Guide and walkthrough for "Unreal II: The Awakening". Unreal ii: the awakening walkthrough unreal 2 awakening walkthrough

Attention! This text contains spoilers and a lot of everything that can deprive you of indescribable thrills with the Game ... Therefore, it’s better not to spoil your holiday, but try it yourself first, and only then come here.

Okay, let's go! After landing on a pretty island, washed from all sides by ocean waves, where the TCA headquarters is located and talking with your boss, Commander Hawkins, you have two options: heading or immediately return to the ship. In general, then you will often have a choice of several options, so you can influence the behavior of the characters, listen to instructions, get involved in disputes, or vice versa immediately stop all verbal battles. If you are in a hurry to get more fresh troubles on your head, then go ahead. For the rest, I recommend choosing a two and going through a workout. Exit the room, down the stairs, press the button in the elevator.

Go to the training center and meet Raph, who will bring you up to speed, introduce you to the fancy XA / F type protective suit. Complete the on-duty jumping and crawling course, and then you will be shown and even allowed to play with a pistol (the ammunition is unlimited, it just takes time to recharge), and a grenade launcher capable of carrying up to six different types of grenades. Well, then you will play in, deathmatch is called: whoever kills the opponent five times first wins. Finally, get acquainted with a couple of chargers, one replenishes health, the other is a shield and talk to Raf again.

On the ship Atlantis, meet the first, engineer Isaac (if you want, he will tell you in detail about the features of your weapon) and an overseas space slug named Ne'Ban, who serves as your pilot on the officer exchange program. Aida in the briefing room will talk about the received distress signal, then show a three-dimensional model of your next showdown site - the ore mining factory on Elara-5. Go to your landing ship and click on it. This is how you will start the next mission on a new planet.

Elara 5. Sanctuary.

Go to the complex, along the way you will always be shown someone's body flashing in the corridors and, under death groans and hoarse cries, drag the poor people behind the locked doors. Everything, as expected, in the best traditions of the old man H-L. Until, finally, you meet a bunch of aggressive monsters, armed with long stick-shooters (shock lance) ... spewing twin blue plasma beams famously ricocheting off the walls. Pick up their weapons, you will be contacted by radio by Dani Miller, an engineer who miraculously survived at this base. Climb into the hatch, swim through the tunnel, then there will be a long corridor with piles of boxes and monsters attacking from all sides (don't forget to look back). Rifle cartridges will be at the very end, here it seems to be such a tradition.

Sanctuary - Mining Complex.

In the next courtyard, a massive attack awaits you, I advise you to look at the roof on the left, and not just track the nearest passage to the door. Enter inside the complex, another skirmish is expected in the room with the reservoir. And the cartridges, be they wrong, the engineer will open you again only at the very end of this room. No, well, why does the most delicious always end so quickly, because it takes three times longer to shoot them with alien farts than with the proven Duster M32. Get in the elevator and go upstairs... oops... do you like surprises? The evil scaarj that fell down like snow from above will quickly remind you of who was the most formidable opponent in the first Unreal. I think next time you will be quicker, and you will succeed ... After that, sit in the next elevator and go upstairs again, the first time it did not work out. At the stairs, pick up a shield and a first aid kit. Again, dear scaarj will meet you in the courtyard, go through the door with the inscription 7B.

Sanctuary - Power Plant.

You are on Commander Hawkins' ship. This advanced type decided to test his guesses regarding artifacts. To do this, he used one of the Kai as a guinea pig (they have the DNA of that ancient Tosc race that created the artifacts), which immediately turned into a giant monster ... and, well, destroy everything, well, make a row. Shoot him until his paw falls off. Pick it up - this is your new gun. You can recharge your suit if you go to the room where Hawkins led the process. Then go through the open door next to the broken and sparkling beam. Look into the room on the left, and you will listen to the last message from Aida on the computer, downloaded just seconds before the death of Atlantis .... listen to the end you will not be inflated

The Dorian Grey.

Climb up to the command bridge and talk to Hawkins. It was he who wanted to get the artifact so he could learn to control Tosc, it was he who destroyed your entire crew, making it look like the work of Scaarj. , it's not difficult to guess, watch the video - you will kill him, then send the ship towards the nearest star. This seems to be the only way to destroy the Tosc who is roaming the ship. It remains to run to the escape pod, along the way, pounding the hated Tosc with his own weapons on all decks. Gravity will be lowered, so jumping to the upper tiers is no problem. Further, in general, the ship will lose control and begin to tumble, the floor will become the ceiling and vice versa. In general, if you still manage to safely get to the escape pod, Gray falls apart, then watch the final video: John Dalton will again put the last record from Atlantis.

Mission 1 - Sanctuary:

- Part 1: Sanctuary mining complex entrance -

Once your ship has landed go through the door in front of you. The room you enter has a door on the end, but you won't be able to open it. instead you will have to go trough the tunnel on the right. Once you get to the end of the room you have to fight against a few Izarians. The easiest way to kill them is using te alternate fire of the DUSTER it will kill them in one shot. When you killed the Izarians a guy will start talking to you and open the hatches on the floor in the room with the camera .Go through one of the hatches and swim till you find the exit.On the upper level there will be another 2 groups of Izarians.Be carefull as some of the Izarians will attack you while your climing. After that go through the door at the end of the long hallway. In the hallway it's wise to use the explosive things to kill the Izarians you come across. when you went through the door the new level will load.

- Part 2: Sanctuary mining complex -

Unlike what that guy says the coast isn't clear at all. kill the creatures and crawl through the malfunctioning door. in the next room there will be a lot of Izarians kill them and move to the elevator at the end of the room. Once you have killed the Skaarj that destroyed the elevator go to the elevator next to the destroyed one. Don't forget to get the armor and health under the stairs once your up, you will need them. There are 2 more skaarjs coming at you when you get outside. When they are dead take a look around there and search the ammo in the field, it will come handy when you enter the next part of this mission behind the door.

- Part 3: Sanctuary Power plant -

Go outside ad kill everything, when you passed a small bridge go to the left first to get some goodies. then go to the right of the building, be aware of the skaarj hiding in the beautiful surroundings. Then you "ll see a scripted event where the guy that has you helped is being killed. Just go on, open the hatch on your way and go through it. Then open the door that leads outside and walk straight ahead till you see a door on your left. Now just walk on to the elevator and use it to go to an upper level. There you will meet 2 Skaarjs. Receive them nicely with your grenadelauncher and go through the door at the end of the hallway. There you will see a door on your right, but you won't be able to open it. Instead, walk further into the hallway untill you can "t go any further. On the left you will see a D.U.S.T.E.R, some ammo and a hole in the ground. Go through the hole and watch out for the skaarj. At the end of the tunnel you "ll see a bunch of holes on your right. Crawl through th e one of the holes (preferably the ones in the center). ones you are under the floor you have to crawl to the only hole that leads above the ground. It can be found close to the tunnel in the center. Go through it and kill the skaarj. The room you are now contains two switches on your left if you are looking at the big computer. Switch them and go to the computer it will show you info about the creature in the reactor. Once it is done with informing you switch the override button on the right of the computer. Now go back outside. once you are out side follow the path to the right and find your way down into the reactor. When you"re on the floor, find the artifact and grab it. Now a big skaarj will come after you. Kill him with grenades and after that use the elevator in the center of the reactor to get upstairs.

Mission 2 - Swamp:

Go straight ahead to the little pond and head left along the "path" and look for the first marker that will direct you to the crash site. The markers point you in the right direction with their light beams.

Once you get to the crash site you"ll have a conversation with one of the marines. Be sure to get the M700 Shotgun, ammo, health, and shield pickups that are on and around a crate close by.

When you "re done talking and have the shotgun, follow the marine with the medium combat armor. When he stops and says to get down, don"t worry - you won't get attacked here. But lots of Izarians will attack you when you go a little past the two boulders. When fighting them, use the shotgun or the CAR. It doesn't really matter which. Just be sure to dodge the Izarians" EMP attacks - the large energy balls that they shoot. When you see one of these coming, get out of the way fast. Be sure to stay a ways away from them, as the EMP blasts have a blast radius that will still hammer your shields.

One the main marine starts moving again, follow him. You"ll be fighting more Izarians along the way, so just combat them like you have before. When you get to the area that the Atlantis can set down in, grab any supplies you need from the little stockpile. You can guard either end of the clearing, but I "d recommend guarding the one that the marines don" t deploy a turret beside.

