Copper wire treatment. Copper treatment is an effective folk method. Copper treatment in Russia

Hello dear friends!

I first learned about the treatment with copper coins from the book by Valentina Travinka and applied this method itself in practice. I want to tell you about this, because not everyone has a book, probably, and not everyone knows that copper coins are successfully used to treat many ailments.

The book deals with coins issued before 1961. But after the publication of this article, critical remarks from specialists appeared. Let's see what kind of coins work and how to use them correctly.

Copper treatment. A bit of history

Copper treatment is, in principle, a very old method. Even in ancient Greece, copper plates helped with bruises, tumors, diseases of the throat, joints.

And in Soviet times, all the boys knew that they needed to attach a nickel so that there was no bruise.

In the 19th century, during the terrible cholera in Paris, half of the population died out, while historians note a strange phenomenon: in the area where the copper smelting workshops were located, not a single person died.

The healer Nina Mikhailovna Safonova found out about this case, who had been looking for at least some information about copper treatment in the libraries for a long time. Later, she conducted research, developed her own technique, and over more than 40 years of her healing has cured a huge number of people, many of whom medicine was already powerless to help.

It all started with the case when Nina Mikhailovna in her youth, having fallen from a bicycle, became covered with terrible purple bruises, which a random acquaintance quickly helped her get rid of, advising her to attach copper coins. Huge blue and yellow spots on the chest passed in a day.

Since then, Nina Mikhailovna has become interested in miraculous coins.

Valentina Travinka tells about cases of curing people with copper coins in her book, as well as how to properly treat people with copper coins and what diseases can be treated.

I will not retell all the stories, let's go straight to practice.

What coins heal

According to the source, old coins issued before 1961 have the greatest healing power. During their production, by someone's mistake, vacuum copper MV-1 was used, which has healing properties. Although other copper coins are also used for treatment, as well as copper plates. But Nina Mikhailovna, from her many years of experience, insists precisely on coins before 1961.

Perhaps she was wrong. I am not an expert in this matter and I will not argue that this is so.

She herself used coins of the 1961 issue.

The denomination of coins can be any - from one kopeck to a penny.

Now, unfortunately, such coins are not issued. And they say that even collectors are hard to find. Maybe your relatives or friends have these coins. I was lucky, a friend of mine gave me some coins.

Coins of Nikolaev times are of no interest to us, since they contain bronze. Such coins will not be of any help.

To use for treatment, of course, you need clean coins. It is not necessary to scrape and burn them, it is enough to clean them with tooth powder, or toothpaste, or saline solution, rinse with water and dry.

After even a single use, the coins can darken and at the same time they lose their healing power. But this matter is fixable, it is enough just to clean the coins again.

How to Treat with Copper Coins

Treatment with copper coins is usually carried out on the basis of pain, that is, where it hurts, a coin is applied to that place. In this case, the coin adheres to the skin, it cannot be torn off! This means that the place has been chosen correctly. If there is no adhesion, then no treatment will occur. In this case, this method simply does not work for you.

And it should also be borne in mind that the coin should not be placed on oily or sweaty and wet skin, otherwise irritation may appear.

Well, if the coin has caught on, leave it there. Only for reliability in some places it is required to fix it with a strip of adhesive plaster so that it does not fall off when moving.

The adhesive tape should always be glued to the same side of the coin as it will be difficult to clean off.

If the sore spot is large, attach some coins in a checkerboard pattern like chain mail or along the seam.

The coins should be left on the body until they begin to lag behind. And this happens when the coins finish their treatment. Moreover, quite quickly. Sometimes in one day, sometimes in 7. In each case individually. After the treatment, a black spot may remain on the body under the coin, and this is very good, the coin has done a great job!

In chronic and severe diseases, the course of treatment must be repeated as many times as necessary until complete recovery.

The coins fell off, took them off, washed them, rested for 2-3 days and you can repeat the treatment.

What can be healed with copper coins

Almost everything can be treated with copper coins, if only the coin gets a grip on the diseased organ. The coin itself knows if it can help, and it finds the right place itself.


There are no contraindications for the treatment with copper coins. They can be used by both children and pregnant women.

So look for and save copper coins, strengthen your health!

I have a large collection of coins. Many acquaintances ask me for copper coins issued between 1930 and 1957. These coins are said to have strong medicinal properties. If this is true, then I wonder how and for what diseases can they be used? If you tell me more about this, I will be very grateful to you.

Respectfully yours, Yuri Ivanovich Biryukov, town. Quarries

YURI IVANOVICH! Your friends are right. Copper is a potent remedy. Since ancient times, copper discs, copper powders, copper filings and copper coins have been used to treat many diseases. Now this area of ​​traditional medicine is actively reviving. Moreover, it is recommended to use old coins for treatment, preferably before 1961: they contain aluminum, which is involved in the construction of connective and bone tissue.

In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing the copper cross were less likely to get sick with cholera during epidemics. For the prevention of rickets, children were put on copper bracelets. Copper, according to the peasants, helped with fractures. For this, shavings from ancient copper coins were eaten with bread, and copper scraped off with a knife was taken from a hernia.

