Cardoteka didactic games. Didactic game "Whose nest?". "Didactic games and speech development exercises

Julia Gavryukova

For the disclosure of the creative potential of each child, in its work, we guarantee acceptances and tRIZ technology methods. This universal tool, i use both in the gameand in educational activities. Children learn to identify conflicting properties objects, phenomena, as well as resolve these contradictions. This is the key to educating the creative person, prepared for the decision complex tasks In various fields of activity. Application TRIZ Technologies helps to grow a generation of researchers and inventors.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a visual allowance for the game "Who will be?"

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Card file didactic games For the middle group

1. Didactic game "Find a mistake"

Objectives: develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game : The tutor shows the toy and calls a deliberately wrong action that allegedly produces this animal. Children should answer, right or not, and then list the actions that this animal can actually make. For example: "The dog reads. Can a dog read? " Children answer: "No." What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are called.

2. Didactic game "Board Word"

Objectives: learn clearly utter multi-line words loudly,develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game : The tutor says to the phrase, but does not negotiate the syllable in the last word. Children must finish this word.

Ra-Ra-Ra - the ig ....

Ry-Ry-Ry - Boy Sha ...

RO-RO - we have a new Veda ...

Ru-ru-ru - We continue ig ..

Re-re-re - worth the house on ...

Ri-Ri-Ri - on the branches of Snag ...

AR-AR-AR - Our owns ....

Ry-fish - children a lot of ...

3. Didactic game "It happens or not"

Objectives: learn to notice inconsistency in judgments,develop logical thinking.

Game traffic: The educator explains the rules of the game:

  • I will tell the story in which you should notice what happens.

"In the summer, when the sun brightly shouted, the guys we went for a walk. Made from snowman snow and began to ride sleds. " "Spring has come. All birds flew into warm edges. The bear climbed into his Berlogue and decided to sleep all the spring ... "

4. Didactic game "What time of year?"

Objectives: teach correlate the description of nature in verses or prose with a certain time of the year;develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.

Stroke Game : Children sit on the bench. The educator sets the question "When it happens?" And reads text or riddle about different times of the year.

5. Didactic game "Where can I do?"

Objectives: Activation in the speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

Stroke Game : The teacher asks questions, children respond to them.

What can be done in the forest? (Walk; collect berries, mushrooms; hunting; listen to bird singing; relax).

What can be done on the river? What do in the hospital?

6. Didactic game "What, what, what?"

Objectives: learn to select definitions corresponding to this example, phenomenon; Activate the words learned earlier.

Stroke Game : The educator calls some word, and playing in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to this subject. Squirrel -redhead, smart, big, small, beautiful .....

Coat - Warm, winter, new, old ... ..

Mum - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - Wooden, Stone, New, Panel ...

  1. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Objectives: learn to complement the proposals by the word of the opposite value,develop attention.

Stroke Game : The educator begins the proposal, and the children finish it, only they say words with the opposite value.

Sugar sweet. And pepper - ... (bitter).

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall .... (Yellow).

The road is wide, and the path .... (narrow).

  1. Didactic game "Learn, whose sheet"

Objectives: learn to recognize the plant on the sheet (call the plant on the sheet and find it in nature),develop attention.

Stroke Game : For a walk to collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs. Show children, suggest learn from what tree and find similarities with not fallen leaves.

9. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Objectives: learn to describe the item and find out it according to the description,develop memory, attention.

Game traffic: The educator offers one child to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. Other children should guess what kind of plant.

10. Didactic game "Who am I?"

Objectives: learn to call a plantdevelop memory, attention.

Stroke Game : The tutor quickly shows on the plant. The one who first calls the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, a grassy plant), gets a chip.

11. Didactic game "Who Who Who"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about animalsdevelop attention, memory.

Game traffic: The teacher calls the animal, and the children call the young in the only and plural. A child who will call the cub correctly gets a chip.

12. Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Objectives: secure knowledge about animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Game traffic: Children stand in a circle. The chosen child calls some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "flies."

When it is called the subject that flies, all the children raise both hands up and say "flies", if not, hands do not raise. If someone from children is mistaken, he comes out of the game.

13. Didactic game "What insect?"

Objectives: clarify and expand the ideas about the life of insects in the fall, to learn to describe insects according to the characteristic features, to bring up a caring attitude towards everything alive,develop attention.

Game traffic: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes insect, and the other - must guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

14. Didactic game "Hyperships"

Objectives: learning to find a tree by description, consolidate the ability to use in speech prepositions:for, about, before, near, because of, between, on;develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game : On the instructions of the teacher, some children hide behind trees and shrubs. The presenter according to the instructions of the teacher is looking for (find, who is hiding behind a high tree, low, thick, thin).

15. Didactic game "Who will call more actions?"

Objectives: learning to select verbs denoting actions,develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game : The teacher asks questions, children respond to verbs. For each right answer, children get a chip.

  • What can be done with flowers?(tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)
  • What does the janitor do? (sweeping, removes, watering, cleans tracks from snow)

16. Didactic game "What happens?"

Objectives: learning to classify objects in color, shape, quality, material, compare, compare, select as many items suitable for this definition;develop attention.

Game traffic: Tell me what happens:

Green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree….

Wide - River, Road, Ribbon, Street ...

Wins one who will name more words.

17. Didactic game "What is this bird?"

Objectives: clarify and expand the ideas about the life of birds in the fall, to learn to describe birds according to characteristic features;develop memory; Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Stroke Game : Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other should guess what kind of bird. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

18. Didactic game "Clean, we will go out"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge of garden and vegetable plants; The ability to call their signs, describe and find them by description,develop attention.

Stroke Game : Children describe any plant in the following order6 shape, painting, taste. The description should learn the plant.

19. The didactic game "happens - does not happen" (with the ball)

Objectives: develop memory, attention, thinking, fast reaction.

Stroke Game : The teacher utters the phrase and throws the ball, and children must quickly answer.

Snow in winter ... (happens) frost in summer ... (no)

In the summer ... (no) drops in the summer ... (no)

20. Didactic game "Third End" (plants)

Objectives: consolidate the knowledge of children about the variety of plants,develop memory, speed of reaction.

Stroke Game : The educator calls 3 plants (trees and shrubs), one of which is "superfluous." For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children should determine which of them "superfluous" and clap your hands.

(Maple, Lipa - Trees, Lilac - Shrub)

21. Didactic game "Game in Rights"

Objectives: expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Game traffic: Children sit on a bench. The teacher makes the riddles. The gaughty child comes out and his mystery itself. For guessing the riddles, he gets one chicken. Wins one who scores more chips.

