Stalker folk hodgepodge transition jupiter. Reactor Stalkers Forum: Mini-Guide for the new quest in the OOP - Reactor Stalkers Forum

OOP quest guide
Authors: SKORPION_70, duke.

Recommended: By this time, you should already have a task from Buusty to take a case with the money of mercenaries on Jupiter. ( Buusty says that it does not matter, you can go through separately). And so - let's go!
1. We bring Sakharov collected scientific treatises from three laboratories X-18, X-16, X-10. He wants to thank us and sends us for
reward to his debtor Wolf, on Artillery Warehouses(A.S.)
2.We come to the Wolf. It turns out that the gift is an armor, but the Wolf agrees to give it to us only in exchange for a unique artifact
"Black Angel" for his sick daughter, which he saw in the Rusty Forest on the Radar. Along the way, the Wolf asks to bring from his hiding place, in the same forest, his steep trunk.
3. Go to the Rusty Forest on the Radar. In the forest we find the art "Black Angel" and the Wolf's cache.
IMPORTANT: v latest version, OOP + Collector + MA, Wolf's cache MOVED.
4. We bring the "Black Angel" to the Wolf. He, in gratitude, gives us a tip on the cache with the armor on A.S.
IMPORTANT: Wolf has no dialogue about the barrel - we are not surprised, we leave the barrel with us and move on through the plot.
5. We find the place indicated by the Wolf, in the cache we find the Fan's note. We read. Carefully!
6. We go to the Fan on the Cordon to get our "blood and sweat earned"!
7. The fan says that there is no armor, he, they say, lost it in poker to the Cross. (Damn gambler ...) To redeem the armor, you need to return the money debt. The debt can be returned by collecting 15 pseudo-giants by order, where to look for this flock. The fan tells us about it.
8.Nothing to do, let's go to Dark Valley, we find a "family" of pseudo-giants, we collect the required number of paws.
9.We bring paws to the Fan, take the honestly earned money and go to return the Fan's gambler's debt to the Cross, in the Forgotten Forest.
10.Krest accepts debt, but says that he needs his cool barrel (for which the Wolf sent us to the Radar in his cache), we give the barrel and get information about the cache of the Cross with an armored vehicle in the X-16 laboratory.
11.We come to the laboratory X-16 we find the cache of the Cross, there is a note from Adriana in it. We read. Again - Carefully! We look at the map with the place of transition Agroprom - Swamps.
12.We go to Agroprom, find the transition, go to the Swamps.
13. We find Adriana (not far from the transition to Agroprom, next to the neutrals). We speak to her. It turns out that the armor is UNIQUE! She asks to bring her, in exchange for bronik, medicine for her sick father. Which Kalmyk can make.
14. We go to Kalmyk. From him we will learn about the ingredients needed for medicines. We get the transition from Amber to Eastern Pripyat and the task to talk to the local merchant Dimak.
15. We go to Eastern Pripyat to Dimak. We say hello to him from Kalmyk and ask how we can get out of here. For leaving the Eastern Pripyat, Dimak asks to bring him a notebook, lost somewhere at the River Station.
16. We go to the River Station, along the way we are looking for De-Panthenol Hospital. We find a notebook at the River Station. We take the notebook, we ask Dimak where you can find the red brain of the controller. We receive an alarming SMS from Kalmyk(we do not respond to SMS, because all the ingredients have not been collected). For information about the red brain, Dimak asks to bring a TV set from the house of culture.
17.We go to D.K. "Jubilee" we find a TV set, bring Dimak. We get the info where to look for the red brain and the coordinates of the transitions, entrance and exit to the X-8 laboratory.
18.In the old OBE we find the transition to the X-8 laboratory, we go. We find a cache with a red brain. Advice! Do not rush to leave, search all the nooks, you will find many surprises
19. From the laboratory X-8 we get into the overpass. Advice! We are not in a hurry to run to the teleports, we inspect all the nooks, the caches found are worth it.
20. Leaving the overpass, we find ourselves in Eastern Pripyat. We go through the Red Forest (or use manual teleports) we come to the Swamps to Kalmyk. IMPORTANT: who has not yet been in the Red Forest or, according to the main quests of NS, it is still too early to go there, we go through the location quickly and do not talk to anyone and do nothing! We return the collected ingredients to Kalmyk and learn from him that Adriana was taken with them to Jupiter by the "tanks" of the Monolith. Our old friend, Dimak, can help us with the path to Jupiter. We return to the "expert secret paths"- Dimaku.
21. We come to Eastern Pripyat, we turn to Dimak for help. For the transition to Jupiter, Dimak asks to bring him the lost PDA from there. And he advises to seek help from a local merchant - Aaz. Which lives in the area of ​​the Yanov station. We get the transition to Jupiter.
22. We come to Jupiter and find Aaza. We ask him about the girl, the exit from Jupiter and the PDA lost by Dimak. Aaz asks about the girl, does not worry, he helped her and sent her to Agroprom, we also find out where to look for Dimak's PDA. For leaving Jupiter, Aahz asks to bring a laptop from the office building on the territory of the plant.
23. We go to the factory, we find a laptop, we go to look for Dimak's PDA, at the same time we beat off a case with money for Buusty on the basis of mercenaries. Everyone chooses the sequence of the task himself. Advice! After taking the case, do not rush to leave the base, look around, a pleasant surprise awaits you.
24. We go to Aazu we give back the laptop.
25. We are treated, we patch the armor, check the ammunition, change the diapers in the exe, then we go to the received transition from Aaza from Jupiter on the territory of the plant.
26. Again we find ourselves in the Overpass, and from there the Eastern Pripyat. We give the PDA to Dimak, we ask if there are any other "secret paths and where they lead" Dimak says that there is one more path from the Dump to the Chernobyl-2, but in exchange for information about it he asks to bring him three parts of the "archive from the secret Chancery ", on the Zaton. We get from him the exact sequence of searching for parts of documents.
27. Further, everyone decides for himself to go first to the Zaton to look for documents or to go to Adriana on the Swamps. If you do not want too much running around, you can first go to the Zaton for documents. There, in strict sequence, 1. VNZ "Circle", 2. "Waste Processing Station", 3. Underground bunker in the "Iron Forest", we find three parts of Dimaku's documents and go to Cordon. On the Cordon in the Village of Newbies, we find Buusty, give him the case and get a not weak reward. From Cordon we go to the Bolots to Kalmyk, we take away the ready-made medicines from him and go to look for Adriana at the base " Clear Sky". We find, we say, we give the medicines and we get the long-awaited tip on the cache with the "Black Doctor" armor on Yantar. We go to Amber, find and take away the armor!
Hallelujah! (Wow, I went for bread ...)
28. We go to Dimak, we give him three parts of the documents from the Zaton and we get the transition Dump-ChNPP-2.
29. On this, the so-called Wolf quest ends. But the game continues! Go ahead! Good luck!

Continuation of Fang's quests in the Old Village:

To begin with, I will note that there is a small glitch in the dialogues - after completing Varlab's quests and bringing artifacts to Klenov, the GG says that I need to go to Cordon - do not believe it, this is not so. The storyline for the quests of the Old Village begins only after the completion of the previously described quests of the Fang.

1. After rescuing Denis in the Red Forest, we go to the Fang, report on the salvation and get the task from him to go to Kodon to talk to the Astrologer. Come on, let's talk. In the last dialogue it is written that the GG should go to Sidorovich.

