Stalker find pda secret paths. Find a radioactive container

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl-Secret Paths 2 (Help in passing the mod, tips).

The guys who were not indifferent to this topic had a hand in this development, thanks to them: a185, MAV, strog5670, borman, radeon-amd, ALEKSEY_81 and Stalkersof from the website

Check the PDA more often, there are the bulk of the answers to your questions (tasks, highlighted search areas, etc.).
- At the first sortie to Pripyat, on the way to the transition to it, do not miss the Diary of the guide Krol, a necessary thing.
- Gravipushka opens doors with combination locks, right button;
- The paramedic's special cutter knocks down the helicopter perfectly and the APCs explode, it's a pity there are only three cartridges;
- I recommend, in order to avoid the loss of the acquired swag, put it in a pocket before meeting the Varyag;
- Before storming the Bar with Debt, you need to take the Doctor's flash drive for the Pathfinder and bring the Superconductor art to the Pathfinder, otherwise he will leave the BAR and the transition to the Dead City will be lost. Accordingly, the previous quests from the Pathfinder must also be completed. It is also necessary to complete all the quests of Borov and Graf - after the storming of the Bar, they will also leave;
- Until you get the transition to Amber from the Graf, do not try to get there, otherwise you will not be able to get out.
- In search of Semetsky's cache, the Informant can help if you do not have enough parts of the map. But with the obligatory condition that you have the 2nd and 8th fragments of the map.

BASIC tips for passing

* Read the dialogs carefully. In addition to the actual quest information, the characters provide a lot of interesting and useful information. Take notes or screenshots of dialogs.
* Look "into all holes". The item you need, even if you don't need it yet, can be anywhere. Even if you have already looked somewhere, do not be too lazy to look there again, something could have changed after receiving the next task.
* Carefully inspect all corpses. And those who were killed themselves, and those who died at the hands of someone else, and especially those who simply meet on the way. Quest items or documents are often found on corpses.
* Jumping over the teleports and roofs of the Chernobyl NPP-2, break all the boxes that come across on the way. You can "pack" well right at the start of the game.
* Try not to waste radiation. It is easier not to receive a dose than to remove it from the body. There is almost always an alternative route, bypassing the infected areas.
* When fighting mutants, always try to climb higher, so it will be more difficult for monsters to reach you, and shooting in a calm environment is more accurate.
* Try all the weapons you find and earn. The characteristics of the weapon may be completely different from how you remember them from other games and mods. For example, the barrel can do significantly more damage or receive less wear when fired.
* Even if you didn't like the trunk or didn't fit, do not rush to part immediately, anyone can come in handy for completing any quest.
* The same applies to artifacts, even if the art is not so hot in terms of properties, it is he who may be needed to complete the next task.
* Not all stowages are reliable for storing swag. Characters love to climb in them, especially they like trunks and artifacts. Installable backpacks (especially - with psi-locks from merchants) provide much more guarantees.
* Complete all the quests that the characters give you. So you can earn a good swag, recipes for transformations, and new transition points between locations. All this will greatly facilitate life in the Zone.
* When completing a quest to eliminate a character, do not try to kill him right away, try to talk to your goal, suddenly the issue can be resolved differently.
* Do not postpone the completion of quests on the back burner, anything can happen in the Zone. For example, a quest character will disappear or die, or a temporarily induced transition to another location may stop functioning.
* Repair of slightly worn out weapons and armor can be carried out in field conditions; repair kits are at your service. They can be found at merchants, or earned.
* The cost of goods to the Zone is not always the same, do not rush to immediately buy something for future use, the necessary thing in a neighboring location may be much cheaper.
* Memorize or write down the assortment of merchants, and especially what and what they change for, this information is not in the PDA.
* It makes sense to storm the Military Base at the Warehouses, the Southern Complex at the Agroprom and the Novice Village on the Cordon alone, and only then take the assault quests. This way, more characters friendly to you will survive, and with them their quests and rewards for completing them.
* If the quest mutants did not appear in the indicated place, then perhaps these are night monsters or vice versa - day monsters. Their appearance can be tied to the time of day. Come, respectively, during the day or at night.
* It is better to search for artifacts at night, they glow and are visible from afar, but it is better to search for non-luminous objects during the day.
* If in the process of cooking artifacts you get a cobblestone, do not rush to sell it or replay the cooking. We may need cobblestones too.
* It is better to start the assault on the BAR only after the quests of all the characters from the BAR have been completed.
You will find it - do not rush to throw it away or sell it, it is not known when you will need it;)
* Night Star (2 pcs.) Or Dog Tail (10 pcs.), For the Paramedic, in Pripyat.
* Foot of Snork (8 pcs.), For Monolitovets, at ChNPP-2
* Assault Abakan, for the Prince, in the BAR.
* Scientific suit of the Mercenaries, for the Lefty, at the Agroprom.
* Thunderstorm, for Lefty, at Agroprom.
* Beads of Babka Burer (1 pc.), For Kruglov, on Yantar.
* Fireball (4 pcs.), For Dan, on Amber.
* Mica, Soul, Goldfish, Crystal, Ruby Battery, Flash, for Lefty, in Army Warehouses.
* Fiery Soul for Lefty, in the Army Warehouses.
* Montpensier, for the Stalker in the Village of Bloodsuckers, in the Army Warehouses.
* Tears of the Chimera (2 pcs.), For the Informant, in the Army Warehouses.
* Crystal Bush Bengal, for the Informant, in the Army Depots.
* Crystal (2 pcs.) For the Bartender, on the Cordon.
* Vodka (6 pcs.), 3 for the Antiquary, in the BAR and 3 for the Fan, on the Cordon.
* Gold Hunk (2 pcs.) For the Fan, on the Cordon.
* Medusa, required for one of the repair kits to work. One barrel repair - one Medusa.
* Cat's Tail (3 pcs.), Burer's Hand (3 pcs.), Poltergeist's Eye (3 pcs.), Ruby Battery, for the Swamp Doctor, in the Swamps.
* Crystal Soul Bengal (5 pcs.) Or Cobblestone (5 pcs.), To upgrade costumes.

In addition, at the Merchants, for various artifacts and parts of mutants, you can exchange a lot of useful things, such as Ammunition, Armor, Weapons and Medicines.

A185, master of the Reactor, kindly brings to your attention his recommendations regarding the safety of the swag: "on the advice of friends" I make nychki right in the BAR.
Nothing has ever been lost, even without the psycho-locks.
In the rest of the locations, there are a lot of snares that no one is hitching around anyway.

Army Warehouses: A hatch to the left of the entrance to the base.

Dump: A pipe on the slope of the Northern Heap.

Agroprom: A pipe in a blocked entrance.

Cordon: Bag in Rocks, near Novice Village

Dark Valley: Bag in the viaduct in front of the entrance to X-18

Description of the passage


Now go ahead.

- We speak with the Fan;

- We meet the Pathfinder and Happy End begins, which makes no sense to describe, everyone will make his own decision - enjoy the game!
Description of the passage
- We appear on the bus in the Dead City, in front of us is the Forester - we go with him to his house at the location of the Forest. Asks to bring the root of Mandrake, we bring it, we speak further;
- The forester asks to find associate professor Vasiliev, we are doing it;
- Associate Professor Vasiliev asks to lead him to Yantar, we are leading (follow him in the trail). Near the lake we talk again and go into the lake, we talk again, we get the transition to Amber;
- We appear on Yantar, it is necessary to beat off Vasiliev from the Zombies, we beat it off;
- We go to the Bunker, but from the beginning it is necessary to talk to Den;
- We are going to talk with Sakharov, he will give medicine for the Forester and the transition point to the Forest;
- We bring the medicine to the Forester, we talk to him, he asks to bring a box with provisions from the Dead City, we go to MG (according to the pointer on the map);
- In MG, the "wanderer" Yurko Izotov meets us, we say, leads us to Leila;
- We come to Leila, we say, she asks to help the Demon (in the PDA, the mark of the character's location);
- The demon asks to clean up the five-story building from the Zombies (go, we clean everyone up to the fifth floor);
- We go to Leila for the Forester's box, she gives it and sends it to Yurka Izotov, he leads us to the transition to the Forest;
- We give the Forester the box, we say, he asks to bring three Mandrake roots from the cave (there is something else in the cave), we bring;
- The forester pays, a message comes from Leila, we go to MG;
- We speak with Leila, she sends to the guide Grieg (indicated in the PDA);
- Grieg asks for 10 tails, let's go deal with the dogs;
- We give Grieg the tails, he sends us to the MG catacombs, the place of entry is indicated in the dialogue;
- We go down into the catacombs, look at our feet, move on.

Now go ahead.
- We wake up in a bus in Pripyat, in front of us is a monolithic Mervyn, gives an assignment, we go, we do it, we return;
- We get into the Sarcophagus, we go to Charon, we say, asks to clean the lower floors from the Burers and find the Decoder, we go - we clean, we find the decoder, we return;
- Charon asks to clean up the Chernobyl NPP-2 together with Solomon's brigade, we go to the transition (indicated in the PDA);
- We meet with Solomon, go, clean up the Unfaithful, collect everything from them, go report to Charon (the passage is near);
- Charon asks to clear the Monolith Management Bunker from creatures, we do it (the transitions are indicated in the PDA);
- We run to Solomon, we take the task to search for three cases, we look for the tags in the PDA, we bring it;
- Immediately we take tasks from Solomon - to bring a box of groceries from the Grocery Store in Pripyat, and also - to bring a container with medicines from the ChNPP-1;
- Next to Solomon is Roma Bayonet, we take the task from him to bring 8 feet of Snorks, you can drive right there, you can pick up in Pripyat. Another soldier is hanging around nearby, he asks to bring vodka on the sly, we agree and go to Charon;
- Charon sends to Mervyn for training (he is waiting near the Monolith). We are undergoing training;
- We come to Charon, he sends to Pripyat to the Doctor or to his assistant to take medicine;
- When leaving the Sarcophagus, we meet the Clerk, asks for help - we help (it is desirable that the Clerk picks up the weapon of the killed enemies or sell him the barrel, then it will be necessary);
- We speak with the Sexton, he gives a hint to the container with medicines for Solomon, we go to Pripyat, on the way we select the container for Solomon, it's simple;
- At the stadium we meet with the Paramedic. For medicines, he asks for two "Night Stars" or the tails of dogs (two Stars can be found next to each other, and the tails run);
- In the Deli we take a box with food for Solomon, go to Charon;
- We hand over the quests to Charon, run to Solomon, hand over what we found, get gifts. We give the feet of the Snorks to Roma Bayonet, go to Charon;
- Charon asks to find Mahon and help protect the Base in Pripyat from the Mercenaries, we run to Pripyat;
- Mahon asks to clean up the House of Culture (Mahon himself must survive), we do it;
- We speak with Makhon, now he asks to clean up Lenin Square, we carry out, we hand over the task, we go to Charon;
- Charon sends to Mervyn at the Pripyat Hotel to continue his studies. We receive new lessons, we go to Charon;
- Charon sends to interrogate a spy at Chernobyl-1 at Dyak's. We interrogate, the Clerk kills the spy, we return to Charon;
- On the way to the Sarcophagus, an SMS comes from the Paramedic, we run to him;
- The paramedic asks to release the Ghost (mark in the PDA), release, accompany, report to the Paramedic and go to Charon;
- Charon asks to kill the Ghost - let's go;
- When leaving the Sarcophagus, an SMS comes from the Paramedic, we go to him;
- We receive the task to protect the Ghost, we talk to him, asks to bring the Map of underground communications of Pripyat and the Chernobyl NPP;
- We go to the Monolith Management Bunker, we bring down everyone along the way. If it works out (not necessary) - we beat off the Modified SHAFT from Mahon or try to injure and cure him so that he can become a friend (repair will be available, exchange "from Mahon");
- When entering the ChNPP-2, Solomon robs us and helps us, we go to the Bunker for a map;
- In the Monolith Management Bunker, we are looking for a map, we take it, we carry it to the Ghost;
- When we leave, Solomon is waiting for us, asks to give the parcel to his daughter, we agree, we leave;
- We give the card to the ghost, he sends it to the Fang, let's go;
- Fang leads us to the transition to the Swamps, we return to the Ghost, we get the Gravipushka and go to the Swamps to the Doctor.

The doctor asks to find and destroy the Swamp Thing, we do;
- We go to the Block-Post to Grieg, he sends to Kent for measurements. We accompany, we clean, we return to Grieg and we get the transition to the Forest.

When we appear in the Forest, we help the Forester to fight off the Cats. Sends to the Hunters.
- Let's go, talk to Sutuly, send to the Greek, help fill up the hogs;
- We are going with Zakhar (on the way to the transition, we need to let the dogs bite Zakhar, then he becomes "green" - a friend and there should be no problems in the future), we came, we say, gives a letter for Sokolov and the transition to Army Slades;

At the Army Warehouses, we approach Lukash, asks for help in seizing the military Base, we help (when we clear the Base, we take an amazing barrel from the military commander Belchuk), go to Lukash, report. When storming the base, it is important that some quest characters (for example, Cap) do not die, otherwise the plot will stop. You can cheat and clear the base before talking with Lukash, leaving only a couple of warriors alive, including Belchuk;
- Lukash asks to recapture another Barrier (Kep must survive). We take the modified VAL from the commander of the soldiers on the Barrier.
- We report to Lukash. We receive a request to find and persuade the master Lefty.
- We go to the Informant, asks to find a "Special folder" at the Freedom Base, bring it (we get the transition to the BAR and back);
- The informant asks to take the grub to the diggers on the Radar, we carry it (we get the transition to the Radar and back);

Sviblov asks to overwhelm the Superbloodsucker, we carry it out;
- Sviblov asks to catch the thief, we kill Fedya the Robber, we report. As for the Amulet, we are heading to the Wanderer, he is standing nearby, we say, we get the task to find six Amulets;
- Sviblov asks to bring from the X-10 Systemnik and Documents, let's go, bring them;

We go to the Bar, at the entrance Zhenya Ninja demands loot for the passage (we pay constantly, fraught with a change in relations with the Bandits and failure to complete many quests);
- In Bar we talk with Borov, sends to the Count, from Potapov we take a task to search for parts of the instructions for the Minigun;
- The count asks to find the boxes and documents from the helicopter, we carry it out;
- The Count asks to find the Prince's weapon and take it to him on the Radar, we do it;
- The Prince sends to the Army Warehouses to pick up boxes and documents from the second helicopter, we find them, we carry them to the Graf;

We find Prong on the territory of the BAR, we say, we go to the Prince;
- The prince asks to find him Winchester and deal with the debtor Zheka at the Dump;
- We speak again with Sokhaty and find out where to look for the Prince's Winchester;
- We go to the BAR, we take the task from Arkasha Spirit to fill up the Noodles;
- At the Dump we look for Noodles and deal with him;
- We are looking for Zheka and learn from him about Semetsky's Cache;
- We are looking for a Tankman, we agree to his terms;

We go to the Dark Valley, help Dolg to fight off the Bandits, report to General Voronin, he sends to the Captain;
- We speak with the Captain, gives a tip to Mohammed through the merchants and asks to take the Radio to Zakhara;
- Voronin asks to clear the territory of X-18 from the creatures, we do it, we run after the Prince Winchester;
- Voronin asks to find Gila, we find it. We negotiate for him and get a tip on the gangster's nychka;
- Find the Gangster, go to Voronin (he gives the transition to the Cordon and back);
- We go to Petrenko, asks to destroy the Swamp Creepers, we do it;
- We go to the X-18 for the Tankman. We find what we asked for and something else.

We go to the Dump, give the Tankman Thunderstorm and Krol's Diary;
- We go to the Prince in the BAR, give the found and money for Zhek, take the task for the Plan Bag;
- We go to Sokhatomu, hand over the task;
- We go to Borov, find out where the Antiquary is and get the task to find the Courier;

Go to the Army Warehouses, find the Bag of Grass and bring it to the Prince;
- We go to Voronin to find out about the Courier, he sends to the Abandoned Factory;
- We release the Courier, find out where to look for PDA for Borov, go, look, an SMS comes from Borov.

We go to Agroprom, help the Bes, talk with Lefty (we bring what he asks for);
- We speak with the Bes, we agree to the request;
- We go into the dungeons to the Varyag (I recommend, in order to avoid the loss of the acquired swag, put it in a bag before meeting the Varyag), we go through 4 Varyag Circles;
- We carry the trunks of Petrenko, he gives a gift for Bes, must be given to the intended purpose;

We go to the BAR to Borov, send to Lukash, go;
- Lukash asks to bring a Radioactive Container, we bring, an SMS comes from the Ghost. Lukash asks to clear the Block-Post at the Army Warehouses, we carry it out;
- We speak with the Curmudgeon, asks for bread and tells where to find it;

We go to the Ghost. He sends to the Magician, then everything is clear, we do it;
- We go to the Ghost, asks for a Box of Dynamite, we find it, we bring it;

We go to the BAR to the Prince, asks to cover the Cross, we carry out, we report;

We go to the Cordon, help Tolik, talk to the Wolf, do what he asks;
- We speak with the Fan;
- We go to the Barman (we return the package to Solomon), he sends to the Varyag;
- Varyag talks about Yarofeev, we go to the Bartender, he sends to talk to the major, we carry out, we kill the major, we report to the Barman;
- The bartender sends to Sidor in the Peacekeeping Corps;

Sidor asks to go to General Smith and speaks about Mohammed and the Baker;
- The baker asks to bring flour, we agree;
- General Smith sends to Colonel Brown, he gives the task to find the missing Corporal Foster, we are looking for, we bring;
- Brown asks for help to regain control of the Base, we do it. Asks to find the trail of the missing reconnaissance group at the Factory, we find it, report it to General Smith;
- An SMS comes from Sidor, we go to him. Sidor gives a letter to the Barman, talks about Mogomet and directs it to Amber;
- Through the passage of the Baker, we run for flour, going through the BAR, we speak with the Pathfinder, we agree. We find sacks of flour and carry them to the customer. We give it back, find out where to get such a Gravity Suit and take the task to bring a box with a tool;
- We go to the Bartender, he gives the task to find documents in X-16 and bring everything to Fang;

We go to Agroprom, meet with the Doctor and take the Baker's box;
- We go to the Pathfinder, he asks to find the "Explorer" art and meet with the Lector;
- We go to the Count, he gives the transition to Rostock and Amber. Directs to Caesar;
- We go to the Army Warehouses to the Curmudgeon to give the promised bread, he asks to find a case for him on Rostock, we agree;
- We give the left-hander the Gravity Suit for an upgrade;

We go to Rostock, there we cook the necessary arts, we find a case for the Curmudgeon and Bioradar;
- We go to the "Railwaymen", we carry out their quests, it's simple;
- We go to Amber, go to Den, asks to do a cleanup of the X-16, do it;
- We give the flash drives to Caesar and fulfill the request for the third document, we do it. It is necessary to carry the document and PDA to the Count;
- We take the task from Sakharov to talk to Sviblov and hang tags on the Mutants;
- Kruglov asks for the "Heart of the Controller", we agree;
- We go to the "Railwaymen", give 3 helmets, talk to the Lecturer, agree;
- On Rostock we mark the Pseudo-Giant and get the Art Liquidator for the Pathfinder, carry it, give it back;
- We go to the Count, we get a task for Fang and a tip for the transition to the Dead City;
- We go to Lefty and Curmudgeon, we return the promised;
- We go to the Informant, we take the task for the Crystal Soul of Bengal + Tears of the Chimera;
- We go to Sviblov to find out about the crazy scientist, he sends for a special barrel;
- We go to the Baker to give the box with tools;
- We go to the Cordon - mark the Bloodsucker;
- We go to the Dark Valley - mark the Bald Chimera;
- We go to the Agroprom, looking for Kruglov's "Heart of the Controller", we carry it, we give it back. Asks to go to Voronin, we agree;
- We hand over the task to Sakharov with marks (we get the transition to the Radar and back), he asks to eliminate Doronin, we go to Den;
- Den says where to look for Doronin and exchanges the sniper rifle for art;

We go to Voronin, on the way we bring the "Controller's Heart" to the Lecturer, he will tell you where to look for the "Serpent's Eye";
- We give Voronin Case, he directs to Petrenko, he asks for a modernized RG-6, we agree and do everything according to the quest;
- We go to the roof of the X-18, take a position, eliminate Doronin, go to Sakharov and Kruglov;

Kruglov gives a Special barrel for a crazy scientist, and Sakharov asks to find a Laboratory assistant (we get a transition to Agro and back);
- At the Agroprom we find the remains of the Laboratory Assistant, we take the device, we carry it to Kruglov;
- We speak with Den, asks for three disks, we find, we bring;

We go to X-10 for the Diary of a Scientist - it's simple;
- Run after the "Snake Eye on the Radar";
- Further to the Informant, we hand over the "Crystal Soul of Bengal" and "Tears of the Chimera", we get what is promised for them;

We go to Sakharov, return the Scientist's Diary, he sets up the Helmet;
- We go to X-16, find a laptop and something else;
- We carry what we found to Fang, he directs us to X-18, talks about PDA for Borov. The monk says when and for what you can get PDA for Hog;
- We go to the Bar, we give the docks to Potapov on the Minigun, we will find out when to pick it up;

We go to X-18, take the flash drive and something else, we bring Fang, he asks to take the found to the Bartender, who still has business with us;

We go to Sviblov for the transition to the Dead City (on a tip from the Count), he asks to find Karina, we go to Leila;
- Leila sends to the Forest to the Forester;
- The forester sends to the Hunters, we give Zakhar the radio from Sokolov, we talk with Sokhaty about Karin, he gives the coordinates.
- We release Leila, lead where he says, find the PDA, move on to the transition to the Swamps;
- In the swamps we speak with the Doctor, he gives a flash drive for the Pathfinder;
- We go to the Dead City and immediately meet Fima, talk and go through the Army Warehouses to the Pathfinder;
- We go to the Army Warehouses to pick up the art "Superconductor", PDA for Borov, we find it, we bring it;

We go to the Barman, he asks to take the letter to Voronin, we carry it out;
- Voronin gives the transition to the Peacekeeping Corps and back, we go to the arrow of the Traders;
- The bartender again gives the letter to Voronin, we carry it, he gives the answer for Sidor - we carry it;
- We speak with Sidor, he asks for help in capturing BAR. At the exit we meet Mohammed, we say;

We go to the BAR, we clean everything according to Sidor's scenario ... We accompany Voronin to the headquarters;
- We go to the Bartender, he thanks for the help and directs to the Doctor through the Fang;
- In the Dead City we speak with Leila and go to the Doctor;
- The doctor asks for parts of the monsters for which he will open the transition to Pripyat, we are looking for, we are bringing;

In Pripyat we meet with the Paramedic, fulfill the request and go to the Monolith Management Bunker;
- In the Sarcophagus we find Semetsky, talk, find out where to look for Brother;
- At the entrance to the Monolith Management Bunker, we meet Solomon, fulfill the request;
- We meet the Pathfinder and Happy End begins, which makes no sense to describe, everyone will make his own decision - enjoy the game!

