Decoupage of a three-liter jar money tree with coins. Do-it-yourself money tree from coins. Video compilation of instructions for making paintings from coins

Money Tree Is one of the most popular talismans to help attract wealth. Surely many have such a living talisman: a houseplant with fleshy leaves, somewhat reminiscent of coins. This is a fat woman, or krasulla, as it is also called.

However, contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary to buy a real fat woman. To increase your income, you can also make a money tree with your own hands. Today we'll talk about how to properly use both versions of the amulet so that money can be found in the house, how to activate it and take care of it.

Where did the tree come from to attract money

The history of the money tree began more than one and a half thousand years ago. The plant itself is native to Africa, but very quickly became known in the East. It was the merchants of the Middle East who called Crassula the money tree, because its leaves are so similar to coins.

In Europe, the fat woman began to be used to attract money only in the 17th century. This is due to the introduction of the plant into horticultural reference books. The further spread of Crassula among the masses was facilitated by its magical property of attracting wealth.

Money tree: signs and superstitions

There are many signs associated with this money talisman. A person who knows about all these folk wisdoms, at first glance, will be able to understand what problems the talisman predicts and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Signs to pay attention to:

  • The leaves of the plant are falling or its trunk has begun to sag. It is likely that unplanned spending is expected soon.
  • Crassula fell from her usual place. Such an incident does not bode well for any misfortunes. A fall and a broken pot indicate that the material well-being of the family will be the best. But this can lead to the appearance of envious people, so be careful.
  • The fat woman is blooming. This is definitely a good sign. The appearance of flowers suggests that the fat woman is good in your house, which means that she will soon thank you for your care.

Pay close attention to these signs. But don't forget that you don't have to wait for the plant to bloom. You can also strengthen the positive energy spread by Crassula yourself.

What is needed for this:

  • Every Wednesday tell the tree about your financial accomplishments and spending. This will help you avoid purchases that you later regret.
  • Decorate the branches with large denominations. Banknotes need to be replaced from time to time - this will start the money cycle.
  • Transplant the jersey from the smaller pot to the larger one when it has grown from the old pot. This action is believed to help expand the space needed for new money.

Is it possible to keep a fat woman at home

In order for the money tree to bring wealth and prosperity, you need to plant it yourself.

Having heard about such an unusual talisman for the first time, many are interested in whether it is possible to keep a money tree at home. Feng Shui experts say that it is not just possible, but necessary! A coin tree should be in every home whose inhabitants want to become rich.

Those who live in an apartment should not worry about insufficient free space. Indeed, for residential premises, they use the decorative format of this plant - an oval or ovoid crassula, which is popularly called a bastard because of the thick trunk.

Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. This means that you, with peace of mind, can place a pot with a tree in any room without fear that it will turn into an impenetrable forest.

Experts say that this money amulet cannot be bought. So that he does not lose the ability to attract money, you need to take a sprout from friends or relatives and grow the tree yourself.

Where should the money tree stand

Each talisman has its own characteristics and they must be taken into account when buying this or that amulet. Almost each of them is located in a specially designated area - this is the only way he can attract positive vibrations, transmitting them to their owners.

But with the Feng Shui money tree, everything is somewhat more complicated. This is understandable, because it is a living talisman that requires much more care and attention than an ordinary figurine.

To make the money tree "bear fruit", keep it in the right conditions.

The fat woman is not too capricious, but she needs care and suitable conditions:

  • The ideal temperature for a talisman tree is 20-25 °.
  • Crassula not only does not like high temperatures and dryness, but also direct sunlight. Therefore, it can be placed on the windowsill only if it is not the sunny side.
  • The tree needs fresh air, humidity and absence of dust, but at the same time it is afraid of drafts and sudden temperature changes, therefore it is undesirable to put it below the table level. Ventilate the room regularly, and in the warm season, additionally spray the topiary with water from a spray bottle.

These simple tips will help you find a good place in the house for the money tree. One where he will be comfortable and cozy. But Feng Shui teachings have their own rule regarding where to put the talisman.

How to put a Feng Shui talisman

According to Feng Shui, the money tree must be placed in a special area. It is located in the southeast. Along the Bagua grid, it is in this sector that the wealth zone is located - the most suitable place for topiary. But the most optimal option is when it turns out to combine the rules for caring for a tree and the orders of Feng Shui.

