Tangram geometric shapes. Tangram game: the history of the Chinese puzzle, rules, schemes, benefits for child development. What is tangram

Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Tolstopyatova Iraida Anatolyevna, tutor of the Volshebnitsa MADOU, Labytnangi, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Purpose: This game introduces children to geometric shapes, teaches how to fold certain shapes, recommended for middle and older children preschool age as well as for educators and parents.
Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Target: Teach children to play puzzle games on their own, be able to lay out a variety of silhouettes from a set of geometric shapes.
Tasks: Develop children's spatial perceptions, constructive thinking, logic, imagination, ingenuity.
Develop fine motor skills to prepare children for school.
Cultivate patience and perseverance.
Rules of the game: The following rules must be observed in the game:
1.The entire set of parts is used in drawing up the images.
2.Details of the geometric constructor are attached to each other.

Does everyone know what a tangram is? This is one of the famous puzzles. She was born in China over 3000 years ago. Of the 7 elements into which the square is divided, you can make up a set various subjects and figures of animals.
Draw such a square on the cardboard and divide it into parts. First, ask your child to fold these pieces into a square again. It is better if the child copes with the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if it doesn't work, then, of course, you can use the sample.

A variety of silhouettes are laid out from these figures. It is easier for a child to do this using samples with traced components. Contour patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

Real drawings of those objects, the silhouette of which is created using a puzzle game, are very useful. In this case, it will be easier for the child to imagine the depicted object and, perhaps, make up his own version. Such activities are useful in preparing children for school.
A lump of fluff-
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots (hare).

Sly cheat-
Red head.
Lives in the forest
In the village, chickens are stealing (fox).

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep (bear).

Not a rider, but with spurs.
Winged, but it flies badly.
On whips and fences
The rooster sings songs.

The girl can be laid out in another way.

The tree is laid out in different ways.

You can create paintings by first laying out on the table and then sticking on paper.

So that the figures do not get confused, I glued envelopes for them, and geometric figures different colors for easier folding into envelopes.

Both adults and children love solving puzzles. This activity is exciting, besides, it perfectly develops logic, dedication and perseverance.

One of interesting puzzles The tangram game has long been recognized, and it is useful to begin acquaintance with it already from preschool age.

What is tangram?

The puzzle includes 7 geometric shapes (tans): 5 right-angled triangles of different sizes, 1 square and 1 parallelogram. They are obtained from a large square, which is first divided into 2 identical triangles. Then, from each triangle, several more figures are obtained: from the first - 2 large triangles, from the second - all the other figures. The sizes of the figures in tantam can be different, as well as the material from which the puzzle is made. You can, for example, cut out the details of a tangram from cardboard, including multi-colored, while focusing on the figure below.

Better yet, use a magnetic tape to make tans - then the figures can be assembled directly on the refrigerator or on a special board. You just need to remember that the proportional aspect ratio of all geometric figures must certainly be the same - after all, this is the meaning of the tangram.

When and where did the puzzle appear?

The homeland of tangram is China, which gave rise to the name of the game: translated from Chinese, tan means “part”.

There are several versions of where and when tangram first appeared.

According to the first - tangram has more than 4 millennia, and it appeared quite by accident. The fallen porcelain tile broke into 7 pieces, and its owner tried to piece the pieces together. But his haste prevented him, and each time he received more and more new pieces. As a result, the lesson was very captivated not only by him, but also by other people. Thus, the shattered porcelain square turned into a fascinating Board of Wisdom.

Another explanation of what tangram is and how it arose puts us back 2.5 thousand years ago, during the reign of one of the Chinese emperors. His heir grew up as a very smart and quick-witted boy, but did not want to study. Then the emperor summoned a mathematician, philosopher and artist and gave them the task: to come up with something that could interest the boy. Together they came up with the "Shi-Chao-Chu". The board, cut into 7 parts, introduced the future emperor to the basics of mathematics, taught him comprehensively, like an artist, to look at the world, brought up in the boy the perseverance and patience inherent in philosophers.

According to the third legend, one of the Chinese sages, whom his compatriots equated with a deity, described the development of the world from chaos to the present state in 7 books. Moreover, the basis of each volume is a description of the figures collected in the tangram technique from 7 geometric figures.

Whatever the background of the origin of the tangram puzzle, it is important that with its help you can not only have a great time, but also take a fresh look at the world.

The meaning of tangram

What are the rules for playing with tans? They are quite simple and even a child can do it.

