The best online games. Best online games Who counters twitch

Hello friends! My name is Eve and today I will tell you about such a champion as Twitch, the Plague Rat.

Pros and Cons of Twitch


  • Invisibility
  • Mass slowdown
  • Good attack speed.
  • Cool passive that gives us pure damage
  • Fine ganger
  • Very powerful ult


  • Difficult to master
  • No instant escape
  • Team dependent
  • Small amount of health

Twitch abilities

Deadly Poison- this is our passive ability, which allows us to poison the enemy with each auto attack and at the same time he will also receive damage. It is important to note here that the damage is not that great, but it ignores the target's defense. The passive also stacks with our third skill.

Ambush- An ability that gives Twitch invisibility, with which he can quietly get close to the enemy and start shooting. Important: Twitch does not go into infinity instantly, so guys be careful, you should not jump into a bunch of enemies, thinking that he will protect you. In addition, if you take damage at the moment the skill is activated, then you will go into invisibility 3 seconds later. This skill does not last long, so it is usually used to quickly run to the enemy from the nearest cover. The advantage is the increased attack speed. Add to this the effect of surprise and you are guaranteed an easy kill!

vial of poison– This is a skill that can slow down a group of enemies. The poison that Twitch throws at enemies flies quite slowly, so sometimes it is worth using it proactively. The poison also immediately applies two stacks of passive, which is just wonderful, as you can quickly build up the maximum number of stacks of poison.

Infection- Twitch's only nuke. When you auto-attack or throw poison at them, the area around Twitch starts to light up. This area shows the range of the skill. If, for example, you want to deal damage to several poisoned enemies at once, then it is necessary that they are within this radius of the ability. The skill casts instantly and generally has a good range. Try to use it on enemies who have the maximum number of passive stacks stacked, that is, 6.

Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta- Twitch's ultimate ability, thanks to which he is able to deal damage to several targets at once. The action of the ult is quite interesting and, of course, at first, of course, you will need to get used to it. main feature skills are not in the increase in damage, which is very significant, but in the fact that Twitch's attacks begin to damage all enemies in the line of fire. It is also worth noting that when our ultimate ability is activated, the range of our ultimate increases significantly. This will serve us well during team fights, the most important thing is that we need to stay as far away from the opponents as possible, because we will be the most priority target.

Build on Twitch

Rune selection:

Talent Selection:


From spells, Flash and Ignite are perfect for us.

The order of pumping skills:

Artifact selection:

For the initial game:

Final Assembly:

In general, Twitch buys standard ranged carry artifacts.

Twitch allies

In general, Twitch can easily stand with most supports. The most important thing is that they react in time to your attacks and really help to kill enemies.

Enemies of Twitch

Beware of all those enemies that have AoE abilities, can instantly kill you, that have continuous damage, or those that are able to silence you.

In the first minutes of the game, Twitch should not immediately run to the enemy and try to kill him. Study the enemy well and decide for yourself how you will play further. Start the game with farm and get at least one level of each skill if you have a strong opponent against you and there is simply no chance to attack. If your support is determined to play aggressively and looks for opportunities to attack in every possible way, then be sure to help him in this. But as mentioned above, first of all, you should last hit each minion and farm as well as possible. If the opponents play passively, then you can try to get level 2 earlier and try to attack. For the bottom lane, a difference of one level is very significant, especially when it comes to the first levels. With the help of his skill, the infection and at the maximum stack of the passive, Twitch is able to deal very high damage. To this skill, it is enough to add only a slowdown or an unexpected appearance from invisibility. In general, together with a support, you can very quickly take the initiative into your own hands and drive the enemy under the tower. If you succeed, then most likely it will be a winning game. If you give Twitch an advantage at the beginning, then it will simply not be stopped later. Even if at the very beginning of the game you didn’t really try to kill the enemy, then at level 4 you should already start trying to kill enemy champions. At this level, Twitch becomes very strong, as he has all the skills and the second level of the Infection skill in his arsenal. Once you get the ult, you will be able to kill enemies at a very long distance. Using the ult should always be effective, that is, you must be sure that you will finish at least one target. The ult takes a very long time to recharge and if you use it just like that, you will quickly lose all your advantage. When activated, Twitch's attack range becomes 850. No other carry has this range, so you have every chance to quickly and safely shoot several opponents at once.

