Gaming technology Vosobovich in Dow. Technology V.V. Vosobovich in preschool education as a condition for the intellectual development of preschoolers. Planning classes in the preparatory group

Once I already wrote about how to stimulate the development of a child from an early age, and today I want to tell you about the developing games of Vosobovich. This is a unique complex of diverse gaming benefits, aimed at learning the child with basic knowledge of the game space.

Vosobovich's games are developing memory, observation, imagination, creative thought. They help to master mathematical concepts, learn to distinguish the letters and sounds, produce reading skills. The most interesting thing is that the developing games of Vosobovich will be interesting, which means not only preschoolers, but also younger schoolchildren. They are not just taught, work out the skills and fix the skills, in each game the child lives with fabulous characters various scenes and events.

History of the creation of games and Vosobovich technique

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Vosobobovich never specifically associated his life with pedagogy. By profession, he is a physicist engineer. But this is how the circumstances in the native country have developed, that the young father, Vosobovich had to go deep into pedagogy with his head.

When Vyacheslav Vladimirovich had children, he was seriously thinking about their comprehensive development. Unfortunately, in those years there was no big choice among x games, and those teachers innovators, who offered the method of early learning, advised to make all the games from the girlfriend. Inspired by the works of Zaitseva and Nikitin, Vosobobovich decided to create something completely new, which would be interesting not only to his children, but also their peers.

Let Vyacheslav Vaobobovich had no pedagogical education, but intuition in the choice of methods for the upbringing of their children, opened the doors of real pedagogical creativity before him. By creating your first game, he came up with an interesting fairy tale, during which heroes should, together with the guys, to solve a new game riddle and make an interesting discovery.

Later in his technology, Vosobobovich will say that no game can be disposable that it needs good storytelling. The creation of a fabulous, methodical space to each developing and training manual in the technology of Vosobovich is key. The main feature of his technology is that it is easy to implement into the usual gameplay, without changing and without rebuilding the usual framework. And the adult in these fabulous plots becomes a full-fledged partner of the child, without at the age of age and experience.

Probably, therefore, all the developing games of Vosobovich have an interesting, mysterious fabulous world, populated by different heroes and characters. By the way, this technology quickly accounted for many parents in St. Petersburg, and soon became an interesting discovery for kindergartens throughout Russia.

To date, many cities are created Parents' clubs who want to teach a child in the game Vosobovich, children's gardens, clubs, mugs for interest are working on his technology. Over the past decade, the author has produced more than 50 games, covering age-related categories, but interesting as children of three years and those who are already learning in elementary school.

What is the popularity of Evaobovich's developing games, is it possible to use them at home, and not in the garden, a circle, club? Let's figure it out together.

The most famous skobovich games

All the developing games of Vosobovich are divided by types:

1. Games aimed at logical and mathematical development. Among them allocated Geocone-designer .

This manual is a playing field with rays-axes and geometric shapes indicated by letters. At each point of intersection of the rays, carnations with the number. Tensioning between carnations special rubber, the child can create various shapes and segments, as a manual or including their fantasy.

Via Geocone The first mathematical representations are formed, acquaintance with geometric shapes, and consolidation of flower knowledge. In essence, it is a unique and multifaceted educational game that can be purchased in stores or create themselves.

The child can add all sorts of geometric shapes from them, training memory, a small motorcy, expanding the ideas about geometric concepts.

Squares Vosobovich Small size and they can be taken with you on trips, to clinics and even walk.

Another gaming space in the development of mathematical concepts is Spray spray boat. This is a game for the smallest. Layout of a five-wave ship. On each mast, multicolored checkboxes are riveted.

The kid easily can shoot them and wear back. With such a manual, you can begin to explore the account, you can learn to distinguish between colors, you can develop memory and fiction. Moreover, this allowance perfectly replaces the pyramid and develops a shallow motorcy.

There is an alternative version of this game.

Universal guide-game that is suitable for both a small child and younger student. With its help, in the summer we train with the son in the score, and with my daughter we learn the number and signs. This is about " DigitalCyrque “.

2. Games with letters, sounds, words.

Special place among the developing games of Vosobovich occupy Teremki Vosobovich .
This is a real author's method for early learning to read in the game. In the game 24 cubes. 12 Teremki cubes - consonant letters, and 12 cubes - tabs - windows - vowels. With this game, kids learn to fold letters into syllables, syllable in words. There is a natural reading skill in a gaming, understandable child environment.

A series of chamomile games, "Snowman", "Jablock" will teach our children worship.

Some examples of fabulous scenes, for joint games

Above I mentioned that all the developing games of Vosobovich have a fabulous component. I will tell you a little more about it.

So, for children from 3 to 10 years, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich developed a whole method called "Fabulous labyrinths of the game". The world in which the development of the characters and all the adventures associated with them are called the "purple forest", and it is divided into many zones, territories and houses. For each of his game, Vosobobovich invented a lines, and the problem that the child decides with the character.

GEO boy with whom we travel

IN « Geocone " undoubtedly, YUKK decided to make a beautiful web for the boy a beautiful web, but he wanted to drink and went to the store behind the juice. While he was absent, his grandson decided to help and on ignorance struck all the threads of the web.

Spider YUKK.

Now the party does not know the spider, how to unravel and ask him to help him. He wanted to please GEO.
Then the child is offered by coordinates to restore the web pattern.

"Game Square" , or eternal origami. It is possible to fasten together Srebank. Triangles on a square field are located so. What you can create a lodge for a dog, a crows for a croron and much more. You can create silhouettes of mouse, cat. In principle, there are no restrictions. The author himself says that the game should live, and therefore, connecting his creative thought, drink the game of energy.

Another interesting allowance for the developing games of Vosobovich: "Transparent Square". These are 30 transparent plates with images of squares, rhombuses, trapezoids and triangles deposited on them.

The presenter tells a fairy tale that GEO's boy decided to visit his grandmother, and Raven Meter, accomplishing him on the road, gave the Nonless Ice Ice. The boy was surprised by such a gift, but the crows folded the figure of the horse and Geo could part of the path on the magic champ.

Create transparent squares yourself

But the most interesting and mysterious game is waiting for a little geo trail on the enchanted glade. Help her go and not get lost can only "Designer of letters" So to find the right path and argue all objects, it is necessary to select letters for enchanted words.

Here in such a simple gaming form, traveling by the fabulous worlds of the developing games of Vosobovich, the child is masteringaccount, reading and even the basics of geometric concepts. Create such space in the children's room is very easy. You can buy everything you need in stores. You can sew, cut the scenery. But the main thing is not to teach a child in games, but playing a new and unusual to know him in a fairy tale.

You yourself will not notice how the developing games of Vosobovich paint the life of bright paints of funny knowledge!

Our task as teachers who interact with young children is to create conditions for the formation and development of the child, while maintaining health and natural development mechanisms, carefully refer to the personality of the kid.

The most natural way to penetrate childhood for knowing it and influence it is the game. The choice of teacher technologies and techniques is in this plan a decisive factor, since the educator should always be prepared to change the methods of interaction with pupils depending on the requirements of reality.
Search for effective ways of interaction with the child led us to technologies V.V. Vosobovich "Fabulous labyrinths game."
The teacher of the preschool education of the middle group Kiriluk Ekaterina Aleksandrovna caught fire for this idea. Learned in the author's courses "Fabulous maze games - Gaming technology of intellectual and creative development of children school age Vakobovich V.V., "received a certificate" Fabulous labyrinths of the game - the game technology of intellectual and creative development of children of preschool age Excobovich V.V., created a team of like-minded people from parents and colleagues and began to equip the corresponding gaming environment in the group.

Today we already have experience using elements of V. Technology Vosobovich for the implementation of the tasks of the preschool education training program and we can say that this form of the interaction of an adult and a child in the game creates the highest possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of psychological, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health not only the child, but also an adult.

We offer to get acquainted with it in more detail.

The authorship of the Vosobovich is characterized by high efficiency and accessibility. It is easily and quickly mastered both teachers and parents of preschoolers. In the game of the game, a special confidence atmosphere is created between the child and adults, which is beneficial to the harmonious development of the baby.
The first games of V. V. Voskobovich appeared in the early 1990s. More than 40 game benefits have been developed. The advantage of these educational games is a wide age-related range of participants in games and their multifunctionality. Children and three, and seven years old can be engaged with the same game, and sometimes students of high school. This is possible because the system of constantly complicating developing issues and cognitive tasks joins the simple physical manipulation.
With the help of games, you can solve a large number of educational tasks. Nonsense for itself, the kid is mastering the numbers or letters; learns and remembers color or shape; learn to count, orient in space; trains fine motility of hands; Improves, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Each game developed a large number of diverse gaming tasks and exercises aimed at solving one educational task. Such variability is determined by the design of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.
Developing games make it possible to invent and embody the conceived in reality and children and adults. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for a child for a long period of time, turning the gameplay in the "long-playing delight".
Objectives and objectives of game technology V. V. Voskobovich:
1. Development of a child of cognitive interest, desire and needs to learn new.
2. The development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of surrounding.
3. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking (the ability to flexibly, originally thought, to see an ordinary object under a new angle of view).
4. Harmonious, balanced development in children of the emotionally-shaped and logical start.
5. Formation of basic representations (about the world, mathematical), speech skills.
6. Development small Motoriki and all mental processes.

We will get acquainted closer with Vyacheslav Vadimovich Vakobobovich's games.
Visual idea of \u200b\u200bhow these general provisions are manifested in practice, you can get, read at least two most famous games - "Geocont" and "Square Vaobovich".
Geocont - In the people, this game is called "table with carnations." But for guys, this is not just a board, but the tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Glory" (in the name of the fairy tale, the word "geometry") is encrypted), in which plastic cloves fixed on the plywood (game field) are called "silver ". A coordinate grid is applied to the playing field "Geoconta". "Coin" (multi-colored rubberry) are tensioning "Silver" carnations, and contours are obtained geometric figures, subject silhouettes. The kids create them in the example of an adult or on their own intention, and older children - according to the sample pattern and verbal model.
Squadrat Vosobovich ("Game Square").
This game has many "folk" titles - "maple leaves", "Kosyanka", "Eternal origami". All this, in fact, right.
"Game Square" represents 32 hard triangles pasted on a flexible base from two sides. Thanks to this design, the square is easily transformed, allowing you to design both plane and volumetric figures. In the fairy tale "Mystery of the Crow meter", the square comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, hedgehog, a shoe, an airplane and kitten. Two-year-old kids using an adult folded a house with a red or green roof, a candy. More adult children are mastering the design algorithm, they find geometric shapes hidden in the "house", invent their own substantive silhouettes. Square can be cut in a certain way. For example, the incision of the cross gives unusual volumetric figures. It is possible to manipulate it with elements - a peculiar finger theater. Games with the "Squadit of Vosobovich" are developing small motility of hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, skill design.