It has now been established that copper applications reduce the temperature, relieve pain, stop bleeding, normalize water and mineral metabolism, improve sleep, calm the nervous system, resolve benign tumors, remove all inflammatory processes in the body, including inflammation of the joints, treat gynecological diseases, provide antiseptic effect, reduce the harmful effect of radiation, serve as an effective rehabilitation tool after a heart attack.

Copper heals quickly, but it does not help everyone. There is a simple way to determine if copper treatment is right for you. Must attach copper coin or a disc to the skin. If copper adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper will heal you. If there is no adhesion, you should not waste your time: copper as a remedy is not suitable for you.

It also happens that in one part of the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but in the other it is not. This means that it is advisable to treat with copper only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed.

For heart pain, place a copper coin in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fixing it with a plaster and not removing it even at night: the pain disappears. The same treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. In case of coronary heart disease, copper coins should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

If your hands often ache, put on thin gloves at night, putting in them a copper coin or a piece of copper wire compressed into a lump: the pain will calm down on the second day.

If, as a result of a bruise, thrombophlebitis has formed on your leg, put a copper coin in your shoes under a sock or stocking. She should stick to her leg. Wear the coin until it starts to roll under your heel. You can use the same method for varicose veins.

For uterine fibroids, apply copper coins to your lower abdomen overnight.

Copper coins heal hemorrhoids. This will require two copper coins. One coin should be placed with its edge directly on the anus, the other should be clamped above the gluteal muscles, but so that the coins do not come into contact with each other.

With sinusitis, small copper coins should be applied over the eyes at night, and with noise in the ears - on the back of the neck, fixing the coins around the neck with a plaster.

Copper heals deafness. To improve hearing, one 2-kopeck copper coin must be stuck to the raised bone behind the ear, and the other must be attached to the ear from the side of the face.

For a headache, apply a 5-kopeck copper coin to the most sore spot on the forehead, temples or back of the head: usually the pain goes away in 15-20 minutes.

If you apply a copper coin to the bruised area, the pain may temporarily intensify, but it will surely disappear soon.

Copper coins can be used for medicinal purposes by people of any age, including children, old people and pregnant women. Typically, coins are capable of "running without rest" for several days. Then a 2-week break is taken, after which the course of treatment can be repeated. Just remember to periodically fire or wet the coins with brine to restore their healing properties.

Copper treatment- medical treatment (the use of copper in the treatment of diseases) goes back to ancient times.
In the writings of the ancient healers Aristotle, Hippocrates, Al-Biruni, Galen, Paracelsus, Avicenna, the treatment with copper plates of bruises, skin diseases, ulcers, cholera is indicated. Hippocrates used copper for inflammation of the tonsils and.
An old medical book says that the supplement of copper cures rabies. In case of epilepsy, it was used in the form of rings, necklaces, and the patient was allowed to hold objects made of this metal in his hands during a seizure.
A Byzantine medical treatise from the 11th century advises that for an abscess of the spleen, alum should be used along with copper water, where iron should be dipped; for women to smear eyelids, so that the eyes do not water, with burnt copper with milk or honey; with old eyesore and wetness of the eyes, use ground and dried copper sawdust with vinegar with food.
In Syria and Egypt, copper bracelets are still worn on newborns to prevent rickets and seizures.

medical treatment

The healing properties of copper

Scientific research of the method of treatment

  1. In 1958, a group of doctors determined that metals, especially copper, could be used for diagnostic purposes. However, only a specialist can carry out diagnostics, since special knowledge of acupuncture is needed (about points on the surface of the skin where internal organs are projected).
  2. The most in-depth studies of medical treatment at one time were carried out for a long time in the clinic of the Donetsk Medical Institute. When examining patients, it was found that copper ions penetrate the skin, forming compounds that cause a disinfecting effect. In addition, the formation of leukocytes, which are responsible for maintaining immunity, is activated, and after treatment with metal, the body's defenses increase. By the way, scientists have long noticed that copper discs become thinner and wear out if they are often applied to wounds.
    For example, in the clinic, a girl suffering from conjunctivitis was cured: pennies were regularly put on the corners of her eyes. The woman, whose doctors found a focus of infectious arthritis on her arm, was also treated with medication. After that, the hand was a little swollen, but after a while the disease disappeared.
  3. About 15 years ago, British scientists have proven for certain that copper dishes greatly reduce the risk of microbial infections. Probably, it was no coincidence that our ancestors drank tea from copper samovars, ate food from copper bowls. But the "stainless steel" dishes considered to be hygienic are actually a breeding ground for microbes. Even a brush cannot expel these harmful settlers from its microscopic cracks. Unless a strong antiseptic can handle it. The bacterium - the culprit of intestinal infections - lives on the "stainless steel" for several months, and dies on the copper surface after 14 hours.
    Few people now have dishes made of healing metal, but coins and plates made of it can still carry good service.

Copper in traditional medicine

This metal has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Over a long period of treatment with copper, it has been established that one can independently, without consulting a specialist, be treated with copper for bruises, neuralgia, which have the character of "flying pain".
Why is the topic of copper coins so hot when there are a lot of pharmacies and patented drugs around? Yes, there are simply things to which the power of time does not apply. Many unconventional methods of effective treatment were passed from mouth to mouth, through healers and fortune-tellers, developed, have come "polished" to the present time.