At 10 minutes of the game, in a good scenario, Twitch should already break the first tower. Thus, you will open yourself a free path to the Dragon. If, in addition to the tower, you managed to kill the enemies on the bottom lane, then be sure to ask your jungler for help and quickly kill the Dragon. The buff from this neutral will give a good advantage to your entire team for the rest of the match. In the mid game, Twitch is a very good champion for a surprise attack. Even in a frontal attack, due to Twitch's ult, he can deal huge total damage in a matter of seconds, while remaining at a safe distance. The most important thing is not to get carried away too much, because you absolutely cannot die. Ideally, if you never die during the battle, and this is quite real. All your attacks should be coordinated with allies, that is, you should not allow situations when you alone run around the map and try to kill someone. Yes, you have invisibility, but if the enemy noticed you earlier, then even this may not save you. Look at what artifacts the opponents are buying and most importantly, whether they are buying Vision Ward. Make sure your support buys wards and places them near the Dragon. You must constantly monitor the spawn location of this neutral and kill him at the first opportunity. Two or three kills of the Dragon will give you a very good bonus that does not disappear even when you die.

In a long game, Twitch is one of the best damage dealers. This is due to his ult and good attack speed due to invisibility. A good attack range allows you to reduce the risks of death to a minimum. The most important thing is that your allies are gathered and move around the map together, choosing the right targets. Twitch is also good because in mass battles it is more or less easy to play it, that is, you do not need to somehow mark skills. The most important thing is to hit well with a slow, jump out of invisibility and, with the ult on, shoot so that your shots pass through the maximum number of targets. Here is the correct shooting with the ult on, this is probably the most difficult thing to master. Be sure to keep monitoring the Dragon and Baron spawn locations. Together with your team, you will kill these neutrals very quickly. For example, a buff from the Baron can greatly change the outcome of the battle, as it increases the fighting qualities of all your allies, and with a single number of artifacts, this will play a key role.

Overall, Twitch is a very interesting champion with an interesting set of skills. Twitch's playing style is somewhat different from other damage dealers, so I can't say that it's easy for them to play. Seemingly simple skills, require some experience from the player.

284 0 New high technologies

The skin character of popular online games will require competent management and knowledge of the basic techniques. In our current article, readers can find out about Twitch - the heroes of the popular online game "League of Legends". From Twitch Guide, we have taken all the most important information about the ability and characteristics of this character, so that you will be in good fortune in a new koristuvache.

Twitch hero stories

LoL is a richly multifaceted game with its own universe and unique characters. There is a story behind the skin hero, which helps to reveal all the potential. So, before that, start our guide to Twitch, in more detail on the facts of my biography. The hero's journey closely "was supposed to be with the mist of the alchemists Zaun. The same place, a mutant mutant by the name of Twitch, rose above the other grizzlies, refusing to create a mind and a vision.

On the very cob, Twitch took the fate of "Lisa Legends" as a single representative and "united in his own kind." The pastor of the city of Zaun and its representatives took on the role of generous patrons of our hero. Twitch is the champion to enter the very first warehouse of the League. Vin represents the interests of his place and enters the arena to see intrigues and conflicts between politicians. Influx and pennies, the earnings of such zmіg and give a chance for the realization of that very process of mutation became special goals. As for the order of Zaun, then it gave an ob_tsyanka to support his champion with all his might, but his rightful motives were so kept secret.

Hero's Perks

  • Twitch is a strong character, a kind of building to show a good game for a whole match.
  • Volodymyr are two steroid-like minds: "Ambush" is due to the speed of attacks, and "Sprinkle and Pray" - to the increase in the range of attacks and the additional AD.
  • At the first hour of the first day, Twitch can easily heal with supports, hit 3-4 auto attacks, kill "Liquidation" and the building "Loan".
  • You can become invisible.
  • Passive vminnya vіznyayutsya indestructible zavdas vtratoy.
  • Yogo nedolіki

    If you talk about the weak sides of Twitch in LoL, then not so many characteristics come to mind. Prote їх everything is so self-varto vrakhovuvati under the hour of the final decision when choosing a playable character.
  • With all his might, the hero will kill the crying one with a small supply of hp. You can really show yourself only in alliance with blessed teammates, how to allow you to regenerate your health.
  • Twitch has an instant escape.
  • Like a koristuvach, like a hero for Twitch, if you want to win a line, then you will have to stop aggressive tactics.
  • Novichki that vminnya