Zone game world map

Transition points: permanent and one-time


Army Warehouses





Dead city

Peacekeeping Corps



Dark Valley



I want to note right away that when receiving transitions (concerns
disposable), it is advisable not to delay with the possibility of them
take advantage. It is noticed that they can disappear if you finish
some other quest not related to the transition. Example from * antreg *:
"when receiving a transfer to MG from Sviblov, do not delay the implementation of
quest, the transition is limited in time and then disappears! "

W22; Crossing Cordon - Dump (permanent crossing);
W22; Transition Cordon - Dark Valley, given by Voronin (permanent transition);
W22; Transition Cordon - Peacekeeping Corps, given by the Barman (transition

W22; Transition Cordon - Agroprom, gives Pathfinder (transition permanent for art

W22; Transition Peacekeeping Corps - Cordon, given by the Barman (transition
constant when he sends a letter to Sidorovich);
W22; Transition Peacekeeping Corps - BAR, gives Baker (transition is permanent,
when he sends for flour);
W22; Transition Peacekeeping Corps - Dark Valley, given by Voronin (transition

W22; The transition Dump - BAR (permanent transition);
W22; Passage Dump - Dark Valley (permanent passage);
W22; Dump crossing - Cordon (permanent crossing);
W22; The transition Dump - Agroprom (permanent transition).

W22; Transition Agroprom - Yantar, gives Kruglov (transition is permanent, for searching
W22; Crossing Agroprom - Dump (permanent crossing);
W22; Transition Agroprom - Cordon, given by Pathfinder (transition permanent for art

W22; Transition Dark Valley - Dump (permanent transition);
W22; Transition Dark Valley - Cordon, given by Voronin (permanent transition);
W22; Transition Dark Valley - Radar, gives Informant (transition is permanent
for the arts of Tears of the Chimera);
W22; Transition Dark Valley - Peacekeeping Corps, given by Voronin (transition
permanent, at the request of the Bartender).

W22; Transition BAR - AS, given by the Informant (transition is permanent);
W22; Transition BAR - Landfill (permanent transition);
W22; Transition BAR - Peacekeeping Corps, gives Baker (transition is permanent,
when he sends for flour);
W22; The transition BAR - Sprout, gives the Graf (the transition is constant, when it sends from
three flash drives to Caesar).

W22; Transition Sprout - BAR, gives the Graf (the transition is constant, when it sends from
three flash drives to Caesar);
W22; Transition Sprout - Amber, gives the Count (the transition is constant when it sends
with three flash drives to Caesar, the transition must be detected on a tip from the Count);
W22; Rostock - AS transition, given by Pathfinder (one-way transition, for art
W22; The transition to the "Railwaymen" (outside the location) gives the Pathfinder,
when he sends to the Lecturer;
W22; The transition from the "Railwaymen" (to the Rostock location) gives St. John's Wort.

W22; The transition Amber - Les, gives Sakharov (the transition is one-time, near
bus in the lowlands);
W22; Transition Amber - Radar, gives Sakharov (transition is permanent, for
completed task "marks on monsters");
W22; The transition Amber - Agroprom, gives Kruglov (the transition is permanent, for
the murder of Doronin);
W22; Transition Amber - Sprout, gives the Graf (the transition is constant when it sends
with three flash drives to Caesar);

W22; Transition AS - BAR, gives the Informant (transition is permanent);
W22; Transition AS - Radar, gives the Informant (transition is permanent, supplies for
W22; Transition AC - Amber, gives Pathfinder (one-way transition for art
W22; Transition AC - Dead City, gives Pathfinder (transition permanent for art

W22; Transition Radar - Pripyat, gives Lukash (transition is permanent, for
radioactive container);
W22; Transition Radar - AS, gives Informant (transition of permanent supplies for
W22; Transition Radar - Dark Valley, gives Informant (transition permanent
for the arts of Tears of the Chimera);
W22; Transition Radar - Yantar, gives Sakharov (transition is permanent, for marks on
W22; Transition Radar - Dead City, gives Sviblov (transition is temporary, it is necessary
find Karina).

W22; Transition MG - Pripyat, gives Grig (one-time transition, where to look -
described in the dialogue);
W22; Transition MG - Les, given by Yurko Izotov (the transition is one-time, indicated in the PDA);
W22; Transition MG - Swamps, the Doctor gives (the transition is permanent, take the flash drive
W22; The transition MG - Army Warehouses, gives the Pathfinder (the transition is permanent, for
art Superconductor);

W22; Transition Forest - Yantar, gives associate professor Vasiliev (one-time transition in
the lake at the Forest location);
W22; The transition Les - MG, given by the Forester (the transition is one-time, it is indicated in the PDA);
W22; The transition Forest - Swamps, gives Karina (the transition is permanent, for help in

W22; Swamp - Forest transition, given by Grieg (one-time transition, for carrying out
W22; Swamp Transition - Dead City, Doctor gives (permanent transition,
take the flash drive to the Pathfinder);
W22; Swamp - Pripyat transition, Doctor gives (permanent transition, bring
parts of monsters and art).

W22; Transition Pripyat - CHES-1, in PDA (permanent transition, at the stadium);
W22; Transition Pripyat - Swamps, gives Fang (the transition is permanent, in five-story buildings
behind the garages);
W22; Transition Pripyat - Radar, gives Lukash (transition is permanent, for
radioactive container).

W22; Transition ChNPP-1 - Pripyat, in PDA (constant transition, through the gate);
W22; Transition ChNPP-1 - Sarcophagus, gives Charon (transition is permanent, indicated in PDA);

W22; Transition Sarcophagus - Chernobyl-2, gives Charon (transition is permanent, in PDA
indicated behind the Monolith);
W22; Transition Sarcophagus - Chernobyl-1, gives Charon (transition is permanent, in PDA
indicated, located on the lower level of the Sarcophagus, in a room with a broken
spiral staircase);

W22; Transition ChNPP-2 - Sarcophagus, gives Charon (transition is permanent, in PDA
indicated, near Solomon);
W22; ChNPP-2 transition - Monolith Control Center, given by Charon (transition
permanent, it is indicated in the PDA, in the eastern part of the ChNPP-2), the exit is where the entrance is.

Semetsky's cache

1. Fragment No. 2 of the mad scientist in X-18;
2. Fragment No. 8 of a bandit (Mitka Zvezdets) in an abandoned factory in TD.
3. Fragment No. 4 by Major Yarofeev at the Cordon Block - post.
4. Fragment No. 3 from a zombie scientist at the Base in the Peacekeeping Corps.
5. Fragment No. 6 of a bandit in a carriage when Strelka is robbed in Rostock on a diesel vehicle.
6. Fragment No. 7 of a mercenary on the AU, who attacks Fang.
7. Fragment No. 5 at the Monolith in X-18, waiting in ambush.
As a result, we will have such a picture in the PDA
All fragments will come across in the story of the passage, if you do not miss the key quests.

Assembling the Minigun

1. At the Dump: behind the swamp there is a forest, at the very end of the log, the corpse of a digger.
2. In the Agroprom dungeons: through the tunnel with Electra and immediately to the right, in the corner is the corpse of a digger.
3. X-18 in TD: on the lower levels there is a room with two vertical containers, behind them is a digger's corpse.
4. In the forest on the Radar: if you face the helicopter cockpit, then on the left - behind on the stones, near the rocks, the digger's corpse (you have to jump, you can't see it from the ground).
5. In Pripyat, near the Hotel: if you look from the central entrance, then on the left visor there is a corpse in the corner under the windows.
6. On Yantar: after leaving the X-16, we immediately turn back and see what we are looking for.
7. Cordon Block-Post: from the main entrance immediately to the left, under the first tower there is a backpack.

Finding Amulets

This whole story begins with the Thief who robbed the Diggers. From his corpse we have the first amulet, where to get the rest - the Wanderer will tell us.
1. It comes to us from the corpse of a thief on the Radar.
2. By the fire at the AU in the Village of Bloodsuckers.
3. At the Magician (Mervyn) in Pripyat.
4. In the corpse of a digger, Hotel Pripyat.
5. X-16 at the entrance to the room with the Controller, behind the entrance iron door.
6. In Semetsky's hiding place.

And finally - for those who are really lazy or for those who have the speed of Int ...

I present to your attention Offline GUIDE mod TT2, the masterpiece of our comrade ALEKSEY_81
First of all, this assistant is intended for people who either do not have or have expensive Internet access. There are guys who are just too lazy to look for an answer on the forums, but they really want to play this mod.
it full version with all screenshots and tips !!!
Full description and download links - on the Reactor website.

Small tips on quest characters.

I will describe the most common problems that may arise with some, I will not describe all the characters.
Do not rush to immediately complete tasks to kill some Persians - they may turn out to be key or may give you something in your life. Murder is not an end in itself for the Stalker at all.

When we go on an assignment in search of Vasiliev, it is advisable to kill the controller before meeting with Vasiliev. Vasiliev can be blunt in the cave - we go down into the cave and push him in the ass, he must come out, if you run out in front of him, then he can stay there. You can save until you descend into the cave and talk to him - the next save - after he leaves the cave, it is better not to save in the cave. On Yantar we help Vasiliev fight off zombies, as the task works, we approach him and speak, escort him to the camp and talk to Den, and only after talking with Den we go to Sakharov's bunker.

Many cannot find Grieg in MG, although they see the mark and hear his greeting voice. Walk around the rooms and find him - he is on the second floor in a dead-end room.

Do not refuse to help Dyak in shooting the military at Chernobyl-1, he will then give a tip to the case with medicines for Solomon. He also has to shoot a spy. If he died at the hands of the military - replay. If he cannot shoot a spy, then he dropped his barrel, sell him a loaded barrel, or throw it next to him, pick up and do his dirty work, otherwise you will have to dirty your hands with the murder of a neutral stalker.

When saving the Ghost from mercenaries on the instructions of the Paramedic, it is necessary to protect him from injuries (and of course from death), because when healed by the Shooter who is in the Monolith, the Ghost will also become a monolith and turn out to be an enemy after being brainwashed by the Paramedic. The ghost that Charon sends to kill is a quest character, so we are in no hurry to finish him off, but we respond to the Paramedic's message to approach him.

Another quest character - Fang, also needs protection when he leads to show the transition from Pripyat to Swamps. Then Fang will appear at the AU, where he will have to be rescued from mercenaries again. Fang will appear on the AS after completing all the tasks of the Count, and we will also find documents in the X-16 - a laptop.

Some characters change their places of deployment, and if you need to find someone in one place, and you delayed his search, he may be in a different place, and he may no longer have the necessary dialogues.

The paramedic migrates from the stadium to the house with the grocery store, so we do not delay the search for the PDA for Borov and the trip to Pripyat, for a copy of the PDA you need to go to the Phantom before the assault on the Bar, the Phantom will send to the Magician, and he will send it to the Paramedic. The paramedic in the grocery store will not give the task to kill the Magician, he will move to the grocery store after the assault on the Bar by the "Duty".

The magician stands behind the fence near the transition to the Swamps, you can approach him by using the teleport in the garages, we carefully read the dialogue with the Ghost. The way back from the Magician is located near the same garages on the outside - the teleport will return the GG to the playable area of ​​the location.

When you first enter the Bar, find the stalker Prong and talk to him, then with the Prince and again with the Prong - several branches on the plot begin with a conversation with him - work for the Prince, search for Semetsky's cache and then search for Borov's PDA. Immediately we take from the Prince the task to deal with the stalker Zhek - from him the search for Semetsky's cache will begin. Do not forget to talk to Borov - he will say that the Graf, the local security chief with the lads, has a job for the GG. The first task of the Count can be completed immediately on the same location - it will not take much time. You can also immediately go to the mechanic Potapov in the Bar and take a task in search of a minigun scheme - a lethal thing when dealing with crowds of evil spirits. To start searching for Borov's PDA, you need to complete all the tasks of the "Duty" in the TD, get the TD-Cordon transition, when we return to the Bar - we hand over the Winchester to the Prince and go to Borov - ask him about work - not to be confused with cyclic quests.

For many, a stalker named Noodles dies before completing the assignment. I advise when we go towards the Dump from the Bar for the first time, be the last to approach the extreme bandit in the Bar in the bar itself and take an order for Noodles from him, save after that and run to the Dump, if a message about the death of Noodles comes, you can replay. This character loves to die in anomalies, get caught by boars on the fangs and get under the bullets of bandits, kill him and not necessarily - just talk to him. Further, he is not needed - most likely he will die himself. Will give a tip to the Antiquary, you will have to ask Borov about him.

After talking with Noodles, we are looking for Zheka - he is in the depot, you can also find the Tankman at the Garbage dump behind the abandoned parking lot of the equipment - he will talk if the stalker Krol's diary is picked up in the MG sewer, or come up to him after the first descent into the X-18 - there will be fewer monsters when second visit to X-18. The tanker gives a tip to the place where he dropped the bioradar.

The left-hander, whom Lukash asks to find and persuade to join Svoboda, asks to bring him a weapon and a suit - they must be fully operational and be in the inventory in a single copy. After you brought him everything he requires and gave him, do not go right behind him, try to be out of the a-life zone with him, so he will get to the AU without problems, but it is better to be in other locations altogether, he needs some time to go on the speaker. In sight, even if you do not see him, he may die. If you go straight to the Dump after giving him the equipment, then you can see him wandering around the Dump, here he can be killed by the mercenaries that meet when we carry rifles from Bes Petrenko, and the hogs can meet, and the bandits at the checkpoint are also unlikely to let him through. Also in a-life, he can fall into an anomaly. After talking with Lefty, I go down to the Varyag in the dungeon, while I run in circles Lefty is already calmly getting to the AU.

The Varyag gives a tip to Major Yarofeev at the checkpoint after talking with the Barman, but he will only talk after the circles of hell. Yarofeev himself will appear after a conversation with the Barman when we come to him from the Varyag.

Petrenko will appear in the TD after successfully defending the "Debt" from the attack of bandits on the first visit to the TD. It is necessary to talk with Voronin, then with Sobolev and again with Voronin.

After they persuaded Lefty (that is, they brought him what he asks for) and he went to the AS to the "Svobodovtsy", and also if we talked with the Barman and then with the Varyag about Major Yarofeev, the Pathfinder will appear in the Bar, I recommend before the first campaign go to the DT on the instructions of the Pathfinder to a meeting with Incognito, after this meeting the Pathfinder will have a task on the DT - you can complete it along the way.

The Curmudgeon with the Screw immediately takes up their positions after we take the task to storm the Barrier.
The Svoboda security guard at the gun-maker appears a little later.

The curmudgeon in one of the quests asks to bring bread and says that you need to talk to Sidorovich at the peacekeepers' location - he knows where to find the Baker, you need to have time to talk to Sidorovich while he is at this location, then he moves to Cordon to "his" well-known place, there he will not give a tip to the Baker.

Sviblov with a group of diggers is on the Radar and the first approach to it must be done on the instructions of the Informant to help the diggers. The Informant gives a parcel to be handed over to him, it contains food, first-aid kits, vodka - in general, everything that the Informant gave needs to be brought intact and given to Sviblov, make sure not to overspend the first-aid kits and not use up from the parcel, the task will hang. Some come to the Radar from Amber for the first time and find Sviblov dead - in theory, the Sviblov seem to need help, so you need to approach him after taking an assignment from the Informant, it is not necessary to enter from the AU, but the parcel should be delivered. Do not leave monsters and enemy NPCs near the Sviblov group's parking lot. Also, do all Sviblov's tasks in the first approach to him - on a super-bloodsucker, on a traitor, and go down to X-10 for documents and a system man. Be the first to take the system unit on the upper level, it is often thrown by the burers, it is located in the room in front of the room with a gap through which the exit from the X-10 is visible. After you find everything in the X-10, try to clear out all the enemies, so that later there will be less problems in subsequent visits.

When you receive a tip from the Count that Sviblov can give you a transition to MG, then get ready to immediately go into it and go. Grab the walkie-talkie for Zakhar, give it on the way. The transition from Sviblov to MG is temporary and then disappears. If you have received a tip from Graf but are not yet ready to go to MG and there are still things to do with Sviblov, just do not start a conversation with him about the transition. Do not forget to find a character on the outskirts of MG on this trip to MG who will clarify the situation with Mohammed. The trip to MG should be done before the assault on the Bar by the "Debt".

Mohammed will find you on his own - you just need to finish the dialogue with Sidorovich on the Cordon until the end when he moves into his rightful place. Semetsky will appear in the Sarcophagus after talking with Mohammed.

If you took some task and completed it, do not delay its delivery. After the storming of the Bar with the "Debt", some characters from the Bar shed - so try to complete and turn in all the tasks to the questmen in the Bar before the storm. After storming the Bar with Debt, you will not find Hog, Count and Pathfinder. The prince will be killed. If there are any tasks for them - complete them before capturing the Bar, the extreme moment - before taking the Bar card from the Boar.


Again, not mine, but I post it for information ...
In connection with the regularly recurring questions about cooking art, I share my experience on this matter.

1. You practice throwing objects in a calm place and notice in which direction they fly out from the GG.
2. You find the desired anomaly, the best of all is a single one. There are options here when not all anomalies are suitable for cooking. For example, jellied meat is suitable only under a spiral staircase in the Agro subway or in a square bath in X18.
3. You become in front of an anomaly, you make a save.
4. You grope the edge of the anomaly with a bolt, stand on this edge facing the anomaly and throw away those personal belongings that fly forward.
5. You turn without leaving the place to the anomaly with your right side / backward (120/130 degrees from the axis YY-center of the anomaly). You throw away the rest of your belongings.
6. If you do not see the white flash, you boot from the save and start from step 4.
7. If you see a white flash, you save again (preferably in a new save) and wait until the transformation is over. (you can fall asleep if cooking takes a long time). At the end of the conversion, if the art has gone under the textures, you load from the save and start from step 4 or from the last save (according to the situation).
8. You never start brewing several arts at once.
9. If you cannot start cooking in any way after 3-5 attempts, you are looking for another similar anomaly, the one found most likely does not fit.

With this method, the absence of problems with erroneous (unsuccessful) brews is guaranteed.
In preparing the material, information from several topics on the forums and our own experiments on shamanic dances with tambourines were used.

I didn’t do anything myself, I just posted this work that I didn’t do here. I come here more often, and there are a lot of questions about fashion ..
A couple of tips already from me ...
When crashing - first try to reduce the game settings. NOT RESOLUTION, but detail, lighting range, grass density, anti-aliasing, and the like.
You can also increase or decrease (for everyone in different ways) the priority of the game process through the Windows task manager. Sometimes it helps ...

Full walkthrough STALKER Secret Paths 2 on the site site

Walk with the Forester to his house in the forest

The forester gets off the bus and looks through binoculars. Later he starts to run, and you follow him. The first stop is near the green Niva, not far from which the blood of the stone will be scattered. After one more observation through binoculars, the Forester runs on again. Now on the way it is possible to find a twist. The forester stops again, we communicate with him, and a passage to the "Forest" level appears. We leave for the forest, the Forester appears behind you. We enter his house and communicate with him. After the dialogue, the task appears to find your brother, but you will not find him without a gun and body armor, so you will have to work for the Forester.

Find Mandrake Root

The forester sends you to look for the root, and gave leather jacket and vertical. On the way, you can admire the forest and anomalies. Arrow, who has not come to his senses until the end, will stagger along the road from time to time. Blind dogs or wild boars may be encountered along the way. Be careful, the stamina and power of some monsters has been increased. We are approaching the ravine, and we are looking for the mandrake, which is located under the stone, which you will immediately notice in the ravine. By the way, before picking up the root, turn down the volume. When you have the root, the boars run out. We deal with them, and return to the Forester. We communicate with him, the task is completed. We communicate with him again, and we get a new quest.

Find Associate Professor Vasiliev

This time the old man asked to find a courier from scientists, hiding in a cave from mutants. We are heading to the place marked on the map, and we see a stone, the path to which is closed by an anomalous field. We penetrate the stone with bolts, and observe a small hole below. We crouch down and penetrate it into the depths of the cave, where we observe Vasiliev. A surprise awaits you here: Vasiliev, saving his own ass, dropped his backpack. And now we have to move together with him to Amber to get medicines for the Forester.

Escort Vasiliev to the camp of scientists on Yantar

We follow Vasiliev. On the way, music is turned on for you, which, together with the hallucinations of the main character, creates an eerie atmosphere. After a while, the ecologist stops. From the dialogue we learn that we will get to Amber through a cave with land in a swamp. Again we follow Vasiliev straight to the center of the swamp and again communicate with him. After the dialogue we "dive" into the cave and appear on Yantar.

Here arises side quest"Help Vasiliev to shoot the zombies." Destroy snorks with a double-barreled gun for the first time. It is possible to take the machine away from the zombie.