Here you"ll probably be fighting alone most of the time, but the marines will come and help out now and then. Here you will be fighting both Skaarj and Izarians. Kill the Izarians like you have been, but be careful with the Skaarj. The primary fire of the CAR doesn't do much good, but the grenade launcher, alt-fire of the CAR, and the shotgun fairly do well against them. Just dodge when they get close. All you need to do is survive the Skaarj and Izarians until the Atlantis arrives. Just watch your health and shields. Resupply both between waves of opponents.

Mission 3 - Hell:

-Part 1: Hell Descent-

When your ship has landed go through the cave behind you. when you past the cave go to the bridge on your right. Don "t run past the creature on the bridge. Instead walk or crawl, so it doesn't wake up, unless you want to kill it. Now go through the hatch at the end. The elevator will take you into the building. Once you are down go through the door and walk straight ahead through the door at the end.

-Part 2: Hell Discovery-

Now that the new level has loaded walk to the left. The first door you see contains an elevator to make your way to the first floor. Now walk to the big door on the opposite side of the flames. Don "t forget to grab the flamethrower near one of the dead bodies. Walk through the door and go on till there is a bunch of flames in front of you. Now go through the door on your left. Heal the only guy who is still allive by pushing on the button next to the place where he lays. When the talking stops go back to the elevator at the start. When you are out of the elevator, follow that guy who you healed through the control room to the next elevator. Before you go in the elevator you might wanna get the weapons near the boxes on your right.When you are down go through the door and just walk ahead.In those big halls you will meet your new enemies for the first time.The small spiders die by one shot with the dispersion pistol and the big ones can be finished with 2 shots of your shot gun or one toxic grenade.When there is a combination of the 2, the flamethrower proves to be very usefull.Just go on and follow the halls and go through the doors till the next level loads.

-Part 3: Hell Desolation-

Now that the new level has loaded the fun can continue. walk to the right and go through the door on your right. Watch out though cause there are some spiders there. When you killed then all go to the elevator behind the small door. When get a good gun before you go to an upper level, as there will be a few spiders waiting for you. Once you are upstairs go to the right again. When you can "t go any further you will see a broken fan. Go through it and get the flamethrower cause you will need it there. now turn right and walk on and follow the way to the right. Walk on till you see a window on your right. Push the button next to the window and go back to where you came from. When you are out of the fan follow the road and pass the elevator where you came from. Go on till you get to a door. go throughfollow when you finished all the little spiders in the next room go through the door on the other side go further up with the stairs and you"ll get to a room with a lot of spider pods. kill the spiders and go through the door that can be found another level higher. You might wanna use the grenade launcher or shotgun for the big spiders in that room. when you killed the big spiders go to the left first for some armor and ammo. and then to the right for some health. When you got all the goodies, go through the door on the other side of where you came from. Get to the end of the hall your in now and go into the elevator.

- Part 4: Hell Disclosure -

When the new level has loaded go to the upper level using the elevator. The other door in this room has to be unlocked first. The room you are now in contains an elevator and a broken door. The elevator will bring you to the control room where you have to be, but there are some obstacles in your way, so you have to go through the broken door and get upstairs via the obstacles. When you are in the control room push the 2 buttons in there and go back down to where you started. Now go through the door that was locked at the start. Walk through the hallway and go through the door at the end. Follow the path to your right untill you see another door on your right. Go through at and walk straight ahead to the elevator at the end. Now use the 2 elevators to get in the local control room and push all the buttons there. now get one level lower using the elevator and notice the 3 doors in front of you. Go to the left door for some ammo and health and then through the one in the middle. The room where you are now contains a hole in the center. Go through it, kill all the little spiders and get to the end of the tube. Before you get out on the right, get the flamethrower, you will need it. The hall you you are now, contains a door in the center. Don "t go into it yet, get the ammo at the end of the hall first. When your through the door, follow the hallway to the elevator at the end. Again use the 2 elevators to get in the local controlroom. in the control room. push the 4 buttons on the left one by one so the creatures get out. they will kill the big spiders for you so you won't have to kill them yourself. Now push the button in the center to unlock the doors on the level below you. go one level lower and go through the door on the right and get through the hole in the floor. follow the follow the hole untill you get in a room with a lot of toxic waste in it. In the center of that room is a small passage. Go through the hole at the end of that passage. The artifact is in the beam that needs to be shut down, but before that you will have to kill the queen with everything you have. When you have killed her push one of the buttons that can be found near the beam and take the artifact.

Mission 4 - Acheron:

A third artifact has been located, and guess what? you are to retrieve it!

Ok first of all you land on the living planet, but you are accompanied by a full alarm, that has bee activated because your dropship is spotted. When the mission starts you should see a truck to your left hand side and further up the road another truck, BEWARE they dont look at innocent as it looks! As you move up the road there "sa Merc with a CAR behind the first truck. Take him out and move on up, Ahead of you should be some red boxes and the 2nd truck, carry on going up the road, once there you should come across at least 3 Merc's, Each one has a different weapon, once they are killed you want to head to the back of the truck were a Ammo/Health/Armour supply is located, I suggest that you save it inside there. Ok now coem out of the supply section and go left, go forward and squad of Merc"s called Tiger 6 will appear from the elevator. The elevator is to the right of where you are, dont goto them, let them come to you, but if you cannot wait then Grenade Launcher there ass!When they are done and dusted with you should see a platform that will aquire you to go up a ladder to get to, but before that you want to destroy a Rocket Turret. destroyed move up to the ladder and climb up it carefully - this is due to there around 5 marines up there which you will have to kill of course. The reason for this is that you need the Elevator to come up, when you use the radeo a Conversation tree will appear press button 2 so the elevator will come up near the dig site. i suggest you save it where you are now. e Elevator, once there you should encounter some Merc"s...."wipe them out...ALLLL of them". Finally go to the elevator and get a ride down.

When you get to the bottom yuo then want to proceed forward, be careful as there are some Merc's around there. Anyway move out down the cavern, be sure that any Mercs that you encounter you kill as you dont want to die just yet As you go forward from the elevator you should come across 2 mercs and 1 Heavy merc, take them out and carry on going forward, as you go a merc starts to speak and tells his men to be aware..blah blah blah, anyway while going forward you should come across what looks like a flood light that isn't on - near there is some Health and Armor pickups PLUS some ammo, make sure you get what you need then carry on going forward. Further up ahead from that position the caverns width gets bigger and you start to go downhill so to speak of. Once there kill all merc's that are around that area, if you goto the left hand side it goes up onto a platform with a Health powerup, use it if you need. If you look down from there you should see what looks like a egg with tenticles coming out of it, around that are 3 detonators that you will need to arm, once you have done that quickly run and hide, once they have exploded you then want to quickly go back and pick up the articfact. Once you have it, turn right and run in the opposite direction of the elevator that brought you down. Anyway turn left and run like you"ve never run before, dont stop for nothing and mindwhere you go because some blobs will chase you and the floor kinda like leaks..let the blobs swarm you, you dont need to attack them, just run like mad to the other Elevator, jump on the Elevator and watch it go all the way up. Once its up to the top it doesnt stop there, ohh no - you know have to run all the way back to your dropship. Anyway get up the elevator and make a run for your dropship. here"sa poor Merc trying to get a free ride...haha no for long!

Mission 5 - Severnaya:

Ok in this mission you have to save yet some more Marines, so lets get started. First of all when the game loads up start of by your ship, you then want to arm yourself with a powerfully weapon and expect to kill some Merc's! Once you have got your weapon walk straight forward, as soon as you do a subtitle and sound will appear and you will then be able to hear the Merc's and the Marines. You should be able to see where you have to go and the path is noticable, as soon as you go around the corner you then have to walk up a small hill, once there you will be able to see the marines to your right behind a rock, if you carry on walking forward the Merc's will appear to your left, take them out. Once that is done you then want to speak to the remaining Marine, he rambles on abit and then gives you some ammo and tells you that his friend had a sniper rifle, after he has told you he then goes on about how the have bombs on the dam - which then becomes your mission! Once you have the sniper rifle you then want to take up some high ground and make sure you are able to see the bridge, if you can see it!? you should be able to see two guards walking to the left and right of the bridge Once that is done two snipers will appear on the balcony, be sure to take them out as you should have enough ammo and high ground to see them. Ok that is done, you then want to get down from where ever you are and then then goto the left, you should see a path going up and then curving round to the left, follow that all the away around, once uve done that you should be at the dam, pick up the ammo from both guards. Once by the dam you should be able to see a big orange door, once you see that, look either left or right of it and you should see a set of ladders, go down them, once down them you should see yet another set, also go down them. Once there dont go no further, you should be able to see water pouring out of the dam, that is where you have to go but there is a turret and Merc in there, if you peak around the corner ("E" button) you should see both, to take them out i recommend using the Rocket Launcher to take them out, once you have taken them out you then want to walk straight up the water stream and then to the left where you should see a ladder go up that and over the bridge, i suggest you save it here! When that is done you should see a door up head to the right.