  • copper is attached to the sore spot with a bandage or plaster. It is recommended to remove the bandage at night.
  • Copper can be used for heart pain. The coin is fixed with a plaster in the subclavian fossa and is not removed for 10 days.
  • With uterine fibroids, coins are placed on the lower abdomen.
  • Tinnitus is eliminated by applying metal to the neck (from the spine).
  • For the treatment of deafness, two copper coins are used: one is applied to the external auditory canal, and the other to the convex ear bone. Both coins are secured with a plaster.
  • Metal is also used for concussion. A copper disc (approximately 40 x 4 mm) is taken and placed on the site of the injury. Vomiting soon stops, nausea recedes, disappear headache and dizziness.
  • If the child suffers from nocturnal urinary incontinence, this method is suitable: a three-kopeck coin (copper) should be placed on the left subclavian area to calm down nervous system... The second same coin should be placed on the bladder. Treatment is 10 days.
  • Getting "copper water". Copper plates must be sanded, boiled and placed in drinking water. Such water has a beneficial effect on various processes that have a healing effect on the body.


  1. It must be borne in mind: when treating bruises in the first hours, the metal can cause something like an exacerbation. However, then there is a noticeable relief.
  2. As with any method, the use of metal has its downside. If you keep it on the affected area for too long, then pain, redness and even ulcers appear.
  3. After each use, the coins should be placed in salted water for a few minutes, then rinsed with plain water.
copper for treatment

Scientific explanation of the method

There is nothing supernatural in copper treatment: diseased tissue has a negative charge, copper - a positive one. Particles of metal themselves are looking for a diseased organ, being attracted to it. Sometimes a sticky disc changes its position on its own. Due to the different polarity of bioelectric fields, a driving force arises on the skin surface. Sometimes, it seems that the copper disc has chosen a completely different place that hurts. In fact, it was simply applied to the wrong place where the focus of the disease is, and the body itself corrected the position of the copper.

Which metal to use?

The necessary "coppers" were made in the country until 1961. This alloy consisted of 95% copper, 5% aluminum, and the used copper with the MB-1 grade has wonderful healing properties. At one time, foreigners quickly "saw through" this, and therefore massively and expensively bought Soviet copper money, taking them with them as souvenirs. The coins of the earlier ("Nikolaev" and others, as shown in one of the pictures) and late release are ineffective in treatment, since they contain other metals (their brands) and alloys.

Combination of treatments

It can often be very difficult to eradicate a disease using one method (especially if it is serious or "chronic"). Therefore, when doing medotherapy, do not forget this.

  1. Drink infusions to calm down,. The broth is prepared as follows: take 20 g of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Drink 4 times 100 g daily.
  2. Mint infusion helps well against nausea. It is prepared similarly to the recipe with lemon balm, only you do not need to cook, just insist. And drink it in 10 drops - the nausea will disappear instantly.
  3. Peppermint oil is a disinfectant and antimicrobial agent. Use it for rinsing - 3 drops in a glass of water.
  4. For headaches, rub your temples with menthol pencils.
  5. Medetherapy, copper treatment, is excellently combined with sea buckthorn medicines. In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is recommended to accelerate the healing of the skin. Sea buckthorn decoctions, infusions can be taken for diseases of the digestive organs. The recipe is very simple: Art. l. - in a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist for an hour, drink 20 g daily 3 times. In parallel with this, it is good to attach copper coins (plates) to sore spots and wear them for 5-6 days.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in conjunction with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to conventional treatment. Any recipe is good after consulting a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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The medicinal properties of copper have been known for a long time. In ancient India, this metal was used to treat skin and eye diseases. V ancient greece- and even deafness. Warriors who wore copper armor faster coped with fatigue, their wounds healed faster and festered less. Nowadays, copper treatment is also relevant, the indications for its use are wide, contraindications are the improper use of copper.

Application history

Applying copper to the bruised area immediately after injury prevents bruising. Even in the old days, it was noticed that people wearing a copper cross around their necks rarely fell ill with cholera during terrible epidemics, workers of copper plants for some reason never got sick with this disease, which takes more than one life. Blacksmiths belted copper wire, did not know what sciatica is. Copper was used to get rid of worms, epilepsy, meningitis, and anemia were treated.

Russian peasants knew about the medicinal properties of copper dimes. They were applied to sore spots for sciatica, tonsillitis, and wound healing.

For many years, copper treatment was consigned to oblivion due to accusations of quackery of folk healers, but in recent years this type of getting rid of ailments has become popular in folk medicine.

Copper properties

Copper is a soft red metal. The metal is ductile and malleable, heats up quickly, conducts heat very well.

Copper is an essential enzyme and a lack of it in the body can cause serious illness.

Metal has antibacterial, analgesic, hemostatic properties, lowers high body temperature, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and helps to restore normal sleep.

External use of copper has a strong healing effect. It copes with inflammatory processes, relieves pain, copes with the ripening of abscesses, is a prophylactic agent against infectious diseases.

Indications for copper treatment are benign tumors such as:

  • mastitis
  • lumps in the chest
  • fibroma of the uterus
  • heartache

Copper grades used for medicinal purposes

In all grades of this metal, the copper content is almost 100%, but the composition of impurities is different for them. Copper grades are suitable for therapeutic manipulations:

  1. MB (vacuum)

There is information that the MB brand is best suited for medical purposes - oxygen-free. The listed brands, in comparison with others, contain ten times less impurities. Most likely this explains their healing effect.