2. We go in the direction of Sidorovich, an SMS comes from Fang about the need to save Pilgrim and the transition from Pripyat to Old Village... We immediately forget about Sidorovich and move towards Pripyat.

3. We go to the Old village, at the entrance we speak with the Pilgrim. The exit from the trap is blocked.

4. We are waiting for the approach of a group of stalkers who turn off the transition. Their eldest is Kolmogor, we say and get the task to clean up the soldier at the store.

5. We go to the store, we clean the soldier, we speak with Kolmogor - we get a new task - to capture the headquarters.

6. Let's go, seize the headquarters, an SMS comes from the Panther. We report to Kolmogor, we receive the task to survey the village.

7. We speak with Pilgrim, walk around the village, receive SMS from Kolmogor, return.

8. We speak with Kolmogor, we receive the task to find the Panther and the coordinates of the transition to Limansk. We go to the transition, an SMS comes from the Panther and a mark appears on the map in the PDA.

9. We go to the Swamps to the Panther. For those who did not have a mark - Panther on the southern tip of the peninsula, near which there is a farm of controllers (where red brains were mined for Sviblov).

When approaching the Panther, an SMS comes from Fang about the approximate coordinates of the transition to the Old Village and a mark appears in the PDA.

10. Talk to the Panther, go north from her and find the Swamp Connoisseur in the center of the circle with a mark in the PDA.

11. We speak with the Connoisseur, we get the task to bring the zombie embryos and clear the farm.

We go, we clean, we find backpacks and embryos.

12. We return to the Connoisseur, we say, we go to the Panther, we bring her to the Connoisseur. We speak with the Connoisseur again.

13. We go after the Connoisseur. When it stops, we speak and we get a mark of the transition from the Swamps to the Old Village, we go to the transition.

14. We take the Panther to Kolmogor, from which we receive the task to protect the village.

15. We heroically defend, so that the life of GG does not seem like honey, during the execution of this task a new SMS comes from Kolmogor with the demand to clear out the other part of the village alone.

16. GG is no stranger to - we go to the low-lying part of the village, we clean the warrior, a joyful SMS comes from Kolmogor, we return.

17. We report to Kolmogor, an SMS comes from Klenov with a request to come. We speak with the Pilgrim, after which we leave for Varlab.

According to the logic of the plot, the further part should work only after completing the Cat's quests and meeting the Black Doctor, but it turns out that it works like that.

18. In Varlaba, we receive several SMS in a row, which will be interesting for the development of the plot in the final addition of Solyanka. We go to Klenov, we receive the task to find the psi-antenna. We are moving to Cordon.

19. My tag on the antenna in the PDA is not displayed - the antenna we need is on the truck, from which the GG fell out at the beginning of the game.

Advice - do not rush to immediately pick up the antenna - as you approach it, an honor guard and a committee for a ceremonial meeting appear. As a true humble warrior of Good, my GG did not wait for fanfare and pomp - he quickly ran next to the truck and dealt with the honor guard and the red carpet committee from afar, from a sniper rifle.

We take away the antenna, we carry Klenova.

20. We return the antenna to Klenov.

21. We go to the Pilgrim, talk to him and the next storyline begins.

Generators or the elusive astrologer:

The storyline begins after the last communication with the Pilgrim in the Old Village.

Attention! Before going to the Generators, be sure to complete the Cat's quest line and go to Limansk and the Hospital, you must meet the Black Doctor.

1. There is an exchange of SMS with Fang, we find out that GG is needed at ChNPP1. Those who have not used the ChNPP2 - ChNPP1 transition, we go through this transition to find out where the GG needs to be. The transition is marked on the map in the PDA.

2. At ChNPP1 we meet the Ghost, we say, he leads us to the place of transition. When it stops, we say, a transition appears, we go to the Generators.

3. On the Generators we again speak with the Ghost, he leads, as he stops - we say, GG needs to find the elder in the village. We go to the village (just south of the swamp).

4. Finding a senior is not a problem, talk to him, pay or complete the quest. The quest is actually not difficult - I advise you to complete it. All the tips in the dialogue with the Old Man. The main thing is to have time to run through the entire location. We report on the downed helicopter, find out about Fritz and get a transfer to the Hospital.

5. Fritz is easy to find, he lets the GG to the prisoner, we talk to him, a helicopter arrives

6. We leave, we speak with the Black Doctor, the GG must find the Boatswain. We take the Doctor to the prisoner. Do not go into the basement yourself, let the Doctor go ahead - otherwise the Doctor and the prisoner will block the exit for the GG.

7. We go to the Ghost, we say, we get information about the Boatswain, we return to the Black Doctor and ask him for a helicopter. We listen to the advice and stock up on the necessary. We go to the helicopter, we fly to the Swamps.

8. We arrive, we move to the territory of the location (it is not difficult, the GG can jump even in that situation). We go to the dilapidated railway bridge and there we find the Boatswain. Those who played Clear Sky should know well both the passage and the cave in which the Boatswain sits. For those who have not played, a hint - there is a hole in the barbed wire fence, not far from the bridge. We find the Boatswain, we say.

9. We leave the cave, we get the task to bring the Boatswain to the cemetery. He gets over the fence himself, talk to him, drive, protecting him from monsters.

10. At the graveyard from the pilot we get the task to clean up the bandits. We clean it, put the Boatswain in a helicopter, sit down ourselves, fly back to the Generators.

11. We arrive, talk to the Boatswain, go to the Phantom and get the transition to Pripyat.

12. We go to Andersen, we say. The YG must find a joystick. There is a map in the PDA, a hint how and when to search - too. We find a joystick, while searching we look not only at our feet, there is a joystick after all!

13. We speak with Andersen, go to the Boatswain, hand him the joystick and accompany him to the border of the radiation zone. We are waiting for the Boatswain to turn off the antennas and leave the zone. We go to the Boatswain, talk to him.

14. We go to the Ghost, we say, a long exchange of SMS messages. We set off to storm the Base three of us, we admire the battle of helicopters, we clean up the Monoliths. We receive an SMS about the escaping leader, jump into the hatch of the underground passage, and run after the leader.

15. Find the corpse of a panther, wait for the Black Doctor, talk to him, talk to the Ghost, go to the village.

16. Find the Boatswain, talk, drink, watch the video and listen to DDT. We wake up, go to the Ghost, get a note, in it - the code from the door. Active exchange of SMS.

17. Open the door to Varlab, find the teleport deactivator, go to the concrete road, find the corpse and take the dossier. Active exchange of SMS. We leave for the NZ.

18. We are looking for a secret cave. The task is actually not so difficult. Hint - there will be a living person in the cave. We do not climb into the cave - we go to the Fang in the headquarters in the Fire Cave, we say. Together with him we go back to the cave.

19. We climb into the cave, we find the Fly, we say, we return to the Fang, we meet the Panther, we speak, we again return to the Fang, we speak.

20. We take Fly to the Hermit for the winter quarters. When they brought him - Fly should sit at the fire, and Fang - stand next to him.

21. We leave, we receive SMS from Fang. We return to the Fly, we say, we get the task to find the doll and its photograph. We speak with the Fang, we go to Varlab to Klenov.

22. We take the arts from Klenov, go to the Radar for the doll (in the house where one of the Cyclops' caches was). A "prediction" about an incomprehensible anomaly is being performed (hardcore players will get real pleasure). We carry the doll to Muha.