  • Deadly Otrota.
  • It’s more passive, like an enemy, for a stretch of six seconds, we’ll take a clean churn.
  • Zasidka.
  • Under the hour of zastosuvannya this confirmation at Twitch z "there are three more than a second for those to become invisible. If the enemy has caught up with you shkodi under the hour of transformation, then the hour will be increased to three seconds. invisible twitch increase by twenty hundred thousand. As soon as I leave, I will become a building hero to make more attacks.
    In times, like Twitch, how to show yourself at the hour of invisibility (for example, to strike at the enemy or activate the building), then the wine materializes earlier than the hour.
  • Bank z Otrutoy.
  • Twitch selects an area on the map and throws it away. Opponents, as if they stumbled in the radius of the blow, spoof and take back the shkodi.
  • Liquidation.
  • All the opponents, attacked by "Deadly Otrutoy", throw out the name of the same, and they themselves are in charge of their own addendum fiz shkodi.
  • Spread and Pray.
  • For seven seconds, Twitch has a new AD, with which the range of the strike moves up by three hundred points.

    We set the priorities for the hour of pumping

    A part of our guide on Twitch is about to touch on such a topic, as it is more than just a newcomer to the hero. Why should you bring respect into the first black? І how to set the priorities correctly in order to get the most benefit for the hour? It’s significant that we’re talking about the Twitch guide for season 7, so here we’ve chosen all the rest of the tactics and for the sake of it. Shostiy, eleventh and sixteenth equals can yearn for the pumping of the "Sprinkle and Pray" memory. Zavdyaki youmu can greatly increase the range of our attacks and increase access to the majestic mass input for an hour of team fights. On the first level, varto add respect to the police station "Liquidation" - so we can remember to increase the strength of our attacks. To other minds, if you need to pump it, є "Zasidka". If so, Twitch will acquire the maximum triviality of the invisible state and the hardening strength of the swiftness of attacks. Tsі vminnya allow the character to safely exit from the essence of the tanks and nazdoganyat opponents who started ticking. Kіlka ochok varto vіddati pіd novichka "Bank z Otrutoi", povnu pumping which can be upgraded to higher rivnіv.

    Features of learning and decreasing

    In order to beat the effect of mismatch and zastosuvat on the "Zasidka" lane, then the opponent, who does not check such a deal, will try to push more. It is also possible to zastosuvat tse vіnnya, to beat the enemy with a pantelik and zmusiti yogo to think nibi gravet virivishiv turn back to the base. It is also not forgotten that "Zasidka" gives additional flexibility to the character, as you will become in good fortune for the hour of chasing opponents, or with a good escape.
    Zastosuvannya "Liquidation" is only due in that moment, as the meta is marked by three (and more) stacks of "Deadly Repulse". On another occasion, we spend our mani for nothing. Under the hour of teamfights varto, save it in the meantime for a victorious strike. "Jar of Otrutoyu" with LoL gris є our unified building control. Її more than zastosuvannya - tse defender and upliftment and opponents. "Sprinkle and Pray" adds to the range of attacks, why the hero without any special problems and one by one I can blast, without taking any damage at all.


    We continue our guide to Twitch and move on to the character’s additional abilities. For the help of special runes, you can significantly increase the characteristics and win over them in the quality of victory over the enemy.
  • The Great Mark of the Application of Shkodi.
  • The rune of DISCLAIMER can increase our strength, and it means that we can better and easier deal with minions.
  • Great Signet of Armor.
  • Rune to zahist to turn the hero into a guide tank, and also change the obsession of shkodi from enemies from AD. More often than not, the number of seals is found in the guides on Twitch "Lis".
  • Great Symbol of Support to Magic.
  • The magical runes will help the graves to stand up to the second type of support characters and the strengths of the other AD wearers.
  • The Great Symbol of the Resurrection of Magic.
  • Regeneration will give green light on the part of the "Liquidation" voicing station.
  • The Great Quintessence of Drawing Shkodi and Kradizhka of Life.
  • For the help of these fifths, the grave can be left on the line earlier, without a constant need to turn back to the base after the strong ones. So, the hero will regain his health, "I followed the essence of the minions and did not leave my position.