Terms of use

Sometimes the use of copper for treatment does not give the desired result. It turns out that you first need to find out whether the treatment will take place with the use of this tool. To do this, you need to apply a copper plate or a small piece of sheet copper to the sore spot for a day. If the plate is glued to the body, the treatment will take place. If, after removing the plate from the sore spot, a green plaque is visible on it, this indicates a good therapeutic effect. If there is no green plaque, it means that the wrong grade of copper was chosen or the metal was put in the “wrong” place.

Sometimes copper itself finds the places on which it is necessary to exert a therapeutic effect. Somehow it shifts from the place where it was put and “sticks” well in the right place.

Copper applicator action

In humans, sweat, saturated with various salts, is secreted through the sweat glands. Sweat is a good conductor. When a copper object is applied to the skin, ions pass from it to the electrolyte, penetrating into the subcutaneous layer, where they begin to exert their therapeutic effect: destroy pathogens, enhance physiological processes.

On contact with the skin, copper oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish trace on it. During illness, sweat becomes acidic. This enhances the oxidation process of the metal, the amount of ions and oxides that penetrate under the skin increases. As a result, the therapeutic effect becomes more effective.

For copper treatment, special plates are made: thin, carefully polished circles of red copper with a diameter of 1 to 8 cm, up to 3 mm thick. Copper plates are applied to the appropriate places for treatment. For a greater therapeutic effect, before using the plates, they are calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.

For medicinal purposes, you can use copper coins, issued from 1930 to 1957, 2, 3, 5-teak coins, issued before 1961, made of MB-1 copper, which has a high healing power. Royal copper coins are also suitable for use in healing.

The healing effect of copper is increased if the coins or plates are previously polished and holes are made in them from 2 to 7 mm in diameter.

Procedure technique

For the treatment of copper joints of the spine, intervertebral hernias, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other back diseases, you can use the application immediately on the entire back.

  1. Place coins or round plates in several rows (next to each other) on the sheet. The width of the applique should be equal to the distance between the shoulder blades of a person in a standing position, the length should correspond to the distance from the 7th cervical vertebra to the beginning of the fold on the buttocks.
  2. Lie gently on the plates and lie motionless on them for 40 minutes.
  3. When getting out of bed, most of the plates fall off, but some remain on the skin of the back. They need to be fixed crosswise with a plaster and left for 5 days.
  4. After 5 days, the copper "tablets" are removed. If greenish spots remain on the skin from the plates, this means that the healing effect has occurred. After the procedure, the skin should be washed with warm water and soap, lubricated with a moisturizer. After a 3-day rest, repeat the procedure. Usually the course consists of 10 applications.

Important! Do not use copper plates on oily, wet skin. It is necessary to carefully remove the plates after the procedure - they can damage the skin. The plates should fit snugly against the skin. Do not use large and thick plates to avoid poisoning.

Signs of poisoning :, vomiting, nausea.

Copper must be periodically cleaned - boil in salt water, rinse in clean water, ignite over a fire and clean with fine sandpaper.

Copper bracelets

When buying a product, pay attention to the grade of copper (MV - vacuum melting copper), in which 99.9% copper. The bracelet must be polished on all sides. If the product contains at least one non-copper part, it loses its healing properties. A high-quality bracelet closes along the contour.

A copper product, tightly fitting to the skin at the place of measurement of the pulse, is worn on the right wrist - with increased pressure, with reduced pressure - on the left. Wearing such a bracelet activates blood circulation, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and promotes the production of sex hormones.

It has been proven that the correct wearing of products improves health in case of arthritis, vascular and heart diseases, meteorological dependence, insomnia, and lowers high blood pressure.

To clean the bracelet after prolonged use, you can use toothpaste (wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth dipped in the paste, a copper product).

Copper disease treatment

To find out if the copper treatment is right for you, place a plate or coin on your skin. If they adhere well to the skin and stay in place for a long time, you can apply this method of treatment. If there is no clutch, do not use this method.

It so happens that there is adhesion in one area of ​​the skin, but absent in the other. This means, make applications in places where the copper plates adhere well to the skin.

  • Sore throat treatment

Apply coins or copper discs to the tonsil area at night. Tie a warm scarf around your throat. Procedure time is 10 hours.

  • Phlebeurysm

Apply copper coins or plates to painful areas. Wear the plates on your leg until they roll off.

  • Sinusitis treatment

Apply coins (plates) to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, under the eyes (at night).

Lie on your back, put copper plates on your forehead, temples. Lie quietly for 30 minutes. During this time, copper will relieve vasospasm and headache.

  • Treatment of benign neoplasms

Attach copper plates to the skin at the site of the benign lesion, fix with a bandage and wear around the clock for a week. The course is repeated after 4 days. Before using the product, be sure to undergo an examination at an oncological dispensary!


If the dosage is violated (when using copper inside), poisoning with its salts is possible. An overdose can cause vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, cardiac and respiratory failure, choking, and coma.

Copper- This is a well-known remedy, the healing properties of which people have known for a long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat skin and eye diseases. In ancient Greece, inflammation of the tonsils and deafness were treated with copper. The ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles loved to wear sandals made of copper. Warriors who wore armor made of this metal faster coped with fatigue, the resulting wounds healed faster and festered less.

Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents bruising and that copper heals swelling, and that copper plates should be applied when treating ulcers.

In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing the copper cross were less likely to get sick with cholera during epidemics. For the prevention of rickets, children were put on copper bracelets. Copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis. Copper is capable of killing microbes; workers at copper plants have never had cholera. The blacksmiths, girded with copper wire, never suffered from sciatica.

In Russia, it has long been customary to treat with copper dimes. Russian peasants applied them to sore spots and this was the most effective in the treatment of sciatica, polyarthritis and tonsillitis. Healers in Russian villages and villages have long used copper treatment. However, classical medicine and the long-term state persecution of "charlatanism" have created their detrimental effect.

Copper treatment has become very popular in traditional medicine in recent years. And if you know some of the features of this treatment and use them correctly, the healing power of copper can be significantly increased.

Copper properties

Copper (Cuprum, Cu) is a soft red metal, pink in the break, greenish-blue in thin layers. The metal is malleable and ductile, heats up quickly and conducts heat well.
Copper is a part of more than ten vital enzymes and its lack is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Copper has the following properties: antibacterial; pain relievers; hemostatic; reduces body temperature; calms the nervous system; restores sleep.
When applied externally, copper has a strong healing effect. It relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, and helps to avoid infectious diseases. Copper treatment is effective in many cases of benign tumors (mastitis, lumps in the mammary glands and even uterine fibroids). Copper has a good effect on the cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then the coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. In contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

Copper grades MOO, MOB, MG, MB (vacuum) are suitable for treatment. In the literature, you can find information that the MB brand (oxygen-free) is better suited for treatment. In all grades of copper, the content of copper itself is close to 100%, but they differ greatly in the composition of impurities. These brands contain an order of magnitude (ten or more times) less impurities than other brands. This, obviously, explains the ability of these brands to provide a therapeutic effect.

To determine whether copper treatment will take place or not, you need to attach a copper plate (a piece of sheet copper) to the sore spot overnight or for a whole day. If the plate adhered well (literally stuck to the body), then copper treatment will take place. After removing the plate from the sore spot, a green bloom can be observed on it - a clear fact that copper has a healing effect. If there is no green plaque, it means that the wrong grade of copper was chosen or the application was made in the wrong place.
There is the fact that copper itself "finds the right" places on which it should have a healing effect. The literature describes cases when the copper under the bandage, when the bandage was removed, was far from the place where it was originally applied. Moreover, this happened in bedridden patients, so any effect on the copper plates was excluded.

The magical properties of copper

Copper has traditionally been considered to ward off trouble from home. The Eastern Slavs had a custom to bury a copper talisman - a bird or the sun - in the ground under the threshold of a house under construction, although instead of the sun, they sometimes buried just a copper coin.

It was believed that this would protect the house from thieves and from lightning and fire. It was believed that copper, similar in color to fire, could ward off the flame.

If the family moved to another house, it was advisable to dig up a coin or bird and take it to a new home. Leaving was considered a bad omen, as if you were leaving wealth.
In Central and Western Europe, jewelry and copper products were tried to be cleaned to a shine, while among some peoples of Eastern Europe It was considered beautiful when copper is covered with a greenish coating from oxidation under the influence of air. Then they said that copper stood, acquired additional magical properties.

How does the copper applicator work

Human skin secretes sweat through the sweat glands, which is saturated with various salts and is a good electrolyte. When a copper object is applied to the skin, ions pass from it into the electrolyte, which penetrate into the subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here they exert their therapeutic effect, destroy pathogens, and enhance some physiological processes.

From contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. The composition of sweat during the disease, as a rule, acquires an acidic reaction, as a result of which the metal oxidation process increases, the amount of ions and oxides that penetrate into the subcutaneous layer increases and the therapeutic effect becomes more effective.

When copper, gold and lead come into contact with human skin, the current flows from the metal to the skin. When silver and tin come into contact - from leather to metal. Metals are able to attract and repel.

Copper plates and coins

For copper treatment, special plates are made. These are thin, well-polished copper circles made of red copper of various diameters, applied to the corresponding places in case of diseases. You can use plates ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, 1 to 3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on a fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper.
The treatment with copper coins can be used by people of any age. Especially valuable and strong healing properties are possessed by those coins that were issued in the period from 1930 to 1957. Treatment can be carried out with copper coins of the royal minting, as well as 2, 3, 5 kopeck coins, issued before 1961, made from the wonderful healing copper MB-1.
The effect of copper treatment is enhanced by polishing the plates or coins and punching holes with a diameter of 2 - 7 mm.

Method of treatment with copper plates and coins.

Coins or round plates are placed on the sheet in several rows. The coins should be placed next to each other. This copper applique should correspond in width to the distance between the shoulder blades in a standing position, in length to the distance from the 7th cervical vertebra to the beginning of the gluteal fold. Then you need to gently lie on the prepared copper bed and lie motionless on it for 30 - 40 minutes. When lifted, most of the coins will fall off, but some will remain - "stick" to the skin of the back. They need to be attached with a thin strip of plaster 3-4 mm wide (or two criss-crosswise) and left for 3 to 5 days.

