves.

Hedgehog - hedgehogs, many hedgehogs.

Goat - goats, many goats.

Sheep - sheep, many sheep.

Cow - cows, many cows.

Cat - cats, many cats.

Dog - dogs, many dogs.

Carrots - a lot of carrots.

Potatoes - Lots of potatoes.

Piglet - piglets, many piglets.

Foal: - foals, many foals.

Lamb - lambs, many lambs.

Puppy - puppies, a lot of puppies.

Hare - hares, a lot of hares.

Goat - kids, a lot of kids.

Chicken - chickens, a lot of chickens.

Turkey poult - turkey poults, a lot of turkey poults.

Duckling - ducklings, many ducklings.

Gosling - goslings, many goslings.

Owl - owls, many owls.

Bullfinch - bullfinches, many bullfinches.

Tit - tits, many tits.

Heron - herons, many herons.

Cuckoo - cuckoos, many cuckoos.

Poplar - poplars, many poplars.

Linden - lindens, a lot of lindens.

Pine - pines, many pines.

Birch - birches, many birches.

Oak - oaks, many oaks.

Spruce - ate, a lot of spruce.

Aspen - aspen, many aspen.

Fox - foxes, many foxes.

Hare - hares, many hares.

Leo - lions, many lions.

Monkey - monkeys, many monkeys.

Zebra - zebras, many zebras.

Kangaroo - kangaroo, many kangaroos.

Giraffe - giraffes, many giraffes.

Wolf - wolves, many wolves.

Bear - bears, many bears.

Hedgehog - hedgehogs, many hedgehogs.

Goat - goats, many goats.

Sheep - sheep, many sheep.

Cow - cows, many cows.

Cat - cats, many cats.

Dog - dogs, many dogs.

Tomato - tomatoes, a lot of tomatoes.

Cucumber - cucumbers, many cucumbers.

Carrots - a lot of carrots.

Potatoes - Lots of potatoes.

"Developing environment in a preschool educational institution"- (c) Kanaev B.I. Kanaev DB, 1993. Achievements of preschool educational institutions in the framework of innovation. Developing subject-spatial environment. Project advice. Graduates of the Special Child groups. The system of psychological, medical and pedagogical support of a preschooler. Module "Analysis of the results of the year". Creative group №3.

"Subject-developing environment"- A prerequisite for an effective solution to the problem of modern high-quality preschool education, is the implementation of comprehensive measures. Activities for the use of space in group room... One of the important aspects is the creation of a developmental environment in the preschool group. Organization of a subject-developing environment for preschoolers in the district educational institution.

"Technology of Developmental Education"- Technology of developing education D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov. System of developing education L.V. Zankova. Personally-oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya). Pedagogical influences anticipate, stimulate, direct and accelerate the development of hereditary personality data. Developmental learning technology.

"Developmental training"- Expectations. Conclusion. The disciple is an object. The tutorial model is. Society. The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov. Learning aligns with development (learning development). Development of students' speech; the formation of educational activities. Parent meeting topic: Smart. Learning difficulties. Developmental learning will help our children become.

"Developing environment"- After the implementation of the project. Performance indicators. The meaning of the subject-developing environment. The main idea of ​​the project. Goals and objectives of the project. Before project implementation. Implementation of the modular project "Diamond adit" speech therapist's office. Implementation of a modular project for a gym. Kindergarten is a child's development space.

"Developmental literature"- Functions of fiction. In a word, it makes you wise ... ”DS Likhachev. Conditions that reduce the developmental potential of fiction. Shabanova Elvira Dmitrievna, senior educator kindergarten"Sun" of the item of Kizema. The developing functions of fiction. Literary texts.

Target: Concordance of the noun and numeral I. case.

Game progress:

Start the game from the counting room:

We're going for a walk now,

We will find a lot of new things.

Collect what you see.

Give the gnome Tom.

One, two, three, four, five -

We begin to collect.

Children walk on the carpet, looking at the pictures lying on it. After the words, the counters take the selected picture from the carpet and put it in the basket, accompanying their actions with the words:

Here's to you, Tom, many (one) leaves.

Didactic game"Left right"

Target: Orientation relative to oneself.

Game progress:

Children show the parts of the body named in the course of the words of the game.

