The Cave play together. Passage Cave, The. Level "Souvenir shop"

The Cave begins with the fact that the seven archetypic heroes is a knight, a scholarship, an adventure distorter, a Tibetan monk, a time traveler, small twins and a rustic fool - descend to the cave, according to legend, able to fulfill desires. Everyone has its own: one dreams of a reasonable wealth, another is looking for glory, and the third sleeps and sees himself in the chair of a more fortunate colleague. But how far are they ready to go in inducing their vices?

The campaign for twins is perhaps one of the most gloomy.

In an attempt to answer this question, The Cave sends the player to the gloomy quest I Have No Mouth, and I Must Screamaccording to the novel of American science fiction, Harlan Ellison, published back in 1996. In it, the sinister supercomputer destroyed humanity, leaving only five people alive. In the nature of each there was some kind of fatal flaw, and ruthless artificial Intelligence I installed brutal tests in which people tested for the ability to resist their most hidden desires.

In this screenshot, you found a reference to Monkey Island, then the Cave is doubly not recommended.

The same happens in The Cave, only Double Fine The role of the evil computer is the cave itself. Very quickly, she is a bass man's voice (yes, this is a talking cave) puts heroes before the fact: sometimes to get the desired, you have to go through the corpses. Literally. And you go, because it is impossible to get out differently. And let you choose the parents of children-twin and "inadvertently" to the Dragon Princess, but at the end you will be waiting for the long-awaited glory, money or freedom. Such is their real price. "Fear your desires," as the ancient said.


The rest of the Cave looks exactly how it should look like a game for the authorship of Ron Gilbert and Tim Shafer, who also participated in the development. This is a stylish, witty and in some places a very funny project. For example, the first subject you will find in the cave will be - what would you think? - Of course scrap! After all good game Just must begin with scrap. And the girl in love with one of the heroes is, is not different as a stunning two-way woman. In fact, retelling local jokes - an ungrateful occupation, because you need to see most of them: the solid share of humor is enclosed in animation.

For the first time, choose the heroes is really difficult - everything is very funny.

Although seven characters, simultaneously you can manage only three. Making a choice at the very beginning, you will stay with it to final titles. However, the composition of the company does not affect the style of passage: despite the fact that each hero has its own unique ability (the knight is awricted, Rednek can breathe under water, the scientist hacks computers, etc.), it will only be needed at a special level, Fully devoted to one character.

This is where one of the main flaws of the game lies. It turns out to see all locations, you will have to go through the Cave at least three times, and considering the two possible endings - and at all six. This is partly leveled by a small duration of the game, but the trouble is that, in addition to unique levels, there are also the so-called "public", in which all the characters are absolutely interchangeable. They were called upon to combine seven stories in the overall story and predictably were the most boring. Naturally, visit these locations will have to have every pass.

Certain complaints causes and game mechanics. For a two-dimensional platformer TRINE and The Lost. Vikings. In fact, the good old Point & Click is hidden, only increased by scale. We have a huge level with a multitude of elements (mechanisms) that need to be connected (run) in the correct order to go further. What to scream is usually clear right away, and if not, it is quite quickly found out by the method of tyk. For example, if we have a banana, then somewhere I will definitely have a monkey, and each broken generator accounts for one working, from which you just need to remove the battery. In fact, the player is only required to carefully examine the level.

You understand that we have not joked about the nuclear missile, right?

This, at first glance, a simple occupation is complicated by the need to run into solid distances. Gently jump on complex platforms here is almost not forced here, and it is impossible to die (the game resurrects the hero in just a pair of meters from the place of death), but the monotonous climb on huge levels from this becomes only more boring. Butters in the fire poured the fact that there is no inventory in the Cave and the character can carry with them only one thing. Three heroes are three subjects. And if you suddenly need to bring five tickets to the slot machine, then the running place is not avoided.

But the most strange aspect of The Cave is a cooperative. On the fact there is a mode, but it makes no sense in it. Judge for yourself: you can only play together over one computer, the split script is not, and considering the multi-storey locations, constantly staying the three on one screen well, it will not be released. As a result, all joint puzzles have to be solved exactly the same way as in a single campaign, - in turns arranging characters in its place. And this is the last, for which it costs to gather with friends Saturday evening.

What The Cave really shines, so it is in the wellness of unique levels for each hero. The cave found a rural fair, and the historical museum (to visit in which is to be in various temporary continuums), and even the center for launching a nuclear missile. But it is especially important - Gilbert and Shaileera once again managed to brilliantly make fun of human nonsense, widening not only over drawn characters, but also on the players themselves, most of which, judging by the reviews on the forums, did not remove their lesson from the game.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:


Sound and music:



Cumbersome, not always understanding what to do with its own mechanics, but not less fascinating game From one of the most talented people in the industry.

Moments where Double Fine worked unequivocally great, only two are a selection of colorful heroes and a picture, spirit and style similar to the Mravity Falls aiming in Tride. And from the point of view of hipster children and other connoisseurs of the soul, this whole thing in the talking labyrinet no, of course, is not a quest, but a platformer curve with dynamite and buckets. Any conversations about some kind of genre value and the more return Ron Gilbert as the creator of smart and at the same time funny games, in the opinion of such people, game and absurdity.