Then the copper plates and coins are removed, the skin is washed with warm water and soap, smeared with cream. A good sign is the presence of greenish spots in the place where the coins or plates were. After 2 - 3 days, the procedure is repeated. The course requires 10 - 15 applications.

Do not use copper plates and coins on oily, wet or sweaty skin. The working side of the disk (attached to the body) can be chosen any without further change, since the adhesive plaster is difficult to wash off. After treatment, they are removed carefully, as they can damage the cover.
It is better to choose the size of the coin or plate so that there is no sagging above the skin. When treating with copper, do not try to take larger and thicker plates, so poisoning can occur - general weakness, vomiting, nausea. When applied, it is good to periodically "revive" the metal - boil in a salted broth, and then wash it off the salt residues, ignite it over a fire and clean it with the finest sandpaper.

Copper bracelets

Bracelets are widely used for copper treatment. When buying it, pay attention that all parts are made of copper of the MB brand - vacuum melted copper (copper content 99.9%) and that it has been polished on all sides. A bracelet cannot be considered copper if at least one part in it is not made of copper. It is also very important that the copper bracelet closes to form an outline.

Copper bracelets are usually worn one at a time, on the arm that matches your blood pressure. With increased pressure, it is worn on the right wrist, with reduced pressure - on the left. It is advisable that the bracelet is in the place where the pulse is usually measured. The copper bracelet should fit snugly against the skin.

1. The bracelet should be close to the skin in the area of ​​the middle fold of the wrist joint.
2. The ends of the bracelet should not overlap by 15-20 mm.
3. On the left hand, the open ends of the bracelet should be on the inner surface of the wrist, and on the right hand, on the outer surface.
4. The healing effect is achieved only with long-term constant wearing of the bracelet.
5. Every 5-7 days it is necessary to remove and clean with zero sandpaper, and wash the skin under the bracelet with warm water and soap.

A copper bracelet on the right hand is recommended for headaches, insomnia, mental and physical fatigue, sexual weakness; on the left hand - with ischemic heart disease, initial stages hypertension, hemorrhoids.
Copper bracelets activate blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen immunity, and promote the production of sex hormones. When using them, an improvement in the condition was established in the following cases: hypertension, arthritis, sciatica, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, meteorological dependence, insomnia. Wearing a copper bracelet helps women carry and give birth to healthy children, and men stay sexually active longer.
Copper bracelets are allowed and even recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
In the course of long-term use of the copper bracelet, an oxide film forms, which can be removed with toothpaste, thereby giving it its original shine.

Copper cans

In Tibetan medicine, copper cups are used in one of the treatments. They are placed along the paravertebral lines, along the spine for back pain (osteochondrosis, sciatica, sciatica, intervertebral hernia). Copper cans treatment is also used for chronic nonspecific diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma) and many others. In Russian folk healing, placing cans on the abdomen is a well-known method of copper treatment for prolapse of internal organs.

Copper wire

For copper treatment, M-1 soft stranded wire is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. After removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the healing effect. To remove it, it is necessary to calcine the wire over a fire and hold it for 2 hours in vinegar essence. Then the wire must be rinsed with water and dried. It is recommended to wrap the ends of the wire with plaster.

On the one hand, the wire acts as an applicator according to the above-described principle, and on the other hand, if it is given an annular closed shape, then circular microcurrents appear in it, which have an additional therapeutic effect. By wrapping a sore joint or lower back with copper wire, you can carry out the procedures of real physiotherapy at home, which can be long-term, without any contraindications for health.

Copper water

There are several ways to obtain copper water.

Method number 1... To obtain copper water, you need to take several plates (10 grams) of chemically pure copper or two copper coins of the royal minting, rinse in lime water, then put in an enamel bowl and pour 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half of the water boils away.

Method number 2. To prepare copper water, you need a vessel made of pure copper, without admixtures of other metals. In the evening, pour water into a rinsed copper dish, cover with a glass saucer (or something else made of the same material). After 8 hours, copper water, obtained at home, but no less useful, is ready for use.
It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 cups of healing liquid per day. If abused, copper water will not bring benefit, but harm, since an excess of inorganic copper becomes the cause of poisoning. If a trace element in the body is seriously lacking, you need to discuss with your doctor ways to fill the deficit, take tests, and not swallow liters of liquid.

Important nuances:
Do not store copper ion water in the refrigerator.
Don't cook food on it - just drink a little.
Do not wash the dishes in which you cook them with dishwashing liquid.
If rust begins to collect inside, rub 1/2 lemon over the surface of the dishes, rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. Or use baking soda for this.

Copper water is the easiest to prepare, but also a valuable home remedy. A liquid enriched with a trace element, if consumed in moderation, will not do any harm - only benefit. It is believed that it stimulates the work of the hematopoietic organs, liver, spleen, fights anemia of any etiology and helps prevent obesity. However, there is still no reliable scientific evidence to support these effects.

Copper preparation

To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, you must first boil the coins and plates in a saturated saline solution (1 teaspoon of table salt in a glass of water) for 5 - 7 minutes, then wait until the solution has completely cooled down and drastically pour it onto damp earth. By this we remove those diseases that could be deposited on coins with dirt. Then the coins and plates need to be washed from the remains of table salt, it is best to hold them in running water (you can from the tap). Next, they must be calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with the smallest emery paper or very fine sand. This procedure should be carried out after 5 to 10 days.