To locate the Bagua wealth zone, determine where the north direction is, and then position the printed or drawn polygon sheet so that the career sector is in the north. If the money zone is in a completely inappropriate place for it, change your approach - instead of a plan for the entire apartment, use a plan for a separate room.

The money tree is a talisman for the whole family, so it is better to put it in the common room, and not in the bedroom or in the nursery.

How to plant a money tree to attract money

The skills acquired while breeding houseplants will of course come in handy for planting a money tree. But since this tree is also a talisman against poverty, its owner must remember the talisman rules.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui:

  • Pay attention to the pot. Ideally, it should be red or green. Red will help activate the amulet and serve as a magnet for cash flow, and green in Feng Shui is considered the color of wealth, so it is ideal for a money tree.
  • Transplant the Crassula into a new, more spacious pot when the old one becomes cramped for her. On this score, there is a superstition that if the tree has little room in the pot, it will not be able to bring new money into the house of its owners, which will gradually reduce their income.
  • To quickly attract money, put a handful of coins of different denominations on the bottom before filling the pot with earth.

When planting a fat woman, choose a spacious pot of red or green flowers.

According to Feng Shui, in order to activate talismans, you do not need to read any conspiracies. It is enough to place them in a suitable sector of the Bagua and reinforce them with a certain color or energy. For example, a red ribbon is tied on and sprayed with water.

But some experts believe that the intelligent combination of traditional feng shui orders and beliefs from other teachings or religions can not lead to something bad. Therefore, if you also think that a conspiracy for money will help you get rich faster, try talking topiary.

To do this, use the following conspiracy:

Talisman, talisman, bring me money, bring so much to live without worries for a whole year.

You can also take this conspiracy here:

Grow, a money tree, grow large and wide, bloom and bring money to our house in a stream.

Is it possible to give a money tree

The fat woman is allowed to grow not only for herself, but also for loved ones - relatives or friends. Crassula will be a great gift for a wedding and birthday, bringing a lot of joy to its owners.

But for this, one condition must be met - the talisman is donated not purchased, but grown by hand. That is, you have to borrow a sprout from someone and grow a full-fledged tree from it. You don't have to wait many years. Don't hesitate to give a sapling too. In this case, the amulet will serve as a source of a small but stable income.

If you are planning a wedding gift, also pay attention to or. Both talismans are wonderful gifts for newlyweds.

If the money tree is given to you, then it is better not to accept it if the plant looks sick. A gift like this signals that the person is jealous of your financial condition and wants you to go broke.

Is it possible to throw out a fat woman

Everyone who has purchased Crassula sooner or later faces the question - is it possible to throw out the money tree. Particularly impressionable individuals are so afraid of signs and superstitions that they refuse to throw out the amulets when they have become unusable, motivating this by the fact that happiness will leave the house.

But a broken talisman will also not bring the expected benefits. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to get rid of the amulet to prevent negative energy from spreading throughout the house.

But how to understand whether it is worth saying goodbye to the fat woman or is there still an opportunity to revive her? Experts do not give specific instructions on this matter, so it remains to act at its own discretion. When the tree is sick, try to heal it. Find more detailed guides about caring for this plant or talk to gardeners you know.

If it is clear from Crassula that it will not last long, then you have several options for action:

  • get rid of the plant completely;
  • leave yourself a sprout to grow a new tree;
  • donate to another person (but it is better not to do this for the reasons given in the previous paragraph).

Never throw the money tree into the trash bin or landfill. Talismans are not treated like that. If you do not want to overdar the plant or keep a sprout for yourself, just bury the fat woman in the ground away from home.

How to make a wealth tree mascot yourself

You don't have to grow a Chinese tree for money. It is clear that such a process will take a lot of time and effort, and not everyone has these resources. But, fortunately, there is an alternative option - making an amulet with your own hands.

The money tree talisman for wealth can be made from various materials, for example, from beads.

An artificial decorative tree has a significant advantage over a living plant - it will never wither. And if it suddenly breaks, it will not be so a pity to throw it away.

What are the money talismans:

  • bead tree;
  • a fat woman made of wire and coins or paper banknotes;
  • coin picture.

We invite you to use our workshops to make yourself such a talisman!

Diy money tree made of coins

Making a money tree is not as difficult as it might seem.