On the other hand, The Cave seems to be created for those who grew up on Maniac Mansion and The Secret. Of Monkey Island, and now it does not have time to sort out the inventory and apply dogs to the candelabra. Such a compact format can be a pledge of a good life for all future quests at once for several reasons. Heavy, classic Point & Click Adventures are now needed permanently connoisseurs of antiquities and regulars of torrent trackers. To live and blossom, the genre should be adapted to the pace of modern life, under the players of the new wave, and the quests with non-strain puzzles, a short plot made at the junction of genres, may turn out to be what it is necessary. At the very least, such games cause fewer questions than interactive movies with the dead.

Maxim Ivanov

The Cave is almost the game interpretation of the Decameron. Before us is a kaleidoscope of instructive stories that develop independently of each other. This is the main find, and the main drawback of the game. The plot resembles a set of scolding, but not related to each other. Shaper and Gilbert borrowed a common stylist from Berthon and adopted some of his techniques: the deliberate grotesque, the corporate black humor, the tone of the narrative. Particularly managed the scene with the princess eaten. The creators approached the case with fantasy and had a pretty stereotypes well. For example, Escalibur will have to get with dynamite checkers. And to listen to the mocking replicas of the cave and there is a separate pleasure. However, the new Double Fine project still lacks the director's hand. In the final, you ask for a question: why do we actually show all this? What caused the main characters for yourself? And what was the purpose of the cave - to blame, poke the nose into human imperfection?

The mechanics of the game resembles a TRINE, that's just tiring runner here much more. Puzzles, on the contrary, almost do not annoy. Moreover, most of them have several solutions. As a result, The Cave is a rather ambitious game that is drawn down not very successful implementation. I won't call it bad, but also good - too.

Anton Mukhatayev

It's a shame that the new release from Double Fine is no longer perceived as a big event. At the beginning, The Cave seems to be a completely different game: the contemporary presentation of the old Gilbert games, Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, is hidden for a clumsy comedy platformer with a cooperative. Almost devoid of impressive moments, the game promises more than, in fact, offers. There are many worthy finds in it - a voice-over voice with sarcastic comments, a minimum of tips, logically built puzzles. Without leading the player by the hand and without taking him for the idiot, The Cave still rarely works as it should: she makes smiling, but not laughing, thinking, but not strain your head.

Sometimes it seems that it tries too much, not focusing on every hero and every mechanics revealed to full. Where it would be better to reduce the number of characters, give each of them more abilities and see what it will work out. It also comes out that The Cave only hints at how good she could be. The idea of \u200b\u200bGilbert to tell ordinary human stories is understandable, but did you really suffer because of it?

Movement - using the WASD keys.

Jump - right mouse button (PKM).

Take the item - click on it with the left mouse button. Put the subject (throw) - twice the left mouse button twice.

To drag item - clamp the "E" key and the direction key.

By default, the character runs if you need to go, press SHIFT.

At the beginning of the game, you will be offered to choose three characters from seven possible. Switching between characters is performed by pressing the keys 1, 2, 3.

Each character has a special skill (to apply the skill, you need to click "q").

Knight - invulnerable from fire when it is in the air (for example, in a jump),

The village is delayed under water,

Traveler in time - moves through the walls,

Monk - attracts objects within sight,

Adventurer - throws a hook and jumps over obstacles,

Gemini - split (you can do two actions at the same time),

A scientist - reveals any control panels.

Throughout the game, you will meet flickering symbols on the walls (each character is put on eight characters and two more - after the game). If you collect the whole collection, learn the background of your team. Symbols are located on the same places, but depending on the characters selected, the icons themselves will change.

The game has five mandatory levels and three individual (for each character).

The plot branch is:

The level "souvenir shop" is the same for all.

If the team has a knight or a village, follows the level of "lock" or "rides", if there are no, immediately the level of "mine".

The level of "mine" is the same for all.

The level of "Pyramid", "Mansion" or "Museum" - individual for adventurers, twins or time travelers (if there are no such characters in the team, immediately follows the level of Zoo).

The level of "zoo" is the same for all.

Laboratory or "Monastery" level is an individual for a scientist or a monk (if there are no such characters in the team, immediately follows the level of the island).

The level of "island" is the same for all.

The level of "return to the souvenir shop" is the same for everyone.

Focus on the signs on which the direction of movement is indicated.

Level "Souvenir shop"

Level goal: Find three souvenir. Exit: Door on the right of the souvenir shop.

The first character runs to the right and take the mount. We run to the left and make the murmurboard melting. Run further until you reach the cliff, which you can not climb. Go to the right, find the box and raise it under the rock.

Jump to creaky bridge. Choose two other characters and also bring to the bridge. Bridge naturally collapsed. Select out of the water.

Rate and talk with the seller of the souvenir shop. After his tirada, go to the left: the seller will offer to go to the cave and find three souvenir (the door to the right is a future output from the level). Take the key and go to the left, where two other characters float in the water. Open the door. The second character is better to pick up a mount with them (it will be needed).

Go down to the well and even lower to the vending machines (if you did not take a mount, one more hangs here). At the bottom there is a lever, click on it the first character. At the level of the well, there is a second lever. Click on it the second character. Third characters try to the character from the second lever, go through the open door and click on the third lever.

Go to the left to the bell. Here you need to rise up the character with a mount and disrupt the handle from the second well (the mount can be thrown, it will no longer need it). Take the handle, go back to the first well and take the bucket. Return to the first well with the bucket, climb above and apply a bucket on the sparkling shield. From the shield, pull out the fuse and return to location with vending machines. Insert the fuse in the shield and knock on the machine with sausages. Take the sausage. The second character take the fuse and take it to the first shield. Stand left at the lever controlled by claws. Character with sausage Go to the bell and click on the seoles on the left: you are throwing a sausage. Call the bell, immediately switch to the character at the shield and pull the lever.