An indispensable condition for the development of children's intelligence is a rich subject-spatial environment, this technique pays great attention to this issue.
Purple forest - This is a methodical, developing medium in the form of fairy tales. Fairy tales of purple forest contain plots with wonderful transformations, adventures of funny characters and at the same time entertaining issues, problematic tasks, modeling exercises and transformation of objects. In fact, the purple forest is a sensor corner in which the child acts independently: plays, designed, training those skills that purchased in joint activities with adults; Research, experimentation.

Enrichment of the educational environment of the younger group kindergarten The skobovich game leads to a solution of several tasks in the organization of the teacher's activities:
1. The subject space of the group room is enriched, while it becomes developing;
2. Optimizes the process of motivating pupils in the organization of the organization of directly educational activities of children, both independent and together with the teacher;
3. Systematic, phased use of gaming technology consistently gives a steady positive result in the development of preschoolers.

Three-year-old kids do not confuse colors. They call yellow yellow, and red is red, not might of it with orange. By the end of the year, children distinguish orange from yellow, blue are not confused with green or purple, blue color is distinguished from blue and gray flowers. In children, there are almost no problems with the score, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to navigate on the plane.
Indeed, it is not bad when children can be said in front of the eyes, the understanding is developing and a fairly high level is formed. cognitive developmentSince the full development of the intellectual abilities of children of preschool age remains relevant. It is known that comprehensive development The intellectual sphere in preschool age increases the success of children's learning and plays a large role in the formation of an adult person.
Preschoolers with developed mental operations, processes and functions quickly remember the material, are more confident in their own, it is easier to adapt in a new setting. The game as the leading type of child's activities in preschool childhood contributes to becoming training in a fascinating process, which means that it allows the necessary natural development in the most attractive for preschoolers.
Important advantage gaming activity - This is the inner character of her motivation. Children play because they like the gameplay itself.
Developing game technologies make an interesting occupation for a child, remove the problems of the motivational plan, give rise to interest in the acquired knowledge, skills, skills, and also help in the implementation of the main goal of the educational activity of any teacher - creating conditions for the full development of the pupil.

The developing games of Vosobovich is a special, distinctive, creative and very good technique. The basis of the games laid three basic principles - interest, knowledge, creativity. This is not just games - these are fairy tales, intrigues, adventures, funny characters who encourage the baby to thinking and creativity.
Babes that are developing according to the Vosobovich technique are well prepared for school. They know how to navigate on the plane, read, count, logically think.

History of the emergence of games V.V.Voscobovich

Objectives of classes with game materials Vosobobovich:
. Development in a child of cognitive interest and research activities.
. Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity.
. Harmonious development in children of emotionally-shaped and logical began.
. Formation of basic ideas about the world around the world, mathematical concepts, sound phenomena.
. Development of small motility.
Technology "Fabulous Maze Games"
In methods early Development Usually two ways: one - from a certain theoretical situation to his practical confirmation (Waldorsky kindergarten), the other - on the contrary, from practical experience, through his generalization, to theoretical justification. Excobovich technology is just the path of the practice to theory. Why technology, not a technique? In principle, these are very similar concepts. And the term "pedagogical technology" appeared in pedagogy quite recently. The techniques are more presented to the meaningful parties, in technologies - procedural.

What are the features of Vosobovich games?

1. Each game has its own distinctive design elements. For example, in Geocontte - this is a dynamic gum, in a "transparent square" - transparent and opaque parts, in the "Vaobobovich Square" rigidity and flexibility are simultaneously used.

2. Vakobovich's games are suitable for children of a wide age range. They are also interesting for three years, and for seven years old, and even for high school students. For kids, simple single or two-step exercises are provided, for older guys there are complex multi-stage tasks.

3. One game makes it possible to solve many educational tasks. The baby at the same time mastering the letters, numbers, learns to distinguish between color, shape, trains memory, attention, develops thinking, imagination, and also trains a shallow motility of the handles.

4. In the Games of Vosobovich laid a huge creative potential. With what game the child plays longer? Of course, with the one that gives him the opportunity to embody "ideas" in reality. How much interesting you can come up with and make the "miracle puzzles" details, multicolored "web" geocont "," eternal origami "" Svadratosa Vaobovich ": cars, airplanes, ships, butterflies and birds, knights and princesses - a whole fabulous world! Games make it possible to show creativity and adults.

5. All the games of Vosobovich have a fabulous cut. It's much more interesting to play a child with squares and triangles, but with non-letters or multicolored spider spiders Yuk. Instead of studying the fraci, the child solves the secrets of miracle flowers, what the baby geo helps him. New and unusual always attracts attention and easily remembered.

6. Home distinctive feature Games - imagery and versatility. The game intrigues, mobilizes the attention of the baby, his interest, pulling the child into the decision process. The kid shall enact into a situation, consistently analyzes his actions, tasks, aware of the goals and finds solutions. An adult is an equal partner in the game, which "herself" is engaged in training. For each classes with characters, you can invent new stories and travel. Vosobovich's games can be used both at home and in kindergartens, developing centers.

8. Methodical support. Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Tales-tasks and their good characters - the wise raven meter, the brave kid geo, cunning, but rustic rush, funny magnolik - accompanying the child in the game, teach it not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships.

Self popular Games Vosobovich

"Geocont" - It is also called "table with cloves" or "multicolored cobwebs" -. It is a plywood plate with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic cloves are fixed on the game field, which are tightened by multi-colored "dynamic" gums. As a result of this design, substantive silhouettes are obtained , Geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters.
The game set accompanies the Methodical Tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Glory" (in the title of fairy tale, the word "geometry" is encrypted).

And the fairy tale begins as follows: "Once the kid of Geo dreamed of a dream. It goes on the white light day, the second, the third, and suddenly - to meet the red beast. The baby was frightened, ran, and suddenly - the voice: "Do not be afraid of a red beast, drive it with an orange cry." The kid shouted with an orange cry - the red beast disappeared, but a tree appeared, on the top of which was sitting yellow bird. I waved the yellow bird with wings, skiddled, the baby was frightened and ran. And again the voice: "Do not be afraid of a yellow bird - ride her with a green whistle." A toddler whistled with a green whistle - a yellow bird disappeared. The lake appeared, the boat was on the shore. The baby sat down in the boat, made a few rigs and suddenly swims the blue fish. The baby was afraid again, it was detained on the oars, but it was not there. And again the voice: "Do not be afraid of blue fish, drive her blue whisper." The baby whispered in a blue whisper - the lake disappeared, the boat disappeared. Geo stood before entering the purple forest. "

Thus, the baby does not just create images on Geoconte, but makes the Yuka spider, rays and segments, which are called the "orange cry of a red beast", "green whistle of yellow bird" or "blue whisper of blue fish". The book contains schemes - drawings of what the child should turn out.
As a result of Games with "Geocontom", children develop a motorcycle and fingers, sensory abilities (color, shape, values), mental processes (designing on a verbal model, construction of symmetric and asymmetric figures, search and establishment of patterns), creativity.

"Vaverkovich Square" or "Game Square" It happens 2 color (for children 2-5 years) and 4x color (for 3-7 year old children)
The game is a 32 rigid triangle pasted on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml from each other on a flexible tissue base. On the one hand, "Square" - green and yellow color, on the other, blue and red. "Square" is easily transformed: it can be folded along the lines of bend in different directions on the principle of "origami" to obtain volumetric and plane figures. That's why this game is called "Eternal origami" or "square-transformer".
The game accompanies the methodological fairy tale "The Mystery of the Crow Meter, or a fairy tale of the surprising transformations of the Square Adventures". In it, "Square" comes to life and turns into various images: a house, a mouse, hedgehog, kitten, boat, a shower, a plane, a candy, and the like. The child collects figures on the pictures in a book, where it is shown how to fold the square, and the artistic image of the same object is given. This square puzzle allows not only to play, develop a spatial imagination and a thin motoric, but also is a material that is acquainted with the basics of geometry, steriometry, countable material, the basis for modeling, creativity that has no restrictions on age.

"Miracle Crossings" Present a game with liners. Inserts are made of circles and crosses. Crossings are cut into parts in the form of geometric shapes. At the initial stage, children learn to collect cutting figures into a single whole. Next, the task is complicated: according to the schemes in the "album of figures" (attached) the child collects first tracks, towers, and then dragons, men, soldiers, insects and much more.
The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creative abilities, "Sensorika" (distinguishing of the colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to "read" the schemes, compare and compose as a whole of parts.

"Ship" spray - splashing " It is a playing field from carpet in the form of a ship with a glued plywood case and applied numbers from 1 to 7. To the mast on the body you need to attach the colors of the rainbow and on the necessary number of flags on velcro - sails.
The game develops small motility, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bmathematical concepts, color, height, spatial arrangement of objects, conditional measurement, the number of objects, their ordinal number and a digital number.

"Mathematical baskets" "This allowance will help the child literally" to the touch "consolidate the score, understand the composition of the numbers, as well as understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The baby needs to be inserted into the basket with a different number of recesses a certain number of mushroom liners.
According to the fabulous plot, the child along with the animals-numbers: the hedgehog-unit, a twin bunny, a top three and others collects mushrooms in a basket, considers them, distributes to animals equal to the number of fungi and checks the baskets complete, and who does not have. Mushrooms collect animals, and the baby finds out who collected more, and who is less.

"Funny letters" - these are cards with images of vowel letters of the Russian alphabet in the form of a acrobat jester: the first jester curved as a letter A and his name His harlequin, the other jester twisted the letter O and his name - Orlekin, Y - seems to be Urlekin, also exist, and Yurlekin and etc.
Playing with cards and giving the names of the jesters, the child meets letters, exercises in the sound analysis of words; Develops attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech.

Teremki Vosobovich " - This is a unique allowance for learning reading on a visual basis. The game consists of 12 wooden-colored cubes of different colors (2 white, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 lilac, 2 brown) with consonant letters on the edges, as well as 12 trunk cubes (2 blue, 2 green, 6 double blue Green, 2 iconic) with vowels on the edges that are invested in teremki cubes so that there are syllables. And from several "teremkov" you can make a word.

At the first stage of the game the child meets sounds and letters. At the glands of the first cube of white, the letters B, P, B, and F. The child turns the cube with different sides and calls sounds. Then comes up with what animals could settle in this teremka: butterfly, parrot, wolf, Filin. In the same way, the child meets the rest of the "teremks".
Now the cubes are connected to the liners with vowels-jesters. In the blue cube you live a, o, u, e, s (vowels, showing sound hardness), in the green - I, E, Yu, and, E (vowels, showing the softness of the vowel sound).