    Twitch Yak Summoner

    Under the hour of fire in LoL, you can remember that a lot of characters are acquired from their own additional assets. Twitch, for example, often acts as a conjurer, victorious steps forward:
  • Stribok: “Obov” zdatnistyu for skin nose AD. Allows you to lose the essence of tanks in the living for an hour, finish off opponents who rushed to the tick, and freely change positions in team battles.
  • Bar "єр: Vikoristovuyuchi tse vminnya, Twitch can withstand the burst loss that is inflicted by fortune-telling assassins.
  • Cleansing: helps to resist the guard control. Also, remember the grave effect of the fortune tellers "Zaimannya" and "Visnazhennya".
  • Items

    In this part of the Twitch Guide, we can look at the list of required artifacts for the skin stage of gri. Let's guess that the heroes will win a few starting items before the match starts. Our Twitch has a disgraceful blade of Dora, which is a kind of building zbіlshuvati be applied shkodі and increase hp. In addition, with the help of yoga, you can be sure and the rib is healthy, "I'm after the fact that the character succumbed to the fortune-telling auto-attacks.
  • At the early stage of my life, I would like to add "Shvidkіsnі Choboti" and "Pattern of Prison Waters". Before we speak, another item can be upgraded to "Blade of the Wretched King" later.
  • In the middle of the match, it would be wrong to buy Twitch "Berserker's Headguards" and "Static Sharpen". Guess what, up to this stage, we already have the "Blade of the Wretched King" to blame.
  • І, nareshti, passable to pіznyої grі. We can add the following artefacts to the repurchasing of more items: "The Last Whisper", "The Forest of Indiscretion", "Guardian Angel", "Randuin's Banner" and "Banshee's Hanging". If you want something more advanced, then for the sake of admiring the "Mercury Belt" and "Mercury Scimitar". After the folding of the final build and for your mind, we have ¢ 2000 gold coins in our sum, so we can sell "Berserker's Headgear" and replace them with "Zephyr".
  • For the sake of good will win back and tactics

    On the back, do not stray into a fight with the enemy - we are engaged in farming and hour after hour, stezhimo for it, to rob the enemy. If the opposite side is greying aggressively, then it is more likely to be left in the shade. If the opponents got caught to douse passives, then we recommend that you focus on taking another equal, if you dare to go on the offensive attack. Otrimavshi over the move, activate yoga only for the minds of hundreds of hundreds of wins over even one enemy. Vminnya Twitch helps you cope miraculously with pushing the line. Tse means that the more we fall into our vezha, the more we can see the Dragon. If we are afraid of the enemy with the "Bachit Totem", it is so important to catch the sign, victorious our invisibility.

    The alchemical hell of the city-state of Zaun has given a mind to one creature - a plague rat named Twitch. The mutated rodent rose above its brethren, becoming as intelligent as any inhabitant of Zaun afflicted with a violent form of insanity would be. Apparently the madness was a by-product of Twitch's transformation. At first, Twitch appeared in the League of Legends to represent himself on the Fields of Justice - as "one of a kind", but later the city that accidentally gave him reason became his generous patron. Twitch is one of the first league champions. He fights for Zaun when another political intrigue between the Valoran cities needs to be resolved. His goal is to achieve as much influence as possible and earn enough money to try to recreate the process that gave the mind to the rat. Zaun's government promised to give its champion every support in the implementation of his idea, although it is not clear what motives they are guided by.

    "Through the mere fact of its existence, Twitch proves that everything is possible on Runeterra"



    plague rat

    Specifications :

    Health 389 (+81) Damage 49 (+3)
    Health regeneration 5.0 (+0.6) attack speed 0.679 (+3.38%)
    mana 220 (+40) Armor 14 (+3)
    Mana regeneration 6.5 (+0.45) Magic resistance 30 (+0)
    attack range 550 Movement speed 330

    Pros and cons :



    Twitch is weak against:
    Twitch is strong against:

    How to counter twitch:

    Summoner Abilities:

    Twitch is extremely vulnerable and has no escape skills. Try to focus him first in a teamfight.

    Having bought Vision Ward and placing it in a bush, you will not allow Twitch to surprise you with the ability Ambush.

    Try to keep your team scattered in a teamfight as Twitch deals massive AoE damage with his ultimate. Spray and Spray.


    Deadly Venom (Deadly Venom)

    Passive: Twitch's basic attacks apply a stack to the target Deadly Venom, which deals 2/4/6/8 (at 1/6/11/16 levels respectively) true damage every second for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 6 times, dealing a minimum of 12/24/36/48 and a maximum of 72/144/216/288 true damage.

    [Q] Ambush(Ambush)

    Active: For 1.25 seconds, Twitch attempts to become invisible, and this time can increase to 3 seconds if he takes damage before becoming invisible. While Twitch is invisible, his movement speed is increased by 20%.

    When Twitch comes out of invisibility, his attack speed is increased for 5 seconds. If Twitch uses a skill or makes a basic attack, he will break the invisibility prematurely.