You will catch a monster. Go left and jump into the water. Close to the right bank, go down to two stairs and take a dynamite checker. Climb on two stairs, burn the checker about the torch on the wall and put on the right side of the stones.

In the opened cave, you need to find two subjects (it can be a guitar, a dramatic reward, a bear, a skull). One items can be mined only by diving under the water.

Further you will see the platform and grille. One of the characters stand on the platform: the lattice will rise, and after it you will find the second platform. Put a second character on the second platform, and the third (which is without awards), climb the stairs to the right of the second platform. Here is the third souvenir.

Translate the characters to the right (one who stands on the right platform should leave the latter). Call the elevator, stand up on the platform by all the characters and go up to the vending machines. Return to the souvenir shop and give the seller all objects. Up the right door, then talk to the seller again. He will open the door.

Go to the right, jump into the water and get out left. One character jump on the hanging block. The second character is jumping left on the stones and descend to the ground. Translate the third character to the Earth to the second. The first character is climbing the rope of the block and stand on the middle stone. The second character is lining the lying on the right box so that the first character jumped on him and did not break. Go to the right and threesome stand on the platform. The next door will open.

Level "Castle" (knight)

Level goal: get a sword. Exit: Garden to the left of the Throne Hall.

Go down and left where you will see a narrow passage in fire. Jump down and in the jump apply the skill of the knight ("q"): then in the balloon, it will slowly fly through the fire. Go to the left, talk to the king and find out what you need to find a princess, bring her amulet and pull out the sword of Eccalibur from the stones. Go to the right in a straight line: the lattice will open into the castle courtyard. Get along the stairs and ropes to the very top and talk to the princess. She wants you to beat the dragon and the proof brought gold, which he guarded.

Go down to the courtyard and go to the castle. On the fork (arrows to the dragon and to the princess), climb on the right rope, then on the stairs (pay attention to the guards with a gun that protects the key from the dragon gate). Upstairs, find the elevator and take the knight into it. The second character runs next, near the elevator climb the rope to the lever that controls the elevator.

Switch to knight and apply his skill (because Knight hangs in the air, balloon It will protect him until you move the knight). Lower the knight on the 3rd floor (there must be a call to the call) and check the elevator, switching to the knight: if everything is right, the guard should shout and shoot. Third characters go to the lock and take the key from the dragon gate.

Lower the knight to the 4th floor (down), and add the character with the key. Open the Dragon Gate and stand up not very far from the coin you have to steal.

Tell the knight dungeon and go to the dragon on the other side. Right close to the dragon and apply the skill in the jump. While the dragon breathes on the knight, quickly switch to the second character and make a coin. Rise to the princess (on the right rope, then along the long staircase and the second stairs to the left of the road to the elevator). Open the door to the coin and take the amulet.

Go down to the fork. Switch to the knight, leave the dungeons left and up the rope. On the fork (to the dragon or to the turtles), go to the right. You will leave for the second character with an amulet. Take the amulet and return to the king (in the yard, upstairs and again through the passage in the fire). He will allow you to pick up the sword.

Try to pull the sword, but for no hope: stuck. Switch to the second character and climb the castle on the right rope. Without reaching the stairs to the princess room, on the left, find the boxes with dynamic. Return to the dungeon and on the fork, go along the arrow to the turtles. In the left corner you will see a stone square pedestal, right above which the knight is worth. Google your checker about the nearest torch and throw on the pedestal. Switch to knight and take the sword.

One of the remaining characters can run into the princess room, where the king went, and check what he did. Then switch to the knight, run to the left in the garden and jump down.

Amusement levels (village)

Level goal: Earn five tickets and buy a bear with a favorite girl on them. Exit: Gate to the right of the girl.

The village jump into the water, apply the ability to delay the breath and enjoy left. Get out on the land, take a dynamite checker from the box, set fire to the torch and throw on the block on the right. Go down the stairs to the left of the pool. You will see the dream of a village - a long-legged girl for whom you will have to get a teddy bear. Bear is sold in the machine near the girl and costs 5 tickets.

The first ticket is to the left of the machine in the hands of a cardboard figure.

The second ticket is in the diving booth in the left corner of the level. It will take two characters: the first must fit on the booth, the second is to press the button. When the first character falls into the water, take the ticket again.

The third ticket is located in Silomer next to the diving booth. It will take a hammer and two characters for him. The first character (better not to choose a village) We climb on the rope in the center of the level. The rope shares the left and right side of the rides. Now you need to go left until you stop (you will see boxes). Click on the boxes and further up to the generator truck. Nearby is a wrench to be taken and stand next to the generator.

The second character is climbed over the rope and go to the left. Climb at the nearest staircase to the top level of the park. On the right you will see a big ferris wheel. You need to aim and jump into the booth. When you will be upstairs, then in the upper right corner of the screen you will see a ledge with a shield. Jump there. In the first character, disconnect the voltage on the generator, the second character take the fuse. Jump down and go to the left.

You will see a non-working theater. Climb the stairs to an empty sparkling shield. The first character disconnect the voltage, insert the fuse in the second characters. Take the stairs: Theater will earn, and you can take a hammer. Go down to Silomer and knock the hammer. Take the third ticket.