22. Didactic game "Do you know ..."

Objectives: enrich the vocabulary of children by animal names, consolidate knowledge of models,develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game : You need to prepare chips in advance. The teacher lay out in the first row - images of animals, in the second - birds, in the third - fish, in the fourth - insects. Playing alternately call first beasts, then birds, etc. and lay out the trick in a row. Wins posted more chips.

23. Didactic game "When it happens?"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge of children about parts of the day,develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game : The educator lays pictures depicting the life of children in children's garden: Morning gymnastics, breakfast, classes, etc. The children choose themselves any picture, consider it. On the word "morning", all children raise a picture associated with the morning, and explain their choice. Then day, evening, night. For each right answer, children get a chip.

24. Didactic game "And what then?"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge of children about parts of the day, about children's activities at different times of the day; develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game : Children sit down semicircle. The educator explains the rules of the game:

  • Remember, we told you about what we do in kindergarten during the whole day? And now we will play and find out whether you remember. We will tell about that. What we do in kindergarten from the morning. Who will be mistaken, sit down on the last chair, and everyone else will move.

You can enter a game such moment: the teacher sings the song "pebbles. Who to give? Who to give? That will answer. "

The educator begins: "We came to kindergarten. Played on the site. And what happened then? " Sends pechers to anyone from playing. He answers: "Delivered gymnastics" - "And then?" Transfers pechers to another child.

The game continues until the children call the last - home care.

Note. It is advisable to use a pebble or another subject, as it is not the one who wants, but the one to whom it will come. It makes all children be attentive and ready to answer.

25. Didactic game "When do you do it?"

Purpose: secure cultural and hygienic skills and knowledge of parts of the day, develop attention, memory, speech.

Games: The educator calls one child. Then it depicts some action, for example, my hands washes, brushing the teeth, cleans the shoes, combed and so on, and asks: "When do you do it?" If the child answers that brushes his teeth in the morning, the children correct: "in the morning and in the evening." In the role of the master can be one of the children.

26. Didactic game "Hold the word"

Objectives: teach children clearly pronounce multicipation words loudly,develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game : The teacher says words and invites children to clap his hands when they hear words in which there is a sound "s" (Komarik's song).(Bunny, mouse, cat, castle, goat, car, book, call)

The educator should pronounce the words slowly, after each word to pause, so that the children might think.

27. Didactic game "Tree, shrub, flower"

Objectives: secure the knowledge of plants, expand the horizons of children, develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game : The presenter utters the words "Tree, Shrub, Flower ..." and bypass children. Staying, he points to the child and considers to three, the child must quickly call what the presenter stopped. If the child did not have time or correctly called, he leaves the game. The game continues until one player remains.

28. Didactic game "Where is it growing?"

Objectives: learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of plants; show the relationship of all living on Earth from the state of vegetation cover;develop speech.

Stroke Game : The educator calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow with us. If children grow clap your hands or jump in one place (you can choose anything), if not, silent.

Apple tree, pear, raspberries, mimosa, spruce, saksaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, cherry, lemon, orange, linden, maple, baobab, mandarin.

If the children coped successfully, you can list the trees faster:

plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee. Rowan, Platan. Oak, cypress \\. Alycha, poplar, pine.

At the end of the game, the result is summarized who knows the most of all trees.

29. Didactic game "Who (what) will be?"

Purpose: develop speech activity, thinking.

Stroke Game : Children answer the question of an adult: "Who will be (or what will happen) ... Egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, cheek, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, fabric, etc.?". If children come up with several options, for example, from eggs - chicken, duckling, chick, crocodile. Then they receive additional phantas.

Or the educator asks: "By whom he was before the chick (egg), bread (flour), a car (metal).

30. Didactic game "Summer or Autumn"

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of signs of autumn, differentiating them from signs of summer; develop memory, speech; Raising dexterity.

Game traffic:

The educator and children stand in a circle.

Educator . If the leaves are yellowing - this is ... (and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball and says, throwing it back to the tutor: "Autumn").

Educator. If birds fly away - this ... .. etc.

31. Didactic game "Be attentive"

Purpose: Differentiation of winter and summer clothes; develop auditory attention, speech hearing; An increase in the vocabulary stock.

Carefully listen to the poems on clothes, to then list all the names that will meet in these verses. Name first summer. And then winter.

32. Didactic game "Take - not to take"

Purpose: differentiation of forest and garden berries; an increase in the vocabulary of the "berry"; Develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game : Children stand in a circle. The educator explains that the name of forest and garden berries will be pronounced. If children will hear the name of the forest berries, they must sit down and if they hear the name of the garden, stretch, raising their hands up.

Strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry, cranberries, red currant, strawberry, black currant, lingonberry, raspberry.

33. Didactic game "What is planting in the garden?"

Purpose: Learning to classify items according to certain features (at the place of their growth, according to their use); develop the speed of thinking
humor attention.

Stroke Game : Children, do you know what is planted in the garden? Let's play such a game: I will call different items, and you listen carefully. If I call what is planted in the garden, you will reply "yes", if the fact that in the garden does not grow, you will say "no." Who will be mistaken, he comes out of the game.

  • Carrots (yes), cucumber (yes), plum (no), beet (yes), etc.

34. Didactic game "Who will most likely gather?"

Purpose: teach children to group vegetables and fruits; Relieve the speed of the reaction to the words of the educator, exposure and discipline.

Stroke Game : Children are divided into two brigades: "gardeners" and "gardeners". On the ground is lying to vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the teacher, the brigades begin to collect vegetables and fruits each in their basket. Who collected first, raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

35. Didactic game "Who needs you?"

Purpose: exercise in classification of objects, the ability to call things necessary to people a certain profession; Develop attention.

Educator: - Let's remember what you need to work for people of different professions. I will call a profession, and you say that he needs to work.

The educator calls a profession, children say that you need to work. And then in the second part of the game the teacher calls the subject, and the children say, for which profession it can come in handy.

  1. Didactic game "not mistaken"

Purpose: consolidate kids about different types sport, develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention; To raise a desire to play sports.

Stroke Game : The educator lays the cut pictures with the image different species Sports: football, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, rowing. In the middle of the picture athlete, you need to pick it up everything you need to play.