Then the passage of this task, he destroys a couple more zombies, and then it is already possible that he will begin to talk with him. After the dialogue, we run after him into the bunker. As a result, Vasiliev runs into his "booth", and you go to the head of the guard Den, who will send Strelka to the already legendary Sakharov. In addition, Kruglov will be in the bunker. We approach Sakharov, talk to him and get 2000 and medicines for the Forester.

Deliver Medicines to the Forester

The way back will have to be found without marks on the map. Sakharov suggested that the exit to the forest is located in the eastern region of Amber. On the right side of the road there is a lowland with a broken bus. We enter the bus, and a point with the road to the Forest appears on the map. We leave for the forest and give the Forester medicines, then we get a new quest.

Take a crate of provisions

Scientists did not give food to the arrow, so they have to move to the Dead City and find the Forester's cache. On the way, you can run into a controller, be careful. Upon arrival in the Dead City, you are greeted by three stalkers from the Drifter group. After the dialogue, you are led to some Leila. We arrive at their base, talk to Leila. And here it turns out that they have already found our food and will not return it just like that. Have to work out. The shooter is sent to the head of the Demon's security to help him clear the city of mutants. Accordingly, the quest "Find the Demon" appears. It is not difficult to find it, it is marked on the map.

The demon gives the shooter an abakan and an improved suit, as well as the quest to clear the five-story building from the zombies. The building to be cleaned is located nearby a building with a broken roof. In the building, you do not need to enter the premises, all the zombies will be on the staircase. Just go up the floors, destroy the zombies, and return to the Demon. We communicate with the Demon, and return to Leila, who gives the box and directs the Arrow to the comrade who brought him here. Only he knows how to return to the forest. He can be seen by going down the stairs. We communicate with him, and he takes you to the point of transition into the forest. We go there and talk with the Forester. Completed the task.

Find Grieg

Guide Grieg is marked on the map, so it is not difficult to find him. From the dialogue with him, it becomes clear that the traces of brother Strelka must be looked for in Pripyat, where Grieg does not want to take him, but he has the opportunity to demonstrate the path from the Dead City to Pripyat. However, this is not the case.

Find ten dog tails

Look for dogs not around the city, but around the neighborhood. We hand over the tails to Grieg, in exchange we get information about the road to the city of Pripyat. You haven't been to the cordon yet, but you are already going to Pripyat. First, you need to get underground in the Dead City. Not far from the house in which the guide is, there is a square with a fountain. Not far from which the Zaporozhets is located, we approach it, and it takes you underground. We head along the tunnel to the end. You are transported to another tunnel. Again we head to the end, and the download begins.

After loading the shooter wakes up on the bus, and there is some guy nearby. We communicate with him, and it becomes clear that the Shooter got into a funnel, and all his objects and means were torn apart. And here's the fun part: the stalker who found him, a member of the Monolith. And now you are offered to overcome the test to enter the Monolith.

Kill a flock of snorks in the city of Pripyat

You will have to destroy snorks without Colt armor. We are heading towards the Ferris wheel. As it turns out, the problem is completely solvable. The Colt of the Monolith is powerful enough, kills the snork with the first hit to the head. It is also good to destroy them with a knife, with the right mouse button. After the snorks are over, return to the bus and report back. The monolith reports that the test of the shooters has overcome, and you appear in Chernobyl, in the sarcophagus of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Chat with Charon

The shooter is now a Monolith. We are heading to Charon, who reads you a sermon, after which we receive a quest. Clear the lower floors of the sarcophagus of the burers and find the stolen decoder. Before the assignment, it is possible to quietly destroy a couple of non-quest characters who will have a monolith exoskeleton and a good cannon. On this moment Listen closely to find the decoder.
We go down the stairs. Then we head up to the place where there will be a turn to the right and to the left. We head to the left, enter the hall with the pipes, and immediately turn to the left. There is a staircase leading down. We go down along it into the hall with pipes. We are heading forward, and on the left side there will be a "room" in which the decoder is located behind the barrel. In the same room with pipes, there is a tree box with good artifacts. Next, we go and eliminate the burers, who are still alive until this time, and return to Charon. Burers die from the first hit in the head.

To clear the Chernobyl NPP 2 from the infidels

The task is given by Charon. First, we go up into the room with a monolith. Later we jump into the teleport and head forward, go through the hole in the wall and find ourselves in a hall with large windows. We head along it to the end, and there is a transition to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where we head to Solomon, who is marked on the map. We communicate with him and run away to destroy the infidels. After it was over with the stalkers, we go to the Sarcophagus, head to Charon, report, the task is completed.

Infiltrate the monolith control bunker and clear it out

Before the quest, Charon gives you an extremely good anomalous Winchester. We leave for the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There will already be a transition point to the bunker on the map, in which we will take everyone out in order. There will be zombies, burers and bloodsuckers. Return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, then to the sarcophagus. We communicate with Charon.

Chat with Mervin and complete his assignments

Marvin is located close to the Monolith, it is marked with a yellowish dot on the map. He will give you a quest to find the manuscripts in several places and deliver them back. Before finding each manuscript, he will begin to move you to the part of the level where the manuscript is located. Every time we find a manuscript, and back to Mervin. The first one will be easy to find, it is located behind the column. After raising it, you will be transported to the highest structure, from which you have to jump. The second time Arrow throws it onto the roof of the radar. We go down to the level below. It's best to see the manuscript before you go down. Taking the best of weapons, we save and jump into the teleport. At the place of origin, two are already waiting for you in exoskeletons. On the third attempt, it is completely possible to overcome this place. On this, Mervin's tasks end, because Charon has an important task for the Archer. We are heading towards Charon.

Take medicines for Kharon in the city of Pripyat

The task is to take medicines for the Monolithians from the assistant to the bog doctor in the city of Pripyat, because almost all of them are sick. We are heading to the city of Pripyat. To do this, you need to overcome the lower levels of the station, where you destroyed the burers. At the entrance to the front of the station, you are greeted by a monolithian Dyak, who needs help to clear the area of ​​warriors. This quest does not have to be completed. We move to the city of Pripyat. Then we go straight to the stadium building. We go up the steps and turn to the right. The Paramedic will be there, the Doctor's assistant. However, as it turned out, he just won't give you medicine, because Charon is extremely in debt. And now the Feldscher needs either two night stars, or ten dog tails. We give him what he wants, and return to Chernobyl to Charon.

To clear the Chernobyl NPP 2 from the infidels

A certain monolithian gets in touch with Charon, and reports that the base in the city of Pripyat has been captured. We communicate with Charon and head to the city of Pripyat, to meet with Mahon. We communicate with him and go with his guys to destroy the mercenaries. Carefully, there may be chimeras in there. After the mercenaries are finished, we again communicate with Mahon, who will issue a quest to expel the mercenaries from the square, which is located in the center of the location. We head there, carefully destroy all the mercenaries and return back to Mahon, who will give you an anomaly detector. Now return to the Station to Charon and take another quest from him.

Meet with Mervin at the hotel

Now you will have to continue your studies with Mervin. Charon, at the end of the dialogue with him, moves the Strelka to the city of Pripyat, to the hotel, where Marvin will wait for him. I advise you to immediately remember where the hotel is located on the map. We communicate with him, he hints at some carousels, and here the protagonist is transferred to the Ferris wheel.

Complete Merwin's third mission

The manuscript will be lying in front of the Gunslinger. We lift it and penetrate down the steel supports. I advise you to immediately shoot the snorks that live under the wheel. We return back to the hotel for the following instructions from our teacher.

Complete Mervin's Fourth Quest

Now Mervin is taking the Arrow to the attic of the building. On both sides you will be met by two mercenaries dressed in exoskeletons and with SHAFT, we open fire in their heads. Next, we take the manuscript, it will be lying in the corner of the attic room. There are several more mercenaries under the building, so you just don't get out of there. We climb onto the roof, from there we destroy the mercenaries and go down through the broken roof along the boards. To get to the hotel, you need to go underground, who passed the original game is in the know. After returning back to the hotel and a dialogue with Mervin, you, together with the Monolith, are transferred to the roof, where we will receive the next task.

Complete Mervin's 5th Mission

We communicate with Mervin and take the final task from him. Quest for parkour lovers: you need to jump from the roof of the building to the roof of a five-story building, where the fifth manuscript will be lying around. Before you take it, it is better to save it, because we are immediately transferred to the mercenaries in exoskeletons. You can just run away from them, they are not easy to handle. We return back to Charon.

Interrogate and remove the scout

Charon sends you to Sexton to interrogate the scout. We move to the station from the sarcophagus, observe the locomotive in front of us. We are heading along the road, which is located on the right side of it to the end. There is a parking lot of the monolith, where the Clerk and the spy will be. We complete the task and return back to Charon.

Talk to the Paramedic

The shooter came in handy for something to the Feldsher. We are heading towards him. It becomes clear that you will see a "dead" character from the Shadow of Chernobyl - the Ghost. The mercenaries keep him, and you have to free him.

Free the Ghost

We shoot the mercenaries, approach the Ghost, communicate with him and take him to a safe place, interrogate, return back to the Feldsher. At the end of the dialogue with him, we return back to the Station, the quest "Return to Charon" will appear on the way. We return back to it.

Destroy the Ghost

Charon figured out the Ghost and is now giving the order to destroy him. We are heading to the city of Pripyat. On the way, the Paramedic gets in touch with you, and demands to go to him. We come to the Paramedic, he demands the Shooter not to destroy the Ghost. After refusal, he injects Arrow with some kind of nonsense, and after which the main character becomes neutral.

Protect the Ghost

We run away to the place where you left the Ghost, it is marked on the map. We destroy all the mercenaries trying to destroy the Ghost and approach him. Because Radar controls the monolith, it won't be possible to move from there to the swamps. Therefore, the Ghost sends Strelok to the control bunker in order for him to get documents with data on the route from the city of Pripyat to the Marshes.

Find the communication scheme of Pripyat and the Station in the Monolith control bunker

On the way to the Station in the city of Pripyat, you will be met by several monoliths. We move to the Station, later to the sarcophagus, and, finally, to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 2. Here Solomon will take all your things away from you. At the end of the dialogue with him, he will give the Shooter a shotgun with 120 ammunition, with the help of which we destroy the three monoliths who are nearby and move to the bunker.

You will have to wander a little in the bunker before finding the document. At the exit from the bunker, six monoliths in exoskeletons with SHAFs will appear. We eliminate them and get out into the street. Solomon will be waiting for you there. We communicate with him and get the task to deliver the parcel to the bartender. However, we will deal with this later, but for now - we return back to the Ghost.

We communicate with the Ghost and the task is completed. He directs you to Fang, who is on the same floor as the Ghost. We save before communicating with the canine. We communicate with Fang and follow him, he will take the Strelka to the place of transition to the swamps. However, not everything is so simple: a duel takes place on the street between the Monolithians, mercenaries and monsters. We try to move nearby with the Fang, and with all this we do not allow anyone to destroy him. We go to the place of transition, but here Fang on the PDA receives a message from the Ghost, with a request to return to him.

Back to the Ghost

We return back together with Fang to the Ghost, who gives you three army first-aid kits and an unknown gravel gun. The Ghost will tell you how to use it. We are heading to the swamps.

Meet the Swamp Doctor

We appear in the swamps and head to the Doctor. We enter his house in no way do we open fire on his "clients", otherwise the Doctor will be offended. From the dialogue with him, a little information about the Captain will become clear, but you will read it yourself. This task ends, the next one may be taken from the Doctor.

Find and kill the swamp creature

The doctor is complaining about a certain creature. It is pointless to shoot at the monster, at the end of the bullet shot at it, some spiders get out of it. It is possible to destroy it. Enough to open fire on him with an artifact from a gravity cannon. A more powerful anomaly emerges from the gravel artifact. Please note that an anomaly comes out of the artifact a couple of times larger and more powerful than an ordinary one. And yet, the monster will not move itself into the anomaly, it is necessary to manage to open fire at it or nearby with it. When the lesson is completed, we return to the Doctor, who hands you 5000.

Chat with Grieg

We communicate with the Doctor, who sends you to the wanderers' checkpoint, to talk with Grieg. Grieg is aware of how to go from swampy places into the forest, but he won't just tell you: instead, he will give you the next task.

Conduct to the place of measurements and back

Kent will wait at the end of the bridge by the truck. We communicate with him and escort him to the place of measurements, where there will be zombies, we destroy them and communicate with Kent, who begins to take measurements and runs back, and you follow him, later we communicate with him and return back to Grieg, who will give out the coordinates of the transition to the forest ... The task is completed, we move to the forest.

Help the Forester shoot monsters

The shooter appears in the cave, and immediately we get the task. We get out of the cave, shoot the cats trying to get food from the Forester, and communicate with him. If you have a first-aid kit with you, we will receive a transmutation recipe. The first aid kit will be lying in the Forester's house. And if you climb the stairs to the roof of the house, it is possible to find a box in which overalls and three first-aid kits.

Chat with Sutuly

Stooped is the leader of the hunter group. We are heading towards him. He just won't show the way to the warehouses, for this it will be necessary to shoot a pack of wild boars with two hunters. We are heading to the Greek, we communicate with him and go. The Greek will give ammunition for a Kalashnikov and a shotgun, and a couple of scientific first-aid kits.

Help hunters shoot wild boars

We run after the Greek, later we shoot the boars. We communicate with the Greek and run after Zakhar, who will take you to the path to the warehouses. On the way, you will meet two bloodsuckers and several poltergeists. After Zakhar stops, we communicate with him. A transition will appear, and a new quest: Find Sobolev and send him a message from Zakhar. We move to warehouses.

Will meet with Lukash

The shooter appears in warehouses in the village, in one of the houses in the lair of bloodsuckers. We quickly go down the stairs to the basement floor, where the cache is located, and it is also possible to shoot the bloodsuckers from there. We run to Lukash, who will be waiting for you together with a fairly large group of freedom.

Assist freedom to seize military base in warehouses

Lukash demands help to capture a military base. At the sight of a crowd of Svoboda members, one might think that there will be no problems with the military. But no. Better to save in advance. We destroy two soldiers sitting on the hill opposite you and slowly occupy the base. See that Lukash and Cap survive, otherwise the task will fail. When we have dealt with the military, we are heading to speak with Lukash, who sends the Arrow to seize the barrier. Better not to capture him with Freedom, as they will trample through radiation and mines. It would be better to bypass along the road, and while the military are occupied by Svoboda, it is possible to quietly interrupt them. The cap must stay alive, so save more often. Then we return back to Lukash, who will give out a reward and another task.

Find the stalker Lefty

Lukasz demands to find him so that he will promote freedom with the base. However, you first need to go to the informant so that he shows you the way from the warehouses to the bar. It is located in the village, where in the Shadow of Chernobyl it was necessary to kill the traitor to freedom Pavlik. We will return to this task later.

Find a folder in freedom territory for the Informant

The informant, of course, just won't tell you anything, he needs to find documents at a military base. They are located under the ruins of a brick structure. We took the documents and go back to the Informant. Here it turns out that the Captain is mentioned in the list of agents, and at the moment he is the conductor of the Duty. More about that later. At the moment we are heading to the Bar. Do not forget to take a new task from him, otherwise you simply will not get on the radar.

And the bar is run by gangsters. You have to pay 2000 at the entrance, there is a lot of fascinating things in the area of ​​the bar. First, we head to Borov, who is now a bartender, and is, of course, in the bar. We communicate with him, he sends the Shooter to the Count, who will be in the place where it was possible to take part in the battles in the arena. However, first we take the task from the man standing in the place of the bartender's watchman. In addition, it is possible to pick up the task from the brother, who is standing near one of the tables. Now we are heading to the Graf, who rubs you about mercenaries and helicopters.

Deliver documents and weapons to Graf

We get out of the bar in the direction of the landfill. On the right side of you there is a steel mesh, at the end it is possible to jump over it. We head forward and observe the path in front of us, we go along it in the direction of Amber. And here is a surprise - a flock of snorks (24 individuals). Better to destroy them with an F1 grenade. After there are no snorks left, it is possible to follow the path forward, and there will be three boxes. We take their contents, turn around, and observe seven bloodsuckers where the snorks were. I do not recommend using the contents of the boxes. We deal with the bloodsuckers and follow the path in the direction of the bar. We get out on the "piece" of wild territory and turn to the right. We leave the bar, hand the bandit 2000 and head to the Count. Do you think they will be given a good reward for eliminating such a number of monsters? The prize is one of the guns and armor-piercing ammunition, which you can get from Borov for four bottles of vodka.

Find the Prince and deliver the trunk to him

This assignment is taught by the Earl. We move to the warehouses and head to the barrier, nearby with which a helicopter is marked on the map, under which a box will lie, and in it the Prince's trunk and other things. We take everything and move to the radar. If the transition to the radar is not marked on your map, then you need to pick up the task from the informant.

On the radar, you are greeted with extremely evil kinks. And a bit further there will be also a controller. Later we will meet a huge pack of dogs. We jump to the stone and from there we shoot the dogs and go further. Now we meet the trap of the military, who, apparently, have been waiting for you for a long time. We destroy them and collect their swag. At this checkpoint there is a trailer, the entrance to which is blocked by an electra. It contains a berryl in impeccable condition.

A few meters later the second military checkpoint. We eliminate them and clean out their bodies. We go to the crossroads (we look intently at the PDA) and turn in the opposite direction from where you went in the Shadow of Chernobyl in X-10. In short, we are heading along the road, which is hidden behind the trailer. We head along the road to the end, eliminate the chimera, overcome the electrons and observe the Prince. We hand him the trunk, pick up a new quest and save. There will be three mercenaries at the entrance. Now pay attention to their names and the content of the fifth scroll. For now, let's move on to the task from the Informant.

Deliver food and first aid kits to diggers

Now we are heading to the end of the radar to the military base, where the diggers, whom the Informant asked to save, will be lying around. You will see them immediately on the PDA. Carefully, there will be three chimeras. Having dealt with the chimeras, we are approaching the main one, which will lie in the center. First, we communicate with him, and then we hand him the first-aid kit. To complete the task, you need to have five first-aid kits, five cans of stew, five sticks of sausage and five bottles of vodka. By the way, nearby is a trailer with the Freedom bulletproof vest.
We communicate with Sviblov and take on a new task.

Bring the corpse of the super bloodsucker to Sviblov

The bloodsucker is marked on the map. I recommend using the game's glitch and shooting it from a dais from a distance. The bloodsucker will not react in any way to falling into it. And under no circumstances should you destroy him with a gravitational cannon, because his body will still be useful to you. If you're having trouble lugging your body, take off your suit. We carry the body to Sviblov and communicate with him. We take the next quest from the same Sviblov.

Catch the traitor

Sviblov has a traitor in his team, and he demands to catch her. To get into the place where he left the cache, you need to bypass the entire radar and go into the forest, where there are many monsters, and there is strong radiation on the radar. We head to the cache and wait. We observe one ChNovets, wait for the command and eliminate him. He has no weapons, so it is possible to just shoot him in the back. Here you have an amulet with protective qualities in your inventory. We do not touch the body of the shot Chistonebo man, he has nothing. We return back to Sviblov, who will give you a carbine and the task will be completed. Do not forget to talk to the stalker who is near the wall. He will tell you a story about six magic amulets and give you a task to find them.

Find documents and system unit in the x-10 laboratory

We take the task from Sviblov and move to X-10. On the way, we will certainly break all the boxes we meet, in which there will be both armor-piercing ammunition and scientific first-aid kits. We move forward, destroy mutants. Not far from the place where burers gather, there will be a system worker.
Then we go down the ladder and head to the place where in the Shadow of Chernobyl the Shooter turned off the brain burner. In this room, documents will be scattered in the corner. Before raising them, I recommend saving, because after that there will be many mercenaries. In this case, one will appear directly behind you. We penetrate to the exit, cleaning the route from opponents along the way. We get out of the laboratory. We hand over what you got to Sviblov On this, the tasks from him are over, it is possible to return back to the warehouses, get the second part of the documents for the Count.

Deliver the second part of the documents to Graf

We move to the warehouses and come close to the mark of the transition to the bar. We turn to the right and head straight for the hillock. After a few tens of meters, a box with documents becomes visible. A little further there will be two chests with swag, be sure to take all of them. Now it is possible to go to the bar and to the Graf. By the way, the two guns that were in the chest can be sold at cost. We communicate with the Count, the task is completed.

Help Sahatom. Find the Prince's Winchester. Knock out a debt from a stalker or shoot him. To help the duty to repel the attack of the bandyugans.

Now we are looking for the stalker Sakhati in the area of ​​the bar. We communicate with him and receive the task "To help Sahatam free friends from prison." At the end of the dialogue, we take the next quest. We return back to Sahatom, from which we learn that the Winchester is in the Dark Valley. We move to the dump and go to the depot, where Zheka will be, we communicate with him. He gives you a piece of Semetsky's card for repaying the debt to the Prince. We give consent.

Now we move to the Dark Valley. At the entrance we receive a mei-day from Voronin and the task "To help the duty to repel the attack of bandits." We run to provide help. Destroy bandyugans outright with dozens of F-1 grenades. See that Voronin survives. We approach Voronin and communicate. We receive a reward and take the task to talk to the captain. We approach the captain, communicate with him and hand over a message from Zakhar. We continue to chat with him until the end.

Now we are heading to look for the hard drive to the zaprvka, there will be a two-story building nearby, which will have five bandyugans. We eliminate them and look under the stairs, where the Winchester will be lying around. At least sometimes he ends up with one of the bandyugan. Now we can go back to the bar. We hand over the Winchester to the Prince we hand over to him two tasks. And of course 25,000. We get in exchange the artifact "Mother's beads". Now we run away to Sakhatom and take the transmutation recipe from him. We take away from the prince the task to find a bag of grass and head to the Dark Valley.

Clear the area adjacent to laboratory x-18 of monsters

Voronin requires you to clear the area of ​​monsters. There are a lot of all kinds of creatures, but the main goal is to destroy all the snorks. Stock up on ammunition and head to kill them. We clear the area, go back to Voronin and pick up a new task.