The fourth ticket is in an attraction on weighing. Here you will need a dumbbell, which lies to the right of the ferris wheel about Silly. Sketching the dumbbells to the boxes, take a break on the ledge and find the magician. Looking at how he makes a transparent cupcake, put a dumbbell on the table. Then click on the table: you will take a transparent dumbbell. Climb the weighing attraction, stand up on the scales and click on the button. Get the fourth ticket.

The fifth ticket is on the Fortune Wheel. You will need three characters. The first character should remain near the generator, the second character will have to run behind the fuse towards theater (do not forget to turn off the voltage when you take the fuse). Then run right to drawers and focuscripts. You will see a mechanical predictor. Insert the fuse in the shield. The third character should get along the rope and run to the left to the boxes, but do not climb up, and go down to the wheel of the fortune.

Switch to the character near the priest and click on it. The ball in his hands will light up (or red, or blue, or green). Switch to the character at the Wheel Fortune. Put the color on the colors switch that you just saw and click on the lever on the left. You will win the fifth ticket.

Buy a bear (the village will automatically come run). Look at the girl who is not at all interested in your maniac. Give a character with a wrench and take the root key. The second character take another ticket from the hand of the cardboard shape and buy a lighter. Rustic run to the diving booth, the second character - there. Repeat focus, dropping into the water to the village with a wrench.

Apply the skill and enjoy the right. You will see a valve that can only be closed by a wrench. When you do it, switch to the character with a lighter. Go to the right and burn the hay bales to the right of the couple in love.

Run to the left before the stop (the fire will start, and you will block the path of some box). Run right: Now the gate will open. Further run to the pool, overpass it and go to the mine.

Mine level

The goal of the level is: to clear the ruins and find the three trolleys for the gnome. Exit: Bridge next to the gnome.

Jump into the water and go to the right. Two characters click on two levers. Pour the location with stakes and descend until it stops down (there will be many stairs and ropes). As a result, you must get to the rails (this is the future output from the level). On the left will appear the dwarf, which will first throw a shovel, bucket and the can of corn, and then starts to flush dynamite checkers and require their trolleys. Grab the bucket and climb above, where your character is waiting for comrades. Type water from the puddle and return to the dwarf. Catch the checker in a bucket with water and go up.

Three trolleys are where torches are burning on the walls. Throw a bucket to the ground: the character will automatically pull out a dynamite checker from it. Google dynamite and put around the rod.

The first trolley (bottom level, right, with gold). It will take two characters. The first character should move the trolley under the claw, the second character is to press the culse control lever. Clean hooked gold bars and reset them into the trolley. Then push the trolley to the left to the barrier (it will ride directly to the dwarf).

Second trolley (top level, right, empty). It will take two characters and shovel (you have to run to the dwarf and pick it up with rails). First character with a shovel Site in the trolley, the second character move the trolley until it is automatically rolling. Immediately switch to the character with a shovel. First you will see a black screen, and then the character in the trolley. Quickly click on the yellow semaphore sign in the center of the screen (if you do not fall, you will have to try again). If everything is in order, you will translate the arrow and arrive directly to the dwarf.

Third trolley (middle level, left, with food). It will take three characters.

This is a puzzle with stairs and swing platforms. Your task is to move the trolley from the right lower corner to the left at the average level.

The initial position of the platforms is upstairs, so the first character you automatically jump onto the right platform and go down to the lower level. We send a second character there. While one character stands on the platform, the other must drag on it the trolley and move to 2 positions to the left of the central staircase. Put a second character on the left platform (to keep it), then the first character take the trolley on the left platform. Leave one character and trolley on the left platform. Two other characters should climb the central staircase to the top level and jump onto the right platform. Now the character with the trolley will rise to the middle level. Push the Trolley to the left.

Automatically you will find yourself near the gnome. Put all characters in trolleys and some character jump. And again you will have to swim ...

Pyramid level (adventurers)

Level goal: pull out the sarcophagus and get out of the trap. Exit: The door to the right of the block from the anch.

Go left through the door and immediately apply the hook (because stakes will appear from under the ground). Stand on the platform - stakes will be removed. Move two other characters and go to the other side of the pyramid and inside until you see the following stakes. Complete adventurers, apply the hook and jump over the stakes. Stand on the platform. Archaeologist will appear and tell about the sarcophage. Translate two other characters on this side, and they go to the right and down the stairs. Then again right, on the location with the cat and down. Adventuretical need to go right, down and down the long stairs. Right take the ankh from the block and rise to the very top. Insert an ankh in a niche, after stepping through the stakes, and go left to the platform. Will light up the sign "Rabbit". Because Two other characters are already standing nearby, jump by both down. Now two locked on the floor with 4 platforms: snake, heron, jackal, lion.

Adventurist, climb on the leaf of the right. To open the door, you need to activate the Snake and Leo Platforms (see on the plates on the wall). Stand up two characters on these platforms: the door will open. Next you need to remove both characters from these platforms and put one on the jackal. Then it will be possible to apply the hook and climb up. Activate one pin and turn the platform with stakes, but do not jump down. Cut off some character on the snake - the stakes will cover the platform below. Below (this is the floor with a sarcophagus), put two characters on the heron and jackal, a jogging through the stakes and immediately press the hook (because the second stakes are not cleaned). Go to Sarcopagaga (automatically you click on one of the platforms). Place two characters on the snake and herrock, and move the right of the sarcophag. The door will open, move the sarcophagus on and jump down.