To make an amulet from coins, you will need:

  • foam rubber;
  • Scotch;
  • coins of different sizes;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • a branch or small metal stick;
  • gold ribbon;
  • golden beads;
  • yellow rhinestones;
  • a small flower pot;
  • decorative gold leaves;
  • alabaster;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • golden acrylic paint in the form of an aerosol.

There are a lot of materials on the list, but, despite this, topiary from coins is made very quickly. Literally in an hour.

Topiary of coins will serve an original gift.

And now the master class itself:

  1. Roll a ball 8-10 cm in diameter out of foam rubber, completely covering its surface with tape. This will help secure the shape of the ball.
  2. Using glue, attach the coins to the surface of the ball. Start at the top, going down in a circle. The round shape of the coins will not allow you to put together a whole picture of them, leaving no gaps. Therefore, apply coins so that the edge of one overlaps the flank of the other.
  3. Do not put the last coin on the bottom of the balloon, leave a little space. In this place, you need to pierce the ball and insert a stick or wire there.
  4. Cover the end of the stick with glue, and then insert it into the hole in the ball.
  5. Wrap the future trunk of the money tree with a gold ribbon, having previously greased the stick with glue. After that, you can close up the remaining space with coins through which the color of the ball is visible.
  6. Glue decorative leaves to the trunk, decorating them with beads and rhinestones.
  7. Now we are preparing the pot. We cover it with paint and decorate with leaves.
  8. After mixing alabaster and sand with water, pour all this stuff into a pot and insert the stem. When the soil hardens, cover it with paint.
  9. Let's take a "collar" of ribbons. Cut uniform pieces of tape and fold them into droplets. Use a sharp corner to apply them to the coins near the barrel, securing them with glue. Make the collar in a circle.
  10. 10) The last stage is to cover all this beauty with varnish so that you can wipe the talisman from dust.

Diy money tree from banknotes

When making a money tree, use real banknotes, not souvenir ones.

When making a money tree, you can use other techniques. It is more difficult, but gives a more authentic result. In this version, the crown of the tree is not made from a ball, but from real branches. They are varnished, and real banknotes are hung around the edges, like fruits.

It is undesirable to use small bills, because then the talisman will attract only small amounts. Replacing real money with souvenir money is also not worth it, otherwise it will not be possible to activate monetary energy and start the circulation of money.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting options for making a money tree from banknotes.

Money herringbone

The process of creating a Christmas tree from real paper money rather uncomplicated and even small needlewomen can do it. The money tree will serve as an original gift for family and friends

To make a Christmas tree, you will need a foam cone, a small bucket for indoor plants and, of course, cherished banknotes.

  1. We fold the paper bill like an accordion.
  2. We fix the center of the accordion with an invisible hair. You will get a kind of butterfly.
  3. Spread the wings of our money butterfly.
  4. It remains to fix the paper moth on the tree trunk, sticking the invisibility into the green cone.
  5. Create a lush Christmas tree from banknotes. Decorate the top of the green beauty with a star.

Banknote tree

The algorithm for creating such a money tree is also very simple and absolutely everyone can handle it.

To make a tree from paper money you will need:

  • small flowerpot;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • children's polymer clay.

  1. We string the ball on a wooden stick;
  2. Fill the bucket halfway with polymer clay;
  3. We form a bow from a banknote;
  4. Using a hairpin, we attach the bow to the foam ball;
  5. We do the same with the rest of the banknotes, forming a tree with lush "foliage".

We decorate the trunk with a decorative ribbon.

Panel money tree

If you have absolutely nowhere to put your decorative topiary, try making a painting out of coins. Making such a talisman will take much less time, and there will always be a place for it. And in order not to drill a hole in the wall, just put the miniature panel on the table or bookshelf.

Materials for the painting:

  • picture frame (A4);
  • embossed paper for background;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • pearlescent acrylic paint of gold color (aerosol);
  • cherry-colored pearlescent acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • fixing varnish (transparent);
  • coins of different sizes
  • oilcloth;
  • twine.

The color of the paper can be any, but it is better if it will be in harmony with the golden tone with which you cover the coins. If the shade you want is not there, take the one you have and cover it with a suitable color using acrylic paint.