Find the bandits' cache in the Dark Valley and deliver its contents to Voronin

First you need to find the bandyugan Zhila. Move in the Dark Valley to the factory. The vein is located northeast of the factory. We communicate with him. Immediately we do not know from him where the cache is located. First, you need to run back to Voronin and persuade him to place Zhila under protection. Then we return to the Zhila and find out the coordinates of the cache, which is located on the roof of the main building, where you need to climb along a wooden ladder. There are many mutants in the factory, so be careful there. Do not forget to put your own unnecessary inventory in some kind of cache, as the contents of the caches of bandyugans will weigh 45-55 kilograms. We take the contents and return back to Voronin. We give him a swag and get a reward. Then we get the path Cordon - Dark Valley.

Destroy landslides

Immediately after receiving the assignment, we leave for the swamp under the bridge. It is necessary to keep pace before the landslides have escaped. We destroy them from optics. We collect their tendons and go to Petrenko, who hands you an extremely powerful shotgun, an analogue of the bump stop from the Call of Pripyat.

Bring help

You need to go to the point marked on the PDA, talk to the stalkers and escort them to the Wolf. While they will move to the camp, they need to be protected from the dogs. After that we communicate with the Wolf.

Help stalkers recapture the village from the bandits

We get a task from the Wolf and run after the crowd of people to get off the bandyugans' camp. After the village is captured, we communicate with the Wolf. This completes the task, we are heading to the Bartender, who will be located in Sidorovich's bunker. We communicate with him, and we receive a task to find the Varyag, which is located at the Agroprom Research Institute. We are heading to Agroprom. At the entrance we receive a task.

Chat with the Imp

We are heading to the Imp, who will ask for a special Lefty from the mercenaries, which you need. We are heading for the Imp. Be careful, there are many monsters at the Agroprom. We go with the Demon and the Mole to the mercenaries, we destroy them. We enter the building, see Lefty and communicate with him. He does not want to enter freedom just like that, he demands a scientific suit of mercenaries and a new thunderstorm. After we find all this, let's go back to Lefty. Do not forget to take the task from Bes: deliver the modified lr 300 to the debt. In the meantime, we go down to the Agroprom underground and find Varyag there.

Chat with the Varyag and overcome four laps

Before talking with the Varyag, we find the cache and put our own items there, otherwise the Varyag will take most of them for himself. We leave only the first aid kits. We approach the Varyag, throw the first-aid kit on the floor and communicate with him. We take away the task "To complete four circles" and we take away the first-aid kits. It is necessary to use only a knife to destroy mutants, with all this passing four circles in the dungeon from the Varangian to the exit and back. On the first circle there will be zombies, on the second - snorks, on the third - bloodsuckers, on the fourth - burers. The reward is a recipe for transmutations and m-16 with a silencer and optics. After the task "To complete 4 circles" is completed, we communicate with the Varyag and receive a new task.

Chat with the Bartender

We are heading to the cordon, we communicate with the bartender, who will issue a new task.

Find and interrogate Major Yarofeev

We are heading to the checkpoint on the left side of the road. At the same time, as quickly as possible. We observe three stalkers attacking the checkpoint. We quickly go into the checkpoint in the first door on the left side and go further to the barracks, in which you will find him. Just do not shoot right away, at first you need to interrogate him. At the end of the dialogue with him, immediately destroy him, and do not forget to search: he has a fragment of the map of Semetsky's caches. Now we return back to the Barman, who will give you a package to Sidorovich and send you to the Peacekeeping Corps.

Deliver a message to Sidorovich

We move to the peacekeeping corps. We communicate with the patrol and move on. We are approaching Sidorovich, handing over the parcel.

Deliver the cognac to General Smith and find Colonel Brown.

Sidorovich demands Arrow to deliver the brandy to General Smith when he will punch the whereabouts of a man who may know where to find Arrow's brother. We deliver cognac and take the mission from the peacekeepers.

Save Corporal Foster

We head to the place marked on the PDA. We see a yellowish dot, which designates Corporal Foster, only he is located underground. We climb up the hill and there we are looking for a cave, at the entrance to which a psi-dog is waiting for you. Try to shoot her in such a way that she doesn't see you. Now we observe two steel doors ahead of us. We open the one that is located on the left side and head keeping to the left side of the cave. Three snorks and a controller will meet on the way. Now we observe on the left side another metal door, behind which Foster is located. We communicate with him. The corporal breaks down to the base, we go after him. We go to the base and head to Brown for the bonus and the subsequent assignment.

Help the peacekeepers regain control of the base

When taking the task, Brown will give you the lr-300, ammunition for it, f-1 grenades and first aid kits. We move after Brown to the old base, where five peacekeepers are already waiting for you. At the moment, I recommend taking a more powerful barrel. We communicate with the colonel and the doors to the base open. A mass of monsters runs out, we destroy them. After which the peacekeepers take up positions at the base. If the task is not completed, it means that somewhere on the base there is still a mutant. Now we communicate with Brown and receive a reward.

Explore the factory

Brown demands to find traces of the disappeared team in the factory. We are heading to the factory, where you will be greeted by many zombies and a controller. We enter the left side of the factory. We go up the stairs to the very top where we observe the body of the peacemaker. We take away his PDA and head to General Smith, who will reward you with a unique M4 barrel. Then we return back to Sidorovich. We take away from him two subsequent tasks.

Take the letter to the Bartender

Well, we are bringing the Barman a letter from Sidorovich, what else to say? Don't forget about the APCs.

Meet with incognito

We go to the bar. First, we talk with Borov. We get the quest. Now we speak with the tracker. If you have not persuaded Lefty to enter freedom, then he will not be there. The Pathfinder will stand to the left of the bar. We also speak with him, and we get the quest to meet with incognito. We go to the Dump, and then to the Agroprom.

Now we go straight along the road, which is in the center. That is, to the right of us there will be a central complex. We see in front of us something like a basement, everything there is still littered with debris. I marked it on the map. We go there, and we are offered to go to another location. Let's move on. We appear in the Shooter's cache, and opposite is the Swamp Doctor. There will be a swag in the cache, collect it all and talk to the Doctor. He will talk a lot about the cache and that's it. Now we leave here.

Find for Borov the information that the courier carried him (part 1)

We pass to the Dark Valley and go to Voronin. He will give us a tip to the factory. We go there and take out all the bandits. ATTENTION! One of them has a fragment of Semetsky's cache. So don't forget to search. Now we go downstairs, there the Courier Hog will sit in the cage. PDA was taken from him, but he gives a tip to the top of the X-18 laboratory. We are heading into the building through which you can get to the laboratory, go inside and go towards x-18. Half the way we hear the sound of an explosion and the task appears to talk to Borov. We'll have to go back to the bar.

At the bar we talk with Borov. It turns out that the Ghost got the information, and only he can have a copy. But to get to Pripyat, you first need to talk to Lukash. Now we approach the Pathfinder and take the quest from him.

After we take the quest from the count. The quest will continue later.

Meet with Caesar + Find the "liquidator" artifact for the Pathfinder

The count says that you need to find 3 flash drives in three caches. They lie in the outer courtyard behind the bar. To get there, go to the southern checkpoint of bandyukov, there will be a fence on the right. At the end you can jump over it. So we do it. Now we go on that side along the fence and see the bar building, but on the other side. This will be the backyard. Everything is pretty confusing there. Here's a video that shows everything in detail:

So, the passage to the Wild Territory is open, so our path lies there. Let's move on. In the passage, over which the mercenaries were ambushed in the original game, in the middle of the path in front and behind the Arrow will appear on the controller. I advise you to quickly knock out the one in front of us, and run away from the reach of the second. Now he can be shot from behind the wall. Move on. Now we need to find the railroad workers. To get to them, you need to go to the end along the rail, and then turn to the right and jump onto the wooden "something", and you will be transported to the railroad workers through the teleport. Here is a vidyushka for you, you will definitely figure it out with it:

Now we talk with the Lector, the head of the railway workers, and we take the quest from him, for the completion of which he will give us the artifact.
We go through the railway tracks into the woods and look for 3 corpses there. We find them, we take away the anti-zombin and the device, after which we return to the Lecturer. Here's a video.

But he says that he has no artifact, so we go and talk to St. John's wort. He gives us a quest to kill three supercabans and information on the location of the artifacts.

Now we return to the inner part of the Wild Territory. To get there, you need to go along the rails to the southwest, where they end. There will be a ravine on the left, and a teleporter in it. We jump. We appear on the roof of one of the houses. There will be another house opposite us. We jump to its roof. We pass along it a little further, and we see that there is a hole there. We jump into it, but only very carefully. There will be 2 "liquidators" in this house. It is not difficult to find them, and then we jump out through the window.

To kill the boars, we go to the underground passage with fries. There they will be. Having finished with them, we return to St. John's wort and take the next quest. Now, if you wish, you can drive to the bar and give it to the "liquidator".

We jump into the teleport and go to the end of the location in the direction of Amber, through an underground passage with "roasts". After exiting the passage, run only on the right side of the road. Then, in the end, there will be a way to Yantar. Let's move on.

We appear on Yantar. We move to the Bunker. In the bunker, we approach Caesar and give the flash drives.

Find the third part of the documents + Clear the area adjacent to the X-16 laboratory from the Zombies

We take these 2 quests from Dan and Caesar.

Let's take the docks first. We put on an ecologist's suit and go around X-16 along the ravine on the west side. We go into the outer courtyard, we see 3 garbage cans. Between them lies a case, in it the documents will be. We take them. Now it's time to rock! Climb over the fence and take out everything we see. After having fun, we return to the bunker, we speak with Dan, and then with Caesar.

Hang tags on monsters for Sakharov

We pass to the Wild Territory. There you will be easily found by a pseudo-giant, on which you need to hang a label. In principle, problems should not arise, the speed is not very strong, but the kill rate is increased. Now we go to the bar, where we give the "liquidator" to the Pathfinder and take 2 new quests from the Count. We pass to the Dark Valley, where we will look for the chimera. It will be slightly north of the drainpipe through which you can get to the factory. Try to get from afar the first time and run as fast as you can to Cordon. On Cordon we will look for a bloodsucker who is hiding in the farm. If you have a quest from the Curmudgeon, go to the Peacekeeping Corps.

Bring 10 Loaves of Bread to the Curmudgeon + Find a bag of grass for the Prince in the warehouses

The quest from the Curmudgeon can be taken after you persuade Lefty to join Svoboda and talk to Lukash.

First of all, we go to Sidorovich and find out for FREE !!! where is the Baker. We go to that place. We go through the gate and find ourselves in a complete copy of the bar, only the Baker will be in the place of the bartender. He will ask you to bring 5 bags of flour from the village with bloodsuckers, which is located in the Army Warehouses.

Now you can get to the bar directly from the MK along a secret path. To find it, you need to go to the extreme southeastern point of the Peacekeeping Corps, and find a swamp there. It will be next to an abandoned factory. We go around the swamp and see that there is a passage to the bar. Let's move on.
We appear in the bar and go to the Army warehouses. There will be a lot of bloodsuckers in the village, so I advise you to come up with something. Personally, I brought them to the freedom base. And got rid of the monsters, and got hold of the swag.

Kruglov marked the bag of grass on the map

Now we return to the bar and give the bag of grass to the prince. We take one more task from him and move from the bar to the Peacekeeping Corps along the path. We go to the Baker, give the bags and get bread in return, which we carry to the Curmudgeon at the AU. The quest is over, we take the next one from the Curmudgeon.

Find Artifact Controller Heart + Baker's Toolbox

So, I kindly ask you not to forget Kruglov's device. We go to Agroprom and see a mark on the swamp on the map. We leave there and walk through the swamp until the message "Artifact found" appears. Now the "controller's heart" will become visible, and we can take it.

When we have the artifact, you can climb into the rusty body, it will be in the same swamp, and get a box with tools from there. We go to the Peacekeeping Corps and give the box to the Baker.

Bring a case with important information Curmudgeon

The Curmudgeon's case will be underground. Here is a video that shows everything.

We raise the case and PDA, then we go to Amber and go to the bunker of scientists. We approach Kruglov. Now there is a choice: give him the detector and the "controller's heart", and get a reward for it now. Or, you can keep the device as a reward and use it to search for the “controller's heart” art. But even if you chose a reward instead of a device, you can still buy this device from him for "beads of the burer's grandmother." Now we approach Sakharov, hand over the quest to him and get the transition Amber - Radar. By the way, you can take from him side quest to search for art sea urchin. As a reward for such a lame art, he gives "Seva" and 8000. Now we take the next quest from him. He then sends Arrow to Dan for details of the operation.

Eliminate Associate Professor Dorodin in the Dark Valley

We speak with Dan. He puts a mark on the map and tells the details of the operation. Now it would be nice for us to get a sniper rifle. Dan sells it for 4 fireballs. If you do not have these artifacts, you can buy SVD-S on diesel fuel from Lector for 12 thousand. We go to the Dark Valley and go to the place indicated on the map. We climb to the roof. We are saved. There will be two scientists to the left of the three military men. First we shoot the one to the right. This is Dorodin. We return to the bunker of scientists and receive as a reward the transition from Amber to Agroprom and the recipe for the artifact "Tears of the Chimera". For 2 Tears of Chimera, you can buy the Radar - Dark Valley transition from the Informant.

We take the next quest from Kruglov.

Find out what happened to the laboratory assistant Lazarev

We pass to Agroprom and go to the swamp. Fortunately, the crossing to Yantar is right next to the swamp. Lazarev's corpse will be in the carriage. A flock of swamp landslides will hang around it. We shoot the landslides, we search Lazarev and return to the bunker.

Find 3 protective helmets

Now we pass from Amber to Radar, go to Sviblov and talk to him only about the professor from x-10. Now we return to Yantar again and talk to Kruglov about a pistol that shoots tranquilizers. He sends us to Voronin.

In general, I say right away, bandits will rob you on Rostock, so leaving your inventory in a cache or taking it with you is your business. We pass to Rostock. We pass the tunnel with frying, we pass a little further and find ourselves in the carriage. We immediately pick up cartridges from the floor, take out a knife and bring down the bandit in the carriage. We raise his shotgun, take a part of Semetsky's card from him, take out the whole gang and take a case with information for Voronin from one of them. Now we go to the Lector, give him the helmets and take the next quest from the Lector. We leave on Rostock, go to the bar. By the way, in my opinion, now will be the time to go to the Informant behind the passage from the TD to the Radar.

Find 3 discs with information

We go to the junkyard. We go towards the Depot. Here's a video for you:

We take the disks and go to the Dark Valley.

Give the case to Voronin

We go to the Dolgovtsy, we return the case to Voronin. Then we take the quest from Petrenko.
Now we return to Kruglov. Transition TD - Radar bought from the Informant, I hope.
We appear on Yantar, we take a colt from Kruglov. We give the disks to Dan and we get the carbine. Now I advise you to equip well, since we are going to x-10. And by the way, there will be a bone breaker on the way back. We pass to the Radar.

Find the crazy professor and take the diary from him

We pass to the laboratory x-10. We go deeper. Along the way, you will come across burers, a bloodsucker and a jerboa. You can open a door with a combination lock.

We reach the stairs, but we do not go down on it, we go into the larger room. The professor will be there. We are saved. We take out the Colt, and fall off one cartridge. If it doesn't work, load the save. We speak with him, he gives the diary. Let's go back. At the very end, a bone breaker will be waiting for you. We kill either from the gravel cannon, or 1 clip of anomalous thunderstorm.

Find a radioactive container

A helicopter can be seen in the forest on the map. We go to him. There will be 3 breaks near the helicopter, we take them out. We go around the helicopter, we see a container next to it. We select.
Then I decided to go to the x-10 laboratory. You can go elsewhere if you like. We pass to Amber. And by the way, take the crossing from Sviblov only if you are going to cross it right now, since it is temporary.

Find experiment information in the x-16 lab

We go to the bunker of scientists and give Sakharov the professor's diary. We equip ourselves more seriously. Now we are heading to the laboratory. Where is the entrance, we, of course, remember the PM. Go to x-16. Now the fun begins. Almost throughout the entire territory, the radiation is limiting, so you can stop only in some places. In places with radiation, you cannot stand in one place. On the way, we will meet snorks and zombies, then zombies and burers, and at the end there will be a controller. The laptop lies at the very top, behind a shelf with buttons. Watch the screen and video.

In principle, nothing complicated if you have good equipment with you. We get out of the laboratory, going to the very end, then turn right, into the cell with the number 10. There will be a hole in the floor in it, and we jump into it.
We pass to Amber. Directly in front of us will be the corpse of a stalker with a part of the Semetsky cache map. We take.
We go to the Army Warehouses to look for Fang.

Help Fang fight off the mercenaries

We go to the village, in which there was a detachment of debt workers in the Shadow of Chernobyl. We kill all the mercenaries. One of them will have a fragment of Semetsky's map and a light machine gun. Don't forget to pick up a piece of the card. We turn in 2 quests to the Fang and take the quest to check the laboratory x-18.

Now we go to Lukash and return the radioactive box. For this we get a permanent transition Radar - Pripyat. We take the next quest from Lukash.

Destroy a kink den at an abandoned checkpoint
We run to an abandoned checkpoint aka a mercenary checkpoint in the Shadow of Chernobyl. There will be 5 kinks, and if you're unlucky, a couple of bloodsuckers. We deal with the kinks and return to Lukash. As a reward, we receive the SVD-S and a pack of cartridges for it.

Further, I do not recommend going to x-18, since then the task of clearing the bar will follow. So we go to Pripyat. Do not forget to take a walkie-talkie with you for Zakhar. Find the Ghost (he is marked on the map) and talk to him. It turns out that Borova's infa was in one copy, and the copy could only be kept by Fang. Well, okay, we'll go to him when we return from the Dead City, where we will go after Pripyat. We speak with the Ghost again, and he says that the Arrow was looking for a person who introduced himself as the Magician and the coordinates of his location.

Meet the Magician

We go to the southeastern part of Pripyat, to the area of ​​garages. I don't know how it will be with you, but 5 chimeras, 2 burers and a pseudo-giant attacked me there. So it's better to immediately think about how you will get rid of them.
Now how to go to the Magician. We jump onto the blocks (see screenshot), from them to the garage. Now we run along them to the end. You will be teleported beyond Pripyat. Now that you are behind Pripyat, you need to run to the place where the transition to the Radar is located. There will be a van with Marvin in it. We talk to him, after which he shows us kung fu and takes all our things. Here is a bitch! No, you can of course throw your things nearby, or hide them in your closet before talking. I was just too lazy to do it, I'd rather run around Pripyat in a sweater. We speak to him again, he gives us a Colt with 40 rounds and sends us to kill the Paramedic.

Now the question for a million: how do we go back to Pripyat? Personally, I did not understand, but I found a way out: we run after Pripyat to the stadium, and we are transferred to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We return to Pripyat, and now we are almost next to the Paramedic.

We go to the Paramedic, we say, we get a sawn-off shotgun from which you can kill the sorcerer. Again we go to the garages, we teleport to Mervyn. We just come up and kill him with one bullet to the head. Now we go to the Ghost to find out what's with our things. When I read that he wants the Shooter to complete one more task, before the Ghost gives him his things, I wanted to put 3 clips in his head.

Find Dynamite Crate in House of Cultra

The House of Culture is the place where the monoliths settled. He is on the opposite side of the stadium. We go there, get rid of the monoliths, take the VAL with a sight from Mahon, go for the box. It is located under one of the stairs leading to the balcony. There are 2 of them. Watch the video. We take the Box.

On the way back, we select part of the minigun assembly guide. Where it is located is shown here. She will also have a medallion with her. Everything, now we return to the Ghost. He gives us all our items + screw cutter. And in my opinion this bastard stole my suit and all the first-aid kits.

We go to the radar and go to Sviblov. When you appear on the Radar, save with a regular save just in case. If you did not take a walkie-talkie with you for Zakhar, then run after it, and then return to Radar to Sviblov.

Talk to Sviblov + Talk to Leila + Get to the place where Mahomet has an appointment

If you talked to Sviblov, you need to immediately go to the Dead City, because the transition may disappear after a while. We take the passage from Sviblov and head to the northeastern part of the complex. There will be monoliths waiting for us. We get rid of them, we pass through the hole in the wall and we go to the thorny fence. We are transported outside the location. We pass to the Dead City.

We appear in the Dead City and go to Leila. We speak to her, we get the transition to the Forest. Now we go to the edge of the city in the House, the stalker Fima will sit there. We learn from him that the meeting with Mohammed has already passed and he left. We pass to the Forest.

At the beginning, you will find yourself inside a bus on the territory of the Dead City. The Forester is nearby. Together with this character, move straight to the house located in the forest. At his request, find and bring the Mandrake Root.


After that, you will need to complete the task related to the search for Associate Professor Vasiliev. And already Vasiliev himself will offer you a reward, if you take him to Yantar - just follow him, and when you are near the lake, then talk again. Enter the lake and talk to Vasiliev again to open the way to Amber.

On the territory of this location, protect the professor who was attacked by zombies, and then go inside the bunker. Before that, you need to talk to Dan. Go to Sakharov and ask him for the medicine. He will give you medications for the forester. The place of transition to the forest will also appear.

Deliver the received medicine to the forester and talk to him again.

Below you can see the video Walkthrough Stalker 2: Secret Trails:

Find a crate of provisions

On the territory of the Dead City, you will need to find a box containing provisions. Go there, moving along the marker until you meet Izotov. After talking with him, go to Leila, with whom you will also need to talk.

We need to help the Demon, whose location is marked on the map. After reaching the character, learn that you need to kill the zombies inside the five-story building. Do this by killing ALL enemies on ALL floors.

Return back to Leila to pick up a crate with provisions for the forester. Go to Izotov to help him get to the transition point to the forest. Give the box to your friend and talk to him again.

Now you should find three more mandrake roots. And this time you will have to visit the cave. Once you've got it, return to the forester and get your reward. You will receive a message from the very same Leila from the Dead City. Follow there and chat with the woman.

Use the marker to get to Grieg, who needs ten tails.