In the second stage learning to make syllables. Insert the cube with the letter A in the first "Terem" and read the resulting syllable: "Pa".
In the third stage, you can make up simple words. The device of cubes-teremki allows you to turn the learning process to read into a series of fascinating games. For example, a game in "turning", where the "house" will easily become "smoke", and "ice" in the "Möd" Ohm.

"Skathers". Vosobobovich reworked the idea of \u200b\u200bZaitsev's warehouses, which created cubes with warehouses.
The Handbook game "Stranches" is designed to teach children to read in the warehouse system.
The manual is made in the form of a book, each page is a bright picture and a poetic signature with dedicated warehouses. There is also a CD-disk with voiced warehouse songs, for example, one of them:
Goose with goose board
We only counted a dozen.
Goose with Guchyney cheated
Everything turned out to be

Basic principles of technology
The "fabulous labyrinth games" method is a phased inclusion of a child in author's developing games with a gradual complication of educational material. The center of the gaming space is the "purple forest", which can be drawn or made of cardboard, fabric and other materials. The color is chosen outreach, it creates a mystical, mysterious atmosphere. The forest inhabited by fabulous characters, which the fairy tale is combined.
Plus Tale game
The first principle of the technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game" is the game training of children of preschool age. Its feature is that in this game, almost the entire child's learning process is really built. "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" is the form of the interaction of adult and children through the implementation of a certain plot (games and fairy tales). In this case, educational tasks are included in the content of the game.
Additional gaming motivation create methodical fairy tales. The system of issues, tasks, exercises, tasks is organically intertwined in their plots. Very convenient - an adult reads a fairy tale, the child listens to it and in the course of the plot answers the questions, solves the task, performs tasks.
The second principle of Vosobovich technology is to build such children's gaming activities, as a result of which mental processes of attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech are developing. The constant and gradual complication of games ("on the spiral") allows you to maintain children's activities in the zone of optimal difficulty. In each game, the child always seeks some "subject" result.
It is not by chance that so much attention is paid to the development of intelligence in preschool children. At this age, they tend to develop verbal, that is, "acquired", intelligence. Mom reads a child book, considers encyclopedia with him, leads him to museums. As a result, he knows a lot, heard many things. Such guys school teachers call "splashing". But there is no guarantee that such children will continue to learn well. And non-verbal, that is, "congenital" intelligence, they can be developed badly. What is a congenital intelligence? These are mental processes of attention, the ability to analyze, synthesis, the formedity of causal relationships, small motor skills, memory. Vosobovich's games are primarily aimed at their development, and one of the conceptual provisions of the technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game" is the development of non-verbal intelligence in children.
The authors of the technology "fabulous maze games" are not supporters of the early forced development of children. All material is sensitive, that is, the most favorable for the perception of preschool children, taking into account their psychological features.
The third principle of "fabulous labyrinths of the game" is the early creative development of preschoolers. The game creates conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulates the development creative abilities Child. An adult remains only to use this natural need for gradual involvement of guys into more complex forms of gaming activity.
Developing Wednesday - Purple Forest
In fact, it is a developing sensority zone. It is made from plywood, carpet, draw on the wall, fabric. The child acts here independently: plays, constructs, training those skills that have acquired in joint activities with adults. In the purple forest, fabulous characters are necessarily located - invisible, rone meter, kid geo, burdens and others.

Methods for implementing technology
The features of the "fabulous labyrinths of the game" are such that it is not necessary to rebuild the work of the institution or break the usual way of life at home. The technology is organically woven into already existing orders. In the relationship "adult-child" here is not expected to position the adult over the child, only partnerships. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual-creative atmosphere. It is wokering from a feeling of external security when the baby knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment of adults, and the feeling of internal discharge due to the support of his creative undertakings.
Studies conducted in kindergartens working on Vosobovich technology showed: many children with normal, high and very high intelligence. (Gradation of changes intellectual Development It looks like this: intelligence below average, medium intelligence, normal, high, very high, excellent). Best of all, the kids develop a clearness, the ability to analyze, compare. Five-six-year-old guys are able to concentrate when performing complex thinking operations and bring the work started to the end. Three-year-old kids are easily distinguished and called yellow, red, blue, do not confuse green, purple, blue, orange and other colors. Especially I would like to note the high level of development of the finger and creep motorcycle of children's hands. In addition, the guys worked with the Voskobovich, there are no problems with the score, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to navigate on the plane. They start reading early. The question of the motivational readiness of the kids to school is solved. Children who gradually move to an adult "form" of training and "played" in preschool childhood, want to go to school and learn for the extent. And, as a rule, do it well and with interest.
What should pay attention to during classes with a child in the game Vosobovich:
. Preparation. Before offering the game to the child, see the methodological recommendations and the game itself.
. Speech. Basically, children work their hands and speak a little. During the class, ask the child what he does why he chose this figure, and not another, ask for a fabulous task or come up with his story.
. Static. Cocking with gaming materials, the child is most often in the same sitting pose. It is necessary to take into account the age features of children and distract them from too long seating.
. Streetness. For playing with Wosobovich's benefits, preferabity is required, and this is not every little baby in the shower and bye.
With mother and father
At home you can and need to create a developing environment, and not necessarily in the form of a purple forest. Is it possible to play these games without author's fairy tales? Sure you may. Adults just need to come up with a way to attract the child's attention to the game. Today with the Logo "Educational Games of Excobovich" are offered dozens of games, benefits, gaming development complexes. This year, Vyacheslav Vadimovich and his colleagues are planning to release the "parent" version of the technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game".

"Innovative technologies as a means of developing intellectual and creative abilities of preschool children - Educational games V.V. Vosobovich "(from work experience)

It's no secret that in our time - time computer games - Children have an overabundance of sharp emotional sensations. All less often, children and teenagers read or play traditional "quiet" games. It is difficult to even imagine that a modern child, bending over a small playing field, may forget about
everything in the world ... But, nevertheless, it happens. In this we were able to make sure using the game materials developed in the center of Vyacheslav Vadimovich Vakobobovich.

The effective development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the actual problems of modernity. Preschoolers with a developed intelligence quickly remember the material, more confident in their forces, are easier adapting in the new environment, it is better prepared for school. Also a big role in the future life children-clergyman Creative abilities play. Children with a high level of intelligence and creativity are confident in their abilities, have an adequate level of self-esteem, possess internal freedom and high self-control. Showing interest in everything new and unusual, they are initiative, successfully adapt to the requirements of the social environment, while maintaining, nevertheless, the personal independence of judgments and actions.

Thus, if you find the keys to the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child, it opens the possibility for the formation of a multifaceted personality of a preschooler. In order to achieve this result in our kindergarten since 2014, the technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities in children has 3-7 years old "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" V.V. Vosobovich.

Technology V.V. Voskobovich consists of 10 sets of games. According to solved educational tasks, all the games of Vosobovich are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

    The 1st game group is aimed at the mathematical development of children. The purpose of these games is the development of thought operations, and gaming actions - manipulation of numbers, geometric figures, properties of objects. For example, "transparent figures", "Geocont", "Mathematical baskets", "miracle-cross", "miracle of honeycombs", "Miracle Tsvetik", etc.

    The 2nd game group is aimed at speech development and literacy training are the games with letters, sounds, syllables, words. For example, "Designer of Letters", "Cartoque on the balls", "Cord Cant".

    3rd group - Universal game training equipment, uniting various types of activities of children (environmental education, literacy training, familiarization with the surrounding, design, mathematical and speech development). For example, "Gamesor", "Rug, Larkor".

V.V.Voscobovich technology can be used, starting with younger age. These games include various forms of children's activities: directly educational and independent. At the class of Games V.V. Voskobovich, first fulfill the role of didactic material and are part of the classes. We included these games on mathematical development classes, environmental education, training for literacy, amusement. Also held classes fully built on the game of Vosobovich. Classes were organized and conducted in the following forms:

1 Fairy Tale Option. In such classes, questions, the tasks put not an adult, but a fabulous hero, who needs to solve some problem in the plot. The fabulous plot includes 2-3 games, but with a whole fan of game tasks and exercises for each. We tried to show creativity and adapt famous fairy tales. For example, the fairy tale of "Kolobok", children from the "Two-color square of the Vaobovich" fold a house, and from the game "Standards of the forms" of animals. Such classes approached the initial stages of familiarization with the games of Vosobovich.

2 option Combined classes. They consist of a large number of games (at the older age, their number can reach up to 5-6 games), but with a small set of game assignments, exercises and intellectual tasks for each. Such classes are like new Year tree. The role of the Christmas tree is performed by fabulous zinch, a fragment of a story, stories, and Christmas tree toys - educational games. Such classes were conducted when children were familiar with the proposed games.

3 Options - quiz.Classes are conducted in the form of quiz (this is for the children of the preparatory group). Comprehensive classes are successfully obtained, for example, mathematics, speech development and visual activities or environmental education and design. In these classes, we acted as a search engine organizer, before children set questions and tasks in such a way as to encourage them to look for new solutions each time.

We pay great attention to the organization and conducting joint gaming cognitive activities. When organizing joint activities, create conditions for integration different games: for example, theatrical and mathematical. This option of joint activities is the most effective, as it allows you to put development and educational tasks, and the children simply continue to play.

Working with children in familiarization with the Games V.V. Voskobovich we were implemented in stages. And the previous work was - this is an occupation-trip to a fabulous purple forest and acquaintance with his characters (baby geo, raven meter, spider Yuk, Magnolik, etc.). With the help of these characters, the children with a variety of games were familiar. Including learning games and developing tasks in a single game plot "The legends of purple forest", reduced excessive didacticity of classes and contributed to the best formation in children of cognitive activity. To this end, the Group of Educational Games of Victoric - Purple Forest has been created in the group, with the necessary set of games.

At the first stage, children were acquainted with such games as the "Two-color square of Vosobovich", "Cord-core", "Mathematical baskets", "Larkik". These games are bright, colorful and consist of a large number of enough simple gaming tasks and exercises. Also, the children digeted the figurative terminology, the fabulous names invented by the author himself. For example, the axis coordinate points in the GEOONT game are called multicolored rays, each point is indicated by the letter, for example, f, this is a purple ray, etc.; Geometric shapes in the game "Transparent Square" are called non-letters).

At the second stage, children were taught by major gaming techniques. Pick up tasks and game exercises requiring intellectual stress, volitional effort and concentration of attention. Familiar to children with such games as the "four-color square of Vosobovich", "Transparent Square", "Gamesor", "Geocont", "Geovizor", "Digital Designer", "Designer of Letters", etc.

At the third stage of training, all familiar children have been used, but paying great attention to the development of creativity and independence. It was sought to ensure that children without adult were invented gaming tasks and exercises, proposed new solutions to problems, came up with and designed subject forms, accounted for circuits. To this end, we have created a creative atmosphere in the group, encouraged and supported the children's initiative, considered any suggestions of children.