Once you go through a door, you will be notified that if you drop your arms, YEAH RIGHT! go forward through the door and you should see a set of stairs, go up them. Ahead of you should be some canisters, take aim at them, you "ll soon find out why you should use them; reason being is 2 Merc"s come out and start to fire at you, firing and blowing up the canisters will make your life much better. When they are dead you then want to go through the door way they came out of, notice the Armor pickup underneath the set of stairs, get it. Beware if you try to go up those stairs it wont work as all the doors are shut due to a certain someone! Anyway turn back ground and go down the first set of stairs you came too (the ones that took you to where those canisters are!) once at the bottom of those you will then have to look to the side of it and you should see a door, walk up to it and it opens automatically for you, once there turn left and straight on and climb the ladders. At the top of the ladders you should see 1 of 3 of the bombs, press the "USE" key (enter) and arm it, dont worry it wont go off....YET! Ohh btw Aida goes into a mad one saying how you shouldnt be your gonna listen!

Once you have done that you then want to turn around and go forward (not down the ladder) you should be able to see a set of beams going vertically up, behind them is a ladder, go up it, once there you then want to find another ladder which is located at the far end of the level your on, be sure to duck underneath the Pipe. Once you have climbed that ladder you then have to go up another set of ladders which are located at the far end of the level that you are now on, once there you should hear Merc's speaking, there is two hatches located on the level , one goes to the room that the Merc's are in and the other is to a door that takes you too that room, either way your going to have to kill the Merc's, personally i used the grenade launcher at the first hatch ...anyway take them all out! This switch will unlock all the doors so that you can go anywhere.

At the other end of the computer you should see a door, go through that one and once you are at the other end you should see a door, go through it! once you are there you should hear beeps, the 2nd Bomb is located in this room, what you do is you jump across to the ledge in front of you, the bomb is there! Use the "USE" key and arm it, once you have done that you then want to go and jump down from the ledge at the other end and through some doors. Once you have done that you then want to goto the left, if you look the room is full of Pipes and that....BEWARE - Merc's and Turrets there. some the merc's are at the top of the pipes ( not hard to spot them). You want to goto the left of the room, once there you should see a turret and a set of Field Generators, be sure to destroy them and any merc"s in that area. When that is done you then want to go up a set of platforms, once and the top there is a dome like feature, go all the way around it but also beware there is a turret which is located on the ground floor, once you have seen it and located it, a merc then places a field generator on the bottom floor that you from gettings to the other stops side of the room, use the EMP grenade to destroy that and then take out the Merc, go through the area and be careful as there is also a turret at the left, destroy it quickly.

1) To the left of the bomb there is a set of pipes you have to climb up to get out

2) Save before you arm the bomb

Anyway once the area is secure arm the bomb and go up and over the pipes, once you have done that you then want to kill any Merc's that appear, once that is done you then want to forward. You should then see the yellow /orange doors, once you see them that is your way out, you then want to press the switch which will lead up outside, BUT outside there is a turret and a merc you need to destroy (both located to the left), once you have done that you have 5 MINUTES to get all the way back to your ship!

Now all you gotta do is just sit back and enjoy the cut-scenes

Mission 6 - Kalydon:

This is a very frustrating defense mission let me just say that straight away. When you start the game Isaak show you the ropes, he will show you how to work the field generators, Once he has shown you how to work them, he then mentions that the weapon droplanded somewhere else, so you then have to go and find it. Ok Issak is done and he goes back to fix the Atlantis, the mission begins. Now then pick up all of the field generators that Issak put down using the "Use" key (Enter) and head to the left side of the mountain range, go to the cache, pick up the sentries and generators and head back, try and be as quick as you can as you have to set up the parimeter! Place the Field generators and turrets on the left side and let the merc"s be able to enter through one area (helps you out picking them off), but try and save two generators to cover the door, because you will need it! Anyway be sure to set up the Field Generators to the right of the doors, the Female merc's come from both sides during the level. At first the Female merc"s will appear on the top of a hill that is located to the right of the door, Aida tells you that the Female merc"s are here, you should then be able to see the ship landing and dropping off the Female merc"s! During the mission aida will tell you when more merc"s arrive, you do have time between each wave of attack to quickly use the Energy and Health powerups that are located at the left and right of the Doors.

Now then be sure to save all your ammo and use your turrets and generators wisely and they will help you with the mission! Also be sure to save the game between each wave of attacks, unless you want to replan the mission.

Mission 7 - Sulferon:

You start out next to your dropship. You can see the Izanagi base not too far off. You need to work your way into that base. But first you need to clear away the guards outside.

Go to the crate that "s to the left of the antenna in front of you. There"s a sniper rifle and a rocket pack. When you retrieve these items, you will most likely run into a medium armored Ghost Warrior. Take him out with the weapon of your choice. During your fight with this merc, or after you kill him, a heavy armored Ghost Warrior (GW) should be approaching over a small dune closer to the base. Take him out and close in on the base.

There will be a few turrets set up along the front wall of the base. Destroy them from a distance. The alt-fire EMP blast from your Shock Lance will make short work of turrets. Fire two of these blasts at each of them. Once the turrets and another heavy GW are eliminated, either go around the main wall to the left, to the right, of straight through. At the main entrance to the base you will most likely run into one guard. But don "t use the front door to access the base. Several guards and a turret await you. Instead, go around the left side of the base and use the back door. Take out the guard from a distance with the sniper rifle. But keep your distance from the base as you proceed to the back door, a heavy GW is hiding near it.

Grab the supplies outside of the back door and go in. Take cover behind one of the walls to escape the turrets. A medium GW is here. Wait for him to come to you and then kill him. Take out the turrets with EMP grenades. The hallways of this base are swarming with guards, so watch your back. Once done with the three turrets, go through the door near one of the turrets. You "ll be in a hellway. Watch out, a medium GW will come and attack. Once done with him, grab the stuff behind the crates and go through the next door. Three guards are in here. Take them out, grab the supplies , and go through the door on the other side of the room.

another hallway. Take out the turret on the other side of the crate with whatever weapon you want. The turret is pointing away from you and can't hit you. Go through the next door and keep going straight. A guard will jump out, so kill him fast. Open the door and use the elevator. Kill the two guards up here and hit the switch on the control panel.

You "re back in the control room with four friendly marines and the technician. Order all of the guards to remain in the control room. If you send them out to other locations they will die faster. Keep them together and guard the technician. Hang out and wait for the GWs to come in, or go out by yourself and take some of them out. The GWs will come through both the front and back doors in a few waves. Use your marines to help kill them. Just survive and keep the technician alive long enough for him to get the data. Once he's done, the mission is complete.

* Note: There seems to be a small bug in this map at the part where you have to protect the technician. If you have waited more then 5 minutes after wave of enemies and there haven"t been a new wave of enemies. Then there might be one enemy warrior stuk somewhere in the map. You have to find and kill him before the map can be completed .