Here you need to move the sarcophagus left and go down to the next floor with it. Left there is a platform. Stand on it and wait until the sarcophagus go down. Job on the right and jump below. Quickly stop one character on the jackal: the door will open to the sarcopagu. Here you need to have time to run under the sarcophagus and jump on the platform on the left (otherwise the adventurist presses, and you will have to start anew).

When the sarcophagus on the middle floor go down, quickly run right, pop out the door and jump. Some character put on a lion and run to the third platform. Click on it and get down with the sarcophag.

Here again is the archaeologist. Move the sarcophagus directly on it and further right. The adventurist will fall down, the sarcophagus will disappear.

On the wall hangs three drawing tips. Put two characters on the snake and jackal, and the adventurist - on the leftmost platform. Then put the characters on the lion and the hermit, the adventurist - on the middle platform. Finally, put the characters on the lion and jackal, the adventurist - on the right platform.

If everything is correct, two characters will break out of prison. One of them jump down and push the cube left (you can not jump for the cube). Adventurist to take the cube to the right platform itself. Click on the stairs that appeared and go to the right. Collect all the characters on the platform at the door. Go to the right and climb up the stones up.

So, we start the game. The camera smoothly descends, choose one of the 7 characters. Let's start, perhaps, from the knight. We run left and break the gate, then run left. Now take a traveler in time and farmer. We run the knight on and jump down into the cave. Then we descend the two chosen heroes (time traveler and peasant). The traveler move the box from the right corner of the cave left, then we climb on the protrusion, now the rest of the heroes are also on the protrusion.

We run on a wooden bridge and fall threesome down. Next we run right and talk with a crying uncle. Next, he will give us the key. We take it to the peasant, open the door and jump down, then go down the rope and run right. Then go down the stairs. On the right there will be a broken mill, the left lever. Go down even lower, where there are machines with food, and we use the lever to the right of them, we change the hero and run to the lever opposite the mill, it will open the passage, and the third hero is running left to the cheese of bones and monster. Do not fit close, can kill. Climb upstairs and activate the sign drawn on the board.

We go to the right and use the old well. Now we click on the left and use the car, but nothing will come. Switch on the second hero (any) and run to the bell (in the piles of bones) and we use it. Top activate the car. Next, with the help of a knight, we break the lever of the well on the right, we select it with a peasant and go to the damaged well, insert, start twist and it will explode. To the right of the well sign to which knights. Activate it. Next we rise to the top of the peasant, select a bottle of water from the car and go down and run right and insert it into the generator next to the machines with food and take from the hot dog. Next, take hot dogs with you and throw on the peak to the right of the monster in a pile of bones.

Now approach the machine gun with meals, again get a bottle with water and carry it to the generator at the top, from the car from where they took. Now at the bottom of the peasant activate the bell and quickly switch on the time traveler and turn on the car and catch the creature. Then the peasant run left and run up to the sign of the bears and all heroes run away calmly left.

Jump the peasant down. We float right, climbing up and go down the stairs down and even lower. We take dynamite, climb, set on the candle on the right and put it quickly to the wooden bars on the right. After the explosion, we take a reward. Next we run right and get up on the button that opens the door. Then we take the traveler in time and go to this door to the open door, we pass and climb the stairs and take the skull in the treasury. Now on the elevator on the right, climb upstairs, then on the stairs even higher, then left again to the top and return the skull of the man, and also return to him the reward found by the peasant. Now we switch to the knight, we run right, dive and swim on the right and select the guitar and return to the uncle, giving it a reward. It will open the door and we can run to the right and read the inscription on the plate do not forget.

We run right, and jump into the gorge down, in the driver. Now we get up on the wooden bar and go down with him, stand up with any hero besides the knight. We switch the hero and pass to the left, where you activate the knight sign. Now let's go down and drag to the left, now we go down the knight, we run right and get on the button. Now we take the peasant go down and get on the button too, now we ride the traveler button and open the door and go down, then right and even lower. We run through the gorge with fire, more precisely fall into it, using the ability of the knight - invulnerability. We run right to the king, communicate with him. Then we run right, jumping to the rope and open the gate, then on the second climbing up and climb even higher, then left and even higher and we will rise to the princess balcony. Communicate with her.

Next, go down and run right, then down and left and down. Here the dragon dragon. Do not fit into the focus, otherwise he will kill us. Not far from the dragon there is a bowl. Next, we take a time traveler and run left from a wooden sign with turtles. At the end of the way we find a sign of the bears - a peasant. Then we run right from the plate and go down the traveler. Below, activate the knight's sign and climb upstairs. To the right of the balcony will be the shooter, do not touch it. We need to get the key in the room above. To do this, go upstairs. And we use the ability to move through the walls. Then climb the elevator to the right of the clock, and the peasant we run to the clock and turn the arrow. Quickly switch on a time traveler and jump into the right room where our sign.

We continue to pass the game. So, we run right and jump down the peasant, then down to the wizard with the cake, we use it 2 times. Then go to the button at the roulette, we get up on it and we try the roulette again and win the golden ticket, go down and go to the right to the cart and insert it. Then upstairs and left and jump down. Here is a color wheel. He will return to him later. We take a spanner of the knight and run down to the goal with a duck, open them. We jump into the water and swim to the right. Put and run right, there will be a sign of a peasant. Then left climb and right.