Copper treatment of diseases

Copper heals quickly, but does not help everyone. To determine if treatment with this metal is right for you, apply a copper coin or disc to your skin. If the disc or coin adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper treatment is right for you. If there is no adhesion, then this metal as a remedy is not suitable for you.
If in one part of the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but on the other it is not. Then it is advisable to treat with its help only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed.

Copper sore throat treatment. Place coins or discs on the tonsil area overnight. Tie a warm scarf or handkerchief around your throat. Keep coins around your neck for 9 - 12 hours.

Copper arthritis treatment. Apply a compress soaked in copper water to sore spots for 3 - 4 hours.

Copper treatment for varicose veins. Copper treats this disease well. Attach coins or plates to your leg, they should "stick". You need to wear coins or plates until they begin to roll under the heel.

Copper sinusitis treatment. Apply coins at night to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses to the right and left of the nose, below the eyes.

Copper hemorrhoid treatment. Non-started forms can be easily cured with applications from copper discs or coins, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries and thereby help eliminate bleeding and further inflammation of hemorrhoids. Place one coin with the edge directly on the anus, and the second - also with the edge - a little higher between the gluteal muscles. The coins should not be in contact with each other. They will not fall as the inflammation will grab onto them.

Copper treatment for headaches. Lie on your back and attach five-kopeck coins or copper discs to your forehead, temples and the back of your head. Lie quietly without moving. Usually half an hour is enough for the pain to go away. Copper normalizes blood pressure and has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries of the brain.

Copper treatment of benign neoplasms. Copper applications help to stop their growth, and in some cases, in the initial stages, the tumor disappears completely. Attach copper discs to the skin in the projection area of ​​the benign lesion, fix with a bandage and wear around the clock for at least 7 days. Repeat the course after 3 - 4 days of rest. But, besides this, be sure to go through an examination at an oncological dispensary. Start treatment only if the diagnosis of a benign tumor is confirmed.

Copper treatment of female diseases (painful menstruation, fibroids). Place coins on your lower abdomen and lie still for 30 minutes.

Copper treatment for knee pain. Place coins around the knee. Tie the top with a woolen cloth. The treatment lasts 3 to 7 days.

Copper treatment for cataracts and glaucoma. We put a penny (plate) on the groove that goes from the corner of the eye to the temple. They seem to stick to the skin. For reliability, we fix it to the face with an adhesive plaster. After the copper has healed, the coin will fall off by itself. If a black circle appears under it, this is a good sign.

Copper treatment of bone fractures and bruises. Use copper plate appliques for treatment. Find the point where the attraction is strongest, put plates on it and fix them with a bandage. After a week, if the pain has not completely subsided, just change the position of the plates and leave for another week. At first, it is quite possible that you will feel that the pain has intensified, and the swelling has increased. But if you do not feel other symptoms, such as a metal taste in your mouth, then continue therapy - these unpleasant sensations should soon disappear.

Copper treatment of postoperative scars and adhesions. Apply copper coins or plates directly to the suture site, secure with a bandage and hold until the postoperative scars are healed. But at the same time, be very careful about your own well-being and check the condition of the skin in this area daily.

Copper treatment of diabetes mellitus. Drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of copper water every day before meals for a month. Several courses of treatment should be carried out per year.

Copper cure for heart pain. Place a copper coin or disc in the subclavian fossa. If the coin sticks to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fix it in place with a plaster and leave it on, even overnight. The same treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. In case of coronary heart disease, coins or discs should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

Copper treatment for hearing impairment. One two-kopeck coin needs to be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, the other on the tragus, so that they look at each other, as it were. With a pounding in the ears, the coin is applied to the back of the neck.

Copper obesity treatment. Drink 2 teaspoons of "copper" water three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month. This remedy stimulates a fast metabolism and helps the absorption of especially valuable vitamins and minerals, thereby normalizing energy metabolism, blood sugar and improving liver health. With the help of this water, obesity can be cured to any degree.

Copper pressure treatment. If you wear wristbands on a regular basis, your blood pressure will soon return to normal and you will no longer need to treat seizures with medication. Expect your hands to turn black or blue where they touch the copper. This is completely normal, then everything will be washed off. It is believed that this is how the "disease" comes out.

Copper treatment for joints. According to serious medical research, wrapping the lower back or a sore joint with copper wire, you can carry out the most real physiotherapy procedures at home, which can be long-lasting without any contraindications for health.

Callus treatment. In the old days, an ointment was used for calluses, for the preparation of which you should drip candle fat on old copper dimes and leave for three days. During this time, a green ointment is formed on the dimes. It is applied to the calluses and a bandage is made.

Reproductive function. Copper promotes the production of sex hormones. The mere wearing of a copper bracelet helps women to bear and give birth to healthy children and - just like men - to remain sexually active longer. By the way, the increased production of sex hormones under the influence of copper also affects the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

General weakness. Massage with a copper disc in the fossa between the index and thumb on the back of the hand.
Copper in large quantities is very dangerous to the body. Poisoning with it leads to serious illnesses. Therefore, before carrying out copper treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Copper treatment rules

Copper is related to about 90% of suffering humanity, and for 10%, on the contrary, it is a noticeable accelerator of those diseases that they tried to get rid of with its help. For this part of humanity, the best way to get rid of such misfortunes as infections, bruises, radicular pain is such a metal as silver.
For copper treatment, it is necessary to use a copper bracelet or copper plates of such a size that they capture exactly the affected area. The bracelet should fit very close to your hand and not dangle from your wrist. The plates must be fixed on the sore spot with canvas bandages or cotton cloth.
To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, it is necessary to remove it and cleanse it every two days. For this, the removed copper object is placed in a 6% or 9% vinegar solution and kept for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse them with running water, rub with alcohol, and they are ready for use again.