23. We speak with Fang, we go to Voronin, we speak. We go to the Bartender, there is an active exchange of SMS. We leave for ChNPP2 to search the helicopter. Anyone who has passed Chernobyl NPP2 even once can easily find out where the necessary helicopter is located, but to get to it, the GG will need a Monolith teleport.

24. We make our way to the helicopter, we take away the recorder. There is an exchange of SMS, from which we understand that we still need to look for helicopters. Let's go to search.

25. The 2nd helicopter is very easy to find, it is clearly visible both from the bottom (from the ground) and from above, any gamer ran past it repeatedly. Near it - clues where to look for the 3rd helicopter, which is more difficult to find and to which the GG will not reach without a teleport.

26. Near the 3rd helicopter we find a backpack, about which Fly spoke, we take away valuable things from it. We carry and return the recorder to Voronin, active SMS exchange.

27. We go to the Fly, show her the contents of the backpack and send it to the mainland, take a present from the military.

28. We speak to Fang, we read scary story in SMS, we run to the big swamp. We find the corpse of Fly (I took everything, just in case), we are treating the wounded lieutenant, we say. Exchange SMS, go to the cave in which they found Fly, we get the task to go to the Generators.

29. On the basis of the Generators, we talk with Andersen, go to the substation, collect the jammers, bring them, return them. After an active exchange of SMS, we are watching the negotiations.

30. We speak with Andersen, we go to the concrete and we clean the monoliths. We go to the generator field, when we reach the desired place, SMS is exchanged, we meet the Panther, we say.

31. We go to Chernobyl NPP2 (the place is marked on the map), we speak with Fang, we go to the place indicated by him, we clean up the monoliths, an SMS comes from Fang demanding to return quickly.

32. We run back as fast as we can, we observe the disaster of an armored personnel carrier and a helicopter, grieving for the deceased friend, we listen to Alexander Yakovlevich

33. We receive an invitation from the Black Doctor, we go to the Hospital, the GG is allowed to enter the previously closed distant part of the Hospital.

34. We follow the communication of the characters, after the invitation we go to the Black Doctor, we communicate with him, with the father of the panther, again with the Doctor and we get the freedom to choose the further development of the plot.

The true ending of the game looks like this:

35. In a dialogue with the Doctor, we choose that we will cook the Stone of Fortune on our own, we get closer to the back wall of the closet and throw the Heart of the Poltergeist on the white circle - as usual, there is a flash and a new art is brewed very quickly, we select it.

36. We speak with the Doctor, we go to the Fly, we revive it, we go we speak with the Panther. She and her father are at the far end of the compartment, there is a passage further along the tunnel, we go there.

37. We find ourselves in an inaccessible part of the Agroprom in the company of our old friends.

Due to the large number of questions on the further development of events, I give a detailed sequence of actions after appearing on Agro for the correct development of the plot:

38. We stand and watch the show + for an active SMS-dialogue, until the participants in the show go home.

39. Arkhara appears, talk to him, he leaves. We are not in a hurry to run anywhere until he leaves and another red SMS comes. Now you can turn to the gate - there we will see the character, having talked with whom we will understand what the authors will prepare for us in the next special stage.

40. We go to the teleport near the gate, we look at the last surprise from Arkhara and with a sense of accomplishment we go for a walk around the ZONE and finish what we did not finish before. Who has completed everything - goes to perform the cyclical quests of the key notes and wait for the next stage to appear.

False endings are very similar to the true one, with the exception of a couple of interesting points - which you yourself will find, everything is clear and understandable there. And with false endings, you won't make it any further.

Lightning quests and the search for an exit to the Dead City:

1. After talking with Fang, we leave for the Teleport. We fall on the pipe, look around, see another teleport, jump into it. We "get acquainted" with Lightning, exchange SMS messages, learn a lot of new things.

2. We figure out who could plant a bug in the PDA, let's go and deal with him. SMS exchange.

3. We go to the Management Bunker, we speak with Lightning.

Advice: we need a first aid kit.

4. Move forward to Limansk, Find a house with a Teleport, find what is left of the Wanderer, raise the notebook, find another teleport to get out.

5. We meet with the Legend of the Zone, and Semetsky tells us how to quickly get to the Generators.

6. On a tip from the Ghost, we find the One-Legged Maximilian and talk to him. Do not forget to talk to the Ghost.

7. We come to the Sarcophagus, we are looking for a teleport, we go into it. We find a photographic gun, photograph the Monolith, select a photograph, and jump into the teleport.

8. The village. SMS exchange with the Ghost. We go to the Pilgrim, show the Photo and ask him to erase the numbers from him.

9. We are waiting, we go around the village, an SMS comes from the Pilgrim, we take the Photo and go to the Generators.

10. Give the Photo to Maximilian, get the Advanced Detector. SMS exchange with Lightning and Fang.

11. Take Disguise Exa and move to X-10. We are sitting in ambush. We wait.

Advice: It will not be superfluous to shoot rats on the way to the hall with a switch and in the hall itself, so that the fighters of the Last Day clan would not be distracted by them.

Tip: We keep the invisibility mode until Korn opens the code door.

12. We beat off the radio operator Korn from the Invisibles, talk to Korn and Fang, pick up a camera and instructions.

Advice: It is necessary that during the showdown, Korn does not suffer, if he runs away from the door, there may be problems with further passage.

Tip: If possible, we do without intermediate saves, otherwise quest items may fall into textures. If this happened, we leave their X-10, for example, to the Sarcophagus and return, pick up everything that failed.

13. We go to Pripyat. V Kindergarten in Korn's cache we find a lens and a closed safe. Messaging with Fang. We meet Korn and Fang and the transition from Radar and see off to the Kindergarten.

Tip: It will be easier if mutants, zombies and monoliths are exterminated before we go to find Korn's cache, then it will be easier to lead him alive.

14. Korn opens the safe to find out about the missing document. We speak with the Fang, we mine the stairs, again we speak with the Fang, we repel the attack. We get a link to Arkhara's profile on AMK.

Tip: We take the mines for mining on the floor in the backpack.

15. We leave for the Red Forest, we find the Forester. We liquidate the Sniper, we get a pistol from the Forester, and he collects a camera for us. On a tip from the Forester, we find a corpse, take everything we find, and then look for a transition to Varlab.

16. We speak with Klenov, we get three charges for the camera and an isomorph.

17. We go to X-16 taking pictures of the Brain. We leave, if we are lucky, in the tunnels we find and photograph the controller.

18. On the territory of the Plant we find Chernomor. We bring him Antizombin and escort him to the Stalker parking lot. We speak to him. On a tip, we take away the Rifle and cartridges.

19. We go to Varlab, give Klenov a photo and a fotik.

20. We leave for Lightning. We speak. We throw all the found ismorphs into the teleport, in return we get various useful things.

21. We receive SMS from Panther. Lightning helps us move closer to Cordon.

22. At the Dump we meet Hog, help him solve the problem. In return, we learn about the cache of the Invisibles. We take everything from there.

23. Go to Cordon, exchange SMS with Panther. We go to the Village of beginners, we speak with the Father of the Panther. We are trying to catch up with her. We are watching what is happening. We return with the Father of the Panther to the Village. We speak to him. SMS exchange with Chernomor. We speak with Klenov and he teleports a Note and an infected Camera to us.

24. We leave for Amber, we speak with Chernomor.

25. We return to the Cordon, take a Snapshot and calculate the villain. We speak with him and hand him over to the Father of the Panther.