According to this principle, you can make the game in which children will pick up the tools of labor to various professions. For example, builder: He needs tools - shovel, trowel, painting brush, bucket; Machines that facilitate the work of the builder - the lifting crane, the excavator, dump truck, etc. In the pictures - people of those professions with which children are introduced during the year: cook, janitor, postman, seller, doctor, teacher, tractor driver, and other It is picking images of the objects of their labor. The correctness of the execution is controlled by the picture itself: from small pictures should get a large, whole.

37. Didactic game "Guess - Ka!"

Purpose: learning to describe the subject without looking at it, to allocate essential signs in it, to recognize the subject; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game : According to the tutor, the child who received a chip rises and makes a description of any subject, and then transmits the chip to the one who will guess. Gaying, the child describes his subject, transmits the following chip, etc.

38. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"


Stroke Game

Sugar sweet, and pepper - ...(bitter)



The ice is thin, and the trunk - ... (fat )

39. Didactic game "Where is what lies?"

Purpose: learn to allocate from a group of words, from the speech flow of the word with this sound; consolidate the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words; Develop attention.

Stroke Game : The educator calls the subject and offers children to answer where it can be put. For example:

- "Mom brought bread and put it in ...(Bulk).

  • Masha piled sugar ... where? (In sugar)
  • Vova washed his hands and put soap ... where? (In soap)

40. Didactic game "Catch up your shadow"

Purpose: become acquainted with the concept of light and shadow; Develop speech.

Stroke Game : Educator: Who gods a riddle?

I go - she goes

I stand - she stands,

Break - she runs.Shadow

On a sunny day, if you put face, back or sideways to the sun, then a dark spot will appear on Earth, this is your reflection, it is called a shadow. The sun sends his rays to the ground, they spread in all directions. Standing in the light, you close the way to the sun rays, they light you, but your shadow falls on the ground. Where else is the shadow? What does it look like? Catch shadow. Dance with shadow.

41. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Purpose: learn to complement the proposals by the word of the opposite value; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game : The educator begins the proposal, and the children finish it, they only speak opposing words about the meaning of the word.

Sugar sweet, and pepper - ...(bitter)

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall - ... ..(yellow)

The road is wide, and the path - ... (narrow)

The ice is thin, and the trunk - ... (fat )

42. Didactic game "Who has some color?"

Purpose: teach children to recognize colors, consolidate the ability to define objects in color,develop speech, attention.

Stroke Game : The tutor shows, for example, a green square of paper. Children are not called color, but the subject of the same color: grass, sweater, hat, etc.

43. Didactic game "What item"

Purpose: learning to classify items on a specific feature (value, color, form), consolidate the knowledge of children about the value of the items; Develop the speed of thinking.

Stroke Game : Children sit in a circle. The teacher says:

  • Children, items that surround us, there are different quantities: large, small, long, short, low, high, wide, narrow. We are in class and for walks have seen many different items. Now I will call one word, and you will be listed which items can be called in one word.

In the hands of the teacher of pebbles. He gives him a child who must answer.

  • Long, "says the teacher and transfers his neighbor.
  • Dress, rope, day, fur coat, - recall children.
  • Wide, - offers the teacher the next word.

Children call: road, street, river, ribbon, etc.

It also takes the game to improve the ability of children to classify objects in color, form. The teacher says:

  • Red.

Children in turn answers: berry, ball, check box, asterisk, car, etc.

Round ( ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc.)

44. Didactic game "What can the beasts do?"

Purpose: learn to create a wide variety of verbal combinations; expand into consciousness the semantic content of the word; develop memory.

Stroke Game : Children turn into "beasts". Everyone must tell you what he can do what is powered by how moving. Those who told correctly receives a picture of the animal.

  • I am a red squirrel. I jump from the branch on the branch. For the winter I make supplies: I collect nuts, land mushrooms.
  • I am a dog, a cat, a bear, fish, etc.

45. Didactic game "Come to another word"

Purpose: expand words knowledge; Develop attention.

Stroke Game : The educator says "come up with one word other, similar. You can say: a bottle of milk, and you can say a dairy bottle. " Kerissel from cranberries(cranberry kissel); Vegetable soup (vegetable soup ); Potato puree (mashed potatoes).

46. \u200b\u200bDidactic game "Pick up similar words"

Purpose: Teach children clearly uttering multiplid words loudly; Develop memory attention.

Stroke Game : The tutor says the words close to sound: a spoon - a cat, ears - guns. Then he utters one word and invites children to choose others to him, close on the sound: a spoon (cat, leg, window), a gun ( mushka, Drying, Cuckoo), bunny ( boy, finger) etc.

47. Didactic game "Who will remember more?"

Purpose: enrich the dictionary of children verbs denoting the actions of objects; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game : Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell you what they do, what else can do.

Blizzard - team, Love, PURIT.

Rain - pours, heats, puts up, dripping, begins, shears,

Crow- flies, squabbles, sits, eats, sitting on, drinking, viet, t. d.

48. Didactic game "What else do you say?"

Purpose: consolidate and clarify the value of multivalued words; To bring up sensitive attitude to the combination of words in meaning, develop speech.

Stroke Game : Tell Carlson, what else can I say so:

It's raining: goes -snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Playing - Girl, Radio, ...

Gorky - pepper, medicine, .. etc.

49. Didactic game "Invent myself"

Purpose: learn to see in various subjects possible deputies for other items suitable for a particular game; To form the ability to use the same subject as the deputy of other items and vice versa; Develop speech, imagination.

Stroke Game : The educator suggests choosing to choose each child one subject (cube, bump, leaf, pebbles, strip paper, cover) and fantasize: "How can I play these objects?" Each child calls the subject to which it looks like and how can you play with him.

50. Didactic game "Who hears what?"

Purpose: learn children to designate and call the sounds of sounds (rings, rustle, plays, cracking, etc.); raise auditory attention; Develop spout, exposure.

Stroke Game : On the table at the tutor stand various subjects, under the action of which the sound is published: the bell rings; rustling a book that leaf; Plays a doodie, piano, husli, etc., i.e., all that is sounding in a group can be used in the game.

One child is invited for the screen, which plays there, for example, on a swivel. Children, having heard the sound, guess, and the one who played, coming out because of the screen with a swirrel in his hands. The guys are convinced that they were not mistaken. Another child selected by the first participant of the game will play with another tool. He, for example, leafs the book. Children guess. If it is difficult to answer immediately, the educator asks to repeat the action, and listen to all playing attentively. "The book leafs, the leaves are rustling" - children guess. Because of the screen, the player comes out and shows how he acted.