- Part 1: Outside Polaris -

Ok first of all, Immediately after you start the level you in the action, this is due to a Merc is firing at you with a Rocket Launcher from a nearby tower which is located to your right, just look UP! Anyway Quickly press "4" which should bring out the sniper rifle, Snipe him. Another guy in Heavy Armor is coming at you with a Rocket Launcher so dispose of him. Now at the beginning where you killed that Merc on the tower you will want to go there first after killing all that is around there, when you get to the ladder to climb up the tower there is a small rock formation, behind that is a merc so kill him before you climb, once you have killed him and made you way up to the top of the tower you want to stay up there and collect the Ammo and other supplies that are there. If you look around you should see a Merc, he is easy to kill, just snip him. Once you have made sure that you have killed all the merc's around you want to go all the way back down to the bottom of tower. Move towards the bridge (Straight ahead from your dropship) BUT watch out, some Mercs will plant down a Turret and a Force Field, you quickly want yo get your duster out and kill the Merc"s that are around on the bridge, then quickly destroy the turret, i found that just before you get onto the bridge there is kinda like a curb , duck so that the bridge is in front of you and use the curb like feature as a cover spot, this will help you as you wont take alot of hits from the merc's and turrets. Once you have killed the turret/merc you want to hop on to the bridge, you should 2 big objects to your see right and left, behind there to the right side are some ammo and pickups that you may need. for the Mercs that will emerge behind it, once you pick them off a few other mercs will come up and will place Fie ld generators and a Rocket Turret. Kill the Rocket Turret and destroy the Force Field and go forward. As you go forward some Heavy Merc"s will appear, take them out with your Rocket Launcher, after that there should be a light merc lurking around that you will then have to kill as well. once you have done that, continue forward, you then are inside a hanger like building, to the right there should be some steps, go up them and go left from there, carry on going forward, you will then come to a dead end, if you look to your left flank you should come once done that flick a switch which is located to the right of the lift, this will open the lift doors and then enter the lift and press the button which is the far end of the lift!

-Part 2: Polaris Entrance-

Ok after the game loads up you should see a scientist ahead of you, go up to him and speak to him, he will then go on asking you who you are and you ask him to open the door! After that move further in, go through the door the scientist open and then through yet another door, once in the room you should see another door infront of you, inside that room is a merc that you will need to kill, after that move to the room with the huge crates, once in there you should encounter some Turrets/Mercs/1 Heavy Merc. Now then for the Turrets use your EMP grenades, then quickly get out your Assult rifle and use it on the rest. As you enter the room to the left is some supplies you may find useful, they are Grenades/Shotgun ammo/Health Pickup, these will be useful as you may take some hits during killing whats in that room. Once you have cleaned out the trash in the room you want to go the other end of the room (opposite the door you came in) there you will see a door that you have to go through.

- Part 3: Polaris Geologic Research -

After loading finishes, ahead of you there is a door, the button for the door is to the upper right of the door, move through the hallway and to the next door. To your right of the doorway there is a Health poweup that may come useful, Infront of the doorway on the other end of the room there is some ammo, to the left of the doorway is another door, before you open the door equip yourself with your EMP grenade and then pen the door, then fry the Turret that is right ahead of you. Then turn right and go staight on towards the door, go through it and inside there should be some mercs, but BEWARE to the left of the door is a small hatch that has a Turret inside, you need to destroy that and then walk through the hatch, on the other side is a lift, go up and then go to the left...there you should hear the merc torturing the scientist, drop down and kill them (not the scientist), when that is done you then want to speak to the Scientist who will then take you to the Artifacts, you would think he would give them to you but doesnt, anyway when he has got the artifacts and when the talking is done you want to go out the way you came in.. ...BANG, looks like you gotta find another way out, aida speaks to you and then the Scientist says he has a way out and you have to following him.

- Part 4: Polaris Geologic Research Exterior -

As soon as the game has loaded part four you then want to let the scientist open the door that is in front of you. go into the room and kill the Mercs that are in that room. Once that is done the scientist will then run to a door, the door doesnt work so you try another door. Once that has been opened you encounter a 3 Merc's that you will have to kill. When that is done you will then have to go through the window the scientist opens and then go clear out the area to the lift because he wont come out basically for this stage you carry on going forward killing all Female Mercs that you come across, there are a lot of Female Mercs with heavy guns and a few Turrets so watch out, a few good weapons for this bit is the pistol you got off Aida or the Duster. When you"re at the elevator Meyer will come there and you will go up.

- Part 5: Polaris Geologic Research Rooftop -

The next part is up to you. You have to defend Meyer while he messes around with the radio and what not. inside the area where he is trying to fix the radio, you should set up a parimeter, tell the marines where to go, below are a few pointers

Keep heavy marine inside

Collect the Field Generators and Turrets

Save the game before the game starts

Block each entrance with a Field Generator

Tell your other mercs to guard the other places or tell them to guard inside

Mission 9 - Na Koja Abad:

- Part 1: Na Koja Abad -

When you have landed your first objective is to find the digsite. first walk straight ahead untill you see a strange lizard-like creature grabbing a winged creature that was lying on the ground. There you will have to go to the left. Now walk on untill you hear 2 izanagi ghost warriors talking with eachother. kill them preferably with the sniper rifle which kills them in two shots. there are also 2 automatic cannons on top of the portal. Take them out with emp grenades or the rocket launcher. The portal is shut so you have to find a way to open it. follow the road further in. when you are at the building watch out for more ghost warriors. 2 can be found further down the road and two on the left. The 2 warriors on the left were garding a door. Go through it. Heal yourself and grab the auto turret. there is also some sort of safe in the room. Open it and push the button in it to deactivate the fence within the portal you saw earlier. Now go back to that portal and take out the 4 ghost warriors behind it. Now walk on till you see a building in front of you. Take out the big merc with the rocket launcher and the small ones with the assault rifle. When you killed them don't walk on just yet. there are 2 snipers in the building. use the sniper to find and kill them. Ok now just walk on untill you get to another portal. Open it by simply using the button next to it. On the other side there are 2 automatic guns on the portal. And there is a sniper on the bridge you can see. Take them out. There is and entrance to the building in the water. Go in there and the next level will load when you climb the ladder at the end.

- Part 2: Na Koja Abad Izanagi Xeno Research Facility -

When the new level has loaded climb further. When you are up, walk on and take the first way to the right. Climb the ladder at the end and walk on. There you will hear 2 scientist arguing with eachother. You have to get down there where the 2 scientist are, but before you go take out the guard. there are 2 doors in the room. Take the door on the left side of the computers. Walk through the hole and take the first way to the left. Don "t fall down. Instead walk to the other side via the small walkways on each side and make sure you don"t get hit by the toxic smoke. When you are on the other side, climb the ladder and go to the right. Around the corner there is an automatic gun. Take it out. and walk to the end. Around the corner is another automatic gun. Walk on. At the end there are some more scientists. Again kill the guard before you go down. This time there are 3 doors. Go to the one on the right of the hologram first for some health. watch out though as it contains 1 or 2 warriors depending on what skill you are playing. Now when you got the health go through the door on the other side of the hologram. Take out the auto-gun on the building in the center with the Rocket Launcher. Then kill the medium warrior on the other side with the sniper rifle. There is also a heavy warrior one level lower. take him out too. Now get into the building in the center and watch out for the 2 auto-guns. Use the ladder to get up and move on. There you "ll see another couple of scientists experimenting. Wait untill the experiment is over and get down. Go through the door near the fortified wall kill the 2 warriors behind the second door. Before you go down with the elevator take out the 2 auto -guns on the level beneath you. Now When you are down you might want to let a takkra drone defend you against rockets before you get through the next door. And take the rocket launcher as the next rooms contains one or 2 heavy Izanagi warriors. When you have taken them out, get to the end of the hall and use the elevator there to go to the next level.

- Part 3: Na Koja Abad Excavation -

When the elevator stops, you "ll have to go to the next elevator. Make sure you don" t fall dowm, as the second elevator is standing on its own. Once Down, take out the guard near the main entrance of the alien building in front of you. There is also a guard beneath the platform in the center of this cave. Take him out too. There are also 2 auto-guns under the platform near the main entrance. Destroy and get the goodies behind those auto-guns. Once you have all the ammo and health you can find. Get through the main entrance door. There are 2 guards in the round room. and 2 more are patrolling the hall on the other side of this room. Take them out and go on. till you get to a room with some ladders. Before you go up take out the 2 izanagi warriors on the platform where the ladder leads to. Now climb up and walk through the passageway untill you are at the end. There are 2 izanagi ghost warriors a level lower. Take them out and get to the other side of the room by crawling under and jumping over those rays. There you will see another artifact. When you take it there comes another cutscene which shows a creature coming out of the thing behind you. The creature is actually a robot, therefore it's best to use EMP grenades against it. When it explodes grab the thing that it drops and get back to the door where you can exit this alien building. Use EMP grenades to kill the robots that are trying to get the artifact back from you.