Check if you have taken all the materials and tune in a positive way. When making an amulet, it is important to think about the good, so that it is charged with your mood.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The first step is to paint the materials. Spread out the oilcloth, spreading coins, pebbles and a bundle of thread of the required length and thickness on it. The threads will have to be painted on all sides, but it is enough to paint the coins from one side.
  2. While the details of the future panel are drying, you can do the background. Pull the base out of the frame and glue the paper prepared for the background to it. Smooth out any wrinkles, and then place a heavy book on top so that the paper sticks evenly.
  3. If you are not going to paint the background, feel free to skip this step. If you can't find paper of the right color, take paint of a suitable color and paint the background. A silver or cherry tone will look good with a golden tint of a money tree.
  4. When all materials are dry, you can glue them to the background. Spread the strings so that the crown looks even - like y. Glue coins to the ends of the branches.
  5. Now we wait again until everything dries up, and then we cover the picture with colorless varnish. You should not skip the fixation stage, because without an additional protective coating, the picture can deteriorate when dust is wiped with a damp cloth.
  6. We frame the finished panel and place it in the wealth zone.

Before placing the money amulet in the southeast zone, activate it. Talk to the talisman, asking for a good income, or read the corresponding conspiracy.

A beautiful panel "Money Tree" made by your own hands is not just a decoration, but a symbol that attracts money and contributes to material well-being.

Of course, you can be skeptical about this statement, but the original decor will not become less attractive from this. Coin panel is suitable for the wall of a home office, hallway, office, premises where the company's cash register is located. Such a gift is ideal for a manager or accountant of a company.

Materials and tools for creativity

To make a panel with a money tree, you will need:

  • A4 frame;
  • a piece of textured wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • tube with PVA glue;
  • twine;
  • thermal gun with silicone rods;
  • coins of different denominations;
  • small stones;
  • metal figurine "owl";
  • brush;
  • polyethylene;
  • acrylic paint in black, bronze and gold shades;
  • transparent glossy varnish.

Prepare everything you need at once to be distracted by the creative wave in search of details. Think good while working, charge the talisman for enrichment.

Step-by-step manufacturing technique

Take an A4 frame and remove the hardboard base from it.

Pick up a piece of textured wallpaper. The color doesn't matter, but the drawing is important. Wallpaper with a burlap texture is perfect.

Cover the base with wallpaper, generously greasing it with PVA glue.

Once the glue is dry, you can continue working. Take the string and make a small skein out of it that fits on the hardboard. There can be from 15 to 50 turns in a skein, their number depends on the desired thickness of the tree.

Fix the central part of the resulting skein with a thermal gun in the middle of the panel base. Use scissors to cut each strand at the top and bottom.

Make twigs from the upper ends of the twine, and from the lower ends - the roots of the money tree from coins. There is no need to regret silicone, it is important that all the elements of the panel are securely fixed.

Now take coins of different denominations. The color does not matter, the main thing is that they are of different diameters.

Glue coins in a random order on the branches of the money tree.

Fix them with a heat gun near the roots. Arrange the pebbles as you see fit, rarely or completely filling the space below.

On the trunk, glue a hollow formed from a piece of twine, and fix the metal figurine of an owl in it.

You have practically made a money tree for a panel with your own hands.

The next stage is painting. Place the artwork on a piece of plastic and paint the entire surface with black acrylic paint.

When the black paint is dry, paint over the trunk, branches, roots, coins and pebbles with bronze and gold acrylics.

Apply strokes either over the entire surface of the elements, or partially. The last stage is the application of glossy varnish. Cover the work with 1 or 2 coats and leave overnight until dry.

Here is such a beautiful tree!

A panel made of coins can already be hung on the wall in this form. But it is better, of course, to insert the craft into a frame.

This will make the work look more complete.

Take the time and create your own symbol of prosperity.

A tree with coins will definitely bring success to your home, company and financial stability for the whole team.

A do-it-yourself master class on making a do-it-yourself money tree panel was prepared specifically for the site of women's hobbies. If you want to know what else, read our publications about this type of needlework.

More tutorials with step by step photos. All MKs are grouped by technique, but choose not only from familiar ones, but also from new handicraft techniques.

Make this cash souvenir can be a gift to a friend, family, bosses. In a word, a money topiary can be useful in more than one situation. If you want, put it in your workplace as a symbol of financial well-being. In the photo gallery, you can find enough examples of such money trees that are easy to make with your own hands.