This game can be done on a walk. The educator draws attention to the guys on the sounds: the tractor works, the birds sing, the car will signal, the leaves will be rustling, etc.

Vividly - shaped, i.e. The kid basically operates with images, and not concepts. To solve this problem, it is better to offer a special clear - didactic material that will help the child - the preschooler to associate the image and the concept of a single whole and will help to form its basic concepts, such as "sound", etc. The child learns to express himself, manage its emotions. Join a variety of relationships. The effectiveness of mastering a number of skills increases.

* To carefully listen to the interlocutor, to understand the meaning of his statements, asked if something is not clear.

* Show respect for the speaker. Do not interrupt it, express your attitude to the subject of a conversation, to state your own opinion, bring examples, to answer clearly, to consistently express your thoughts.

* Navigate in the situation of communication, i.e. Build a conversation with regard to the situation, be active in communication.

* Negotiate, plan joint actions, discuss the results achieved.

* Complete communication using etiquette forms.

The purpose of the didactic games is to develop in children of hearing perception, attention, memory, rhythmic feeling, the ability to use the expressiveness of speech, i.e. properly use speech breathing; change, rhythm, pace and voting force; change intonation; Apply expressive means of facial expressions, gestures, as well as the ability to portray the emotional state by the Mimic tools and understand the mood of the interlocutor.

Didactic games help solve many learning tasks on speech development, allow you to abandon stereotypes, relieve tension and move, for example, to a fabulous world or invent your history, maintain interest in independent verbal creativity. It is taught to apply epithets, proverbs, sayings, reversals, enrich the vocabulary.

Contribute to the education of the mental and social activity of the child in the process of learning the native language, the peculiarities of mastering preschoolers with emotional-appraisal vocabulary, develop verbal creativity, the ability to orientation and monitoring the object of imitation for proper pronunciation, etc.

Using didactic games is of great importance for general speech DevelopmentBecause when playing the arbitrariness of speech.

When familiarizing with the soundtrack, the general properties of human speech are revealed before the child. The so-called sound sensitivity develops, the ability to distinguish words and syllables, the ability to analyze the sound composition of the word.

It is taught to control his speech, notice the shortcomings of pronunciation at the moment of speaking. Detect the shortcomings of pronunciation in someone else, increase the ability to sound an audio analysis of words. The desire to play can be an important stimulus in mastering the skills of pronunciation of sounds, auditory perception and analysis. In addition to direct imitation, the conscious desire of a child to absorb the sound culture of speech. The degree of formation of this skill is directly dependent on systematic learning. And since classes are held once a week, the didactic games used in addition to class time are well helped.

Currently, the process of fillings of morals of society is gaining power, which will attract decline and general culture and speech traditions. In speech activity, this is expressed in increasing vocabulary with reduced, emotional-expressive color, spaticrous forms, vulgarizes, jargonism.

In life, children can hear synonyms, antonyms, winged expressions, phraseological turnover, but they do not always understand their meaning, which means they do not use them in their speech. Didactic games will introduce them with them. Teach to understand their figurative meaning, learn the importance of new words, determine the lexical meaning of the word depending on the context, to understand some multivalued words, select synonyms and antonyms, to make proposals with them and short connected stories. Explaining the emotional state of a person, selecting the appropriate words and expressions, to comprehend and explain the origin of some words, to form new words yourself with the help of suffixes and consoles. Distinguish between stylistic shades of words, use them in accordance with the context; Master the skills of speech etiquette, the ability to draw up descriptive and narrative stories, encourage the revitalization of speech, make it in mind to make verbally - logical operations.

The use of didactic games shape in children the ability to understand the content of Russian folk fairy tales, Emotionally to respond to them, be able to express their attitude to events and heroes, as well as assess the significance of expressive means, to disclose an artistic image.

To properly understand the allegorical meaning of proverbs and sayings, children can offer pictures displaying their literal and figurative meaning. When you pronounce any expression, you can offer to pick up the corresponding illustrations. This will help children better understand the meaning of these expressions, stimulates their relevant use in respective speech statements so that others are interesting.

Teach creative attitude to the works of oral folk creativity. Improvisations based on Russian folk fairy tales will prepare guys to the logical and accurate use of speech expressive tools in their own speech activities. Didactic games will help develop a figurative speech and develop speech in the process of practical communication. Games will help the acquisition of the unity of thought and words, thinking and speech. The development of speech in the unity of the utterance and semantic aspects is rebuilt by mental activities. Development of reading activities The most important task of preparing preschoolers to school. The game has the development of different parties and speech functions.

A child who owns it the basics, faster finds contacts even in an unfamiliar society.

Didactic games should be aimed at achieving the main goal - to establish partnerships between children, overcome closure, shyness.

"Didactic Speech Development Games"

Dear Parents!

For your children's speech to be correct and competent, I recommend to play with the guys in didactic speech development games.

"Finish Proposal"

(Using complex proposals)

Mom put bread ... where? (in the bread)

Brother put off sugar ... where? (in sugar)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it ... where? (in Saladitsa)

Dad brought candy and put them ... Where? (in the candy)

Marina did not go to school today, because ... (fell ill)

We included heaters, because ... (it became cold)

I do not want to sleep, because ... (even early)

We will go tomorrow in the forest, if ... (there will be good weather)

Mom went to the market to ... (buy products)

The cat climbed onto the tree to ... (save the dogs)

"Who is a treat?"

(Eating difficult forms of nouns)

· Promotes the enrichment of the dictionary;

· It has an impact on the formation of the grammatical structure of the language.

Therefore, the need for serious intentions of the teacher in his work through the game is obvious.

The didactic game is one of the forms of the student impact of teachers for a child. At the same time, the game is the main type of activity of children. Thus, the game implements the training person (which is pursued by the teacher) and the game (for which the child acts) goals. It is important that these two goals supplemented each other and ensure the assimilation of the software material. The didactic game is a valuable means of upbringing mental activity, it activates mental processes, causes vibrant interest to the process of knowledge. The game helps to make any educational material Fascinating, causes deep satisfaction in children, stimulates performance, facilitates the process of learning knowledge.

A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of the didactic game, emphasized: "We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributed to the general development of the child."

You can highlight the following types of didactic games:

Games - Travels are designed to strengthen the impression, draw the attention of children to what is near. They exacerbate the observation, pound overcoming difficulties. These games use many ways to disclose cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve it, a phased solution of tasks, etc.

Games - instructions for content easier, and by duration - in short. They are based on action with objects, toys, verbal orders.