The player's task is to collect from tans as many silhouettes of animals, people, surrounding objects, etc. The field for imagination is really wide here: after all, there are supposedly more than 6 million combination options. So, for example, you can create two silhouettes that differ in only one detail.

The tangram puzzle, like any other game, requires adherence to several rules.

  • All collected figures must include all 7 tans.
  • The silhouette is going on a plane, while the tans should adjoin each other either on one of the sides or at an angle, but in no case should they overlap or on top of each other.

Compliance with these conditions can initially cause some difficulties, so it is wise to teach children how to lay out thans gradually.

Techniques for mastering the puzzle

To clarify the answer to the question "how to assemble a tangram?", You can resort to the following techniques.

Finally, when you come to understand what a tangram is, and the basics of the game have been mastered, you can proceed to such stages as dismembering the finished figure into tans, and then drawing up the figure in accordance with its own vision.

What is the use of the puzzle?

The wide educational and educational opportunities of tangram contribute to the fact that the puzzle is actively used in the educational process already in preschool institutions... And this is fully justified.

  • Folding the tan figurines perfectly develops hand motor skills.
  • Acquaintance with tans, their comparison and folding acquaints with the initial course of geometry, the ratio of the whole and the part.
  • Colored figures help you learn better the world.
  • The combination of geometric figures, the laying out of silhouettes of people and animals not only develops imagination, thinking, perseverance, but also expands the horizons, contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of the world.

Thus, with the right approach, tangram can become a very effective educational and educational tool both in the hands of specialists and in the hands of parents.

Tangram in the life around us

Understanding what tangram is and what its capabilities are has become a great help for designers. So, for example, a shelf made up of 7 familiar geometric shapes looks very original. Its advantage is that the details of the tangram in such a shelf can be constantly interchanged. As a result, without much effort, you can introduce novelty even into an orderly boring interior.

The transforming sofa, assembled according to the type of the same tangram, also looks stylish. Or a compact coffee table that attracts attention with its unusual shapes.

In general, tangram is entertaining puzzle, capable of doing a good service to every person striving for self-improvement and knowledge of their own capabilities.

Tangram is a famous puzzle that came to us from Ancient China... The essence of this eastern game consists in constructing on a plane of 7 simple geometric figures a new figure indicated by a contour. It can be a variety of silhouettes: people, animals, vehicles, household items, plants, toys, and even numbers and letters. Basic rule: it is imperative to use all the elements of the tangram and never overlap them.

Educational puzzle

Tangram for preschoolers contributes to the development of:


    understanding color, size and shape,

    abstract and spatial thinking;


    logical thinking;

    combinatorial abilities.

Tangram for preschoolers: do it yourself

The tangram puzzle for preschoolers can be purchased at the store, or you can do it yourself at home. To make tangrams, take thick cardboard, draw a square on it. Then line it so that you get the following shapes: 5 triangles (2 large, 1 medium and 2 small), a square and a parallelogram - 7 shapes in total. You can use the template below.

Cut the resulting square along the lines you have drawn. For classes with very young children (3-5 years old), it is better to paint each of the 7 shapes in a specific color. This will make it easier for the child to perceive shapes and make new shapes easier.

Tangram schemes for children: from simple to complex

At the initial stage of playing tangram, it is better for preschoolers not to give difficult tasks - the child needs time to figure out the essence of the puzzle. And if his first experience turns out to be unsuccessful (due to the complexity of the task and misunderstanding), he will probably lose interest in the game. So take your time.

First, look at the figures together, make up something elementary. Start composing yourself, and then ask your child to help you: name the colors, etc. Children can come up with their own figures, including fantastic ones. The main thing is that the child has a clear idea of ​​what exactly he is constructing, and at the same time uses all 7 figures.

At the second stage of training already you can begin to draw shapes according to color schemes. To some, this may seem an easy task, but for a three-year-old child, choosing a shape by color and shape is not so easy. You can use the following tangram schemes for children.

Children 5-7 years old can already be offered tangram silhouette schemes and one-color puzzle elements.

By offering tangram to preschoolers, always start with the simplest shapes, gradually increasing the difficulty. It is important to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

An interesting idea to implement - magnetic tangram. It can be made from a large square fridge magnet by cutting it into pieces and pasting them on top with colored paper.

Hang on the refrigerator one or two puzzle sets and a set, and daily exercises for development of imagination your little ones will be provided.