Of course, such an art object does not imply the use of real banknotes, unless you decide to use coins. Fake bills are purchased at a souvenir shop, and can often be found in the children's playroom. It is up to you to decide which bills to use, but a currency with three zeros looks more impressive, of course.

And also the money topiary is:

  • Alternative to converter, in which it is customary to bring a monetary present. In such a topiary, a couple of real bills can be wedged in, hint about this opaquely to the hero of the occasion.
  • Tree of happiness- if someone just lacks finance for this happiness. Try to bring them to life in such a creative way.
  • Interior decoration... Well, if you are aiming at a career and climbing its ladder, such a decor will only be appropriate.

And to create such a topiary with your own hands, use the next item - MK (master class).

Topiary money tree: master class

In fact, this is a master class about how to make money flowers in a simple design, that is, in a pot. By the way, such an MK will be useful to the groom, who is awaiting a ransom. When you run out of real money, you can always buy off a sly tree. At the same time, the groom will show his ingenuity.

The master class involves the use of the following material:

  • Paper bills (fake) - 33-36 pieces;
  • Blank for the crown (or ready-made foam, or in the form of a newspaper wad, intertwined with threads);
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Copper wire;
  • Floristic tape;
  • Pot;
  • Gypsum;
  • Decorative items.

The master class begins with the manufacture of a round base. It's good if you already have foam blanks, if not, any round object of sufficient density will do. At worst, act in the old-fashioned way - make a wad of newspapers, crumple them well to make a round detail. Stretch the wad with the threads until the shape is completely round.

How else you can make the basis for the topiary - see the video.

Do-it-yourself basis for topiary: how to make a foam ball (video)

The resulting lump needs to be made green, solid. For this, green corrugated paper is suitable.

  • You need to create flowers from banknotes. There can be many options, some use the origami technique, some go their own way. Flowers of seven petals, glued together in the middle, look the most aesthetically pleasing. The bill is folded from the corners and in the middle on both sides, the petals tend to the center. Look at the photo, which option is more interesting for you, such a flower will turn out.

Choosing a suitable flower option for yourself, you need to make a sufficient number of them. As a rule, if you completely decorate a medium-sized crown with flowers from banknotes, you will need at least five dozen of them.

  • You need hot melt glue to fix the flowers. Make a temporary stem before gluing. Stick any object that resembles it into the workpiece, just do not deform it. Glue the first flower by the tail with hot glue at the very base of the stem (temporary).
  • This flower, and hold the rest for a few seconds so that the glue hardens. Work is not in a hurry.
  • Glue the second and subsequent flowers not chaotically, but according to the logic of movements - first around the stem, and then go upstairs, row by row. There should be no free space between flowers, look at the photo - all trees have a uniform, dense crown without so-called gaps.
  • To make a stem, this master class suggests taking copper wire... It is easy to give it the desired bend, fold in several layers, etc. If you go the simple way, then you can simply decorate the wire with floral tape. Actually, and it will be good. Do not forget to get the temporary stem, pour hot glue into the hole formed, put the decorated wire there, hold it until the stem hardens well.
  • Now the tree needs to be planted in a pot; gypsum is required to fix it in the container. From plaster to the edge of the pot, you need to leave literally two centimeters. Don't level the top layer too much, it won't be visible anyway. The gypsum must be allowed to harden, and the moisture, of course, must be evaporated.
  • The top layer is decorated with greenery - some craftsmen have adapted a washcloth for this business. Yes, a regular round green washcloth will do the trick. But other decorative materials, straws, threads, pile can also become green.
  • Decorate the stalk with your own hands too. Or you can tie a bow from the emerald ribbon of aspidistra.
  • Beads, buttons, decorative braid - all this is also used, if desired, of course. On the pot itself, you can write a wish with acrylic paints.

This master class offers to build just such a tree, a fairly simple option.

Money trees: topiary, decoration

Money topiary quite itself assumes creative improvisation. In the process of work, you can deviate from the MK, replace something with your own hands, improve something.

Topiary design options:

  • The ball base can be made of polyurethane foam;
  • Leaves from banknotes can be formed according to the principle of an ordinary bag - this is exactly what is done in numerous photos of topiary;
  • Felt leaves can also complement the crown, you get a tree from banknotes and textile inclusions;
  • At the foot of the stalk, you can decorate the top layer of the pot with sesal - in many MKs this material is used for decoration;
  • The tree may have another trunk - you can also make it with your own hands from skewers, sushi sticks, a plastic stick from a flower salon;
  • And the pot can also be different - for example, an inexpensive beautiful planter, a coffee cup, a plastic cup, a small beautiful box.