26. We leave for the base of freedom. Exchange of SMS with the Father of the Panther. We take a picture. We calculate the stranger and talk to him.

27. Take Camouflage Exa and move it to the Unexplored Land. We eavesdrop on the conversation, when the representative of the Last Day leaves, we talk with Maximilian and get a tip to the Secret at the Agroprom.

Tip: Despite the fact that the PDA indicates the location of the cache in the Attic, you need to look for it in the trees, as indicated in the SMS.

28. We take away the contents of the cache and move forward to Sakharov. Seeing what we brought him, Sakharov happily shares information about the spy teleport to X-16.

29. We go to the Teleport, find ourselves in X-16, collect everything that we find, and act as written in the found papers.

30. Teleport to Amber, talk to Chernomor. SMS exchange with Lightning.

31. We come to Lightning, throw the found object into the portal, be sure to collect everything that will fly back. Saying goodbye to Lightning. We are waiting for her to go to the portal, we get the task to find a teleport in Limansk.

32. We find a teleport in Limansk, activate it and watch the video. We are waiting for the next continuation.

The Last Day and the Dead City:

Important note

Attempting to load almost any save on the Dead City location resulted in game crashes for me. After restarting the game, the save is loaded and you can normally move on.

Arkhara wrote that he had such flights only after the murder of GG.

So, the previous description stopped at the place when the GG finds a portal in the basement in Limansk.

1. We go into the portal, we get a not very happy message about the weapon from the defense system. Reluctantly, we leave our acquired in the safe overwork... We teleport to MG.

2. We meet the Spiteful, we get from him not happy news and a hint, we go to look for a stalker. The location is marked with a circle on the map.

3. Find the Perfumer, get another hint, go on looking for Stalkers. The location is marked with a circle on the map.

4. We find a farm and Tyumensky, we say, we get a task. We go to the camp of bandits, the position is marked with a circle on the map.

5. Find stalkers, talk to the Liquidator, go to clear the camp. After cleaning, we loot and collect swag according to the Tyumensky list (available in the PDA in the description of the task). If we are lucky, then we collect the whole set and get the task to take the stalkers back. And if we are not lucky, then we think about where to get the rest.

6. We lead the stalkers to Tyumensky, simultaneously cleaning up the monsters spawned on this occasion. Remembering Chuk and Gek. We rent swag and live stalkers to Tyumen.

7. We receive SMS from the Perfumer, we go to the Black Farm to look for the controller. The fighters appear " Of the last day"and SMS comes from Norman. You can fight the enemies or run away from them. Let's go to Norman.

8. Talk to Norman, learn a lot of interesting things. Exchange SMS with Fainting, we go to a meeting with him next to the camp that was recently cleared. Upon arrival at the place, the fuel truck receives a task from Norman to find the cache. We are waiting for Fainting.

9. We speak with Fainting, we get a chip to disable the outer perimeter of the city and a hint on how to use it correctly.

10. We go to the city according to the drawing of Norman. On the way, we clear the passage for ourselves from the fighters of the "Last Day". Don't forget about the Fainting tip about the timer.

11. In the attic, according to the drawing, we find the cache and the weapon we need, go to the sniper's place.

The weapon disappears from the hands - we are not nervous, it is so conceived, we wait a little and watch what is happening. When the weapon is back in hand, we bring down several fighters of The Last Day, be sure to bring down the head of security on a tip from Norman.

12. We leave the city, there is an active exchange of SMS with Fainting and Spiteful, we get a transition to the ATP, we run into it.

13. We deal with the "support group" at the ATP, we get the task from Norman to find the cache, we go to the Agroprom.

14. Using the positioner, go to the specified point by coordinates, teleport to the cache. We find the module in the cache, we get transitions to MG and vice versa. SMS exchange with Norman.

15. We move to Limansk, we take away the swag left there from the safe, at the same time on the way we carry out the instructions of Norman (if the safe does not have the necessary armor and weapons). On any of the provided passages we return to the Dead City.

16. We go to the Perfumer, he wakes up a passion for wandering and he leaves for his new place. We wait and track on the map when it stops, we go there, we speak. SMS exchange with Duda. We get a route how to enter the building.

17. After the dialogue between the Perfumer and Duda is over, we talk with the Perfumer again (this is important!), After which we go to a meeting with Duda. At the entrance, we speak with the guard (a complete analogy with the situation of the 1st call to the Freedom base).

18. We find Dudu, we say. Whether to part with the amount voiced by Duda or not - everyone decides for himself. If you part, the GG will have enough time to calmly find the Doctor, talk to him. If you don't part, you will have to run pretty much (a few seconds to find Doc and dialogue with him). But we will have to fight "The Last Day" in any case.

19. We speak with Dok, we send him to the Perfumer. We receive an SMS about disabling the protection system, a little later - an invitation from Lightning. We go to her meeting, we say, Lightning disappears.

20. We receive SMS from the Perfumer, we go to the headquarters to look for Spark's note, we find, the Perfumer appears, we say.

21. Follow the positioner to the point indicated by Iskra in the note, get into the sewer and through it - into the teleport to Zaton. After running around the empty backwater, we are waiting for the next expansion to be released.

Quests for"Finding the Black Doctor's exoskeleton" OOP mod

1. After we bring Sakharov the collected scientific treatises from three laboratories X-18, X-16, X-10, he wants to thank us and sends us for a reward to his debtor Wolf, to the Artillery Warehouses (A.S.)

2.We come to the Wolf. It turns out that the gift is an armor, but the Wolf agrees to give it to us only in exchange for a unique artifact "Black Angel" for his sick daughter, which he saw in the Rusty Forest on Radar.Along the way, the Wolf asks to bring from his hiding place, in the same forest, his steep trunk.

3. Go to the Rusty Forest on the Radar. We find an artifact in the forest"Black Angel" and the Wolf's cache. During the raising of CHA, a large number of monsters spawn.

4. We bring the "Black Angel" to the Wolf. He, in gratitude, gives us a tip on the cache with the armor on A.S.

IMPORTANT: Wolf has no dialogue about the barrel - we are not surprised, we leave the barrel with us and move on through the plot.

5. We find the place indicated by the Wolf, in the cache we find the Fan's note. We read.


(Army warehouses, near the mercenary camp, near the stones)

6. We go to the Fan on the Cordon to get our "blood and sweat earned"!

7. A fan says that he lost Bronik in poker to Cross. To redeem a bronik, you need to repay the debt. You can return the debt by collecting 15 pseudo-giants by order; you need to look for this flock in the Dark Valley (the area of ​​the downed helicopter). We go to the Dark Valley, find a "family" of pseudo-giants, collect the required number of paws. You can not look for a flock, but simply give the Fan 15 paws, if you have them.

9. We bring paws to the Fan, take away the honestly earned money and go to return the Fan's gambler's debt to the Cross, in the Forgotten Forest.

10. Cross accepts debt, but says that he needs his cool barrel (for which Wolf sent us to the Radar in his cache), we give the barrel and get information about the Cross's cache with an armored vehicle in the X-16 laboratory.

(Before entering Eastern Pripyat, stock up on cartridges. There are many surprises)

15. We go to Eastern Pripyat to Dimak. We say hello to him from Kalmyk and ask how we can get out of here. For leaving the Eastern Pripyat, Dimak asks to bring him a notebook, lost somewhere at the River Station.

16. We go to the River Station, along the way we are looking for De-Panthenol in the Hospital (de-panthenol is on a wooden cabinet).