Games - assumptions ("What would happen if ..."). The task is set before children and a situation is created that requires reflection of the subsequent action. At the same time, the mental activity of children is activated, they learn to listen to each other.

Games are riddles. They are based on the test of knowledge, resourcefulness. Running the riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

Games - conversations. They are based on communication. The main is the impedition of experiences, interest, goodwill. Such a game makes the requirements for the intensification of emotional and mental processes. She raises the ability to listen to questions and answers, focus on the content, complement the said, express judgments. Cognitive material for this type of games should be given in the optimal volume, be accessible and understandable to cause the interest of children. Cognitive material is determined by a lexical theme, the content of the game. The game in turn must comply with the mental capabilities of children.

The didactic game has a specific structure.

The structure is the main elements characterizing the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time.

The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

· Didactic task;

· Game task;

· Gaming actions;

· rules of the game;

· Result (summing up).

The didactic task is determined by the purpose of the training and educational impact. It is formed by a teacher and reflects its learning activities. For example, in a number of didactic games in accordance with the software tasks, knowledge, skills, skills are enshrined.

The game task is carried out by children. The didactic task in the didactic game is implemented through the gaming task.

The game task defines gaming actions, becomes the task of the child itself. Most importantly: the didactic task in the game is intentionally disguised and appears before children in the form of a gaming plan (tasks).

Gaming actions - the basis of the game. The more diverse gaming actions, the more interesting for the children the game itself and the more successful cognitive and game tasks are solved. IN different games Gaming actions are different in their direction and in relation to the playing. This, for example, can be role-playing, guessing mysteries, spatial transformations, etc. They are associated with a gaming plan and proceed from it. Gaming actions are means of implementing the gaming plan, but include actions aimed at performing the didactic task.

Rules of the game. Their content and focus are due to the general tasks of the formation of the identity of the child, cognitive content, game challenges and game actions. Rules contain moral requirements for the relationships of children, to the fulfillment of behavioral norms. In the didactic game, the rules are specified. With the help of the Pedagogue Rules manages the game, processes cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules affect the decision of the didactic task - imperceptibly limit the actions of children, send their attention to the execution.

In modern pedagogy, the didactic game is created by the teacher specifically in the training purposes, when training proceeds on the basis of the game and didactic task. In the didactic game, the child not only gets new knowledge, but also summarizes and fixes them. Didactic game performs at the same time as a view gaming activities And the form of organizing the interaction of the teacher with the child. This consists of its originality.

Thus, the use of didactic games in the work of the teacher contributes to the development of speech activity of children, and improving the effectiveness of correctional work. It must be remembered that the development during the gaming activity of the speech of preschoolers - an attempt to teach children light, joyfully, without coercion.

"Didactic game as a means of upbringing and development

logical thinking of preschool children "

Didactic game as independent gaming activity is based on the awareness of this process. Independent gaming activity is carried out only if children are interested in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules are learned. How long can the child be interested in the game, if its rules and content well known to him? Here is the problem that needs to be solved almost directly during the work process.

Children love games well acquaintances, gladly play them. Confirmation can serve folk Games The rules that children are known to: "Paints", "where we were we will not say, but what they did - show", "on the contrary," etc.

In each such game, there is an interest in gaming actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose any color. Children usually choose your favorite and fabulous colors: gold, silver. By choosing a color, the child comes up to the hardest thing whispering the name of the paint. "Jump on the path on one leg," says the leading to someone who called the paint, which is not among the players. How many interesting for children gaming actions! Therefore, children always play such games. The problem of the learning process is that the guys independently play that they have such games always in stock, so that they themselves can organize them, be not only participants and fans, but also fair judges.

Moving further in the learning process, it is absolutely necessary to complicate the games that have completed them with a large number of rules that would contain not only the technical orientation, but they added new aesthetics paint, opened the figurative concepts of morality, and the complex did not give a guys in the game.

The subtlety is that the adult (whether it is a teacher or parent) should not overload with its presence of emotional space, its playing should be like a wind, which inflates sails in the right direction, and almost impaired, in its atmosphere, in addition to the formation Independence, children's activity, confidence between them and the educator, mutual understanding, based on the joint experience, which they experienced during the game is, to constitute the essence of pedagogical cooperation, should help in resolving the problems of the learning process.

Didactic games - one of the funds comprehensive development Personality.

The didactic game acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

Here are the following features of the didactic game in the upbringing of its basic qualities:

Mental education.

The content of the didactic games forms in children the right attitude towards phenomena of public life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematizes and deepens the knowledge of the Motherland, about people of different professions and nationalities, an idea of \u200b\u200blabor activities. Knowledge by surrounding life Given children on a specific system. Thus, familiarization of children is hardly in such a sequence: the children first introduce the content of a certain type of labor (builders, chopores, vegetables, etc.), then with machines that help people in their labor facilitating work, with the production stages when creating the necessary Objects, products (construction of the house, cultivation of bread), after which the value is revealed before children.

With the help of didactic games, children teach themselves to think independently, use the knowledge gained in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Many didactic games put the task before children rationally use existing knowledge in mental operations: finding characteristic features in the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world, compare, group, classify items according to certain features, to make the right conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude towards the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, establishing reasonable relationships in the team.

Didactic games develop the speech of children: the dictionary is replenished and the dictionary is activated, the correct pronunciation of sounds is formed, a coherent speech is developing, the ability to correctly express their thoughts. The didactic tasks of many games are drawn up so as to teach children to make independently simple stories.

In the process of many games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out in an inseparable connection. When communicating children in the game, resolving controversial issues is being activated.

^ Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

(with a ball)

Sour lemons, and sugar ... Sweet

The dog is barking, and the cat ... meow

At night dark, and in the afternoon ... light

In winter it is cold, and in the summer ... hot

You eat mouth, and listen ... ears

You read by my eyes, and write ... hand

In the morning we breakfast, and in the afternoon ... we dine

Afternoon we dine, and in the evening ... dinner

Bird flies, and snake ... crawls

Boat sails, and the car ... rides

A person has two legs, and a dog ... four paws

Birds live in nests, and people ... in houses

In winter there is snow, and in the summer ... rain

Russia speaks Russian, and in England ... in English

Knit from wool, and from the fabric ... sew

Ballerina is dancing, and a pianist ... plays

Firewood is pilared, and nails ... clog

Singer sings, and the builder ... builds
^ Didactic game "Fourth Excess"

(with a ball)

table, chair, bed, teapot

horse, cat, dog, pike

christmas tree strawberry Birch, oak,

cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, hare

notebook, portfolio,newspaper, notebook,

cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball

wolf, Fox, Bear, cat

violet, chamomile, carrot,cornflower,

doll, machine, pyramid, book

sparrow, Eagle, Swallow, wasp

skis, skates, a boat, Sanki.

chair, hammer saw, planer

snow, frost, heat, ice

snake, snail, butterfly, turtle

brushes, paints, teapotAlbum

hat, Roof, door, window

milk, tea, lemonade, bread

Didactic game "Whoever (what) will be?"