And also banknote do it yourself, you can fold it like a fan, roll it into a tube, into an airplane, tie a double tube with decorative thread. You can get inspired by examples in the photo gallery.

Diy cash topiary: step by step instructions (video master class)

The next master class involves forming a crown with souvenir banknotes and real coins.

Part 1: blanks from bills for topiary (video)

Part 2: making the crown with paper notes (video)

Part 3: crown decor with coins (video)

Part 4: assembling wood, decorating (video)

A self-made topiary is filled with the energy of good wishes, your efforts, the desire to please the one to whom it is intended. Do not forget to take a photo of the topiary so that the photo remains in the piggy bank of ideas and successful creative works.

Topiary made of money (photo)

The art of Feng Shui teaches us: in order to become rich, it is imperative to have a money tree, because it is this tree that attracts material wealth and wealth like a magnet. V souvenir shops wide choose such talismans for every taste, but if you make a money tree with your own hands and put a piece of your soul into it, this will enhance its effect several times. We bring to your attention several options for making a homemade tree, which does not lose either its beauty or magical abilities from this.

Topiary of coins

When starting to make topiary from coins (a decorative tree with a curly round crown), you should adhere to the rules:

  1. The main emphasis is the crown, and its diameter should be larger than the pot in which the tree grows.
  2. The maximum size of the pot is equal to the width of the crown, but it is better to take a less voluminous pot so that it does not draw attention to itself.
  3. The total height of the souvenir tree will be approximately three diameters of the crown itself.
  4. The trunk should be thin but firm.
  5. To prevent the tree from falling, the base pot must be filled with heavy filler.

One of the simplest coin money tree options is to use a round foam ball as the base for the crown. Some craftsmen make it from newspapers, folding them tightly and gluing them, but this option is not the best, since it is very difficult to achieve an even rounded shape. To make the crown perfect, it is better to choose a foam ball. Its size depends on the desire and the number of coins available, but it should be borne in mind that there should be a lot of them, because the ball is completely covered.

The ball should first be pasted over with paper napkins - so it will not be slippery and the coins will stick better.

So, in order to make a topiary money tree with your own hands, you need to pick up small coins of the same denomination, for example, 10 rubles. They can be fixed either with a thermal gun or with PVA glue (the first option is preferable, since it will provide good adhesion). The crown should be formed in the form of scales, namely:

A small area of ​​the ball should remain empty - the barrel will "grow" from here.

The trunk of a tree can be made from an ordinary sushi stick, and then it will be flat, or from a piece of thick aluminum cable, bizarrely bending it. Painting will give a golden effect to the wooden trunk, while the cable must be wrapped with tape or paper of a similar color.

It remains to collect and "plant" the money tree, namely:

  1. Fix the barrel in the left hole on the ball-crown, using glue if necessary.
  2. Fill a small plastic glass or an ordinary cup with plaster and set the tree.
  3. When the gypsum hardens, glue the "soil" in the glass with coins, paint with golden paint or cover with sparkles.
  4. Decorate the pot with paint or glue it over with beautiful lace.

If desired, you can attach leaves or bows to the stem, and plant a butterfly on the crown - it all depends only on the imagination of the master.

Graceful money tree with branches

You can make a very delicate money tree with your own hands from coins and wire: a beautiful falling crown with golden leaves-coins will be the main decoration of the house. Making a talisman is not difficult, for this:

Coins can also be combined with beads, and the barrel can be shaped differently.

Painting of coins

Not only a three-dimensional tree looks spectacular, but also laid out in the form of a picture on canvas or paper. Such work can be done with children, because there is nothing complicated in how to make a money tree in a picture. The craft itself is as follows:

  1. Draw a contour on the canvas (trunk and crown).
  2. Lay out the trunk from the paper napkins twisted into flagella.
  3. Lay out the crown from the coins.
  4. Paint everything with golden paint.
  5. Insert the picture into the frame.

What does the money tree symbolize?