To systematize the material used, the Vosobovich Games catalog was created, which includes a description of the game, developing the essence of games, guidelines, selection of games and exercises by the ages.

Using the technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game", we got good results. Children quickly mastered a numeric row, able to compare items, finding more and less than this (thanks to "mathematical baskets", "Geoconta", "game square"). It is also surprising that children very quickly memorize geometric shapes, easily compare them with the surrounding objects, are depicted using multicolored ropes on a carpet, web on "Geocont" and fold from a magical square.

The quality implementation of Vosobovich's games is impossible without determining the level of development of children. Diagnostics are carried out according to the following criteria: sensory abilities, attention, elements of logical, creative thinking, memory, speech, imagination. The results of the diagnosis have shown that the positive dynamics of the level of development on average per year is 3.6%, the sensory abilities, memory, elements of logical thinking are sufficiently intensively.

We try to teach children to absorb knowledge with joy, enjoy the process of thinking. We teach children to ask the ability smart questions And independently search for answers. The main thing is not to lose child curiosity and the ability to create, fantasy. We teach children to be confident in themselves in their talentedness.


    Bondarenko TM Complex classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Voronezh: Teacher shopping center, 2001, 272c.

    Bondarenko TM Complex classes B. preparatory group kindergarten. Voronezh: Teacher shopping center, 2001, 272c.

    V.Vkabovich V.V. Fabulous maze games. Book 1. St. Petersburg:

    V.Vkabovich V.V. Fabulous maze games. Book 2.

    V.V. V.V., Kharko T.G. Educational games of Vosobovich // Mom and Kid. 2005. №02.

    Reshestnikova O. V.V. Voskobovich and its educational games // School psychologist. 2000. № 37.

    Kharko T.G. Educational games Vosobovich V.V. Game technology "Fabulous labyrinths games" - progress and problems // Preschool pedagogy. 2002. № 3 (7).


Purple forest

Caviar "Lark"

Ship "spray-splash"

Graphic dictation on the jigraffe.

The four-color square turns into a "shill"

Mathematical baskets.

"Teremki" Vosobovich.

Transparent Square I.

Miracle Tsvetics.

Cord criteria

"County on the balls"

"Transparent letters"


Learning to create theatrical doll on the canes, with the use of natural material, textiles and plasticine, the character of the game "Ship Spray - Spray" V.V. Vosobovich - "Frog - Sailor".

To acquaint children with a new technique of smearing on the frame.


The composition of the number of ten of two, three smaller numbers, consolidate knowledge of geometric figures, consolidate sensory and spatial representations;

Improve the ability to make various figures of two and four color squares.

Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

To bring up independence in performing tasks, the desire to bring the work started to the end, the desire to recognize the new one, do not stop there.


Frames - blanks (25 cm);

Flaps with "sea" print handmade (25x25 cm) screwed by bank rubber bands (2 pcs.) To 2 twigs;

Plasticine of the same color (com from an adult fist), plasticine (black, white and red bars);

Thin branches (20 cm);

Plank, napkins, plasticine;

Games V.V. Voskobovich "Schelik" Spray-spray "; "Two-color squares", "four-color square", "Geocont".

The course of gaming activity

(Before starting gaming activities, children are invited to choose a smiley at their discretion).

The baby geo had a birthday and gave him a lot of games, he needs to help, show how to play these games correctly.

Let's help him guys?

Answer: Yes!

But to get to him, we need to go to him on the carpet of the plane. Oh, the carpet does not take off, and I remembered that the carpet flew, we need to guess the riddles.

Mathematical riddles.

Because of the fence, two barking ear can be seen, two squirrels, two wolf, two foxes, two bearish. How many animals hid behind the fence?

Chicken, standing on one leg weighs 3 kg, how much will the chicken be weighing to become two legs?

The parrot lay down at 10 o'clock in the evening when it was dark on the street. Can the next day at the same time be light?

Well done children, so we got into the purple forest to the baby geo.

Children meets the baby and shows its games.

Four colorful, two-color squares.

Raven meter prepared us schemes. Let's try to fold them.

multicolored candy - boat;

pentagon - house;

air snakes - bat;

Work with geocont.

Children, if desired, stretch large and small ring rubberries, along a large and medium square. Turn them into any figures.

Boat spray-splash

Children, you will get glorious sailors! I take everyone to your Jungami ship. However, I need a few more frogs - sailors.

Pedagogue: Our kids skillful masters and can be frogs - sailors do it yourself.

Children, do you agree to help the captain? (children answer)

I suggest open a workshop of dolls.

In the evening, we made some billets for the cable doll:

Loved a sheet of paper A-4;

Gathered him in whom;

Stuck together a paper to a stick on glue;

Left to dry out at night;

Cut the square of the fabric;

Drew it with wax shallow blue stripes;

Rolled the flap diagonally, then in half. Credited the middle of the scissors.

Spliced \u200b\u200bthe flap triangle. Over the opposite corners, on the left and right of the middle bought the banking rubber-cane branches.

(Teacher's preparation stages may not voice.)

Children, look carefully how you need to do theatrical toy on the canes:

1. Take foil and put it with a paper ball on a stick. It turns out the base frame for the frog head.

2. Clean the plasticine on the foil ball.

3. Wanted roughness on the surface of the head.

4. Range two identical balls for the eyes of the same color as the head and attach to the workpiece.

5. Roll away the small two balls for eye proteins, flatten and stick to the balls-eyes.

6. Make pupil-balls of black.

7. Stand your nose. (Two holes stack)

8. Sharpen a long and narrow strip - mouth.

9. Rock plasticine column.

10. Flip the blank head down.

11. Wear a square with a stick, striped flap with screwdrived sprigs, caustic face down. Canes must be on the right and to the left of the frog head.

12. Secure plasticine column cloth, wrapped around the stick-holding.

13. Turn over the craft head up.

14. Try to play a doll. (Believe the puppet head, move the handles)

Now we proceed to the manufacture of theatrical toys - frogs on the canes.

With difficulties in children while working on a doll, the teacher must be prompted and helping. Creation, children must be confident in their forces and skills. Maintain a good mood in pupils. Make sure that all children coped with the task.

So new sailors are ready to serve on the ship.

Thanks guys, now Geo knows how to play these games.

But it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

But our carpet will fly, if we guess the riddles again.

Mathematical riddles

In February, 10 leaves appeared on birch at first, then another 5 leaves appeared. How many leaves appeared on birch?

8 apples fell from oak, 3 Vova's apples raised and eaten. How many apples stayed under the oak?

So we fell into kindergarten. Well done guys, you today helped the baby geo, taught him to play.

On this, our journey ended.


Theoretical Workshop on Technology V. V. V. Exobovich

"Fabulous maze games."

Subject: "Educational games of the new generation in the intellectual development of a preschooler" (Slide 1)

Purpose: (Slide 2)

Improving the professional competence of educators through the use of innovative game technologies in organizing work with children, preschool age.


Introduce teachers with educational technology V.V. Vosobovich "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" and its use in a preschool educational institution;

Demonstration of elements of practical classes using educational games V.V. Vosobovich;

Popularization of the idea of \u200b\u200busing a holistic technology system V.V. Vesobovich among teachers

The form : mini lecture.

Seminar Plan :

    Indicate the topic, submit those present.

    Analysis of monitoring (the needs of pedagogical workers in GEF).

    The need to use educational technologies in the DOU at the present stage.

4. Technology V.V. Vaobobovich (with the application of the presentation):

* Technology V.V. Vosobovich, its relevance, features of games, basic principles. Description and elements of the educational environment "Purple Forest".

6. Expected results.

7. Work with parents.

8. Making a seminar decision.


The process of the reorganization of the entire education system, which flows many years, places high demands on the organization pre-school education and training intensifies the search for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.

Innovative processes at the present stage of the development of society are addressed primarily a system of pre-school education, as the initial level of disclosure of the potential abilities of the child. Development of preschool education, the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.

Innovation define new methods, forms, funds, technologies used in pedagogical practice, oriented to the identity of the child, on the development of its abilities.

At the present stage of development, changes occur in educational processes: the content of education is complicated by focusing the attention of teachers of pre-school education on the development of creative and intellectual abilities of children, correction of emotional-volitional and motor spheres; The replacement of traditional methods come active methods of teaching and education aimed at the intensification of the cognitive development of the child. In these changing conditions, the teacher of preschool education must be focused on the diversity of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

2. .

Since we are an important link in the preparation of children for school training, we need to know what graduates oriented, as far as the approach to school training is changing, which expects in the future today's preschool. Today, every teacher and the head realizes that modern children need to be leaning in a new way. This dictates a modern socio-political situation, rapid changes modern MiraAnd our children should be ready for this.

The more generally a variety of children's activity, the more it is meaningful for the child and meets its nature, the more successful its development is being implemented, the potential and first creative manifestations are being implemented. That is why the most close and natural for the child-preschooler Activities are a game. Given the provision of domestic psychology that the game is a leading activity of the child of the preschooler.

    Monitoring analysis (The needs of pedagogical workers in GEF).

4. Technology V.V. Vosobovich (Slide 3)

The first games of Vyacheslav Vaobobovich appeared in the early 90s. These are mainly games - designers and puzzles, accompanied by fabulous plots. The most famous of them are "Geocont" and "Square Exobovich".

Games develop design abilities, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, ability to compare, analyze and compare. There are more sophisticated gameswho teach children to simulate, relate parts and integer.

In such games, children are comprehended by theory. Also the author invented benefits aimed at studying numbers, for example, the "magic eight" and letters ("Designer of letters"); Training to read, for example, by universal manual "Skathers".

Vosobovich's games are multifunctional and designed for children from 2 to 10 years.

A bit of history

Two own children and "empty" stores of toys in the era of restructuring served as an impetus for the invention of games. Vosobobovich, trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toy, came across the experience of Nikitina and Zaitsev. But I decided to go my own way. So his first creative games appeared: "Geocont", "Game Square", "Color Watch". Vyacheslav Vadimovich Vosobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. They developed more than 50 educational games and benefits. In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich Engineer - physicist.

Motivational feature

Games are designed based on children's interests.

Cocking with such game benefits, children get real pleasure and discover all new and new opportunities for themselves.

Children from 2 to 7 years old can play in the same game and older.

The game begins with simple manipulation, and then complicated due to a large number of diverse gaming tasks and exercises.

Playing only with one game, the child has the opportunity to exercise his work, comprehensively develop and master a large number of educational tasks (get acquainted with numbers or letters; color or shape; score, etc.).

All games are a free flight of imagination, which can pour into some opening. Creating butterflies, animal puzzles, animals from details, a child can identify himself with this animal, compose a whole story about him. Any resulting figure can delay the breath's imagination to such an extent that we are adults are simply not capable.

- "Picture and versatility". (Slide 8)

This is the most important thing that distinguishes the game of Vosobovich from others.