We run further to the ferris wheel and jerk in the cradle and wait until you can jump to the knight's sign. Then we look forward to jump until we do almost a circle and there will be a bottle of water at the top, but we can not take it yet. We go to the bottle to the right of the knight, and we go to the generator on the wheels. Turn off the generator and take the knight of the bottle and insert it to the left of the ferris ring, take into the bottom of the sledgehammer. Then go down to the game with the measurement of the blow strength by a hammer and beat along it. We receive a ticket and insert the right to the trolley with a teddy bear. Then we go to the ring again, turn off the generator, we take the bottle of water to the left and transfer it to the right and insert a little lower, the right and the attraction with the magic ball.

He begins to guess. Remember the color of his ball, at the moment when he starts telling us our destiny. It is this color that we will choose as the selected from the color wheels, then pull the lever, we get a ticket and run to the Michemé, insert a ticket and get a bear. Next, we carry it right to exit, and wait6 until the scale is filled. Then I insert the last ticket again into the cart, we take a lighter and set fire to the exit, then we wait until the hay burns and run right. So, we continue the adventure with our friends. Activate the lever, then jump onto the stone and to it right. Then go down and run left until we meet the grumbling old man. He will begin to throw different items, pick them up and relate to the right not to die from the dynamite. We take a bucket, we recruit the water at the top and catch the dynamite of the grandfather. Next, we take dynamite, set fire to it and put the stones to the pile at the top of the right. Then we go to the right and activate the knight's symbol.

Next, the second hero is recruiting the water in a bucket and catch dynamite. Gilt it and put on the piles of stones on the left. There will be a symbol for the time traveler. Go to the knight traveler. We move the trolley to the left from its left side and hold, change on the knight and activate the device mining, then send it to the old man. Then go to the left, where there was a symbol for the traveler77 raise the trolley on the right platform, and then the heroes two ride on the platform on the left and alone drag the trolley to the central platform that does not move. Now two heroes have on the platform on the right and one drag the trolley with the left to the old man. Then we find the third trolley and send it to the old man. To the third it will be necessary to sit downself, so that during the way to choose the path to the left and the bridge will have to collapse.

So, we go right to the traveler and approach the engine. We go to the time car to the left and use it. We move to the prehistoric past. We run right and go down and left. Here is a prehistoric person. We help him run a huge stone right until it falls. A huge dinosaur will sleep just below. Then we click on the top and on the left there will be a stone that you need to put under the water flow on the right and switching to the player in the future we go to one of the heroes to the dinosaur drawn with the button.

Switch to the hero in the past and return to the other remaining, where the dinosaur is drawn. Activate the panel and now we all smell like this dinosaur. Now, one of the heroes take the shovel and return to the past (not to be confused with the present) and go to the dinosaur. See that the smell does not evaporate. He falls in love with us and will run for us to the left edge, and you will reset the stone on the head of the stone from above. Sorry dinosaur. Next, we look at the video.

We take the recording player with a film and refer it to a crystal monster and throw it near, and they themselves go around it so that he will transfer us to the mouth, and then jump on him with the player and he will hit us the tail and we will write his roar. Then go upstairs to the girl with a machine gun, throw the player next to and turn it on, the guard by the machine will run away. We take from him a hot dog and go to the montstra. They lure him with the smell on a fragile bridge and it will fall down. Jump the heroes in the resulting gorge. We run right and descend the boat into the water. Jump out the characters on it and get to the right. We sail to a mad old man. Next we run right, take the handset and go to the old man. We listen to his chatter.

On the right, face a blue box down. Then jerk on the ledge on the right and run right and go down. Next, we take the box and push it left, here to right take the yellow tin box. Sitting the left to put the pipe into the missing section, right at the base of the cave. Then go down below, activate the red valve and the water of a sufficient level will be gained so that we can smash left. Then we return to my grandfather and right on the tab take another part of the pipe with four outlets and insert it into the cave in the missing place. The ending of the game also look at the video.

The article is taken from the site

Passage of the game Cube Escape The Cave. In this article I will try to help you with the mysteries of this beautiful game. By the way, the game has the opportunity to change the language into Russian. It seems even in Cube Escape Theater could also be). But I did not notice).

Passage Cube Escape The Cave Cave

At the start, immediately open the drawers of the chest. We get matches and knife. The dresser lies a bowl, grab it. We follow the right, we set the torch with matches. On the floor lies a man and asks for help. Above it is a window, click on it. It is necessary to assemble the pyramid from the droplets, as shown on the wall.

We go to the right, collecting firewood. To the right, we find a bowler on the shelf. Open the locker by moving the locks by specifying the arrows. A series of puzzles with a web will be found in the closet. The main task is not to give a spider to eat midges. Pressing on the web You delete the thread. If the first two riddles were simple, then problems may arise on the third. We throw off the screen with the solution.

The rest of the riddles are simple, just remove the web around the flies. After solving the mysteries, take the book. Returning to a man, to the right of it the brazier. We put firewood, hang a bowler and set fire to firewood with matches. Now we are looking for flies around the cave. Throw off a hint where they are.

Each fly has its own color. Pressing on the fly, it will start showing the figure of its flight path. Thanks to the tips of flies, we introduce the cipher in the chest.

We get pickle, follow the window where we were collected dropwise. I break the Figurine of the crow Kirk, taking water. We put the water to the right of the microscope. At the pallet of the microscope, we establish a bowl. We go to the pugitru and put the book on it. In the books you need to collect a family tree. Without passing Rusty Lake: Roots, it will be problematic, throwing a screen.