There are many signs associated with the money tree. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the main task of this talisman is to attract financial well-being and wealth to its owner, but the effect will be only if the tree is put in the right place, namely in the zone of wealth. The southeast side of the room is responsible for this, and to enhance the effect of the money tree, it is recommended to install a fountain nearby.

Chinese experts in Feng Shui insist that decorative talisman trees should have 10 branches on which exactly 100 coins are located - this is the combination that has the maximum magical effect.

If you shake such a tree and jingle with coin-leaves, you should expect material benefits soon. Whether it is true or not is up to you to decide.

As for the living money tree (bastard), the plant also retains its symbolism if properly cared for. In this case, in order for the flower to affect the material condition in a positive way, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves, preventing the formation of dust on them - it will lead to the opposite effect (spending and loss of money). The drying out of the bush also portends an unplanned waste.

To activate the action of the fat money tree, put a coin on the bottom of the flowerpot and rinse it under running water every year before Christmas.

Summing up, I would like to say: if there are supplies of small things in the house, including old coins, you should definitely try to make a talisman out of them. A money tree made with love with your own hands will not only decorate the house, but also become an original gift for friends and acquaintances.

Making a money tree from beads - video

One surefire way to attract financial well-being, abundance and prosperity to your home is to decorate it with a DIY money tree. There are many ways to create decor to attract money, but the most interesting option is the money tree made of coins. It can be a money topiary, a miniature decorative tree with coins or a panel with its image.

Money topiary

Making topiary from coins is a fun activity, you will need simple materials and creative inspiration to work. According to Feng Shui, money topiary attracts abundance and wealth to the house.

Necessary materials:

  • A foam or foam ball is the basis of the composition. The larger its diameter, the more voluminous the money tree will be and the more coins will be needed to design it. Ideally, the diameter of the ball is 8 cm.
  • Small denomination coins - choose according to your taste. These can be real coins or decorative ones, different in color and size.
  • Glue gun, PVA glue, plaster.
  • Aluminum wire or tree trunk stick.
  • Pot, flowerpot, cup.
  • Decor: gold ribbons, decorative gold leaves, beads.
  • Acrylic gold paint, transparent varnish.


  1. On the ball, using a glue gun, glue the coins. You should start with three coins, which are glued to each other with an overlap, then we continue to paste over them on the sides in a circle, imitating fish scales. Thus, you need to glue the entire ball, leaving free space for establishing the tree trunk. To keep coins attractive and shiny for longer, cover them with clear varnish.
  2. We make the barrel: we take a blank (thick wire or stick) and fix it securely to the ball with hot glue. First, we make a hole in the foam where the wire is inserted. The barrel can be decorated with golden ribbon or painted with acrylic paint to match the coins. At the place where the barrel and coins are joined, we glue the coins.
  3. Let's move on to making the stand. Any suitable capacity can be taken as the basis of the money topiary. Pot decor is a manifestation of your imagination. You can simply paint it gold, stick a decorative mesh on it, wrap it with golden foil, add interesting decorative elements.
  4. Put the alabaster solution inside the pot and insert the barrel with a ball of coins into the pot, wait for the contents of the pot to dry.
  5. Decorate the inside of the pot with coins that mask the plaster stand. We decorate the base of the ball and the pot with gold ribbons, rhinestones, beads.

Sprawling money tree with coins

With the help of scrap materials, you can make a real mini-tree decorated with coins.

Necessary materials:

  • Small coins and a drill for making holes in them, you can use ready-made souvenir coins with holes.
  • Pot, alabaster, pebbles, coarse sea salt.
  • Paint, varnish, glue, flexible wire.


  1. Prepare coins by drilling each hole. If desired, they can be dyed gold to make the coins shinier.
  2. We make branches from the wire, imitating a real tree, and then the trunk, folding the wire several times. When forming small branches, insert three coins each, fastening them with a wire, then combine them into large branches. We fix the finished branches to the trunk. We paint the branches brown or golden.
  3. We make a stand for a tree, you can use a wide flowerpot, pot. Pour gypsum solution into the middle of the pot and insert the trunk into it.
  4. To decorate the base of the pot, stones or coins are used, which are also painted in gold; it is recommended to open the entire product with a transparent varnish. The crown of a tree can be stolen with gold-colored sea salt and glue.

A money tree made of coins, made with love, wishes of prosperity and prosperity, a great gift for loved ones. This is a beautiful and luxurious decor element that will take its rightful place in any home.