Also it can be picked up by "monoliths". therefore we carefully search the corpses .. We find a notebook at the River Station.

We take the notebook, we ask Dimak where you can find the red brain of the controller. We receive an alarming SMS from Kalmyk (we do not respond to SMS because all the ingredients have not been collected). For information about the red brain, Dimak asks to bring a TV set from the house of culture.

17. We go to D.K. "Jubilee" we find a TV set, bring Dimak. We get the info where to look for the red brain and the coordinates of the transitions, entrance and exit to the X-8 laboratory.

Advice! Do not rush to leave, at all locations of the RFP there are caches with very good content. Nobody gives a clue to these hiding places, search all the nooks, you will find many surprises.

18. In the old OBE we find the transition to the X-8 laboratory, we pass. We find a cache with a red brain.

19. From the laboratory X-8 we get into the Overpass.Advice! We are not in a hurry to run to the teleports, we inspect all the nooks, the caches found are worth it.

20. Leaving the overpass, we find ourselves in the Eastern Pripyat. We go through the Red Forest (or use manual teleports) we come to the Swamps to Kalmyk.

IMPORTANT: who has not yet been in the Red Forest or, according to the main quests of N.S. , it's too early to go there, we go through the location quickly and do not talk to anyone and do nothing! We return the collected ingredients to Kalmyk and learn from him that Ariadne was taken with them to Jupiter by the "tanks" of the Monolith. Our old friend, Dimak, can help us with the path to Jupiter. We return to the "connoisseur of secret paths" - Dimak.

21. We come to Eastern Pripyat, we turn to Dimak for help. For the transition to Jupiter, Dimak asks to bring him the lost PDA from there. And he advises to seek help from a local merchant - Aaz. Which lives in the area of ​​the Yanov station. We get the transition to Jupiter.

Who played in the ZP, he remembers where the ventilation shaft is

22. We come to Jupiter and find Aaza. We ask him about the girl, the exit from Jupiter and the PDA lost by Dimak. Aaz asks about the girl, does not worry, he helped her and sent her to Agroprom, we also find out where to look for Dimak's PDA. For leaving Jupiter, Aahz asks to bring a laptop from the office building on the territory of the plant.

23. We go to the factory, we find a laptop, we go to look for Dimak's PDA,

at the same time we beat off a case with money for Buusty based on mercenaries.

Everyone chooses the sequence of the task himself. Advice! After taking the case, do not rush to leave the base, look around, a pleasant surprise awaits you.

24. We go to the Aazu we give back the laptop.

25. We are treated, we patch the armor, check the ammunition, change the diapers in the exe, then we go to the received transition from Aaz from Jupiter on the territory of the plant.

26. Again we find ourselves in the Overpass, and from there the Eastern Pripyat. We give the PDA to Dimak, we ask if there are any other "secret paths and where they lead" Dimak says that there is one more path from the Dump to the Chernobyl-2, but in exchange for information about it he asks to bring him three parts of the "archive from the secret Chancery ", on the Zaton. We get from him the exact sequence of searching for parts of documents.

28. We go to Dimak, give him three parts of the documents from Zaton and get the transition Dump-ChNPP-2.

29. This is where the so-called Wolf quest ends. But the game continues! Go ahead! Good luck!

font-family: "times =" "new =" "roman =" "> color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU"> Continuation of Fang's quests in the Old Village:

To begin with, I note that in
dialogues there is a small glitch - after completing Varlab's quests and bringing
artifacts to Klenov, GG says that I need to go to Cordon - don’t believe it, it’s not
so. The storyline on the quests of the Old Village begins only after completion
of the previously described Fang quests.

1. After saving Denis in the Red Forest, we go to the Fang, report on the salvation and
we get the task from him to go to Kodon to talk to the Astrologer. Come on,
talking. In the last dialogue it is written that the GG should go to Sidorovich.

2. We go in the direction of Sidorovich, an SMS comes from Fang about the need for salvation
Pilgrim and the passage from Pripyat to Staraya Derevnya opens. About Sidorovich here
we forget and move towards Pripyat.

3. We go to the Old village, at the entrance we speak with the Pilgrim. Exiting the trap

4. We are waiting for the approach of a group of stalkers who turn off the transition. Their eldest is -
Kolmogor, we are talking and we get the task to clean up the soldier at the store.

5. We go to the store, we clean the soldier, we speak with Kolmogor - we get a new one
the task is to capture the headquarters.

6. Let's go, seize the headquarters, an SMS comes from the Panther. We report to Kolmogor,
we get the task to explore the village.

7. We talk with Pilgrim, walk around the village, receive SMS from Kolmogor,
we come back.

8. We speak with Kolmogor, we receive the task to find the Panther and the coordinates of the transition to
Limansk. We go to the transition, SMS comes from Panther and a mark appears on the map in

9. We go to the Swamps to the Panther. For those who did not have a mark - Panther on
the southern end of the peninsula, near which there is a farm of controllers (on
which mined the red brain for Sviblov).

When approaching the Panther, an SMS comes from Fang about the approximate coordinates
transition to the Old Village and a mark appears in the PDA.

10. Talk to the Panther, go north from her and find the Swamp Connoisseur in the center
circle with a mark in the PDA.

11. We speak with the Connoisseur, we get the task to bring the zombie embryos and clean

We go, we clean, we find backpacks and embryos.

12. We return to the Connoisseur, we say, we go to the Panther, we bring her to the Connoisseur.
We speak with the Connoisseur again.

13. We go after the Connoisseur. When it stops, we speak and get a label
transition from the Marshes to the Old Village, we go to the transition.

14. We take the Panther to Kolmogor, from which we receive the task to protect the village.

15. We defend heroically, so that the life of the GG does not seem like honey, during the execution
this task comes a new SMS from Kolmogor with a requirement alone
clear another part of the village.

16.GG is no stranger to - we go to the low-lying part of the village, we clean the warrior, comes
joyful SMS from Kolmogor, we are back.

17. We report to Kolmogor, an SMS comes from Klenov with a request to come. We speak
with the Pilgrim, after which we go to Varlab.

According to the logic of the plot, the further part should work only after passing
Quests of the Cat and meeting with the Black Doctor, but it turns out that it works like that.

18. In Varlaba we receive several SMS in a row, which will be interesting for
development of the plot in the final expansion of Solyanka. We go to Klenov, we get
the task is to find a psi antenna. We are moving to Cordon.

19. My label on the antenna in the PDA is not displayed - the antenna we need is on
the truck from which GG fell out at the beginning of the game.

Advice - do not rush to immediately pick up the antenna - when you approach it, appear
a guard of honor and a welcome committee. Like a true humble warrior
Good, my GG did not wait for fanfare and pomp - quickly ran next to
truck and dealt with the honor guard and the
meeting from afar, from a sniper rifle.

We take away the antenna, we carry Klenova.

20. We return the antenna to Klenov.

21. We go to the Pilgrim, talk to him and the next storyline begins.

font-family: "times =" "new =" "roman =" "> color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU"> Generators or the elusive stargazer:

The storyline begins
line after the last communication with the Pilgrim in the Old Village.

Attention! Before going to Generators, be sure to complete the entire branch.
tasks of the Cat and go to Limansk and the Hospital, you need to meet with Cherny

1. There is an exchange of SMS with Fang, we find out that GG is needed at ChNPP1. Who did not use
ChNPP2 - ChNPP1 transition, we go through this transition to find out where GG needs to be.
The transition is marked on the map in the PDA.