This is the left hand.

This is the right hand.

This is the left leg.

This is the right leg.

The left ear is with us.

We have the right ear.

And this is the left eye.

cover your eyes with your palms

And this is the right eye.

Ku - ku

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

Target: Harmonization of adjectives and nouns in gender.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to pick up objects for the signs.

What can be said about long, short, large, tall ...

Didactic game "Let's put things in order"

Target: Comparison of the size of objects.

Game progress:

Arrange objects in decreasing (increasing) order of size (objects differ in length, or width, height).

Didactic game "Take the same amount"

Target: Fix account, countdown, quantity comparison.

Game progress:

Take as many items as I have. How many items did you take, count.

Didactic game "What number is gone"

Target: Consolidate numbers, develop attention.

Game progress:

A numerical series is built from familiar numbers. One number is removed when children close their eyes (night). Then the children look at the number series and name the missing number. Similarly, you can play with geometric shapes, any objects.

Didactic game "Fedorka"

Target: Learn to classify objects.

Game progress:

Pairs of similar items are selected, differing in some way, one item without a pair - "fedorka". Example: a green cube and a red cube, a wooden spoon and a metal spoon ... The items are on the table. Children take turns and make pairs of objects, explaining their choice.

Didactic game "What has changed"

Target: Practicing the use of prepositions, geometric shapes.

Equipment: To play you will need a basket, geometric shapes known to children.

Game progress:

Name the shapes. Where the triangle lies. "Night". What has changed, where is the triangle now? (In the basket, to the right of the basket, under the basket ...)

Didactic game "Be attentive"


Game progress:

If I say it correctly, we clap our hands, if not, we stamp our feet.

First evening, and then night.

We have breakfast in the evening.

We walk at night.

Evening will come after the day….

Didactic game "Riki - Tiki"

Target: Anchoring the concept of quantity and numbers.

Game progress:

Riki - tiki, look

How many fingers say (What a number say).

Open fingers show up from behind. They show a card with a number.

Didactic game "Say the opposite"

Target: Exercise in the selection of words - antonyms.

Game material:










Didactic game "First - then"

Target: Exercise in the selection of temporal and quantitative representations.

Game material:

First, spring, and then….

First the day, and then….

First small, and then ...

First 2, and then ...

First 4, and then….

First the egg, and then….

First the caterpillar, and then ...

First a flower, and then ...

Didactic game "One - many"

Target: Exercise children in correlating quantity with movements, develop attention.

Short description: If there is only one item, slam it once. If there are many items, slap many times.

Game material:

How many heads does a person have?

How many fish are there in the sea?

How many stripes does a zebra have?

How many tails does a dog have?

How many grains of sand are there at the bottom of the river?

How many stars are there in the sky?

How many leaves on a tree7

How many stems does a flower have? ...

Didactic game "Rolling - not rolling"

Target: Exercise in determining the shape of the object. Shape properties.

Game progress:

Clap if the named object rolls, stomp if it does not:

Watermelon, cube, book, wheel, pencil, bank, carrot, leaf, orange, house, ball ...

Outdoor game "Find your house"

Target: Development of geometric skills.

Game progress:

Lie on the carpet geometric figures, these are houses. The children are holding geometric lotto cards, these are addresses. While the music is playing, the children move along the carpet, upon a signal, they find their house. One house can have one or several tenants.

Outdoor game "Crossing"

Target: Fixing ordinal numbers.

Game progress:

Walk through the "pebbles" in the order indicated by the numbers, without "wetting" your feet (without mixing up the numbers).

An outdoor game "What we did - we will show"

Target: Consolidation of parts of the day, development of attention.

Game progress:

One, two, three - what did you do in the morning (afternoon) - show me. Children perform a conceived action, and the teacher guesses.

An outdoor game "Count correctly"

Target: Exercise in counting and counting movements.

Game progress:

One two three four five -

The zainka began to ride.

Jump (clap, stomp ...) a lot of fun

He jumped ... once.

An outdoor game "Where will you go and what you will find"

Target: Exercise in spatial orientation

Game material:

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Look at the sky -

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

If you go straight, you will find the doll.

You will go to the left - ……

Methodical instructions: The toys are hidden in the group in advance so that the child can easily find them, walking in a given direction.