The games are filled with a feeling of a fairy tale, a special language that we, adults, lose the rational word. Tales of tasks, good images such as wise raven meter, brave baby geo, smart FIFA caterpillars, funny raptures, accompanying the child in the game, teach a child not only logic, literacy, correct speech, but also human relationships.


Methodical fairy tales that contain plots about the transformations and adventures of fun heroes and at the same time logic questions, Tasks and exercises on modeling, transformation of items. This author's game technology Vyacheslav Waxobovich called "fabulous labyrinths of the game." He proposes to create a cultivating medium purple forest.

Purple forest is a peculiar world inhabited by fabulous creatures and divided into fabulous areas. Reality and imagination, intellectual and creative tasks are intertwined in it.

Purple color - in the interpretation of psychologists is the color of creativity; He emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200bfabulous, the ability to unlimitedly fantasize and completely think.

Fairy tales are fantastic and real, funny and adventure gaming situations in which fabulous creatures are valid - residents of purple forest.

How will your forest look like - you yourself are inventing yourself. It can be drawn on the wall, make appliques from the fabric, pick up the wallpaper.

This developing environment includes all elements of Games created by V. Waxobovich. (Slide 9)

"Purple Forest" is a developing sensory environment in which the forest itself is divided into several fabulous edges described in the same names of fairy tales. A child can play in this medium as independently, and together with adults, helping to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Clear division on the fields presented fairy tales and quite detailed instructions will help to understand what and why it is necessary, how best to fix items and where you need to place key benefits.

The developing medium of the wave is multifunctional, it can be easily and quickly removed for specific tasks.

In the "Violet Forest" there are the following fabulous zones:

The main character Here - the wise experience of the spider Yuk and his grandchildren of the Pileat. They teach children to play Geocont games (as a result of Games with "Geocontom" in children develops a motorcycle brushes and fingers, sensory abilities (color, shape, values), mental processes (designing according to the verbal model, the construction of symmetric and asymmetric figures, Search and establishment of patterns), creativity) and "GeoSizor". Geovizor - makes it possible to draw dictation or samples presented in the album of figures. Classes can be carried out both using the Game Geocont, and independently, when an adult coordinate dictates (for example, F2-K4), and the child connects these points. This method allows you to acquaint the baby with the concept of a segment. In addition, the instructions are given several tasks to help children remember geometric forms. There's a raven meter and the game "Squadrat Vaobovich" (two-color).

2. Lake Ice. (Slide 12)

The main character here is invisible, I'm walking and the keeper of Lake Ice.

In this developing area, children play in a "transparent square" (having sleeves of Lake Ice). The game "Transparent Square" includes an album of figure figures, a fairy tale of "Non-flow Lake Lake Ice" and 30 square plates.

The game is multifunctional, it is possible to use differently, depending on the age of the child and the tasks set before him. Transparent plates are partially covered with purple color so that the painted areas make geometric shapes: triangles of different sizes, squares, trapezoids, etc. Outing the records to each other, you can explain the child the ratio of the whole and part, to show that the square can be made from triangles, and a rectangle from squares. The variety of plates makes it possible to easily and clearly explain to the child that one and the same geometric shape can be folded in completely different ways. In the album and book with fairy tales there are schemes of complex figures, the compilation of which develops thinking, attentiveness and memory. And the game "transparent figure", aimed at the development of mathematical abilities. The manual gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number, spatial relations and classification of objects on the grounds.

    City of talking parrots. (Slide 14)

Here, the fairy tale is accompanied by parrots of Enik and Benic. There is a digital star in the city. Its director - Magnolik, the main artists: the famous Focussary Filim Cottlefield, animal-numbers, acrobats of the case. They offer children to play "Designer of letters and numbers", the Buv designer develops a shallow motorcy and spatially logical thinking. The kids will not only remember all the letters, but also learn to analyze and draw conclusions. Games: "Magic Eight", "Cord - Cleaning", "Gamesor" (applications for "playing", "fun letters" and "Maze numbers").

    Frauter country. (Slide 16)

Her mistress is Muran's Queen - along with Ant Murachik invite children to travel in the "labyrinth of letters" (annex to "playing").

"Labyrinths of letters" - Vyacheslav Waracobovich's allowance aimed at developing reading skills. This part focuses on the attention only on consonant letters and implies that the book "Labyrinth of letters. The vowels have already been studied and used.

    Polyana wonderful colors. (Slide 17)

The main heroine girl sliced \u200b\u200bwith his friends (five-page, semi-chapka, three-chapka, etc.) In enormal form, teaches children to share the integer on the part, study the fraction with the help of the game "Miracle-Flower". Wonderful flowers is a puzzle, designer and a manual for solving logical and mathematical tasks. Kid Geo, having met in the purple forest Girl lick, helps her to solve the mystery of magical wonderful flowers. Together with them, the child along the fairy tale plot will perform a number of tasks on the development of logical thinking, mobile motility, account skills, logical thinking, design abilities and imagination.

    Carpet Polyanka . (SLIDE)

Her owners of the caterpillar of FIFA and the burdock introduce children with didactic benefits From the set "Larkik".

The Cavrographer "Larkik" is a unique allowance disposed of many shortcomings of the school board and flannelhemph. A large cohesion strength of the carpet with a contact tape allows you to firmly fasten on the carograph of a visual material. Original elements: clips, pockets, mugs, ropes provide a variety, clarity and dynamism of classes. This manual provides huge space for creative activities both children and teachers and suitable for individual and group classes.

    Wonder Islands (SLIDE)

Where you live: Bee of the Zhuza, Crab Crabs, Galkonok Karcchik, Bear Mischik and who often visits Kitenos Timoshka. These heroes play with children in the "miracle cells". Sorting the details of the puzzle in color, form and quantity of the cut parts, constituting the polygons - "honeycombs" by sample and memory, taking into account the specified conditions (colors, spatial location, etc.), preschoolers get acquainted with sensory standards, learn the structure of geometric figures, the ratio of the whole and parts, master spatial representations and quantitative account within five. Folding shaped shapes, rolling and painting them, children train a small man's hand, learns to work with reduced and silhouette diagrams, manifests creativity in designing on its own design. The preparation of descriptive stories on pictures, folded from the details of the puzzle, contributes to the development of children's speech. The game is improved by the processes of logical and figurative thinking, the properties of attention and memory, sensory and creative abilities.

And "miracle crosses." Sorting the details of the puzzle in color, form and quantity of the cut parts, constituting the polygons - "cross" according to sample and memory, taking into account the specified conditions (colors, spatial location, etc.), preschoolers get acquainted with sensory standards, learn the structure of geometric figures, symmetry property, The ratio of the whole and part is mastering the quantitative account and spatial representations. Folding shaped shapes, children train a small motorcycle hand, learns to work with reduced and silhouette diagrams, manifests creativity in designing on a given topic and its own intent.

    Castle transformations . (SLIDE)

Heroes of the jokes of Dion, Dvin and Trin. The game "Square Excobovich" (four-color). Folding a four-color "square" on the bend lines in different directions, the child designs geometric and subject figures according to the scheme or its own intention. Four colors complicate the game, make it more colorful, develop spatial thinking and fantasy, and the game "Snake". The four-color "snake" will help the child in the design of geometric subject figures, in the development of logic and spatial thinking, as well as in the development of a joint geometry school.

    Blue stream . (SLIDE)

Game "Ship" spray-splashing. Heroes captain goose and sailor frogs. The game with a boat will contribute to the development of attention, memory, speech, shallow motility of hands, mathematical representations (quantitative and sequence account, the height of the subject, spatial representations, composition of the number), the ability to solve logical and mathematical tasks.

Purple Forest meets all the requirements that the developing environment of GEF should meet. The new standard of pre-school education focuses on the game method, which is used as Vosobobovich in its manuals and sensory environment.

Educational technology V.V. Vosobovich solves the following tasks:

Efficient development of all preschool mental processes;

Early creative development of children;

Gaming learning didactic games Do the teaching interesting and informative.

In the "Violet Forest" you can use a wide variety of work forms: specially organized activities: classes, solving problematic tasks, inventing stories with the participation of "residents" of forests and children of the group, the composition of mysteries, fairy tales, poems, research activities, conducting mathematical holidays and leispens and etc.; Free activities of children related to the use of Games V.V. Vosobovich, as well as the heroes of fairy tales.

Ways to implement technology.

In the relationship "adult-child" here is not expected to position the adult over the child, only partnerships. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere

Work with parents.

    To get acquainted parents with this technology to hold a workshop on which it is not only with the developing essence of technology, but also give them practical advice, as at home you can make these games.

    To systematize the material used, you can create a game catalog of Vosobovich, which includes a description of the game, developing the essence of games, guidelines, selection of games and exercises by the ages, develop a system of work.

    Video story.

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Brief description of the document:

Theoretical Workshop on Technology V.V. Vosobovich

"Fabulous maze games."

Subject:"Educational games of the new generation in the intellectual development of a preschooler" (Slide 1)

Purpose:(Slide 2)

Improving the professional competence of educators through the use of innovative game technologies in organizing work with children, preschool age.


Introduce teachers with educational technology V.V. Vosobovich "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" and its use in a preschool educational institution;

Demonstration of elements of practical classes using educational games V.V. Vosobovich;

Popularization of the idea of \u200b\u200busing a holistic technology system V.V. Vesobovich among teachers

The form: mini lecture.

Seminar Plan:

  1. Indicate the topic, submit those present.
  2. Analysis of monitoring (the needs of pedagogical workers in GEF).
  3. The need to use educational technologies in the DOU at the present stage.

4. Technology V.V. Vaobobovich (with the application of the presentation):

* Technology V.V. Vosobovich, its relevance, features of games, basic principles. Description and elements of the educational environment "Purple Forest".

5. Ways to implement technology.

6. Expected results.

7. Work with parents.

8. Making a seminar decision.

1. The theme of our seminar "The developing games of the new generation in the intellectual development of a preschooler". (Slide 2)

The process of reorganizing the entire education system, which flows many years, places high demands on the organization of pre-school education and training, intensifies the search for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.

Innovative processes at the present stage of the development of society are addressed primarily a system of pre-school education, as the initial level of disclosure of the potential abilities of the child. Development of preschool education, the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.

Innovation define new methods, forms, funds, technologies used in pedagogical practice, oriented to the identity of the child, on the development of its abilities.

At the present stage of development, changes occur in educational processes: the content of education is complicated by focusing the attention of teachers of pre-school education on the development of creative and intellectual abilities of children, correction of emotional-volitional and motor spheres; The replacement of traditional methods come active methods of teaching and education aimed at the intensification of the cognitive development of the child. In these changing conditions, the teacher of preschool education must be focused on the diversity of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

2.The need to use educational technologies in the DOU at the present stage.