Click on the Laura, we get a photo card. Picture put on the page on the left, we get a hint. We enter the received prompt here:

After the light will light up. We go to the dog, to the left of it the drawing will light up. Click on the drawing, solve the puzzle. You need to collect a figure from the shelves offered. After gathered the last figure, we give a bottle to the man right. After the crown soul appears. We give a bottle to the second man, departure a moth, catch it. We give a volatile moth and get a picture. We put the photo to the book, on the track page. We get a hint.

We use the prompt and light the second lantern. Returning to the wall with drawings, will appear new mystery. Very simple riddle, install a man in a diving suit in Cuba Where Dale is. I throw off an example:

After passing the labyrinth, a crack will appear in the wall. Beam picking in a crack until the hand grows. Hand cut off with a knife. Bloody scene). Put the hand in the meat grinder, we get food for the PSA. I give the feed dog. Press the dog while it does not go to the toilet. Next, taking the measurement and put on a plate in the microscope. We solve the riddle in the microscope, it is necessary to get rid of red lines. The riddle is not from the lungs, unfortunately I could not make screenshots. Maybe later writing the video. We get powder, add it to water and get the elixir. We approach the mirror, drink the elixir. Press the mirror until it breaks. In the corner of the mirror, we are looking for a photo, put a photo into a book for the tip.

We use the tip and light the third lamp. We return to the wall with drawings, we solve a simple task. Starting with a black cube, we collect fish and cubes that will show orange fish. For example: Initially, the fish will be shown on the jellyfish, we go to her and so on. After all collected, the wall will crack. Beam picking in a crack. We take the ore. Ruda put into the boiler and taking the liquid metal. To the right of the microscope there is a box with a key blind. Pour liquid metal into the box. Close and open a box, take the key. The key is opening the lower box of the chest. We grab the isolent and repair the tube that goes to the scaffle. We turn on oxygen, run air into the spacecraft. I give him an elixir, Mr. Owl will appear. We speak with him and take a photo and diamond. Put a photo of Laura in the book and get a hint. According to the standard scheme, we enter a tip on the door.

The door will open and light up the last pattern on the wall. The drawing is a hint. We look at it and remember the direction of the shooter. We go to the new room and unscrew the switch as on the hint.

Press the lever. We go to the boat.


Come to the shelf with a box. Take the shelf in the inkwell and shell. Now we need to put the boat. We go twice right and open the stove. Gilt in it coals.

We find a car with power supply. Install the diamond there.

Following the tip on the shelf, set the values \u200b\u200bon the control panel as in the screenshot.

We rise slightly above and twist the valve until we get the pressure 40.

We go to the left room to the yellow steering wheel. Unscrew the boat so that we would get to the destination. The destination is indicated on the panel. That is, turn to W. To the left of the steering wheel there will be a power supply panel, we put the value of 3 and go. Next, the steering wheel is unscrewed to S. Power we install 2.

To the right of the car catching the cubes))) there is a lever on the pipe, click on it. We go to the right, in the porthole fish. Our task to catch it. The balls will help us in this. True Here are one-time balls, but the task is simple. Try and understand, it is not difficult. We catch three fish, then they sail two at once. We send one on the button, second to us. Further on the same scheme we catch the rest of three fish. Wipe the fish evenly for six hooks.

Close the stove and open again. We see the word OWL. We enter this word in the room with the steering wheel. Crab drop out of the pipe. We will give the crab of the shell, we will get a pearl in the replacement. We go to the shelf with a card, set the pearl into the box. Inside find an angle and tip.

Returning to the dashboard and to the left of it we find the lever. Click on it, look at the telescope.

We collect puzzle and get a white cube. White cube we install in the energy supply machine. Returning back to the dashboard, exhibit values \u200b\u200bon it from the received prompt.

Slightly tighten the valve again, now it is necessary to put a value of 30. To pull the pressure, press the lever. I think from the first swimming you understood how to manage the boat. Swim the object blinking on the radar. We catch a cube, we see fish. Click on it and try to talk to her Lyubuka Morse. Fish gives us the word ink. We enter it there, where the word OWL was introduced. The tentacles of octopus will be climbed from the pipe. It is necessary that all suction cups get out. A rather difficult task. It is easier to remove all suckers and start with extreme tentacles. How to cope with the tentacles, put the inkwell for them. Inkwells carry on the shelf with a map. Get the next place where to sail. We go to the dashboard, click on the lever and collect a puzzle (as with a white cube). Next, refer it to the power supply mechanism. Test values:

Above (where the favorite red valve), we put a depth of 0. Swallow to destination. We take the last cube, solve the last puzzle. Cube after as always we carry into the energy supply mechanism.

Now we go fishing, everything is the same as before, only now we send fish on the hook. We go to the pickle tube and see the fisherman. Click on it, it will start showing the letters. We get the word Kit and enter it. The hook falls out of the pipe, take it and hang on the ship in the bottle. I pull for the hook until the mast falls. We look at the mast and inside we find a hint. Following the prompt set the values \u200b\u200bon the dashboard:

Let's floate to the destination. And do not forget to change the depth of 50 (red valve). As will arrive at the destination, we go to the left and take Cuba. We go to the window, beat over the cracks and in the water we find a white output.


We will be in the white room. We let Dail on the head scanner, move right to Laura. Let her go on the head scanner. Install Cubes in the device. Include scanners from Dale and Laura. We approach the apparatus, click on the needle and take the cube. We give Delu cube, sit down in the elevator. On this passage of cube escape The. Cave ends.

Well Done: Sacrificed OneSelf for Ultimate Flavor (Well done: sacrificed for the sake of taste)

To get this achievement, in the first location, where you need to hang the dragon behind the tail, we take a hot dog and we ride on the wooden patch for the dragon bait. Next, do not call the bell, and jumping to the dragon, the flame is shrirling us and at the same time hot dog.