Mission 10 - Drakk Hive Planet:

- Part 1: Drakk Hive Planet -

When your ship has landed, all you will have to do is follow the only walkway around. Go through the door at the end of it and the next level will load

- Part 2: Drakk Hive Planet NC962VIII Scrutiny -

When you are in the building 3 or 4 drakk robots will attack you. They can be killed easily with EMP grenades or the shock lance alternate fire. Thought I would save the ammo of those guns for the more difficult drakk enemies you will encounter further in the mission. Instead, destroy them with the drakk lasergun. At the end of this big room you"ll see aliens and humans in some sort of cage. There you can find some health and ammo too. Grab it and walk through the big door in front of you.

In the next room you see a new kind of enemy, 2 of them actually. I suggest killing them with 2 EMP grenades or alt-fire shots of your shock lance. When you shoot once the creature on top of the other thing will be dead and it won't shoot back anymore. Though you better destroy that other thing too, as some of those robots will put another creature on it. Grab the ammo that those things dropped and go through one of the doors on the left and on the right. It doesn't matter which one you will choose as both lead to the same room. Both contain 1 or 2 light drakk robots and 1 Medium robot.

Go through the door at the end of the hall you chose and kill the medium robot below. Jump on the platform where you killed it and go through on of the doors. Watch out for the 2 medium drakks in the small hallway. The hallway contains 2 strange buttons at the end I have know idea what they do, but you don't have to use them. All you have to do is go to the thing with some fancy sparkle effects coming out of it. walk on it and you will notice that you start flooting up. Use this to go one level higher.There you"ll see another medium drakk robot. Destroy it, go through the door near it and the next level will load.

- Part 3: Drakk Hive Planet NC962VIII Subjugation -

Go through the door in front of you. Now you enter a room with a lot of ammo and some drakk experiments. Go straight ahead, untill you passed the second tunnel. A medium drakk will appear there, destroy it and head on. It doesn't matter which way you go as both ways lead to the same place. Just keep going and grab the ammo you can see at the drakk experiments. Head on untill you get to a room with a cilinder-shaped building in the center .Kill all the enemies in the area and a door in that cilinder-shaped building will open.Go into the center of this building and the next level will load while going up.

- Part 4: Drakk Hive Planet NC962VIII Subordination -

When the new level has loaded, grab a usefull weapon immediately to kill the medium drakk in this roon. Go through the only opening in this room. In the next room you"ll see another cilinder shaped building in the center, but a much larger one. Walk on and choose the path to the right first to get the ammo there. Then go through the tunnel on the Left. This tunnel contains a lot of rays that go on and of regularly. Make sure you don't get hit by those rays while you continue you way through the tunnel. When you got out of the tunnel make your up and Locate the pickups near the creature in some sort of cage. load your guns with ammo and yourself with health and armor and make your way into the big building in the center of this room.

- Part 5: Drakk Hive Planet NC962VIII Solitude -

Go through the door in front of you, here you will meet the Drakk boss. Before you start fighting him, go to the pillars near the last artifact. You can use those pillars for cover. When you have hit the big boss a few times, it"ll split up in 2. In order to kill the boss you will have to destroy the thing that doesn't shoot you with a red-yellow kind of ray. Destroying the other thing is a waste of ammo, since it will be reproduced. Use the pillars to cover from the red-yellow rays. When you killed the boss, grab the artifact and the mission has been accomplished.

Mission 11 - Avalon:

After a brief cutscene, you find yourself having crash-landed near the TCA HQ. Aida informs you that the Skaarj have landed at the facility in force. You need to clear them out. head for the tower. At the bottom of a small hill you "ll find a dead marine. Some shotgun ammo and a sniper rifle are on the ground next to him. Climb the next rise and you" ll run into a heavily armored Skaarj. Dodge his energy blasts and hammer him with rockets or a toxic grenade. Continue toward the tower. A more lightly armored Skaarj will come from behind a boulder on the left and chase you. Dodge him and get him with your flamethrower or shotgun. Don "t waste rockets on him. Get up to the destroyed turret. On the left down by the water are two Skaarj. These Skaarj have no armor. Use either your flamethrower or the Araknid gun"s primary fire on them. They will run around screaming like the human mercs from earlier missions.

Tip: If you"re having trouble evading the Skaarj energy blasts, use the alt-fire of the Takkra. They will shoot down the incoming projectiles before they reach you. But use only ONE at a time.

After killing the two Skaarj, move over to the base of the tower and follow the path on the left. Watch out, a Skaarj will ambush you here. Proceed to the stairs on the right and go up to the elevator. Ride it up. Once it stops and lets you out, there is a Skaarj off to the right holding a marine. Shoot the Skaarj with a ranged weapon and continue up the stairs. At the top, an unarmored Skaarj will come from the stairs leading up into the tower. After dispatching him, go up the stairs and pull out you rocket launcher or grenade launcher with toxic grenades. Look through the window to see two Skaarj. When you open the door, they will come after you. Shoot the closer one with rockets and then fall back. The other one will chase after you. When he comes through the door, fire rockets or hit him with a toxic grenade. When both are dead, get into the control room and deactivate the planetary cannon. The controls for it will be highlighted on your HUD.

Aida will inform you that there are some marines nearby. Get back down to the elevator and hit the button. The main power and backup power is out. Get out of the elevator and go left. There you will find a sniper rifle and plenty of ammo. Zoom in on the door down by the fire with your scope and locate the marine. He will go and fix the generator, but you need to cover him by sniping any Skaarj that come after him. Keep a sharp eye out. Be sure to reload after every wave. When the Heavy armored, slow-moving Skaarj show up, kill them by shooting the explosive canisters when they walk by them. When the marine is done, you can take the elevator to the ground. There you will meet up with the marine. Follow him and provide cover. A Skaarj will come from the right behind the tower as you go, watch out. Along the path over the water, a pair of Skaarj will come down the hillside ahead and attack. Try taking them out with the sniper rifle before they get too close. As you travel up the hillside, you will run into a heavily armored Skaarj that comes from the left. The marine will most likely die in this encounter, but don't worry about it. Continue up the hill towards the pad and you will meet up with two more marines. Skaarj ships will come to drop off more Skaarj. Follow the marines. They will set up turrets and a generator fence. Stock up with the supplies nearby and wait. The Skaarj will come in waves of four heavily armored warriors. The generator wall will fail fairly quickly, but there"s little you can do about it. Nail the Skaarj with rockets to take them out quickly. Avoid their energy blasts. Once you"ve taken out all the Skaarj, you will enter a cutscene before entering the next mission.

Mission 12 - The Dorian Grey:

After the tragic scene witnessed from the surface, you are picked up by The Dorian Gray, Commander Hawkins" flagship. In this first area, just grab supplies from either side of the room and watch what happens. When you"re stocked up, go back and stand where you were when you entered the level and watch what happens.

When the Tosc breaks free, begin hammering it with your tougher weapons. Hide behind the two pillars in the middle of the room and shoot at it from behind them. As long as you stay behind these and don't give the Tosc a shot, you're all right. Hammer it until it drops its Singularity Cannon, which you will see in a brief cutscene. Lure the Tosc away from it and then circle around and grab the Singularity Cannon and shoot the Tosc with it. This is the only way to kill a Tosc, so be sure to use it on them. When you kill the Tosc, go through the door that is straight ahead and to the right of where you first entered the level. This door is now open for you. Go through the first door on the left. Here you will enter a cutscene.

After the cutscene, go through the door ahead and go up the ramp for another cutscene. Afterwards, turn around and go through the door at the end of the room. Here you will find another Tosc. Take care of it with the Singularity Cannon and go through the next door, then the next. Here you need to go straight ahead and go right on the ramp. Watch what happens to the marines and kill the Tosc.

Go around and get on the broken catwalk. From here you need to get up to the place the Tosc was standing. Use the anti-gravity to your advantage, but be careful. Use the little ledge next to the balcony to get up by jumping up to the ledge, then to the balcony. Once you get up there, go through the door at the far end of the hall and then the next. In this area, go over to the generator sorta things. Use the low gravity to get up to the higher door and go through it. Take the door on the right and go down the hall to the next door, and then the next. In this room go towards the door, but don't enter it. Two marines will come through one of them and have a conversation.

Now go through the door and take care of the Tosc. Then jump up to the second level and go through the door. Continue through the next few doors. The ship will completely turn on its side. Jump up to reach the door buttons

From here on. Once in the cylindrical room, take out the Tosc and make your way to the other end of the room. The escape pod is on the bottom side. Go to it to finish the game.