Kill the dogs and give the desired items to the character. After that, you will have to visit the catacombs under the Dead City, and the entry point will be indicated in the dialog box - be careful.

After descending into the catacombs, move forward until the cut-scene starts.

Charon's Quests

When you find yourself inside the bus on the territory of Pripyat, then talk to Mervyn and complete his task. After that, you will find yourself inside the Sarcophagus, where you should talk to Charon. Go to the lower floors to kill the burers and find the decoder, and then give it to Charon.

After that, it will be necessary to destroy opponents on the territory of the Chernobyl-2. Head towards the marker to find the transition point to the desired location. Find Solomon and kill the infidels with him. When everyone is dead, then report the successful completion of the mission to Charon himself.

But that's not all! You will now need to kill the enemies inside the Monolith control bunker. Do it: everything is simple, since the desired transition points are marked with markers.

Solomon: cases and medicines in the passage of Stalker: Secret Trails 2

Go to Solomon to take a new task related to the loss of 3 cases. Find them using the markers, and then return to the quest giver. Take another quest from him. You will need to find a grocery box. Go to the grocery store on the territory of Pripyat and take the box. Also proceed to the territory of Chernobyl-1, where you will need to find medicines.

There is another character near Solomon - Roma Bayonet. After talking with him, start a new task related to finding stops from snorks. Kill enemies and collect feet. Another soldier who needs a bottle of vodka will be walking nearby. After taking the quest, go to Charon.

In turn, he will send you to Mervyn, who needs to be trained. Go to the Monolith and do everything that needs to be done. Return to Charon to direct you to the territory of Pripyat, where the doctor is. We need to take the medicines from him. After leaving the Sarcophagus, you will meet the Sexton. Help him, at the same time make the character take the weapon of one of the killed, or sell him one of your barrels.

After that, talk to the Clerk, who will give you a hint about the location of the medicines that Solomon needs. Go to the territory of Pripyat, where you will find the container that Solomon needs. It's simple enough!

Once at the stadium, you will meet a paramedic who will give medicine to Charon only if you bring him two "Night Stars" artifacts or dog tails. Artifacts can be found near the character, which will allow you to continue.


Find a box with groceries inside the grocery store, and then return to Charon to turn in all the tasks and give the medicine. Follow again to Solomon and give him the products and medicines found, while transfer the feet of the killed snorks to the Bayonet.

Helping Mahon and interrogating the spy

To continue the passage, go to Charon. It is necessary to find Mahon, as well as provide assistance in defending the base on the territory of Pripyat. This base was raided by mercenaries. Run to Pripyat and talk to Mahon. He, in turn, would like you to clear the House of Culture from the enemies. Do so.

Chat with Mahon after completing the quest to continue. Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2... After that, kill opponents in Lenin Square. Turn in the task and follow Charon's instructions to Mervyn, who is waiting for you at the Pripyat hotel. Your training will continue here. Having done everything that is required of you, return to Charon.

Now you will need to interrogate a spy, detained and guarded by Dyak, at Chernobyl-1. Ask questions of interest, after which the Sexton will kill the prisoner. Go back to Charon. Moving to the Sarcophagus, you will receive a message from the paramedic, who asks to meet with him.

Passage of game Secret paths 2. Quests of the Ghost

Go to the character and learn about the new task related to the release of the Ghost. A marker will appear on the map. Do what you are asked to do, and then escort the character and turn in the quest to the paramedic.

Again, go to Charon, who wants you to kill the Ghost. Follow the marker, and at the exit from the Sarcophagus you will receive a message again. Go to the paramedic, from whom the message came, in order to receive a quest related to the protection of the Ghost. Communicate directly with the Ghost himself, who will ask you to find a map of communications located under the ground of Pripyat.

Follow the bunker with the Monolith control panel, killing the enemies that got in the way. If there is such an opportunity, then beat off the modified VAL machine gun from Mahon. You can injure Mahon, and then heal so that he becomes a friend and you have access to repair and exchange.

When you go to Chernobyl-2, then Solomon will rob you, and then help. Go in search of the map inside the bunker, pick it up and deliver it to the Ghost. At the exit, Solomon will meet you again and ask you to deliver the package to his daughter.


Agree and then leave this place. After passing the card to the Ghost, go to the Fang, who will direct you to the transition point to the swamps. Run back to the Ghost to get the gravity gun, and then leave the location, going in search of the doctor in the swamps.


When you meet with the doctor, you will learn that you need to find and kill the Swamp Thing. Complete this quest and then head to the checkpoint where Grieg is waiting for you. The character will send to a meeting with Kent, where you need to make measurements. Escort the NPC, kill opponents, and then head back to Grieg. You will find out where the transition point back to the forest is.

Once on the spot, help the forester by killing the cats. Go to the hunters on his own assignment, talk to Sutuly and go to the Greek. Help him fight the boars, then follow along with Zakhar to continue. Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2.


When you walk to the transition point, then let the dogs bite Zakhar to heal him. So you will make a friend out of Zakhar, thanks to which you will avoid troubles in the future. Arriving at the place, talk to the desired character and hand over the letter addressed to Sokolov. You will receive a transition point to army warehouses.

Army warehouses

On the territory of this location, talk to Lukash to receive from him a task related to the capture of a military base. Help Lukash. ALWAYS take a new barrel, which will drop out after killing Belchuk. Return back to Lukash to report on the quest.

When attacking the enemy base, make sure that none of the quest characters is killed! For example, opponents can kill Cap, which will lead to a stop and complete completion of the plot. Here you can go for one trick: the base can be cleared before you talk to Lukash. But not completely: let 2-3 military men and Belchka himself remain alive.

Next, Lukash will ask you to assist in capturing the Barrier. In this case, Cap must survive. After killing the commander of the military at this base, take the modified VAL. Return to Lukash and turn in the quest, and then take on a new quest related to Lefty.

Follow the informant who asks you to find a special folder located at the Freedom base. Having done this, give the folder to the informant to get the transition point to the location with the bar. The character will ask you to deliver food to the miners at the Radar location. So the transition point to the desired place will appear.


At the request of Sviblov within the framework Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2 kill the bloodsucker, then find and kill the thief Fedya the Robber. Tell Sviblov about the assignment. Go to the Wanderer on a quest related to the Amulet. Chat with him about everything to get the quest with the search for 6 such Amulets. The same hero will ask you to find the system unit and documents hidden in the X10 laboratory for him. Do this and return Sviblov.

Bar Quests

On the territory of the bar, right at the entrance, you will meet Zhenya Ninja. He will require you to pay for the entrance. Pay whenever you need it, as otherwise you will worsen your relationship with the bandits and will not be able to complete the whole quest chain.

Inside the bar, chat with Boar and go to meet the Count. Take a new mission from Potapov, in which you will have to find several parts of the instructions for the production of a minigun.

At the request of the Count, go to the helicopter, find the boxes and documents and give the character. Then he will ask you to find a weapon for the Prince. Give it to the Prince on the Radar, after which the last character will send you to the army warehouses, where you need to get boxes and documents located on another document. Take it all to the Count.

Tasks of the Prince and General Voronin

Also inside the bar you can find Prong, with whom you should talk to take the task. Then go to the Prince and talk to him. You need to find the Winchester of this character, and then deal with Zheka from the Landfill, who owes the Prince. Talk to Sokhaty again to find out exactly where the hard drive is.

Go to the Junkyard, where you should find Arkasha and take on a task related to the murder of Noodles. Then find Zheka to ask him about Semetsky's cache. Look for a tanker, whose terms you will have to agree to.

It's time to visit the territory of the Dark Valley. Help the fighters of Duty fighting the bandits, and then talk to Voronin, who will direct you straight to the captain. After talking with this character, you will receive a tip on the location of Mohammed. You will also need to deliver the radio to Zakhar.


The general will offer you to complete a task related to the destruction of mobs inside X18. After completing it, go inside to pick up the hard drive needed by the Prince, after which, according to Voronin's quest, find Zhila. When you agree for him, you will find out about the hiding place of the bandits. Find its location and return to the general to get a path to Cordon.

Talk to Petrenko and kill the swamp creepers, then in the X18 laboratory find what the tanker asked to find.

Go to the territory of the Junkyard to return the found "Thunderstorm" to the tanker. Give him the diary too. Follow to the Prince on the territory of the bar to transfer the winchester and money as Zheka's debt.

You will receive a new quest related to the Plan Bag. Visit Sokhatoy and turn in the previous mission to him, and then get to Boar to find out the whereabouts of the antique dealer. Now you will need to find a courier.

In the army warehouses, where you have already visited earlier, find the bag with the plan and return it to the Prince. Ask Voronin at the Duty base about the courier, then go to the factory and free the character. You will find out where the Borova's PDA is located. Find it by the marker, as a result of which you will receive a message from Borov himself and be able to continue Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2.

Passage of game Secret paths 2. The task of the Varangian

On the territory of the Agroprom, help Bes and chat with Lefty. Be sure to bring what he asks for, and then talk to Imp, agreeing to complete the quest. Go down inside the catacombs, where the Varyag is. If you do not want to lose what you managed to collect, hide all the items in some kind of stash before you meet with the Varyag.

Go through four circles, take the weapon to Petrenko and get a gift that should be given to Bes. Do so, then return to Boar so that he can send you to Lukash.

Travel to your destination and talk to Lukasz. He needs a container with radioactive elements. Find it and give it to the quest giver. Soon a message from the Ghost will appear, and Lukash will ask you to kill the enemies at the checkpoint in the territory of army warehouses. Follow his instructions.

Talk about everything with the Curmudgeon, who will ask you to find bread for him. Go to a meeting with the Ghost, and then go straight to the magician and do what he asks to do.

Visit the Ghost again, and then get the dynamite for him in the box. Go to the Prince and cover the Cross, then turn in the quest.

On the Cordon, you should help Tolik, and then talk with the Wolf and give what he needs.


Talk to the Fan. You will learn about Yarofeev from the Varyag. Visit the bartender and give that parcel from Sokolov, which he asked to give to his daughter. Go to a meeting with the major, kill him and report the successful completion of the task to the bartender. After that, visit Sidorov in the peacekeeping corps.

Sidor's task

An old acquaintance will ask you to provide him with services and go to a meeting with General Smith. You will learn about Mohammed and Pekar. The baker needs flour, so you will have to get it, while Smith will direct you to Brown, who in turn will issue a new task related to the search for Corporal Foster. Find him and bring him back to the base.

General Smith

You will receive a message from Sidor, after which you should go to the character. Having received a letter from him addressed to the bartender, you will learn about Mohammed and follow to Amber.

Using the Baker's jump point, go in search of flour. Go through the location with the bar, chat with the tracker and agree to his terms. After finding a bag of flour, take it straight to the Baker. After giving away the necessary item, you will find out where you can get a gravity suit. Take another quest related to finding tools. Visit the bartender, who will give you a task related to the search for documents on the territory of the X16 laboratory. After finding them, the documents should be delivered to Fang.

Colonel Brown

On the territory of Agroprom to continue Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2 meet the doctor and take the crate from him, which the Baker needs. Visit the tracker to take the "Explorer" artifact quest. He will ask you to talk to the Lecturer. Visit the Count to get a transition point to Rostock and Amber, as well as a quest related to a conversation with Caesar.

In the army warehouses, you must talk to the Curmudgeon, to whom you will give the finished bread. After the man will need help finding a case in Rostock. Agree to help.

Give the resulting gravity suit to Lefty to upgrade it.

Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2: Sprout

When you find yourself on the territory of Rostock, then make the necessary artifacts, then find a case and a radar. Go to a meeting with the railroad workers and complete the simple tasks received from them. Proceed to the Amber territory, where you will have a talk with Den. Kill the enemies inside X16 at will.

In a conversation with Caesar, give that flash drive and deal with his task. Deliver the documents and PDA to Graf, and then talk to Sakharov to take a new quest. As part of it, talk to Sviblov and set several marks on different mobs.

Kruglov needs the "Controller Heart" artifact, so agree to help. Return to the railroad workers and give them three helmets, then talk to the Lecturer and agree to a new quest. On the same Rostock, set a mark on the pseudo-giant and take the "Liquidator" artifact, which the pathfinder needs. Give the item to this character.

Visit the Earl for a new Fang quest. You will also have a transition point to the territory of the Dead City. Give the necessary items to Lefty, Curmudgeon, take the quest from the informant, who is connected with two other artifacts. From Sviblov you will receive information about a scientist who has gone mad, after which you will receive a quest to find a special barrel.

Visit the Baker and give him the tool, and then mark the bloodsucker in the territory of Cordon, while the chimera will need to be found in the Dark Valley.

Doronin's murder

Travel to Agroprom to find the Controller's Heart, an artifact Kruglov needs. Take it to the NPC and visit Voronin on his instructions. Turn over the quest, in which mutants were tagged, to Professor Sakharov. The radar jump point appears. He will also give a new task related to the elimination of Doronin. Visit Den to find out where Doronin is, and exchange the sniper rifle for artifacts.

Follow to the location with Voronin, but on the way, look at the Lecturer, to whom you will bring the artifact. This way you will find out where the Snake Eye is. Give the found suitcase to Voronin to get a tip on Petrenko. Tom needs an improved RG-6. Complete all steps related to this quest. Climb to the roof of laboratory X16, take the desired position and kill Doronin, then turn in the quest to Sakharov.

You can pick up a special barrel from Kruglov, which the mad scientist needs, while Sakharov will give a new task related to finding a laboratory assistant. You will have a transition point to the Agroprom location. Go there, find what is left of the laboratory assistant, pick up the device and take it to Kruglov. Talk to Dan again to find 3 discs for him. Do it.

Head to laboratory X10, where you only need to pick up the scientist's diary. Find Snake Eye on the radar and return to the informant. Give the two artifacts he needs to collect the reward.

Talk to Sakharov, for whom you should have already found the diary of a scientist from the X10 laboratory. After that, the man will customize the helmet for you. Head inside the X16 lab to find a laptop and other items. There will also be a letter that Fang will have to take. By doing this, you will receive an assignment related to visiting the X18 lab. You will also learn about the CCP that Boar is looking for. When you meet a monk, new information will appear, as well as the conditions for obtaining the same PDA. Go to the bar to give Potapov the instructions for the minigun and find out when you can pick up the weapon.

Follow to the territory of the X18 laboratory, take the USB stick and other things, and then give it to the Fang. All this Fang will demand to deliver to the bartender, who has reserved the next task for you.

Help Leila in the passage of Stalker: Secret Trails 2

At Sviblov, using the Earl's tip, you can get the transition to the Dead City location. Sviblov will also give you a quest to find Karina. Visit Leila, who will send you to the forester. In turn, the forester will give a task within which you need to visit the hunters. Sokolov's radio should be handed over to Zakhar, but Karina's coordinates can be obtained from Sokhaty.


After freeing Leila, guide her to the desired point to find the PDA. Move forward to the point of transition to the swamps, where you will have a talk with the doctor and give the flash drive received from the pathfinder. Visit the Dead City, where you will meet Fima. After talking with him, get through the warehouses to the pathfinder. On the territory of the warehouses themselves, find the "Superconductor" artifact, as well as the PDA that Borov needs. Give it to the quest giver.

You will receive a new task from the bartender, in which he asks to hand over a letter to General Voronin. Do this to get the transition point to the peacekeeping corps. Go to the arrow with Torgash, after which you will receive a new letter from the bartender to Voronin. Take to get Sidor's answer. Talk to Sidor and assist in capturing the bar. At the exit you will meet Mohammed, with whom you will have to talk.

Kill the opponents on the territory of the bar, as requested by Sidor, and then escort Voronin straight to the headquarters. Talk to the bartender and go to the doctor's appointment using Fang. On the territory of the Dead City, talk to Leila and meet with the doctor in the swamp, who will need parts of the mutants. As soon as you bring them to him, he will open the transition point to Pripyat.


Pripyat: final

Here you will need to talk to the paramedic, complete his quest and visit the Monolith bunker. Inside the Sarcophagus you will meet Semetsky. Chat with him to find out for Brother. At the entrance to the bunker, Solomon will be met and you will have to fulfill his order.

After meeting the tracker, decide which ending to complete Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Trails 2.

Returning to the Forester, we speak with him. Our hero will ask where you can get hold of money here, for which the grandfather will give out a gorgeous pearl - he has UNNECESSARY money, but he will not give it up just like that (why then say that unnecessary ?!), he will have to work it off. This work is such that it would be better if the Shooter had no money ... Anyway, soon to lose everything, the passage of the Mystery of Path 2 is programmed so will have to, in spite of all her trouble.

Alas, there are no marks on the map. Therefore, I previously advised to remember a large lake, where at the bottom there is a phenomenal cave, which for some unknown reason is not flooded. Let me remind you that this lake is clearly the largest on the map. To go quite far - go. When you get there, do not rush to jump into that cave - around under the water near the anomalies are full of artifacts, including very useful ones that protect from bleeding. After collecting them, jump down into the tunnel, continuing the passage of Secret Trails 2 Stalker.

Oddly enough, there is no more exit to Amber here. It's just a cave that is still not filled with water - you can walk in peace. In the cave itself there are useful things - artifacts, a pistol not far from the entrance near the skeleton, and even an SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle), which is stored in a box in a recess on the left a little further.

On the way there will be a lot of "Frying" anomalies, making your way past them, using the bolts (just throw the bolt into the anomaly and run straight through the fire - you will not get damage, unless you get into the next frying at full speed). When you reach the hole in the "floor", jump over it and just then on the left there will be the same box with the SVD mentioned above. Going further, you will soon find that a wall has appeared behind your back. But right under our feet is the first of the three roots.

After going a little forward, you will meet a fire poltergeist. Of course, you can kill him, but with careful movement, you can avoid such a large consumption of ammunition, without which a successful Secret Paths 2 passage is almost impossible. When you reach the fork, turn left, where you will find another root in a small grotto. The last one is left - get out and go to the right corridor of the fork. You will reach another "crossroads", where electrons block the path right along the course, and the last required root lies on the right. When you take it, you will again see how a wall appears behind us and with it the hated fire poltergeist. Now it is completely inappropriate to fight with him - we have completed the task, we can evacuate from these gloomy places.

But no one forbids and destroys a poltergeist, of course. One way or another, we need to go deep into the cave, from where we will find an exit to the street. Hooray, fresh air! But the likelihood of running into a controller exists, unless you ran into it even earlier - in theory, there should have been two more in the tunnel, but I met one on the street. It remains only to run to the Forester in order to give him these roots and receive the deserved 45,000 money.

Find Grieg

Having dealt with the vegetation, so necessary for the Forester, and also having received a well-deserved reward for it, we once again talk to Grandpa. He informs that Leila has just contacted him - the latter has information about Strelka's brother. Of course, we go to meet her in the Dead City, to the very base of the Wanderers (the first intersection at the entrance to the city, turn left, where you will see a little further the familiar building with columns). Leila still lives on the second floor - we go up, we say to continue the Secret Paths 2 passage. It turns out that the information about her brother is not from her, but from the guide of the Wanderers, nicknamed Grieg - his location is marked on the map, this is the very memorable building with large letters "Glory to the KPSS" right behind the monument to Lenin.

The character we need is on the second floor, and you may not find him right away - when you go up, you will hear a greeting from him, but the sound publisher itself is not visible. It is located in a dead-end room - here you went up to the second floor, you can see a corridor on the right, the first door in it to the left, in that room there is another door on the left - it is behind it that you will find Grieg.

Communicate with him - you will learn that traces of your brother can be found not just anywhere, but in Pripyat. But get there, take it ... True, Grieg knows the way, but he just won't say that, of course. As a service, he asks to bring him a dozen dog tails. Why are they to him - the passage of the Mystery of the Path 2 is silent. Well, okay, in fact, the task is trivial.

Find 10 dog tails, the way to Pripyat

In the ravines on the outskirts of the city, these dogs are full of running, one killed mutant = one tail. After destroying the animal, do not forget to search its body to pick up its tail. Fortunately, everything is much more fair here than in PM - there it is far from always that killing a monster meant an opportunity to pick up the part of its body we needed. Here we simply kill ten dogs, collect their tails, and receive a signal that it is time to take these tails to the customer.

We return to Grieg in the building behind the monument to Lenin, we get information about the trail to Pripyat. You can already go there, but I would advise you to first run into the Base to the Wanderers, where their merchant, Mozart, lives on the ground floor in a room with a piano. It is advisable to buy a backpack from him in order to hide all his accumulated property. And spend all the money so that the purchased goods can also be folded into a backpack. In general, I advise you to go to Pripyat with completely empty hands and without money - during the transition you will lose absolutely everything except the dosimeter, and this way you can facilitate the passage of Secret Paths 2 Stalker, keeping your things at least at a distance. We'll come back to the Dead City, for sure.

The passage to Pripyat is also not far from the Lenin monument (which is not surprising, given the area of ​​the city). Immediately behind the building where Grieg is located (or opposite the five-story building where we cleaned the entrance from the zombies) there is a fountain, and next to it there is an abandoned white hunchbacked "Zaporozhets". It is enough just to approach it, after which you will find yourself in the first tunnel. The system is extremely simple - you need to go from the beginning of the tunnel to its end, where the teleport is located. The latter will send you to the next tunnel, which must be passed in the same way. In the final tunnel you will find a skeleton, next to which lies some catchy-looking notebook. blue... This is a diary of a deceased stalker, which contains informative information. And at the end of this tunnel there is a teleport that sends us to Pripyat and takes away everything except the dosimeter and the selected diary.

Destroy a flock of snorks in Pripyat

We continue Stalker Secret Paths 2 passage - the first seconds after the end of the level loading are like two peas in a pod similar to the first seconds of the game in general - we appear in an abandoned bus on the outskirts of the city, whistling in our ears, dizzy. And again we are met. True, not at all as rosy as we would like - this time they stumbled upon the merchant Mervin, who belongs to the Monolith group. Moreover, he does not give us a choice - either we pass the test to join their clan, or he releases a bullet in our forehead. As a test, it is proposed to clean the area of ​​the Ferris wheel from snorks. Our things and money were torn apart by a funnel in the teleporter, so Mervin will kindly share his personalized pistol.