Shoplifting.: Saw a Postcard Stolen from the Gift Shop (Kleptoman: Stole a postcard in the souvenir shop)

The clerk in the souvenir shop, before he opens the door to our journey, from the stand you need to take a card and go through the door, after the descent, you will be counted.

Remorse.: REMEMBERED IT "S Wrong to Steal (repentance: remembered that theft is bad)

You need to return a postcard into a place on the stand in the clerk's souvenir shop, when you return to him at the end of the game, yes yes you did not hear, the postcard you need to carry with you through the whole game and return it at the end.

Fire In The Hole: 3 Die by The Miner "S Hand (Fire: Three died of a miner's hand)

Location where we return the trolley mines. You need to achieve one explosion to be destroyed at the same time 3 hero.

Creamed Corn.: Food-Based Destruction (corn mashed: Food through destruction)

You need to blow up 2 cans with corn. The first is at miner who throws dynamite, just need to put the bank under dynamite. The second is located on the island, behind the box in the right-hand side of the island. It must be blown up with the help of pirate barrels.

To Soothe A Savage Beast: Recorded and Played Back The Elevator Music From The Zoo Food Court (To calm the wild beast: write and reproduce music in the restaurant courtyard zoo)

In the location of the zoo, after charging the tape recorder we go to the restaurant, where the melody plays from the speaker (similar to the melody from the elevator), we put the tape recorder to write, then we move and put on playback. Achieve your.

Corruption: Saw The Darkness In All Our Hearts (Corruption: to see darkness in all our hearts)

View bad endings in all the heroes of the game. To get a bad ending, you need to take with you from the cave that item that gives the seller in the souvenir shop.

Redemption: Saw. the Good. in everyone (redemption: see good in each)

View the good endings from all the heroes of the game. To get a good ending, you need to get out of the cave absolutely empty when the seller will give you a reward, talk to him again to return the award back and stay with empty hands.

The Whole Story.: Collector of Forgotten Dreams (All History: Catalog of Forgotten Dreams)

Unlock all rock paintings. This accumulative achievement, you need to collect for each hero in 12 drawings: 8 drawings you find at levels, 2 give for a good ending and 2 give for a bad ending.

WHO Wants To Live Forever: Got Everyone out of the Cave without Dying Once (who wants to live forever: I never perish out of the cave)

Comfortable achievement. You need to go through the game never perishing. You can freeze if your hero died, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and complete the Cave.exe process, then launch the game and click "Continue", I want to note that the current level you will need to start first.

What you always wanted: Reached the Bottom of the Cave (that you always wanted: I reached the bottom of the cave)

This is a story achievement, you will get it when you go through the game for the first time.

Win-win-win-win-win-win-win: Everyone Reached the Bottom (victory-victory victory: all reached the bottom)

To get this achievement, you need every hero to go through the game with any of the endings.

Royal Buffet.: Where Did The King Go Anyway? (Royal Buffet: Where is the king?)

You need to see how the dragon will eat the king, when he runs away, running the princess in the room and look at the process itself.

A MIDSUMMER KNIGHT "S Thyeve: Helped. tHE KNIGHT. Obtain Excalibur (Medieval Knight Thief: Help Knight Get Sword)


Walk Like An Adventurer: Pantomimed An Ancient Hieroglyph (as an adventurer: portray an ancient hieroglyph)

It is easy to skip when you enter the pyramid and talk to an adventure crawler, run straight and raise on the second staircase, as soon as I skit on the wall will be a picture of the three ancient people, you need to bring all three heroes here, they will depict an ancient people.

IT Belongs in a Museum: Came Ever-So-Close to Recovering The Sarcophagus (Museum Exhibit: Approach very close to the restoration of sarcophagus)

Scene achievement, get it automatically after passing the location of the hero.


DON "T Fill Up On Fortune Cookies: Peered Into Everyone "S Fate (Don" T Fill Up On Fortune Cookies: Looked in the fate of each)

On the carnival there is such an attraction called the Testair, which predicts fate. So, you need to know the fate of each of the characters, for this you will need 3 passing.
Posted on 11.12.2014, Thank you
You need to go to the cutter to the attraction "Guess the Color". After him, the heroes do not interact with the predictor.

WEIGHT OF THE BEAST: The Scale Reveals a Baleful Figure (Beast weight: Scale showed gloomy numbers)

In order for you to get this achievement, you need heroes: a village, a knight and a lady from the future. Each in their hands should be on the subject: sledgehammer, dumbbell and wrench. We get up with all three on the scales, we launch the attraction we get the weight of 666 and get the achievement.

FUNNIER THAN A BURNING CARNIVAL: Enabled The Hillbilly To Burn dOWN THE Carnival (Fumbntender than Burning Carnival: burn carnival)

Scene achievement, get it automatically after passing the location of the hero.

Embrace Impermaance: Broke Bridgees (impermanence: break the bridge)

When you ride on carpets of the aircraft, at the very top you need to jump into the right of all the characters (where the rope is there) after talking around the rope, there will be a bridge and you will need to wrap.
Posted on 03/18/2015, Thank you
In order to break the bridge from the player in the hands should be a feather.

Grand Theft Karma.: Played Some Dubious Role in the Monk "S Murder of His Master (Grand Theft Karma: Master must die)

Scene achievement, get it automatically after passing the location of the hero.