Olesya Tabakaeva

(exciting game with minimal cost)

The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers is the main task, as it forms correct and coherent speech. But together with fine motor skills the child needs to develop the logic of spatial and constructive thinking and ingenuity.

I would like to bring to your attention an exciting puzzle game Tangram- old eastern puzzle from geometric shapes. According to one of the legends tangram appeared almost two and a half thousand years ago in Ancient China.

The player's task in the educational game « Tangram» put together the figures from the pieces of the puzzle so that, firstly, all the pieces of the puzzle are used, and, secondly, the details do not overlap each other. The figures can be turned over as you like, put either side up. These are, in fact, all the rules.

With the game tangram you can introduce children starting 3-4 years old. First, you can introduce the child to different geometric shapes. Further, the child can superimpose figures tangram for the finished sample, for him it will be a very difficult task. This is a game that develops children's combinatory abilities, imagination, attention and the ability to follow instructions.

For older children, tasks can be complicated, for example, no longer impose figures on the sample, but putting it next to the sample may not coincide with real size, or you can invite the child to independently make a figurine invented by him

How to make tangram do it yourself

So for work we need materials:

Cardboard sheet

Simple pencil (or any writing instrument)

From a sheet of cardboard we cut out a square for me 20 * 20. Draw a diagonal in the square - 2 large triangles are obtained. We cut one of them and divide it into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. Cut off the middle triangle and the rest of the figures at these marks. (square and parallelogram).

so started

we draw a square in my case 20.5 * 20.5

draw a diagonal in the square

divide one of the triangles into two equal

find the middle of the sides of the big triangle draw a line

find the middle of the side of the large triangle draw a line to the corner of the small [

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find the middle of the side of the small triangle, connect it to the diagonal of the big triangles

find the middle of the next large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the square, the rest will be a parallelogram. tangram ready

tangram ready to cut

so that with tangram it was more interesting to deal with the child, it can be painted in my case, the children painted with ordinary wax crayons

we have collected such a cute kitty from our tangram

as a result of folding the figures tangram we get silhouettes reminiscent of figures of animals, birds, trees, people, household items, etc. etc.

here are some schematics

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Tangram is a puzzle, which is a square cut into 7 pieces in a certain way. For preschoolers, tangram is a great lesson to prepare for school. And at the age of 5 - 6 years, children love to play. They are interested in picture puzzles.

The aim of the game is to collect figures of people, animals, birds, numbers, objects from tangram parts ...

Tangram game rules:

  • - The assembled figure must include all seven parts.
  • - The parts must not overlap.
  • - The parts must be adjacent to each other.

Tangram scheme

(print out can be in Word, download file by clicking on the picture with the mouse)

Tangram parts

This is the tangram itself; invented pictures are obtained from its parts. You can buy it, but it is easy to do it yourself using the construction scheme. The drawing can be printed on colored paper on a printer or drawn by yourself using a ruler. Cut out the pieces of the puzzle from colored paper. Then, having laid out the desired figure, glue it on a thick sheet.

An example of a dog's circuit - made by 1st grade students for a lesson in mathematics and technology.

The tangram game for children can be of several difficulty levels. It is better to start with the simplest thing - to lay out the figure according to the pattern.

Scheme - rocket

So you can fold a house from a tangram.

At the second stage, you can invite children to lay out the figures in a solid pattern.

And the third level, the most difficult: to come up with your own figures, similar to people, animals, birds. We offer pictures invented by children.

Scheme tangram - fox

Hare and camel

Scheme - Human

Figures - fishes

Print out a diagram of tangram animals.
(fox, cat, hare, camel, horse, dog)

Print diagram tangram numbers

(When you click on the image, a Word document file in docx format will be downloaded, which can be printed using Word)

There are various legends about the appearance of the tangram. Here is one of them ...

Almost two and a half thousand years ago, a long-awaited son and heir was born to the middle-aged emperor of China. The years passed. The boy grew up healthy and smart beyond his years. One thing worried the old emperor: his son, the future ruler of a huge country, did not want to study. It gave the boy more pleasure to play with toys all day.

The emperor summoned three wise men to him, one of whom was known as a mathematician, another became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, amusing which his son would comprehend the beginnings of mathematics, learn to look at the world around him with the intent eyes of an artist , would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that often complex things consist of simple things.

Three sages invented "Shi-Chao-Chu" - a square cut into seven parts.

Many figures can be obtained from parts of a tangram. You can invite your child to make, for example, a transport - a boat, an airplane, figurines - fencers, a rooster, a pelican, a tree, a candle.