Pripyat, borrowed from PM, looks really great. I don’t know how anyone, but I like it even more than Pripyat from ZP, significantly expanded in size. The city looks more gloomy, it looks really dead. But if in the PM at this location, the soldiers of the Monolith were waiting for us around every corner, not allowing us to really see the local sights, then now you can safely bypass the entire location, fearing perhaps mutants. Although, passing the game Secret Paths 2 sets us the task of just destroying the latter, namely, snorks.

Immediately I must warn you - in addition to the snorks we need, in the city you can also find "unnecessary" ones, the murder of which is not encouraged in any way, and after all, there are only four dozen cartridges in stock ... So it is very important to attack the quest snorks, otherwise the task will not be counted ... Alas, there is no mark on the map, but the Ferris wheel is perfectly visible from the central area of ​​the city from the square. Alas, a crowd of non-quest snorks wanders in the same place, from which it is better to escape.

By trial and error, I concluded that the passage of the Mystery of Trail 2 becomes the easiest if you enter the building in front of the Ferris wheel, go up to the second floor in it and calmly shoot snorks from there, without risking their health - mutants do not jump there, but there is no body armor, have not forgotten? Two blows from a snork - and death. It's at an average difficulty level. I do not exclude that on heavy and one such "feed" is enough to start loading the last save. Fortunately, the pistol entrusted to us has impressive power, it is capable of neutralizing an adversary with one head shot. True, if you shoot at the body, the survivability of the creatures affects - a lot of cartridges are consumed, so it is better to try to eliminate them with headshots.

When you deal with them, you have to stomp in the opposite direction through half of the location to the very bus where we appeared and where Mervin is still waiting for us. We communicate with him, reporting on our successes - we receive "pleasant" news - the Monolith accepts us into its sect. Loading the next location - the sarcophagus over the destroyed reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Talk to Charon

Again, as in the case of Pripyat, I would like to thank the authors of the mod for the opportunity to freely explore this extremely photorealistic and reliable location, without fearing especially anything or anyone. Here the main inhabitants are the warriors of the Monolith, who are now our friends, and even on the map in green highlighted. Before continuing the passage of the Mystery of the path 2, you can exchange the artifacts found in Pripyat at the local bar ... that is, a merchant. But the task is one - communication with Charon, the leader of the sect. It doesn't hurt to talk to the first stalker you meet at the location - get a suit and an assault rifle with a small supply of cartridges.

One way or another, you need to go to the local boss. Approaching, you run into a whole sermon, which, however, is very funny to listen to, and somewhere even funny. In Charon, we get the first task for the Monolith.

Clear the lower floors of the sarcophagus from the burers and find the stolen decoder

If you walked around the location before meeting Charon, I think you noticed that light or relatively light objects now and then float in the air - this is a sign of the presence of a burer or an electric poltergeist nearby. From Chron we learn that these are the tricks of the first, and a whole family lives on the lower levels of the room. Our employer does not need such a neighborhood, so he insists that we go down and send adversaries with telekinesis abilities to a better world.

Secret Paths 2 the passage will not be limited only to this task for entry - you also need to find the stolen Monolith decoder, but this is quite along the way. In principle, before the descent, you can try to secretly slaughter one of the lonely monoliths, but this does not always turn out silently. Why do this? Yes, everything is simple, they all roam in exoskeletons, and even with more powerful machine guns than our shortened AK. But this is the case, and it rarely turns out that the hype is not raised by a sudden murder.

Either way, go down the stairs. The steps are in the same place where we came from, next to the entrance to Charon's room. Going down, you will see that the burers have become more active and objects have begun to fly in the air even more intensively. For those who passed the PM, the location will be completely familiar, but we only went through it in a slightly different order - just the opposite, we climbed from the bottom up, breaking through the fierce resistance of the Monolith. Now, on the contrary, from the upper floors we go to the very bottom of the structure, clearing the entire area from the burers.

The passage of the last Secret paths 2 will force you to kill either six or seven ... Personally, they seemed to me somehow completely helpless, in the ZP they were much more dangerous. Here I cut them all with a knife, without spending a single cartridge (this is also because of the memories that these creatures can knock weapons out of their hands). True, a problem arose quite unexpectedly - it seemed that he killed everyone, but the task continued to hang unfulfilled. The solution turned out to be extremely curious - while I was operating below, a couple of mutants climbed to the same floor where our Monolith friends are on duty! Moreover, he found one corpse of an ally, who was obviously killed by the burers, whom the other soldiers did not even think to touch for unknown reasons. Well, okay with them, mutants ... In any case, they are easy to destroy.

But finding a decoder is still a task. For beginners, of course. Experienced players will find it without problems. In the original Shadows of Chernobyl in that area, you could pick up an exoskeleton, however, there was an incredibly high level of radiation. Now everything is calm. The bottom line is this - going down the steps from Charon to the lowest level, we pass through the corridors, we run into a dead end, there is a gap in the wall on the left - we enter it, most likely, it is there that we meet the first burers. The main thing for us now is to find a decoder, so after a break in the wall, go out into the next corridor and turn left in it.

Further, the corridor turns to the right, and even more to the right there will be a doorway - behind it we will find another burer and a staircase leading down. In the lowest room with pipes on the left you will find a very small room, where the decoder we need is located behind the barrel. But if there are still whole burers somewhere, then the barrel will fly in the air and not interfere with the view, the decoder will immediately catch your eye.

Having finished with the mutants and finding the decoder, we go upstairs, report to Charon, and receive praise. And a new quest, of course, which continues the Secret Paths 2 passage.

Cleanse the Chernobyl NPP 2 from the infidels

Charon complains that infidels are encroaching on the Monolith's domain. Of course, you need to punish them so that it was more discouraging to meddle in here. For a beginner, the passage of Secret Paths 2 Stalker is the most difficult exactly at this stage of the mission - to leave the Sarcophagus, go outside into the open air near the third and fourth power units of the power plant. You need to leave through the hall where the Monolith is installed. By the way, there is an opportunity to make a wish, as in PM, I tried. And after his "execution" the shooter dies in one way or another, after which the credits follow, which is very fun - very few people could wait for such a quick ending. But this is not what we need now - for a start, how to find the hall where this very Monolith is. You do not need to go to the stairs, it is enough to go out from the base floor for the sect through the door, where you will see an anomaly and rubble. Climb up these rubble to the top.

We need to find a ladder - given the darkness around it, it can be problematic. After climbing one staircase, look for the next one, climbing to the very top. There the "Wishmaster" is located, but we do not need it. But you need a teleport glowing nearby. We enter it in order to continue passing Secret paths 2 Stalker, we appear at the top in front of the metal structure, we pass along it forward, there we pass through an opening in the wall into a hall with large windows. In it, you just need to go to the end, where you will find a transition to the Chernobyl NPP territory (the open territory of the station, and not specifically the Sarcophagus over the fourth reactor).

After loading, we need to reach Solomon through half the location - he is marked on the map. The path may not be the easiest - at first I was met by a group of pseudo-dogs, then I stumbled upon bloodsuckers ... You don't have to fight with them, but just run sprint - you will certainly have time to shoot. Talk to Solomon, now in the company of other monoliths we are going to extinguish the infidels. The brave soldiers of the Duty act as the latter.

Secret Trails 2 is a new backstory for the original Shadows of Chernobyl. New story line, which is intertwined with the quests already known from TT, and which reveals more deeply the reason for the appearance of the main character in the Zone. The main goal facing him is now quite specific and clear. Quests that were known from HC5 and TT have undergone a lot of changes. Supplemented and corrected, in order to correct a lot of errors and plot "gags", as well as to more fully reveal the main storyline. Hang up the dosimeter from the beginning and do not remove it to avoid problems with grenades. The dosimeter should always hang - even during a robbery, when everything can be put in the pocket until the robbery itself - leave the dosimeter on your belt, and the sleeping bag always remains in the inventory with the GG. Problems with grenades usually occur after robberies. The dosimeter should be alone in your inventory and hang on your belt. The amount of captured radiation can be viewed by pressing the TAB key (by default). If, nevertheless, the grenades have ceased to be handled, we begin to "shamanize", first we look - if the second (third, etc.) dosimeter is lying around in the inventory - you should sell and go to another location, throw out the grenades one by one and at once the earth and pick up, remove / lay out / hang the dosimeter on the belt, put the ENTIRE swag in the neck to the panties along with the dosimeter, take one dosimeter, hang it on the belt, take one grenade - it should be taken, after that we take the whole swag NOT AT ONCE but by the piece.

Save in key places, before moving to another location, before taking and surrendering, or after completing tasks, especially if you are not sure that you have chosen the right path, or you do not know whether there will be an exit from the location to which you are going to go. This will help to replay if something went wrong. Carefully read the dialogues with the characters, many tips are contained in the dialogs - you can make screenshots of the dialogues by pressing the F12 key.

Search the corpses of slain enemies for quest items - amulets, map parts. The corpses disappear after the reboot and even more so after the re-entry to the location.

With the release of the Update, many items are not only hidden, but can also be in different places for different players and with different playthroughs, look more carefully.

Quest characters must be protected, well, everyone who plays Stalker should know this rule, for those who like to shoot there are other great games. If you still killed the quest, it is better to replay, and not ask what to do, then you will find yourself in an impassable plug, you will have to replay a lot more.

Transitions between locations - they are Secret Trails, some have to be looked for, some are given for completing tasks, some are temporary, some are permanent, some are opened by special artifacts found - "guides". There will be a separate description for the transitions.

On the very passage - you will be robbed several times during the game, if you are not satisfied with this alignment, put your property before the robbery, then take it away. The robbers take those things from the inventory that can be put into the stash, the rest remain with the GG and do not disappear during the robbery. The dosimeter is not taken away and must remain on the belt; problems with taking grenades arise precisely after robberies. Also, some Persians, who, according to the game, need to surrender their property for a while, then when they return, they do not give all their things - it is also better to dive before "undressing".
Now, after a robbery, the money taken by the robbers can be returned back - search the corpses of the offenders, you will see packs of money in the robbers' inventory - these are your money, and packs of money may fall out of some corpses (not all).

On the first transition to Pripyat, you will be robbed to the bone, so you can put especially valuable items either before going to MG at the Forester, or stock up at Mozart and make a cache in MG. Your money will also be lost. Before the transition itself, we carefully examine the sewer - we select Krol's diary from the floor, it will be needed later.

Do not prescribe everything to merchants yourself - they may go for a walk, then you will not find it. Also, when prescribing a large number of items, these items are "ejected" from the merchants' inventory, which leads to the game freezing and even to a dead hang. It is better to prescribe if you know what you are doing and only quest items when they are lost. If you don't know - don't try, it's better to ask in the topic - maybe you can do without this item, there will be an incentive to go through the mod a second time. If you really want to register something for trade, write it in a single copy, to get several items of the same type, it is better to make a save / load next to the merchant - the item will appear on sale again. Before registering, make copies of the files that you will edit so that you can return back if the edit is unsuccessful, you should also return the original files after you have received the items you are looking for and the need for them has disappeared. In case of unsuccessful edits and rollbacks of the edited files to their original state, load the saves made before making the edits, otherwise glitches cannot be avoided.

Watch the level of captured radiation - more details about the levels are written in the description of the mod. Hang art on your belt in accordance with their properties and make sure that radioactive art is compensated for by art that removes radiation, it is also desirable to compensate for the harmful properties of some art with the useful properties of others, cook art - modifiers usually have more pronounced positive properties, and negative ones decrease.

Quest character tips (1)

I will describe the most common problems that may arise with some, I will not describe all the characters.
Do not rush to immediately complete tasks to kill some Persians - they may turn out to be key or may give you something in your life. Murder is not an end in itself for the Stalker at all.

When we go on an assignment in search of Vasiliev, it is advisable to kill the controller before meeting with Vasiliev. Vasiliev can be blunt in the cave - we go down into the cave and push him in the ass, he must come out, if you run out in front of him, then he can stay there. You can save until you descend into the cave and talk to him - the next save - after he leaves the cave, it is better not to save in the cave. On Yantar we help Vasiliev fight off zombies, as the task works, we approach him and speak, escort him to the camp and talk to Den, and only after talking with Den we go to Sakharov's bunker.

Many cannot find Grieg in MG, although they see the mark and hear his greeting voice. Walk around the rooms and find him - he is on the second floor in a dead-end room.

Do not refuse to help Dyak in shooting the military at Chernobyl-1, he will then give a tip to the case with medicines for Solomon. He also has to shoot a spy. If he died at the hands of the military - replay. If he cannot shoot a spy, then he dropped his barrel, sell him a loaded barrel, or throw it next to him, pick up and do his dirty work, otherwise you will have to dirty your hands with the murder of a neutral stalker.

When saving the Ghost from mercenaries on the instructions of the Paramedic, it is necessary to protect him from injuries (and of course from death), because when healed by the Shooter who is in the Monolith, the Ghost will also become a monolith and turn out to be an enemy after being brainwashed by the Paramedic. The ghost that Charon sends to kill is a quest character, so we are in no hurry to finish him off, but we respond to the Paramedic's message to approach him.

Another quest character - Fang, also needs protection when he leads to show the transition from Pripyat to Swamps. Then Fang will appear at the AU, where he will have to be rescued from mercenaries again. Fang will appear on the AS after completing all the tasks of the Count, and we will also find documents in the X-16 - a laptop.

Some characters change their places of deployment, and if you need to find someone in one place, and you delayed his search, he may be in a different place, and he may no longer have the necessary dialogues.

The paramedic migrates from the stadium to the house with the grocery store, so we do not delay the search for the PDA for Borov and the trip to Pripyat, for a copy of the PDA you need to go to the Phantom before the assault on the Bar, the Phantom will send to the Magician, and he will send it to the Paramedic. The paramedic in the grocery store will not give the task to kill the Magician, he will move to the grocery store after the assault on the Bar by the "Duty".

The magician stands behind the fence near the transition to the Swamps, you can approach him by using the teleport in the garages, we carefully read the dialogue with the Ghost. The way back from the Magician is located near the same garages on the outside - the teleport will return the GG to the playable area of ​​the location.

When you first enter the Bar, find the stalker Prong and talk to him, then with the Prince and again with the Prong - several branches on the plot begin with a conversation with him - work for the Prince, search for Semetsky's cache and then search for Borov's PDA. Immediately we take from the Prince the task to deal with the stalker Zhek - from him the search for Semetsky's cache will begin. Do not forget to talk to Borov - he will say that the Graf, the local security chief with the lads, has a job for the GG. The first task of the Count can be completed immediately on the same location - it will not take much time. You can also immediately go to the mechanic Potapov in the Bar and take a task in search of a minigun scheme - a lethal thing when dealing with crowds of evil spirits. To start searching for Borov's PDA, you need to complete all the tasks of the "Duty" in the TD, get the TD-Cordon transition, when we return to the Bar - we hand over the Winchester to the Prince and go to Borov - ask him about work - not to be confused with cyclic quests.

For many, a stalker named Noodles dies before completing the assignment. I advise when we go towards the Dump from the Bar for the first time, be the last to approach the extreme bandit in the Bar in the bar itself and take an order for Noodles from him, save after that and run to the Dump, if a message about the death of Noodles comes, you can replay. This character loves to die in anomalies, get caught by boars on the fangs and get under the bullets of bandits, kill him and not necessarily - just talk to him. Further, he is not needed - most likely he will die himself. Will give a tip to the Antiquary, you will have to ask Borov about him.

After talking with Noodles, we are looking for Zheka - he is in the depot, you can also find the Tankman at the Garbage dump behind the abandoned parking lot of the equipment - he will talk if the stalker Krol's diary is picked up in the MG sewer, or come up to him after the first descent into the X-18 - there will be fewer monsters when second visit to X-18. The tanker gives a tip to the place where he dropped the bioradar.

The left-hander, whom Lukash asks to find and persuade to join Svoboda, asks to bring him a weapon and a suit - they must be fully operational and be in the inventory in a single copy. After you brought him everything he requires and gave him, do not go right behind him, try to be out of the a-life zone with him, so he will get to the AU without problems, but it is better to be in other locations altogether, he needs some time to go on the speaker. In sight, even if you do not see him, he may die. If you go straight to the Dump after giving him the equipment, then you can see him wandering around the Dump, here he can be killed by the mercenaries that meet when we carry rifles from Bes Petrenko, and the hogs can meet, and the bandits at the checkpoint are also unlikely to let him through. Also in a-life, he can fall into an anomaly. After talking with Lefty, I go down to the Varyag in the dungeon, while I run in circles Lefty is already calmly getting to the AU. As a safety net, you can hang a tag on Lefty and watch him move - you can also make sure not to get too close to him.

The Varyag gives a tip to Major Yarofeev at the checkpoint after talking with the Barman, but he will only talk after the circles of hell. Yarofeev himself will appear after a conversation with the Barman when we come to him from the Varyag.

Petrenko will appear in the TD after successfully defending the "Debt" from the attack of bandits on the first visit to the TD. It is necessary to talk with Voronin, then with Sobolev and again with Voronin.

After they persuaded Lefty (that is, they brought him what he asks for) and he went to the AS to the "Svobodovtsy", and also if we talked with the Barman and then with the Varyag about Major Yarofeev, the Pathfinder will appear in the Bar, I recommend before the first campaign go to the DT on the instructions of the Pathfinder to a meeting with Incognito, after this meeting the Pathfinder will have a task on the DT - you can complete it along the way.

The Curmudgeon with the Screw immediately takes up their positions after we take the task to storm the Barrier.
The Svoboda security guard at the gun-maker appears a little later.

Quest character tips (2)

The curmudgeon in one of the quests asks to bring bread and says that you need to talk to Sidorovich at the peacekeepers' location - he knows where to find the Baker, you need to have time to talk to Sidorovich while he is at this location, then he moves to Cordon to "his" well-known place, there he will not give a tip to the Baker.
After we bring the flour to the Baker and take the task for the toolbox in the utility room, his assistant, Vano, will appear at the Baker, he will also have one task for the GG - to bring a box with mines, I advise you to save because there will be a "warm" meeting with the Marauders, the leader of the Marauders Razuvaev will then have a fragment of the map with Semetsky's cache, you can complete the task of the Marauders in different ways - the further passage through the plot may depend on your passage.

Sviblov with a group of diggers is on the Radar and the first approach to it must be done on the instructions of the Informant to help the diggers. The Informant gives a parcel to be handed over to him, it contains food, first-aid kits, vodka - in general, everything that the Informant gave needs to be brought intact and given to Sviblov, make sure not to overspend the first-aid kits and not use up from the parcel, the task will hang. Some come to the Radar from Amber for the first time and find Sviblov dead - in theory, the Sviblov seem to need help, so you need to approach him after taking an assignment from the Informant, it is not necessary to enter from the AU, but the parcel should be delivered. Do not leave monsters and enemy NPCs near the Sviblov group's parking lot. Also, do all Sviblov's tasks in the first approach to him - on a super-bloodsucker, on a traitor, and go down to X-10 for documents and a system man. Be the first to take the system unit on the upper level, it is often thrown by the burers, it is located in the room in front of the room with a gap through which the exit from the X-10 is visible. After you find everything in the X-10, try to clear out all the enemies, so that later there will be less problems in subsequent visits.

When you receive a tip from the Earl that Sviblov can give you a transition to MG, then get ready to immediately follow it and go. Grab the walkie-talkie for Zakhar, give it on the way. The transition from Sviblov to MG is temporary and then disappears. If you have received a tip from Graf but are not yet ready to go to MG and there are still things to do with Sviblov, just do not start a conversation with him about the transition. Do not forget to find a character on the outskirts of MG on this trip to MG who will clarify the situation with Mohammed. The trip to MG should be done before the assault on the Bar by the "Debt".

Mohammed will find you on his own - you just need to finish the dialogue with Sidorovich on the Cordon until the end when he moves into his rightful place. Semetsky will appear in the Sarcophagus after talking with Mohammed.

If you took some task and completed it, do not delay its delivery. After the storming of the Bar with the "Debt", some characters from the Bar shed - so try to complete and turn in all the tasks to the questmen in the Bar before the storm. After storming the Bar with Debt, you will not find Hog, Count and Pathfinder. The prince will be killed. If there are any tasks for them - complete them before capturing the Bar, the extreme moment - before taking the Bar card from the Boar.

Secret Paths Crossings 2 (1)

In Secret Trails 2, there are a lot of transitions between locations (they are the same secret paths) should be opened during the game. Some need to be obtained for certain tasks, some are found on tips, some open special arts - "Guides", they should be found and taken to the Pathfinder - a stalker in the Bar, a specialist in Secret Trails. Some transitions become permanent, others will disappear after a certain time.

Immediately there are only transitions at well-known locations south of Bar - from the Landfill and back - to Cordon, to Agroprom, to the Dark Valley and to Bar.

  • Transitions of the initial stage of the game before the first call to Pripyat

    At the beginning of the game, before the first visit to Pripyat, all transitions are temporary and are given at one time - to move to another location, and the transition from a new location must be obtained / earned. After receiving the transition, a message pops up " New way! ", in the PDA you can see on the map where it is. The main difficulty is the transition from Amber to the Forest, you need to find it yourself. Sakharov gives a pretty clear tip where to look for him - in the eastern part of the location in the lowland there is a bus, in it in the Original PM we wake up after the ejection when we go to take measurements with Kruglov. We need to walk around the northern part of the bus - where the cabin is, at a certain point a transition will open. Another transition can cause difficulties - from MG to the Forest on the instructions of the Forester to bring a box with provisions, after talking with Leila she says that it is necessary to approach the Guide, that he brought the GG to the skete, do not forget about this and approach him - he will take the GG to the already familiar place and the transition from the MG to the Forest will again open for one pass. dialogue with him and we are saved immediately after it, the transition is one-time and if we managed to dive into the sewer, then there will be no way back - you can get out through the hatch, but we will not go back into the sewer. In the sewers, do not forget to look under our feet - we select the diary of the stalker Krol, then it will be needed, it does not disappear from the inventory.