Egg ... chicken, crocodile, chick, scrambled eggs

Chicken ... Chicken, Rooster

Boy ... a man, grandfather

Acorn ... oak

Ikrinka ... fish, frog

Flour ... bread, cake, dough, bun

Iron ... saw, rails, pipe, car

Brick ... house, fence

Girl ... woman, old woman, grandmother

Board ... table, chair, wardrobe, floor, house, buddha

Kidney ... leaf, flower

Wool ... sweater, dress, jacket, carpet

Goat ... goat, goat

^ Didactic game "Who (what) was?"

Chicken .... Yaytz shoes ... Skin

Horse ... renger meager house ....kipich

Cow ... telly master ... chapter

Oak ... zhomat dog ....

Fish .... Circling leaf .... For

Apple tree ... Semochkom sweater .... Smeredness

Frog .... Golovadstik fur coat ... fur

Butterfly ... .. Guspertsy Bird ....Then

Bread ....Muchka goat .... Cool

Wardrobe .... Single sheep .... Something

Bike ... Pig Iron ... Piglets

Shirt .... Covered horse ... foal

^ Stages of the didactic games for the speech development of children in the senior group.

Preparatory stage

1. Game for the development of the phonetic and phoneumatic side of speech

"Japanese printed machine"

The game is aimed at reproducing the rhythmic pattern (rhythm) when pailing, backing or serving sound on any tool (tambourine, rattle, xylophone).

"Let's play a fairy tale"

Adult offers the child to remember the "Three Bear" fairy tale. Then, changing the height of the voice, asks to guess who says: Mikhail Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Filippovna (middle height) or Mishutka (high voice). The same replica is pronounced alternately different in voice, in three versions:

Who sat on my stool?

Who ate from my cup?

Who slept in my bed?

Who was in our house? Etc.

« ^ Broken phone"
Objective: to develop auditory attention from children.

Gaming rules. It is necessary to transmit the word so that next to the sitting children have not heard. Who incorrectly handed the word, i.e. spoiled the phone, transplants to the last chair.

Gaming action: in a whisper to pass the word in the ear next to a sitting player.

The course of the game. Children choose the lead with the help of counting. All sit on the chairs set in a row. Leading quietly (in the ear) tells any word next to sitting, he transmits it to the following, etc. The word must reach the last child. The lead asks for the latter: "What word did you hear?" If he tells the word proposed by the lead, then the phone is better. If the word is not, the leading asks everyone in turn (starting with the last) what they heard the word. So learn who thought out, "spoiled the phone." The guilty occupies the last place in the row.

"Traffic light"
Adult gives a child two mug - red and green and offers the game: if the child hears the correct name of shifting in the picture, it should raise a green circle, if the wrong is red. Then shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces sounding:

2. Games for the development of the lexic side of speech (dictionary formation)

« ^ We move to a new apartment "
Objective: to teach children to distinguish the items similar to the appointment and similar to you to help remember their names; Intensify in the speech of children the appropriate dictionary.

Game Material:

1. Conductable pictures (steam rooms): a cup of glass, cup-cup, oil-sugar bowl, kettle coffee pot, pans, shawl, cake, hat-hat, dress-sundress, sweater-sleeved, pants, shorts, socks Golfs, stockings - socks, gloves-mittens, sandals, slippers - sandals, rocket-briefcase, chandelier and table lamp.

2. Coroboles for folding pictures.

Game travel: 6 children play. The teacher presents every child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: a cup of a glass, a scarf-brazer, a ray-portfolio. Talks: "Children, we got a new apartment. It is necessary to collect all things and pack them to move. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Transfer to me just that thing I will name. Be careful - many things look like. Do not confuse a cup with a cup, a kettle with a coffee pot. I made the collected dishes in the blue box. "

The educator calls one subject from each pair, such as a coffee pot. If the child is wrong (makes a teapot), the picture remains with him. By the end of the game, no pictures should remain in the children. The losers are the one who has pictures left. Then, to activate in the speech of children of the appropriate dictionary, the educator offers one child to remove the collected pictures from the box and say that he got, and the rest - to call the item combined in a couple of pretended.

Didactic task: exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: that they have edible - root or fruit on the stem).

Gaming rules. You can only answer in two words: tops and roots. Who was wrong, pays Phanta.

Gaming action. Playing phantom.

The course of the game. The teacher clarifies with children that they will call the tops, and what - the roots: "The edible root of vegetable will be called roots, and edible fruit on the stem - tops."

The educator calls some vegetable, and children quickly respond that it is edible in it: tops or roots. The one who is mistaken is paying a Phanti, which at the end of the game is bought.

The educator can offer a different option; He says: "The tops - and the children remember the vegetables, which are edible tools."

"Fruits vegetables"
Purpose of the game: Differentiation of similar concepts.

The course of the game. At the beginning of the game, the lead resembles children, what plants we call fruit, which are vegetables. For fruits, the "Garden" picture is chosen, and for vegetables - "garden". These pictures are laid out at different parts of the table. Subject pictures depicting fruits and vegetables lie on the table with a stack of depicted down. In turn, the children take from the stack in one picture, call it, and also explain to which group it applies. The explanation should be complete: "Tomato is a vegetable, because it grows in the garden." If the child gave the wrong answer, the picture returns to the place, and if the child correctly called the picture and took it to the desired concept, he takes it to himself. The game ends after all the pictures are in children. Wins the one who has more pictures.

The "fruit-berry" game is also carried out just, only before the game is specified by these concepts and other pictures of the symbols are selected: bodies for berries and a tree for fruits.

Purpose: differentiation of concepts "clothes" and "shoes".

The course of the game. The following game situation is created: "The dolls of Kati housewarming. She needs to collect his belongings to move to a new apartment. Help put things correctly, so that in a new place it can be easily finding all your dresses and shoes. We will put clothes in one box, and shoes - to another. " Then the child is given two sets of substantive patterns and two boxes, each is placed on each symbol: for clothes a dress, for shoes - boots.