Since we are an important link in the preparation of children for school training, we need to know what graduates oriented, as far as the approach to school training is changing, which expects in the future today's preschool. Today, every teacher and the head realizes that modern children need to be leaning in a new way. This dictates a modern socio-political situation, rapid changes in the modern world, and our children should be ready for this.

The more generally a variety of children's activity, the more it is meaningful for the child and meets its nature, the more successful its development is being implemented, the potential and first creative manifestations are being implemented. That is why the most close and natural for the child-preschooler Activities are a game. Given the provision of domestic psychology that the game is a leading activity of the child of the preschooler.

  1. Monitoring analysis (The needs of pedagogical workers in GEF).

4. Technology V.V. Vosobovich (Slide 3)

The first games of Vyacheslav Vaobobovich appeared in the early 90s. These are mainly games - designers and puzzles, accompanied by fabulous plots. The most famous of them are "Geocont" and "Square Exobovich".

Games develop design abilities, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, ability to compare, analyze and compare. There are more complex games that teach children to simulate, relate parts and integers.

In such games, children are comprehended by theory. Also, the author invented the manuals aimed at studying numbers, for example, the "magic eight" and letters ("Designer of letters"); learning to read, for example, according to the universal manual "wanders".

Vosobovich's games are multifunctional and designed for children from 2 to 10 years.

A bit of history

Two own children and "empty" stores of toys in the era of restructuring served as an impetus for the invention of games. Vosobobovich, trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toy, came across the experience of Nikitina and Zaitsev. But I decided to go my own way. So his first creative games appeared: "Geocont", "Game Square", "Color Watch". Vyacheslav Vadimovich Vosobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. They developed more than 50 educational games and benefits. In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich Engineer - physicist.

Features of the Educational Games Vaobovich: (Slide 4)

Motivational feature

Games are designed based on children's interests.

Cocking with such game benefits, children get real pleasure and discover all new and new opportunities for themselves.

- Wide age range. (Slide 5)

Children from 2 to 7 years old can play in the same game and older.

The game begins with simple manipulation, and then complicated due to a large number of diverse gaming tasks and exercises.

- Multifunctionality and versatility. (Slide 6)

Playing only with one game, the child has the opportunity to exercise his work, comprehensively develop and master a large number of educational tasks (get acquainted with numbers or letters; color or shape; score, etc.).

- Creative potential (slide 7)

All games are a free flight of imagination, which can pour into some opening. Creating butterflies, animal puzzles, animals from details, a child can identify himself with this animal, compose a whole story about him. Any resulting figure can delay the breath's imagination to such an extent that we are adults are simply not capable.

- "Picture and versatility". (Slide 8)

This is the most important thing that distinguishes the game of Vosobovich from others.

The games are filled with a feeling of a fairy tale, a special language that we, adults, lose the rational word. Tales of tasks, good images such as wise raven meter, brave baby geo, smart FIFA caterpillars, funny raptures, accompanying the child in the game, teach a child not only logic, literacy, correct speech, but also human relationships.

- "Fabulous cut" (slide 9)

Methodical fairy tales that contain plots about the transformation and adventures of fun heroes and at the same time logical questions, tasks and exercises on modeling, transformation of objects. This author's game technology Vyacheslav Waxobovich called "fabulous labyrinths of the game." He proposes to create a cultivating medium purple forest.

Purple forest is a peculiar world inhabited by fabulous creatures and divided into fabulous areas. Reality and imagination, intellectual and creative tasks are intertwined in it.

Purple color - in the interpretation of psychologists is the color of creativity; He emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200bfabulous, the ability to unlimitedly fantasize and completely think.

Fairy tales are fantastic and real, funny and adventure gaming situations in which fabulous creatures are valid - residents of purple forest.

How will your forest look like - you yourself are inventing yourself. It can be drawn on the wall, make appliques from the fabric, pick up the wallpaper.

This developing environment includes all elements of Games created by V. Waxobovich. (Slide 9)

"Purple Forest" is a developing sensory environment in which the forest itself is divided into several fabulous edges described in the same names of fairy tales. A child can play in this medium as independently, and together with adults, helping to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Clear division on the fields presented fairy tales and quite detailed instructions will help to understand what and why it is necessary, how best to fix items and where you need to place key benefits.

The developing medium of the wave is multifunctional, it can be easily and quickly removed for specific tasks.

In the "Violet Forest" there are the following fabulous zones:

1. Cooked glade of golden fruits. (Slide 10)

The main character here is a wise experience of the spider Yuk and his grandchildren of Pileat. They teach children to play Geocont games (as a result of Games with "Geocontom" in children develops a motorcycle brushes and fingers, sensory abilities (color, shape, values), mental processes (designing according to the verbal model, the construction of symmetric and asymmetric figures, Search and establishment of patterns), creativity) and "GeoSizor". Geovizor - makes it possible to draw dictation or samples presented in the album of figures. Classes can be carried out both using the Game Geocont, and independently, when an adult coordinate dictates (for example, F2-K4), and the child connects these points. This method allows you to acquaint the baby with the concept of a segment. In addition, the instructions are given several tasks to help children remember geometric forms. There's a raven meter and the game "Squadrat Vaobovich" (two-color).

2. Lake Ice. (Slide 12)

The main character here is invisible, I'm walking and the keeper of Lake Ice.

In this developing area, children play in a "transparent square" (having sleeves of Lake Ice). The game "Transparent Square" includes an album of figure figures, a fairy tale of "Non-flow Lake Lake Ice" and 30 square plates.

The game is multifunctional, it is possible to use differently, depending on the age of the child and the tasks set before him. Transparent plates are partially covered with purple color so that the painted areas make geometric shapes: triangles of different sizes, squares, trapezoids, etc. Outing the records to each other, you can explain the child the ratio of the whole and part, to show that the square can be made from triangles, and a rectangle from squares. The variety of plates makes it possible to easily and clearly explain to the child that one and the same geometric shape can be folded in completely different ways. In the album and book with fairy tales there are schemes of complex figures, the compilation of which develops thinking, attentiveness and memory. And the game "transparent figure", aimed at the development of mathematical abilities. The manual gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number, spatial relations and classification of objects on the grounds.

  1. City of talking parrots.(Slide 14)

Here, the fairy tale is accompanied by parrots of Enik and Benic. There is a digital star in the city. Its director - Magnolik, the main artists: the famous Focussary Filim Cottlefield, animal-numbers, acrobats of the case. They offer children to play "Designer of letters and numbers", the designer bursts the shallow motorcy and spatially logical thinking. The kids will not only remember all the letters, but also learn to analyze and draw conclusions. Games: "Magic Eight", "Cord - Cleaning", "Gamesor" (applications for "playing", "fun letters" and "Maze numbers").

  1. Frauter country. (Slide 16) Her Mistress - Queen of Muran - along with Ant Murachika invite children to travel in the "Labyrinth of Letters" (annex to the "Gamesor"). "Labyrinths of letters" - Vyacheslav Waracobovich's allowance aimed at developing reading skills. This part focuses on the attention only on consonant letters and implies that the book "Labyrinth of letters. The vowels have already been studied and used.
  2. Polyana wonderful colors.(Slide 17) Home Heroine Girl Solka with her friends (five-page, semi-chapka, threefall, etc.) In an entertaining form, teaches children to share the integer on the part, study the fractions using the game "Miracle-Flower". Wonderful flowers is a puzzle, designer and a manual for solving logical and mathematical tasks. Kid Geo, having met in the purple forest Girl lick, helps her to solve the mystery of magical wonderful flowers. Together with them, the child along the fairy tale plot will perform a number of tasks on the development of logical thinking, mobile motility, account skills, logical thinking, design abilities and imagination.
  3. Carpet Polyanka. (Slide) Her owners of the FIFA Caterpillar and Lopushkok familiarize children with didactic allowances from the "Larchchik" set. Larchchikovkarograph is a unique allowance, which is distinguished from many of the shortcomings of the school board and flannelhemph. A large cohesion strength of the carpet with a contact tape allows you to firmly fasten on the carograph of a visual material. Original elements: clips, pockets, mugs, ropes provide a variety, clarity and dynamism of classes. This manual provides huge space for creative activities both children and teachers and suitable for individual and group classes.
  4. Wonder Islands (Slide) where they live: the bee of the Zhuza, the crab of the crab, the galkonok Karcchik, Bear Mischik and who often visits the pytemoshka pile. These heroes play with children in the "miracle cells". Sorting the details of the puzzle in color, form and quantity of the cut parts, constituting the polygons - "honeycombs" by sample and memory, taking into account the specified conditions (colors, spatial location, etc.), preschoolers get acquainted with sensory standards, learn the structure of geometric figures, the ratio of the whole and parts, master spatial representations and quantitative account within five. Folding shaped shapes, rolling and painting them, children train a small man's hand, learns to work with reduced and silhouette diagrams, manifests creativity in designing on its own design. The preparation of descriptive stories on pictures, folded from the details of the puzzle, contributes to the development of the speech of children. In the game, the processes of logical and figurative thinking, the properties of attention and memory, sensory and creative abilities are improved. And "miracle crosses." Sorting the details of the puzzle in color, form and quantity of the cut parts, constituting the polygons - "cross" according to sample and memory, taking into account the specified conditions (colors, spatial location, etc.), preschoolers get acquainted with sensory standards, learn the structure of geometric figures, symmetry property, The ratio of the whole and part is mastering the quantitative account and spatial representations. Folding shaped shapes, children train a small motorcycle hand, learns to work with reduced and silhouette diagrams, manifests creativity in designing on a given topic and its own intent.
  5. Castle transformations. (Slide) Heroes of the jokes of Dion, Dvin and Trin. The game "Square Excobovich" (four-color). Folding a four-color "square" on the bend lines in different directions, the child designs geometric and subject figures according to the scheme or its own intention. Four colors complicate the game, make it more colorful, develop spatial thinking and fantasy, and the game "Snake". The four-color "snake" will help the child in the design of geometric subject figures, in the development of logic and spatial thinking, as well as in the development of a joint geometry school.
  6. Blue stream. (Slide) game "Boar" Spray-splashing ". Heroes captain goose and sailor frogs. The game with a boat will contribute to the development of attention, memory, speech, shallow motility of hands, mathematical representations (quantitative and sequence account, the height of the subject, spatial representations, composition of the number), the ability to solve logical and mathematical tasks.

Purple Forest meets all the requirements that the developing environment of GEF should meet. The new standard of pre-school education focuses on the game method, which is used as Vosobobovich in its manuals and sensory environment.

Educational technology V.V. Vosobovich solves the following tasks:

Efficient development of all preschool mental processes;

Early creative development of children;

Gaming learning, developing didactic games make an interesting and informative teaching.