    Invisibility Duration: 4/5/6/7/8

    Bonus Attack Speed: 30/40/50/60/70%

    Rollback: 16

    Price: 60 mana

    [W] Venom Cask(Vial of poison)

    Active: Twitch throws a vial of poison at the target area, applying 2 stacks to enemies hit Deadly Venom and slowing them down for 3 seconds.

    Slowdown: 25/30/35/40/45%

    Range: 950

    Rollback: 13/12/11/10/9

    Price: 50 mana

    [E]Expunge (Liquidation)

    Active: Twitch makes everyone hit Deadly Venom expel poison on enemies, dealing physical damage equal to base damage plus additional damage per stack Deadly Venom.

    Base physical damage: 20/35/50/65/80

    Additional damage per stack: 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% of AP) (+25% from additional AD)

    Maximum physical damage: 110/155/200/245/290 (+120% of AP) (+150% from additional AD)

    Range: 1200

    Rollback: 12/11/10/9/8

    Price: 50/60/70/80/90 mana

    [R] Spray and Pray (Random shooting)

    Active: For 7 seconds, Twitch gains additional AD and his attack range is increased by 300. In addition, Twitch's basic attacks hit all targets in their path, however, each subsequent enemy takes 20% less damage, up to a minimum of 40% of the original damage.

    Additional AD: 20/28/36

    Range: 850

    Rollback: 120/110/100

    Price: 100/125/150 mana

    The order of pumping skills:

    LVL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    The priority of pumping our skills is as follows:

    Ultimate Spray and Spray we pump at 6, 11 and 16 levels. This powerful skill will significantly increase our attack range and allow us to deal huge AoE damage in teamfights. First of all, we pump the skill Expunge, which will allow us to deal the highest damage. With it, we will exchange damage with our opponents. We are pumping the second Ambush to gain maximum invisibility duration and a powerful attack speed buff. This skill will allow us to escape from ganks, as well as help us catch up with fleeing enemies. Bonus Attack Speed Ambush will allow us to win most of the exchanges, and invisibility will help to get away from the battle that is unfavorable for us. We invest one point in skill Venom Cask to get a slight slow and apply 2 additional stacks Deadly Venom on the target, after which we pump it last.

    Skill Features:

    Returning to the lane, we can surprise the unsuspecting enemy with Ambush. The enemy will definitely not expect an attack and will use all his skills to quickly push the lane. We can also enable Ambush and press the B key, pretending that we are returning to the base, after which we can unexpectedly attack the enemy. Don't be afraid to use Ambush for additional movement speed, as this will allow you to catch up with enemies or escape from a dangerous situation.

    We use Expunge only when the target has 3 or more stacks Deadly Venom, otherwise we'll waste our mana. Save in teamfights Expunge in the end, using it only after we push Deadly Venom on multiple enemies with an ultimate Spray and Spray.

    Venom Cask is our only control skill. Best used defensively to slow and kite enemy champions.

    Ultimate Spray and Spray gives a large increase in attack range, which allows you to safely and single-handedly destroy towers without taking damage from them. This opens up good prospects for a backdoor.



    9 x - Greater Mark of Attack Damage

    Runes on AD will increase our damage, which will help us to finish off minions more easily and harass our opponents more.

    Seals (Seals):

    9 x - Greater Seal of Armor

    Armor runes will make us more tanky and help reduce the damage of the enemy AD carry. They will also allow us to withstand more damage from minions, towers and the enemy jungler.

    Glyphs (Symbols):

    5 x - Greater Glyph of Magic Resist

    4 x - Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration

    We take five runes for magical resistance, and the remaining four for mana regeneration. Magic resistance will help us withstand the damage from the support and the skills of some AD-carries. Mana regeneration runes will help us use Expunge, which will allow you to better trade damage with opponents in the lane.

    Quintessences (Quintessences):

    1 x - Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage

    2 x - Greater Quintessence of Life Steal

    We take one fifth to increase AD, and the other two to lifesteal. This will allow us to stay in the lane much longer without having to go to the base every time we take damage. If we lose a trade with an enemy AD carry, thanks to these quints we will be able to heal off the minions and continue to lane.

    Talents :

    21 points are invested in a branch Offensive, for maximum increase in physical damage, and 9 points in a branch Defense to slightly increase lane survivability.

    More detailed information about talents can be found in the article.

    Summoner Abilities:

    Flash (Jump)

    Flash is a mandatory ability for every AD carry. It will allow us to escape during ganks, catch up with fleeing enemies and reposition ourselves in teamfights.