Lotto "in the world of plants"

Purpose of the game: consolidation of words - generalizations: flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries; Activation of a dictionary according to the topics.

Description of the game. Lotto consists of six big cardsIn the middle of which the story picture depicting this group of plants in nature is given. On the edges there are subject pictures related to some one generic concept, such as flowers or trees. In addition to big cards there are small cards with the same subject pictures.

The course of the game. The game goes on the general rule of the game in the lotto. When all the small cards are distributed, each player must call in one word the whole group of his words - plants names.

"Fly, not a bird"
Purpose: differentiation of the concepts of "birds" and "insects".

The course of the game. The presenter makes the riddles about birds and insects, children solve riddles and explain what thematic group The animal belongs. If the answer is correct, the presenter gives the child a chip or a symbol of this animal. Wins one who scores more chips. Before the game, the host reminds children identifying signs of birds: have feathers, beaks, claws, wings, whip the sockets and climb chicks, they know how to sing, they are big. Insects are small, have six legs, do not sit chicks, they have no feathers.

In dark dungeon red legs

Music maiden. Tweaks for heels

Without a thread, without the needles (goose)

Knit viscosenitsa.

(Bees in the hive)

Appeared in a black fur coat black, agile,

Farewell, two shells. Screaming "Krak",

(Chick) worms enemy. (Rook)

Flew the bird, not a beast, not a bird,

Not a bird, not a coverage, but the nose like a needker.

Who will kill her, slept a flower and suddenly woke up:

Human blood did not want to sleep anymore.

Space. Walked, fixed,

(Komar) squeezed up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Many verse masters, Beloboka.

Cut off the hut without corners. And the name is her ... (magpie).


Little boy zhu-zhu-zhu

In the gray brown, I sit on a branch,

In the courtyards samys, the letter is everything is strong

The crumbs collects, knowing the firm letter this,

In the field spent the night, I'm a bit in spring and summer.

Hemp steers. (Bug)


On the gland near the Christmas tree, on the pole of the palace,

The house is built from needles. In the palace singer,

He is not visible behind the grass, and his name is ... (Skzorets).

And the tenants in it is a million. (Anthill.)

3. Games for the development of grammatical system of speech

"Blurred letter"
Purpose: Exercise in the preparation of common exercises.

Material. Teddy bear.

Organization. Educator:

Bear received a letter from his brother. But the rain was blocked by some words. It is necessary to help him read the letter. This letter is: "Hello, Mishutka. I am writing to you from the zoo. Once I did not obey my mother and climbed so far that ... I wandered for a long time in the forest and ... Going to the glade, I got ... I got into pit, because ... there was so deep that ... Hunters came ... Now I I live in ... We have a playground for ... There is a lot on the platform for young people ... We play with ... They care for them ... they love us, because the trainer will come to us ... I hope to get into ... how cool you can ... Wait for the next letter from … Bye. Toptygin. "

Reading a letter, an intonation tutor encourages children to complement offers.

"Live words"
Purpose: Exercise in the preparation of proposals for the structural scheme.

Organization. Each child depicts the word. Educator: - Let Glory depict the word "bear"; Anya - the word "loves." What is the third word choose? (Honey) read the offer: "Bear Loves Honey." We change the second and third word. What happened? (Fearing honey loves). Now let the first word become the last. What happens? (Honey likes a bear). I will replace the word "honey" to others. Katya will now "tumble." Read the offer (tumbling loves a bear). And now? (Bear loves to tumble).

Make up your suggestions with the word "bear". (Bear Kosolapiy, Bear Loves Malina, Bear Sleeps ...)

Didactic task: to develop speech activity in children, speed thinking.

Gaming rules. It is necessary to find and say such a word to get a complete proposal. Only one word is needed.

Gaming actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

The course of the game. The educator says a few words of the proposal, and children must add it new words to make a complete proposal, for example: "Mom bought ... - ... books, notebooks, a briefcase," children continue.

Oksana Anatolyevna Shvets.
Didactic games for the development of the dictionary on the topic "Profession"

The development of speech activities is one of the most important sections of pre-school pedagogy, and he is directed to the mental development of the child. The better the speech activity of children will be organized, the higher the guarantees of the success of school learning.

The implementation of the educational field "Speech Development" in all age groups is carried out through direct educational activitiesDuring the joint venture of the educator with children, in gaming activities, during the mode of moderation, as well as through the integration of this area with other educational areas.

Speech development includes speech possession as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; the development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monoological speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonderatic hearing; Acquaintance with children's literature, understanding of the texts of various genres of children's literature; Preparation for literacy training.

An important place in the general system of speech work occupies the enrichment of the dictionary, its consolidation and intensification, which is natural, due to the fact that the improvement of speech communication is not possible without expanding the vocabulary of the child. Cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without assimilation of new words. The expansion of the stock of words in children is one of the most important tasks of upbringing. Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary plays a large role in the development of logical thinking: the richer the child's dictionary, the more accurate he thinks, the better his speech is developed.

BUT B. last years The number of pre-schoolchildren with various violations of speech rapidly increases rapidly. Including the shortcomings of the vocabulary stock. Children do not know the meanings of many words, parts of objects, generalizing concepts, the names of young animals, professions of people. We experience significant difficulties in the selection of antonyms, synonyms. Numerous lexical replacements are also observed. And, the investigator, but, because of the difficulties in the selection of suitable words, a coherent speech suffers.

The poverty of the dictionary prevents full-fledged communication, and, consequently, the overall development of the child. And on the contrary, the wealth of the word is a sign of a well-developed speech and an indicator of a high level of mental development. The timely development of the dictionary is one of the most important factors of training for school education.

It should be noted that in the process of the development of dictionary development of the vocabulary, through the didactic games and lexical exercises, preschoolers are trained much more successful than the skills that are usually difficult to digest in the conditions of everyday communication.

Didactic games are used to solve all speech development tasks. They fix and clarify the dictionary, changes and education of words, exercise in the compilation of connected statements, develop explanatory speech. The verbal didactic games help the development of both species and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized values. In these games, the child falls in a situation where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and dictionary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in words and acts of playing. Didactic games are an effective means of fixing grammatical skills, as they provide an opportunity to exercise a child many times in repetition of the desired wordform.

Game "Name Profession"

Purpose: To form the ability to form nouns from the heads, the development of attention, dexterity.

The course of the game.

The educator throws the ball to the child and calls the verb: "raised, ..." The child continues: "Educator".

Word Piggy Bank: Teaches - ... Teacher; builds - ... builder; loads - ... loader; Starting - ... watchman; flies - ... pilot; dancing - ... dancer; sings - ... singer; Sales - ... seller, etc.