Written by: --, Eightball Maniac and GaboonViper

When developers Unreal II: The Awakening created the game, they, apparently, gave its highest priority to the graphic side. The rest of the components were in a subordinate position. Where necessary, they came up with the background for missions on another impossibly beautiful planet. When it was necessary to revive the world, they launched enemies into it and scripted their behavior. The result is a game saturated with bright colors, which is not very difficult to pass.

However, there are a few implicit moments in the game, and it makes sense to pay attention to them. But at the same time, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some tactics that make it easier to fight with enemies, and deal with weapons, which abound in the game.

As you read this guide, remember that it was written after you beat the game, so it covers some plot details that you might want to know for yourself. If this is not your plan, skip the section " Characters ": the main plot secrets are described in it.


The game has three difficulty levels: easy, normal and unrealistic. For an experienced shooter, it will not be a problem to complete the game on the most difficult level. If you know how to use a mouse and what "strafe" is, but don't feel confident enough in action movies, medium difficulty will suit you. If this genre is not entirely native to you or you don’t want to spend your energy on survival, the best option is an easy game.

Only the danger of enemies depends on the choice: the more self-confidence you show, the more active your opponents will act, shooting more often and causing more damage.

However, do not rush to restart the game if you have a hard time at the first level. In my opinion, the beginning of the game is the most difficult, then playing is much easier. After successfully completing the first task, go through a couple more levels, and if there are still problems, start again on a different difficulty. Or enter the code that can be found in the corresponding section of our magazine.


"Atlantis". The ship on which the heroes of the game patrol a remote sector of the galaxy. A battered vessel, but still capable of delivering a team to a given point. Usually stays in orbit while the captain leaves on a mission in a small shuttle.

John Dalton. Captain of the Atlantis. The main character on whose behalf the game is played. Former paratrooper, shamefully expelled from the elite troops for insubordination. This was expressed in direct disobedience to the commander: during the mission, an order was given to leave the wounded, but Dalton did the opposite. This character trait will again appear on one of the missions.

Ayda. Senior officer on the Atlantis. Strategic genius, hero of the last war, which was won only thanks to her. Having lured the enemy fleet to a remote planet, the earthlings destroyed it completely, sacrificing hundreds of colonists. Ayda cannot forgive herself for this act, although at the cost of the lives of a few, millions were saved.

Isaac. Ship engineer. He is well versed in technology and constantly supplies Dalton with new weapons. Got on "Atlantis" after a dramatic incident. During the skirmish with the skarj, Isaac controlled the airlock through which the assault teams went into battle. Injured, he panicked and opened the outer doors ahead of time; the squad that was inside died in endless space.

Hawkins. Director of the Office of the Earth Colonies, in the service of which John Dalton stays with his team. Obsessed with a lust for power and tempted in intrigue. The main villain of the game, until the last moment pretending to be white and fluffy. Reached a well-deserved final with the direct participation of John Dalton.


The plot of the game is tied around mysterious artifacts inherited from some ancient race. Possession of them is the path to unlimited power, so it is not surprising that several parties have become involved in a fierce battle over the seven strange items.

Terran Colonial Authority or the Office of the Earth Colonies. Galactic police that maintain order on planets with settlers from Earth. Only the historical belonging to this organization makes her an ally of Dalton.

Marines. Space Marines from which John Dalton whistled. Equipped with standard weapons: pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers and rocket launchers.

Axon Corporation. A research corporation cooperating with the War Department. Our people on the board, who need to be protected in every possible way.

Liandry Corporation. An industrial corporation engaged in heavy engineering and mining. In her service are women's death battalions - Liandry Angels. In fact - ordinary paratroopers, only hostile.

Izanagi Corporation. Apparently, the descendants of Japanese industrialists. Honor the old codes, in the service contain mercenaries who call themselves Ghost Warriors. They can also be seen as paratroopers opposing official authority.

Scarj. Skarji, aggressive aliens, enemies since the first Unreal. They prefer to fight alone, and this is the only salvation for us. They dodge shots, quickly jump in, chopping the victim with steel blades, withstand several hits even from a grenade launcher. They can shoot energy blasts at a great distance.

Izarians. Evil creatures with sadomasochistic tendencies. Fell into slavery to the skarzh, act on their side. They are armed with spears that can fire electrical bolts.

Kai. A peaceful race of interstellar wanderers. They prefer to spend their time studying ancient civilizations and serving other races. The energy of artifacts turns them into deadly warriors, which are almost impossible to resist.

Araknids. Spiders that have grown to extremely large sizes. As usual, scientists are to blame for this, who crossed all boundaries in their experiments, for which they paid. Well, at least the eight-legged creatures did not become smarter and did not acquire increased resistance to damage, otherwise it would have been very bad. They put mines from cocoons with spiders, they can suddenly pounce and bite.

Drakk. Alien robotic race. According to Ayda, they are almost invulnerable; in fact, because of their metallic nature, they just take a long time to kill. They are engaged in disgusting experiments on other inhabitants of the galaxy, for which they can only be destroyed. They use laser-guided railguns and deadly beams in skirmishes.


With such an army of enemies, you need to oppose them with an equally impressive arsenal. So it is: already at the beginning of the game, excellent means of destroying the enemy are available. After visiting the planets, new instances are added to them, and the former through the efforts of Isaac become more powerful or acquire new capabilities.

T-13 Popgun. Weapon of last resort. Does not require ammunition, shoots clots of energy. In the secondary mode, it can accumulate a powerful charge, which then kills almost any enemy in one go. Due to the low speed of the shot, it is ineffective at long distances. Loses rate of fire quickly and requires energy storage.

M32 Duster. Assault rifle. Fires bursts or a powerful charge of five bullets. A versatile weapon and quite sufficient to complete almost the entire game. In secondary mode, bullets ricochet off any surface.

M406 Hydra. Hand grenade launcher. You can detonate fired grenades with a delay if you hold the button for a while before firing. It has six types of ammunition (the whole set will be available only by the end of the game): explosive, incendiary, poison, electromagnetic, stun and smoke.

Vulcan. Flamethrower. Impressive at close range. The enemy bursts into flames and starts running around the district screaming, forgetting about the shooting. Convenient for creating a dense barrier in the way of a crowd of enemies. In the secondary mode, it sprays a flammable liquid, which can then be set on fire.

M700 Shotgun. Another weapon to defeat several enemies at the same time. Between shots - a pause for reloading, because of which it loses in terms of efficiency to a flamethrower. In secondary mode, fires incendiary bullets.

Shark. Heavy multi-shot rocket launcher. Unfortunately, it cannot guarantee one hundred percent death of any opponent, but this usually happens. In the secondary mode, it fires four homing missiles, for which targets are pre-set when the button is pressed and the sight is aimed at the desired object.

grace. Aida's personal pistol. 50 caliber guarantees instant death on headshots. Moreover, the charges are discontinuous. In secondary mode, fires three bullets in a row.

Widowmaker. A sniper rifle with a computer-guided targeting system that is activated by the secondary mode button. Use the mouse wheel or the weapon change keys to change the magnification. A headshot kills. Hitting other parts of the body may leave the target alive.

shocklance. Plundered weapon taken from the Izarians. Fires a double electric bolt with an increased number of ricochets. After completion, Isaac became more powerful, and in the secondary mode releases an energy clot that is dangerous for automatic devices.

Spider Gun. Why Isaac designed this strange device is unclear. It does not kill enemies, it only makes you distract from the firefight. A bunch of spiders, falling on the enemy, makes him scream and try to shake off the vile arthropods, but this does not last too long. In the secondary mode, sticks cocoons to surfaces, from which spiders crawl out if someone is nearby.

Drakk Laser. The railgun is a high power, instantaneous weapon. In the secondary mode, it emits a continuous (while there is a charge) beam for a short distance.

Takkra. Autonomous combat robot. Looks like a Jedi training ball from " star wars ". In the primary, attacking mode, it flies around the specified victim and shoots them with a weak laser. In the secondary, defensive mode, it remains near its owner and knocks down all incoming enemy shots.

Force field. Passive protection. Pillars are placed with the shoot button and connect to each other with beams if they are close enough. You can pass through the rays using the "Use" key. To her, the pillars are removed back to the stock. You can't shoot through.