After moving to Pripyat, we fall into the clutches of the "Monolith", the memory of the GG completely knocks off and he begins to serve the "Monolith" with faith and truth. Further transitions are given by the leader of the "Monolith" Charon, sending the GG to carry out various tasks.
  • Transitions ChNPP-Sarcophagus-Management Bunker-Pripyat

    The transition to the ChNPP-2 (this is the northern part of the ChNPP, the southern part will be called ChNPP-1) is issued together with the task of Charon to destroy the "infidels". The passage is located in the upper part of the Sarcophagus (the internal premises of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) in the room where the Monolith stone itself is located. We go up the reactor, we see a stone and a teleport, we dive into the teleport and find ourselves on the wall, then along the inclined beam of the destroyed structure we pass through the gap in the wall and go to the left until it stops, then we turn left again and find ourselves at the transition.
    The return passage to the Sarcophagus will be located in the central part of the Chernobyl-2 nuclear power plant near Solomon.
    Charon's next task is to clean up the Monolith Control Bunker, you need to get into it from the Chernobyl-2 where in the Original PM we leave the Bunker at the end - in the western side of the Chernobyl-2, the transition is indicated on the map. This transition will disappear at the end of the game.
    After that, Charon will send to Pripyat for medicines to the Feldsher. The passage to Pripyat is at the Chernobyl-1, in order to get to the Chernobyl-1 we go down to the basements where the burers were shot on the first assignment. At the end of the corridor, in a mine with a broken spiral staircase, there will be a transition, in this place, in the Original, we find ourselves in the Sarcophagus from the Chernobyl NPP-1. From ChNPP-1 it is not difficult to find the passage to Pripyat. Who passed the Original PM can easily find all these transitions. These transitions will be permanent until the end of the game, except for the transition to the Control Bunker.

In Pripyat, GG will help Monolit to gain a foothold in new positions and continue training with Mervin. After Charon's next assignment, the Paramedic will intercept the GG and "wash" his brains, the GG will become an enemy for the "Monolith" and he will have to run away from his former friends. The transition from Pripyat to the Swamps will be given by GG's new friends - Ghost and Fang, Fang will show it. The transition is permanent.

In the Swamps we will meet the Doctor, he will help to get out of the Swamps, he will send the Wanderers to the checkpoint, from them we will get a transition to the Forest, in the Forest the Hunters will help to find the passage - to the Army Warehouses (AS). This path is temporary.

Further in the course of the game, we have to open or get transitions between the main locations, well known from the Original PM and other mods, most of these transitions will be permanent. Temporary transitions will be mentioned separately.

Once on the AU, you can see that there are no transitions from them, so you have to work hard for the inhabitants of the AU.

  • Transitions from the AU

    The transition to the Bar will give the Informant for a special folder, which must be brought from the AS Base, where the "Svoboda" settles down, the Pathfinder's conversation about the transition will be after a tip from Lukash - so you will have to bring the "Svoboda" members to the AS Base.
    We also get the transition to the Radar from the Informant along with the task to help the diggers led by Sviblov. Here you should take into account such a moment - the first approach to Sviblov should be exactly on the instructions of the Informant, and the parcel should be delivered safe and sound. You can not immediately take the task to help the diggers, but combine the trip to the Radar with other tasks at this location, the main thing is not to get carried away far with the passage through other branches of the plot, and not to find yourself in a situation when you need to go to Sviblov on another task and on another transition without taking assignments for help from the Informant, you can find the already dead Sviblov or lose him further for "incomprehensible" reasons.

In the course of the game, we will get another permanent transition - Dark Valley (TD) -Cordon, we will receive from General Voronin after completing the task to find bandits. Closer to the final, Voronin will open another permanent passage - the Dark Valley-Peacekeeping Corps (MK).

In the passage we run into the need to get to Amber. The first call to Yantar must be made through the Wild Territory (DT - aka the "Rostok" plant adjacent to Bar).

  • Hike to Amber

    To open the transition from Bar to DT, you need to complete the following tasks:
    - complete the first two tasks of the Earl - one at the Bar location, does not require any transitions, the second - to help the Prince on the Radar, it will require the AC-Radar transition, we get from the Informant, it is convenient to combine with the help of Sviblov's diggers;
    - go to the peacekeepers at the location "Dressing Room" or the Peacekeeping Corps (MK) and talk afterwards with the Bartender, he will say that the GG was looking for the Count and he has another task, when you go to the Bar location, a message will pop up - go to the Count.
    After completing these tasks, the Count will send to Amber to Caesar to take him three flash drives, we find flash drives on the territory of the Bar behind the fence, you can go the same way that you went on the first assignment of the Count, as soon as we find the message "New way!" and the transition will be available.
    You can also talk and take tasks for the DT from the Pathfinder - it will be in the Bar, it is advisable to go to a meeting with Incognito at the Agroprom before that - the meeting is possible if you use a temporary transition from the Agroprom to the underground, is on the street in a destroyed descent into the underground, the transition will then disappear.
    On the DT, you can complete tasks from the Pathfinder and go to the Railwaymen, they will also throw several tasks performed at the same location.
    To go to Amber, you need to find another Secret Path - after the tunnel with the "Fries" we will explore the area to the right of the road, near one of the bushes we will find the Secret Path - now we will have permanent transitions Bar-DT-Yantar.

At Yantar we meet with scientists, professor Sakharov gives out transitions from Yantar to other locations for completing assignments.
  • Transitions from Amber

    On diesel fuel - we get as soon as we find the transition from diesel fuel to Amber;
    On the Radar and back - after placing tags on mutants;
    To Agroprom and back - after a showdown with Associate Professor Dorodin at the TD.
    The transitions from Amber and back are constant.

Secret Paths Crossings 2 (2)

We will receive one of the important transitions from Lukash - the Radar-Pripyat transition, as a result of the multi-step quest to find the PDA for Borov.
  • Transition Radar-Pripyat

    It begins, oddly enough, with the stalker Prong, who asks to help rescue friends from the bandit prison. Without a conversation with Sokhatym, the Prince will be silent, there will be no conversation about the Winchester, about the debtor Zhek that will give the first fragment and the task to collect all the fragments of the map with Semetsky's cache. After we bring the Winchester to the Prince, we approach Borov and take the task to search for the missing Courier and PDA with him. After the failure with the search for PDA, the message "Talk to Borov" pops up in the TD, we talk - and he says that the Svoboda people have reconnoitred the road to Pripyat, we talk to Lukash and we undertake to bring a certain radioactive container from Radar, in exchange for it Lukash will give the Radar-Pripyat crossing. The transition is permanent. The search for a container can also be combined with the help of Diggers and Prince.

A couple more permanent transitions can be obtained in the game, they are not very important but will help shorten the path.
  • Transitions MK-Bar and Radar-TD

    The baker, to help find sacks of flour at the AU, gives a tip where you can find the MK-Bar transition, we are looking around the swamp in the south of the MK behind the factory with zombies, we examine the boulders near the swamp.
    The Informant for a couple of "Tears of the Chimera" artifacts will issue a Radar-TD transition. The Radar starts at the dead end where the Prince is.

Also, the game has the ability to get a few more additional, optional for passing the transitions between locations, allowing you to shorten the path. To get them, you need to find special art - "Guides" and take them to the Pathfinder, he will show the path that each "Guide" opens. The Pathfinder will talk about "Guides" after meeting with Incognito at Agroprom.
  • Transitions obtained with the "Explorer" arts

    From Kordon to Agroprom - located on Kordon near the western end of the railway tracks:
    From Agroprom to Kordon - located in the south of the location near the gates in barbed wire, there are many anomalies and wild boars nearby;
    From diesel fuel to nuclear power plant - located behind the fence at the north-western end of the railway tracks, there are many anomalies, dogs and pseudo-dogs nearby;
    From AU to Yantar - located in a hollow near a fallen helicopter, can be picked up by Svoboda members from the Barrier. There is one important note on this passage - do not use it until you have opened the regular passage to Yantar through the diesel fuel, there will be no way back. Also, I do not advise using it without special protection from radiation - we cook arts, look for a good suit, when descending on Yantar we pass the radiation barrier and you can grab a lot - up to death (in the Update this "guide" opens a path from the AS to the TD - so You will not be able to get to Yantar bypassing the standard route through the DT).

Now I will describe one temporary transition, but very important for the plot - the transition from Radar to the Dead City (MG).
  • Transition Radar-MG

    After completing all the tasks of the Count, he gives a tip to the fact that Chistonebians seem to have a transition to MG, and that they have lost a person, you need to volunteer to help find this person and get a transition to MG for this. We approach Sviblov on the Radar (I hope they helped him by this moment, brought the package and completed his tasks), he tells how to get to the MG, first you need to find the teleport that will throw the MG over the thorn, then we go to the very transition. We take with us a walkie-talkie for Zakhar - we will give it along the way. You shouldn't delay your trip to MG - the transition will disappear. In MG we talk with Leila - temporarily opens the path to the Forest, and also do not forget about meeting with Mohammed or a person who can give him a tip. He will be waiting in one of the houses on the outskirts of the city. Then we go to the Forest, the Forester sends us to the Hunters, we give the radio to Zakhar, and the Hunters direct the GG to the place where the loss may be, we save the loss - it turns out to be Leila's sister Karina, she takes her to the place where the kidnappers caught her with the guide, we find the corpse of the guide and his PDA, according to data from the PDA Karina takes us to the transition to the Marshes. This path to the Swamps, starting from Radar, is temporary.

There is another guide in the game - "Superconductor", which opens a long path through several locations. His search begins in the Swamps when we meet with the Doctor after going to MG and looking for the lost - Karina. She remains with the Doctor in the Swamps.
  • Search for "Superconductor"

    The Doctor gives a USB flash drive for the Pathfinder as well as a guide dog, which will show us the path from the Swamps to MG and further to the AU.
    The path that begins at the Swamps and to the AU through the MG is constant on a tip from a guide dog. Take care of your dog on the way from the Doctor to the start of the trail. Next, we refer the flash drive to the Pathfinder in Bar and he tells where to find the "Superconductor" - he will open the back path from the AC to the Swamps through the MG. The "superconductor" must be looked for in the dark from one to two in the morning at the AU at the edges of the location. Art glows and is clearly visible, located in a place where no one walks or picks up. Before starting the search, I recommend saving, if you did not have time to find it, then just reboot and run through other places. The trail starts from the AC in MG, where we carefully look at the map and look for a transition to the Swamps. The trail is constant.

After the storming of the Bar with Duty, the Hogs, the Count and the Pathfinder disappear from the Bar, so all tasks with them should be completed before the storming of the Bar. Then the Bartender says that the Doctor needs help and sends to Fang to find out the details, Fang also says that he needs to go to the Doctor. This is where the path opened with the help of the "Superconductor" will help. At the Swamps, the Doctor will ask you to bring him something, after which he will give a transition from the Swamps to Pripyat and further to the denouement of the plot at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In the final at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, we will meet with the legend of the Zone, the stalker Semetsky, with Solomon, with the Pathfinder. The Pathfinder will be at the transition to the Control Bunker, but there will be no transition - the Pathfinder says that now you can get to the Bunker through the Sarcophagus, go to the Sarcophagus and get from there into the Bunker. The passage in the Sarcophagus to the Bunker will be in the same place where in the Original we get to the Bunker - a coded door. Next is the final. The choice of the ending is up to you.

Recipes for art modifications

In Secret Trails, you can change the properties of some artifacts. To do this, you need to find a recipe for transmutations, have the desired art and find the corresponding anomaly described in the recipe. Artifacts have different properties - positive ones are displayed in green, negative ones - in red. When hanging art on a belt, it is advisable to strive to ensure that the total sum of the various properties of all hung art is in positive side, especially when it comes to the art that induces radiation, and removes it.
There are several chains of artifact transformation - from simple to absolute.
Absolutes, as a rule, have basically only positive properties, maybe one negative which can be compensated for by other arts.
Recipes are found in different ways - some are in stockings, others in the course of completing tasks as a reward. To get the absolute, you need to have full
chain of recipes, so try not to skip finding them and not neglect completing tasks.
The first recipe that can be obtained is from Sakharov on the first visit to Amber for cyclical quests to find / bring, bring a foot of snork and the recipe for "Tears of Electra" will be displayed in the PDA in the "Help" - "Recipes" section - a very useful modifier to start with. If you missed it, it's not scary, you can get it after the next visit to Sakharov. This recipe starts the artillery chain up to Tears of the Chimera.

List of mod recipes (1)

  • Recipes for art transformations before "Tears of the Chimera"

    Artifact "Drop" - has the following protective properties: -10 radiation and -18 endurance - removes a little radiation but increases fatigue.

    Recipe for "Tears of Electra":
    Throwing a "Drop" into the "Electra" anomaly - we get "Tears of Electra" with the properties of -10 radiation and +18 endurance - it also removes radiation and increases endurance.

    Tears of Fire recipe:
    Throw the "Tears of Electra" into the "Fry" anomaly and obtain "Tears of Fire" with the properties of -20 radiation.

    Recipe for Tears of the Chimera:
    Throw "Tears of Fire" into the "Jellied" anomaly and get "Tears of the Chimera" with protective properties of -30 radiation, +40 protection from telepathy and +5 bullet resistance, and also worsens health -150 and increases bleeding +153.

    Recipes for "Tears of Fire" and "Tears of Chimera" are also given by Sakharov after completing the assignment to eliminate associate professor Dorodin, as well as the transition from Agroprom to Yantar and vice versa.

Getting into the Sarcophagus, you can find a recipe that is not needed at first, but then it will come in handy, and if you do not take it, the chain of art transformations will be interrupted and it will become impossible to obtain a very interesting and useful absolute - the recipe for the "Diamond Gingerbread Man" - is in a backpack lying in the room with the Monolith, it is possible to find, but many simply do not study this room. Also, when performing Charon's task to destroy the "infidels", if you manage to save one of the "infidels", he will give a recipe from the same chain - a recipe for the "Steel Gingerbread Man", which can already be used.
  • Kolobok transformation chain

    Artifact "Kolobok" - has the following protective properties: +5 gap, +5 explosion, +5 bullet resistance, among other things, quite strong fonit +15 radiation.

    Recipe for "Steel Kolobok":
    We throw the "Kolobok" into the "Tramplin" anomaly - we get the "Steel Kolobok" with the following protective properties +5 gap, +5 bullet resistance and induces radiation +7. Recipe from the saved "unfaithful".

    "Titanium Gingerbread Man" Recipe:
    We throw the "Steel Gingerbread Man" into the "Carousel" anomaly - we get a "Titanium Gingerbread Man" with the following protective properties: +20 burn, +7 gap, +20 chemical burn, +7 bullet resistance, +15 radioactive. We get the recipe from Sviblov after we bring him the documents and the system engineer from the X-10.

    Recipe for "Diamond Kolobok":
    We throw the "Titanium Gingerbread Man" into the "Aspic" anomaly - we get the "Diamond Gingerbread Man" with the following protective properties: +20 burn, +8 gap, +15 chemical burn, +8 bullet resistance, +10 radioactive. Recipe in a backpack in the Sarcophagus.

    Giant's Little Brother Recipe:
    We throw the "Diamond Gingerbread Man" into the "Fry" anomaly - we get the "Giant's Younger Brother" with the following protective properties -15 radiation, +20 burn, +12 gap, +5 explosion, +10 bullet resistance. Side effect is an increase in the need for food +20,000. The recipe will be available after completing the Noodles quest, either he will give it, or the one who ordered it.

Many are addicted to the massacre of Charon's guards in the sarcophagus (this will not go unpunished in the Update), charge on their trunk, and one of the guards has the first recipe for another very interesting and useful chain of artillery modifications. Approach the guards and ask what they need, but do not take the task to bring, then, as required, you will collect it, come up, take the task and then turn it over. One of the guards wants to eat and he asks to bring him 5 cans of stew. Where to get? One can be bought from Solomon. Three can be bought at once from the Paramedic. Get 4 cans from Mahon for the "Goldfish" artifact. There are options, they can drop from the slain. For 5 cans of stew we get the recipe for "Porcupine" - it removes radiation very well.
  • Porcupine recipe chain

    Artifact "Sea Hedgehog" - has the following protective properties: -25 radiation, +5 burn, +5 explosion, +3 bullet resistance, and also increases bleeding +200.

    The recipe for "Porcupine":
    We throw the "Sea Urchin" into the "Fry" anomaly - we get "Porcupine" - it perfectly removes radiation -65, reduces stamina -18. A recipe from one of Charon's guards.

    The recipe for the "Electric Porcupine":
    We throw the "Porcupine" into the "Electra" anomaly, we get the "Electric Porcupine" - radiation output -63, increases endurance +91, impact protection +5, reduces protection against electricity -10. The recipe is given by the Informant for the folder from the base to the AU along with the transition to the Bar.

    The recipe for the Snotty Porcupine:
    We throw the "Electric Porcupine" into the "Jellied" anomaly, we get the "Snotty Porcupine" with the following properties - radiation output -55, endurance +82, well reduces bleeding -444, reduces protection from electricity -7. The recipe is in a well-hidden backpack in X-10.

    The recipe for the "Stone Porcupine":
    We throw the "Snotty Porcupine" into the "Trampoline" anomaly, we get the "Stone Porcupine" with the following properties - radiation output -50, endurance +77, bleeding reduction -389, protection from electricity +20, explosion protection +7. The recipe is given by the Fan for two Golden Chunks.

After we help the Wolf to recapture the village from the bandits on the Cordon, the Wolf gives a whole chain of recipes for modifying the "Soul" artifact. The last modifier in this chain is very interesting and extremely useful.
  • Soul Artifact Recipe Chain

    "Soul" - has very good indicators of increasing health +1000, reducing bleeding -267 and stamina +36, but the presence of negative properties severely limit the use of this artifact - gap -20, explosion -20 and decrease in bullet resistance -20.
    All further modifications are made to the "Fry" anomaly except the last one.
    The resulting mods have the following characteristics:

    "Drop of Soul" - health +600, radiation -10, decrease in stamina -16.

    "Fiery Soul" - health +800, radiation -20, reduced bleeding -17, explosion +5, reduced stamina -16.

    "Crystal Soul" - health +1000, radiation -30, bleeding reduction -33, explosion +10, stamina reduction -9.

    And the last art modification of this chain:
    "Crystal Soul Bengal" - brewed in the "Electra" anomaly - has truly wonderful properties:
    Health +1500, radiation removal - 30, bleeding reduction - 167, stamina +15, protection from electricity +20, explosion +10.

After sending the parcel of Solomon to the Bartender, we receive the first recipe in the chain of "Films" artillery modifications via SMS.
  • Film Artifact Recipe Chain

    "Film" has the following properties: - increased bleeding +157, protection against burns +15, against chemical burns +15, good protection against breaks +50.

    The recipe for the "Skin":
    We throw the "Film" into the "Trampoline" anomaly - we get a "Skin" with the following properties - chemical burn +30, bullet resistance +7, slightly radioactive +3. We get the recipe after we take the parcel of Solomon to the Bartender.

    The recipe for the "Scale":
    We throw the "Skin" into the "Carousel" anomaly - we get a "Scale" with the following properties - health +150, chemical burn +35, bullet resistance +7, increases bleeding +111 and radioactive +5. We get the recipe from Prong for helping free friends from the bandit prison.

    The recipe for the "Carapace":
    We throw the "Scale" into the "Asp" anomaly - we get the "Shell" with the following properties - health +50, reduced bleeding -144, protection from chemical burns +40, bullet resistance +10, slightly radioactive +2. we get the recipe from Petrenko for a modified grenade launcher.

    Recipe for obtaining the "Controller's Scalp":
    We throw the "Shell" into the "Frying" anomaly and get the "Controller's Scalp" with the following properties - health +100, protection against telepathy +50, protection against chemical burns +30, bullet resistance +10, increases the need for food +2200. The recipe is given by Kruglov after we take the case with the documents to Voronin and come to him for a pistol with sleeping pills for the crazy professor.

List of mod recipes (2)

There is one interesting recipe not included in the chain of art modifications - the recipe for "Symbion". This artifact is obtained by cooking in the "Jellied" anomaly of four arts at once - "Medusa", "Drops", "Blood of the Stone" and "Thorns". We throw out the arts in "Jellied" one by one - if all four arts are thrown out and the anomaly has accepted them, then there will be a white flash. This artifact has the following data - decrease in stamina -18, increase in bleeding +56, decrease in resistance to break -15, from positive protection from telepathy +50 and protection from radiation +10. It seems not so hot what parameters - but! This recipe can be found in X-18 in a backpack on the first entry into the Dark Valley, when there are few artifacts and recipes, the arts for cooking it are not rare and often found, two such arts are on the belt and the controllers are not scary, plus +10 protection from radiation - this parameter does not affect the rate of radiation output, but is added to the protection of the suit, it helps well when completing Caesar's task on Yantar.

Very interesting from the point of view of protection in terms of bullet resistance is the following chain of recipes for modifying the art of "Mom's Beads".

  • Beads transformation recipes

    "Mom's Beads" - reduces the feeling of hunger +100000, increases stamina +55, reduces bleeding -333, but also weakens the protection against impact -20.

    The recipe for "Babkin Beads":
    Throw the "Mother's Beads" into the "Electra" anomaly, obtain "Babkin's Beads" with the following parameters - endurance +227, bullet resistance +5, reduces protection from electricity - 15, radioactive +5. We get the recipe from the Forester when we help him fight off the cats after leaving Pripyat through the Swamps.

    Recipe for obtaining "Great-grandmother's Beads":
    We throw the "Babka's Beads" into the "Aspic" anomaly, we get the "Great-grandmother's beads" with the following parameters - health +150, reduced bleeding -422, bullet resistance +3, radioactive +7. The recipe is given by the Paramedic after rescuing the Ghost in Pripyat from mercenaries.