In the "Violet Forest" you can use a wide variety of work forms: specially organized activities: classes, solving problematic tasks, inventing stories with the participation of "residents" of forests and children of the group, the composition of mysteries, fairy tales, poems, research activities, conducting mathematical holidays and leispens and etc.; Free activities of children related to the use of Games V.V. Vosobovich, as well as the heroes of fairy tales.

Ways to implement technology.

In the relationship "adult-child" here is not expected to position the adult over the child, only partnerships. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere

Work with parents.

  1. To get acquainted parents with this technology to hold a workshop on which it is not only with the developing essence of technology, but also give them practical advice, as at home you can make these games.
  2. To systematize the material used, you can create a game catalog of Vosobovich, which includes a description of the game, developing the essence of games, guidelines, selection of games and exercises by the ages, develop a system of work.
  3. Video story.

Methodical development

Using V. V. Exobovich technology
"Fabulous labyrinths of the game" in the work of the speech therapist with children of preschool age with severe violations of speech (TNR)

Kulikova Irina Nikolaevna, GDDOU № 125 of the compensating type of Central District of St. Petersburg, teacher-speech therapist,

Oatsova Svetlana Petrovna, GDDOU № 125 of the compensating type of Central District of St. Petersburg, teacher-speech therapist

Explanatory note

The relevance of the problem

Preschool age - a period of active development of cognitive activity. At this time, the first forms of abstraction, generalizations and simple conclusions occur, the transition from practical thinking to the logical, the development of the arbitrariness of perception, attention, memory, imagination.

The use of educational games in pedagogical process Allows you to rebuild educational activities: Go from familiar activities with children to cognitive game activities organized by adults, and at later stages - and independent. The developing games of the technology developed by V. Waxobovich are important and interesting for children, diverse in content is very dynamic. They include favorite children's manipulation with gaming material, which is able to satisfy the child in motor activity, movement, helps children in a relaxing setting to show speech activity, controls the correctness of action. The principles laid on the basis of these games are interest - knowledge - creativity - become the most efficient. Given the features of the highest mental activity of the category of children under consideration, all of the above acquires the greatest significance. Multifunctionality, diversity and age-related adequacy of educational games V. Vosobovich allows them to be used to solve this problem - correction and formation of speech and intellectual abilities of children of preschool age with TNR (ONR).

Gaming technology Vyacheslav Vadimovich Vakobobovich "Fabulous Maze Games" meets the requirements of GEF. It reveals each of the five represented areas of the child's development. The tasks set by GEF for each development area, and the tasks solved by the Gaming Technology V. Voskobovich, largely coincide.

Application of Gaming technology V.Vomoscobovich adapted by us, taking into account the peculiarities of mental and speech Development Children with ONR.

It is known that with the general underdevelopment of speech, the formation of all components of the speech system is broken: vocabulary, phonetics, grammatical system, connected speech.

Sneven mental functions Children with TNR (ONR) of the 5-7 year of life are not fully formed.

Experience with children with ONR, shows that they are experiencing difficulties of auditory attention, visual perception, visual-spatial gnosis and Praxis. Children are hampered in recognition of items that are in unusual location for them presented in the form of contour or schematic images, especially if they are crossed or overlap each other.

The integrity of perception also suffers. Children with general underdevelopment of speech are difficult when the individual elements are deducted from the object, which is perceived as a whole.

The disadvantages of perception lead to the fact that children with ONR restrictively perceive information about the world around them, "do not see" much of what the teacher shows, demonstrating visual benefits, paintings.

The category of children under consideration is not formed by the motor sphere: general and manual motility. As a rule, the volume of movements is incomplete, movement inaccurate, not enough coordinated, their switchability is difficult. Manipulation with objects, in particular, acting with shoelaces (lacing) suffer.

Taking into account the relevance of the problem of organizing a correctional and educational process in such a way that the child played, developed and studied at the same time, we have developed a system of correctional events for children 5-7 years old with a general underdevelopment of speech. The work was carried out in two consecutive stages: the eldest and preparatory group for children with ONR.

purposethe use of this technology is the correction of speech violations and the development of related non-ejector processes through the game, in a relaxed gaming atmosphere.


1. Develop mental processes of attention, memory, verbal-logical and creative thinking, imagination.

2. Develop the skills of cognitive activity.

3. To actualize, enrich the vocabulary of children, develop communicative skills.

4. Visit interest in games with sound and word.
5. To form a positive emotional attitude to the perception of the learning material.

6. Develop a thin mobile motor.

7. Rail the skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation, coordinate their actions with the rules of the game, with the actions of peers and the teacher.

Expansion of the basic training program and raising children with a general underdevelopment of speech by inclusion in her game technology V.V. Vosobovich helps to more effectively conduct correctional events.

Basic principles of using the technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game" in the upbringing and training of children with ONR

1. Gaming training of children of senior preschool age with a serious violation of speech (ONR). "Fabulous labyrinths" is the form of the interaction of adult and children through the implementation of a certain plot (the game plus a fairy tale). In this case, educational tasks are included in the content of the game. In the plots of methodical fairy tales, the system of tasks, exercises, questions are organically intertwined. The child listens to the fairy tale and in the course of the plot performs tasks.

2. Permanent and gradual complication of games ("on a spiral" from simple to complex). As a result of this approach, it is developing speech and miscellaneous mental processes: attention, memory, imagination, thinking, petty motor skills. Such an approach allows to maintain child activity in the zone of optimal difficulty, in any game to achieve one or another "subject" result.

3. The principle of sensitivity. The authors of the technology "fabulous maze games" are not supporters of the early forced development of children. All material is sensitive, that is, the most favorable for the perception of preschool children, taking into account their psychological features.

4. Formation of early creative development of preschoolers. The game creates conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulates the development of the creative abilities of the child. Pedagogue using the natural need of a child in the game, gradually involves it in more complex forms of gaming activity.

All of the above principles are harmoniously combined with the principles of training and education of children with severe speech violations (ONR).

Forms and mode of classes

Form of organizing classes using the game technology "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" - subgroup or individual.

Subgroup classes are held 1 time per week with children of high and preparatory to school groups within the framework of the topic under study as an additional correctional education.

Individual classes - as needed.

Below is approximate perspective planning Subgroup classes with children with ONR in senior and preparatory groups of compensating focus. Using the game technology "fabulous labyrinths of the game" includes diagnostics, correction and development of lexico-grammatical components of speech, phonetic and phonderatic processes, preparation and initial treasure stages. Due to the diversity and multifunctionality of the developed V.V. Vasobobovich Games, graphomotor skills are improved, the formation of a visual-spatial gnosis and Praxis, which ultimately serves as prevention of violation of reading and writing with further training in school. Presented promising planning displays all the above aspects of correctional and developing activities with children 5 - 7 years.

Expected results

In the process of correctional and educational activities, pupils are seized:

1. Formed sensory abilities: their touch experience is enriched, analytical perception is being improved, the ability to identify the properties of objects with the help of different senses. Children seize in different ways of examination and establish relations between them and the knowledgeable properties of the subject.

As a result, children with ONR seize the corresponding vocabulary (elastic, grungy, triangular, color, etc.), first in impressive, then in expressive speech.

2. Developed visual-spatial gnosis and Praxis. As a result, the actualization in the dictionary of children is an impossible type of left, on the right, as well as prepositions of the spatial value.

3. Formed oral speech components (lexico-grammatical categories, correct sound-proof, dialogic and monologular forms of connected speech) in accordance with age and taking into account the severity of the speech violation.

4. Intonation expressive speech. Emotionally react, the characters of fairy tales and play situations empathize.

5. Basic knowledge, skills and skills that prevent and / or reduce the risk of occurrence in further violations of reading and writing.

6. Motivation of active inclusion in collective cognitive gamesCommunication with peers in finding rational ways to solve gaming problem situations, mutual assistance.

7. The development of the skill is free, in spontaneous speech, communicate with adults, contact them with questions, suggestions in the process of gaming actions.

Planning lessons in the senior group

Theme lesson


Number of classes


Colored cards

(from carpet)

"Seven gnomes".

"Autumn walks in our park ...."

(Autumn. Trees.)

Sounds around us.

Develop visual-spatial

Develop a listener.

To acquaint with the ratio of part and the whole.

Multicolored ropes.

"Purple Forest"

Miracle Cross-1

"We will go to the forest, mushrooms, berries like ..."

(Forest. Mushrooms. Berries)

Sound and Letter W.

Develop imagination.

Develop sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

"Purple Forest"

Mathematical baskets.

Multicolored ropes.

"Come to our garden ..."

(Garden. Vegetables)

Sound and letter A. Sounds ah

Creating a visual image of sound and letters.

Develop visual-spatial gnosis, sensory abilities (color, shape, size).



"Apple tree is noise foliage ..."

(Garden. Fruits)

Sound and letter I.

Sounds ah-and and

Develop visual-spatial gnosis, develop sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Creating a visual image of sound and letters.


Multicolored ropes.


Fun letters.

"Big feet run on the road .."

(Our body. Man)

Sound and Letter O. Sounds U-O

Meet the ratio of the whole and part.

Miracle Cross-1

Multicolored ropes.

"Good pants have our baby ..."

(Clothes. Headwear)

Sound and letter. Sounds and




"CHOK-CHOK heel ..."

Sound and Letter E. Public sounds and letters

Y, a, o, and, s, e.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Develop motor functions.




"We will go to the street ..."

(Clothing - Shoes- Headwear)

Sounds P-P '. Letter P.

Continue the development of lexico-grammatical functions.

Form sensory abilities (color, shape, size).




"Suddenly closed the sky clouds ..."

T-T sounds. Letter T.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

"Purple Forest"

Cards: Lion, Pony, Lan, Peacock.

"We are the builders of dash ..."

Sounds K-K '. Letter K.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Creating a visual image of sound and letters.

Vasobovich's square.

"Non-hiding ice floes."


"This is a chair sitting ..."

Sounds of Pd-k


To form the skills design in various ways.

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.


Transparent letters.

"We blinded a snowball ..."

Winter fun

N-H 'sounds. Letter N.

Creating a visual image of sound and letters.



"We have fun on the Christmas tree ..."

New Year.

M-M sounds'. Letter M. Sounds N-M

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Teach modeling in various ways.

"Non-hiding ice floes."


Multicolored ropes and points.

"On my plate ..."

Dishes. Food.

Vowels, consonant sounds

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Develop sensory abilities, visual-spatial gnosis.

Fastening sound-letter connections and graphic image of letters.



Fun letters

"On our house ..."

Pets and birds

Sounds b-b '. Letter B.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue to develop

"Non-hiding ice floes."

Vasobovich's square.


"Under the high pine rides a bunny oblique ..."

Animals of our forests

B-P sounds (letters bd).

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Develop sensory abilities, visual-spatial gnosis.

"Purple Forest".

"Non-hiding ice floes."