2. At ChNPP1 we meet the Ghost, we say, he leads us to the place of transition. How
stops - we say, there is a transition, we go to the Generators.

3. On the Generators, we again speak with the Ghost, he leads how to stop -
we say, GG needs to find the elder in the village. We go to the village (just south of the swamp).

4. Finding a senior is not a problem, talk to him, pay or complete the quest. Quest
actually not difficult - I advise you to do it. All tips in the dialogue with
An old man. The main thing is to have time to run through the entire location. We report on the downed
helicopter, find out about Fritz and get a transfer to the Hospital.

5. Find Fritz as easy as shelling pears, he lets GG to the prisoner, talk to him,
helicopter arrives

6. We leave, we speak with the Black Doctor, the GG must find the Boatswain. Diverting the Doctor
to the prisoner. Do not go into the basement yourself, let the Doctor go ahead - otherwise the Doctor
with the prisoner will block the exit for the GG.

7. We go to the Ghost, we say, we get information about the Boatswain, we return to
To the Black Doctor and beg for a helicopter from him. We listen to the advice and
we stock the necessary items. We go to the helicopter, we fly to the Swamps.

8. We arrive, we move to the territory of the location (not difficult, the GG can jump
even in that situation). We go to the dilapidated railway bridge and there we find the Boatswain.
Those who played Clear Sky should know well both the passage and the cave in which
Boatswain sits. For those who have not played, a hint is a hole in a barbed fence
there is a wire, not far from the bridge. We find the Boatswain, we say.

9. We leave the cave, we get the task to bring the Boatswain to the cemetery. He himself
gets over the fence, talk to him, lead, protecting him from monsters.

10. At the graveyard from the pilot we get the task to clean up the bandits. We clean, we plant
Boatswain in a helicopter, sit down ourselves, fly back to the Generators.

11. We arrive, talk to the Boatswain, go to the Phantom and get the transition to Pripyat.

12. We go to Andersen, we say. The YG must find a joystick. There is a card in the PDA,
hint how and when to search - too. We find the joystick, while searching we look
not only under your feet, the joystick is still there!

13. We speak with Andersen, go to the Boatswain, hand him a joystick and accompany him to
the border of the radiation zone. We are waiting for the Boatswain to turn off the antennas and leave the zone.
We go to the Boatswain, talk to him.

14. We go to the Ghost, we say, a long exchange of SMS messages. We go to storm
Three of us at the base, admiring the helicopter battle, cleaning the monoliths. We receive SMS
about the escaping leader, we jump into the hatch of the underground passage, we run after the leader.

15. Find the corpse of a panther, wait for the Black Doctor, talk to him, talk to
As a ghost, we go to the village.

16. Find the Boatswain, talk, drink, watch the video and listen to DDT. Wake up
we go to the Ghost, we get a note, in it - the code from the door. Active exchange of SMS.

17. Open the door to Varlab, find the teleport deactivator, go to the concrete road,
we find the corpse and take away the dossier. Active exchange of SMS. We leave for the NZ.

18. We are looking for a secret cave. The task is actually not so difficult. Clue -
there will be a living person in the cave. We do not climb into the cave - we go to the Fang in the headquarters in
A cave of fire, we say. Together with him we go back to the cave.

19. We climb into the cave, we find the Fly, we say, we return to the Fang, we meet
Panther, we say, again we return to the Fang, we say.

20. We take Fly to the Hermit for the winter quarters. When brought - Fly should sit to
fire, and Fang - to stand next.

21. We leave, we receive SMS from Fang. We return to the Fly, we say, we get
the task is to find the doll and its photograph. We speak with the Fang, we go to Varlab to Klenov.

22. We take the arts from Klenov, go to the Radar for a doll (in the house where there was one
from the caches of the Cyclops). A "prediction" about an incomprehensible anomaly is being performed
(hardcore fans will get real pleasure). We carry the doll to Muha.

23. We speak with Fang, we go to Voronin, we speak. We go to the Bartender, he is active
SMS exchange. We leave for ChNPP2 to search the helicopter. Who is the only time
passed ChNPP2 without difficulty finds out where the necessary helicopter lies, but in order to get to
him, GG will need a Monolith teleport.

24. We make our way to the helicopter, we take away the recorder. SMS is being exchanged, of which
we understand that we still have to look for helicopters. Let's go to search.

25. The 2nd helicopter is very easy to find, it is clearly visible from the bottom (from the ground), and
from above, any gamer has run past him repeatedly. Near him - clues where
look for the 3rd helicopter, which is more difficult to find and to which there is no way without a teleport
won't get there.

26. Near the 3rd helicopter, we find a backpack, about which Fly was talking, we take it from
him valuable. We carry and return the recorder to Voronin, active SMS exchange.

27. We go to Fly, show her the contents of the backpack and send it to Bolshaya
Earth, we take a present from the military.

28. We speak with Fang, we read a terrible story in SMS, we run to a big swamp.
We find the corpse of Fly (I took everything, just in case), we treat the wounded lieutenant,
talking. Exchange of SMS, we go to the cave in which we found Fly, we receive the task to go
on Generators.

29. On the basis of the Generators we speak with Andersen, go to the substation, collect
jammers, we bring, we return. After active SMS exchange, we observe

30. We speak with Andersen, we go to the concrete and we clean the monoliths. Go to
generator field, when we reach the desired place, SMS is exchanged, we meet
Panther, we say.

31. We go to ChNPP2 (the place is marked on the map), we speak with Fang, we go to
the place indicated by him, we clean up the monoliths, an SMS comes from Fang demanding
quickly get back.

32. We run back as fast as we can, we observe the disaster of an armored personnel carrier and a helicopter, grieving about
deceased friend listening to Alexander Yakovlevich

33. We receive an invitation from the Black Doctor, we go to the Hospital, the GG is allowed to
the previously closed back part of the Hospital.

34. We follow the communication of the heroes, after the invitation we go to the Black Doctor,
we communicate with him, with the panther's father, again with the Doctor and we get the freedom to choose further
plot development.

RU "> The true ending of the game looks like this:

35. In a dialogue with the Doctor, we choose what we will cook the Stone of Fortune
on our own, we get closer to the back wall of the closet and throw the Heart
Poltergeist on a white circle - as usual, an outbreak occurs and very quickly
new art is being brewed, picking up.

36. We speak with the Doctor, we go to the Fly, we revive it, we go we speak with the Panther. She
with my father at the far end of the compartment, there is a passage further along the tunnel, go

37. We find ourselves in an inaccessible part of the Agroprom in the company of our old friends.

Due to the large number of questions on the further development of events, I quote
a detailed sequence of actions after appearing on Agro for the correct
plot development:

38. We stand and watch the show + active SMS dialogue until the participants in the show
go home.

39. Arkhara appears, talk to him, he leaves. We are in no hurry to run anywhere
until he leaves and another red SMS comes. Now you can turn to
gate - there we will see the character, after talking with whom we will understand what will be cooked
us authors in the next additional.

40. We go to the teleport near the gate, we look at the last surprise from Arkhara and with
with a sense of accomplishment, we go for a walk around the ZONE and finish what is not
completed earlier. Who has completed everything - goes to perform cyclical key quests
unwrites and wait for the next dopa to appear.