Automatic guns. Active protection. There are two types: machine gun and missile. Once installed, it tracks and destroys targets automatically. Can be returned to stock with the "Use" button.

Already at the first level, you will notice the unpleasant ability of enemies to shoot preemptively. If at the moment of the enemy's shot you were moving and do not want to change the nature of your movement, then you will inevitably meet with the released charge. Therefore, immediately choose a different direction if you see a rocket or a bunch of energy approaching you.

The Assault Rifle's secondary fire mode is great if you know how to use it. It's good, of course, to hit the head all the time, but this is hardly possible when the target is constantly moving. Therefore, act differently: shoot at the legs or generally at the ground or floor in front of the enemy. Once in an obstacle, the charge diverges like a fan and hits a wider area.

The sniper rifle can be used as binoculars. This will help you accurately aim at the target, and then, without jerking the mouse, fire from another weapon without wasting precious ammo from Widowmaker.

If you are assisted by paratroopers or automatic guns, you can use them as human shields. Enemies shoot at the nearest target, so being behind everyone will avoid unnecessary loss of armor and health. Not very honest with colleagues, but safe.

Don't forget to walk over the corpse of a defeated enemy to restore armor. True, this does not apply to all enemies. The blue glow around the lifeless body helps to determine the right one.

When attacking an automatic cannon, remember that it will immediately respond. Therefore, having fired, try to either take cover behind something, or simply step aside so that return fire falls into the void.

A shot from a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher at close range is not as scary for you as it seems. If you don't get too close, the explosion does very little damage.


Perfect Linearity Unreal II: The Awakening leaves few places where it can be difficult to pass. Almost all issues are resolved on their own, only having arisen. Having met a closed door or a blocked passage, look for another way nearby, as a rule, it is the only one. Based on these considerations, the passage of the game will be outlined briefly, without scheduling, as you steadily move forward for several minutes, shooting enemies. I hope all the questions that arise will be covered.


After receiving a distress signal, John Dalton flies to the planet Sanctuary. It is immediately clear that ruthless aliens ruled here. We, too, will not engage in humanistic philosophizing, but simply go through the corridors of the base, cracking down on vile creatures.

At this level, the first skarzh will meet. His appearance will be extremely spectacular, but the duel will be more likely to exert psychological pressure than to seriously damage his health. If you don't just stand there and watch yourself being cut to pieces.

The generator into which the artifact fell is restarted by two switches on the wall and a button on the central control panel. Go down to the bottom of the generator along the rotating structural elements. Below, all that remains is to defeat the huge and tenacious skarzh.

In the hall with two fans on the sides, climb through to the right into the air duct. In the middle of it you will find a switch that will turn on the left fan and the air will suck in the flame, freeing the passage further.

After reaching the mangled room, repeatedly crossed by a laser beam, crawl under the right door to get inside. You need to go through the beams to the next floor. The path starts on the left and goes around the whole room. There are two buttons at the top, one turns off the laser, the other opens the door two floors below.

Then you will get into another control room, in which you turn off the laser beam in the center and through the hole it hit, go further.

Finally, the third control room will open the door to a hole in the floor where the spiders crawl out. Through it you can penetrate to another beam, the most powerful one. Here there will be a spiritual shootout with the main spider. After the victory, turn off the beam and take the artifact.


First you need to climb onto the large building on the left and find the radio transmitter. From the first remarks, you will be instantly split and a group of comrades will be sent to sort it out. So the lift, which is vital for descending into the bowels of the planet, will be at the top.

At the bottom, find an artifact covered with a shell, and activate three detonators. After picking up the precious little thing, return to your shuttle.


No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to save one of the paratroopers. But after him there will be a sniper rifle, which is worth picking up.

Inside the dam you need to penetrate through the drain. The first bomb is located on the pipe, the path to which starts under the stairs. From it rise to the very top and penetrate through the hatch in the ceiling into the control room. Here, press the button on the remote control to open the front door.

Behind you is the exit to the stairs, along which you will go down to the first door, and behind it you will find the second bomb on a thick vertical pipe.

Exit the room through the door on the opposite wall to enter the central corridor. To the right there will be an exit, to the left - a large machine room. The third, last, bomb is attached to the turbine housing behind and slightly to the right. The shortest way is to crawl under the iron plates leading up, carefully jumping down to the turbine before turning. You can go in a roundabout way, at the end of which you will need to jump on the pipes. Go back through the pipes immediately to the left of the bomb. Five minutes should be enough to leave the planet.


Purely defensive mission. The equipment that Isaac was talking about (it includes two automatic cannons and several pillars for organizing a force field) is located at the end of the left canyon. Enemies will attack in groups in succession from different sides, sometimes sending one saboteur directly to your rear. Don't get far from the wall, otherwise you may miss how the enemies will start breaking the door.


Teaching mission. But this time you are the teacher. First, you demonstrate how one person captures the enemy’s fortified base, and then how one person defends it from superior forces. The paratroopers under command should be concentrated in the control room in case one of the enemies has time to penetrate it.

After clearing the base, do not forget to turn off the call for help in the control tower (the elevator to the left of the main entrance), otherwise all Izanagi galaxies will flock to it.


The room where Dr. Mayer is being tortured can be accessed through the ventilation duct. The entrance to it is in the room to the right of the locked beast and is guarded by an automatic machine gun. Deal with him, crawl forward, and you will be picked up by a stream of air and lifted up. Now all that's left is to save Mayer, get the two artifacts, and escort your new companion to the roof where the ship will pick you up. The final stage is defensive. Please note that three doors lead inside the hangar: one large in the center and two small ones on the sides opposite it.

At some point, Mayer will ask for help with the antenna, which is located outside at the "4" mark. When you fulfill his request, a new group of enemies will just arrive. Don't mess with them for a long time, otherwise someone will get into the hangar and kill Mayer.

Na Koja Abad

The force field on the road to the base is disabled in a small building on the right. Inside there is an electrical panel, opening which, you will see the desired button.

Pass by the main building without stopping. The entrance to it is locked, and you can enter only through a wide pipe on the left side.

Inside the base, you will also have to climb narrow and dusty nooks and crannies to bypass the locked doors. Look around the labs for any useful items.

Inside the strange alien facility at the very end behind the network of lasers lies another artifact. You need to show dexterity in order to crawl under the rays and jump over them to get the goal of your arrival on this inhospitable planet. The way back will be complicated by the new owners.

Drakk Hive

For the seventh artifact, necessary for a complete collection, you have to go to the lair of the ancient alien race.

Mechanical enemies are very peculiar. They have two classes: managers who sit behind impenetrable windows, and soldiers who appear with a sharp sound from somewhere below. Two shots from the Drakk Laser Rifle almost kill the soldiers, and provoke the stewards to open their cells. At this point, they need to be shot. But this is not at all necessary, such a desire may simply appear after seeing terrible experiments.

Having penetrated into the heart of the Drakk world, you will meet with their leader. As befits a big boss, he has two lives. In the second stage, the alien resides in two parts at once, one of which shoots, and the other flies nearby and is substituted. It is useless to shoot at the first, all firepower must be concentrated on the second. Moreover, it is necessary to shoot a transparent sphere at the bottom of the enemy. This is true even at the moment when the boss was a single whole.

Having dealt with the enemy, take the last artifact and you can return home to Avalon.


The home planet was attacked by skarji. They managed to get into the heart of the TCA and activate a large ion cannon for their own protection. The first task is to turn it off. The second is to help the survivors organize defense. Your contribution will be simple: one of the paratroopers will make his way to the generator to fix it, and you will cover it from above, shooting the attacking skarzh from a sniper rifle. You will then be escorted to a location where everyone is to be picked up aboard the flagship of the TCA fleet, The Dorian Gray.

The Dorian Gray

The denouement is close. A power-hungry Hawkins uses the artifacts to create an unstoppable monster. Hide behind columns and wall ledges from antimatter charges, and shoot the monster yourself until it loses its terrible arm. Now pick it up and annihilate the enemy.

Leave the hall. It's time to know the truth and dot the "i". Having given Hawkins what he deserved and making sure that the artifacts disappear forever from reality, you yourself need to get out of the dying ship.

After passing through a couple of rooms, you will enter the reactor cooling chamber. When gravity decreases without crossing to the other side, jump onto the upper balcony (preferably on the side of the semicircular ledge), and hold the jump key until you are where you want to be. Go forward through the doors and jump back onto the balcony on the right.