Multicolored ropes and points

" In zoo"


Sounds in-in'. Letter V.

To form the skills design in various ways.

Develop mental processes.

"Purple Forest"



Cards: Lion, Peacock, Lan, Pony.

"This is a poultry poultry ..."

Sounds F-F '. Letter F.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Teach modeling in various ways.

"Non-hiding ice floes."

Wonderful flowers


"I was a tanker today ..."

Our army

Sounds in-f (letters in-f).

Activate vocabulary.

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

Develop motor functions.

Transparent letters

Miracle crosses

Sounds x-x ' Letter H.

"Purple Forest".


Magic ropes and points

"Mom, so love you ..."

K-x sounds (k-x).

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue to develop visual-spatial gnosis and Praxis.

Teach modeling in various ways.


Wonderful flowers

Magic ropes and points

"As we have a big family ..."

The sounds of the K-Mr (letters K-Mr).

Develop sensory abilities.

Educate to design in various ways.

Miracle crosses

Magic ropes


"All works are good ..."


Sounds Dr.'. Letter D.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue to develop visual-spatial gnosis and praxis, graph-motor functions.


Miracle crosses


"Flowers rose on the window in pots ..."


D-T sounds (letters Dt).

Develop imagination

sensory abilities (color, shape, size), visual-spatial gnosis.

Wonderful flowers.


Magic ropes

Transparent letters

"We are going, we go ..."


Sounds C-C '. Letter S.

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

To form the skills design in various ways.

Creating a visual image of sound and letters.

Auto Skazes.




Magic ropes

"Here we are in space fly .."

Sounds zs'. Letter Z.

To form the skills design in various ways.

To form a lexico-grammatical system of speech.

Develop mental processes.

Auto Skazes.




Magic ropes

"Red light - no road ..."

(Traffic Laws)

Sounds with -z (C-s).

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

speed-spatial gnosis and Praxis.

Teach modeling in various ways.


Transparent letters.

Caviar "Lark"

"With good morning, fisherman!"

Sounds lr '. Letter L.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Develop sensory abilities (color, shape),

speed-spatial gnosis and Praxis.

Vasobovich's square.

Non-flow ice


Sound Sh. Letter Sh.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue to develop sensory abilities (color, shape),

speed-spatial gnosis and Praxis.


Fashionable spatial cards.

Magic ropes and points


"Beauty-beauty ..."


Sound J. Letter J. Konukzh -sh (letters JC).

Continue to develop sensory abilities (color, shape, size),

speed-spatial gnosis and Praxis.

Teach modeling in various ways.

"Purple Forest"

Wonderful flowers

Miracle crosses

Transparent letters

"Wears dandelion yellow sundress ..."

Sounds zh-z- s (letters zh-zh-s).

Shape the design skills in various ways,

sensory abilities (color, shape, size),

speed-spatial gnosis and Praxis.

To form a lexico-grammatical system of speech.

Develop mental processes.


"Non-sheath ice floes"

Magic ropes and points

Transparent letters

Sounds and letters (repetition).

Develop sensory abilities, visual-spatial functions.

Fastening the auditorium of sound and letters.

"Purple Forest".


Magic ropes and points

Fun letters

Planning classes in the preparatory group

Theme lesson


Number of classes


Diagnosis of psychoretical development of children.

Survey of children 5-6 years. Detection of knowledge about color, form, size and ability to navigate in space.

Drawing up diagnostic maps for further monitoring.

Colored cards

(from carpet)

" Seven gnomes"

Use the field of carpet.

Miracle Cross-1

Pictures: Lion, Lan, Peacock, Pony.

"In the morning with my forehead, we soap ..."

(Our body. Man)

Sounds around us.

Develop visual-spatial functions.

Meet the ratio of the whole and part.

Develop auditory attention.

"Purple Forest"

Miracle Cross-1

"The autumn leaves quietly circling ...."

(Autumn. Trees.)

Sound and letter

Develop imagination, creativity.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

"Purple Forest"

Multicolored ropes.

Fun letters.

Letter Designer ("Lark")

"Along the forest tracks ..."

(Forest. Mushrooms. Berries)

Sound and letter A; U-A.

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

Mathematical baskets.

Multicolored ropes.

Fun letters.

Transparent letters.

"Timing us nature

We brought from the garden ... "

(Garden. Vegetables)

Sound and letter and

Continue to acquaint with the ratio of the whole and part.

Learn to design letters.

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

Multicolored Points and ropes.

Sleevelands (donkey)

(Garden. Fruits)

Sound and letter O; OU

Exercise in the ratio of the whole and part of the subject.

Continue to develop visual-spatial gnosis.

Multicolored dots and ropes.

Fun letters.

Transparent letters.

Wild animals of our forests

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

Purple forest


Fun letters.

Transparent letters.

"In the rivers of Africa lives

Angry green steamer ... "

Cold and hot animals.

Sounds letter e; Sound and letter S - I.

Develop a visual-spatial gnosis.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Teach modeling letters in various ways.

Multicolored dots and ropes.

Fun letters.


Migratory birds

Sound and letter m, b

Develop grammatical functions.

Develop visual-spatial functions.

To acquaint with the possibility of a square to transform.

Vasobovich's square.


(And we look sadly naked bushes ...)

Sound I. letter d, n

To summarize and systematize the knowledge of autumn.

Relieve careful attitude towards plants and animals.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Promote the development of shallow motility, creative imagination.

"Purple Forest"

Multicolored ropes.



Winter birds

Sounds and letters in, g

Develop grammatical functions.

Develop visual-spatial functions.

Develop fantasy, imagination.

"Non-sheath ice floes"

Multicolored dots and ropes.


Sounds and letters P, T

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Teach modeling letters in various ways.

Miracle Cross-2

Designer letters.


"Dressed legs in new boots ..."

Sound and letter K, F

Form sensory abilities.

Continue to develop visual-spatial gnosis.

Conduct an active hand preparation for writing, creating a motor image letter.

Transparent letters.

Non-sheath ice.

"Snow-Snow-Snowfall." "

Winter fun. New Year

Sound and letter H. Consult (fix).

Secure concepts: sounds and letters, consonants and their main characteristics.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color).

Develop audio analysis and synthesis of syllables and words.

Shape design skills.



(blue, green, red flags)



"To build a new one ..." (our home).

Sound and letter with

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

To form the skills design in various ways.

Vasobovich's square.

Multicolored ropes.

"Many furniture in the apartment ..."

(Furniture. Household appliances).

Sound and letter

Continue to form constructing skills in various ways.

Continue to develop mental processes.

Vasobovich's square.

Miracle Cross-2

Designer letters.

"Here and the kettle behind the coffee pot runs ..."

(Dishes. Food)

Sounds z-s

Teach to compare, analyze, combine parts into an integer, build logical connections and dependencies.


Multicolored dots and ropes.

Transparent letters.

Pets and birds

Sound and Letter w

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

To form the skills design in various ways.


"Non-hiding ice floes."


Wild and pets

Sound and letter

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Conduct a hand preparation for a letter, creating a motor image letter.

Vasobovich's square.

Designer letters.

Our army

Continue to develop visual-spatial gnosis.

Preparation for learning to read.

Miracle Cross-3.

Labyrinth letters

"Winter is not angry, it's time to ..."

To summarize and systematize the knowledge of winter.

To form the skills design in various ways.

Conduct training for writing, creating a motor image letter, preparation for learning to read.

"Non-hiding ice floes."


"Mom, so love you ..."

Secure concepts: consonant sounds and their characteristics.

Training a story reading.

Learn to compare, analyze, combine parts into an integer, create a motor image of the letter


Transparent letters.


Sound and letter C; C-C.

Develop grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Promote the development of mental processes.

Miracle Cross-2

Transparent letters.


"All works are good ..."


Sound and letter Sh-sch

Teach free modeling in various ways.

Vasobovich's square


Designer letters.


Sound and letter h; Ch-T.

Continue the development of sensory abilities (color, shape, size).

Continue to develop visual spatial functions.

To acquaint with "Teremki".



Magic ropes.

Teremki Vosobovich.

"We are going, we go ..."


Sound and Letter

Promote the development of lexico-grammatical abilities.


mental processes.

Auto Skazes.

Vasobovich's square.

Magic ropes.

Designer letters.

"Not a chauffeur and not a pilot

He drives not a plane ... "

Sound and letter l; L-J.

Shape sound analysis and synthesis of syllables and words.

Improve the skills of constructing




Miracle Cross-1

Transparent letters.

"Fish swims in a water ..."

Sound and letter P; R-L.

Continue the development of sensory abilities

spectatical features.

Shape sound analysis and synthesis of synthesis and words.

Promote the development of mental processes.

Multicolored points.

Designer letters.



"Lily of the valley was born in May day ..."

Secure concepts: sounds and letters, vowels and consonants; The main characteristics of the consonants.

Training a story reading.

Teach to compare, analyze, combine parts into an integer.



Multicolored points.

Designer letters.

Teremki Vosobovich.

"I love you, Peter Creating ..."

(Our homeland. Saint Petersburg)

To form a visual-spatial gnosis.

Training a story reading.

Compose from cubes simple words, changing letters in them, syllables.

Magic ropes.


Pictures: Lion, Lan, Peacock, Pony.

Designer letters.

Teremki Vosobovich.

"I am not to toys now, I study in the bookbird ..." (school)
Letter E.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bschool.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities.

Promote the development of mental processes.

Vasobovich's square.


Designer letters.

Teremki Vosobovich.

Apple tree.

"We did not notice the beetle ..."

Letter Yu

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Continue the development of sensory abilities to teach free modeling in various ways.

Continue preparation for learning to read.


"Non-hiding ice floes."

Labyrinth letters-2

Teremki Vosobovich.

Apple tree.

"The grass is green, the sun shines ..."

Letters I, E, E, Yu. Soft sign.

To summarize and systematize knowledge of the spring.

Develop lexico-grammatical functions.

Improve the skills constructing in various ways.

Continue the development of sensory abilities.

Continue preparation for learning to read.

"Purple Forest"

Labyrinth letters-2


Geocont alphabet.

Teremki Vosobovich.


  1. Bondarenko TM Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of kindergarten. - Voronezh, 2013.
  2. Bondarenko TM Practical material on the development of educational areas in the senior group of kindergarten. - Voronezh, 2013.
  3. V.V. V.V. Fabulous maze games. St. Petersburg, 2011.
  4. Kondratieva L.A. Realization of GEF to the means of Gaming Technology V. Vosobovich "Fabulous Maze Games". Educational games V.V. Vosobovich in working with children of preschool and junior school age: materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. St. Petersburg, 2014.
  5. Nishcheva N.V. An exemplary program of correctional and developing work in the speech therapy group for children with a common underdevelopment of speech (from 3 to 7 years). St. Petersburg, 2013.

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