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: deeppink; mso-fareast-language:
RU "> False endings are very similar to the true one, except for a couple of interesting
moments - which you will find yourself, everything is clear and understandable there. And with false endings
you will not go further.

font-family: "times =" "new =" "roman =" "> color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU"> Lightning quests and the search for an exit to the Dead

1. After talking with
With a fang we go to the Teleport. We fall on the pipe, look around, see another teleport,
we jump into it. "Get acquainted" with Lightning, SMS exchange follows, find out
a lot of new.

2. We figure out who could plant a bug in the PDA, let's go and deal with him. SMS

3. We go to the Management Bunker, we speak with Lightning.

Advice: we need a first aid kit.

4. Move forward to Limansk, Find a house with a Teleport, find what is left of
Wanderer, pick up the notebook, find another teleport to get out.

5. We meet with the Legend of the Zone, and Semetsky tells us how to quickly get
on Generators.

6. On a tip from the Ghost, we find the One-Legged Maximilian and talk to him. Not
forget to talk to the Ghost.

7. We come to the Sarcophagus, we are looking for a teleport, we go into it. Finding a photo gun
take pictures of the Monolith, select the photo, jump into the teleport.

8. The village. SMS exchange with the Ghost. We go to the Pilgrim, show the Photo and ask
erase numbers from it.

9. We are waiting, we go around the village, an SMS comes from the Pilgrim, we take the Photo and
we go to the Generators.

10. Give the Photo to Maximilian, get the Advanced Detector. SMS exchange with Lightning
and Fang.

11. Take Disguise Exa and move to X-10. We are sitting in ambush. We wait.

Tip: It will not be superfluous to shoot rats on the way to the hall with a switch and in
in the hall itself, so that the fighters of the Last Day clan would not be distracted by them.

Tip: We keep the invisibility mode until Korn opens the code door.

12. We beat off Korn's Radio Operator from the Invisibles, talk to Korn and Fang, pick up
camera and instructions.

Advice: It is necessary that during the showdown Korn is not injured if he runs away
from the door, there may be problems with further passage.

Tip: If possible, do without intermediate saves, otherwise it is possible
falling quest items into textures. If this happens, we leave them
X-10, for example, to the Sarcophagus and return, pick up everything that failed.

13. We go to Pripyat. In the Kindergarten, in Korn's cache, we find the lens and the closed
safe. Messaging with Fang. We meet Korn and Fang and the transition from Radar and
see off to the Kindergarten.

Tip: It will be easier if mutants, zombies and monoliths are exterminated before
how we go to look for Korn's cache, then it will be easier to carry it out alive.

14. Korn opens the safe to find out about the missing document. We speak to Fang,
we mine the stairs, again we speak with the Fang, we repel the attack. We get the link
on Arkhara's profile at AMK.

Tip: We take the mines for mining on the floor in the backpack.

15. We leave for the Red Forest, we find the Forester. We eliminate the Sniper, we get
from the Forester a pistol, and he collects a camera for us. On a tip from the Forester we find
corpse, we take everything that we find, and then we are looking for a transition to Varlab.

16. We speak with Klenov, we get three charges for the camera and an isomorph.

17. We go to X-16 taking pictures of the Brain. We leave, if we are lucky, in the tunnels we find and
taking pictures of the controller.

18. On the territory of the Plant we find Chernomor. We bring him Antizombin and see off
to the parking lot of Stalkers. We speak to him. On a tip, we take away the Rifle and cartridges.

19. We go to Varlab, give Klenov a photo and a fotik.

20. We leave for Lightning. We speak. We throw out all the found ismorphs in
teleport, in return we get various useful things.

21. We receive SMS from Panther. Lightning helps us move closer to

22. At the Dump we meet Hog, help him solve the problem. In return, we learn about
hiding place of Invisibles. We take everything from there.

23. Go to Cordon, exchange SMS with Panther. We go to the Village of beginners, we say
with Father Panther. We are trying to catch up with her. We are watching what is happening. Coming back from
Father of the Panther to the Village. We speak to him. SMS exchange with Chernomor. We speak with
Klenov and he teleports a Note and an infected Camera to us.

24. We leave for Amber, we speak with Chernomor.

25. We return to the Cordon, take a Snapshot and calculate the villain. We speak to him and
we hand it over to the Father of the Panther.

26. We leave for the base of freedom. Exchange of SMS with the Father of the Panther. We take a picture.
We calculate the stranger and talk to him.

27. Take Camouflage Exa and move it to the Unexplored Land. Eavesdrop
conversation, when the representative of the Last Day leaves, we speak with Maximilian and
we get a tip on the Cache at the Agroprom.

Tip: Despite the fact that the PDA indicates the location of the cache in the Attic,
you need to look for it in the trees, as indicated in the SMS.

28. We take away the contents of the cache and move forward to Sakharov. Seeing that we are to him
brought, Sakharov is happy to share information about the spy teleport to

29. We go to the Teleport, find ourselves in X-16, collect everything that we find, and act
as it is written in the found papers.

30. Teleport to Amber, talk to Chernomor. SMS exchange with Lightning.

31. We come to Lightning, throw the found item into the portal, be sure
collect everything that flies back. Saying goodbye to Lightning. We are waiting for her to go to
portal, we get the task to find a teleport in Limansk.

32. We find a teleport in Limansk, activate it and watch the video. We wait
next continuation.

font-family: "times =" "new =" "roman =" "> color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU"> Last Day and Dead City:

Important note

An attempt to load almost any save in the Dead City location near
I was led to game crashes. After restarting the game, the save is loaded and
normally you can move on.

Arkhara wrote that he had such flights only after the murder of GG.

So, the previous description stopped at the place when the GG finds a portal in
basement in Limansk.

1. We go to the portal, we get a not very happy message from the security system
about weapons. Reluctantly, we leave in the safe what we have acquired by overwork.
We teleport to MG.

2. We meet the Spiteful, we receive from him not happy news and a hint, let's go
look for a stalker. The location is marked with a circle on the map.

3. Find a Perfumer, get another hint, go on looking for
Stalkers. The location is marked with a circle on the map.

4. We find a farm and Tyumensky, we say, we get a task. We go to the bandit camp,
the position is marked with a circle on the map.

5. Find stalkers, talk to the Liquidator, go to clear the camp. After
we loot and collect swag on the Tyumensky list (available in the PDA in
job description). If we are lucky, then we collect the whole set and get the task
take the stalkers back. And if we are not lucky, then we think about where to get the rest.

6. We lead the stalkers to Tyumen, along the way, cleaning up those spawned on this occasion
monsters. Remembering Chuk and Gek. We rent swag and live stalkers to Tyumen.

7. We receive SMS from the Perfumer, we go to the Black Farm to look for the controller.
The Last Day fighters appear and an SMS from Norman arrives. Can
fight with enemies or escape from them. We go to Norman.

8. Talk to Norman, learn a lot of interesting things. Exchange SMS with Fainting, go to
meeting with him next to the camp that was recently cleared. Upon arrival at
the place to the fuel truck comes the task from Norman to find the cache. We are waiting for Fainting.

9. We speak with Fainting, we get a chip to turn off the outer perimeter of the city and
a hint on how to use it correctly.

10. We go to the city according to the drawing of Norman. On the way, we clean our passage from
fighters of the "Last Day". Don't forget about the Fainting tip about the timer.

11. In the attic, according to the drawing, we find the cache and the weapon we need, go to the place

The weapon disappears from the hands - we are not nervous, it is so conceived, we wait a little and observe
behind what is happening. When the weapon is back in hand, we bring down several fighters
"Last day", be sure to bring down the security chief on a tip

12. We leave the city, there is an active exchange of SMS with Fainting and Spiteful, we get
transition to ATP, we run into it.