    Barrier (Barrier)

    Barrier will help us win trades or survive burst damage from enemy assassins.

    Cleanse (Cleansing)

    cleanse help us deal with enemy control. Also, with the help of this ability, we can remove from ourselves ignite or Exhaust.

    Twitch Guide (Twitch)

    For many years, the state of Zuan dumped dirty, waste materials after magical experiments in the sewers. Under the influence of some unprecedented mutations, an ordinary rat turned into an evil plague beast. Magic endowed Twitch with reason and intellect, as well as magical techniques and powerful spells. The true motives for which Twitch came to the arena are not known to anyone. This fierce and cunning hero takes pleasure in killing enemy champions. Twitch is so mad from poisons that he himself does not remember where he came from.

    1. Stats
    2. Description of skills
    3. Various builds on Twitch
    4. game tactics
    5. game video


    Increase for
    Damage51.56 + 3.15
    Health356 + 78
    mana180 + 35
    Armor14 + 3.3
    30 + 0
    1.02 + 0.13
    1.29 + 0.09

    Description of skills:

    Various builds on Twitch:

    Spell Selection:

    The order of pumping skills:

    Lv.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    X X X XX
    X XX XX
    XX X X X
    X X X


    Rune selection:

    • Armor Penetration 1.67
    • Dodge 0.75
    • Magic resist 1.49
    • Health 26

    Initial and subsequent purchase:

    Game tactics:

    Twitch is a very interesting and dangerous hero. If the enemy team gives Twitch even the slightest opportunity to start killing champions, then later this can decide the outcome of the entire battle, since Twitch not only has a high attack speed and good damage, but can also constantly approach the heroes in stealth mode and kill them one by one .

    The undoubted advantage of the hero is his ability to become secretive (Ambush) and quietly approach enemies. In addition to stealth, this skill grants increased attack speed after Twitch initiates an attack from stealth. It is also worth remembering that the duration of the increased attack speed depends on how much time Twitch spent invisibility before. That is, if you, for example, became invisible and immediately attacked, then the duration of the Ambush skill will be only a few seconds. The second thing you need to pay attention to when playing as Twitch is that the power of Debilitating Poison and Expunge skills depends on how many times you shot the enemy before and how many stacks of the Deadly Venom passive skill were put on the enemy champion. Twitch's Spray and Pray ult is no less interesting. Previously, it worked in a completely different way, now it gives additional damage and greatly increases the firing range. Also, with the help of the ult, Twitch can shoot through all enemies. It is thanks to the ult that Twitch can kill several champions at once.

    The disadvantages of the hero include the difficult development of the hero, since Twitch first of all needs to learn how to gank enemy heroes well in neighboring lanes. If from the very beginning it will just stand on the line and not try to kill enemy heroes, then until the very end of the game you will be of no use. Twitch has huge advantage until the enemies start buying wards (see invisible enemies). Also, Twitch, like many damage dealers, has a very small amount of health, so you need to be wary of the focus of the enemy team. The best thing to do with Twitch is not to be the first to enter the fight, this will give you an advantage, and the enemy champions will simply not have time to switch their attacks to you.

    Choice runes for Twitch it is very standard, runes are bought for breaking through physical armor, maximum health and dodge.

    pumping skills is also based on increased damage, namely, the entire attack branch and part of the skills from the defense branch are taken.

    When choosing additional spells I would advise you to take Flash without fail, because thanks to him you can quickly hide from an attack at any time and continue the fight, but from a distance. The second spell can be taken Cleanse or Exhaust.

    For a good gank, so for good game, for Twitch in the first place it is very good to buy Boots of Mobility. Thanks to these boots, Twitch in stealth mode can move between lanes very quickly and, as a rule, enemy heroes simply do not have time to react to the fact that you have disappeared somewhere. Next, you should buy artifacts mainly to increase damage. The attack speed from the Ambush skill at the beginning is usually more than enough, so artifacts for speed are bought closer to the middle and end of the game. If the enemy team has good magicians or heroes who are constantly trying to take you out of the game, then you should buy Banshee's Veil. And finally, I would like to pay special attention to artifact Black Cleaver, for Twitch it fits very well. In general, artifacts can be collected like for all ranged damage dealers.

    I must say right away that playing for Twitch is very, very difficult, since you have to follow all the lines and constantly run between them in an attempt to kill the heroes. Also, do not get carried away and take frags from your allies, as by the middle of the game this can become a turning point when the enemies will start focusing on you, and your allies will not be able to do anything.