    The recipe for the "Burer Babka Beads":
    We throw the "Great-grandmother's beads" into the "Carousel" anomaly, get the "Burer's Granny Beads" with the following parameters - health +200, radiation removal -10, bleeding reduction -500, explosion protection +10, bullet resistance +15, decreases endurance -18. The recipe is given by the Varyag after passing the "circles of hell" in the Agroprom dungeons.

Another chain of recipes can be found in the backpack in the X-16 laboratory, recipes for transformations of the Dummy artifact. All recipes are brewed in the Electra anomaly, except for the last one.
  • Pacifiers transformation recipes

    Recipe for "Fire Pacifier":
    A "dummy" with an explosion protection parameter of +20 is thrown into the "Electra" anomaly, resulting in a "Fire Pacifier" with stamina parameters +33, protection from burns +30, weakening protection from electricity -10.

    Recipe for Bright Dummy:
    The "Fire Hollow" in the "Electra" anomaly is transformed into "Bright Soother" with stamina +66, protection from burns +30, weakening of protection from electricity -15.

    Recipe for "Lunar Dummy":
    Then the "Bright Dummy" in the "Electra" anomaly is transformed into a "Lunar Dummy" with stamina +99, protection from burns +30, weakening of protection from electricity -20.

    Recipe for "Pudding":
    "Lunar Dummy" transforms into "Jellied" anomalies into "Pudding" with the following properties - endurance +18, burn +40, protection from electricity +40, protection from chemical burns +15.

A few more tips for cooking artifacts - for cooking, select anomalies on flat, slightly inclined surfaces without nearby stones and other objects, stand close to the anomaly from the bottom side and throw the arts one by one at intervals of two or three minutes, when you get used to it, you can and throw a bunch at once. Welded artifacts pop out in the same direction from which they were thrown, and from the upper side, if thrown there is a greater likelihood of falling under the textures, they also seem to push when they jump out and can push each other under the textures. An interval of one minute at the end of the cooking time is drained at one moment and the arts jump out at the same time. We guess the time when the arts are ready and come to the place, save, wait. If the cooked art successfully popped up, then we rewrite the save, and if it is unsuccessful, then we reboot - this is of course dreary, but for some especially valuable art it is useful, more annoyance from the loss of art. When cooking, the percentage of degeneration and the percentage of rejection should be taken into account. In case of degeneration, instead of the art modifier, a "Cobblestone" will pop up - five pieces may be needed to upgrade the nanosuit. When rejected, an uncooked art pops up. When throwing a group of arts at once, these percentages are distributed to the group.

Search for Semetsky's cache

In the Secret Paths there are several end-to-end, which do not affect the passage of tasks, but are very interesting based on the results of the finds. I will describe the search for the cache of the legend of the Zone of the stalker Semetsky. It starts with taking on the task to deal with one stalker from the Prince in Bar, first you need to go to the stalker Sokhatom in Bar and take from him the task to help free his friends from the bandit prison, without this the Prince will be silent and we will not see any cache. We find the stalker we are looking for at the Dump, his name is Zheka, we talk to him and he gives us the first fragment of a map with an indication of Semetsky's cache in payment of his debt to the Prince. From the moment the task is taken, the found fragments will be displayed in the PDA in the "Journal" section, until the task is taken from Zheka, the found fragments are displayed in the inventory.
  • This is where the fragments of the map with Semetsky's cache meet. Described as you are in my walkthrough, your order may differ:

    1st fragment - we get from Zheka with the task itself;
    Fragment 2 - when we search the corpse of a zombified professor in the X-18 laboratory to find an anomalous "Thunderstorm" for the Tankman, to talk to the Tankman, we need to pick up the diary of the stalker Krol in the sewers of the Dead City when we look for a way out to Pripyat on a tip from Grieg (in the Update this fragment will be in the possession of the leader of the Marauders Razuvaev - they will appear at the location of the Peacekeepers when we go after the mines for Vano);
    The 8th fragment will be at one of the bandits in the northern complex in the Dark Valley when we go to save the Courier on the instructions of Hog to search for the PDA;
    The 4th fragment will be with Major Yarofeev at the military checkpoint on the Cordon, we search him after the conversation and the murder, keep him alive - it is more expensive for himself, starts shooting at the GG;
    We will find the third fragment at another zombie professor when clearing the base for peacekeepers;
    The 6th fragment will be with a bandit named Shiloh, this character will meet during a robbery in the Wild Territory, do not avoid robbery if you want to get a fragment, there will be no fragment without robbery;
    The 7th fragment will be found by one of the mercenaries when we fight off Fang from an ambush set up by mercenaries in the Army Warehouses - we also search ALL corpses;
    We will find the 5th fragment from one of the monoliths, which we will meet in X-18 on the instructions of the Fang.

When all eight fragments are found, the task will work and a place with a cache will be indicated on the map. In the game, it is possible to get a tip on Semetsky's cache before finding all eight fragments, the Informant can give a tip for a very valuable artifact.

Finding parts of the minigun circuit and amulets

In Secret Paths 2 there are a couple of end-to-end and interesting quests, I will describe them in one post, since they overlap.
At the first (it is possible and later - it's just better not to waste time) entering the Bar, the mechanic Potapov will be in the bar itself, we approach him and get from him a task to search for parts of the minigun scheme, the gun is very downhole and can greatly help with crowds of evil spirits. From the story we learn that there are only seven parts and they were in the possession of different stalkers who disappeared at different locations. Therefore, it is necessary to search for the corpses of missing stalkers or backpacks. I advise you to make a screen of the dialogue in order to avoid confusion and unnecessary questions. I will describe in the order of being at home. The numbering is arbitrary and has no connection to the parts of the scheme.

Parts of the minigun scheme:

  1. at the Dump, in the southeastern part of the location, behind the swamp and forest, there is a nook, there are full of blind dogs and pseudo-dogs, zombies are walking;
    in X-18, we examine all the corners on the lower level (in the Update, a corpse with a part of the scheme will spawn randomly in several places);
  2. in the Agroprom dungeons, it is not difficult to find (in the Update, a corpse with a part of the scheme will spawn randomly in several places);
  3. at the military checkpoint, located at the checkpoint itself in a backpack in a relatively conspicuous place (in the Update, the backpack can be in different, but not very hard-to-reach places - we are looking carefully);
  4. on the Radar, we examine the territory of the burnt forest behind the mesh fence, the corpse lies on the boulders closer to the stone sheer walls, the boulders are available for a regular jump (in the Update, the corpse can randomly end up anywhere on the territory of the burnt forest on the Radar);
  5. at the exit from the X-16, it is easy to find;
  6. in Pripyat, in the hotel, we find the corpse of a stalker, look into all the rooms, look through the windows, he will also have an amulet, I will write about him below (in the Update, the corpse of a digger can also be located in different places of the hotel).
After finding all seven parts of the scheme, we approach Potapov, he says that we need to approach at night after 3 o'clock. We approach from 3 to 6 hours and get a minigun, from Potapov we stock up boxes with cartridges for the minigun, in several approaches.

The search for amulets begins with Sviblov's task - to deal with the traitor. After completing it, we approach and mock the corpse of Fedi the Robber, we do not find anything, but there will be one amulet in the inventory, it seems as if it was removed from the neck. Then, in a conversation with Sviblov, we ask about him, he sends for clarifications to the Wanderer, he will appear right there. We talk with him, we make a screen of the conversation - for those who are especially forgetful, he tells what kind of amulets they are, where some can be found, the rest are according to the plot and cannot be passed by. There are six of them.

Search for amulets:

  • Chimeron - we remove from Fedi the Robber's neck, the search for amulets begins from him, protects against electricity +10 and break +10, radioactive -10;
  • Dragon - we find on the AS in the village of bloodsuckers in a terrible place of "ritual" death of stalkers, has protective properties from burns +10 and chemical burns +10, radioactive -10 (in the Update this amulet can randomly appear anywhere in the village on the AS);
  • Garganon - we will find in Semetsky's cache, slightly protects from telepathy +15, radioactive -10;
  • Avalon - will be caught in the corpse of a digger in Pripyat in a hotel along with a minigun scheme, has protective properties against explosion +10 and for bullet resistance +10, radioactive -10 (in Update, the corpse of a digger can be located in different places of the hotel and near it - we will explore all the nooks and crannies) ;
  • Catalon - will have one of the well-known characters who need to be killed, radioactive -10;
  • Sarcon - found in X-16, lies on the upper level of the installation, but burers can also throw a thread somewhere, reduces protection from electricity -15 and slightly removes radiation +10 (in the Update, the amulet can be in different places on the upper level and not only in the X-16 itself but also after leaving the X-16).
Each of the amulets has some protective and weakening properties. When the sixth amulet is found, a reaction occurs and one amulet is formed, which absorbs the positive properties of the found amulets and strengthens them, has no negative properties.
  • Amulet and its amazing properties

    Stamina +182
    Burn +20
    Impact +40
    Electroshock +20
    Gap +20
    Radiation +20
    Telepathy +30
    Chemical burn +20
    Explosion +20
    Bullet resistance +20

List of quest items

I will not describe the list of items required for some quests, I will not describe all the items, only those that can be found in advance and brought immediately to the character that they may require, and which can be lost / sold before they are needed, those items that are asked to be taken / brought I hope you yourself will guess not to sell and not hide in unreliable places:
  • two "Night Stars" or 10 tails of a blind dog - the Feldsher will need for medicines for Charon, one is immediately in the box on the lower level of the Sarcophagus, the second (and more if you're lucky) can be found at Chernobyl-1 and at the stadium in Pripyat; dog tails can be shot at Chernobyl-1 - immediately after leaving the Sarcophagus, I advise you not to go to the Dyaku, but to run around the location and collect art, we will also meet several dogs and tushcans on the way not far from Dyak on the way - be careful, there is a radioactive zone nearby, six more tails can be removed from dogs that spawn at the transition to Pripyat if they received a tip from Dyak about a container with medicines for Solomon at ChNPP-1, if they found this container on their own - these dogs will not be;
  • five cans of canned food - to Charon's guard for a recipe, we buy - one at a time from Solomon, from the Paramedic three in one approach, from Mahon for the "Golden Fish" you can get four cans, they may end up in corpses during a search;
  • another guard of Charon asks for five PDA - gives a grenade launcher to the domestic barrels "Koster", and Solomon's guard asks for five bottles of vodka, gives a TT pistol, these items are not particularly important, but finding five PDA or five bottles of vodka is difficult at this stage of the game, therefore, do not take tasks if there are no items you are looking for in the inventory, if you find them - come up and take the task and then turn it over, you will not find it - it was not really necessary;
  • two "Crystals" or two "Tapes" to the Bartender for the transfer to The mainland parcels of Solomon, one will be given by Caesar on Yantar after completing his assignment, another one can be caught during the assault on the base at the NPP, either near a dilapidated tunnel with psi and radiation zones, or at one of the military, it is advisable to search all the corpses. I start the search while still in the Monolith - in the Sarcophagus and in the Control Bunker there are a couple of boxes in which different artifacts can randomly drop out, I always knock out "Crystal" from one, there is also a box in Pripyat behind a fence next to the future transition to the Swamps - this box I break in the first snorkel run because the box usually does not live up to a later moment, the "Film" can be obtained by a cyclical quest from Sakharov - but it takes a long time and we will get only one "Film" at a time, another "Film" lies in the destroyed tunnel with "Electras" on the diesel fuel;
  • two "Golden Chunks" For a fan for a recipe, one will be in the Bar in a building with a door supported by boxes, we climb from the roof through a hole, the second we will find in the Garbage when we look for a part of the minigun scheme, they are also found on DT on Yantar, we just get there later in the game ;
  • 5 bottles of vodka, 5 cans of canned food, 5 sticks of sausage, 5 first-aid kits - a parcel from the Informant to a group of diggers - you need to give Sviblov safe and sound, when we approach the diggers they are all wounded, we are not fond of treatment - we can overspend the first-aid kits from the parcel, first the parcel we give it back, then if first-aid kits remain, you can heal the wounded, they themselves will heal each other;
  • assault "Abakan" - asks the Prince for the weed for the guard of the "Svoboda" weapons shop, comes across several times, for the first time he is given out by General Voronin for help in rebuffing the bandits' attack on the first entry into the TD, a couple of times more can be randomly issued for clearing mutants near X -18 and for the nychka of bandits, another one lies in the inspection pit of the garage on the diesel fuel, if, after all, not one is left by the time the Prince asks him, you can exchange it with Petrenko for two " Sea urchin"," Sea Urchins "can be randomly exchanged at Kruglov for" Controller's Heart ";
  • a jar of monpasier - one, the Monk will need at the AU on the quest for the PDA Borov, rummage through the corpses, caches can fall out, also jars with monpasier come across on the corpses of the military, Yarofeev has one;
  • the scientific suit of mercenaries and the Thunderstorm for the Lefty, the suit and the Thunderstorm must be in good condition and in a single copy in the inventory, the extra ones can be thrown into the safe in the barracks where the Lefty is, the scientific suit of the mercenaries first comes across in Pripyat, can be repaired at Mahon and taken out from by itself, it can also fall out (if you're lucky) from the mercenaries when the Lefty is freed, the suit and weapons should be repaired by the merchants and not used, the slightest wear and the Lefty will not accept them, even the mercenary teacher is on sale at the Borov;
  • "Fiery Soul" - will ask you to bring Lefty for an upgrade of a gravity suit;
  • "Mica", "Crystal", "Goldfish", "Soul", "Ruby Spring", "Flash" - Lefty will ask to bring these six artifacts for repairing the universal detector found in X-18 on the instructions of Fang;
  • two " Fireballs"- Kruglova for the label on the bag of grass, can be found on the diesel fuel in the tunnel with the" Fries ";
  • "Crystal Soul of Bengal" - to the Informant for establishing the location of Semetsky's cache from an incomplete set of map fragments;
  • two "Tears of the Chimera" - Informant for the Radar-TD crossing;
  • five "Cobblestones" or five "Crystal Souls of Bengal" - to upgrade the nanosuit from Semetsky's cache, before the upgrade you need to have one set of arts, another must be laid out, then we put on the suit and the suit assimilates the corresponding artifacts, there are two "Cobblestones" ";
  • 3 hands of a burer, 3 tails of a cat, 3 eyes of a poltergeist and a "Ruby Battery" - the Doctor will ask you to bring it in the final, for them he will give you a transition from Swamps to Pripyat.

Artifact "Controller's Heart"

Interesting by the results of Kruglov's quest to find the "Controller's Heart". The first artifact must be found in the Agroprom swamp, the detector that gives Kruglov is hung on his belt. We save until the entrance to the psi-zone, we go into the psi-zone - the message "Artifact found!" - we are looking for it, maybe both on the surface of the lake and in the trailer itself, if not found - we reboot, the main thing is that the save is done before entering the psi-zone and before the message about its detection, the artifact may spawn somewhere in the wrong place, easy to search at night - the artifact glows. We take the found artifact to Kruglov and refuse the reward, take the detector instead of the reward - now you can search for "Hearts of Controllers" in other psi-zones. When it is found, a monster will appear, most often a controller, there are a bloodsucker and a burer. You can also search for other art after saving before entering the psi zone. After finding the psi-zone, it degenerates and the next time you enter the location, it will no longer be there. For the "Controller's Heart" Kruglov can give an elite anomaly detector - now he will always have this dialogue, be careful - do not recruit more of these tasks if you have already received the detector. Also, the "Controller's Heart" will be needed by the Lecturer at the DT, for him he will give a tip where to look for the "Serpent's Eye", the artifact with which we will find the "Klondike artifacts", should be in the inventory when we go to the TD in search of the Klondike.

Psi zones at locations:

  • Amber - the entrance to the factory;
  • Wild Territory:
    north of the location on the railway tracks;
    the middle of the location, next to the previous one - a long psi-zone and starts near the house where you need to find the "Liquidator";
  • Bar - to the left of the road to the transition to the AC;
  • Army Warehouses:
    in the north, by the rocks between the farm where the Informant lives and the abandoned mercenary base;
    in the south, behind the farm, where the original Skull group lives;
    at the base itself in a destroyed railway tunnel, it usually pops up behind barbed wire, you can go around the border from the north near the transition to Radar, or from the side of the transition to the AU, I pulled it up with a gravity gun;
  • Radar:
    on the road after turning with the ambush of the military before turning to Pripyat;
    in a dead end where the Prince will stand;
  • Dump:
    in the hollow between the passages to the Bar and the TD, there are wild boars hanging out with flesh;
    south of the radioactive heap that is opposite the entrance to the depot from the main road;
  • Agroprom:
    in the northeast, in a hollow between the crossings to the Dump and to Yantar;
    in the south - south of the main gate to the western complex;
  • Dark Valley:
    in the northeast behind the gas station building where the Prince's Winchester is found;
    in the southeast where the "day bloodsucker" hangs out from the Original;
  • Cordon:
    north of the Bartender's bunker in an anomaly enclosed by a thorn;
    in the railway tunnel in the east where there is strong radiation.
Found artifacts can be brought to Kruglov and exchanged for other artifacts, he changes randomly and gives out several pieces for one "Controller's Heart", to get the necessary arts we save in front of him and reload until the necessary arts are obtained. You can get almost all the initial artwork in the chains of art transformations, as well as some others - for example, "Crystals" if you have not yet handed over Solomon's package to the Bartender. You can also get trunks from Sakharov for the received arts.

Trade and repair

In the Secret Trails, there are several merchants to whom you can sell unnecessary swag and buy supplies. They will buy from you cheaply and sell dearly - many do not like this alignment, but Stalker is not an economic simulator, and money in the Zone is not the main currency. But you can exchange the necessary supplies and weapons from merchants for arts and spare parts of mutants. I will describe from whom, what and for what you can change. If you missed something or saw an inaccuracy, please write in a personal.
  • Mahon - the "Monolith" merchant, will become unavailable after being brainwashed by the Paramedic:

    "Stone Flower" - 3 packs of 5.45 common, 1 first aid kit, 1 antirad;
    "Blood of the Stone" - 2 first aid kits;
    "Gravi" - 3 packs of 5.56 regular, 2 first-aid kits, 4 sausages;
    "Night Star" - 5 packs of 9x39 SP-6, 2 scientific first-aid kits, 2 antiradiation;
    "Zolotaya Rybka" - 5 packs of 5.45 BP, 2 army first-aid kits, 4 canned food;
    "Chunk of Meat" - 3 packs of 5.45 regular, 2 first-aid kits, 4 sausages;
    "Soul" - 5 packs of 5.56 AR, 3 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Kristall" - 5 packs of 9x39 PAB-9, 2 army first-aid kits.

  • The paramedic - the Doctor's assistant, stands at the stadium in Pripyat, at the end will move to a house with a grocery store behind a Ferris wheel, changes parts of mutants in bulk, 10 pieces each:

    eyes of flesh - 4 scientific first aid kits;
    boar hooves - 4 army first aid kits;
    tails of a blind dog - 4 packs of shot;
    pseudo-dog tails - 4 F-1 grenades;
    bloodsucker tentacles - 4 packs 9x39 SP-6;
    burer's hands - 4 packs of 5.56 AP;
    zombie hands - 5 packs of shot;
    snork feet - 4 first aid kits;
    jerboa heads - 5 packs 9x18 "R";
    hands of controllers - 5 antirad;
    pseudo-giant paws - 7 packs of 5.56 ordinary;
    chimera's claws - 5 packs 5.45 BP.

  • Curmudgeon - Freedom merchant:

    2 "Drops" - 3 packs of 5.56 AP;
    2 "Blood of the Stone" - 3 packs of 5.56 common;
    2 Bengal Lights - 3 F-1 grenades;
    3 "Slime" - 2 army first aid kits.

    "Cobblestone" - SIG SG552 Commando;
    Tears of Fire - SIG SG551;
    "Symbion" - М16А1;
    Ruby Spring - Colt M4A1;
    "Golden Hump" - FA MAS Prototype 3;
    "Soul Drop" - SIG 550 sniper.

  • Boar is a merchant of bros in Bar:

    5 cans of cans - 3 packs for AK-47;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs for AK-47 BP;
    5 loaves of bread -3 packs 5.45 ordinary;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs of 5.45 BP;
    5 sticks of sausage - 3 packs 5.56;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs of 5.56 AP;
    "Stone Flower" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H1;
    "Slug" - 3 packs of 9x39 PAB-9.

    2 "Mica" - AK-47;
    2 "Chunks of Meat" - Saiga.

    In addition to exchanging for arts and products from Borov, you can get something for cyclical tasks:

    Parts of mutants:
    eye of flesh - 300 rubles and 3 cans of canned food;
    boar hoof - 500 rubles.

    "Piece of Meat" - 2100 rubles and 2 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Flash" - 7,500 rubles;
    "Crystal Thorn" - 1500 rubles and 2 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Night Star" - armored suit "Beryl" -5M and 3 F-1 grenades;
    "Gold fish" - assault rifle LR300, SUSAT sight - L9A1, M-203 grenade launcher, PBS silencer.

  • Petrenko - Debt merchant:

    Meduza - 3 packs of 5.45 BP;
    "Chunk of Meat" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H1;
    "Flash" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H14;
    "Gravi" - 3 packs 9x39 SP-5;
    2 Bengal Lights - 3 packs of 9x39 SP-6;
    "Slug" - 3 army first aid kits.

    2 "Gravi" - Abakan AN-94 sniper;
    2 "Sea Hedgehogs" - Abakan AN-94 assault;
    2 "Ruby Springs" - silent sniper rifle "Exhaust";
    2 Ruby Batteries - VSS Vintorez silent sniper rifle;
    2 "Stone Flowers" - RPG-7V grenade launcher.

  • Bartender - merchant on the Cordon:

    6 chimera claws - 3 packs of 5.45 regular;
    6 hooves of a wild boar - 3 packs of shot;
    6 eyes of flesh - 2 first aid kits.

    40 tails of a blind dog - MP-7a3;
    30 pseudo-dog tails - SPAS-12 shotgun;
    25 tentacles to