13. We deal with the "support group" at the ATP, we get a task from
Find the hiding place for Norman, go to the Agroprom.

14. Using the positioner, go to the specified point by coordinates,
we will teleport to the cache. We find the module in the cache, we get transitions to the MG and
back. SMS exchange with Norman.

15. We move to Limansk, we take from the safe the swag left there, at the same time
on the way, we follow the instructions of Norman (if the safe does not contain the necessary armor and weapons).
On any of the provided passages we return to the Dead City.

16. We go to the Perfumer, he wakes up a passion for wandering and he leaves for
your new place. We wait and track on the map when it stops, we go there,
talking. SMS exchange with Duda. We get a route how to enter the building.

17. After the end of the dialogue between the Perfumer and Duda, we again talk with the Perfumer (this is
important!), after which we go to a meeting with Duda. At the entrance we speak with the guard
(complete analogy with the situation of the 1st call to the Freedom base).

18. We find Dudu, we say. Whether to part with the amount voiced by Duda or not -
everyone decides for himself. If you break up, the GG will have enough time to
calmly find the Doctor, talk to him. If you do not part, then you have to
run pretty much (a few seconds to find Doc and dialogue with him). But
fight with "The Last Day" will have to in any case.

19. We speak with Dok, we send him to the Perfumer. We receive SMS about disconnection
protection systems, a little later - an invitation from Lightning. We go to meet her,
we say Lightning disappears.

20. We receive SMS from the Perfumer, go to the headquarters to look for Iskra's note, we find
the Perfumer appears, we say.

21. Along the positioner we go to the point indicated by Iskra in the note, we get to
the sewer and through it - to the teleport to the Zaton. Having run through the empty backwater, we wait
release of the next expansion.

Quests for"Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU ">" Search for exoskeleton
Black Doctor "
mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: darkviolet; mso-fareast-language:
RU "> mod OOP

1. After we bring Sakharov the collected scientific treatises from three
laboratories X-18, X-16, X-10, he wants to thank us and sends us for
reward to his debtor Wolf, to the Artillery Warehouses (A.S.)

2.We come to the Wolf. It turns out that the gift is a armor, but give it to us
The wolf agrees only in exchange for a unique artifact "Black Angel" for his
the sick daughter he saw in the Rusty Forest on the Radar."Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> Along the way, the Wolf asks
bring from his hiding place, in the same forest, his steep trunk.

3. Go to the Rusty Forest on the Radar. We find an artifact in the forest"Black Angel" and the Wolf's cache. During the raising of the CHA
a large number of monsters spawn.

4. We bring the "Black Angel" to the Wolf. He, in gratitude, gives us a tip on
cache with armor on A.S.

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU ">

IMPORTANT: dialogue about the barrel
the Wolf does not - we are not surprised, we leave the barrel with us and move on along the plot.

5. We find the place indicated by the Wolf, in the cache we find the Fan's note.
We read.


mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> (
Army warehouses, not far from the mercenary camp, near the stones)

6. We go to the Fan on the Cordon to get our "blood and sweat
earned "!

7. A fan says that he lost Bronik in poker to Cross. To redeem the armor,
you need to return the money debt. You can return the debt by collecting 15 paws by order
pseudo-giants, you need to look for this flock in the Dark Valley (the area of ​​the downed
helicopter). We go to the Dark Valley, we find a "family" of pseudo-giants, we recruit
the right number of paws. You can not look for a flock, but just give the Fan 15 paws
if you have them.

9. We bring paws to the Fan, we take away the honestly earned money and go to return it
Fan gambler's debt to the Cross, in the Forgotten Forest.

10. Cross accepts debt, but says that he needs his steep trunk (for
which Wolf sent us to the Radar in his cache), we give the barrel and get
information about the cache of the Cross with the armor in the X-16 laboratory. transition from Amber to Eastern Pripyat and the task to talk to a local merchant

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> (
Before entering the Eastern Pripyat, stock up on cartridges. There are many surprises)

15. We go to Eastern Pripyat to Dimak. We say hello to him from Kalmyk,
we ask how we get out of here. For the exit from Eastern Pripyat Dimak
asks to bring him a notebook, lost somewhere at the River Station.

16. We go to the River Station, along the way we are looking for in the Hospital De-Panthenol (de-panthenol
lies on a wooden cabinet).

Also it can be picked up by "monoliths". therefore carefully
we search the corpses .. We find a notebook at the River Station.

We take the notebook, we ask Dimak where the red brain can be found
controller. We receive an alarming SMS from Kalmyk (we do not respond to SMS,
because not all ingredients have been collected). Dimak asks for information about the red brain
bring a TV set from the house of culture.

17. We go to D.K. "Jubilee" we find a TV set, bring Dimak. We get the info
where to look for the red brain and coordinates of transitions, entrance and exit to the laboratory

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> Tip! Don't
hurry to leave, at all locations of the RFP there are caches with very good content.
Nobody gives hints to these caches, search all the nooks, you will find a lot

18. In the old OBE we find the transition to the X-8 laboratory, we pass. We find a cache with
red brain.

19. From the laboratory X-8 we get into the Overpass.Advice! We are in no hurry to run to
teleports we examine all the nooks, the found caches are worth it.

20. Leaving the overpass, we find ourselves in the Eastern Pripyat. We go through the Red Forest
(or use manual teleports) we come to the Swamps to Kalmyk.

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU ">

IMPORTANT: who hasn’t been to
Red Forest or, according to the main quests of N.S. , it's too early to go there, we pass
location quickly and do not talk to anyone and do nothing! We return the collected
ingredients to Kalmyk and learn from him that Ariadne was taken with them to Jupiter
"Tanks" of the Monolith. Our old friend can help us with the path to Jupiter -
Dimak. We return to the "connoisseur of secret paths" - Dimak.

21. We come to Eastern Pripyat, we turn to Dimak for help. For the transition to
Jupiter Dimak asks to bring him the lost PDA from there. And advises, turn
for help, to the local merchant - Aazu. Which lives in the area of ​​the Yanov station. We get
transition to Jupiter.

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> Who
played in the ZP, he remembers where the ventilation shaft is

22. We come to Jupiter and find Aaza. We ask him about the girl leaving Jupiter
and lost by Dimak PDA. Aaz asks about the girl, does not worry, he helped her and
sent to Agroprom, we will also find out where to look for Dimak's PDA. For leaving Jupiter
Aaz asks to bring a laptop from the office building on the territory of 26. We again find ourselves in the Overpass, and from there the Eastern Pripyat. We give PDA Attention: We are looking for documents in that -
the same sequence in which Dimak speaks.

mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; color: red; mso-fareast-language: RU "> Documents
can pick up NPCs, so we carefully search the corpses.

We find three parts of Dimaku's documents and go to Cordon. On the cordon in the village
We find newcomers to Buusty, give him the case and get a good reward. WITH
Cordon, we go to the Swamps to Kalmyk, we take the finished medicines from him and go
look for Ariadne at the base of "Clear Sky". We find, speak, give medicines and
we get the long-awaited tip on the cache with the "Black Doctor" armor on Yantar.
We go to Amber, find and take away the armor!

28. We go to Dimak, give him three parts of the documents from the Zaton and get the transition

29. This is where the so-called Wolf quest ends. But the game continues!
Go ahead! Good luck!