Copper treatment does not always help and not everyone. That is why it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination in order to establish the cause of the disease, since it will be possible to provoke a deterioration in the condition if the secondary focus of the disease is affected.

Traditional healers recommend an easy way to determine if copper treatment will help or not. If the coin is easily held on the body and the color of the skin gradually changes under it, it means that the treatment will be successful, if this has not happened, then the medeotherapy can cause unpleasant sensations, and even complications.
When using copper inside, when the dosage is not respected, poisoning with its salts is possible. An overdose causes vomiting, there are convulsions, diarrhea, a weakening of cardiac activity and respiration occurs, suffocation occurs, and even a coma is possible. True, such poisoning is extremely rare. To avoid such a situation, you must coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

The magical properties of copper

Copper corresponds to Venus - planet and goddess. A metal of peace and quiet associated with harmony and art, an equalizer and corrector. In ancient times, most works of art were made from copper or from its alloys. And this is also no coincidence. Copper has healing and magical properties. She is able to identify and clarify our feelings. Copper is capable of making feelings permanent and lasting. She is able to transform unconscious subtle drives into fully conscious attachments and sympathies. And also, by analogy, transform unconscious rejection into fully conscious antipathies. In everyday life, copper perfectly aligns relationships, smooths out conflicts. Moreover, this is facilitated not only by wearing copper, but by the presence in the house of large items made of copper and copper alloys. Very pure copper is able to compensate and restore the energy of the kidneys and the entire venous system.

Whom does copper love?

Copper is especially useful for wearing such solar signs as Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Libra. It is good to wear copper for people with Venus and Saturn, expressed in both status and aspects. It is these people that copper especially loves.

Copper can and should be used by every person. But it is necessary to constantly wear it only for people with an unstable and very mixed cosmogram. Copper is especially good for people with water-air or air-water cosmogram.

With good planets, copper is worn by women on the left side of the body, by men on the right side. With evil - on the opposite side of the body.

Copper aligns, guides and concentrates people with an unstable cosmogram in something. Copper should not be worn by people with too stable a cosmogram. For example, Earth-Water, Earth-Fire, Fire-Earth. It makes such people too stable, rather, even inert, deprives them of active movement. And, of course, you cannot wear copper to people with Mars and the Sun in the cosmogram strongly distinguished in status and aspects. It emasculates their will, compensates for it, depriving a person of the impulse to achieve their goals. People with Jupiter and Chiron expressed in the cosmogram in status and aspect can wear copper periodically. They shouldn't wear copper all the time, as through it they can get lazy. Copper is a source of harmony and a powerful stress relieving medicine.

But it must be borne in mind that heliotrope, topaz, crystal, morion, rauchtopaz, hyacinth are not combined with copper.

The healing properties of copper have been known to people for a very long time. Wearing it and applying it helps to eliminate the consequences of injuries. Hematomas and bruises dissolve. Prophylaxis of vegetative-vascular dystonia and other neuro-vascular disorders occurs. In particular, with vascular disorders, wearing copper bracelets on the arms and legs is very helpful. If these are bracelets for wearing on the legs, then they should be closed. Open copper bracelets lower blood pressure, while closed bracelets increase it. The clasp should also be copper.

Copper- the metal of Venus. And it is not without reason that Venus has a sweet taste in astrology: it is copper that takes an active part in the synthesis of sugar in biosystems. And sugar, more precisely, glucose, is involved in the mechanism of stress relief and normalization of the nervous system. Therefore, copper should be worn by people with an unstable cosmogram, who have a lot of things mixed. It normalizes the energy of such people.

Copper- the second most important metal after tin, helping with magnetic storms during the years of the active Sun. It removes excitement, excess energy and shields.

Copper, like any metal, can sometimes lose its healing properties, depending on the state of space at a given time. This happens if Venus is in negative aspects. This does not mean that the metal has become unusable. Don't think so, metal is a conductor. If the metal does not restore its healing properties for a long time, it means that you either somehow violated it, or dirt has settled on it.

Then the metal needs cleaning and rest.
Copper is cleaned on the 28th lunar day (on the day of Zem - the patron saint of the Earth), and rest is given on the 13th lunar day.All metals without stones that you constantly work with must be cleaned at least once a month. Copper can be cleaned in the same way as gold and silver. For copper does not have of great importance, where will you start cleaning: with fire or with water. But after you clean it, put the copper on a large piece of copper for 2 hours, which should be at least 10 times heavier than your product. But not more than 1000 times.

Treatment. You need to smelt a copper product on the 6th Lunar day, and you need to join the cycle of working with copper on the 21st day. Lunar calendar... The purest copper most accessible to us is obtained electrochemically. However, such electrode copper will be very fragile due to the presence of contamination.