On the board there may be pictures with the image of the people of given professions.

The game "What do what?"

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about objects and their use in labor processes; consumption of nouns in a good case;

The course of the game.

On the table laid pictures - tools of labor, in an inverted form. Children take turns take, call the subject and say that this item can be done.

For example: The child takes a picture - shovel and says: "This is a lope. The shovel can be digging. "

The game can be carried out in the form of lotto. The host takes the picture and describes the actions that can be performed with the pre-methus data, and the children are divided into: "This subject can dig (Lopa-Ta). This subject can argue the boards (plans).

The game "Who needs to work?"

Purpose:consolidate the presentation of children about objects and their use in labor processes; Clarify and expand knowledge about professions.

The course of the game.

Children are divided into two groups. At the tutor signal, it is necessary to decompose the pictures - tools for labor to the picture - the desired profession. Then children in turn explain their choice. For each correct answer, the team gets a chip.

Game "Fort Slovenkina Errors"

Purpose: the development of the grammatical system of speech; activation of the vocabulary; Development of auditory attention, thinking.

The course of the game.

Dunno comes to visit children. He said that he was at the construction site and saw a lot of things. Begins to pronounce suggestions. Children on rumor determine the error and corrected.

Dunno: "Pilate clog nails."

Children:"Hammer clog nails."

Piggy bank:Brush drinking firewood. Hammer paint the wall. Carpenter leads the car. A painter works on the crane. The dump truck raises cargo.

Game with the ball "Build a house"

Purpose: consolidation of children of relative adjectives in the speech; Development, dexterity.

The course of the game.

The teacher throws the ball to the child and says: "Build a brick house, which means what the house will be?" Child: "Brick House"

Word Piggy Bank: House of stone, house of plywood, foundation from concrete, plastic windows, door from wood, metal loop, iron castle, etc.

Game "Tell the Lream"

Purpose: develop logical thinking, attention, memory; Teach chosen words in rhyme.

The course of the game. Children suggest words, finish the poem.

In a carpenter's bag, you will find a hammer and sharp ... (knife). A tool anywhere - and the planer, and ... (the chisel).

In the sky, a blue pilot raises ... (aircraft).

Drove goats on a hunter jerked ... (shepherd).

Collect rooms time. Invited. (Malari).

Cincaches knows how to garbage, animals and birds. (train).

Every day the newspaper brings to us. (postman).

In the eyes of the defensive roof paint. (Malariers).

Puppet I fly in the morning. I am today. (nurse).

I would be a pilot

Be sure to become

I then on the plane

Before Moscow, ... (fleet).

The master he is very good

Made a closet to us for an entrance hall.

He is not a carpenter, not painted.

Furniture does. (joiner)

Bricks put in a row

Builds kindergarten for guys

Not a miner and not a driver,

The house will build us. (builder)

Nails, ax, saw,

Chips whole mountain.

This worker works -

Makes us chairs. (a carpenter)

Game with the ball "Tell me differently"

Purpose:clarification and activation of the dictionary of synonyms.

The course of the game.

The teacher calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. A child who caught the ball should come up with a "word - buddy" to the named, say this word and throw the ball back to the educator. If the word is chosen correctly, the child takes a step forward. You are playing the one who will quickly suit the conditional line on which the educator is.

Word Piggy Bank: Work - (work, business); House - (building, dwelling); do-horns - (path, highway); Worker - (worker, worker); Teacher - (teacher, teacher); huge - (big, giant); worries - (work); Doctor - (doctor, leak); Pilot - (pilot, seamstress - (town).

The game with the ball "Still on the contrary"

Purpose:clarification and activation of antonym vocabulary.

Stroke Game

The educator calls words and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball should come up with the word opposite by meaning, say this word and throw the ball back the speech therapist.

Word Piggy Bank: Dressed - (Raise, raised - (lowered, throw - (catch, hide - (find,

put - (Remove, arrived - (left, drove - (left, built - (broke, input - (output, enable - (turn off).

Game with the ball "Association"

Purpose: To teach children to select words - the tools of labor on the idea.

Stroke Game The educator throws the ball to the child and calls a profession, the child calls the item that can belong to a person of this profession and returns the ball.

Word Piggy Bank: Janitor - Shovel, Seller - Cashier, Doctor - Fenon-Shark, Cook - Pan, Painting - Brush, Hairdresser - Hairdryer, Sho Fer - Roule, Plasterer - Trusk, Artist - Canvas ...

Game "Guess, who I want to be?"

Purpose: Develop auditory attention, thinking, connected, to actualize vocabulary on the topic "profession".

Stroke Game

The educator invites children to think who they would like to be, describe their profession so that other children guess.

For example:

Child: I need such tools: scissors, calcination, razor, hairdryer.

The rest of the children: You want to be a hairdresser.

"Lost Tools" game

Purpose: Improving the grammatical system of speech, proposed-case management.

The educator offers the situation: as if all those present live in the same house and neighbor (tutor) needed any tools and he comes to ask them for the neighbors. And there is no tools.

Stroke Game

The teacher throws the ball to the child and says: "We need scissors (hammer, nails)." The child answers: "No scissors (hammer, nails)."

"Explain-ka" game

Purpose: Develop a grammatical system of speech, word formation: teach understanding and interpreting complex words.

Stroke Game

The educator invites children to explain what words the names of occupations turned out.

Word Piggy Bank: Fisherman, lumberjack, lumberjack, hunter, horse breaker, vegetable breeder, gardener, etc.

Game "City of Gnomitics"

Purpose:fixing the ability to form nouns with the help of diminishing suffixes.

Stroke Game

The educator invites children to imagine that they found themselves in the city of Gnomitics. And all items there are very small. You can come up with a fairy tale, accompanying it with the corresponding pictures:

"Once the children played the wizards in kindergarten. And one boy remembered the magic words from the fairy tale and said them, and all the children and the teacher suddenly fell into the city of gnomes. All items around were so small that they could not immediately see. The guys with their educator decided to stroll through the town. They go carefully not to step on something. Suddenly they saw a house similar to Olin. But it was not at all the house, but a tiny (house). They approached closer. Look at the windows? No, it was not windows, but tiny (windows). Next to the house was (showing pictures ... a blue bench. The guys decided to sit on the bench and think about how to return to their big city. They thought they thought and were very hungry. And then they saw not far from the house (show pictures) ... Shop.

(Continued at your discretion you can come up with ... Show creativity)