    In general, Twitch is not rare in arenas and many players play it very well, so it can easily become one of your favorite champions.

    For many decades, a state called Zuana dumped all the dirty raw materials that remained after many magical experiments into sewers. One rat lived in them, which ate waste for a long time and mutated. This goiter is called Twitch. He has an unprecedentedly sharp mind and intellect, can use many magical techniques. This vicious champion has already absorbed so many poisons that he himself cannot remember where he comes from, he simply kills all the enemies that fall under his arm.

    Twitch League of Legends guide, description of skills:

    Deadly Venom

    This is a unique passive that gives a bonus to the hero's auto attacks. With their help, Twitch can attack the enemy every second for 6 seconds, automatically dealing 2 damage to him. Maximum number of stacks: 6.

    1. Ambush

    After activating the skill, after 1.25 seconds the hero enters invisibility and stays in it for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds. If during the activation of the ability the hero received damage, then he will become invisible after 3 seconds. At the same time, Twitch moves 20% faster than its original speed while invisible. The hero also receives a bonus to attack speed, valid for 5 seconds after the end of the invisibility, in the amount of: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%.
    Manacost: 60 units
    Cooldown: 16 seconds

    2. Debilitating Poison

    Twitch selects an area and throws a barrel of poison there, which explodes on impact with the ground and slows all enemies by 25%/30%/35%/40%/45%. Stun duration: 3 seconds. In the guide to Twitch lol it is worth noting that this ability adds 2 stacks to the hero's belt.
    Manacost: 50 units
    Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 seconds


    It is worth noting that this skill can only be used after using the Venom Cask skill to take damage to enemies to increase it by 20/35/50/65/80 units. At the same time, for each stack of passive, the hero receives a bonus of: 15/20/25/30/35 (+AP) (+AD).
    Manacost: 70/75/80/85/90 units
    Range: 1200 units
    Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds

    4. Spray and Spray

    Hero's ultimate that increases the radius of his attacks up to 300 units for 7 seconds. If, after activating the ability, start to pierce with an auto attack, then Twitch will shoot bolts that deal 20/28/36 physical damage. It is worth noting that if the bolt flies through the enemy, and then hooks the second, then the latter will receive 20% less damage. Max Damage: 40%.
    Manacost: 100/125/150 units
    Range: 1200 units
    Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds

    Twitch League of Legends guide, builds:

    Option 1


    1) Flash- with the help of this spell, the hero will be instantly moved a short distance in the specified direction. When teleporting, all obstacles will be ignored: forests, cliffs, and so on. Cooldown: 265 seconds. Available from level 12.
    2) cleanse- Neutralizes the effect of all negative effects from the hero and reduces the duration of such spells as fear, stun, slowdown, demoralization, and so on by 65%. The spell lasts for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 210 seconds. Available from level 2.

    Twitch League of Legends guide, skills for leveling:

    1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2.


    Offense (attack) Brute Force (brute force).
    Defense (defense): Hardiness (endurance), Summoner's Resolve (caller's courage).
    Utility (support): 0


    1) Greater Mark of Desolation - increases physical defense penetration by 1.66 units.
    2) Greater Seal of Evasion
    3) Greater Glyph of Warding - increases magic resistance by 1.34 units.
    4) Greater Quintessence of Fortitude - increases health by 26 units.

    Twitch LOL guide, starting purchase:

    1) Doran's Blade - increases the value of physical damage by 10 units, and health - by 80. The hero's attack will restore 5 health units with each hit.
    2) Boots of Mobility - increases movement speed by 45. If the hero uses this item and does not participate in the battle for 5 seconds, then his speed will increase to 105. Collected from Boots of Speed.
    3) Executioner's Calling - increases the chance of a critical hit by 15% and physical attack by 25 units. When an item is applied to an enemy, its health regeneration is reduced by 50% and lasts 1.5 seconds. Collected from: Executioner's Calling + Long Sword.
    4) B. F. Sword - increases physical damage by 45.
    5) Infinity Edge - increases physical damage by 70 units, and the chance of a critical hit by 25%. The damage from physical attacks of the hero will also increase, which will deal 250 instead of 200. Collected from: Pickaxe + B. F. Sword + Cloack of Agility.
    6) Recurve Bow - increases attack speed by 30%.
    7) Madred's Bloodrazor - increases the level of physical protection by 25 units, attack speed increases by 40%, and physical damage by 40 units. Each attack deals additional magical damage to the enemy, which is equivalent to 4% of his maximum health. The probability of inflicting a critical hit on monsters and minions in the amount of 500 units is 15%. Collected from: Madred's Razors + Pickaxe + Recuve Bow.
    8) Catalyst the Protector - increases health by 200 units and mana by 300. At the moment when the hero switches to new level, the artifact will generate 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds. Crafted from: Ruby Crystal + Sapphire Crystal.
    9) Banshee's Veil - increases health by 300, mana by 300, magic resistance by 45. It has a unique passive action that blocks one of the skills that are directed at the hero by enemies. That is, if the enemy applies one from your Encounter Powers, it will work, but it won't deal any damage.Cooldown 25 seconds.Collected from: Catalyst the Protector + Negatron Cloak.
    10) B. F. Sword - read the description above.
    11) The Black Cleaver - increases the level of health by 250 units, the physical damage of the hero - by 55 units. Reduces the cooldown of all hero skills by 10%. Passively increases Physical Penetration by 10. When physically attacked, will reduce the enemy's physical defense by 6.25% for 4 seconds. Maximum number of stacks: 4 pcs. Collected from: Ruby Crystal + The Brutalizer.
    12) Zeal - increases attack speed by 18% and critical strike chance by 10%. Movement speed is increased by 5 units. Collected from: Dagger + Brawler's Gloves.
    13) Phantom Dancer - increases attack speed by 50% and critical strike chance by 30%. To the speed of movement is an increase in the form of 5 units. The hero will ignore the collision with enemy units. Buildable from: Dagger + Zeal + Cloack of Agility.


    This hero is very dangerous and interesting. If the enemy team allows the hero to finish at least one of their champions, then they will immediately lose. The fact is that Twitch has not only a high-speed attack, but also a high level of damage. The hero can sneak up on opponents for a long time and shoot them.

    Now in the Twitch League of Legends guide, let's look at the character's advantages. The first is entering invisibility with the Ambush skill. Also, this ability increases the attack speed after the hero comes out of invisibility. Do not forget that the duration of the bonus to attack speed directly depends on how long the hero was invisible. In other words, if Twitch went into invisibility and immediately launched an attack, then the effect of the ability would last for several seconds.

    Also, special attention should be paid to the abilities of Expunge and Debilitating Poison. The fact is that you need to shoot as many times as possible and hit the enemy in order to attack him with a passive that will constantly deal damage. But the hero's ultimate increases the firing range and inflicts damage on enemies. Also, with the help of this main skill, the hero can shoot at all opponents and shoot at once in pairs.

    In the continuation of the Twitch League of Legends guide, it must be said that the hero is very difficult to control. You will have to quickly learn how to gank opponents located on other lanes. If you choose a different tactic, namely: you will stand in the chosen position and not go to ganks, you will not be able to pump the character properly, and by the end of the game, enemies will easily deal with him.

    It is worth noting that Twitch has a great advantage over opponents until they think of buying and placing wards. Then it will become much easier for them to calculate the hero who is in invisibility. Twitch's health is also low, in principle, like all damage dealers. Therefore, beware of the focus of opponents. Do not ask for trouble and do not start the fight yourself. Try not to be the first in battle to prevent opponents from constantly attacking you.

    In the Twitch League of Legends guide, a few words need to be said about the runes that are taken as standard ones. Let me remind you that for damage dealers it is penetration of physical armor, increase maximum level HP and dodge attacks. When pumping skills, the main emphasis should be on increasing damage, and not on defense.

    Of the additional spells, it is better to choose Flash to make Twitch more mobile and run away from enemies at the right time, continuing to attack them from a distance. The second spell can be used to choose from: Exhaust or Cleance. Once you have accumulated enough gold to buy arts, hurry up to spend it on speed boots. So Twitch will be able to move between lanes much faster and not leave opponents a single chance.

    After that, it is better to buy those items that will be aimed at increasing the damage done. Yes, from the Ambush skill, the hero already has it increased, but items that will increase it even more will not interfere with the mid and last game. Also in the Twitch LOL guide, I can advise you to buy Banshee's Veil, which will undoubtedly come in handy if the enemy team has excellent magicians who systematically try to take you out of the game. Otherwise, all items can be bought as for standard ranged damage dealers.

    As mentioned above, the game for Twitch is difficult. You need to constantly control all the lanes and move between them in order to take down a couple of enemy champions. You shouldn't get too carried away stealing frags from all allies, because in the mid game you can get into the focus of enemies because of this, and your team simply won't save you.