When you run into a blank wall, jump again. The desired door is at the top left. Now the corridor will lead directly to the escape pods, and there is only one left, the very last one.

Easter egg

The Sancturian rabbit-like rodent, once with a deplorable result for Atlantis, took part in the main plot, is capable of delivering another joy. For example, when you first appear on the ship, you can find it in a hatch on the upper deck on the port side, opposite Ne'Ban's quarters. By successively choosing actions 1, 3, 2, 3 (Spam, Spam, Spam, Humbug), you will be greatly surprised by the message received from the planet Sanctuary.

The game:
Genre: FPS

Developer: Legend Entertainment/Epic (
Publisher: Infogrames/Atari (
Minimum system requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 733 MHz processor, 256 MByte RAM, 32 MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, 3 GByte free HD space, 8x Speed ​​CD-ROM, DirectX version 8.1
Recommended system requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz (actually even 2 Gh will not be enough), 384 MByte RAM (all 512 MB RAM is better), 64MB NVIDIA GeForce3 or ATI Radeon 8500 (ideally Radeon 9700 Pro).
Number of CDs in the original version: 2.
multiplayer support: no. Author's rating: 8/10

Agree, there are few games that are waiting for, drawing days on the calendar until the date on which the word release is carefully inscribed in red marker, which has been repeatedly postponed, which is why the entire calendar is written in red words release. They can be, without any exaggeration, counted on the fingers. Alphas and betas of these games are necessarily posted by "unscrupulous" employees/friends/acquaintances on the Internet so that people can appreciate the efforts of the programmers of the project. And even the last dial-up clerk begins to mock his modem, downloading distribution kits for hundreds of megabytes. I don’t think it’s worth mentioning the daily looking at those few screenshots that the publisher’s PR people did post on gaming sites.

Well, I just won't talk about the fact that the pirates will release the game with us 4 days earlier than the official release "over the hill" - after all, these are all the mandatory items of the program.

Well, now let's remember the hero of today's celebration that they have been doing it for as many as 3 years (and if you count infantile fun like sketches, concepts and other "paper" delights, then all 4). Fans will scream that they have been waiting for him since that distant 1998, when the first part of the masterpiece was released. Let's also not forget that the malicious guys from Infogrames deliberately delayed the release in the middle of 2002, fearing for the sales of their offspring because of Unreal Tornamet 2003, which was already starting its victorious path on the shelves with discs. Referring to "... forced testing", the release was delayed - and now I have two cherished discs with the game.

unreal beauty
The stylized menus of the game look just great, I will tell you: everything spins beautifully, spins and does not hurt the eyes with its pretentiousness. The videos of the developers on the game engine are also not bad, but that's not all we're talking about... The first thing we do when we launch the game is look at the graphics that we've been waiting for so long. We look, we look again, we install Detonator XP 41.09 (on which, as it is honestly said in the readme, the developers tested the game), getting rid of glitches on character models, we look again and understand that we waited for good reason. Anril's graphics number 2 was a success, and so far it has impressed me more than even the graphics in alpha Doom 3, but here the latter has a big head start. Raw alpha Doom 3 with spring E3 still doesn't demonstrate Carmack's brainchild in all its glory, but the epic engine has already shown everything it can. Before we proceed directly to the preparation of the game mover, I will give my configuration so that the reader can assess the level of "voracity" of the game:
- Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 1.6 GHz @ 2.3 Ghz (143x16) on SiS 645
- Nvidia GeForce 3 TI200 @ TI500 128 MB DDR SDRAM
- 256 MB DDR SDRAM (CL=2)
- Seagate Barracuda ATA 4 40 Gb
- Windows XP SP1, DirectX 8.1, Detonator XP 41.09
I will say right away: buy 512 meters of brains. Without this amount of memory, it becomes extremely difficult to play. The game starts to swap terribly, making the gameplay incredibly difficult.

Overcoming all sorts of oohs and oohs regarding the incredible number of polygons sprinkled on character models (Ayda, oh what Ayda was there), and without peering into the colorful colors of the explored planets, we can safely state that the engine of Unreal 2 is not significantly different from the engine of Unreal Tournament 2003 And so we can only re-praise this wonderful engine and move on to the glorification of the level designers, who, thank God, did not let the work of the propulsion programmers abyss and put everything together in the best possible way. Each of the planets that will be explored by John "Marshal" Dalton himself (a former Marine, an honors student in combat and political training, a walking encyclopedia of jokes and just a charismatic protagonist), looks unique and memorable in its own way. Each has its own flora, fauna, surroundings and, most importantly, there are no "stamps" in the game, which are simply impossible to look at when launching another craft...
Add here the sound, which is completely EAX and makes you feel that the crazy money spent on your acoustics was not wasted, which is amazing and also terribly buggy and stops the whole game and to which you need to attach a patch so that you can not watch performance drops by 10 fps. As for the rest, we are in perfect order here.
But it was an ode to graphics and sound...

About stamps
The gameplay, however, turned out to be not what millions of Unreal fans were expecting. Instead of the Unreal universe, we were slipped a skillful puzzle from all the hit action games of the last year or two. Yes, I must admit, everything was done very well and professionally, but will the fans accept ears of the Unreal universe to, in general, a banal shooter, of which there are enough on the market now?But nevertheless, the "teachers" were eminent: Half-Life, Halo, in some places Star Trek: Voyager and even Red Faction along with C&C: Renegade And that's just what comes to mind first.
But the most important thing cannot be taken away from the game - you immerse yourself in the gameplay with your head. The crew of the starship (heh, I can’t resist and put a smiley :)) Atlantis (as part of Aida - the “killer” Lariska Croft in bust size, who is also the first officer of the ship, Isaac Borisov, who was entrusted with the position of a gunsmith technician, and Comrade Ne "Bana, who can only dream of Comrade Lucas and even then in a nightmare) will do everything so that you do not get bored, entertaining you with briefings for missions, descriptions of weapons and just pleasant chatter. Well, we get down to business, sitting on our personal hearse.

This is where the most enjoyable part of the program begins - shooting all kinds of living creatures in pursuit of the seven parts of an ancient artifact. The gameplay is varied - fortunately, over the years of development, developers have been able to come up with a large number of game options. We will not only have to wade alone through the labyrinths of various scientific laboratories (a la Half-Life), but also participate in the cooperative defense of approaches to various kinds of objects. Thank God the "decoration" of the gameplay is over. We, fortunately, will not find in the list of mandatory passage of the game acrobatic studies over the abyss a la Lara Croft, as well as terribly boring primitive puzzles. But plenty of shooting - it's always welcome, since the weapons arsenal is chosen as needed.
It makes no sense to describe in detail each "trunk", but it is perhaps worth highlighting the features. The set of weapons turned out, like the gameplay, a mixture of all sorts of ideas from the last years of shooter building. The default set of any self-respecting shooter is present in full: energy pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, rocket launcher. The grenade launcher is a continuation of the ideas of the first Unreal Tournament. Only now there are already 6 types of missiles, and all are accompanied by multi-colored fireworks during the explosion. Well, for a snack, the same flamethrower. The one whose flame is on this moment can be considered the best flame that has ever been created in games. And to watch the "burnt" enemies rushing from side to side is, you know, another sight.
Bots, you need to give them their due, the game has one of the most strengths. Finally, you can not grumble about their irresistible stupidity. Although they leave mainly due to excellent shooting and fast movement, unlike us, because we, dressed in such a bulletproof vest, which even Schwarzenegger never dreamed of, cannot accelerate much. So it turns out that the enemies are jumping around us at a crazy speed, and we just have time to jump back. Well, yes, combat experience helps - there are no invincible bots. That's why they are bots.

"Is it really so little?" - you ask. Yes, it's really not enough, it's just embarrassing. So many years of waiting - and everything fit into twenty-five short missions that are completed in one day. But there's nothing you can do about it... Some add-ons could say a word, but... Tell me, are you ready to wait another year 2 for this phenomenon, so that later you can lament about an even shorter add-on? No, this pleasure is not for me.
But the main thing that is incredibly frustrating is that the game has lost its main trump card: a unique atmosphere. To some extent, it has survived, but for the most part, as noted above, it is an excellent "fusion" of the latest hit shooters. Is it that bad? For the fans - bad, for everyone else - I think not.